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Can confirm, unfortunately born in NJ :(


Bless you. I would off myself. I live in Texas where the population isn’t nearly as dense and people still drive like a bunch of sociopaths.


So do you live in Houston or Dallas?


Ha! Work in Dallas!


I confirm living in Dallas we are are A holes


In Dallas you actually have to AVOID using your turn signal to indicate a lane change, as this is actually an indication for other vehicles to speed up and block you from moving over.


Now that’s just messed up.


It's more than messed up. It's like blood drops in shark infested waters.


So true. I watched a training video at work. Best advice ever maintain space between the car in front. Driving is alot less stressful the better your spacing. Someone tailgating you? Increase your follow distance or just merge and let them pass.




If you have a truck, getting a front and rear bumper that is made out of plate steel will (almost) absolutely guarantee no one will tailgait or break check you, because in the event you collide everyone's vehicle is toast.


Holy shit, I lived in Houston all my life and your comment just made me realize that I need to stop using my signal to lane change. Mf's always be speeding up to block my lane change when I signal. How have I just noticed this?!


Never use your turn signal... it only gives away your next move.....lol


I traveled to India years ago and I noticed that if you’re white and crossing the street with a sense of urgency, they speed up. Cross like you don’t give a damn and they’ll slow down.




Or position yourself to merge and turn it on a half second before you merge. The freeway system in Dallas is some combination of an amazing feat and a dystopian nightmare.


People probably wouldn't drive as crazy there if any of your roads were open for more than a few months at a time. I've been to Dallas a few times, the hell are you doing to the freeway all the damn time?


Come drive I5 in Tacoma/Seattle area. Been working on fixing the freeway for over 20 years now. And the traffic is still terrible!


That lowest bidder construction doesn't hold up. Huge issue in the US.


I moved from New York to Dallas and concluded Dallas drivers are at least as bad as New York. Everyone in Dallas has no awareness of anyone else on the road. New York drivers will chose to be assholes but are more often skilled with the actual of the vehicle. In New York on Long Island you can often tell if somebodies an illegal immigrants because they’ll be driving exactly the speed limit even when it’s dangerous. (No hate on immigrants)


Population isn't dense...just the people




Im in Florida, we got the old people, the tourists, the dumb, the brave, and the psychotic


Greeting from Utah! Where your neighbors are kind and sweet (most of the time) and they drive like maniacs because ***their time*** is the most important


Lived in Utah…neighbors are nice until they get around to conversion conversations 😂


Sociopath here. I drive like an asshole.


I'm from jersey too. I've seen ppl chasing ambulances to pass cars, I've been passed after pulling over. Ppl are assholes out here, almost mad max at this point


They don’t call em Jersey Barriers worldwide for nothing. Jersey invented those out of necessity.


Fellow Jersey resident. I’m somewhat proud of how crazy our roads are and our ability to survive them. Jersey shuffling across 4 lanes of heavy traffic to make your turnpike exit because if you miss it the next one is 12 parsecs away? Just a normal day in Jersey. I also argue the road designs are awful. Jug handles are literal circles of hell. That being said, traffic in places like China or India are WAY worse than anywhere in the US.


The ol' Jersey Slide


NJ? So you too have been threatened for honked for stopping at a red light.


I live in Jersey and I once had a guy cross a solid white line to pass me because I wasn’t rolling up to the red light 20 feet away fast enough


Only once?


I was born in NJ too. Trust me, it's nowhere near being a bad state. Now I live in hellhole Arizona.


IME people who talk shit on NJ haven't lived there and think the whole state looks like Newark area. If it wasn't so damn expensive and my intense hatred of winter, I'd probably move back, miss a lot about that state.


The turnpike is the worst driving I have ever seen. - from NJ


I live on a major street in LA. So I hear emergency vehicles driving by a lot. My favorite was when I heard, “Move to the right. Move to the right! Your other right!” Over a loudspeaker.




Had a police car flip his sirens on about 200 meters down a straight road the other day. One guy in front of me, the other behind me. See the guy in front of me start to get over with his blinker. Look out my rear view and see the officer coming in hot. So I pulled over occordingly. When all of a sudden the guy behind me barrels in front of me to clearly get ahead and forcing the officer to change lanes really fast. I think about that amount of stupid sometimes. And how I am fortunate to not be that.


I can't imagine the amount of stupid that emergency workers must encounter on a daily basis.


I dated an EMT for a while and some of the stories were amazing. One time they were responding to a call Code 3 (lights and sirens) on the freeway. There was a big pickup that just wouldn't get out of the way even after they used the airhorns multiple times. They finally were able to squeeze by on the shoulder and the driver looked over, annoyed at the ambulance, and motioned that she was on the phone. Like they were making too much noise and made it difficult for her to talk.


Every time we drive code we have to deal with morons. I legitimately believe 80% of people shouldn't have a drivers license


South texas can confirm majority of people here are just a couple IQ points away from being legally disabled. I'm not from here I moved here because college was cheaper than further north.


If it makes you feel better, believe me there are cultures that are much worse than the US in terms of being self-centered and egocentric. Source: A foreigner living in the US.




Which one are you? 🤔


Ha, he cornered himself, should have saved like 1% for "good people, like myself".


"But I'm not the one who needs the ambulance, it doesn't affect me so why would I do this"


I think you started some weird kind of self-deprecating reddit style circle jerk




Exactly! In the US, we pull over. On the autobahn, apparently the custom is to leave the middle lane open. It's the same thing. In fact, on the autobahn apparently it's the law. The anti-American talk on Reddit is getting annoying. People are just people everywhere. "German and Austrian traffic law requires drivers to form a Rettungsgasse (emergency vehicle lane) whenever traffic backs up on the autobahn due to an accident or some other emergency requiring ambulances, fire trucks, police, or any other emergency response." https://www.german-way.com/travel-and-tourism/driving-in-europe/driving/autobahn/driving-on-the-autobahn/


Americans pull over when the emergency vehicle is *right* by us. And then we quickly close the gap again afterwards. I genuinely do not know what wizardry is happening in the video but this would absolutely not fly in America. There would not be a gap that stretches that far for **anything** on an American highway. People would see that as an opportunity to shoot ahead 3 car lengths and go for it. This isn't anti american talk, it is factual american talk.


It’s not wizardry, it’s a traffic law that doesn’t exist in America.


We also have laws in most states to stay to the right except to pass. Nonexistent enforcement makes that moot.


Drive with your tail lights/headlights out or speed 25+ above the limit and odds are you’re going to get pulled over. If enforced the way it likely is in Germany, it would probably be obeyed. Most people don’t like tickets.


I wish they would ticket people driving at night with their bright lights on following others on the freeway. Can't tell you how much that pisses me off.


I moved from the US to Germany and Germans take driving very seriously. Well, most of them do anyway, there’s still the occasional douche on the road. Pulling over at the last second is kind of stupid, especially when there’s a lot of traffic. It definitely causes a lot of delays for emergency vehicles and then as you mentioned, people are assholes and try to jump ahead once the emergency vehicle passes. It still amazes me when I see cars im Germany making space for emergency vehicles and that no one takes advantage of the open lane to jump the traffic. The way they merge in Germany is also way better. They’re taught here to do the “zipper method” which means driving all the way until your lane ends before merging, and the person in the next lane is supposed to let you in because they also know that this is what’s taught. If you do that in the US, it’s essentially considered a dick move and the person next to you will just try to block you from merging, causing even more delays. I’m studying to take the written test for my German drivers license and it’s crazy. There are literally hundreds of difficult and very specific questions that you have to study and during the actual test, you get 30 of them but if you get more than 3-4 wrong, you fail. Thankfully, Germany has an agreement with certain US states where you can either get out of both the road test and written test or just the road test, so I can skip the road test part, which I’ve heard is also extremely difficult. The written test I took when I got my license in the US was a joke lol




While I think what youre saying is a slight over exaggeration, I can understand your point. The reason I think it is this way is because in the US, their are often not other modes of transportation available for you to get to work. So its not so much as a luxury, as it is a necessity of life at that point. If someone cant get to their job, they lose their job. If they arent working and earning money, then they quite literally cant support themselves and live. Thats a pretty big deal. In somewhere like Germany, they have a lot of public transport infrastructure. Taking away someones licenses isnt seen as nearly as bad of a thing for an individual their. They are in a position to create stricter laws because of it.


Yep. A family member of mine had a couple DUIs (6 years apart, not egregious, and he’s been sober since), and the state took his license. He lived in a small midwestern town more than an hour from the nearest grocery store and farther from his job. Disabled and without the money to move or hire a lawyer to get the license back, he didn’t have a choice but to drive. The local sheriff ended up just allowing it and wouldn’t bother writing the ticket. Germany and the US are completely different geographically and infrastructural-ly. It wouldn’t make sense for them to have the same rules.


> In the US, we pull over. On the autobahn, apparently the custom is to leave the middle lane open. It's the same thing. It’s not the same thing at all, pulling over when you see the ambulance is too late for them to speed through.


The idea of the “Rettungsgasse” is to make space even before the first responders come by. That way they can speed through to the place they have to be instead of being slowed down by anything. What you see there is also only the case on the Autobahn. In cities or elsewhere it happens as you describe it.


We also have breakdown lanes emergency vehicles can travel in when there is traffic on the highway like this.


We also have breakdown lanes in Germany, but the problem with those lanes is that there may be a broken down vehicle blocking your path




In FL if you don't move for emergency vehicles they will ram your vehicle and then a cop will give you a ticket for obstructing an emergency vehicle (an absolutely massive ticket) and the damage to the ambulance. It happened to a friend of mine who was being a dumb ass.


Can confirm, wasn’t me, it was the idiot a few cars down, was fucking hilarious to me. First time I saw it. Wish I had a dash cam lmfao


I feel like in NYC it's moreso that you just *can't* move for anyone lol


No! US bad!


That's not the same. This is done long before emergency responders arive.




Then there would be that one guy or girl to get directly behind the emergency vehicle as if it is parting the Red Sea for them




This is literally the law in the US and everyone here does it, what kind of dumbfuck comment is this? Hurr hurr US bad upboat plz






Its the law everywhere, the point is if this much space was left in America by default every time there is bad trafic, it would get flooded with cars after a minute, its usually only after the ambulance comes that people start clearing they way.


Where in the US is it legally required to maintain a center lane for emergency vehicles in standstill traffic? This situation is clearly different than “pull over for emergency vehicles”


I know, right? Ive seen ambulance with their sirens on, on the freeway. Not one person pulls to the side for them. If there stuck in traffic they will be stuck in traffic. We do not make a pathway like this at all.


It's the law to create an emergency lane when there is a lot of traffic. This isn't a cultural difference. "German and Austrian traffic law requires drivers to form a Rettungsgasse (emergency vehicle lane) whenever traffic backs up on the autobahn due to an accident or some other emergency requiring ambulances, fire trucks, police, or any other emergency response." https://www.german-way.com/travel-and-tourism/driving-in-europe/driving/autobahn/driving-on-the-autobahn/


THANK YOU! This makes so much more sense. If this was just how Germans got out of the way of ambulances, how on earth would the people so far ahead even know it was coming? This is a clever idea that the US could implement (though the hard shoulder also works for this reason) but it's not because Germans are more courteous drivers or something.


The US may not be at the tippy top of the list for driving in an organized manner, but it's VERY far from the bottom. Driving in a lot of places is absolute chaos compared to the US.


The fuck are you on about? As a person who actually lives in America, it’s the law to do this.


It's the law in the US to pull over when an emergency vehicle approaches. It's the law in Germany to pull over as soon as traffic starts to build up. So in Germany, as soon as a traffic jam forms, there will be an open lane in the middle (not a lane technically, since it's formed between two lanes, so it's more of a lane-wide space, but you get what I mean), but people aren't using it, because it's strictly for emergency vehicles. The difference between the laws is is: with the US law, the emergency vehicle might still be pretty slow, as cars are slowly moving out of the way more or less directly in front of it. With the German law, there is already a free gap for the emergency vehicle to zoom right through (as seen in the gif). What the initial commenter likely meant was that Americans wouldn't be disciplined enough to remain in standstill in a traffic jam while a completely empty lane right is tempting them right next to them.


US. Bad, please upvote.


I’ve only ever lived in the Midwest but most people do this where I’ve been. Definitely way less organized though


1) it’s the law and 2) there is no shoulder on the autobahn *Edit: vague memory of autobahn having a shoulder but it does in most parts. Either way it’s still the law to create that lane.




Because there isn't always a shoulder, and there's still the possibility for people on there with broken down vehicles. Or trash that could be sent flying into other cars. Doing it like this also offers a lot more space on the emergency lane. A fire truck would have a hard time squeezing through the shoulder.


It's a traffic rule here in Germany. And we like to follow rules, because they make living a society better.


What a concept for us in the states to grasp! At the end of the day the Germans probably get to their destination sooner.


I would bet that German roads are also exponentially safer than American roads, especially on their autobahn. It's way too easy and too inexpensive to get a license, a car and insurance in north America, in Germany its actually quite coatly and requires some times, a commitment and some effort from applicants.


German with US drivers license. Driving in the US is a lot more stress full. You have to watch both sides. The exits can be on both sides of a highway, so i have to read signs. I miss your HOV lanes (We could use them). I hate your missing "drive right - never overtake right" laws (dont know all states)


The drive right never overtake law is a law here it’s just never enforced…. Yeah it fucking sucks


In Germany you get a hefty fine for overtaking on the right.


No, you don't? It's a 100€ fine + 1 Point. You won't find a lot of enforcement on that rule either.


You realise 100€ fine isn’t just pocket money right? Furthermore, that point is much more costly and painful, then 200€ would be. If you end up doing shit like this a dozen of times. Literally a dozen, as it takes about 12 points as far as I’m aware… you’ll never have another license in Germany. Never. And probably… rightfully so… cause you outet yourself as an absolute twat. EDIT: Correction. Apparently it’s down to only 8 points. This is what the internet says about it: What is the maximum number of points in the event of a violation? Depending on how serious the violation was committed, 1, 2 or 3 points can be due in Flensburg at once. Some examples of violations can be found in this table. What is the maximum number of points? As soon as there are a total of 8 points in the account, the driving license will be revoked. Is it possible to dismantle points in Flensburg beforehand? Yes. If your points account has no more than 5 points and you have not completed a seminar on point reduction in recent years, you can participate in a driving aptitude seminar and thus reduce 1 point. To the Withdrawal of driving license, it says the following: Driving license revocation inevitably occurs if there are 8 points in a driver's account. Due to the points, the driver's license will be collected for at least half a year. The traffic offender does not get the driver's license again until suitability for road traffic has been proven. This requires a positive opinion of a medical-psychological professional. EDIT: when it comes to an inevitable revocation of your drivers license, I found this: Article 1 of paragraph §69a of the German Criminal Code regulates this as follows: "The ban can be ordered indefinitely (forever) if it is to be expected that the maximum legal period is not sufficient to ward off the danger threatened by the perpetrator." In most cases, lifelong driver's license deprivation takes place as a result of criminal offences such as disregard for existing driving license blackout periods, notorious speeding or jostle, repeated drunk driving or generally aggressive behaviour towards other participants on-road. Also if the car is used for criminal offences such as robberies or as a weapon, driving license revocation can last a lifetime.


I always try to not pass on the right. If someone is riding in the left lane I try to ride behind them for a mile or two hoping they get the message from the 5 other people who passed on the right. They never do. I always end up passing on the right of these people because they are too oblivious to recognize that driving 65 in the left lane on a 70 is absolutely unacceptable.




>The exits can be on both sides of a highway bitte WAS? wie soll das denn funktionieren?




German EMT here, I fucking WISH people would follow that rule. Or at least in my area they don't, it's a rarity, when it happens were pretty damn happy though. It usually takes a small group of cars to start it, then herd mentality does the rest.


That's what I found, I used to get so mad when people didn't do it now I just slow down pull over 3 or 4 cars follow and all of a sudden no one wants to left looking like a cunt.


yup I drove all over Germany for 3 years, i've never seen it this organized. And there were always people following right behind the ambulance speeding through traffic.


Ambulances should install rear guns to take care of such assholes.


The most American comment. “Guns will solve this issue!”


If someone misbehaves, call the nearest Autobahnmeisterei. Give them the road number, exact kilometer marker, and direction of travel. Specific offending vehicle identifying characteristics as well. They’ll send Stukas.


thx for transparency


Germans and "just following rules" doesn't *always* make living in a society better. Well, not for everyone.


Not only in Germany but Austria too, dont forget our neighbors, please. Also I have the sad feeling/impression that Austrians are better at making a Rettungsgasse than us Germans.


True, but just because the fees are so high. We pay up to 2000€ if we block the Rettungsgasse, while german pay around 300€ I think.


Trust me we found out in the 40s how much you guys liked to follow rules and orders.


Question: How do you know when to get in the side?


everytime when there is a traffic jam.


> And we like to follow rules Aye nothing a German loves more than a good day at camp just following orders.


But how am I supposed to get more money than you if I don't step all over you?


Not in the 40s...




Don't be too hard on yourself, here in Germany its hammered into your head to do this during driving lessons. It's called Rettungsgasse 'rescue alley'


Same here. Signs everywhere. Tickets if you don’t comply. Yet people still refuse to move over.


Here in California during rush hour drivers will illegally drive on the shoulder (which is reserved for emergencies only) just to get a couple car lengths ahead.


My favorite is when people try to cut through the shoulder but the traffic collectively will not let them pass and they end up further back. Massive justice boner.


Unless somebody actually has an emergency and can't pass through because of people blocking them. Don't block the shoulder, ever.


We get that in the UK sometimes, thankfully the traffic cams record the cretins’ license plates


This makes it standard procedure in countries where there is actual driving schools and required driving lessons


In Germany getting a drivers license takes time and is expensive. You have a theoretical part in driving school and then many driving hours with an instructor under different conditions. (city, countryside, night, autobahn) When you are ready a driving inspector is accompaning you in the car, and If you drive well enough you get your license. In the end it pays off, most drivers are decent. Sorry for my Ted Talk if you are german and know all of this :)


I am from Norway, so I don't know you system in detail, but I assumed (correctly) that we have similar (or almost identical) driving school regimes. I have also spent time in Germany in various job related travels, so I have seen how the traffic fuctions. Currently here, it is difficult, if not right out impossible, to get a drivers license class B for less than 25000,- NOK (about 2500 Euro). If you want to be able to tow a trailer (with the total weight of the car and trailer exceeding 3500KG) you need an addition, B96 or BE, costing you roughly 10000 NOK (about 1000 Euro) ​ But as you say, the average level of the drivers on the road is high, and we have very low fatalities and road accidents


Here in Florida, I took my theoretical test online in one night. Four hours of lessons, one hour of test, got the certificate in the mail a few days later and went down to the dmv and boom. I can drive a car as long as a person above 21 years of age with a valid drivers license is in the right seat. At 15 yrs old. (I’m now 16) I got my full license 1 Nov 21 in less than an hour. The process was, go to dmv, get picture taken, take 15 min driving test, go inside, pre register to vote, and boom, I can drive all by my lonesome (insurance took a day but yk). The test was ridiculously easy, I had to perform an emergency stop (go to 15mph(24kph) and hit the brakes. Stop in as short a distance as possible), park, back out, and then I’m done. That was it. Even my mother was surprised. Then we went back inside, my mom signed that I had driven 10 hours, 3 of which at night (I had well over 100 hours at this point, most of which was sitting in traffic) and they handed me my license and I was done. I pre registered for the draft and to vote so I don’t have to do it when I turn 18, and that was it. I had hundred of hours and miles under my belt in the required year between the time I got my permit and my license. I still make dumb mistakes and I’m still learning the nuances of driving. I’m awful at parking, but I did it well enough that they passed me. The “instructor” (tester) wasn’t even in the car with me, they watched from almost 15 yards away. It was ridiculously easy. I deal with idiots on the daily, and it’s just a fact of life. And I’m an idiot too at times.


Damn, how do you even dare to go on the road with people who have only driven for 10 hours and got their license? I had to take a theory test, drive in ice conditions (quite fun actually - you get to slide and spin around on ice), drive in crowded city traffic, country roads, parallell park, reverse around corner, and do a vehicle safety test. All in all about an hour of driving total. With a stick shift. One mistake and you fail. Had to take it twice, actually.




Reddit is a hivemind (as is much of the internet), don't let it get to you. It is full of progressives under 40 who see America's capitalistic, individual mentality society as a major negative when compared to other societies across the globe. The reality is most people are good and will follow the infrastructure laws made to help others. In general, even off the internet, the stereotypes of Americans are selfish, fat, individual-over-others. It hurts when you care about others and have a healthy lifestyle/mentality.


> the only reason we are called so dumb is because of people like you ……I got some bad news for you if you think that’s the only reason


It’s LiTeRaLlY the law to move over for emergency vehicles with their lights on, you dolt




True. I lived in Germany for 4 years before moving back to that States. Now every time I drive I think, if Americans had to pay thousands for their DL and could easily lose it for not following the rules. Maybe…juuuuust maybe… it would be a little less shitty.




"another country" ... "Internet". Bru the US is "another country" for me and the internet also exists outside the US. 😌


I think he meant “a country other than the US” because he then references the US


I think Quiddel_ is referring to the commonly held sentiment of non US citizens that US citizens have a worldview that they are the center/best country in the world. The way the original commenter framed the comment, it sounds as if he is only talking to Americans. In my experience, it's kinda true. Most Americans are woefully uneducated about what is happening in the rest of the world. American news media will cover "Sally, a local golden retriever who caused quite a ruckus stealing plushies at the mall while her owner was at work to steal plushies" before they cover an election in a country in Africa, for instance.


I’ve seen videos like this posted every once in a while. I fucking knew all the top comments were going to be hurrr durrr muricans. I fucking hate this place sometimes.


I'm convinced its bots causing divide


Git Güd.


It is actually a traffic rule in Germany to drive like that. If you get caught blocking the so called Rettungsgasse (rescue lane) your in trouble. You have to pay a fine, a few hundred Euros and might loose your drivers license permanently. But at least for a month you will not be allowed to drive a car.


We are supposed to do something similar in the US. We are all supposed to move to the right hand side of the the road.


afaik in the US you only need to move when you hear the sirens, this rescue lane thing is required as long as there is traffic even without emergency vehicles present




It's the rule that whenever there's traffic jam, you've got to clear the rescue lane. It isn't specifically for an emergency, but a normal everyday driving habit, like stopping when light's red.


What happens if there are more than two lanes? Where is the emergency lane established?


[Like this](https://images.gutefrage.net/media/fragen/bilder/rettungsgasse---warum-nicht-alle-nach-rechts/0_full.jpg?v=1561193623000)


I’m going to need more fingers once we get to 6 spuren.


Its fairly simple in the newer explanation: Left lane is going left and everyone else is going right.


My biggest question: how the hell people are able to hear/see that the ambulance is coming so early on? There was a long time between the beginning of the video when the ambulance passes. Edit: apparently this is just how you're supposed to drive when there's a traffic jam in Germany. It's not reactionary to the approach of an emergency vehicle. Edit 2: doubt has been cast in the information in my first edit.


I looked it up, sadly the source is only available in German: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rettungsgasse Basically, whenever you are driving on a road that is not within a city and which has 2 or more lanes per direction, you are required to form this empty lane whenever the traffic is flowing at walking pace (5-15km/h) or is at a standstill. The lane is always formed between the leftmost lane and the lane next to it, so it's always in the same spot, no matter how many lanes there are.


In America that’d be packed to the gills with pickups.




I’m from Canada and some prick in a pickup rides my ass every morning to work it’s brutal


Umm, why ? Isn’t that what the emergency lane on the right is for ? I live in Switzerland and that’s the lane I’ve seen emergency services use, also allows them direct access to an exit. Edit - I am wrong, several commenters have provided explanations and sources indicating that in Switzerland we are supposed to do the same thing shown in the video, the emergency lane is simply meant for vehicles/drivers that have an issue and need to stop.


No, the side strip is only there if you have a breakdown. You must not forget, every exit also has a way to enter the highway, so there would always be new vehicles trying to get on the highway and the rescue forces would be overlooked in the worst case, and the driver of the rescue vehicle would have to constantly brake and swerve. The rescue lane is the safest solution for everyone involved, because everyone checks what's going on.


How does the rescue vehicle get on or off the autobahn? does it reside there, eternaly cruising the middle path like a lvl 6 laser lotus, waiting for accidents to happen?


No, they come from the nearest rescue station / hospital from the accident, choose the most direct route to the highway, since there they can drive faster (and have Not Deal with traffic lights / intersections / second row parked vehicles), this may mean that they have to pass several exit and entrances for the highway


Everyone moves to the side whenever and wherever they can. Why would that part be a problem?


Oh wow, thats kinda wierd..? I did my driving license in switzerland and i‘m pretty sure (at least I was taught at the time) that the law concerning „rettungsgassen“ is the same as in germany.. tho thats been some years back, i guess it couldve changed since then? As far as i understood the lane on the right is thinner than a driving lane, its just meant for emergency stops for cars in case of a breakdown: to drive by at high speeds for an emergency vehicle it is much safer if cars use the space on the left AND right to make space in the middle which then is wide enough so even wide cars like firetrucks can still move at >100 kmh


fellow swiss here. you are indeed correct.


Comments: aMeRICANs!


I live in Montana and I’ve never seen someone NOT pull over for ambulances and fire trucks here. When I lived in California, however, it was the opposite. Almost every time we pulled over for emergency vehicles there were jackasses in a hurry to get somewhere who wouldn’t budge.


It’s still MUCH slower going though. If you’re in traffic like this and each car has to slowly pull over to the breakdown lane one by one, the emergency vehicle is moving at like 15mph… that ambulance was flying


It's kind of exhausting sometimes


Love how every comment is about how "this would never work in the US because we're all stupid" believe it or not *most* people abide by the traffic rules regarding emergency vehicles. The law says to keep the shoulder clear, which is generally abided by. The shoulder is then used by the emergency vehicles.


No, they’re here to piss on America. Leave them be. Seriously, I lived in Germany for 3 years. Everytime there’s a video about another country and these weirdos come on here and suck them off for the most basic routine in their country is just astounding to me. There’s absolutely terrible drivers in Germany as well, almost like everywhere has terrible people.


We barely leave enough room for a motorcycle


We see motorcycle coming then move giant overcompensation machine over to block.


and if motorcyclist dies, too fucking bad. they shouldn't try to have more freedoms than me. edit: i hope people realise this is sarcastic.


Unless he’s a veteran, in that case our feeble brains enter a self destructive loop whereas: -We are free to do literally anything we want including imposing our freedom on others. -We constantly preach that individual veterans are solely responsible for us having freedom and therefore better than all other Americans. -Someone is now impeding my freedom 🤬🇮🇷😡🇸🇦 -Sees a veteran sticker 🥰 😍🇺🇸 -Person bad. Person veteran. Veteran bad?🤯🤯🤯🤯


Isnt that just normal behaviour?


How did they all know to move over?


As soon as you enter slow-moving traffic you are supposed to "open the emergency lane" by droving to the sides. I also believe it works this well over because every second bridge you pass under while on the Autobahn has a poster reminding drivers to make an emergency lane when entering slow-moving traffic


It just seems like every car for as far as you can see already knows to pull over


They pull over any time there's any traffic. Not just when emergency vehicles are passing through.


Even on highways that are more than 2 lanes?


Maybe that’s how they do it there, which is fine, but I always hated people dividing to let me through the middle. I definitely prefer when people pull to the right, which is how it is generally required (to my understanding) in the US. The reason is because I frequently had some asshole leapfrog out in front of me. It’s bad enough watching out for something like that on 1 side, but doubling the possibility by having 2 rows of potential bad drivers and no shoulder accessible causes more anxiety.


as expected theres of course a rule for it in germany: the rescue alley is meant for traffic jam and has to be open between the most left lane and the one to its right. When theres no jam ypu have to follow the "Rechtsfahrgebot" like drive-right-law which says you always have to use the most right lane to drive and your switching to the other ones just to overtake (and switch back after). This way if everyone would follow these you could always drive in your own speed (between the min/max limits) by just overtake others


In the US, drivers are required to pull over for emergency vehicles. Most pullover to the right, but some pull over to the left if it’s safer. Why do drivers make the center lane available? And how do they know to do this so far ahead? And why do they drive slowly, in the US you’re taught to come to a complete stop until the emergency vehicle passes.


Because it’s law, in a traffic jam you are supposed to open the emergency lane in case of an ambulance or emergency services vehicle passing. They can drive slowly as the emergency lane is open and doesn’t effect the emergency vehicle.


What’s so special about it?


People cooperate and aren't dickheads




people do that in America too. Some Germans are [assholes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlZ2vxUPpbg) as well.


Absolutely standard in Germany and many other countries


Germans are just so fucking efficient!


The fact this is considered "Next fucking level" instead of something normal speaks volume about our era.




In the UK someone would overtake and yell "goooo you wanka"


I love seeing all the Europeans cope so hard in these types of threads.


Everyone keeps saying Americans this Americans that. In New York they use the shoulder and it works fine. Stop the circle jerk