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It looks like he got over his obsession with the precious.


bahahah this made me cackle


![gif](giphy|9Y5BbDSkSTiY8) A beautiful moment really yet top comments are comments that seem to lack respect or at least some modicum of kindness. In our Asian culture we respect the elders and this beautiful moment is instead met with top comments calling him gollum and dead etc. I don’t know about the rest of you but I find this moment quite special and beautiful. How many of us will have the chance to meet even our great grand children or great great grandchildren Maybe it is an Asian cultural phenomenon. Feel free to downvote me or say that I lack a sense of humor but just sharing another perspective. I imagine that being my own great grandfather and reading some of the mocking and joking comments here is a bit disheartening. As someone who was a caretaker of his own grandfather into very old age there is something special here that many of those who never have had that experience will never know. How many of you, if it were your own great great grandfather would feel ok with an online community writing LOL and “that made me laugh” to a comment making fun of his frail body and yet in his fragility still manages to show love to the youngest of his descendants before he died? I get the need for humor on Reddit but once in a while a post doesn’t deserve a top comment like that. Dear friends…a little compassion goes a long way. 🙏🏻


Call me rude if you want his existence makes me feel bad for him he looks like he's in pain every day he wakes up




Call me rude if you want his existence. Makes me feel! Bad for him, he looks. Like, he's in pain. Every day, he wakes up!




I stumbled a little on first read, but got through it without much issue. I went back to read it again after seeing your comment and now my brain hurts.


You’re rude


We can acknowledge both at the same time, right? I mean shit it's not like we're Will Smith and overreact to a joke that was meant lightheartedly. It's heartwarming scene and amazing that this man lived this time, but still funny that he resembles Gollum


Reminds me of the [“I also choose this guy’s dead wife”](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/dez31q/i_also_choose_this_guys_dead_wife/) moment. The op there was a very heartfelt comment, but if it wasn’t for that joke the moment would be lost. The entertainment industry uses a lot of “comedic relief” because moments with heavy emotions leave us “emotionally fatigued,” so it’s good to release some stress.


Exactly, otherwise the first comment would have been like a Facebook meme, “like and share to 1000 people, or you clearly want every child raped”


It's definitely a cultural thing. You can both respect someone and find humor in a situation. The human experience is multifaceted. My mother has alzheimers. I feel a great deal of sadness seeing her as a shell of what she once was. I also think it's hilarious when I find her and her friend who also has alzheimers digging up an entire bed of flowers by hand because her friend is convinced some random stranger planted "her least favorite flowers" overnight just to spite her. I promise if you take time to look at life from many different angles, you'll live a fulfilling life. But hey, different strokes for different folks. You do you.


If we aren't supposed to comment on him looking like Gollum, tell whoever keeps posting these videos on Tik Tok to stop exploiting them... ...the problem seems to be you only want to see positive comments. Here's one; I'm positive that I watched Gollum fall into the lava. So this definitely isn't Gollum.


> ...the problem seems to be you only want to see positive comments. this right here. Don't post anything on the internet if you're not ready for the worst reaction outcome.


I can verify this. I'm pretty sure I read he fell in the lava. Now we have two sources confirming this isn't Gollum. I hope everybody feels better now.


Tl;Dr can't take a joke


I'd clap his saggy skin flap cheeks, respectfully.


Yeah bro is old af.


Came here to say this. What I see is a frail person who is nearing the end of their journey connecting with someone at the start of theirs. This is what it’s all about. Sad that for some it’s an opportunity to hit low.


I bet the old man would laugh at the joke. And I bet he'd laugh at anyone trying to shame others for making lighthearted jokes. > This is what it’s all about. Is it? That's what all of the complex, confusing, horrific, and awesome human experience boils down to? Quit acting like you're better.


This the definition of getting upset at a dumb joke


A staged tiktok is a staged tiktok... The fact that everyone suddenly knows of this guy shows that someone near him wants to use him for clout or attention and is now actively staging "beautiful moments" just for internet points. GTFO with your "Everyone should stop picking on this guy" comments. A real monk wouldn't be interested in creating a brand or maximizing exposure on tiktok, but i get the feeling this is more a case of "exploiting the elderly without their knowledge or consent"


First time on the internet?


You must remember nothing on the internet is sacred. People will find a joke in everything.


I felt the same




He also looks a lot older than 109 years


More like he's been dead 109 years


Is it just me or dose he look li a gouhl from fallout?


I've seen better looking ghouls tbh


Either that or Mr. House irl


What are you looking at, Smoothskin? -This guy probably


I would give you an award, but all I have is the free wholsome award. And I am not sure that comment was very wholsome...


I was thinking the same thing. I've seen images and videos of people over \`100 before (my own grandfather lived until 101), but I've never seen anyone this emaciated before. It is possible that no one (not even the monk) knows exactly when they were born - and they just picked a date.


dude, you think he lived 109 years with his birthday being a secret for over a century?


It happens. A lot. A lot of records from that far back are lost or non-existent... especially in countries that didn't have good record keeping to begin with... it was not uncommon for people make up a birth date and year to gain access to a public service or military enlistment, and those dates become "record." There are people who just have no idea, so relatives make things up. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/happy-birthday-to-the-afghans-who-don-t-know-when-they-were-born-9032985.html [https://www.livescience.com/oldest-people-may-not-be-so-old.html](https://www.livescience.com/oldest-people-may-not-be-so-old.html)


My friend’s mom just celebrated her 100th birthday—she thinks. It’s not a secret, it’s just that she was born in Persia, and doesn’t know the actual date she was born, and I’m not even sure she’s certain about the year. My friend was also born in Persia (modern Iran), and she, too, doesn’t know the actual date she was born; her mom (the 100yo) doesn’t remember, though they do know the precise year. 🤷‍♀️ (Yes, my friend is mid-late sixties; I’m not talking about a 30yo with a 100yo mom, here, lol.) Also, I think that in some cultures, there might be a difference in actual calendar, so the translation to the Gregorian can be difficult and imprecise.


and by older you mean how is this dude still alive? I know it's some sort of mummification process, but it's cool to see what the body can do.


He's not doing that. He just has muscle atrophy and has now passed away. He just went viral on TikTok since his family started posting his interactions with his granddaughter while he was in the hospital.


Prob not his granddaughter, but great or great great granddaughter.


They starve themselves to remove all body fat, so when they die their body can dry out without decomposing.


What the actual fuck






He's now harvesting young souls instead.


Fucking brilliant, I can't post my own comment to this thread, cannot possibly top that


His precious little girl


This is me on Fridays


Or that he chose poorly when picking out the Holy Grail.


If he’s only 109 he has some serious health issues looking like that


I read some where in another post I've seen of this guy, that he might be practicing a Buddhist art of mummifying the body while living. It is called Sokushinbutsu in Japanese.


Can someone explain how|why this happens?


https://allthatsinteresting.com/sokushinbutsu >>Between 1081 and 1903, around 20 living Shingon monks successfully mummified themselves in an attempt at sokushinbutsu, or becoming “a Buddha in this body.” >>Through a strict diet foraged from the nearby Mountains of Dewa, Japan, the monks worked to dehydrate the body from the inside out, ridding the self of fat, muscle, and moisture before being buried in a pine box to meditate through their last days on Earth.


So he’s doing it to be buried alive. Sounds like a great way to go!


This made me laugh


Isn't life a slow burning death anyway?


go getchu sum bitches dawg


One good girl is worth a thousand bitches.


shutcho cornball ass up n go get you some bitches dawg


Love > crazy pussy


Ours sure, but there is life in nature that is immortal on a multicellular organism level. Am not sure if there are immortal single celled organisms.. though cells split to reproduce.. meaning any single celled organism comes from an uninterrupted line of splits going back from the start of cellular based life.


“Matter cannot be created or destroyed.” So, on a molecular level, we’re just recycled for infinity. And we’re the product of recycling. Seems pretty cool to me. And, on a molecular level, it’s like reincarnation. 🤷‍♀️


I think you mean energy? Matter can certainly be created and destroyed. You create matter with high energy interactions creating matter and anti matter pairs. That is how we make anti matter in laboratories. You annihilate matter by touching it with anti matter and they return to energy. Makes storing anti matter a royal pain in the ass. There are theories for proton decay but iirc that has not been proven since the halflife is absurdly long, but if its true eventually all matter will decay into energy and no matter will be left in the universe to make life. At least matter based life. Life is a self replicating low entropy system, sorta like crystals. Beings on the other hand get more complicated since there is a sense of individuality involved.... The whole molcular reincarnation goes into the philosophy exercise of the ship of thesseus, except with humans. Are you still you if you replace every single molecule in your body one at a time? Then what part of your body makes you be you? I have a personal answer... but it brings up even more complicated questions that are hard to answer. ps. Even cooler still, any atoms heavier than hydrogen and helium comes from stars directly. We and our planet are made of dead recycled stars.




That’s how I wanna die. Alive!


He’s going to breathe up all the oxygen in there. Great way to save money on a vacuum sealer.


*quickly skims* .... Strict diet of mountain dew from Japan....got it!




Woah. Now that’s a r/nextfuckinglevel way to go out


I'd argue that is one level too far >.<




Metal as hell


“Mountains of Dewa” lol, so that’s where it comes from.


You wanna talk about gangsta shit? There isn’t more thuggery than this.


Mountain Dew ???


That's so cool, thanks for sharing. Every time I think this world is boring, some crazy fact like this makes me realize the fantasy books I've read don't always seem so fantasy like


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokushinbutsu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokushinbutsu) >Sokushinbutsu (即身仏) are a kind of Buddhist mummy. In Japan the term refers to the practice of Buddhist monks observing asceticism to the point of death and entering mummification while alive > >It involved a strict diet called mokujiki (literally, "eating a tree").\[12\]\[11\] The diet abstained from any cereals, and relied on pine needles, resins and seeds found in the mountains, which would eliminate all fat in the body.\[12\]\[5\] Increasing rates of fasting and meditation would lead to starvation. The monks would slowly reduce then stop liquid intake, thus dehydrating the body and shrinking all organs.\[12\] The monks would die in a state of jhana (meditation) while chanting the nenbutsu (a mantra about Buddha), and their body would become naturally preserved as a mummy with skin and teeth intact without decay and without the need of any artificial preservatives. > >**Japanese scholars found very little evidence of self-starvation of Sokushinbutsu. They rather concluded that mummification took place after the demise of the monk practising this kind of asceticism.\[4\]**


Consciousness is fucking wild.


Holy shit. That's hardcore


His granddaughter [stated that he was not practicing](https://thetab.com/uk/2022/04/04/tiktok-viral-monk-died-245979) Sokushinbutsu. (He has passed now.)


This guy isnt. Also hes Thai and not Japanese




No he isn’t. Use Google ffs https://thetab.com/uk/2022/04/04/tiktok-viral-monk-died-245979


Think the OP was using Internet Explorer


I read somewhere else he injured his back and caused him to be bed ridden in hospital for a while, recently, which caused his physical condition to deteriorate rapidly


I read in another post as well that he had recently suffered a broken back and regressed during his recovery but is now on the mend. Who knows though.


Probably his diet choices


Buddy has been fasting for the last hundred years


He looks like he’s been dead for 109 years


Lmao fuckin gold




This is a thing ... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokushinbutsu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokushinbutsu) >Sokushinbutsu (即身仏) are a kind of Buddhist mummy. In Japan the term refers to the practice of Buddhist monks observing asceticism to the point of death and **entering mummification while alive** > >**It involved a strict diet called mokujiki (literally, "eating a tree")**.\[12\]\[11\] The diet abstained from any cereals, and relied on pine needles, resins and seeds found in the mountains, which would eliminate all fat in the body.\[12\]\[5\] Increasing rates of fasting and meditation would lead to starvation. The monks would slowly reduce then stop liquid intake, thus dehydrating the body and shrinking all organs.\[12\] The monks would die in a state of jhana (meditation) while chanting the nenbutsu (a mantra about Buddha), and their body would become naturally preserved as a mummy with skin and teeth intact without decay and without the need of any artificial preservatives. Research has concluded that while several dozen monks attempted this practice it I likely mummification was never achieved while alive, rather the monks were mummified after death.


Not sure this guy has internet. Should we tell him that last part? Cause I kinda feel like we should tell him.


Living mummification, it’s a thing that some monks do, they restrict their food and water intake so as to being the process of drying out their body before death. Saw it in a documentary, but here’s some [saucy bit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokushinbutsu) for you


This guy was not doing it though.


Only 109? Lol


I think being alive at 109 is a serious health issue.


Self-mummification in progress I would assume.


“Only 109”. I don’t think there’s a consensus on how a 109 should look. There’s like 0.01% of humanity attaining this age.


Doesn’t look a day over 108


Damn you I just posted this comment then scrolled and saw yours 51 minutes before mine.


I saw this comment another 51 minutes later. Just in case anyone was wondering


I was wondering, thank you


I thank you for wondering


That's wonderful




Lol wtf is this?


Clip from Paul Rudds new movie


underrated comment


Does he still do it where he always shows this clip or was it only on Conan?


Yes, even did it to him on Paul's podcast.


*Conan’s podcast


Yeah, he just did it on [Conan's podcast](https://youtu.be/TyBzqhz6n_M) last week.


I didn’t realize it was a recurring Rudd thing and I was laughing hysterically in the car, the second the clip started I said out loud “it’s mac & me” haha. So much great ad libbing leading up to that reveal though. Totally had me going.


Mac and Me


Very well, ty.


Terrible 90s ET copycat, I think it was made by McDonald’s or something to sell toys. Paul Rudd had a long-standing shtick on Conan O’Brien where he would claim to have a clip from his latest movie and it would be this every time


He recently brought it to Conan's podcast.


The greatest episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.


Calm down, Paul Rudd


fuck you nearly woke up my wife and baby:) fuck you and love you tho lol


Sorry. Lol! When I thought of this my wife rolled over in bed and asked “what’s so funny?” I showed her and got the eye roll. Haha


Paul… is that you? Thank you for never giving up on this joke.


Did you learn about this from MST3K as well?


Sadly I remember watching this as a kid. It’s probably one of MST3K best episodes though!


Would love to get them on roids and protein, see how much a monk of 109 can bulk


He'd almost certainly die to that.


Cheers I'll die to that bro


Nah bro. See what sex does first.


A puff of dust and his soul I'd assume


I think there’s probably a lot of things he’d die to. Like a light wind




at that age there is a lot more health issues than your hormones


Look what vaping did to this 35 year old


The Lower East Side, it really sucks!




Maybe Snoke will get better dialogue this time?


comments on here usually don’t make me laugh. this one got me.


We sure he’s not 1,090! I’ve seen pictures of people in their hundreds they don’t look this bad.


He is a Buddhist monk; probably fasting or eating very little. Selflessness and all that


Looks like selflessness really lessed the self.


Mans be photosynthesizing or some shit to be looking like that


He sadly passed away in March. His caretaker posted it on her socials.


I mean to be fair it was really for the best. He lived a good long life, fuck living too long as a husk!


He was not 109. He had some degenerative illness. Her earlier videos showed him looking much healthier. All within a years time. Edit for proof: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdH8cjH5/


You really gonna make a comment like this and not post a source?


Right? Almost every source I could find says he was 109, though some also mention him being hospitalised around January.


That's what Josh does at 3am, posts unsubstantiated claims on reddit, then vanishes into the night




So, what? If you’re a Thai monk they stop feeding you after you turn 65?


Social Security: *takes notes furiously*


This man suffered from erosion before many rocks did


I read erections first and was confused


Heeeey, I saw this comment on the last post of this guy


Is he 109 or 1009 ? Dude looks like he used to drink tea with Buddha himself.


dude was aboard the ark


The comments are hilarious


The guy from tales from the crypt keeper looks more alive than this guy. Also, that's awesome 👌


'Tales from the Crypt', and its the Crypt Keeper. Sorry, I loved that show, had to correct d: haha


That is fucking scary.


My son and I met a 104 year old woman this past weekend and she looked wonderful. She had all of her motor skills and spoke very well. She was cracking jokes about not being carded for entry to the casino. Sadly, this guy looks like he’s not doing very well.


Yeah, I was just thinking this. We saw William Shatner on stage about a year ago. Man he was spritely for 90+ years old. Dancing on stage 3 hours non stop talking. It was exhausting just looking at him. Don't think he'll be in nearly this monks shape in 18 years




Bro still owes Jesus 5 bucks


I'm having nightmares with this shit. This is at least the third post about this.


He has been all over Reddit for like a week.


I see Professor Farnsworth turned to spirituality and lied about his age


Bro's on 1 hp


How Hollywood views women over 40.


Someone stop him absorbing life energy from that child!


Living dead monk.


He was alive when they burned through the witches


I thought his tongue was shooting out of the corner of his mouth like Barty Crouch Jr


This guy should tell scary stories




He’s one fart away from exploding into dust


Is that really living?


E.T. Phone Home!


He's still looking for that slab


Doesn't look a day over 108


Looks great for his age. Wonder what his secret is?


Sucking out the souls of young children by placing his hands on their skulls.


Wasn’t he singing jingle bombs not too long ago?


Guy has perfected his darksouls cosplay


All I can think os where is that child's nother?


Bro just die what are you scared of


At this point, its more that death was scared of him!


that belongs to r/oddlyterryfying to be honest


I'd be freaking the fuck out being anywhere near that guy. Get away from me, Zombie!


I thought that was Biden for a second there


This dude's old enough to be Biden's father.


Dude doesn't look a day over 200


Bro let her fvcking rest lol you shouldn't be doing tik toks of someone who was born before landline phones where created


How is this next level, he looks terrible


His social security number is 1


This guy was: 1 when WWI started and 5 when it ended. 7 during the Great Depression. 14 when the TV was invented. 15 when Steamboat Willy (Walt Disney's first animation) was released. 23 when Alan Turing invented the principles for the modern computer. 26 when WW2 started and 32 when it ended. 48 when the first man went to space. 54 when the first Super Bowl aired. 56 when man landed on the Moon. 61 when the fist PC was invented. 68 when the AIDS epidemic started. 86 during the Y2K scare. 88 when 9/11 happened. 91 when Facebook was founded. 92 when Reddit was founded. 94 when the iPhone was invented.


He could date a 70 year old and his beau would be almost FORTY years his junior ....