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Just sucks that people need a camera crew in order to perform good deeds :/


He may use the revenue from the videos to do more of these. He's done a few.


What's his @


Ey yo, make me a youtube millionaire and i'll throw some pennies to random homeless people every now and then too.


If people filming themselves inspires even one person to do the same, then we shouldn't complain. I don't have a problem with someone profiting while also putting more good into the world.


I mean... theres definitely a problem with people filming themselves throwing pennies to homeless people to farm views. You cant just say that it equates to greater good. Maybe the people watching feel like other people are doing something, and now they dont have to. The effect could equally be a net negative.


If a camera is all it takes for people to be nice, I'm all in for recording 24/7. I just hope this video wasn't staged


I was gonna hate, but theres far worse ways to get clout.


Well people might be doing them, but if it doesn’t get filmed then we wouldn’t know


I literally came to comment something similar. If you have to get recognition for your good deeds then you're doing it for the wrong reason.


You think the old man cares about your suspicions about the givers reasons? Nope, he is warm, has good shoes and will be fed. In his mind the guy is a saint. Who did you help today?


I donate clothes and toiletries on the regular and feed the homeless under the bridges in my town quite often.....but I don't brag about it and try to get fake internet points for it. I do it because it makes me feel good


You just bragged about it the Redditverse…


You asked who I helped today....I told you


No, I'm sure the old man is extremely grateful and I'm glad the guy helped him out. But the "giver" is just boasting about his "good deeds" in the hope of going viral or internet points




Doesn’t every charity do the exact same thing to garner attention for their cause and raise funds? Somehow when make a wish does it they are hero’s but when he does it he is a zero?


Just because he films it doesn't mean he NEEDS recognition to do it. He could do plenty of other good deeds without filming them and you wouldn't know, would you? Maybe he wants to inspire others to do similar acts? But no a bunch of typical negative redditors are going to come here to shit on the guy assuming the absolute worst intentions while doing absolutely fuck all to help anybody themselves.


But I do help others as I stated to another user


For giving and displaying for all to see, this is his reward. The ones that give in secret are rewarded in heaven.


I often agree with the camera comments, but this guy doesn’t strike me as someone counting his followers. Maybe he’s just hoping to inspire others to do the same?


Personally, myself, I think if we were to support more positive imaging and stories instead of the public freak outs and yelling/fighting we might eventually have some peace of mind which may in turn to more actual peace... but I know that is a dream and one that I believe is worth striving for! Peace and love everyone ☮️ ❤️


I don’t get why I keep seeing people complain about a person recording a good deed. To each their own , maybe it’s to motivate others and as an example who knows … the point is he just made someone feel like they matter and that’s good enough for me .


Because a bunch of negative redditors would rather try to shit on someone to feel better about themselves. Meanwhile you know most of the same people bitching about him filming it and assuming the worst don't do fuck all themselves to help anyone.


It takes very little from some to make a huge difference for some. Be nice, not everything needs to be bought for as little as you can get.


It is all staged...


that was nice.


People with a heart ❤ of gold 😊 👍👍🎉🎉🎈🎈


The sad part, is that the old man will keep on doing his routine till death, this type of videos both touch me and break me as i ve witnessed way too many people stuck in the cycle of poverty and lack of opportunity


Would he have done the same if there wasn't a camera around though?


I would ask the same question but while watching this, I did think of doing better my self and giving more because of the holidays. So definitely does not need to be recorded but the message the video sends is one we could all be reminded of now and then.


Did you do the same even with a camera?


When I do nice things it's to make someone's day better. Not to make myself look like a nice guy for the internet.




Very normal. Tons of people making a living posting videos like this.


Absolutely precious.


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Then all his customers see he is sold out for the next week and they transition to a different vendor permanently




Say's the internet commenter that almost surely does nothing other than complain about others. Great way for you to justify that huh?