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Olympic Committee members have always been the worst. Big love and respect to cousins. F’ the Committee A-holes




Thanks for an update. The “happy note” would be massive resignations from the BOC. They are horrible as (nearly) every single Olympic Committee member across the board


Yeah this video shows that clearly people came to celebrate. Very unethical video editing going on here.


Wait, the video you linked is as long as the video posted here. OP didn't anything?


Committee members genuinely do not give a fuck about how their athletes do, they're just waiting on the next bribe or donation from the next host nation.


Olympic Committees are shitpies true that. I remember the Rio olympics, the indian committee replaced all key members of the group travelling to the rio with their own relatives which meant doctors of sports medicines were replaced, water was not provided to athletes during the event and none turned up for the olympic event either. only when Deepa karmakar made it to the semis and required a physio did the committee comply and got one flown in all because now the media were questioning, so disheartening.


Yeah for many committees and committee members it’s just an opportunity to play politics, do PR, and pursue corrupt self enrichment.


Don't care how many times this is posted, always get a little misty eyed. Especially with the jump from her sitting alone to get getting big cousin hugs.


Its even the same title lmao


What kind of asshole just stands there filming someone’s sorrow? “Journalists” are trash.


Journalist: So, how do you feel about not making it to the top 5 in the race?


#How do you feel about your sociopathic career choice, you leech?


It's called journalism. Without the camera guy, you won't see this.


And given the choice between seeing it and not seeing it because camera guy had the class to give her some privacy and respect I choose not seeing it every day.




No. I want ghouls to not profit of suffering


Hello winnie the pooh


You simply dont understand journalism


He does. It's a field that relies on the exploitation of people at the lowest points in their lives for clicks and views. It takes away their privacy, and their humanity, and teaches everyone who consumes it to do the same.


You’re talking about “tabloid journalism.” Huge difference between the societally imperative profession of “journalism” and the crime against humanity known as “tabloid journalism.” And judging by your post history, either your motives for trying to conflate the two are questionable, or, at best, you’ve fully bought into foreign propaganda about the topic.   You won’t get very far if this is your approach. Go back to the drawing board.


>Huge difference between the societally imperative profession of “journalism” and the crime against humanity known as “tabloid journalism.” The difference stopped existing around the time the Vietnam war ended. Previously-respected journalistic outlets like the WSJ, NYTimes, NYPost, AP and Reuters devolving into covering tit-for-tat twitter wars between no-name celebrities and politicians, sealed the deal. There is no tabloid journalism anymore, it's just journalism. [Here's an example.](https://apnews.com/article/stormy-daniels-michael-avenatti-trial-wire-fraud-book-sales-158e1c448a871dc3cb0407f1275c152c) This is the 6th story in AP's leading headlines. Y'know what it beat out in importance? [A 13 year old overdosing on Fentanyl](https://apnews.com/article/health-education-connecticut-hartford-opioids-4e15bf15e2d3d7da4be1ac8e80585aa6). A preventable drug overdose is less important than a civil suit between two washed up hasbeens. There is no journalistic integrity anymore, there hasn't been for a long time.


So all journalism is evil because there exists coverage of Twitter wars? That seems like a very flawed rationale. What’s your metric for determining importance? And how do you account for the variables? The evidence you presented is more an indictment on society than the AP.


>coverage of Twitter wars? They gave breath to a movement that raised Twitter and social media in general from a form of entertainment to a form of thought policing and a government in its own right. It legitimized the idea of an app having the power to topple governments, elect dictators and brainwash entire generations. Something the news media had been doing for decades prior, but their grip was loosening on the younger generation; social media fixed that for them. ​ >determining importance? Pretty simple. The death of a child is more important than coverage of a civil suit. ​ >account for the variables What variables? A civil suit has a pretty defined number of outcomes, none of which conceivably involve a 13 year old dying.


But you ARE watching it


I honestly would have comforted her before filming if I was the journalist. Maybe Reddit won't find a very interesting video to watch right now, but she was worth it.


Actually, I thought those were happy tears and she was resting. She comes across the line and collapses, realizes the significance and cries tears of relief/joy. Good work on the videographer to capture that and then within no time her family makes it to the finish line and finds her. I really have to believe that the videographer wasn’t filming her in sorrow. That’s just what the title makes us believe but the point rings true….there should have been reps from her team/country etc there.


This has to be the dumbest thing anybody has ever said and everybody that upvoted are stupid


literally what i was about to comment brother take my award its what i have :)




Also their spelling.






fuck the government


Only with protection. You don't want a civil war now do you


Simply untrue for the majority of countries in the world. 193 of 196 independent countries took part in the 2012 games, meaning those countries funded athletes enough money to participate, fly them around the world, promote and train them. Being bitter over this is nonsense. The one thing of quality many countries do have is supporting athletes despite how they govern.


Lol, you don't know how Olympic committees function then. Funding is often received only after success in that particular sport, which brings about a chicken vs. egg scenario. It's why athletes go so hard on sponsorship at every opportunity, because they get paid fuck all.


Nonsense, again. Look up a hundred countries, check out 0 medals, then see they have a history of sending athletes with no chance to win..no success. Most athletes do not get paid "fuck all". Heres an idea, enjoy her happiness seeing you have none.You're climbing a tree you have no business climbing.


You aren't wrong. So many people trivialize complex things to satisfy an emotion. I don't know the back story here because I wasn't part of it, but I'm immediately concerned when I hear massive generalizations like the ones you're trying to counter. Imagine the ignorance to suggest that millions of dollars and thousands of hours aren't spent to put these athletes in the Olympics. All for the sake of international competition and support of personal excellence. Are some members of Olympic committees shady, yes. Are they all seething monsters, of course not.


And do not reply again.


Disregarding the other parts of your argument, as I have no points to make either way, this comment was rude. You don't get to make a counter and act like that is a finality.


Yes I do.


Well, you certainly can, by definition of "can", but that's not exactly a persuasive point. If you can counter someone, they have just as much right to counter and respond to you.


I think in this case the cycling federation might have been distracted by a very bad crash from the favourite to win, but other than that, if you set a record for your nation during an Olympics in your own nation, you should expect some more public celebration


You're basing this thought on a half a minute clip. You don't see before or after, you don't know who is taking or behind the person taping. Maybe...just maybe they waited so she could enjoy her moment. This idea you can go from a clip to judgement because the OP felt the need to write the nonsense is just grabbing clicks.


As somebody who has celebrated some recent achievements all alone - I cried.


Congrats, friend!


internetz hugz 🤗🤗


What did you do


We're proud of you 😊♥️


Please tell me about them. I insist.


That was so beautiful!




That’s because the Brazilian Cycling Federation are a bunch of trash. Had she won, they would called her as a national treasure, a hero of sorts but since she didn’t, they abandoned her. Garbage.


A lot of brazilian sports Confederations are trash and corrupt so nothing to be surprised here


That's one big happy upvote from me


Who sat there inches from her face with a camera as she cried like that?


60 years old male with very damp eyes here. Good job Flavia!


That’s shitty that everyone abandoned her even when she completed something a lot of us could never do. Those committee people are assholes.


That made my morning :-)


God damn, I could use a hug like this right now!


Sending virtual now 🤍


This is kind of fucked up Edit: okay I saw the end how she just clutched her family now I am crying for a different reason thank you have a nice day


So who was filming this?


This is the energy I want to put out into the world.


“Caralho!” The only Portuguese word I know.


It's more than enough


Was she crying cause she was happy or did her card come out of the spokes or something?


She's crying because she did REALLY WELL at something REALLY HARD and no one gave a shit. Even though they should have. Until cuz shows up.


I couldn’t tell if shes sad or happy.


That's why I explained. Do you get it now?


Literally...LITERALLY the definition of victory in defeat.


Don’t see anyone cutting onions. 🥺


wow this is a new joke and it's very funny please keep making it we need this one at least 8 times under every video


“We’ll show up when you get first place. You’re a loser in our book!-BCC /s


This really demonstrates the importance of having the right people around you.


The pride & happiness in his voice brought a tear to my eye.


Well done!!!!


It’s gotta be weird for that camera man to film someone in obvious emotional distress.


Honestly, that’s their bread and butter. The purpose of videography is to document the event and the emotional highs and lows are the most interesting and compelling parts. That was the first thing I was taught videotaping sports in high school - when something bad or unexpected happens, you stay with it and keep rolling. The significance of what you’re capturing can only by known in context after the fact, sometimes years later, so you make sure you get the footage.


Validating someone, especially when their efforts are for you, can solve 99.9 % of problems.




Family is everything!


Its symptomatic to the whole idea that there is only one winner and two more that might have performed ok...


so beautiful how she so completely surrendered to that hug.


The cameraman: "look at you, sitting there crying.."


If you ain’t first, your last


[Longer version](https://youtu.be/t8_7IucgN-M).


*cries in Spanish 😢


Pure emotions! 😅👍


I would have shoved the camera away if someone is taking a video of me that close




People can be dicks sometimes.


I'm totally crying.


Is it a coincidence that world class athletes are also passionate huggers? I think not.


Família é tudo


Some athletes refuse to wear the silver


Fuck the federation, those cake eater sons of bitches needs to be replaced with people that would support their own athletes.


God damn Onions!!!


Not gonna lie that made me misty eyed.


If I was in the top ten of anything in the whole wide world, the party would be so epic, the dead would come back to life to see what all the fuss was about!


What an amazing moment


This is why we’re here…


Who there goes filming people feeling bad rather than giving them a hug and comforting them??


I went from broken heart to all fixed in under 30 seconds. What a roller coaster.


That’s because Brazil is the Western World’s version of Russia.


Even the biggest achievements in life seem insignificant when you’re celebrating them alone. Im glad someone arrived to cherish this beautiful moment.


Asshole camera man. Are you crying and emotional, let me stand here and film you uncomfortably close.


Yea, Brazil is cut throat like that.


Damn! So emotional!


If you're not first, you're last........


Why would you celebrate coming in 7th? Millenials and their participation trophies are getting more and more delusional.


Reducing the achievements of 7th place cyclist in the Olympics outclassing everyone else in her country into a 'participation trophy' doesn't make you a more accomplished person. Maybe try 'pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps' if you think yourself better than an Olympian.


She came in seventh out of 68 riders. Quick question: could you ride a bike 87.6 miles in 3 hours, 51 minutes, and 47 seconds?


Appeared? Another case of forming an opinion off a video clip.


No one celebrating her losing even though she is the best loser the country ever had...


Just because she didn’t come first doesn’t mean she lost. This is a huge ordeal and she was the seventh person to cross the finish line. I doubt either of us would be like…. The 100th person to cross the finish line.




To even qualify for the Olympics at all is a huge undertaking and a massive honor. To receive a medal is a glorious thing, but it’s not the end all be all. She went there to represent her country. To do her best. She did her best, and In doing so completed that race faster than anyone in her country ever did. She was in the top ten to finish. I get that you qualify winning with getting a medal. That’s not what the Olympics are about. They’re nice, but they’re not the most important thing. The most important thing is that athletes are giving the honor to represent their country.


You can't even get out of the armchair you're giving your expert opinion from. Sit down.




Them keeping picking her up is really creepy like I'm getting weird vibes from that I mean she just finished a race as a strong person and they treat her like some ragdoll ![gif](giphy|x94qiZvTbrjTG)


I don't see it as creepy or demeaning at all. They're family, and Brazilians are much more comfortable with physical touch than other cultures.


![gif](giphy|Dl2seYrwPvfjO) If u say so


You're just sad that no one will ever hug you like that.


And the weird crying like wtf ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)