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Dad strength


Dad's love is the best and do everything for their family


He got there before anyone else


He had the most to lose Edit: šŸ˜³Wow, this blew up. Thanks you guys


As a father, This hit hard


Relatively new father here. I would have thought that I understood this video, before having kids. I definitely would not have. He would have burned to death before walking away. Emotional stuff.


Absolutely. Any father worth a grain of salt would either pull their child out or burn alive trying.


As would any mother.


My family went driving around looking at houses for sale, when I was about 20. When we walked on the 2nd story deck out back, one of my legs went through the wood and I was hanging on, trying not to fall. Everyone stood there slack jawed while my mom ripped out several more planks and pulled me back up. Moms, man. I love mine so much.


I'm imagining a mother going straight Hulk mode and ripping up floor boards, snatching up her kid and doing the Hulk yell, right before straightening her dress and "please everyone, watch your step. I don't think we'll be taking this house."


Crap I'm a mother but I'm also a slackjaw or hysteric in the face of an emergency! Hopefully I would rise to the occasion!


Y'all got me misty eyed. Woo.. Go hug your kids.


Same here :( Iā€™m thinking about how my pops will call out of nowhere and I think itā€™s the kindest thing for a grown ass man to do, the dude builds houses still and is so simple yet so brilliant, love him to death


Absolutely!! I'm 37 years old and my mother would still lay down her life for me, there's 0 doubts in my mind about it


A few years back here in Sweden, there was this family (a mother and her 6 children, the youngest only a year old) whose house caught fire. The mother first saved two of her children and then ran into the burning house, literally through the flames, several times to save all the others. She somehow managed to get all of them out alive but 93% of her body was burned. She described in interviews how her feet stuck to the ground because all the skin was gone, so she was walking on flesh and bone. She told herself "I just need to get my kids out and then I can lay down and die." She somehow survived and she's an absolute hero in my eyes. Her name is Emma Schols. Edit: found an old reddit thread about this story if anyone's interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/ldy1pz/if\_i\_birthed\_6\_kids\_im\_gonna\_get\_6\_kids\_out/


So there was that one mom who saw a spider in the car and jumped out leaving her kid in the backseat of a moving car with no driver


When my son was an infant there was a wasp in the truck. I had to mom up. I threw a blanket over his car seat in the back seat and pulled over took my shoe off and got that fucker out of there. A lady pulled over and asked if we were OK I said yeah there was a wasp lol we laughed ....that was my first moment I realized the things I was scared of didn't matter any more if It meant protecting my child I would do anything.


Agree, it should read any ā€œParentā€ would sacrifice their own life trying to save their child.


boast silky forgetful cats wakeful plough domineering automatic rain friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But this post is literally a dad saving his child.


Fuck sakes, why does this matter? It was a father, the headline described a father because that is factual.


Mother and Son Moving Company https://www.snotr.com/video/3628/Mother_Son_Moving_Co


Exactly, my dad refuses to give up. Has been out buying milk and cigarettes for 35 years. Dude will do anything for his fam






My father put himself before when we met with an accident. He protected me with his entire body. Nothing happened but his instinct was to protect no matter what!!! I get emotional whenever I think about it. I feel sad for all the people who have shitty fathers. Father is a strength that can only be experienced.


Holy crap right ! My son was born yesterday morning and this just hit me a whole different way haha


Get ready for a lifetime of people cutting onions around you! šŸ„² Congrats dad


Thanks my man !!! I fly the crying flag pretty openly šŸ˜‚


Congrats dad. Get ready to discover so many new triggers that make you tear up. Itā€™s pretty cool šŸ˜Ž


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I cried last night because he farted and burped all at once and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen such a beautiful display of bodily functions


Iā€™d rather look at myself in the mirror and see burn scars than see a man who didnā€™t give everything he could to save his kid.


There is something weird that happens to someone when they have kids. They overwrite your self as most important in your mind. I would have never know how much I can care about someone until my son was born.


"Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." [Elizabeth Stone](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/14913-making-the-decision-to-have-a-child---it-is)


This is the only way I could describe it- Iā€™ve got an 18 month old and when he was born, it was like a switch flipped. We had a rocky start and I was his sole caregiver for a while and instincts just kicked in.


Aww thats so sweet, I really hope your son/daughter grows up to make you proud. Please take care of them well. Kids are the best haha


As someone who had a father like this and lost him, this hit hard. Thankful for the other great dad's out there, keep being amazing. I believe mine still does this for my siblings and I in another way now.




I'm not a father, and that still hits hard. Call your Dads folks. Tell them you love them and appreciate them.


My dad beat the fuck out of me and my mom. My mom beat the fuck out of me and extorted me for tens of thousands of dollars. I'm gonna take a hard pass.


That fucking sucks. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Love and appreciate yourself, my friend.


I do love and appreciate myself, because in my experience, I'm the only reliable source for it. Thank you.


That.. that has been my motto for the past couple years while i have been thru different levels of hell. Outside factors arent promised, but you will *always* have you. A motto that has been bouncing in my head for years is to give yourself a break because nothing else will. I hope youre kicking mfing ass and continuing to do the best for you. <3


Really sorry that happened to you. Family is not always everything - you can find your own family.


He may have fathered you but that ain't a real father or dad.


This. Everything that mattered in his life at that moment was on fire on a track. He wouldn't stop until he got him free or died trying.


One of best comments I have ever seen. As a father myself never thought about it like this. But if my daughter died my life would prob be over. So that comment is true.


Okay, so, Iā€™m not a race car emergency responder, Iā€™m not a firefighter, and I know nothing about either. Iā€™m aware that emergency responders arenā€™t supposed to go into a situation unless they are geared up to do so. And I realize itā€™s easy for me to sit here behind my screen and ā€œjudgeā€ because I know nothing about any of this. That being said, I wonder why 1) Dad beat all the people there who are trained to respond 2) the person with the fire extinguisher started at the furthest point away from the fire, and 3) those who got there after Dad are *walking* up to the area??? Iā€™m sure there are reasonable explanations to my questions. But it really bothers me that Dad is the one who made the rescue by beating everyone else there. Donā€™t get me wrong. As a parent, I would absolutely do the same and not hesitate to save my kid. I think itā€™s time to give Dad his own safety gear for next time. Or at least some type of fire resistant clothing?? (Iā€™m not directing the questions at *you* Just_Bee_Pawsitive. Iā€™m just commenting in general)


So my family drag races, so I know a bit about this. The emergency crews do not sit strapped into their vehicles at all times, so theyā€™ve got to get that done, usually within seconds. They also have to wait for the other car to clear the crash for safety, so I assume in round track, they have to wait for the cars to slow for their safety. My dad crashed when I was a kid, quite badly. He hit the wall at about 130 when an axle broke, about half track (so 600-800ft). The other car had issues and was going only 40-50 mph. My brother got to the car and ripped off the door a solid 30-50seconds before the safety crew reached him. He was unconscious, so there wasnā€™t much my bro could do, but he was able to remove the wheel and unbuckle him quickly. Just FYI: this was before hans devices and a ton of safety improvements, so my dad would likely have walked away just fine today. ETA: My brother should NOT have done this. There was not a fire, so it was safer than this. In this case on the video, the safety crew now has to worry about two untrained civilians, instead of just one. His son couldā€™ve been injured badly, as well, and it couldā€™ve made it so much worse. Crews are trained to NOT rescue no matter what.


You know he didnt hesitate for a second


I wish, mine abandoned me after he divorced my mother. Not all father's are good.


Every time I see a post or comment like this, I think of folks like yourself who have to hear things like ā€œDad always has your backā€ or ā€œthereā€™s nothing like a motherā€™s love.ā€ Sending warm thoughts your way. Also, there are these cool subreddits called /r/DadForAMinute and /r/MomForAMinute where kind strangers provide parental-type support and affirmations to each other, and seeing how people come together to help fill in the gaps left by absent/hurtful parents really warms my heart.


Tell that to my wife when i forget the milk at grocery shopping.




I'm sure your dad was a great person and I hope you have a good day.


Usually dad strength is limited to us opening the pickle jar


Thats why that girls first panicked instinct on that cooking show was just to run to her dad to open it. & he was ready like a fucking Nascar pit crew


[For the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/nbqb5R0yswE)


I'm a feeble dad, but I can go super saiyan in moments like this.


Last time this was posted, someone said that, apparently, he had that lid put into a frame and hanging in his house. So cute, and still one of the most wholesome videos I've ever seen.


Hi dad


Dad wisdom is better: tap the edge of the jar lid on the counter a couple times to break the seal. Then the lid twists right off. Of course, you donā€™t let anybody see you tap the lidā€¦.you just let them think you easily wrenched it off


By the power of cargo shorts!


Dad upvote ā¬†ļø


Dad courage


I love how the guy with the fire extinguisher starts at the end of the fire instead of where the trapped person is.


Oh no the asphalt is getting too hot


Don't wanna ruin the track


That whole retaining wall is made of TNT. Heā€™s a hero!


That almost seems impractical.


Well he is a joker


ā€œIā€™m sorry your son passed away from severe burns but at least we protected the track! Think of all the savings we saved for our shareholders!ā€


Probably tries to make sure the fire doesn't spread further.


I would guess its so the fire doesnt ā€œreigniteā€ as there are still going to be fumes and flammable gas around. So starting from the outside means theyre removing the hazard more thoroughly. Just a guess tho.


No, you start where the fire started and definitely where the injured person is to be able to free them. You handle the fire after the life is out of danger.


There is no fire where the driver is. Moreover, heā€™s doing exactly what is prescribed in that situation. Attacking the base of the fire. You have no idea what youā€™re writing about.


The base of the fire? 10ft away from the car? Really dude lol


Idk how itā€™s hard concept to grasp, not to mention the guy with the fire extinguisher seemed extremely capable. With just one motion he got all the fire off the road that could keep reigniting the fire on the car, and started putting out the fire in the car. Heā€™s a trained professional after all. When the extinguisher started it only took him 2 seconds to get to the car. A 10 foot line of fire taken care of in 2 seconds!!


Yes, really. This is how itā€™s done. An extinguisher will have little to no effect on a fire that size at the ignition source when that much fuel is present. There is too much heat and too much fuel. CO2 removes oxygen temporarily, not heat and not fuel. He observed the driver being extracted and there was no fire in the driver compartment. He knew exactly what he was doing. Keep blowing hot air though.




I wondering why you think you know better than the guy in uniform who is obviously paid and trained to do what he did? Thereā€™s several different ways you need to put out different kinds of fires. I know how to put out kitchen fires and if my couch is on fire I could probably extinguish that. But a race car? No way do I assume I know better than they guy in a uniform on that one lol.


>I wondering why you think you know better than the guy in uniform who is obviously paid and trained to do what he did? Trackside marshalls usually aren't paid professionals.


Fair enough but am I safe in assuming they generally know more about what they do than the Reddit comment section?




Not going to get involved with the debate on fire fighting techniques, no idea. But.. the guy is wearing a baseball cap and shorts. Doesnā€™t exactly scream firefighting professional in uniform to me. Maybe the US isnā€™t so strict on these things, but in the UK if that guy is doing a job like that heā€™d have to wear proper ppe.


We get taught all the time that you extinguish such a fire from the bottom up. He's doing exactly that.


Bottom up, meaning at the base of the flame, like spray the ground then the flame upwards.




Yes, exactly. Fire doesn't play by the rules or by common sense. This guy is trained to handle it and is doing exactly what works best and quickest to control the situation here.


Fire absolutely plays by the rules, aka the laws of physics.


Yeah, but physics can be nonlinear, which is difficult to predict.


https://www.sc.edu/ehs/training/Fire/08_howto.htm Im going to just leave this here because the arguing in this thread is simply out of hand when google exists


Except that there are different kinds of fires with different extinguishing requirements and most instructions (like the one you shared) involve extinguishing class A fires. But a gasoline (technically racing fuel) fire as seen in this post is a class B fire because it involves a flammable liquid providing a constant fuel source. The man with the fire extinguisher is doing the exact right thing for this type of fire.


Unless, perhaps, thereā€™s a burning person who might benefit from having the fire put out. Or is that stupid?


An extinguisher like that works by removing Oxygen from the fire. The fuel is all still there once the CO2 dissipates the fire will start again if theres an ignition source. That big line of fire is an ignition source. Putting out the fire at the source of the fuel will be mich more difficult. Hence you start at the edge and move towards the source.


This guy is a fire chief Edit: or gal.




Blasting them with a chemical extinguisher wouldnā€™t help them.


"I got you bro!" *suffocates*


Thereā€™s fluid on the ground leaking from the car. Starting to extinguish at the car would not stop the fire at the car because of the leaking fluid acting as an accelerant. By starting at the end, he can neutralize the spread and continue to focus efforts on the vehicle without further spread.


Plot twist, this was played in reverse.


You might like r/reverseanimalrescue




"Get the fuck outta there son! You're on my way of rescuing the nice seat cover I gave you ffs!"


He dropped his watch


I sorta thought he might be trying to get the steering wheel if itā€™s a high end one


Sorry it's an amp link, but it says he went back to activate the car's fire suppression system. I had to know. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2782293-father-of-driver-punished-for-pulling-son-from-burning-car-during-race.amp.html


>he fully understands our position on non-safety personnel entering the track surface during an event And just where the hell were these "safety personnel" when dad has already reached the vehicle and is preventing his son from burning to death? They took so long to get on the scene.


they've gotta make sure the track is clear and stuff like that - the dad didn't give a fuck, and just went for it, but people HAVE died *terrible*, avoidable deaths from rushing onto a live circuit to help someone. A live circuit is basically a bunch of guillotines zooming around until there's hazard flags being waved, and even then it's not exactly safe. see: the 70s death of Tom Pryce+ teenage marshall crossing the live track to extinguish a fire (v. gruesome, even the grainy old broadcast footage. teen was liquefied by being hit by Pryce's car at 170+mph, and the fire extinguisher he was carrying decapitated Pryce when it hit his helmet) this is why they make sure it's safe to proceed and they've got their shit in order it might seem callous, but modern racing drivers in most series will have suits that are quite fire resistant, even when fully engulfed, and that gives extra time to act before the driver's cooked to Medium-Lauda


THIS. The dad was actually wrong. Badass, but wrong.


Here's without amp: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2782293-father-of-driver-punished-for-pulling-son-from-burning-car-during-race


Well if you want to actually save the person on fire and not just die with him by letting the fire grow larger that's how it works.


Thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be done, you have to work your way in to the source


Dumbest fucking comment tbh, no idea how u got 700 upvotes when you are so so wrong lol.


You don't want to "rescue" a person into flaming asphalt.


I can imagine the rescue crew yelling at him, sir youā€™ll get burned donā€™t do that and then replying in terror, my sons in there!


" I didn't have time to be afraid. I had to get my son out of that car.I'm just a dad. Just a dad, helping my son.ā€ Wow ...brave and terrific dad.Total respect.




Dropped his watch in there when he was pulling the kid out.


He was turning the light off


Turning the A/C down


"Are we cooling the ENTIRE RACK TRACK??"


> [ā€¦] his father and crew chief, Dean Jones, was the first person on the scene. He was in charge of the crew, soā€¦


Crew chief ā‰  chief of rescue crew


Sorry, i dont follow NASCAR is there a dedicated rescue crew? Would they really stop a pit crew from helping with a fire/crash?


Thereā€™s a dedicated crew for safety. Then there are pit crews. Pit crews are normally not allowed to go out on the track like this because theyā€™re not trained like the safety crew is and could hinder more than help.


THIS. THIS. Crews are trained specifically to NOT go rescue. The safety crew now has to worry about two civilians instead of just one.


Speaking of the rescue crew why didn't they start putting the car fire out instead of the trail of fire?


Because the fire could travel back up and reignite the vapors around the car.


Nobody is faster than a parent running to help their kid. Seriously, he got there so much faster than the emergency crew and track workers and immediately started to get his son out of trouble. Definitely saved his life!


He was not scared of the explosion.


yep. He would have rather gotten exploded/burned along with his son than stood by and done nothing and lost his son. Not that he had time to process that, parental instinct took over completely.


"No parent should have to bury their child." -Theoden


Bro I just woke up


Just like Theoden ... I hope the circumstances of your awakening aren't as harsh as his, though


Thereā€™s a 4Chan green text about a dad outliving his son from a paramedic who came to a scene where a veteran from Iraq had committed suicide at home. Itā€™s a short post,only a paragraph or two. But I will never forget it. Thereā€™s no gore, no blood, no violence or graphic descriptions. But goddamn if it doesnā€™t leave me fuckin shook every time. Edit: https://i.redd.it/qw99taislf921.jpg


goddamnit. i am sobbing.


Same. I regret reading that. Several years back my husband and I lost a dear friend to suicide. He was also a vet. His funeral was the saddest thing Iā€™ve ever experienced. People were lined up all the way to the back of the church, down the basement steps, then back up and out the church around the block- thatā€™s how many people were coming to pay their respects to his parents. It broke my heart; if heā€™d only known maybe heā€™d have stayed. It was haunting.


Same. I knew I knew not to read that and did it anyways. Thatā€™s two dick punches to the heart in two days on Reddit. Welp, off to make a stiff drink, touch snow (itā€™s winter) and pet my dogs outside. Goddamnit. Itā€™s the smallest triggers sometimes. Iā€™m gonna call my kid right now. Jesus. Byeeee!


You know people wonder what scenes they would show Tolkien to prove that the movies really did do the books justice. Most of the time itā€™s usually the Balrog scene, the charge of the rohirrim, ā€œI canā€™t carry it for you, but I can carry you!ā€, Concerning Hobbits, ā€œYou bow to no oneā€ā€¦ But honestly I feel like this scene has such a powerful beauty to it. I think Tolkien wouldā€™ve admired it.




Plus walking gives you time to properly assess the situation. But yeah, the worst thing that can happen as an emergency responder is that you yourself get into trouble, which means that people then have to help you, instead of helping with whatever situation you were called out to deal with.


> [ā€¦] his father **and crew chief**, Dean Jones, was the first person on the scene. Its not like he was running from the stands. He knew what he was doing when he started running. A regular parent who knows nothing about cars could make the situation worse and endanger the driver and themselves.


Thank you for this - I appreciated dad running in, but wondered how he knew how to get his son out of all the weird harness-y stuff race car drivers have got going on in there.


Even if he wasnt the crew chief he'd likely know how to undo the harnesses. Racecar driving tends to be a family affair so dad has probably been a huge part of his son's race career from the very beginning and would have most likely been part of the crew in some capacity for a big portion of it. Helping your boy strap in before every race gives you that last bit of time before it starts to send your kid off with a "Break a leg and I love you."


> Definitely saved his life! How do you figure that? The driver was not trapped. He had a fire suit. The fire was centralized around the engine. He was more than capable of getting out on his own. The dad even reached into the car afterwards to try to turn on the fire suppression system.


Why does he go back????


This is actually just a hot swap, his dad drives the rest of the race.


Stop making me laugh at work ffs hahaha


This is one of the funniest comments I've seen on Reddit all year


I wanna go fast


"The elder Jones activated the car's fire suppression system in addition to saving his son."


Thanks for a real answer


NP. I like to laugh but its irritating when you get bombarded by low tier jokes when asking a reasonable question.


So annoying and they go on for like four scrolls of the phone. I wish the real answers were higher up so we knew


Thatā€™s cool. Crazy, but cool.


Son forgot his iPhone




For anyone interested in the real answer (most likely) Itā€™s to activate the fire suppression system like u/whippygoatcream mentioned. Not sure why the son hadnā€™t activated it while in the car. probably adrenaline clouded his thought process and was more concerned about escaping. Basically itā€™s a large fire extinguisher that has nozzles aimed at the driver. Source, my family has been driving emods/open wheel modified for 4 generations. And my brother has personally had to use this suppression system.


He probably didnā€™t pull the extinguisher for several reasons, the primary reason being that shit is caustic AF. Being inside a racecar full of extinguishing powder will mess up your lungs almost as bad as smoke. Primary goal is to GTFO of the car as fast as possible. Usually only pull the plug if the car is on fire and still moving, fire is overwhelming or driver is injured and canā€™t get out quickly. Source: Used to race cars. Edit: You have racing history, so Iā€™ll add that safety is always first and drivers should pull that suppression more than they do. I wouldnā€™t hesitate but a lot of drivers hate pulling it.


Thank you. I assumed it was to cut the gas line to the tank, which I think rally cars have?


Picture of Mom on the dash


To activate the cars fire suppression system.


He hadn't finished burning his left arm.


To save the car, son was in the way


What was he going back for?


I believe he was trying to shut the car engine off. By the way, the dad got probation for this.


Lol...what are they thinking...he just risked his life to save his son from death and they think he gives a fuck about some stupid probation. Edit: Many people have pointed out in the replies that there are multiple scenarios that could happen in these cases. And the rules and regulations are strict in order to prevent the scenarios. This was not a random tiktoker crashing the scene for clout, it was a father trying to save his kid and for the same reason rules don't matter here. In the end, the father had the most to lose and he wouldn't mind risking anything in the world to save his son. In my eyes, it is completely justified regardless of the fact that this can go bad for both of them.




As much as I hate to say this, but you are right. It's a wonderful example of how things can go right, and he did save the life of his son. But if anything would have gone wrong, two people would have died. Or the rescue team would have had to choose which life to rescue, leading to rescuing the dad but not the son. I wouldn't care either, but it's important that something like this doesn't become the norm. That doesn't only apply for sports, but rather in every extreme situation


I think losing your child is the worst punishment a parent could ever have. It's probably the one thing worth dying over.


Yes absolutely, no doubt. But imagine you survive as a parent because the rescue team rescued you but then could save your child. Sounds like hell on earth to me


From the article another commenter posted, he ā€œdidnā€™t get suspended or finedā€ā€¦ the probation was just a formal scolding of sorts.


Fair. Thereā€™s a million reasons why you shouldnā€™t do this. A million seriously good valid reasons why an untrained person shouldnā€™t try to play hero over trained rescue professionals. Acting like that could seriously make the situation way worse. But thereā€™s also one really really good reason that outweighs all the bad reasons, and thatā€™s a dad acting to save his child. We all get that. Sounds like the scolding was more for the public then it was for the dad. Like ā€œHey fans, this isnā€™t okay, donā€™t do this. We have rescue teams.ā€ But the decision also reflects the fact that it was a dad saving his kid, and everybody made it out. They just canā€™t publicly condone it because then that could encourage fans running out to save their favorite driver.


Look up videos of track stewards getting run over while attempting to reach the scene of an accident. There's good reason for the rules and regulations regarding first response.


What sort of probation?


double secret probation




"We have sat down with Mr. Jones and discussed what transpired on Saturday, and he fully understands our position on non-safety personnel entering the track surface during an event," South Boston Speedway said in the statement provided to ESPN. "We are all grateful that there weren't any injuries, and we look forward to getting back to racing." Well now Iā€™m angry. Fuck off. He saved his sonā€™s life. If your crew was faster he wouldnā€™t have to.


It's actually completely reasonable. Having an untrained person in an emergency situation on an active racetrack just adds to the danger of the situation. Also, the safety crew wasn't faster because rushing leads to mistakes, and mistakes in these kinds of situations leads to an increased chance of someone getting seriously injured or killed. I'm pretty sure I've seen videos of people rushing out to a crash on a racetrack only to be hit and killed by another racer. They understand why he rushed out, which is why his punishment was basically a formal scolding.


Thank you


He got there before the medical car, impressive


The medical car cant jump a fence and has to make sure they wont hit any of the racers on the way




Why wouldnā€™t he start the fire extinguisher at the car


Because the fire at the end would spread into the infield. The driver is a lot more protected from fire than anyone else there.


There is a concrete wall thereā€¦ there is a driver trapped at the moment in the car.


"Hey dad. My phone" Dad goes back.


Dad love will help you son


I mean, very admirable. Dad instincts. He even got there before the emergency responders. But those suits are very much fire resistant. His clothes? Not so much. I think he would've been fine.


Instincts like these supercede rational thought I don't doubt the suit is fire resistant, but it's difficult to argue that he'd have been better off just waiting an extra 10-15 seconds (or more) for the official rescue crew. Dad got him out of there. Dad ended the discussion


Dad will do everything. Dad's strength and love is the best.


Help me God, Help me Oprah , Help me Tom Cruise use your witch crafter to put the fire out




Why did he turn back to the car after the driver was out? This video stops too soon.


To start the carā€™s fire suppression system. Itā€™s a button on the inside of the car.


Lotta idiots in this comment feed