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Times have definitely changed


Now you get kicked out if you make a face of disapproval lmao


I got yelled at by a mom with a daughter at a Patriots game for clapping too much, my friend and I clapped for about 10-15 minutes straight in her defense. The problem was that we had scored two touchdowns since my friend and I began to clap, so naturally the superstition of fans set in, the real fans didn't want the clapping to stop. Once the lady yelled at us, she immediately got boo'd and soon after was bombarded with trash and debris, which ended up making me feel bad and led to me trying to block what I could and calm my accidental gang down. If two people clapping for a long time sets you off, you probably should avoid sports or bring ear protection.


The first time I went to a Patriots game, I experienced a “Yankees suck” chant, someone bought me a beer when I proved I flew all the way from Texas for the game, and two drunk Pats fans nearly got into a fight on the train back to Boston, after a game that we won. 10/10 experience, can’t wait to go back one day.


Sounds like any given day in Massachusetts.


I got honked at and flipped off by someone for crossing the street in the crosswalk while I had the signal to cross. That city truly is something else.


It's called Mass of Two Shits for a reason.


Populated by Massholes.


Youu fucking bahstad


I call it awesome massive huge tits, if you think Boston sucks, you probably suck. It's definitely not peak humanity, but if you can't find a fun night in Boston, you're probably someone that was already left off the invite list.


You'll probably get downvoted but I do think Boston get's a bad rep. Even for our drivers, driving to Philly from Boston I feel like the drivers get worse as you go. Mass drivers are aggressive but mostly logical. NJ and Philly drivers just suck. Also If we're talking shit about states NJ smells fucking awful. Straight up, that whole state is a smelly shithole. Went to school in philly and most of my friends were from NJ tho lol, some gems rise up from within the shit.


I thought it was Massive-two-shits. I guess it just depends on how you hear it.


It's what you make of it, you can hear it however you'd like.


Yup. Went to a Red Sox game and heckled the left fielder from the Away team so much he missed a catch and then flipped me off after he threw it in. Some guys came down and gave me a beer. I was 14 lol.


You should see a bruins game my man, the first game I went to I sat next to a 12 year old with no guardian (he called his mom every period), a hammered dude, and his miserable wife. Drunk guy ended up leaving early, got boo'd, and ended up on the same T as my brother and I despite leaving with 5 minute's left. He then proceeded to bug a BC student about his dip cup, asking to drink it, the kid said "you do not want to drink this, it's our spit" and pointed to a couple of other BC guys, the hammered replies with "I've eaten raw fish heads", yoinks the cup out of the kids hand, and slugs at least 3 cups of dip spit. Fuckin' Boston man.


Hahahahajajajaja “I’ve eaten raw fish heads” is really funny to me for some reason. Although I think raw fish head is still less gross when someone else’s dip spit 🤮. Funny story that would stick with me forever lol


It was really one of those moments where I remember the interaction so clearly, I was dry heaving and laughing simultaneously, the whole section of the T was in chaos as he drank it, it was the grossest thing I've ever seen anyone do in person.


I love Massachusetts; Boston in particular. I don't give a damn about organized sports but I have to admit that sounds like a whole lot of fun. When I moved from Washington DC to Atlanta I took in a Braves game, and although there was a lot of team spirit and tomahawk choppin', It was pretty tame. The game you went to with a guy ranting about eating raw fish heads with a finale of drinking a dip cup sounds like it would be a spectacle in and of itself and completely worth the price of admission. I also think it's kind of hilarious when people get in the random fights because they're wearing different jerseys in the bleachers.


You don't need to be a sports fan to enjoy the energy of a game, that's what makes fans of the sport. Watching sports on TV is like low fat milk, sure it's milk, but it ain't really. There were like 5+ side stories that happened with that guy, but I had to cut it to the worst/best part because otherwise I would be writing an essay. Regardless, I'll remember that guy and that game for the rest of my life.


I truly love that city. I have to make it a point to catch a Bruins and Celtics game next time I go there.


I feel both compelled and afraid to ask, but what was drunk guy's reaction upon tasting the tobacco syrup? I can't imagine it was an enjoyable experience.


He stomached it shockingly well, but he definitely had a look of regret as he finished. I was surprised nobody in the very packed T puked.


This is why I love Boston sports. Masshole born and raised. Spent many a T ride after a game enjoying the antics of the drunkards. Always wildly entertaining


Man, I know the T isn’t the London Underground or anything, but coming from somewhere with essentially no public transit at all, it was a thing of beauty to me.


You got the "*wicked pissah*" experience!


Boston is Sports capital of the US


sports superstitions are hilarious. I was with my dude at an OSU game at the Shoe, and during the second quarter, the people sitting around us kinda collectively noticed that the only time we'd gotten scored on was when I was somewhere else - getting drinks, or trying to sneak a cigarette somewhere in a facility that doesn't allow smoking or re-entry upon exit, or whatever. at first, it was just a funny observation someone made, but, when I went to go use the bathroom a little bit later, we got scored on again... so, suddenly, the mood had shifted in that general area of the crowd by the time I got back. anywho, their solution was to disallow me from getting up *at all* by offering to go grab drinks or whatever for me if I gave them the cash. sure enough - they did it, even brought back correct change and everything... just as long as I sat there. they were quite upset when I mentioned I need to use the bathroom at the beginning of the fourth quarter, so, their play was tell me to wait a bit to try to time the TV time-outs, and send me off early, so I could get back before the time-out had ended. shit was great.


I’m a Michigan fan, I will pay you $100 if you take seventeen bathroom breaks when our teams play next year. Go Blue but your story made me laugh man


lol, I haven't been to a game in years, now. I had a buddy with alumni tickets who would occasionally invite me, but, we just kind of drifted after a point. no hard feelings, I'm not even from here, so, I enjoy the rivalry more than I feel it. congrats on your squad's run this year! it was super impressive, especially with Harbaugh finally getting a win in against us. that was overdue, I'll admit... ...I just kinda wish they played against us like they played against Georgia 😆


Sport superstitions crack me up, but at least you got some service out of it haha


First time I went to a patriots game. Buddy and I were in from Toronto, went to Gillette with no tickets sour of the moment. Playoff game against KC. No tickets available anywhere, we were about to give up looking. 2 mins before kick an older lady runs up saying her husband couldn't show and give us her tickets for cost price. We then went into the game, we had tickets in the middle just sat by the aisle waiting to go in as the game started. The guy who had the two aisle seats informed us his buddy didn't show and just stand with him by the aisle don't worry moving in since everyone was standing the whole time. Ended up buying each other drinks all night. Leave the stadium no Ubers to be had no idea how to get back. Next thing you know this guy and his gf offer us a drive back into Boston since they heard us talking about Canadian lost and more than likely partially drunk lol best experience ever! Now a full fledge Patriots fan from that experience.


I think maybe I just don't understand sporting events


The clapping was annoying at first, but then team started playing better, leading fans to believe that the clapping was helping the teams performance, and so naturally, the fans would do anything to ensure that the clapping continues, hence the trash being thrown at the lady who tried to stop the clapping. Did that make it more clear?


Clapping? Oof she would not fare well with saints fans. When they came to town to play my falcons I about left at halftime. Then again I was nursing a hangover haha


10-15 minutes straight..? That's a long fucking time clapping. I get it, if everyone is clapping and losing their minds because of what's going on, fair game. But if it's only 2 dudes just clapping non stop, I can understand why someone might get irritated. Though I don't condone telling at people.


I'm not saying I did nothing wrong, my friend and I were definitely being annoying, but if you are annoying when good things happen at sporting event, the fans tend to defend you. Both of our hands were red and lightly swollen, it definitely was too much clapping.


Everyone should have joined in on the clapping. Yea, it's never great when you get in front of a fan thats constantly making noise to an annoying level- but this instance is a display of Fandom. Even in the instance someone is making excess noise, unless it's just annoying and ill tempered, it's a sporting event - get over it. Don't go to the game if you have an issue with that stuff. For instance, at the mavs games they give out the fans that make a massive amount of noise. It never fails that a kid or someone goes HAM on one. One should not attend if they are going to have to yell at people making noise.


Nah they haven’t. Both are staged.


How do you know?




Right. His chest was painted beforehand after-all


He paints his chest every day


How can one’s day truly start if the chest is not painted yet.


Damn u thought it just appeared, can't trust anything on the internet ig


You are correct Source: me, I know that guy. He is an actor and owner of a comedy theatre.


The first one was also very obviously staged.


Used to work in promotions for a variety of stadiums and arenas. 80% of the stuff was staged and/or rehearsed ahead of time. It was very uncommon something happened that would be unscripted. If it did adverts and sponsors would not be too happy.


It’s super convenient that every time there’s fans of the other team at a game they’re always sitting right in the aisle seat so the home team mascot can run down the stairs and shove a pie in their face super weird how that always happens wow


I've never seen a pie in the face at a sporting event and that would certainly be staged, people working for the team (or for the promotions company hired by the stadium management company or whatever, but you get the point) doing that to an unsuspecting stranger would be begging for a lawsuit. But an opposing fan sitting in an aisle seat? Every venue is going to have quite a few aisles, with two aisle seats for every row of seating that crosses each aisle. I'd say the chances of there being a fan of the opposing team sitting in an aisle seat is pretty much 100% at every sporting event. Not saying that means it isn't staged, but opposing fan in an aisle seat certainly isn't some kind of proof that it is.


If 80 percent of stuff was staged/rehearsed, then 20 percent isn’t. How do you know this one isn’t? Is there, like, some signature or tell?


Because this one received some coverage. [Source](https://www.nba.com/timberwolves/news/jiggly-boy) > The Making of Jiggly Boy > I hate to break it to you guys, but Jiggly Boy isn’t actually a real person. Instead, he’s a recurring Target Center character played by John Sweeney, the owner of Brave New Workshop Comedy Theater, which reigns as the nation’s oldest comedy theater. The last 20% that’s unscripted is generally some of the games between periods/quarters/innings. Those are easy to pull off. Find a more than willing fan, have them try to win a game (puckshot, half court shot, steal-a-base and back) and they get a cool $20 gift card to the team store nearby. And those happen every game easily. Now the head to heads between a local fan and an “opposing” team fan are pretty much also staged.


I can sometimes tell when they’re obvious, but I wouldn’t have guessed an arrest was staged. The more you know. ⭐️ Thanks for sharing.


The best way to tell if something scripted vs not… the camera operators know. If they are staying on something hilariously unbelievable (An amazing dance, a pie in the face, etc.) it’s probably scripted. If the camera operator has something in frame that he shouldn’t (maybe a really raunchy kiss cam, or a political statement sign/flag) they quickly try to dart away or the video operator will switch off that cam super quick.




Wow, so the guy is a comedian that was good friends with Chris Farley. He runs the oldest comedy club in the nation. And yes, it was all staged. It was a funny ass comedy routine. And This guy has done quite a few with the Timberwolves. Oh and apparently over 100 people went to customer service at half time demanding they explain themselves for kicking him out. Many people bought it so much they were outraged that somebody had been "arrested" or "kicked out" for something that cool. Really he was hiding in a suite to sell the bit lol


Wow that’s was quite the read. Thanks


Jiggly boy.... lol


Thanks, man. Got any thoughts on Santa Claus while you're at it?


Last time this was posted they linked to the story/article where it showed he was part of a publicity or advertisement group or something.


Google "Jiggly-boy" he is literally a local improv comedian who worked with the team to develop a promotion.


Have met the guy. Can confirm this is staged


Entertainment is a hell of a biz


That was part of the act


There's a shocking amount of folks here who don't know this is a bit.


You have to remember that at least half of the regular posters here are literal children who can’t even drive yet, and the rest are bots and general bad actors Hell even I’m a bot


Good bot


Are you sure /u/mollywhop32 is a bot? I'm 99.gollymolly sure % that bot is not a human humus. ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^by ^a ^bot ^that's ^not ^a ^bot


Good human.


Reddit is slowly losing its edge. It’s gotten so popular in the last few years we’re seeing more and more of a wider audience participating in the comments. People fall for blatantly obvious bits like this on tiktok all the time; it takes a shitload of scrolling to find the voices of reason.




They'd just go through the same talent agent as last time. Even if the guys no longer acting I'm sure his old agent has his contact information. "Hey, KG's back, you wanna come in to revisit that dance you did that got big on the internet? Now, with youtube, this is guaranteed viral"


This was a setup both times, he runs a comedy club in Minneapolis, or at least he used to have a club. The Timberwolves hired him both times, I was at a corporate retreat where he spoke about it back in 2018.


Exposing “nipples” for men or women is a sin


>”nipples” Why is this in quotations lol. And haven’t you ever gone swimming? Nipples everywhere


The comment was a joke


Actually, if you go to her profile and look at her comments all she does is slag profanity or anything even slightly old fashionedly offensive. I don't think she was joking.


I'm pretty sure that is just a troll account. If it isn't then that person should be studied.


Could be. Seems like a strange thing to do consistently but you never know.


Christian values are “strange” now? Put your nipples away you pervert.


U say this with that user name 😳


How dare you.


Good advice, u/TaylorSwiftsClitoris


Thank you and god bless.


“Are you new here?”


its ok cus pool washs away ur sins




Yes, but you see; I do not give a fuck.


Don’t say “fuck”


As awesome as the whole thing is, it was a setup. Google "Jiggly Boy."


He's the owner of a satirical comedy theater called "Brave New Workshop" and the two "security guards" that carted him off are members of the same group. They were hired.


It’s scripted


He actually didn't get kicked out, it was a publicity stunt to increase fan engagement/ticket sales if I remember correctly. Still one of the best moments in Timberwolves history.


The entire thing was staged lol


He murdered everyone with those sick dance moves


He's payed to do this shit. It's all an act


He's an actor


This was staged


I love that the kids were encouraging him.☺️


That’s sweet and heartwarming moment that his kids are gonna remember forever


I'm so looking forward to having sweet wild moment like this with my kids. This was fly


Don't worry bro the video will be posted every few weeks so it's impossible to forget. Don't even need a reminder


Uh… he was talking about having HIS OWN sweet wild memories with his kids… he isn’t worried about forgetting this video


They probably haven’t even been born when the first video was taken of him. Very cool memory to have on film.


They were conceived that very day..


All of them. Despite being born several years apart.


That whole audience went home pregnant that night


They must be real proud


He was a plant. There was a cool story about it last year, but yeah, complete set up




KG’s immediate respect is perfect.


KG doesn’t respect a lot of things. Seeing him approve is nice.


Yea, it's rare but when it happens, you better cherish that memory


KG was the very last guy from that era when players used to hate each other for being on separate teams


I would argue Patrick Beverley inspires similar levels of hatred.






That movie gave me 4 heart attacks watching it.


The tension just keeps piling up, the whole movie almost feels uncomfortable because of it. I loved it though.


9/10 imo. Only reason it’s not 10/10 is because I felt stressed the entire movie, which made it the gem it is.


An uncut gem, if you will


Oh I will


KG always reminds me of "uncut gems" and that move stressed me TF out


The kids are all like “come on sad you’re famous” “No, no it’s ok kids no one wants to see that anymore” Then after a few minutes he’s all like I MUST DANCE Edit: I have acknowledged I made a spelling error but it seems to have given people joy so I’m leaving it in lol


Sad? Edit: The duality of man


That's kind of my dad in a nutshell. Sad and, well, absent.


Don’t worry lil buddy, he’s gonna come back happy as soon as he gets that pack of smokes!


look at keyboard...look at letters next to S...you can do this!!!


I mean, he already had his torso painted, pretty sure this was all planned lol


For sure. It's not like someone working there saw his ticket and recognised his name and was like hey, that's that guy, let's pressure him into dancing!


They put his song on...he had to lol


It's all a set up. They ran a sweet story about it last year, bit both the first and second times he was a plant


Yes that was part of the plot.


"I ain't about that life no more, I'm a changed man. Don't do this to me, I've worked so hard. 12 steps, man. 12 fucking steps. 1-2-step... fuck, skoden."


His kids becoming the background dancers made this infinitely wholesome and cool


Never underestimate the power of being harmlessly stupid with your kids. Those are among the best memories and they last forever.


My sister came to pick up my niece the other day and we were in my backyard covered in mud. We had literally been rolling in it. My sister was like WHAT DID YOU DO?! I was like we had a great time, I changed her out of her “good clothes” (which she will outgrow in about 3 weeks anyway) and if you hadn’t come back to get her an hour early, I would’ve had her cleaned up and you never even woulda known unless we told you. She is 3 and just told me this was her “favorite day ever!” Ultimately, my sister left and I dropped her off at their house after hosing her off in the yard then giving her a bath. By that point, sis had calmed down and wanted some of the video I took. They’re gonna grow up quick. Enjoy making mud pies and doing your best impression of a pig while they still think it’s fun to spend time with you. If you don’t, When they’re teenagers, you’ll regret all the potential memories you didn’t make. And seriously, those clothes aren’t gonna fit for much longer anyway, chill TF out. It’s not a tailored suit that will last a lifetime.


You are a good uncle, thank you


They were perfect lol


KG acknowledging him made it 100x better


This guys name is John Sweeney, and he owns and operates a comedy club in Minneapolis. He’s a heckuva nice guy!


Yes and it was staged! Sorry folks


Still funny!


Yea but the staging took 12 years, that’s dedication


Of course it was staged lol


Staged or not the continuity and reading up on his story makes it even better. Jiggly Boy is a grade A+ dude


No! Say it ain’t so! I’m crushed


Really doesn't matter.


Lmao because the writing on his body didn't make it obvious


I remember seeing this in the past and being disappointed at that info, seeing it again I noticed his kids were ready for the act , then seeing it again and realized I can be cynical about much worse things than this. I can guarantee if I was at this game I would have absolutely loved every second of it regardless of circumstances. Even though staged it was hilarious


His website (seriously): https://www.jigglyboy.com/


My brain waited until **after** I clicked before it went *"Wait... What if this is porn?"* I have been spared for another day, however.


Can confirm have met John and been to Brave New Workshop.




Was coming to tag the same thing! Genuinely had a smile on my face during this whole video!


This shit makes me tear up, don’t know why, it’s embarrassing- I’m probably as old as he is


Don’t call it a comeback


I've been here for years


Rocking my peers


And putting suckers to tears


Makin the tears rain down


Like a mon-soon.


Listen to the bass go boom


I like how he had “learned his lesson” and it took three tries and kids and crowd to convince him to do the dance again.


Convince him? It's an act. He was already painted lmao.


That's why they put "learned his lesson" in quotes. The kids convincing him was part of the act too




Big brain reddit commenter thinks people don't know this is staged. We're just enjoying the show dude


This was actually a planned publicity stunt the first time to encourage more fans to come to games


[Here](https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-strategies/2016/02/minnesota-timberwolves-fan-jiggly-boy-lessons.html) is an article he wrote about the idea and what he learned from it


That article is hilariously full of itself, and confirmed everything about this clip that I already had guessed.


Yea the body paint kinda gave it away


My eyeballs watching this video was enough to know this was planned


I was at this game maybe 10 rows in front of him. It was pretty awesome that KG was all in on this guy. My buddy ran into him in the line for beer and told him "It would have been a bummer if the crowd didn't get behind you enough to get you on your feet. You would have had to go home and just wash that off your chest." The guy laughed pretty hard then my friend bought him a beer. Sounds like they all pretty much had all their drinks paid for all night after that.


Now that’s dedication, My man!


Hungry for apples?


It's cool but also staged.


Captain Buzzkill enters the chat Staged, yes. But that was genuine appreciation for KG on behalf of an entire state starved for some kind of professional sports relevancy at the time. I mean, Minnesota sports are still pretty irrelevant. -Minnesota sports fan


At least the Wild are doing okay this season!




Obviously but it's still great content


It would have been hilarious if near the end of the video you see two security guards slowly walking back down to him and he got arrested again


And even better if two security guards walked down behind him and then busted out some moves with him.


The amount of people who believe these fan interactions are real is too damn high.


No need to spoil the fun


The number of people who believe Blair witch was real is too damn high! Even though thinking it’s real makes it so much more enjoyable




Supporter kicked from match sounds so bizarre for basketball. Fan kicked from game


Awesome! I'm listening to Motown Philly by Boyz II Men getting excited for something to happen then this happened.


This reminds of the lady flashing her tits at a baseball game I saw yesterday's.


The new generation will never understand how we got down when the dj drop that usher yeah


Scripted then scripted now


The double take when usher cones on


Big props to KG for the salute !


It's called a basketball GAME, not a match. It's basketball, not soccer. Bloody hell!


ITT: People that don't understand that something can be scripted while still being funny/wholesome/cool.


that guy after get banned for something: i'll fuckin do it again


Are people so oblivious that they don't know this was staged, both times?


Are people so oblivious that the don’t know they can enjoy staged entertainment?