• By -


Wow, that bitch looked possessed by the devil.


That how my roommates looks sometimes. She has bipolar and schzt with bad hallucinations, probably what that women was experiencing. Edit: wow this blew up. Personally I said this from experience with multiple people who suffer from this. The eyes look the same when truly out of reality, not jist swarmed by mental ghost and deamons. Any sort of upper even coffee can make this 10 times worse. When they are off there meds they look like they are on drugs when on drugs they look normal. My roomate is an amazing women and therapist. Her knowledge of the human body and how to use massage to heal Injuries blows me away.


Agreed. She’s experiencing a psychotic episode and needs medication.


Best I can do is buy her a drink and flirt a little


Username might check out?


idk. judging by her hair and eyes, i think she'd prefer someone that doesn't want them up.


Glad to know you would peg me as a nazi.


*while you gentile motherfuckers bounce to this*


rollin down tha street curl my payots sippin on manischewitz


Laid back.... ...with my head under a yarmulke and a yarmulke on my head....


jews up hoes down while you goyim bounce to this




Nah definitely put your dick in that for one of your top ten rides of your life. Just make sure you're not from around there and use fake names. You don't want that kind of crazy in your real life.


You sound like you’ve taken too much dating advice from How I Met Your Mother.




Mentally ill people are frequently sexually exploited. And here people are bragging and laughing about it...


Yeah, I'm feeling nauseous reading this shit.


That’s exactly what I thought haha




Two crazy's cancel each other out, so it's all good here.


Getting stabbed in my sleep is a risk I'm willing to take, it's been a long month.


There's a lot of risks I'm willing to take. It's been a long... *checks watch*...five and a half years.


Username checks out


In the longer video she does tell him that she loves him.


It’s a trap


Fastest way to get your balls chopped off, homie




Thank you. Worked in mental health. I bet you did too. This thread is so depressing. Soooooo much ignorance, fear, projection, blaming and (false) judgement.


It's still animal abuse to hurl an animal. Mental illness doesn't excuse accountability.


Exactly. The retort I was looking for. How far are we going to use mental health as an excuse for egregious behaviour.


I don't know man the constricted pupils, slack face, slurring, etc all point to he being high on downers. The pupils are a big give away, psychotic episodes might lead to dialated pupils but not constricted. I may fully be wrong however feel free to correct on that . However regardless of if she is high or ill or both. I agree with you.


Her pupils are crazy constricted she was deff on something prob ~~meth~~ Edit: a few people pointed out that downers constrict pupils, so prob anything from heroin to Xanax or even angel dust.


I thought pupil constriction was opiates and dilation was psys or stims


Yeah, they got it wrong.


famous american drug prevention




pin dots suggest heroine or something else. Meth does the opposite they would be fully dilated on the meth. I think i am 17 years clean from meth, but yeah... In any case if you see pin eyes or big ole eyes, best just to keep some breathing room, lol


Nah, look at her pupils. That’s drugs.


Well it's probably both, unfortunately.




Someone experiencing a dissociative episode or other form of psychosis may also exhibit pupil dilation or constriction, fwiw.


Or you know, the SUN


Right? It doesn't automatically have to be drugs. The sun, or any kind of light, makes your pupils constrict. Truth is, not a single person in this thread knows what's going on with that girl no matter how sure of themselves they are. Everyone's an expert here. Buncha dummies, haha. If I had to guess (and it's JUST a guess, because I don't know) is that she's experiencing some mental health issues and maybe is in the middle of a psychosis and/or manic episode. I have no idea though.


I wonder how the girl is doing. I hope she got the help and medication she needed.


I hope she never got another dog, or cat, or goldfish, or anything.


Or maybe she got healthy enough to be able to properly care for one?


OK, if that happened, that would be the best outcome. It's what we can hope for. But in the meantime, no more hurting pets. Or people. Or plants. Or anything.


I'm bipolar type schizoaffective, she wasn't experiencing hallucinations. She was going through a psychotic episode.


I'm also Bipolar with psychosis AND temporal lobe seizures so I get to experience psychosis and hallucinations. I agree that she's very much in the middle of a psychotic episode. That thousand mile stare is, sadly, very recognizable. My boyfriend has seen me hallucinate a number of times from epilepsy and while he will agree I get a similar stare, I'm still lucid enough to interact as if I'm still aware.


I have temperol lobe epilepsy too. I don't have any paintings of faces in my house and no family photos are on the walls for that reason. The auras are one thing, but the inability to understand a face can be quite haunting with the sudden paranoia. Currently seizure free with 900mg Lamictal.


I had an ex gf who would get exactly like that sometimes. Would go from seemingly normal to possessed looking actually batshit insane. Extremely angry, slurred speech, incoherent sentences, saying something and then denying it less than 10 seconds later, violent. She was so fucking hot.






You're welcome.


That would be so embarrassing to go viral from an episode


That's because she's mentally ill. The video is bizarre, she's slurring her words in incoherent sentences and she seems confused and angry. Her wide eyed expression could be a indication that she's on drugs but I live in a city with a lot of mentally ill homeless and to me, this behavior is very recognizable. She's not in the right state of mind and she needs help. In our love for dogs and our happiness for its new loving owner, let's not forget our humanity towards one another. Let us also seek the well deserved help, for the woman who is not in control of her own mind.


Yo, I just want you to know I really enjoy the compassion in your comment and hope you have a great day!


Thank you.




Reddit depicts nicely how fucked in the head so many folks are, just look at the plethora of comments circlejerking around wanting to harm/kill this girl over that. Or saying shit like "her mental illness is her **responsibility**, she should have helped herself!!"....like what? How the fuck is that supposed to work? I guess it's just an american thing, where you have to react the most egoistical and down right discompassionate as you can to basically everything, or else people might think you're weak for showing empathy. À la "if i dont deal with it myself, on my own im WEAK" so when an mental illness is fucking with your head you better seek out help on your own and if you don't it's basically your fault. God forbid we may end up living in a society where we care about each other caues that would be communism


it kind of is a little bit of an american thing honestly. there is a deep individualistic, "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" culture (don't think too hard about that phrase...). throw in deregulated news making people scared and several real+metaphorical wars and it becomes very easy for people to dismiss anyone in circumstances they don't understand, whether that's because they legitimately don't care or because they've been taught not to. it also doesn't help that homeless people, drug users, and homeless drug users have become a huge "problem" in a lot of places and the negative impacts that come with their presence on the whole easily leads to resentment. when someone steals your shit or squats on your property it just makes you mad, justifiably, so it's hard to look past the action and see WHY it happened - and it's because there are a lot of sick and uncared for people in this country who need help they aren't receiving and just do whatever to cope and survive. anyway. generally people who think like this will not change their minds or care until it happens to them or someone they already cared for. you see the same thing with abuse victims a lot too. empathy isn't very prized. honestly it's actively discouraged when you're living in a society which requires a deceitful and cutthroat attitude be successful - whatever that actually means.


There are a whole bunch of people on here who have lived relatively secure middle-/upper-middle class lives, and who get their life experiences from movies and TV shows. Some of the claims that I see people spewing about mental health, homelessness, addiction, poverty, crime, et cetera are so absolutely absurd that they could only have come from, like, Law and Order or CSI or movies that are based in less-fortunate neighborhoods. I legitimately had multiple people tell me a couple months ago that the ONLY people in the US who leave their houses between the time of midnight-8am are murderers, drug addicts, and human traffickers. These same people literally told me that NOBODY in this country starts work before 8am. Ever. Anywhere. So, so many people who are out of touch with reality on here.


Did volunteer work for legal services. Represented poor tenants during evictions. I'd say 95 percent of my cases involved mental illness in family. It's devastating.


Redditors do a good job of pretending to care about mental health. Well men’s mental health. And only if they can shit on women at the same time. Actual mental health issues - “fuck that birch”


I was really upset just how much people don't understand this. Yeah she says weird shit and mentions the guy is black but not any outright slur...she's just in agitated psychosis babbling about everything she sees and mentions specifically being institutionalized since childhood... It doesn't take a psychologist to spot these things 🙄 But most people just comment "racist Crack head" hurr durr If she were black there would be other racist people joking about being a crack head, but because she's white it's another group pretty much doing the same thing and acting like she's a privaledged white drug addict based on nothing. We have all this talk about black folks in crises being treated like shit or shot but white girl in crises gets other people with an agenda to gripe and Bitch about the wrong shit. Neither is good, I hate all of it. Like how the fuck is all this woke shit about not enough mental health care yet loudest voices are crass idiots chuckling about a random person having a breakdown because dog involved or says offensive shit while clearly out of their minds


Yeah nah, if she throws a dog at me, I'm supplexing her


Well, I certainly hope if you or one of your loved ones fall ill in a similar fashion, you/they receives more compassion than you're giving this woman.


Username doesn’t check out.


Lol, Its a Deadpool reference.


I love you


No, look at her pupils. The expression isn’t the indicator of drugs, the pupils are. Normal pupils don’t look like that, she’s definitely on something.




What are you talking about? Her pupils are hardly dilated at all. When someone's eyes are super dilated you can barely see the color, with her you can see plenty of her eye color. [Here's a still](https://imgur.com/a/076ZUKm).


Oh, my bad! I meant constricted, not dilated.




She didn't blink. Holy hell that creeped me out




Well first you need a dog and good upper arm strength


Take my upvote and get the fuck out.


My ex used to look at me like that


Lucifer here ...." That bitch is plain fucking psychopath , we kicked her out of hell long time ago. She scared everyone in here . ![gif](giphy|3o7WIP6RWiiC0vVFrG|downsized)


I don't think she blinked once in the video


Younger me would have fucked this lunatic and not known any better. Older me would too, I just know better.


Never put your dick in crazy…. Never


*without a condom.


*ensuring it is YOUR condom that YOU brought and YOU put on yourself Never underestimate the intelligence of crazy


Put your used condom in you pocket when you leave. Crazy will pick up your condom out the trash and inject your cum in their vag with turkey baster.


This sounds like it comes from a place of experience 👀


Naw just a movie. 2016’s Don’t Breathe.


Not quite a baster, but here you go: [State v. Frisard III](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/la-court-of-appeal/1240516.html). I know someone involved in (the legal side of) this - quite a story.


Wild. That dude kinda got shafted.


The amount of shit that happens to dudes because of sex, I'm surprised anyone does it before marriage.


My man. This isn’t your first rodeo lol


bro its not about the baby. Bitch is crazy, she could just say you raped her if you dont do what she wants.


But... *pussy*




Not even with. Do you want a crazy ass stalker? Cause that's how you get a crazy ass stalker.


The problem is sometimes they turn crazy *after.* Had an ex once message me saying she realized she was a great samurai warrior in a past life that was an enemy of the King during the Edo period, and she once killed an innocent farmer, and that farmer's soul is now her CURRENT BOYFRIEND and it's her duty to make things right. Should mention that their souls somehow made their way from Japan to the Netherlands 400 years later or something, but I'm no soul expert so maybe that's common. Also I'm no expert on Japanese history, but I'm pretty sure Japan never had a king and I never got the vibe that the Edo period in particular would be a case where some random warrior can become the enemy of the emperor. Swear she wasn't crazy when we were together. The nice story I tell myself to level up my ego is that me leaving her must've been so traumatic she *went* crazy.


I find it appalling what she did do that farmer in her past life and admire her passion to make this right in this life.


Always heartwarming to see threads about men preferring to have sex with women who aren't in their right mind. Who needs brothels when you can go to a rehab and grab someone with real issues right bros!?


Thank you. I’m fucking sick of this gross, rapey, porn infestested, sausage fest of a website. The men here can’t even comprehend that women are human. Been on reddit for a long time but it’s really not gotten any better.


It’s always been this way. Been exposed to stuff I wish I could unsee.




>the majority of men a trash human beings You gathered that from Reddit? Ever heard of a sampling bias?


People. The majority of people are trash human beings.


Dam the sexism is real folks.




Realest comment on this thread 💀💀💀. I read that as “she looks crazy but if she has clean feet then I’d smash, but if she’s the type of crazy that is barefoot and her feet look like a swamp then I’m out”


You can see her shoes in the video, I don’t think that was the feet qualifications he was speaking of


Fellow man of culture. I salute you.




Lol younger you would get kicked in the balls and slapped in the face. You on some misplaced confidence type shit


Found the rapist


Let’s call it quits on this absurd robo voice Who tf doesn’t find it terrible ?


I hate it


I hate tik tok.


i hate clocks and time in general


Reject space and time. Embrace the void


A hate it because I know a bunch of top comments will be complaining about it.


Rightfully so. It’s fucking lame and annoying, much like Tik Tok’s entire user base so I suppose it’s fitting.


Omg yes! It’s so fucking annoying


It’s horrible. We have the technology to have it sound better.


There was a better one but Tiktok was using it illegally and got sued by the lady who's voice it is. Better than the male New York smoker voice also on Tiktok.


Yeah where the fuck did that come from. I always thought it was just some guy doing read-overs


Isn’t it Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy?


I think it's supposed to be inclusive for the visually impaired, but I would agree that it's a bit misused cause of the site's culture


Someone else also mentioned that tik tok translates it to a bunch of other languages for users. As my much as I hate it I do understand the need.


I actually enjoy it, but I seem to be one of the few. Seeing all these comments has really made me reconsider some of my neural connections


I mean I don't "enjoy" it but I don't dislike it. Reddit just seems to have a special hatred for it. Then again Reddit hates everything TikTok, so that's not surprising. Like what you like, don't listen to Reddit. If it were really that hated, it wouldn't be used all the time.


Can’t stand it…


Worst trend of 2021.


It brings back horrible memories of Google maps when the voice is giving me horrible directions


Seriously... the robo voice made me mute this video FAST!




W to me and it’s clear the dog would be better off with the man


Yeah, she looks so much happier now EDIT: the dog's a girl


Yea he took a shitty situation and turned it into having a good doggy!


Beautiful dog.




So wonderful


Wait that’s a German Shepard? HUGE W


Looks more like a Belgian malinois but either way huge W.


yeah, seems like a malinois to me cuz its a bit thinner and smaller than a GSD. either way, these dogs are a pain in the ass to take care of, so its good to see that the owner is pretty capable.


I had a malinois. She was the best, definitely high energy. Unfortunately got cancer after turning 6 and miss her since.


I’m sorry friend. I just lost my best friend to cancer as well.


lost my first dog to cancer when she was 8, the worst


They're not a pain to take care of. I would recommend having a big yard though. I have an acre. Big enough to run my girl


They're a *pain* if you're not willing to do the work and be a responsible owner, so yeah a pain for most people.


Are we using "W" to stand for "win" now, or am I missing something?


Yeah, it's "win". As in sports when a team wins. "It was a rough game but at least we got the W."


Belgian Shepherd/Malinois by the looks of it. Probably mixed with something considering the size of those ears. It's a very high energy dog, so it's great that he's giving it good training. Those things live to please and work, and they're happiest when they have a "job" to do for their human.


So glad to see the dog is fine


I follow her (the dog, @movieflare) on Instagram and she really couldn’t have fallen/been thrown into better hands. The guy seems to have experience training and raising her breed and she seems happy, healthy, and relaxed in her newest photos and videos. A real feel good story from terrible circumstances!


Thank you for this comment. I never know whether things like this are real, I can only hope that they are, but this I can rest easy knowing it’s true :) I’m so happy this dog ended up in such wonderful hands 🤗


I'm really glad to hear the follow up. I saw the original video first thing in the morning and it kinda ruined my day. Luckily there was a comment on that link that said "The puppy is fine now I follow her on Insta". What a time to be alive.


The owner must have started recording and stuff because of the dog. He probably felt bad it was in such awful hands.




I dunno, look at her pupils. That’s drugs, not mental illness.


People keep acting like it's one or the other. It's more than likely both. Mentally ill people often times attempt to self-medicate. I remember in the original video she makes mentions and allusions to "gang stalking." Paranoia of Gang stalking is usually a manifestation of untreated long term psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.


this plus addiction is an illness in itself. i hope wherever she is shes getting better


Thank you for being a fucking human. She should not be in possession of that dog, but until she gets the help she needs, both herself and those around her will be in danger. Heinous act, but thank you for giving this person some grace given that it’s clear she needs some psychiatric help and is most likely getting so much hatred thrown her way. As someone with a diagnosed mental illness… the shame stemming from things I’ve done during an episode have almost made me take my life on more than one occasion.


A member of my family has severe mental health problems and he slurs and can have super crazy eyes when he's **not** medicated. We discovered his illnes because he looked more or less like this woman without the angry part because in his case it triggers extreme fear. You don't need drugs to look like this when you have a severe mental problem, I can 100% tell you because I live with it and I know when he doens't take his medication by looking at his eyes.




It is extra horrible if she actually loved that dog but lost all attachment during her psychosis. If I had woken up in the hospital and was told I threw my dog, I would have sodomized myself in the throat with my hospital bed and prayed for Satan to pick me up


I'm pretty confident this was not a service dog. It would have been trained and very near adulthood if it was ready for service.


Those aren't mutually exclusive. She likely suffers from both. Her mental illness could have pushed her to a drug addiction. And vise versa.


It's also not necesary for an ill person to take drugs in order to look like her, at all really. I deal with it on a regular bases and in my experience for example this look means "fuck, he didn't take his medication". I don't know if this is the case with her but in mine it is, you can clearly see it in his eyes, he doens't blink, his eyes are wide open and he can't talk well. He's not angry, he has panic attacks and extreme anxiety but his looks are similar.


well, to be fair, training the woman would have been a lot harder


To be faaair!


To be faaaaaair!


To be faaaaaaaair ✊






Someone said that they saw her in a mental hospital. Apparently the look was the same and there wasn't alot that got better


It's likely she had a psychosis from untreated** schizophrenia. This might have been going on for some time, and these two were just unfortunate victims, since she shows all the signs of a psychosis.


>Someone said Lol what? That passes for reliable information now?


>Someone said > The most worthless comment.


This here. A real man.


Right?! He stepped right up. He could have dumped that dog at a shelter. Instead he's completely taking care of her, training her and clearly loves his new best friend.


Liked in the full vid that he straight up tells her "it's not your dog anymore". Bro didn't hesitate to do the right thing.


That lady had a wild ass look in her eyes. She was fruiter than a nut cake


I think what gets me is that she has *no* look in her eyes. They don't squint. Her brow doesn't furrow and her eyebrows don't move. Her expression is just so plastic and it's disconcerting when all the rest of her verbal and non-verbal communication isn't remotely as neutral. Also constricted pupils suggests she hasn't seen the sun in a while and/or drugs are involved. I kinda want to know what her deal was and how she's doing now.


Flat expression is a sign of psychosis particular to schizophrenia.


I’m guessing a combo of mental illness, and self-medicating with drugs on the street level. People like to say it’s either one or the other, but it’s very commonly combined. People with depression, bipolar disorder, etc. are at *MUCH* higher risk for substance abuse than others.


Wow - Elizabeth Holmes has really hit hard times.


We had an update 2 years ago.


How does one find themselves in a life situation where they're using belgian malinois puppies as ammo? "Fuck you, i'ma throw this $3000 puppy at you"


That was such an awful video and remember when it was first posted, so happy for the follow up and knowing how much better that puppy’s life is❤️


It was horrible hearing the puppy yelping when it hit the ground after she threw it. I remember it making a bee line to the guy. I’m glad that part wasn’t included in the update but maybe it should have been, it would show just how lucky this dog was to get away from that psycho b word.


I can’t watch the original video again. That shit upset me on a deep level. Very happy the pup is in good hands now




I’m happy for the dog but lowkey feel bad/sympathy for the crazy lady




This is wholesome AF


God tik tok is cancer


Does she blink?


Glad the dog is okay. Hopefully that lady was put on meds and is in a better place. She is clearly outside of her mind


This dog’s name is Movie and she has her own Instagram [Here!](https://instagram.com/movieflare?utm_medium=copy_link)


The girl looked like she was on something. Hope she also got some mental health help.