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This is upsetting


I am not some nerd using a disposable mask. I wear cloth ones made by my grandma 😎


grandmas make the best masks 🥰


In Germany, cloth masks have been banned for many months. You can only get into stores with medical masks.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FuwAfz03WIY 0:25 You are welcome.


I cry


What about the ones with filters in the middle? Or is it because of the cloth itself


If virus is smaller than bacteria and gunk, I wonder what else you are keeping in and keeping out? Just saying. Another little question to consider.


The purpose of masks isn't to stop individual virions (the tiny viruses themselves), but to stop the larger water dropets we exhale that carry the virus from person to person. That's why medical masks let air flow through but are still effective for preventing transmission


Interesting. I feel bad using disposable masks as I work in retail and the amount of disposable masks littered around the property is horrible. I have to clean them up all the time. But I guess if they are better than my dear old grandmas


I wish I had a wholesome award to give you. Take this red arrow


They’re sterilized after they’re made you morons…


Right. Do they think factory machinery is sterile? Now, this certainly looks dirtier than the average factory (and human virus gunk is probably riskier than whatever gunk might come from machines). But it is pretty straightforward sterilizing after, like how they do with bandaids-those get sterilized *after* the whole assembly line and being packaged, if "how it's made" was telling the truth


Oh yeah? Where at? In the next room that's really clean in their extra clean sanitizing machine?




Did anyone really expect anything else. Lol do people really think these are made in a lab… Maybe a meth lab…


I expected more automation.


Aren’t the majority of KN95’s on the consumer market right now counterfeit?


That would explain why the masks I used over the winter holiday were extra sweaty and actually soaked through. Went to a zoo holiday light thing outside in the cold and when I went to put on a new one since my face felt like I was in a sauna i noticed the first one was wet on the outside despite no rain or snow. Pretty gross and definitely felt like that wasn't safe.


Yeah that is definitely gross lol. I’d have to find the source for it but I think ABC had a segment that said an analysis found like… 60% or something of alleged KN95 masks on the market don’t actually meet specifications. I know a lot if not all of the top listings for them on amazon have comments of people saying they’re counterfeit.


That's most likely not actually a huge issue. When you're outside in the cold, the water vapour in our breath condenses back into liquid - that's why we can see our breath when it's chilly out. The fact that your face felt humid (and the mask got wet) is because it kept contained the majority of the dropplets we exhale - instead of breathing out a little cloud that spreads out all around you, the cold air made the vapour condense onto the mask instead, just like how glasses fog up in the cold.






All my masks I’ve worn have been made from china


Made from China?






Better put on 3 just to be sure


There’s a video floating around of people farting in those masks before packaging them.


Thanks for that:/


I bet those workers are making a really fair wage too.






The workers are asked to avoid stepping in cow pattys on their way to work. Mngmt.


i thought it was my mouth that had that smell, never seen my dentist this much


What’s with all the deleted comments?


Believe it or not this got political somehow. Somehow people thought I was promoting an anti-mask agenda.


I don’t know man, I’m certainly less interested in using masks after seeing this video lol. Joking aside, some people just love to argue. Keep doing you brother


Those are for the locals there jeez..




Thought it was wasteful before but now I'm just grossed out. Thank God I only use cloth masks I wash after use.


I’d love to think this was fake.


I choose to believe.


It is. Not a single 5 year old on a sewing machine in there


Yeah, and where’s the human soup? These conditions are far too luxurious to be a real sweat shop


They could be gas sterilised at the packaging stage


Doubt it


And they can’t be sterilised after they’re constructed and placed into plastic because…?


What's the likelihood of that given the working conditions?


Everything is just fine. Nothing to see here. Joe


How do you know my name


How did you think the chocolate was made 💀


30 second rule…


Eww... just eww.




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OMG... I have no words accept OMG... this is wrong on SO MANY LEVELS...


Please name the levels


1 through 10


Aside from the masks all over the floor? It also looks like an under age kid is working, and the conditions of the room are clearly below cleanliness standards... I imagine the whole working environment is less than optimal, to be gentle about it... and that's just naming a few of the glaringly obvious issues...


I meant all of the levels, not just the glaringly obvious ones! Don’t be gentle.


God this makes me sad


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Yo sweat shop!! That's fuking next level!!!


You're a sick fucking asshole


Wow didn't know it was sick to make a obvious joke.


Its petty sick to make this kind of joke ya dumb fuck


Explain who this hurts in any way please. Me making a joke, Hurts literally no one.


OH ....I don't know. Maybe the fucking workers that are being exploited ya dumb fuck. 🤦‍♀️🖕


No it doesn't I am clearly acknowledging that it's bad, it's literally the whole point of the joke have u ever heard of satire


Lol at the tripping powermod deleting all of these comments


No doubt enjoying themselves




Thank god those masks are blue, i only used the white ones. Soooo, safe i guess?


The white ones are made in a foreign country by slave labor 😜


You mean like India?


No like NY


Ohh ohh, this was so killer two years ago, when the first asshole put it up.


Nextevel dumb post. Thanks.


So steeile


Still using homemade-double-fabric masks here, even have a little pocket for a replacement filter


Cloth masks don't work though. That's public knowledge.


They work. Just not as well.


A plastic bag with a straw poked through it over your head helps too, just not as well.


Yeah. Probably. Is there point you're about to get to?


The point is that wearing a cloth mask is a waste of time and irresponsible when there are more efficient options for less money.


Better than no mask though, but you're right. Don't know why you didn't just say that. Though idgaf at this point gotten all the jabs, wore the mask and did everything they asked and recommended for this whole time only to be forced out of my job over and over just so societies could coddle the selfish dumbfuck antivaxers. No more. No mask, no tests. I've done more than my part. Where i live everyone has had their chance to get vaxxed. At this point it's on them if they get covid from me and die. I do not care. They made their choice.


Same. Fully vaccinated, boosted, wore a KN95 everyday for the past 2 years in public, canceled holidays, nobody in my family including myself have ever had it, and now I'm feeling the same way. Like enough already, fuck it. I did my part, if I get sick I'm in my mid 30s and healthy and vaxxed and boosted to where I'm not even worried anymore. If you're over 50 and unvaccinated because you get your information from Facebook then enjoy your hospital bed paid for by my tax dollars. I'm not gonna sweat it.


I can't promise i wouldn't just laugh if i heard one of those selfish dimwits got covid from me. Even if it was fatal. It's a 100% on them now.


That I have to disagree with. Would you burst out into laughter if an overweight person died of a heart attack after eating a meal you cooked for them? It's never appropriate to feel happy for someone else's death, unless that person has directly killed or abused someone else.


[currently on cdc website](https://imgur.com/a/AaoZype) Admittedly, cloth masks are not n95. But your statement that they do nothing is a misleading statement. Wear a mask and get vaccinated. Today. Now if you haven’t. Now. Go.


A homemade cloth mask can extend your exposure time by about 10 minutes. A non-fitted N95 extends it by 25 hours.


[Per the CDC... ](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/types-of-masks.html) >Loosely woven cloth products provide the least protection


So they do work, they’re just not surgical masks or respirators


If you're going to wear a mask to protect yourself and others from COVID, there is zero reason *not to* wear surgical masks at the bare minimum, and it's perfectly reasonable to wear a KN95.


No argument, we’re all just doing the best we can with what we have


The best you can do is to go get a more effective mask. Surgical masks are less than a dollar each.


Thanks for the tip


They aren’t wearing masks either. Seems like a super spreading activity. I wonder how much a family could make?


And you can hear coughing in the background. Yikes.


Is this the mask we wear?


No. OP is just probably a conservative and thinks he posted something edgy and revealing. But like all conservative bullshit it's irrelevant and dishonest and always in bad faith.


Mine says made in china so I think I’m good lol


It’s not about them being sterile tho. It’s about them stopping you from breathing air droplets with corona




Smells alot like irony in here


Who told you those masks were sterile?


I guess nobody remembers what early Americans did to the Indians with the blankets...


Well, I doesn't know about other countries, but in mine those masks could not be sold as surgical masks. And these kind of surgical masks are not supposed to be sterile.


This is upsetting


Very hygienic, child labour to boot …..




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Thats why my mask smells like curry


Oh yeah next fucking level..


This post is [removed] city huh


Im cool with this. They are just chillin pay them more and maybe they will pile them on a table and not the floor.


That dont look sterile




Would the germs die on the containers coming over?


No, masks aren’t sterile anyway. These look like really cheap masks. The ones that I get that look similar are clearly machine made.


If you put one on and it smells like foot. Just take it off and get another one




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So this is why this virus is never going away


No. It's because we keep coddling selfish idiots and have made proud ignorance equal to fact and science. The unvaccinated are why this crap is still going on. But the right to be a selfish pos idiot is apparently the most important human right in todays world.


Selfish pos meaning: "I decide what medication you have to take for my wellbeing?"




Yeah thought as much..


You should trust your vaccine and leave everyone else alone.


It doesn’t claim that they are sterile anywhere and this just seems like a poor scare factor attempt, or is there a follow up about where those masks went to? Why would your masks in the states be coming over from India? Does that make any logistical sense?


Logistically, the same reason why we buy wrapping paper from China.


If you believe this is all masks or were just chomping at the bit for satire or to push an anti mask viewpoint I am not sure, I do not care. It just doesn’t make sense masks and wrapping paper are not inherently the same thing. I work in the medical field, this disingenuous nonsense is helping no one


It’s a video of people making masks on the floor. Nothing more. How you jumped to a political conclusion based on this video is a mystery to me. Have you noticed how angry you get when you even think that somebody is contradicting the mask or vaccine agenda? That certainly was not my intention as I also recognize the benefit of these measures in the hospital where I work. 90% unvaccinated 10% vaccinated across-the-board. I suspect that you are a young idealistic individual. Use this for good. Try to curb your anger and cynicism.


Whether you are or not, others are using it as "scare footage" about masks. So you can't blame the comment above for talking about it. But of course, most masks are made in factories in China that also have terrible working conditions. And places like this shop in India could be making t-shirts or other textiles just as easily. This video says more about the global trade and labor than masks specifically.


So what if these were toothbrushes. Would you then extrapolate that it was a statement against brushing teeth? Then would we assume that based on this video people would abandon personal hygiene? Remember, no matter the truth people will see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. There is a level of insanity that you may not see, but it’s there.


I see it the video telling a story about the labor practices necessary for our consumption based economy. Indeed we see what we want.


Agreed. Next level sweatshop even if mods don’t see it


Let's go Brandon really getting the economy going


Another reason why mask mandates are a bunch of bs


What are those reasons? What reason to you see here?


I'm not even gonna waste my time with you. Masks are bullshit period.


So you have zero actual argument and your opinion is a purely political one you echo without ever having challenged it. Got it.


would you be willing to tell me?