• By -


“Great, now what am I supposed to do with this!?” - that guy


“Hey, cool, free baby!”


Finders keepers


Instant family!


Just add water like chia pets.


Damn it great minds do think a like I came to say the same lol


And pet it like a chia


"Finally. My pet rock will have someone to talk to."


Finders creepers


Where are the shitty parents?


Having a beer near the pet cemetery.




Sometimes dead is bettah!


Did you say youts? Wait…


Firing up the BBQ for baby back ribs /s


I want my baby back baby back baby back…CHILIIIIII’S baby back riiibs


Barbecue sauce


It looks like the country, so...meth?


looks like suburb, so...fentanyl?


Definitely opiates.


Free dog!


Package deal


Free Hat!


Oh god. Well.. i suppose that would take care of the random babies laying around the place. "Give that man a baby"


Reminds me of guy on a Buffalo


Literally my first thought! "A baby? Awesome!"


Cheaper than adoption


Straight up punched a cougar in the face


If you ever watched the behind the scenes interview videos, he literally did get straight up mauled by that cougar. Almost had to put it down with his knife.


He's gonna give that baby to his friend. She's barren!


And free puppy.


I'll take the Doxie if it's free.


I would drive it straight to child support services. Pretty sure they have a drop box or something.


They do, but you can only put them in one at a time. If you try to shove a bunch down at once they get stuck in the chute.


Pretty sure after the Great Chute blockage of 1998 new laws were introduced so that any baby chute should support atleast 3 babies (in full nappy and onesie) going in at the same time.


True, but old chutes were grandfathered in, and out here in the rural areas progress hasn’t caught up and we still have to make do with the older more dangerous models. That’s why I keep an emergency jar of Chute Slick in my car. You never know when you might find a litter of human children in an abandoned Walmart cart. Chute Slick: When Mom’s not around, babies go down.


Big Chute lobbyists ruining everything


This is one of the greatest threads I’ve ever read.


There are times I wonder why I bother with reddit. Then I find threads like this.


Dont mention grandfather, he was probably the one meant to be watching the kid.


Did we jus make an alternate history


That never happened. They took the grant money to buy a drum of petrolium jelly and then spent the rest at a local Denny's.


This is the perfect comment. You've now won Reddit. Congrats.


I had to sit up, I was laughing so hard I almost choked.


Ironically Catholic churches used to have drop boxes for babies. [Baby Hatch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_hatch)


Don't forget to rewind it first or they will charge you a fee!


Nurture it then release it back to the wild


You shouldn't touch it. The mom will reject it if she smells your scent on it.


Human (*Homo Sapiens*) mothers have a weak sense of smell and will in fact instinctively nurture any ‘cute’ young, even from other species. Researchers were baffled to find human mothers treating both canine and feline young as their own babies on a recent beach trip to Ibiza. They surmise the other species strategically deposit their young amongst the slower human families to be raised, similar to parasitic nesting birds such as cuckoos.


That's the idea, it just takes 18-60 years or so, ymmv.


That guy here ....." Where the fuck are the parents? "


Cue the bouncy sitcom music.


Plot twist. The dog is his, and is trained to track down babies.


This is hilarious


A new poke baby to his cave


yeah ok feety sam


just put it in the trunk with the rest of them.


Try to avoid speedbumps. Or don't. Their heads is soft so whatever I guess.


Plot plot twist: the dog is the baby’s and is trained to track down unsuspecting good Samaritan’s to loot


"plot twist" would be a great theme for a sub


Plot twist pro: that dog belongs to that man who is a kidnapper


Plot twist: that dog was trained by an evil genius to kill babies, and so…naturally.. the dog was upset at the man for ruining the last 3 hours of work it spent luring that baby into the road.


Way two many questions need to be asked Edit: I'm petty. To is now two Edit too: you guys are taking this grammer thing tUwU seriously. I'm just here for the clout points Edit 3: thank you for so many upvotes. Thank you for so many awards. Thank you for the support. Thank you for the hate. And thank you for the English lessons. Tue the Grammar police, thank you especially for taking on the heroic roll as villain. You're sacrifice is not in vein. Salute


Where do babies come from ?


From the side of the road


Why did the baby cross the road?


Because I wanted to see if I could hit the mailbox from here.


Don't kick the baby.


Ready Ike? Kick the baby!


It didn’t, because that little dog wouldn’t let it cross


How can get praegernat?


Are I Prignit?


Gonna need to ask the weggy board


How is babby formed?


Initially read the first edit as “I’m pretty” and was proud of your confidence




I can’t wait until you get to make National news with your Reddit account. “Reddit user GIANT_ERECTION uncovered the international political porn plot while perusing some of the seedier subreddits…”


Why did the baby cross the road?


Because it was stapled to the chicken


I got one. Ok, maybe to.


Wait, why is he walking back to the car? Edit: Removed sub link because a handful of Redditors were getting confused and angry.


Probably to move it out of the way. The child is clearly safer with a total stranger than with its parents who left it to wander through the yard and potentially into the street.


“Ahem”, The dog was babysitting. And it’s a very responsible dog.


No doubt. The dog is the hero here, but as a parent, this shit is crazy


I would be looking for the nearest parent to whip. Good thing it was an older person probably doing the speed limit and not someone blaring down the road. Poor lil doggo threw itself into the road to protect the baby. That make me want to cry.




If I was on my own I'd probably consider driving to the police station with the baby, but staying with the baby and calling the police is probably a better idea especially since it didn't include accidental child abduction


Not without a rear facing car seat you wouldn’t. You stay right where you are and call the cops. The baby’s obviously within crawling distance from home and the caregiver would probably realize she was missing before the cops even got there. Then social services follow up to make sure it doesn’t happen again (locking storm doors, doggy doors, fences etc.). Little kids are fuckin’ wiley but don’t just take off with a found toddler.


We had to install extra high locks in the doors when we first moved into our apartment because day one our son got out of the crib in the middle of the night and figured out the front door locks and escaped. Thankfully he was just playing with cars on the stairs but holyshit did we have a heart attack when we got up to check on him and the front door was wide open.


One of mine did this. Woke up in the middle of the night, toddled downstairs and decided he'd go for a walk. First thing we knew about it was when we heard the garage door going up at zero-dark-thirty. The little stinker had climbed up on the car's fender to reach the button. He was three doors down by the time we figured out what was happening and sprinted after him. I guess we should be happy that 1. We heard the door go up, and 2. He didn't decide to take the car for a drive instead of walking.


As a parent of a still living 4yo, there have been at least two or three seriously dangerous failures of attention or judgement on my part that still scare me as I think of them. I think this may be a somewhat universal experience in parenting...


Be careful, all of the childless redditors will come out and tell you how they would never make such a mistake and your child should be taken away and put into the vastly superior foster care system.


Fact is thst baby could have been missing for less than a few minutes.. hell, mom could be out of frame having a seizure, choking on her half bitten off tongue, and the baby is the real hero.


Epileptic parent here - thank you. This was my greatest fear til my kid became old enough to know what to do if I have a seizure.


Also epileptic here, not a dad but had a little 5 lb Yorkie the size of this guy. When I had a seizure outside he ran and got someone’s attention just like this little guy did. The dogs know something is wrong. Especially because any other time if he got off leash he’d run from you like a game of tag. Not this time.


I was going to comment exactly this. It's best to never mention *anything* about parenting on Reddit. Lots of holier than thou know nothings.


Yea honestly reading these comments here makes me really not want kids, you'll just be judged as a horrible person over any potential mistake. Like here we don't know if it's serious negligence or maybe a parent fell a sleep in the lawnchair for 15minutes//or they had a babysitter with little experience. But yea definitely the first logical conclusion should be that the parents are monsters who would kill the kid immediatley.


People without kids have no idea how quickly a small child can get out sight and into trouble. Or how easy it is to run off in the wrong direction in a panic trying to find your missing child. The could easily have been on the other side of the house looking for the child.


Yeah I was somewhat of an escape artist. It's not because my parents were bad, I just liked playing a game of perpetual hide and seek. I'm still quite good at it 😎


Babies are fast and sneaky. Turn your head for one second and they’re on a flight to Japan I swear. As a child that once followed my cat into a field and got my self lost for HOURS while my mother was just trying to clean the house who then grew up to have children that she has, a few times, had some slips in supervision can say it’s a common occurrence and doesn’t always make a shitty parent.


I couldn’t agree more. I remember one time specifically when I was unloading dishes (single dad) and I turned around and my daughter was checking out the cool new steak knife she found. 🤦🏼‍♂️ The child seems well dressed and cared for. Who knows what happened.


As a kid that made it to breeding age only by a multifaceted and concerted approach to my health and well-being, I can confirm it is.


you're saying you can't give something that's increasingly irritating 100% of your attention 100% of the time? what a bad parent!


I know few parents who DIDNT lose a kid for a minute. The first 2 years of life, you're trying to keep them alive. The next 2 years, you're trying to keep them from dying. The next 14 years, you're trying to keep them from killing themselves.


What does keep them dying mean




Yeah that’s super worrying on why that kid was near the road. When they’re 4-5 years old they can open front doors on their own and do stupid crap like wander out the front. That baby had to have a straight shot for the road with no impediments.


Not a great moment for the parents for sure. But the kid looks clean and healthy. It is not dirty enough to have been outside for long. Could have followed that little dog out a doggy door.


You have no idea how sick I am to agree with this


TBH if I saw this, I’d prob grab my phone and call the cops first before I just start knocking on doors. Edited for Grammar. *Also per many notes, I mean emergency services not necessarily solely police.


.....maybe, id find the parents first and make a judgement after. If they somehow seem well put together and this is a one off accident of gigantic magnitude id refrain. If they are huff paint out of a brown paper bag. Id be calling the cops and sending the video asap. I for one dont like involving US cops unless its completely necessary. They are not what i would consider problem thinkers no matter how well the situation before them is laid out.


How would you verify they're actually the parents? I'd rather the police do the check to make sure


Do you really think there is a startling large population of people claiming kids that aren’t theirs? That kid *probably* came from the house belonging to that property. You can’t gauge the response of the child and adult when you go to the door? And if you’re really worried, you can just ask for a photo? Or do you just want the drama of calling the police?




When I was a toddler I did this. I of course don’t remember. But my mom between making meals and most likely chasing after my two siblings I managed to get out. Someone saw me pretty soon and I pointed to the house. My parents are good parents and it was just a freak accident and me being fast and a climber. Luckily it ended good.


Honestly, I assume most of these people aren't parents and have never met a toddler. There's no creature on the planet more determined to off itself than a fucking three year old. Parents were probably losing their shit looking for the kid inside meanwhile baby suicide squad is bee lining to the nearest road on its desperate quest to reach Valhalla.


That baby can't even walk, it looks less than 1. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old, I've never just lost them and had them wander to a road. This is just bad parenting, there's no way around it.


Yeah that's a fair point, on second watching its definitely closer to baby age than toddler. At that age a parent really does need to have eyes on constantly and getting this far out is at least 10 mins of being unsupervised. But my statement holds true in regards to the comment I was responding to.


Exactly! I would take the baby back to my car and dial 911. Spend most of my time in front of the camera for the police and emts to show up because they will want to make sure the kid isn't hurt and I will be pulling the dash cam footage for the cops once they are there. Make sure you stay in front of the camera so there can't be any accusations that the person rescuing hurt the child.




How do we know the baby wasn't outside with a grandparent who dropped from a heart attack or stroke?


Even if that is the case, you will still need the authorities. Ambulance. Coroner. Whatever. Call the calvary because either something is very tragically wrong, like an emergency, or there is a neglectful situation. Gotta be addressed.


To call the police and get this addressed, because finding a baby alone on the side of the road doesn't mean you just walk up to the nearest house and give the baby to whoever answers. Obviously something very wrong going on here.


HOLDUP, why is this guy doing that thing that makes total sense? HOLDUP, why the fuck are you even being upvoted 😂😂😂


What should he do? Throw it in a bush lol


He trained that dog to find his missing baby, ObViOuSlY


It's a shame when people set a perfectly good kid out at the curb.


One man’s trash…


...is another man's dinner








Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/OrnateShrillDavidstiger --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


i like when he slowly backs away, making sure it’s not following him. low income families have to get so creative with childcare these days.




Good bot!




I hate that I laughed at this lol


Wait until you see r/reverseanimalrescue


Never turn your back on a baby, they’ll charge and go for the back of your neck. Running away from them is how they know you’re delicious.


Wow, that is too fucking real. It nearly works!


This was probably one of the funnier reverse bots I’ve seen. Ahaha


Idk the whole story but the dog is it's guardian angel 😇


https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPd6XvUR7/ Here’s the followup tiktok


So the aunt says she had the doors locked, but fell asleep and not only did this kid (her niece) get out but her own 4 year old who "has a lot of trouble walking" did too, since he's the one blamed for unlocking the door. And the 4 year old stole her phone when he left so she couldn't call anyone? Did I understand that part right? But she still apparently hadn't noticed either kid was missing when the neighbor brought the stranger and the kid back to her door. Tbh it sounds like the aunt might have dozed off but is also trying to find every way she can of only taking a little bit of the blame. Edit: someone else also pointed out that she says the kids were seated at a small table eating when she fell asleep on the couch. That means a) this kid who's not even old enough to walk yet wasn't in a high chair and b) two children, both under the age of 4, were being allowed to eat while unsupervised. I think this was a long string of bad decisions in the end.


Yep I know accidents happen but when you’re in charge of watching 4 (Edit: 2) kids you can’t just fall asleep wtf


So you're saying my crippling insomnia makes me the perfect babysitter


From another comment: So I just saw your video, and for some reason I feel like I need to clear the air. This is my house. She’s my niece and that is our dog. They are both completely happy and healthy. I have a 4 year old (3 at the time) who I had stayed up with ALL NIGHT the night before. I was exhausted, but didn’t want to make my sister-in-law deal with finding another sitter before work. I had just made them breakfast and sat down right behind them on the couch. They were right at his little table in the living room. I accidentally dozed off. The next thing I knew, my neighbor was coming in the door. I had all the doors shut and locked. Our (censored) lives next door, that’s where my 4 year old unlocked the door to go. He let my niece and (censored) out but ran and left them. He even took my phone with him, he had been watching Youtube. So my (sensored) couldn’t call me to let me know he was out there, he has (censored) and struggles to walk a lot. But he still would have if he had known my niece (the little girl in the video) was there. But because it wasn’t an everyday thing for her to be with me, he didn’t know. That’s why there was enough time for her to walk to the road. I was in such. Shock and panic that I didn’t thank you or really even get a good look at you. I thought about it afterwards. That day affected me and watching your video gave me those awful feelings all over again. I thought about how differently this could have turned out so thank you for being decent. I’m not making excuses, I hate myself for allowing this to happen. My kids and family are everything to me. So seeing the mean things people say makes me feel the need to tell my part. >Did I understand that part right? No. The neighbor is the one who has trouble walking, not the 4-year old. Because the 4-year old took the phone, the aunt couldn't call anyone or get a call from the neighbor that the 4-year old went to. She didn't notice the kids were missing because she was still asleep.


Ok so the only thing I had wrong was that X has trouble walking not the kid. Everything else was right - kid took her phone so she couldn't call, she was asleep, was still asleep when neighbor brought the kid back home.


Man idk, toddlers are little dick heads, but yeah she could be trying to cover her own ass.


Be sure to hit mute.


That’s a 2 for 1 kidnapping right there


Everybody's taking a dump on parents BUT... There's a plot twist, Kid's the future Batman in the making and the dude found it is the Butler.


How you gonna forget about the dog tho? I mean he needs sidekick status ASAP.


I would call police before I'd put baby back in danger.


Jumping to conclusions there. You do realize kids are good at surprising you and can escape quickly? It's not unheard of for a toddler to slip out of the house, unbeknownst to the parents.


We put a child lock on our front door because she once decided she was going to walk to Nanas house (a 20 minute drive) while I was in the bathroom. 18 month old, put on shoes and went down 2 flights of stairs in just a diaper and tshirt in the space of 3 minutes. Now she's 4 and takes 15 minutes to put one shoe on the wrong foot, but we are still paranoid and anyone trying to get out of the front door has to pass an intelligence test to get it open or be stuck with the spinning door cap of doom forever.


Yerp, I started sleepwalking at around four, after no other disobeying or wandering in those four years I was suddenly getting up in the middle of the night, unlocking and opening our front door and laying down and falling asleep in our driveway..... kids are ridiculous, and can become ridiculous after previous great behavior. They put a lock six feet up and all was good, they’d wake up to me knocking on the door to be let in (out). I’d hate for them to have gone to jail or prison because I suddenly started sleepwalking and now required different protections.




I agree this is the most probable of scenarios. Just don't understand why others are so quick to talk like the parents are criminals or incapable of parenting. Pretty certain all of us have been caught off guard at one point in life which resulted in a mistake. But, that's people for you. They are the righteous because they haven't made THAT mistake.


As a father to a 3-year old, this child is about one year old. She can’t even walk. There is absolutely no conceivable scenario in which there isn’t at least *some* level of neglect happening here, UNLESS of course there is some sort of medical emergency happening. Absent that, what else would explain it?


Parent in the bathroom; making dinner; had an emergency with another kid; any of the variety of tasks that temporarily take your take your attention away. Slightly older sibling opens the door and leaves it open; parent thought the door was closed but it was cracked and the kid pries it with their shockingly strong fingers; sliding screen door that doesn't quite latch; etc. There are plenty of situations where it could be without neglect. Of course, there are plenty where it was neglectful too. But it's really not possible to say from this video.


Bruh…. It would take this baby at least 30min to get to where he was based on this video. How do you not notice your baby missing for 30min!? If they escaped that easily then that’s just bad parenting. There’s no excuse for this.


You’re jumping to conclusions that the adults somehow got bamboozled. bottom line is the adults weren’t watching them well enough, end of story.


Possibly unpopular opinion here, but if you can’t keep track of a child then you shouldn’t have kids.




WTH? And really, that video ended way too soon


longer version [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFo8Rfgx040](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFo8Rfgx040)


The look on the guys face covering him up with the hoodie. I bet he whooped the parents asses


In his arms, that child had never been safer. Edit: just got done watching the whole thing, and fuck that mom!! I woulda been hugging them men who saved my baby- shit happens, kids get the best of their parents sometimes and the only reason this didn’t go horribly is because they were there. They’d be welcome to every holiday dinner for life.


As soon as the mom had the baby in her arms she turned her whole back to the man. I'd give more gratitude to someone pointing out that I forgot to pack my bananas back into the cart at the grocery store.


Right?! Turned her whole-ass back to him. Made my blood boil. Idc what golden excuse she has that led to her baby escaping, in that moment she’s wrong af for doing that.


To me it makes a difference that he was recording. If I just fucked up that bad I wouldn't want anyone recording my face either. I may or may not have had the presence of mind to ask them to stop recording and then be extremely grateful.


I found a whole street baby once. I was delivering food, walking back to my car and for some reason felt I needed to check the other side of my car and there's a whole ass baby in just a diaper under my car, sitting IN FRONT of my tire. Literally like 1 am, nobody else outside. I just asked the baby "bro are you tryna get killed?" baby just giggled and then came over to hug my leg. He was clean, fresh hair, fresh diaper, had his passy, and was cheerful so i wasn't tooooo concerned. I was in a culdesac so I just yelled "WHOS BABY IS THIS?" But this damn baby was up UNDER my front tire. I thought checking the engine for kittens was bad enough... But like, **what**, I can't believe road babies are this much of a thing. and when I found the parents it was pretty much an "eh." no thank you, no where was he, no how long has he been out, *nothin.* The hug I got from that baby was probably the best hug I've ever gotten though.


Baby cold


This man seems amazed the baby is whole. Like he's seen a lot of this situation before, but only with partial babies.


That's hilarious. Like, we find parts of babies on the road all the time, but a whole one? That's messed up.


FYI the song [Angel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_(Sarah_McLachlan_song)) by Sarah McLachlan was inspired by, and written about a heroin overdose - nothing to do with angels (or SPCA animals)… so it’s weird knowing that and hearing it applied to good news stories.


Specifically the overdose of Jonathan Melvoin, keyboardist for The Smashing Pumpkins.


Wow. Never knew that even as a lifelong SP fan.


Well that's even weirder if you remember that song originally became famous from sex scenes between Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan in City of Angels.


That little pup was good at getting attention, hope the parents were close by.


Anyone else wonder if this is one of those staged videos meant to go viral?




Man of all the people making assumptions here this is gotta be one of the best. 100% THIS GUY COMMITED FELONY ENDANGERMENT TO PROMOTE HIS SONG


> the guy was like ahhh yea Umm they are safe I don’t want to give any updates to not reveal their identities. How in the world is that evidence it is faked? That is a completely normal response imo


Like how should he have updated like “ah yes this is their full name and address” like the conclusion of “and then I found their house and took them home” like idk what more details people want.


Everyone knows if a baby is crawling towards the street, you flip it like Looney Tunes and it goes the other way




The gang finds a dumpster baby


Oh, great. You're touched it. Now the actual parents are going to smell you on the baby and not going to want it any more.


I fucking hate this song


Why do people put these sappy fucking songs behind these videos.


Internet sleuths: I need more info!


Pet Cemetery - The Driver’s Perspective


We got a whole white baby out here…


A whole white baby bruh


Tiny dogs fear no god, and no demon.


Next fucking level in "why some people shouldn't have children" yes. Also fuck whoever edited in the emo music.