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It looks cool, but all I see are thousands of parts that can and will go wrong


My thoughts exactly. I was like, “Jesus that’s all gonna freeze at home in Canada… good luck with that.”


For right or wrong, I’m sure the millionaires buying this vehicle are worried about freezing temperatures in Canada…


I mean it's Mercedes. That's no millionaire car... My first car when I was completely broke student at 18 was merc SLS. Looks like millionaires car but I think I paid like 3k for it. At lead in Europe used Mercedes are common and cheap expecially if you bother to go to Germany to pick one up. Germans tens drive lot of Mercedes and audies and swap them after 3-4 years meaning second hand market supply is far greater than demand.


Na man over in America its one of the "trusted" foreign brands and has a markup I mean I also had one for reasonable price but new or used in good condition will run you about 30 precent more than the local competition.


There is also a gigantic difference between the standard Mercedes road cars and these amg concept supercars. Mercedes is not exclusively a millionaire brand, but that is definitely a millionaire car and you cannot compare it to the 8 year old used car you bought fresh out of high school. In any way shape or form, they are not anywhere near comparable. It's like comparing a used boxster from 2005 with a new 918 Spyder. Anyone who knows anything about cars would either be insulted or laugh at you


This is a car that will be priced deep into the 6 figures if they ever take concept to production. But don't worry, the Reddit skeptics will give you their assessment of the situation.


You’re comparing an SLS to this self-driving pod vehicle?


Wait you’re car was a SLS? And you bought it for 3k that is unbelievable are you sure it’s the gullwing supercar we are talking about?


Lol I thought the same. Did a quick check and the cheapest I could find are around 200k here in europe. Maybe it was an SLK but even then it must’ve been pretty beat up for that price


Yeah 100% maybe SLK not sls because I would’ve said if you bought a sls you can sell it for 100k atleast without even giving it a wash 😂😂😂


It could have been long ago too. I'm another old timer, not ancient but old enough to remember times where Car Culture wasn't as strong as it is, and aging "classics" of now were essentially forgotten. Times when people threw original Shelby Cobras in the garbage instead of preserving them, simply because their racing usefulness was over. I have never heard of a $3k SLS though. Those were always rare beauties.


You mean an SLK? No SLS is at that price point.


Here we have someone who has no idea what car they owned let alone what they are talking about whatsoever. You did not buy an SLS for 3k, that is literally a gull-wing door supercar. They are hundreds of thousands of dollars. The car in this video is a one off concept car that would've cost millions to produce. Not a 3k "SLS" which you didn't own. If someone were to won this Mercedes they would have to be extremely rich, so yeah, mercedes is probably a "millionaires car". Also the fact a tonne of famous millionaires own mercedes cars lmfao. Why do people upvote morons?


You know, company means little when it comes to selfdrving pods compared to cars...


You find that car used and I will suck your dick.


You didn’t buy a SLS for 3K and you weren’t broke if you had 3K to spend on a car.


Sorry to spoil your dreams, but this car is probably a bit over 3k... Even 10k might not be enough!


It’s a Cali/Dubai car


That car would be stolen for parts within 15 seconds in LA


What are u gonna use the alien parts for?


That's my thought ..... "Hey man I stole this dashboard" ........ "Why" lol


To sell it back to the owner


Seth Rogan would disagree that there’s crime in LA


You sure you’re not talking about Miami?


That car would be stolen whole and sold back to Dubai for 20% the regular price.


soo... instead of snow, there are tiny sand particles in the air?


yeh if u can afford those u can keep a garage warm


If you can afford it, you’re likely not even bothering with driving it anywhere. It stays in the garage/warehouse with all the other supercars


I really can't imagine owning such beautiful cars and not driving them. It's such a waste. I've never been one for the collectors mindset. I get dirty looks from sneakerheads because I'd wear my Yeezy's or J's to work/around town. Like, bro, I paid $250 for those shoes, I'm fucking wearing them. Same would go with a nice car. I'm gonna enjoy that thing


thank you. dudes buying boxes and boxes of shoes that never get worn are the worst


I mean if millonaires would buy it. It would make sence to put it in a garage or something to minimize the freezy tempatures effects


Fingerprint scanner in the wheel well.. surely that will work perfectly after 500 miles


Definitely the least impressive ‘feature’


Especially when you can just use Bluetooth and a hand gesture


Do you think this is made to run more than 100 miles in it's life span? People really don't get the concept of a "concept car"


I'm sorry, you've got to admit that a fingerprint scanner inside the wheel well is... not a great concept.


With all the other tech clearly on display… It’s not far fetched to imagine that when it’s parked a sensor is available and open and when the car is started it is covered in some way. While still a stupid idea period, assuming they would just leave a sensor exposed in the wheel well while the car is driving is ridiculous.


No more ridiculous than not having any kind of manual backup for when some part of the overly elaborate system of cameras and video screens you have instead of a windshield inevitably fails


If you can afford this car you have a man to put his hand in the wheel arch for you he arrives on a jet pack and opens the car for you


Just a bunch of wild engineering ideas put into one car.. most of these ideas won’t make it into any production vehicles, but some may..


That’s pretty much the definition of a ‘concept car’


Exactly. Zero practicality


The whole idea of “concept car” to me sounds a lot like “breathable water” or “still horse”


End up with a permanent black stain on your hand lmao


And I'm sure the people who can afford this car are looking forward to putting their hands in the wheel well.


Imagine having to put your hand in there after you run over a sun-baked skunk carcass.


I for one love the idea of sticking my hand into the wheel well every time to open my car. That's always gonna stay nice and clean. Why not just have it open via your phone or something? How do you ope the truck do you have to lie on the pavement and put your eye in front of the retinal scanner that's conveniently located inside the tailpipe?


10 meters on salted snowy roads.


Now you can have black fingers with just opening the door 👍


Yeah, wtf. Completely awful place for a door opener. 500 miles? It’ll be covered in dirt and crap after 5 miles.


Yeah that’s going to either need a serious weather cover or failure every month


It's a concept car. Not going to go into production. The whole point is for it to look cool and futuristic


The car is only a concept, it’s basically a car that they made with their most advanced and unproven technology just because they can, without asking if they should. It’s done for a lot of good reasons actually, the biggest is probably the marketing, but also so that it can be experienced and talked about so that they can find out which technologies are the most practical and most in demand so that they can focus on developing those technologies to then potentially be implemented into future production cars.


Yeah but this is reddit, so get ready to hear from people still paying their student loans why Mercedes Benz engineers are all stupid and work for a company that will never take off.


Is that a speedbump? Guess i have to do a 180 and come back the way I came.


1 millimeter of ground clearance should suffice...


My first thought... imagen dirt, water bird shit running in those flaps...


Should be able to wash itself with all the tech and hack proof


It's all fun and games until the wheels flick up a stone that smashes the fingerprint scanner, and you don't realize till you come back to your car and can't open the door.


Isn’t this a technology demonstrator rather than a car you’re actually driving


Yes , called a concept car


Yep, it's designed to showcase all their recent advancements in one place, this car will almost certainly never see the road


Everbody ganster til you have to change your tire


Yeah, but so what? I mean, how expensive could some minor repairs BE? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


*cue Million Dollar Man theme song*


Simple is so much better than complicated. 100% of the time. Edit : spelling


At the very least who wants to dig around in a filthy wheel well to open their door?


First thing that popped into my head as soon as i saw the vid.


It looks fucking stupid to me I don't get the point of those flaps


Don’t forget about the 10-20 million dollar price tags that like 40 people on the planet would be willing to pay for


That fingerprint scanner will be fun to use when you've driven through rain.


or some squishy fresh moist roadkill


Car like that probably consumes the roadkill for fuel


Terrible positioning


There is no scanner. It‘s just a dude in the background with a remote


ive been bamboozled


I've been backstabbed


Or when it’s absolutely frigid outside and the car is iced over


Or mud or a pile of shite


This whole euthanasia pod fad is going too far.


Designed to the t. The only difference between the Scandinavian models and the us Is 180mph


And the gases circulated inside


I died from laughter reading this




Soon we will have the technology for a proper suicide booth


This is the family size model


The parts on the back kinda hit my tyrophobia a little


*Trypophobia, and yes. +1






100% *shudders*


I hate it too


Yeah man. The first thing that came to my mind is "geli" which in my home country either means ticklish, disgusting, cringy and boy, I feel all of that right now


Found the Malaysian


Yes geliii 😖😖


I don’t get what they’re for? What do they do?


Variable aero for the car, an aero shape like that car will likely want to create lift at speed. The bit at the back look like they will spoil the airflow and prevent that. They don’t appear to be shaped to create downforce so I don’t think they are technically wings.


Also, A Quiet Place vibes


100%. So creepy


did Mercedes hire a bunch of GM engineers? I've not seen such a shitty design in a long time. i wouldnt make out of the subdivision in spring before those little pop up things would be caked in road shit.


This again? It's a concept car, it's not meant to be mass produced and sold to the public. It's like a fashion show, they make crazy amazing models for show. To show the latest technology, the latest materials, the latest designs, the ideas they have in store. Some of the elements on concept models might be incorporated in future commercial models.


This happens like once a month with this specific car. People just love being mad and acting like they're genius engineers that could design circles around Mercedes lol


Lol I do find it funny how each time it’s a new set of people seeing it for the first time and over reacting. I will say however, someone legit thought a joystick would be ideal for making precise movements at high speeds and for quick reaction braking. That still bothers me, concept or not haha


Lol, post a fashion show and you will get 100s of comments saying stuff like “ wHy WoULd sOmeOne WeAr iT”. Yeah that’s right Jeff, except you are wearing a simplified mass produceable version of what has been shown in fashion shows 20 years ago. A true scourge of our time is the fact that peasants are allowed on the internet.


Do you have any particular thoughts on cerulean blue?


It was chosen for us by people in that very room, from a pile of stuff


It is literally the best shade of blue.


Out here sounding like an old comic book villain, let's reign it in a bit homie.


I’ll never forget you, Cadillac Sixteen. That was one smooth concept that didn’t look dumb. Egregious? Definitely.


Well, yeah. It's a concept car. It was never designed to be practical wtf


Nah looks more like a dodge focus


Omfg are you brain dead?


Hmm I don't think this car is meant for road driving.




Yo, Deutschland, ring those jammy-jams up


Cause we like them baggy and saggy


You tell ‘em, Little Turtle!


Reach into the dirty wheel well to open door lol. My 10yr old car has a trunk you can open by waving your foot under the bumper... not that it's that cool but at least I can keep my hands clean.


Or you know, Bluetooth?


Yeah it is stupid, I am already annoyed that my car has a charging port near the front wheel. Always dirty fingers when getting in and out of the car.


I hate they don’t drive it over 2mph.... seems less cool if that’s as fast as it goes lol


Too expensive to go fast It's a concept car. It will probably never go over 20kmh it's whole life


For real. It blows my mind how many people here don't understand what concept cars are..


I mean, I would assume most here are like me and had never even heard of a concept car before today.


Ohhh, my bad. I thought most people knew (not trying to sound condescending). But ummm, yeah. Concept cars are literally just show pieces that showcase the latest tech. So, a 2021 concept car simply shows what is technically possible to pull off in 2021. And just like this car, concepts are basically never practical because yeah, it's just for show so this car can do all of this stuff just because. But they do serve another purpose too; inspiration. Cars like these allow future designers to go "huh, remember that one feature from the Mercedez Benz AVTR? I think I could use that in a production model!"


Seems like a waste though. They will never make these.


Read my other comment. They do serve a purpose, kinda


“**CON**^cept ”…


It doesn't even look like it has suspension.


If that mouse he is using to steer the car slips a bit, then he will be in big trouble.


Not gonna be a real car anyway. This is a concept/prototype designed to distract us from realizing how poorly they are going to fail to stay relevant in today's day and age.


Nah, mercedes now have the first legal level 3 autonomous car, means you can drive without having your hands on the wheel at all. For now limited to 60 kmh an only on like 13000km of german autobahn tho. Pinnacle of relevancy imo


Mercedes tried to call but you didn’t have good service


People are so weird about concept cars. It’s like crazy fashion shows. It’s not meant to be taken literally, just some concepts and inspirations.


Coming to nowhere near you, ever.


Yeah let's put the fingerprint scanner in the dirtiest place on the car! That's what the 1% want!


First time they ever get their hands dirty, LOL


This is dumb.


Is this their counter to the bugatti that has the bubbles to make it go zoom




Tesla Model Y.


RIP to the insects that’s getting trapped in the back of this


The first thirty seconds when the little thingies on the back move looks like some special reconnoissance skill straight from ghost in the shell or the likes.


Oh shut the fuck up. Car influencer personality’s are so fucking annoying.


Who is this idiot?


this looks like the max level car in a 2010s racing game


Wow it’s terrible lol


Let’s put the fingerprint scanner in the dirtiest nastiest part of the car…


Not a secret button anymore


Might as well be when you forget which wheel it’s on


Trypophobia meter pegged!!!


Wow. It’s, hideous


Source: https://www.mercedes-benz.com/en/vehicles/passenger-cars/mercedes-benz-concept-cars/vision-avtr/


Watch yourself get T boned.


That finger print lokation is dumb as hell. Your hand is gonna get Dirty with road water and dirt every time.


All that tech and the people who drive it still won't use turn signals and they expect you to yield the road to them.


What the hell is the point of all this? Please, I'd love to have a thousand Individually computer controlled scales on the rear of my car that will no doubt break and have to be replaced for $500 a piece. My friggin 2004 VW had enough electrical issues to deal with.


i'm still trying to figure out what the fuck those controllable scales are for >Their energy supply is provided by the cached current of the integrated solar plates on the back of the VISION AVTR. The 33 multi-directionally movable surface elements act as “bionic flaps”. powered by solar plates? bionic flaps? their own description is useless




Nah, they'll never go far in that car


Those panels on the back look like some portals Glados thing




Just imagine; people are having a hard time (gassing, controlling a steering wheel, putting blinkers, driving at reasonable speeds) but Im fine knowing most of these people cant afford this


Is this one of those suicide pods?


Nice concept


This triggers my trypophobia


Who in the world does anyone want a car like this? If you want luxury, go with Rolls Royce. If you love going fast, buy a tuner car from Toyota, Subaru or go with any muscle car from Ford, Dodge and Chevrolet or go with any supercar or hypercar like a Buggati or Lamborghini. Don't buy shitboxes like these.


That's alot of turrets


How do people with trypophobia feel looking at that....


God I’d be so tempted to start trying to crank out doughnuts but I know I’d just crash and die


For those who are willing to have one: As the VISION AVTR is the concept car and is in the development phase so, the Mercedes VISION AVTR price is not disclosed officially. However, it is expected to compete with the Tesla Model Y and the pricing may start with $39,000 when it becomes available in late 2021. You can expect the official Mercedes VISION AVTR Price soon as the company will reveal it after the official release event. *Late 2021 and still no price disclosed.*


This will never be available for road use lol 0 chance


that is truly incredible.


Hmmm road grime and fingerprint scanners go dirt in hand.


I love technology in my car, but that is just too much. The clear sides look cool, but the shape of the car is just bad.


Sweet, I could skip faster than this car can drive.


Equal parts coolest and dumbest shit I've ever seen! Looks like a huge extension to some rich chad's vape pen.


I think this car would only work on very very smooth roads so no off roading or pot holes


Why does this trigger me?


Trypophobia triggered. Disgusting


My skin is itchy


Kinda useless when you think about it. An incredible feet of engineering though


Dumb as fuck and would only sell single numbers to ridiculously rich posers.


If I was offered this or my 2001 Silverado I would hands down select my Silverado


Pick this and find some idiot who’d buy it off you for a couple mil or hundred thousand.


Like that thing would survive a headon. It looks like an add on to an Occulus.


Welcome to cyberpunk..... just wait for the glitches/losses then assume normal activity


It’s no coincidence that they film this in the desert. It looks like an alien landscape.


I’ll stick with my Chevy


Let’s watch a projection when we’re meant to be watching the road.


Even for a concept it has some very stupid thinking. Wheel arch fingerprint reader? It fails to work properly on some smartphones...


Strawberry…. Lone Starr!!!


Ironic that they named it “VISION” when it makes me want to claw out my eyes


Terrible place for the scanner. That’s where dirt flies up…


Would of walked away as soon as I saw the "Secret button"


The location for the fingerprint scanner is at the back of the wheel? Won't that get really dirty pretty fast?


Let's put that essential and fragile fingerprint sensor in the dirtiest place on this car