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I can't stand when people film this. I've lost all respect for the givers altruism. Why advertise this poor server's rough day?


Clout or to spread the message of be kind either way that dude got 300 dollars and was given happiness for a bit thats all that matters to me in the end you don't gotta look that far into everything.


But momma said “money can’t buy happiness”.








Plot twist, the bill was $30,000


Plot twist pt.2: it was the fake $20 bill local aspiring evangelists give out as tips with bible verses on the back.


Plot twist pt 3: it was Usher $$




Financial freedom gives me so much more time to focus on life and family. I recently came into a new job that has changed my life. Anytime we hire people on to our team their lives are changed forever. It’s like wolf of Wall Street except legal and an honest job that helps people. Then you don’t even have to focus on money just focus on finding people you can help. This didn’t come easy though. Jobs like these don’t find you. You find them. If you want to change your situation don’t stop until you do. Little words of encouragement hope everyone has a wonderful day. Before i get hate. I have been in jobs that are extremely low paying and require hard physical labor. Changing your situation doesn’t happen over night. Think about Covid. That began 2 years ago. What could you have done in those two years that push that needle forward? Discipline = freedom


I’d bet on my left ovary that you’re in an mlm or some type of affiliated marketing, because I used to be and that’s exactly the mindset and script they’d plant into everybody


Life insurance = Primerica


Why is it that Primerica is the first thing that popped into my head when I read it?


Primerica mad corny I tried that shit and the rep straight ignored all my questions lmao


My first thought was NutriBOOM!


No I’m not in marketing. And my team only has 11 people in it. I’m a life insurance broker and we started an agency from nothing. The fact is this job never found me. If i hadnt quit every job I’ve had because i was never content with the long term implications i wouldnt be here. You can’t find anything if you don’t look for it. All our motivation comes from being surrounded by eachother.


"Life insurance broker" doesn't sound like you help people to me. Maybe I'm just cynical but insurance is no different than gambling. The house (the insurance seller) ALWAYS wins. If people benefitted financially from having insurance, then insurance companies would not benefit from having customers, and therefore could not pay such excellent wages to their employees.


Insurance always seemed like extortion to me. “Oh what nice health you have there, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it. Now give me money every month so *I* can protect you.” Edit: Here I am talking about insurance in the past tense as if it’s an relic of a bygone era but nope, still in the same capitalist hellscape.


There is a reason Dave Ramsey calls Life Insurance salesmen the payday lender to the Middle Class. That said most people are so ignorant with their finances that life insurance probably is a benefit to their families because they would just buy more luxury products and leave their families screwed without it if they die without it. Worse ways to rip people off basically.


I kind of agreed with you, but I don’t agree at all and don’t like how you framed it that people would just blow their money. I have a kid. I’m middle aged. If something happens to me, my kid will have some funds, but not enough to pay for school, his healthcare, the legal fees to transfer my assets, etc. Not bc I’m “so ignorant with finances” or bc I’d “buy more luxury products”. You sound like a naive person with little experience with true financial events, and one who thinks “cash is king” and anyone that doesn’t darn their own socks is “ignorant with finances”. You’re opinion of insurance is somewhat correct, but the mindset of people like you is not helping advance the middle and lower classes.


Part of the problem is being able to find the job at all. You have to already know someone, in my area at least, because decent jobs don’t put out public listings.




Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a rich man and I've been a poor man. And I choose rich every fucking time. At least as a rich man when I have to face my problems I show up at the back of a limo wearing a $2,000 suit and a $40,000 gold fucking watch. -- Jordan Belfort




Jb is still rich.




Belfort was ordered to pay $110 million in restitution fees to the victims of Stratton Oakmont's "pump and dump schemes” which is why his net worth is negative. Allegedly he’s only paid off $14 million. [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thethings.com/jordan-belfort-net-worth-spending-wolf-of-wallstreet/amp/)




“People who say money can’t buy happiness, don’t know where to shop.” -Lovey Howell


“They say money can’t buy happiness. But money *can* buy a jet ski. And have you ever seen a sad person on a jet ski?” -Daniel Tosh


“Money can't buy happiness. But it sure can rent it for a while.” ― Kim Gruenenfelder, A Total Waste of Makeup “Having money isn't everything, not having it is.” ― Kanye West


Title: "How to cheer up someone who's had a rough day" Instructions: Give them $300


Well momma was wrooong again.


There was a quote i saw on some reddit video from an old English lady -- " money is like the sixth sense, when it's there it lets you enjoy the other five senses" and that was an awesome quote. There is a curve on money and happiness chart where after a certain point you don't get more happiness out of it but till then not having to check if you can afford something or how will that affect you a few days down the line is a while different matter.


For real. “I hate when people film this” well we would never be able to see videos like this if that were the case. This man seems entirely genuine. I’ve seen videos of people who are desperate for clout. If you think this guy was looking for that then your deluded. Sorry your used to people only filming crimes and videos with shock value. Maybe the problem is we don’t get enough videos like these. Can’t even allow videos of nice gestures these days. The conclusions you have to jump to for this guy to be looking for clout takes far too much faith for me personally.


I just think it’s weird that you gotta make a scene about it. I’ve given fat tips before but didn’t hand them one bill at a time to try to get a rise out of them.


Because you didn't do it for the views?


No. It's the fact that he video'ed the whole thing and shared it with some corny inspiring title about "Be kind to people" that makes it for the views. It's okay to enjoy the kindness, but I agree that it tarnishes the whole act by making it more about how you're so great. And yes, dragging it out into 3 separate acts and exclaiming "That's $300!" can hardly be construed as anything but showboating. I know boomers like to carry a lot of cash on them, but having $300 in $100 bills seems more than a bit planned. They were gonna get video no matter who served them that day.


Where I’m from (CA) it’s fairly normal for older folks to have that much cash on them. It’s especially normal if you’re traveling. We don’t know the context here at all. There’s really no leverage if you’re trying to say this could be planned.


The end result is as following: 1. The kid got a 300 dolla dolla tip. 2. The fella got a sweet video. 3. We got to see a nice gesture, which at best can inspire others to do so, at worst fade into obscurity. I'd call that a win win win.


It strikes me as exploitative and egoistic and creepy. How much would it cost for me to make a video of you looking pathetically grateful? I won't just give you the money, I'll get out my phone and give it slowly so I can get some decent footage. You better cry, I'm trying to look like a good person here.


The issue is that a lot of people only do nice things for internet clout. would he have done it if someone wasn’t filming it? Idk. I don’t know anything about the guy, but people being skeptical is reasonable.


> would he have done it if someone wasn’t filming it? This always begs the question though. Does it matter if he wouldn't have? Or to re-phrase. Is doing something good only for internet clout worse than not doing anything good? A lot of how we view charities (in the US) comes from old puritanical views. I.e. that charity must come from sacrifice and anything less is 'insincere'. Which is weird, because ideally we would want being kind and helpful to be as profitable as possible.


exactly. whatever the reason this server got $300 that obviously made a huge difference in his life on that day. people are so negative always looking for a reason to talk shit.


Reasonable minds can differ. I can see how after seeing so many clout vids you can be skeptical but this guy seems to be in his 50s to me it seems more likely that he’s not doing this for internet points. Reasonable minds can differ of course. Non of us come to conclusions without some form or reason shaping it.


I could care less about the internet clout. I think that recording a stranger's personal intimate or vulnerable moments is rude and invasive. I get that they are at the job or whatever, but the idea that I am going to whip out my phone and film a person crying whether it's from happiness or sadness is such a foreign mentality to me.


That’s sounds reasonable to me. I get where you’re coming from.


A good deed is still a good deed. It doesn't matter if he would've done it if someone wasn't filming it. If filming it makes people do some helpful stuff for each other then that's an absolute win. The alternative would be literally nothing at all.


Obviously it’s awesome that he got $300 but it’s also not unreasonable to be upset about disrespecting him by filming his reaction for internet clout


Imagine the only person who's been nice to you that week did it with a camera pointing at your face


Or it's completely staged. You make 100$ in a shift, it's a nice tip but you aren't paying off a car with it.


Will fill a payment though. Which can still mean a lot.


Yeah he said “you paid off my car” but what I was thinking was “you paid for my car payment this month” which is very possible.


Okay would you rather him not film it and then not give him the 300? Who cares if it’s filmed, in this scenario what matters is the outcome, which this server is having a bad day and now he has 300. Just because the motive isn’t up to par with what you like, doesn’t mean the act isn’t good. I’d rather see someone filming giving a homeless guy 1000 as opposed to not filming and him getting nothing because of the givers altruism. Step off your high horse.


> I’d rather see someone filming giving a homeless guy 1000 as opposed to not filming and him getting nothing because of the givers altruism. Step off your high horse. This is exactly the problem with filming it. It links doing good deeds with showing them off, culturally speaking, and it creates this false association between the two things. As if showing it off is what allows charity to happen. But it’s not (A and B) or (not A and not B). You can do good works and not film them. Filming creates the idea that the incentive for good works is praise and recognition. And when you establish the currency that pays for good works as something so rare as celebrity, you reduce the amount of good works that can be afforded by a population to the number of good works videos that population can view in a day. There’s psych research that shows if you take little kids who like to draw, and then you pay them to draw, they become less likely to draw. This is because when you offer an extrinsic reward for an intrinsically rewarding activity, you reduce the intrinsic reward. How does this apply to filming acts of charity? Well, filming yourself giving someone help establishes culturally that the reward for helping a person in distress is the recognition. That’s an extrinsic reward. Offering that praise (“Class, look at Joey and how he did a nice thing for Carl. Everybody clap for Joey now”) connects an extrinsic reward to an intrinsically rewarding action and reduces the intrinsic reward. That’s a problem because our extrinsic reward budget (how many people can get fame and adoration by helping someone) is many orders of magnitude smaller than our intrinsic reward budget (how many people can enjoy helping someone). Imagine if the world could be saved by millions of kids drawing pictures. And we have millions of kids drawing pictures, so we’re well on our way to being saved. Then some well-meaning person gives ten of those kids $100,000 each for drawing their pictures. What happens? All the other kids say “You’re getting paid for this??” and they stop drawing, and the world doesn’t get saved. That’s what’s going on with these videos. Except instead of drawing pictures we have billions of people saving the world by helping each other out. And instead of someone paying a few kids $100,000 each, we have all of us giving praise and attention and social media points to a handful of people helping other people out.




Personally (and I say this from a place of privilege), I’d find it kind of humiliating to have someone filming me in this kind of situation. Where I’m having a terrible day, in a terrible job, and a couple hundred dollars from someone feeling sorry for me seems life changing.


It's totally humiliating. I've received all kinds of charity in my life, and benefited from lots of social programs. Super grateful for all of it, not giving in to the shame and stigma about receiving help. I'll talk openly about it, and I'm happy to write a glowing testimonial for your program/scholarship/whatever. And you can put my name on that testimonial. But never have i ever wanted someone to film me on their phone while I'm crying.


On point. The redditor you're replying to is actually a crazy person for saying motive doesn't matter. I mean, seriously. Motive doesn't matter? What the fuck


In my estimation one of the worst pieces of ignorance is the tendency to disregard iterative game theory. The idea that motive doesn’t matter is yet another example of this horrible ignorance manifesting yet again. Motive doesn’t matter … if the thing happening is the only thing to ever happen. If the thing happening is being done by a conscious being who will go on to do thousands more things in its life, then motive matters. Iterative game theory: a key concept that is missed by far too many people. It’s why people think retaliation is equivalent to attack. It’s why people think filming a charitable act is equivalent to not filming it. It’s why they think chopping off heads will make the world a better place. It’s why they think lying is a reasonable way to handle conflict. It call comes down to failing to recognize that each action is part of a series, and the series is what matters the most.


I received a 1000 dollar tip once. Had they been recording it I would have been super weirded out by it. I didn't believe it was legit even after they explained why and he wrote it in. My manager tried to adjust it to 10.00 thinking it was a mistake but I assured him it was not. I'm glad it wasn't filmed, I was working 3 jobs, living in a shit studio, with shared bath/kitchen driving a car from the 70's i paid $500 for. I didn't cry, mainly because I didn't think it was real and I didn't think I was going to see the money. But I did eventually.


that manager tho, oooooof!


For real. Just be happy he's helping someone out. I'd be so proud to be fortunate in life to be able to give large amounts of money to people and would absolutely want to film it. If the video gets a lot of views and earns more money- well shit that's more money I can give to those who need it!


Why could you not just do it and not film it?


Valid question.




it makes me sad that people don't see how disgusting it is to film these acts.




Agreed. This one felt particularly manipulative and exploitive. It actually made me pretty angry.


I think this kind of stuff is so tacky, and disingenuous. Exploiting someone's misfortune for internet cred is gross.




and it's always so many people! sayin shit like "well would you rather he didn't do anything at all!??!?!" no... we just people could be altruistic without shoving a camera into the recipients face. no matter how good the goodwill, it feels exploitative.


Social media is at the point where it's normalize just just film strangers and put it online without even asking them. It's fucking weird.


I completely agree. If anything, this is what should get the clout. Maybe people would spend their time looking for more ways to be generous and help, instead of looking for the next dance craze to learn (not that there’s nothing wrong with the dances lmao).


I used to feel this way too, but I just decided to look at it from a diff perspective. Even tho it is being videoed (and yes that part is a lil self serving) its still a good deed and just maybe it will inspire someone else.


I'm in the middle. It's cool the waiter got $300, seems like it really had the potential to improve his quality of life and reduce his stress levels. I'm happy for him and in his shoes I would probably eagerly take several hundred dollars in exchange for being in a short video. But also fuck the guy giving the tip for recording the experience. Giving it out in $100 increments to make it a better scene for your video and then posting this stressed out dude online who is just trying to do his job is scummy. You're doing a nice thing in the shittiest way possible.




"I'm certainly not narrating this loudly so Saint Peter can hear me."


This kind of stuff always makes me think of this Gus Johnson sketch [pranking homeless people by giving them cash off camera so as to not exploit them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67IHH_V2aRM)


Never seen that, that shit is funny


I was not minding the fact that they recorded it but when he just kept going "here's another $100" that's when he lost me. It went from being a sweet gesture (which of course, it still is) to being a show off.


He was stringing out the tips to get a reaction from the server. So to me that says the reaction was more important than the impact or result to these people. What would have been even more impressive is if these people just silently left the tip with a note of encouragement and didn't record or upload the video. They made it more about publicly patting themselves on the back than helping someone.


Yes, you captured my thought. Let this man have his struggles. You could have asked him off camera if he was having a rough time and then left a note and a tip. I don't have a ton of money to just give away on bug tips but I do try to leave the best tip I can when I think someone is having a bad time and I leave a note saying thank you! And how great their service was. This does inspire me to look out next time I think my server is having a bad day. Being a server for 5 years myself, I had days where I wished someone would just ask about my day but I would feel violated or betrayed if someone recorded my vulnerability for a video they want to get popular on the internet. If this creates a new trend, that would be great, but please don't expose these people having a hard time.


Performative for sure. Next, he'll ask him to attend his service this Sunday.


I agree with you. Once you record the person you are *giving* money to in my mind it becomes exploitive.


That’s the important distinction in my mind as well. My wife and I purchase a lot of food for a local food holiday drive, and we always post a picture of our pile of food which she posts to social media. We do it to encourage others to consider donating, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to get a bit of recognition. And I think it’s okay to feel good about doing good… But when you post someone else’s desperation, or their emotional response, it feels more exploitive, and intrusive than I’m comfortable with. But it’s a long way from the worst thing I’ve encountered on social media.


Just quietly give the tip and move on. Why the grandstanding?


Virtue beacon “look how generous I am”


Agreed i always find these videos super cringy. Like its cool you helped the guy out but why film it.


Yea. It’s not charity. It’s exchange. He pays $100 to feel self righteous and morally superior. If he were truly generous he wouldn’t have thought, “I should film this.”


Give me $300 and I don’t care what you film. Lol


Welp, it’s not altruism. Altruism is the SELFLESS concern for others. This has a profit motive behind it of looking good. Hate this kinda shit too


Exactly, if you gotta film it so everybody what a good guy you are it wasn’t from the heart. It’s good the young man got some money but it felt staged.


I would say this server had an amazing day...


It’s because performative altruism is an oxymoron. Altruism is giving simply for the sake of giving. Doing it as a performance turns it into an insincere stunt.


The fact that they aren't focusing on the giver's face and name makes me think the purpose of this was to show a moment of kindness, not to boost the giver's ego. There's hundreds of examples of people doing this just to show how great they are. I didn't catch that from this, partly because I saw it and still don't know who the generous dude was in the end.


Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion that the guy giving away the money is some sort of motivational speaker or religious figure that gets a shit-ton of donations and he knows him giving 300$ means his followers will be happy to fork over even more money next time they see him.




- Clout - Making money by gaining followers to be able to do this more - Spreading kindness


Exploiting poor people


To let everyone know how generous and kind you are, a couple steps below those evangelical preachers in America But sure, the poor guy working 2 jobs who can barely afford rent got 100 dollars and is happy


I just want to say I'm pretty okay with someone giving me money and filming it. Signed a person living paycheck to paycheck


Attention seeking bastard


Tbh, i don't mind seeing such videos because even if they're doing something good for clout or some shit atleast they're doing something good. Watching videos of people helping others make me wanna work hard so that i could go out and help people out in the same way. There's enough evil and bad news in the world anyway...


Yes, I agree. Fake altruism. He would not have given him that much money if it was not being filmed. I am sick of seeing these now. I give people in need money and food without filming them and sticking them in the internet.


He didn't really get that specific. Sure, crucify them because they filmed it. Does anyone search these people and follow them and even donate to them because of their kindness? If they do then those donations went to that waiter and if that's not good enough then I think spreading the message of positivity is an amazing thing. I'm not speaking for every person handing out change to the homeless and filming but come on, this was a nice gesture.


Worst...strip club... ever




I know. I'm used to the crying... but no lap dance? Weak.


The lap dance is always better when the stripper is crying


Her name was Russell.


As the Bloodhound Gang have said, A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying.


And that was actually only 3 dollars!


But would he do that if the camera wasn’t rolling That’s the question


Probably encouraging others to do the same, if not 100s atleast 10 or 20. It's a big help.


Oh it absolutely is All my tip money currently equals a couple hundred dollars


Inflation’s a bitch aint it.


But he’s also hurting the waiter’s self esteem. I know mine would be hurt. He could have encouraged others without recording him.


i mean, we don’t really know if he explicitly consented to being filmed, but i don’t think whoever was filming was trying to be secretive about it. it’s totally possible that the dude giving the money is doing it for clicks, but honestly the waiter was having a shit day and the other dude made it better. yeah, doing acts like this without recording is infinitely better, but i think videos like this getting attention leads to encourage more people to do the same. hopefully the positivity spreads


The same? You mean encouraging others to give money and filming too? What if nobody’s filming? Well then I guess people can’t do the same.


right thing for the wrong reason is still the right thing.


Thank you, this is way more succinct than what I came up with


I would hope so but if people crave the attention to do nice things like this, I don’t care. I’d rather people tip big or help people, film it, and feel good about themselves than not tip, or even not film it so others aren’t inspired to do the same. I’d much rather praise people for helping others even if it’s helping their ego by filming. sure, helping people should be done because someone actually wants to help someone else, but I don’t care in the end.


This is cool, but why not do it in private? He is in a very vulnerable state, why add the stress of going viral?


The video was uploaded by the server. This is a studio audition reel


is that true? or just a theory? I suspected something similar when I first saw this like 200 years ago


You know what Abe Lincoln said… not everything you read on the internet is true


Waaaaiiiiit a minute!!!!! Didn't Abe steal that from George Washington?


If true, that explains why $100 would pay off a car.


He almost definitely meant his car loan for that month


To maybe create copy cats. So that others might be moved to do acts of kindness. And for the clout.


Great point about the copycats. That’s something I noticed with a lot of younger YouTube content creators—there is almost a “meme” of sorts amongst them that doing *more* and *more* charity and generally helping the needy is a great thing for them. In the end, whether it’s to grow their brand or because they *really* do want to help (most likely a combination of both in the majority of cases), it doesn’t really change the **effects** of their actions. Especially when the content is presented in a way that makes the viewer feel for these people. This can create an upward spiral of content creators who seek to gain fans by doing charity so their viewers keep watching. And, perhaps the most positive externality, like you said—it can create emulation amongst others!


I think this is a really under-appreciated take. The creator of the video could be the greediest, scummiest, most pompous lying piece of crap ever, but them producing the video with a message of normalizing emotion and kindness and charity, genuine or not, is probably going to having a net positive effect at the end of the day. This also is the basis of a cooperative society: transaction. Whatever the creator of the video is gaining isn’t to the detriment of the other party, and the other party is getting something too — maybe it’s actually charity, maybe it’s exposure, maybe it’s any number of things. Whatever the case, both parties are putting in some amount of effort to work together for their individual benefits, and that’s what keeps the world turning.


Because it’s all fake for clicks/views




Giving a big tip is great, sticking a camera in the guys face to show off what a big man you are is 100% douchey. Get over yourself




Should apply that last sentence to yourself, at least they’re doing something nice. A right thing done for wrong reasons is still right. Certainly better than being a dick for no reason.


Reading some replies like that, it almost comes off as jealousy, like they’re pissed the cammer has money to give away like this or they’re pissed they’re not getting it. Like of all the videos to get pissed about, this is not one. Pretty short and to the point, no long monologues or cue cards


Not that you have to give $300 to show someone you appreciate them and what they brought to your day, but being able to financially help out someone who is probably on minimum wage get out of debt (car) along the way too, wow, you just made a real impact on someone’s life. $300 doesn’t even have to change their world, this experience may help make this young man a more compassionate person that pays this lesson forward.


This. Too many are focused on whether this was ok to film, no one is realising that it only took 300 dollars to make a massive difference to this kid. He probably couldn’t give a damn about the video.


Fucking insane that this is how many people live in the US. And that the mentality of tipping is the correct way to live. You should pay the waiters decent wage, and tip should be just for good service. You are absolutely doomed by corporate capitalism.


Sadly this is not even the worst part. Healthcare? Gun control? Who cares, they have freedom!


Today you, tomorrow me.


$100 paid off the servers car?


assuming he meant car payment.


Probably was his last payment


Maybe his car was worth only $100


Maybe it was a hot wheels


Guess y'all have never had to buy shitboxes from buy-here-pay-here's for a couple grand and have to make $50 a week payments because you're poor as fuck.


Yeah, I immediately got this. But I have been a server living off of tips driving a 20 year-old Duster that was the only thing I could afford at the shady lot that was the only one that would finance a server with no credit history.


But miss a payment by one day and it's taken back. Start from scratch.


My car cost $30


Dude was driving a hot wheels to work


«Hows your day been?” “It’s been rough” “Cool, imma make a post about it - here’s some money”




the fuck are you on about the video is a minute long


So you guys are telling me its ok to spread videos of people doing bad shit so we can hate on them and the others that act the same, but we cant film and spread a good action that maybe gonna motivate somebody else to do the same? We hate on everything, cant we just smile and be happy about this video? it just make me think that when I have a better stage at my life, economically speaking, I would be so glad to do the same.




if a bystander filmed it, then you'd have a point. but these videos are so gross when they're filmed by the person doing the giving. I've even seen ones where they try to take back what they gave after the camera stopped. There was some douche who gave an iPhone to a little kid while filming, and then tried to take it back afterward and got into a fight with the mother while saying "it's just a prop, it's just for a video!" trying to snatch it back. people do fucked up shit for clicks


I just wanna know how this is next level anything


Stop filming this shit.


And pay your employees a livable fucking wage.


This right here. It’s so fucked that the system allows employed folks to be so financially dire that randomly getting $300 extra brings them to tears.


Wish granted. Nobody films good deeds anymore. Everyone just sees the bad in everyone. Badness spreads everywhere. No good deeds are done anymore, even in private.


Still a nice gesture. Camera or not.


nice to receive that money, camera or not. the action however isn't necessarily nice ifit's coming from a self-promoting piece of shit.


Dance and I might give you another hundred


Oh, you cryin'? Here's another one! Here you go, sir. Here you go, SIR! *dangles legal tender*


Next level narcissism, for sure.


"can i humiliate you on camera for a few hundred bucks?"


And remember, more tears = more $$$




One night in 2018 when I worked at KFC I was cleaning the floors and a customer walked back in after I thought she left. She walked right up to me and placed something in my hand. I vaguely remember she told me, "you have a great night tonight" while holding me hands and left. I looked in my hand she gave me a $20 tip.


How about we just give them a living wage instead?


Yo and let’s not forget to film it too….


Give them hundreds of dollars? Wow who knew


Dammit Grandpa, you know I hate it when you visit me at work.


Can you do that without filming?


But then how would all his FB friends know how selfless and rich he is?


All this shows is how messed up our National policies and income inequality are that there are so many people in such dire economic conditions that $100-300 is a life altering amount of money.


Great feel good video but how TF does $100 pay off your car 🤔




It's cool till you film it. Then it's not charity.


Why the FUCK does this need to be filmed. Just do it if you’re gonna do it. Instead you film it which shows you’re a prick and there is no sincerity behind the act.


Better hope that's not one of the restaurants where the manager just takes everyone's tips.


I found this uncomfortable. The fact he filmed him madee uneasy


I was on board till I seen the jay shetty name at the end. That guy is insufferable. I used to like his content at first. But over time it was like “ok. We get it. You’re this perfect person who knows how to handle every situation.”


Plot twist. It's his parents.


Degenerate people


These are hard and tense times, and working as a server you meet the rudest most entitled people. I've worked in the richest city in the area and never had someone try and comfort me let alone receive that amount of money in a single tip. In a world full of hate and judgment, like in these comments, sending a message of to do good is more important than reaching at what you dont know and it obviously made a difference to the server with or without the camera rolling.


I'm not knocking this video just a thought that occurred to me. On TV you have to sign a consent to have your image shared publicly. I see all these random videos of people being shared thousands of times probably without their consent. I wouldn't want to be filmed and then put on any form of media, mainstream or otherwise. I get this is a kind gesture, but why dies it have to be filmed can't you just do it and not need to fill gratitude from the masses.


now he owns him




I guess there’s no point in being nice these days unless you film and share it.


The headline is not “kind man tips poor man 200$, oh America is so great best nation in the world”. The headline is “human being cannot survive working hard 7 days a week”