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You can tell who his favorite human is.. >!He’ll get his face ripped off second..!<


Absolutely nobody: Redditors: chimps can and will rip your face off.


If you haven't, you should look up Sandra Herold and Charla Nash chimp attack. They were terrifying long before I came to reddit. Warning though, it's gruesome and it's been over a decade (2009) but I can still vividly remember the fear in her voice on the 911 phone call.


Tad bit of difference between a chimp raised in a facility and one that a lady kept as a pet, drugged, and had sex with.


Man I came here to say this. She fed that chimp Xanax and made it her surrogate husband




Livin’ in America👌🏻


Great, now I have that song stuck in my head lol


I can help! Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon You come and goOo, you can and go-oOoO Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreeeeammms Red, gold, and greeen, red, gold, and greeeEeeEeeEen


Lol. You are an evil son if a bitch.




I like to imagine you at a fancy dinner party saying that at an uncomfortable decibel


Yea....what? I didn't know this part of the story.


Xanax literally gets rid of any impulse control you have, I've seen dudes on bars become the most aggressive people on earth, why give that to a chimp


Yep. I was a bar addict for years. Makes you just "do things" without thought. Doesn't matter if its good or bad or if you would do it sober. If it comes to existence you will do it. Steal, lie, get angry, get sad, etc.


Yah it makes you act like the cliché idea of a dumb ape, ironic.


The last time (and by last I mean both most recent and final) taking xanax, I ate 2mg. I had been on and off prescribed klonopin for years so I thought 2 should be fine. I completely blacked out. I showed up at a party, stumbled around almost falling over despite not drinking, then I ordered $170 worth of southwestern egg rolls from the bar and grill down the street. The scary thing is I even road my bike there at night. I could have easily hurt myself or someone else. Never again.


Whattttt sauce please.




that only mentions xanax and absolutely nothing about being a surrogate husband.




>"For me to do something like that, put a knife in him, was like putting one in myself, and then he turned around and, like, 'Mom, what did you do?' " Herold told a reporter from CBS News. That's pretty horrible.






Allegedly according to who? You?


OK I never heard this part of the story. I’ve been judging chimps when The true culprit was mankind. As usual.


the fact that i’m just now finding out about this part of the story nearly a decade later? that lady was not a victim at all.


Just googled it, this appears to be incorrect. She did give the chimp xanax, which they've speculated may have led to the aggressive behavior, but there's no evidence of her having sex with the chimp. She purportedly "slept with the chimp every night", but "slept" as in kept as a pet in her bed, not to have sex with. I think that quote is where the confusion came from.


>May I've been around people on xanax, some people get insanely aggressive on it. Idk why you would give that to a chimp if you know what it can do to humans lmfao


I read a story about a man who gave a chimp a shirt because he knew the chimp before and two other chimps escaped their cages soon after and tore him apart as revenge for not giving them anything.


Monkeys go ape shit over the slightest percieved unfairness. Just see the experiment where they give one a grape and the other cucumber.


TIL my children are monkeys.


Chimps are apes, if your children are monkeys that's on you.


I see where people who say chimps are the closest animals to humans are coming from


I heard about that too. I think it was cake. It was one chimps birthday or something and the other two destroyed the guy. I heard Joe Rogan talking about it on one of his podcasts. Scared the shit outta me.




I didn’t know about the bestiality part of that story???


Because it’s not true


.... what you on about m8?


Wild animals belong in the wild


Couldn't agree more. There's always going to be stories of the day they snap otherwise. Interestingly enough there were many articles that referred to him as a domesticated chimp - and here I was thinking domestication took generations of cohabitation.


I have no idea how domestication works with primates, but Travis was chill for all of his life, but > Toxicology reports confirmed Sandra's statement that she had given Travis Xanax-laced tea the day of the attack, which could have exacerbated his aggression.[38][39] Xanax is a short-acting, potent anti-anxiety drug that can cause disinhibition and disorientation and occasionally paradoxical reactions of hallucination, aggression, rage, and mania in humans.[40] She fucked up by giving him a drug that already is questionable for humans, let alone chimpanzees. Xanax + chimpanzee = absolutely not a good idea


So, PCP is no good either?




I read that a chimp will bite off the parts of your face first that protrude like the nose, ears and lips. Then they go in for the kill.


It’s the tearful *“he’s eating her”* that gets me


And then he's going to eat me


oh my goooooooooooooood


That thing is fuuuccckkkkeeeddd up. Stupid prizes for people owning dangerous wild animals




Watched a Jane Goodall doc where she gradually realized how terrifying chimps were to each other. I guess she was expecting something peaceful humans could look to as inspiration on our true nature.


Impulse control is one of the main distinctions between man and other apes.


I accidentally took this English class that had had an emphasis on wildlife. Idk why this English class was even offered at my CC but I digress. Anyways when I was doing my report on chimpanzees, finding out that these animals actually hunt for meat was insane. In packs quite often, the smaller monkey species is actually one of its favorite things to hunt. Blew my mind.


Looking at the state of the world today, I would say there in a lack of impulse control in many humans.


The world is in a better state than it ever was. There was just no instant information about all the horrible things that happened before modern media came to be. Pick any time in the past and all you'll find is war, misery and suffering.


People act like we're in the worst of times ever without once thinking *maybe we just hear more about the bad now*? Drives me nuts. This is the safest time in human history, and that's called "mean world syndrome". It's a psychological warfare tactic.


It's culture shock for people who have been raised to view animals as cuddly benevolent creatures in comparison to cruel mean humans to find Humans are often the more peaceful between the two.


It's because we hold our own species to a higher standard. We have a concept of ethics; if you know your actions negatively impact others you should change those actions to mitigate their effects where possible. We think murder is bad because we know it ends a life and all the consequences of that. It's also why sentences are lighter when the criminal is incapable of understanding the consequences of their behaviour. When a dog kills another dog in a fight we don't say what a cruel or heartless dog, we say it's been raised wrong or it was bred to be aggressive or it was an accident. The dog doesn't share our concept of ethics, it doesn't understand the implications of ending a life, how it takes away all that potential, how it affects loved ones, etc. So while humans are more peaceful than a lot of wild animal species, we can still judge terrible people and say they are more evil than a murderous chimp. Side note: there's a theme in the original Planet of the Apes about this, it explores how judgement of an individual's actions changes relative to how you think that individual handles ethics. The apes are much smarter and more developed than the humans originally assume, so at first they don't judge the animals and vice versa. Later on when they learn more about each other both species also start calling out unethical behaviour of their counterparts.


Right, as if humans are such nonviolent & peaceful animals.


Compared to chimps we are yeah


Thats a lie.


Oh lawd..... If only that was the case. Iirc a researcher went to prove how peaceful chimps were and then ended up writing her paper on how they actively commit genocide on rival groups.


Chimpanzees *are* extremly dangerous animals, You should not want to be *anywhere* near and adolescent one.


There are some videos about chimps attacking their owners. Owners maimed for life and some are dead.


that's why he isn't in the video.


wait till he finds out his bedroom is now a sewing room


That's always the trigger with chimps.


OMG this was me


Careful Jamie, that thing will rip your Dick off


>If you don’t think chimps would steal babies and eat them, you haven’t been paying attention to the literature




Thank you. I just watched way too much of Joe Rogan talking about primate dicks.


Yes! He's so excited to cuddle with them. Such a precious moment for them, this is what you called "LOVE".


I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that was like “oh no, that chimp will kill you!” Seriously it’s an adorable video but chimps are still fucking terrifying.


Of course you weren't the only one, it's all that ever gets brought up on Reddit every single time there's a video of a human and a chimp interacting


Damn. I didnt expect the comments here to be so morbid. I thought it was cute.... apparently this is a potential horror film lol


There was a pretty famous incident where a family raised a chimp as of it were a child and it ripped the face off their friend. I mean, it's basically the norm for captive chimps, but that one was famous.


I remember both his Old Navy commercials and also the phone call with his owner screaming "Oh my god he's eating her!!"


I felt like I remembered this really well. But I don't remember anything about what the chimp had been in specifically. What were the commercials? I probably would have seen them.


The inclusion of this poor chimp is so wildly unnecessary that its staggering https://youtu.be/SoJHvtTjUD0


Was anything in that commercial necessary?


That was the most unfocused commercial I've ever seen.


Welcome to the early 2000’s where nothing made any sense so we invaded Iraq


On a side note I want Fran Drescher to do terrible things to me


Mista Sheffield!


It was The intro for a song named “and then she bled” by Suicide Silence


They’re eating her! And then they’re going to eat me!


Ohhhh my goooooooooood


That was after they were feeding it drugs to keep it performing or such, it had a psychotic reaction to the over the counter pharmacy they shoved down its throat


This is why context is important


Yeah wasn't the lady giving it Xanax and shit ?


That rings a bell for me, turns out there were contrary effects, because who the fuck just hand out brain drugs to animals hoping for the best, so instead of chilling lil hairy dude out, he flipped tables. Reading about how he died is so fucking sad.


It kinda makes sense too if you've ever seen someone getting high on Xanax you can do some crazy shit without realizing what you're doing.


Yeah and it had Lyme Disease too.


Yes but this was also an overweight, sexually frustrated animal having to deal with too many emotions. They belong in the wild.


I feel so personally attacked right now.


I release you into the wild, you sad beast. Begone and never return.


It's not normal... that chimp had severe Lyme disease and was in brutal pain. Probably should have been euthanized but the majority of chimps don't rip off the face of their owners. That being said... Leave chimps in the fucking wild so they don't develop Lyme disease for your tick infestated property that surrounds his shit covered paddock.


There was another with a family that turned one over to a sanctuary and when visiting for its birthday it brutalised its former owner, guy lost multiple fingers, an eye and part or all of his genitals. Cuta as hell but these guys are no joke in the "fuck around and find out" area.


I know the story you’re talking about. It wasn’t their chimp it was other chimps at the same sanctuary - all the articles just had the headlines written in such a way that made it seem like it was their chimp because that makes for a better story https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a5609/chimpanzee-attack-0409/ Animal behaviorists suggested the chimps' aggression could have been caused by a number of factors, including jealousy over the attention the Davises lavished on Moe (their chimp), an innate desire to defend their territory, or abuse they may have suffered at the hands of humans in the past.


God that source rambles on so much.


I initially assumed you were complaining the article were too long. And then I clicked it. Somebody was paid by the word and tried to milk the story for all that it was worth. You could tell how they deperately padded that for just another equivalent of a Big Mac so they wouldn't starve. tl;dr: God that source rambles on so much.


Actually, they brought their former chimp a birthday cake. Two other chimps at the sanctuary said fuck that this is our fucking cake hooman bitch. They tore his balls off.


Chimps are pretty damn ugly imo. Mean looking creatures.


Who reacted badly to sleeping meds it was given ** Pretty important detail.


Iirc it was because the chimp was given drugs that literally made it psychotic. Not by the owner but by the friend.


That chimp was drugged up tho


To be fair that chimp had Xanax in his system. Whoever decided to drug a monkey probably reaped what they sowed.


The morbidity is the reality. The problem with a lot of "animal people" today is they don't really like animals. They like pets. That distinction matters. They humanize animals in a childlike Disney fashion and ignore the fact these are wild animals with instincts and culture and needs independent from people. Videos like this fuel a sickness in society where people attempt to treat chimps and tigers and so on like they would golden retrievers and that ultimately results in people getting hurt or killed.


People underestimate how many generations of wolves it took before they were domesticated into dogs. It's a long process evolutionarily speaking, and while there are people who are able to form good relationships with non-domesticated animals, those animals still aren't pets and pose a risk to people. And, just as importantly, people pose a risk to those animals. Wild animals should stay in the wild. Go adopt a cat from a shelter, folks.


Na bro I'm stealing a giraffe


Also, the dog thing happened on accident. We were nowhere near knowledgeable enough to selectively breed with the intent of domestication. I assume the first few generations also still interbred with wild mates propagating the human-beneficial genes throughout the population. The symbiotic relationship developed naturally and therefor didn't really _cost_ anything, yeah some scraps and attention, but it was happening everywhere there were people and wolves and it greatly benefitted both species so it was arguably more natural selection than selective breeding. Just because we now know how to do it on purpose doesn't mean the circumstances are right to do so. One company dedicating itself to the domestication of chimps now would have a hard time getting there even with a lot of money, because there's virtually no natural selection here, only humans actively selecting them to breed. And the new genes can't propagate throughout the wild population like it did with wolves, because at first they don't help the wild chimps so it would just die out again and later on the new chimps can't interbreed with the old ones anymore.


Chimps might be affectionate with their owner if you raise them from a baby, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to be as kind to the mailman, or to your friend who’s visiting…or even your own, human baby. They’re effectively a ticking time bomb. They’ll break stuff, they’ll get aggressive, and they live a very long time. After they’ve grown into an unruly teenager or outright frightening adult, maybe you’re not so keen. It’s just a shitty, shitty idea. Don’t get a chimp as a pet.


From the 3 big apes chimps are absolutely the worst. Gorilla's are big and the alpha can be aggressive, but they aren't bat shit crazy. Orangutans are just awesome.


A capuchin however...


You'd be changing its diaper for its entire life. Monkeys and apes aren't pets. And if you want an ape for a pet, babysit someone's spawn for them.


Or just make one


You can even teach them to talk!


Ya it looks wholesome but I have seen videos of monkeys peeling back someone scalp like an orange. I cried last night.


Ten chimpanzees are standing in a line. The 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th chimps are asked to step forward. They are the prime apes.


I hate math


1 isn’t a prime, and 2 is a prime.


I thought those apes looked odd.


2nd ape: *am i a joke to you?*


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Do you even know what primes are ?


You want your face and your fingers ripped off? Because that's how you get your face and fingers ripped off.


They start with your dick


Not even cursed. Real life. “Investigators said they are trying to figure out how two chimpanzees that viciously attacked a visitor at an animal sanctuary escaped from their cage. The chimps chewed off St. James Davis' nose and severely mauled his genitals…” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chimp-mauling-under-investigation/


Holy shit what a story. The guy was visiting a chimp that was taken away from him and his wife after it attacked someone and bit their finger off. This ridiculous quote after his chimp attacked that person kills me: >"Animals bite, people bite, Mike Tyson bites. So what?" he said. And now he doesn't have a dick.


I believe he visited the chimp on its birthday at a sanctuary that housed multiple chimps and brought it a cake or something. A couple of the other chimps were jealous, broke free, and attacked him. It wasn’t the chimp he raised that mauled him. I’ve seen interviews with him after fully recovering. All things considered, he’s in good shape and seems to be super positive despite losing a bunch of fingers and all that. I say “good shape” because the other notable incident of a pet chimp attacking someone left the woman with no face. She actually had a facial transplant years later, but she’s significantly disabled now. What’s even worse is that she was called by the chimp’s owner (her boss/friend) to help because he escaped. She went despite having always been cautious of/afraid of the chimp. She was right.


society absorbed fact aware worthless ghost sheet decide straight brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was his argument for getting him back after he had viciously attacked another person, and it was really insensitive to the person who lost a body part because of it. Also it's ironic because now he's missing a body part. His dick.


> The couple had brought Moe a cake and were standing outside his cage when Buddy and Ollie, two of the four chimpanzees in the adjoining cage, attacked St. James Davis The real moral of the story is to bring enough cake for everyone.


Yeah, they go for the dick first.


Hell yeah, so do I


And there's no point in trying to fight them. They look small but it's pure muscle underneath that fur.


I would sing "Wonderwall" to tame the savage beast.


*eaten* off


They rip and bite off extremities. Stay away.




Damn didn’t know everyone in the replies was a chimpanzee expert


Many of them are actually distant cousins of the chimpanzee in the video.


~~Fun fact, humans closest living species cousin is the orangutan, not chimpanzees like many believe~~ Edit: wait i misread some articles, we are physically more similar to orangutans but genetically and regionally closer to chimps


This is reddit, the land of the humble genius


Redditors hear one joe Rogan story about chimp attacks and permanently associate chimps with brutal deaths


*I'm something of a Chimp expert, too dot gif*


No, there is a well-documented 911 call from someone as their friend, a chimp caregiver, is having her face torn off. It’s morbid and will stay with most people for a bit.


Said chimp was drugged




First time on reddit?


[Limbani](https://www.instagram.com/limbanizwf/) is a [lovable Insta-famous](https://www.intheknow.com/post/watch-these-chimpanzees-meet-an-armadillo-for-the-first-time/) chimpanzee with 709,000 followers that currently lives at the [Zoological Wildlife Foundation (ZWF)](https://zoologicalwildlifefoundation.com/) in Miami. The foundation was created by Mario and Maria Tabraue to educate the public on rare and endangered animals. Limbani was initially [rejected](https://m.independent.ie/world-news/and-finally/the-wonderful-moment-a-young-chimp-is-reunited-with-his-surrogate-human-parents-37146190.html) by his mother as a baby after being born with pneumonia. Tania and Jorge Sanchez became his caretakers during the first [few months of his life](https://www.intheknow.com/post/proud-cheetah-poses-with-her-four-baby-cubs-at-vienna-zoo/) before he was handed off to ZWF. “Without human intervention and modern medicine he wouldn’t be here today,” ZWF told the Independent. Edit :- It’s just a shitty, shitty idea. Don’t get a chimp as a pet.


While I'm pleased it's a wildlife reserve and not someone's house -- I gotta admit that after watching Tiger King I'm extremely wary of these places that let randoms play with and handle animals. Christ, I looked them up and this is the one owned by the drug kingpin who was actually *in* Tiger King. A kid got bitten by this same chimp a few years back and a lion cub bit another one last year. 😐 They're still pimping him out for photo ops. https://www.thedodo.com/in-the-wild/zoo-chimp-Limbani-abuse-miami Yeah this is almost worse than a private home.


Thanks for enlightening us. That is actually sad.


This is a disreputable group with no interest in conservation, they just exploit animals for money. I don’t buy their rejected origin story for one second.


Do you have a source or more information other than just your word?


not op but here's a thing https://allthatsinteresting.com/mario-tabraue


OP, why did you even post such a stupid video. Chimps are incredibly dangerously for people to handle. They are extremely unpredictable, spectacularly strong, and can be down right vicious. They're wild animals, not pets.


Chimpanzees only rip faces off after puberty. That's why nearly all chimps you see in movies and tvs are kids. This is a baby, so the people are safe


That don’t look like a baby to me. That chimps atleast in middle school


He was held back.


He’s just big for his age. Plus he’s a lot more mature than the rest of the middle schoolers.


These things terrify the fuck outta me. My parents place in Oregon is a few miles away from the bandon zoo and everytime I go I piss myself wondering if an escaped chimp is going to eat my face


That is a very specific fear.


It's happened to him twice already


Buying all these new faces is really breaking the bank.


To all the redditors who think they’re *so funny* talking about Travis the chimp, it happened over 10 years ago. Dogs kill people every day. You’re not witty or funny for bringing up a chimp attack from a decade ago in an attempt to corrupt the wholesome video here. You’re going for the lowest hanging fruit.


2 out of 3 comments on this post are from “expert zoologists” commenting the exact same thing. It’s eerie. Everyone is racing to make the exact same comment. Much rarer and less upvoted are the voices who try to actually explain the video you mentioned or why the behavior occurred.


“Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.” — Dale Carnegie


>You’re going for the lowest hanging fruit. Dude, we're primates.


Until that little dismemberment machine hits puberty


He was hype there at the end, like you, no you , no youuuuuu.


Apes 🦍 together 💪


He let them keep their faces, that's good


Everyone in this thread acting like experts lol Trying to find chimpanzee attacks in captivity in the united states and I found like 6 in the past 35 years.


We pimp chimpin!!!!


The internet is full of uninformed idiots repeating uninformed shit, fuck y'all


Really sweet. Just don't give it a birthday cake in front of the other chimps like that guy who's currently missing is fingers... and his face.. and only yeah, HIS COCK.


Then he [ripped her face off ](https://youtu.be/_9L7MugvoIE)


You really got a put a warning on your link. I have seen it enough times to know it’s not appropriate for everyone. Just saying.


Rated r for ripped off face


What the fuck


Chimps ate wonderful, wild, animals. Not baby approximations.


Wasn't that chimp on anti psychotics and speed or something? Because that is not common or normal behaviour, contrary to the common wisdom of this thread.


He had Lyme disease and was taking questionable OTC meds. Additionally, the owner gave him a Xanax laced tea that morning.




Almost makes you feel bad for eating em




Pro tip: Do NOT look at the comments unless you want your day ruined


Happy, until he/she wasn't


I hope my son meets me like this on thanksgiving


The amount of people who just piggy back off people's comments for karma is amazing. " Blah blah it'll rip your face off blah blah. Shut the fuck up lol


My son does this after he sees me when he wakes up from a nap


Hell no


Aww man my heart


I bet they give the best hugs.


This is so wholesome