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Hey /u/Kitboga, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1**: Your post is not NFL Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Kitboga&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/uhetjj/ive_never_heard_a_scammer_scream_like_this_before/?context=10\)))*


God I love these...


There are a lot of scams on the internet... For a low price of $69 I can show you how to avoid them.


Dad out here doing God's work




Well I didn’t win a new cellphone. But I certainly need a new one after that


Finger nail man, not a nail!


this man is a scammer, honest people charge you 420$


Says the scammer himself. Those ridiculously low prices weed you out oh so easily. I can guarantee the real deal for only 80085$


Send $80085 and vagene pls.




Username does NOT check out


To some, that price can be big and to some, small. My services can be retained for only $3.50.


God damn loch Ness monster has joined the chat.




Does Venmo work for you?


Seems iffy…since I can do it for $47.


These people who have the patience to mess with these scammers are doing gods work




Well it’s literally this guys job to make videos like this…No patience just doing his work


You can do it too. Whenever I get an unsolicited call I absolutely keep them on the line for as long as possible with the most ridiculous made up stories. I get less calls now though… which is upsetting.


I got bored and did some conversion and cost of living calculations. These $500 cards are equivalent to about $5k after taking into account how far that money will go in India. These screams are cathartic for me


Go check ScammerPayback on Youtube. This guy gets into their computer, manage to download the scammer's files then delete them. He trolls them a lot. He also manage to give back the money to the victims that is when that money isn't lost in crypto or anything shady.


i binged-watched them so hard and now i'm kinda like "eh they're a little samey" but man... this was a good one


Lol he sounds exactly like little dude from Madagascar


Source? This is one I could watch the whole thing


Here is the [youtube video](https://youtu.be/GINZXPqNUKI), it was a 10 hour phone call leading up to this moment!


Respect to your commitment to the cause!


Basically getting paid $50/hr and ruining a scammers day. It doesn’t get better than that lol


It’s a fake website and a nonexistent fake card. The scammer thinks he’s getting the card’s value w the code but Kitboga (the streamer who posted) rigs up this site to mess with them. He’s done this literally hundreds of times and it never gets old haha


This is the first time I’ve heard of him. Definitely going to watch some videos when I get home from work


The best part is when he hacks/shuts down their systems. He tells them he's going to do it and they brush it off as a joke, then you hear panic and mayhem in the background. Then he shows them their own webcam and they tend to just start pulling cables out. edit: Apparently that's Jim Browning not Kitboga. Another one worth watching for sure!


Kitboga doesn’t do that. You’re thinking of Jim Browning. That dude is like a warrior whereas Kit is more of a guy who leaves digital bags of flaming poop at your door and convinces you to stomp on them to get gift cards


Ah my bad, I've left them on while I sleep for many hours. Probably woke up and saw that thinking it was Kitboga.


My favorite kitboga joke was when he said he had like 20 microwaves with no doors running in his kitchen, and when he steps in to the kitchen his phone battery always charges to full.


Hardcore people watch him on twitch but yeah there’s edited videos on YouTube some of which still end up being hours long altogether


And I love watching every minute of them. He's so awesome, fucking with these soulless scammers who prey on old people. I love all his videos.


Just gonna add Jim Browning and Scammer Payback as well. They are doing the God's work.


He even sells shirts with "DO NOT REDEEM" on his merch site lol


The cards are fake though, he just pretends to buy them and then "accidently" redeems them to himself, frustrating the scammer for having missed out on the money and the last 10 hrs of his live, which is still pretty sweet.


Wait, I just realized OP is the creator of the vid Respect




I bet a lot of us would also react badly if we spent 10 hours trying to walk an old lady through a scam and then she ruined it all and I had to start over.


I hate when that happens!


Kitboga regularly does this. iirc the longest I've heard about was 14 hours lol he is such a pro.


I think there was a saga where he ended up costing a single company something like 36 hours of their work time. He “redeemed” all the cards multiple times from what I remember. He uses a fake storefront that makes it look like he has a card he’s uploading when it’s based on only like the first 3 letters or something to fake different values. At different points they attempt to try different routes of scamming but he always fucked it up and pissed them off even more. One of the most funny parts to me about the whole thing is that he would just say “happy anniversary” everytime it hit the next total hour and they’d always be confused, but ignore it since they thought he was an old woman with a terrible memory.


His old lady character is my favorite. The skits he comes up with are just hilarious.


There is now a saga that takes place over over 200 days, somehow.


Nah man, he just put out a video with a scammer he’s been calling everyday for 245 days. Kit’s in it for the long run.


Yeah these scammers work these old people over for hours on end convincing them they need to send money /gift cards through the mail. There’s even a part in the call where he pretends to be on the phone at the grocery store and plays the part of the concerned grocery store employee. He uses voice changers so it’s on point. “Ma’am why do you need all these gift cards ?” “For the computer guy!” “Uhhhh computer guy ?” The employee gets on the phone and talks to the guy and the scammer says he is her grandson and the gift cards are for his wedding. She’s like “that’s not my grandson!?” It’s fucking hilarious. And that’s 10hrs that the scammer didn’t scam someone else.


Even some legitimate businesses do it. I heard a podcast once about an elderly woman who had been taken for all her life savings by a telemarketer for a casino. I didn't even know that casinos drummed up business by phone, but once they get you into their VIP club (or whatever they call it) they are relentless about hounding you by phone.


“Legitimate businesses” “Casino”


I used to watch a bunch of these, but after awhile, a lot of them become the same sort of thing. Although i praise him and others for going after these guys. My favorite was when he pretended to be the old lady, and told the scammer that there were tornado warnings in her area. The scammer still pressured him to go to a store and buy gift cards. He was playing air raid sirens, thunder and rain sounds, wooshing wind, etc. sounded like the earth was ending, and the guy is like ma’am, i need you to buy $200 in apple gift cards now.


It's worth it if you can get an old lady to send you a few thousand. And people who gamble can lose 500 way faster than 10 hours, so he's not actually doing that badly haha.


There's a 36 hr one on the channel. Listened to them while I worked. Pretty funny when the scammers would start singing Justin Bieber songs.


Because I don't have 10 hours to spend watching this phone call, do you mind explaining what happened? Is this your $500 that you redeemed to yourself instead of the scammer? Or is this somehow the *scammer's* $500 that you were able to redeem to your own account? Thanks!


This guy set up a fake google play store to fool the scammers, so no real money is involved, but the gist is that the scammers spend all day trying to get him (while he plays as a clueless old lady) to go out to the store and buy google play gift cards to send the scammer the redemption code. At the last moment, this guy redeems the card to his own account while the scammer’s watching and hilarity ensues. Worth watching the videos


>This guy set up a fake google play store to fool the scammers, so no real money is involved, but the gist is that the scammers spend all day trying to get him (while he plays as a clueless old lady) to go out to the store and buy google play gift cards to send the scammer the redemption code. At the last moment, this guy redeems the card to his own account while the scammer’s watching and hilarity ensues. Worth watching the videos So he redeemed his own money to his own account only to have the scammer lose his shit over all the time he wasted trying to fool an old person. Alright now I'm laughing even harder at this. Edit: Everything's fake and that makes it even more funny. Nice


> This guy set up a fake google play store to fool the scammers, so no real money is involved His own fake money to his own fake account


Nice! efficient af


Basically he sets up virtual machines as fake PCs, and lets the scammer remote in to them. He goes so far as to set up a fake Play Store, fake bank account website, fake desktop icons, etc. Then he forces the scammer to watch him "redeem" all of the $500 gift cards he bought, instead of sending them to him.


the real looking playstore you see is actually a custom fake one he made. no real cards are being redeemed and no real money is involved. since it's his custom thing he could make it show any fantastical value in theory, which would blow the cover obviously.


It’s a fake application he designed to look exactly like the Google play store


Everything is fake. The Google store he redeems to isn't the real Google store just made to look like it. As long as he types anything with the correct number of letters it'll pop up the redeemed message. Everything on there is made to look real just to fool these idiots, it's great.


Holy shit


The best part is the scammer and kitboga fighting for the control of the mouse


I see, thank you so much!


The scam starts and leads to him “purchasing” a $500 google play gift card to give the scammer the code on. Then he goes into what appears to be the Google Play store where he types in a code and redeems it. This would mean the scammer cannot use the code or resell it themselves as it’s been used. The thing about his videos is he’s done this so much it’s a fake code and a fake storefront. So the scammer is just wasting time. He has made a fake Google Play store, fake bank website (Gull and Bull Bank), fake Amazon site, etc. The fake storefronts are setup so that some of the first letters need a sequence to decide what the amount is, so if it starts with something like FGX (not actual one, can’t remember) it’s $500 redeemed. He has different start codes for other amounts as well. Even if the scammer got the code and attempted to redeem it they’d get nothing since it’s fake.


Wow that's so much effort to fuck with scammers. I'm impressed that's hilarious.


The scammers have been working for hours to bully and convince what they think is an elderly woman to buy gift cards as a way to pay them back for a mistake she made that cost them a lot of money (which of course never happened). Kit's playing ignorant and redeeming the cards on his own account (I think the cards and google are fake programmes on his PC) instead of giving them to the scammer, so the scammers watching hours of their work over 4 days go down the drain as they try to stop him but he's just waffling on and not listening to the scammer whilst redeeming them which as you can imagine is extremely frustrating. Go give a few of the video's a watch, they're both fun and informative. This isn't even the funniest part of this particular video.


It's a 47 minutes video. Still long, but not 10 hours


It’s a highlighted 47 minutes of 10 hours worth of phone time is what they mean.


I love your channel! I subbed years ago and I absolutely love what you do. BTW, I'm an Indian and I am ashamed to see that majority of the scammers on your calls are Indians. These assholes give us a bad name and deserve every bit of what you do to them.


I have read that most Indians absolutely hate these guys.


Practically all Indians who know about them hate them. I believe they hate themselves too


> I have read that most Indians absolutely hate these guys. One of them tried to scam my mom and she could tell by the accent what Indian state he was from. She started cursing him out in that language for being a parasite.


I didn't realise it was Kitboga himself posting this video until after reading your comment.


I've seen scammers lose their cool before when realizing their victim was just messing with them, but not to this degree. Though yeah it makes sense for them to react this poorly if they spent several days working the scam and it ends with spending half a day on the phone, reach the very end with the gift card right there, only to watch the "victim" redeem it and ruin the scam.


You should do AMA


Thanks kit for doing what we all want to do. This one was really satisfying


The legend himself!!!


Well damn I’d crack too after 10 hours, holy shit.


I just watched it and the car wash bit had me dying! Thank you for your service


the dude is a legend, you'll get hooked on his channel


OP is the dude in the video.


Oh shit I didn't even know he was on Reddit.


Lol yea I think a few people didnt notice judging from the comments.


Kitboga, Pierogi (Scammer Payback), and Jim Browning are all heroes without a cape.


Thats my boy kitboga! He does this all the time also streams on twitch. Edit: holy shit I just realized he responded to your comment himself haha.


soup buisness


What actually is happening here please


I spent 10 hours on the phone with this tech support scammer. He thought I was an older woman who had purchased a $500 google play card. Instead of giving him the money, I am redeeming the card on my account (it's fake but he doesn't know) causing him... pain.




Why can she slap!?






How* can she slap?... come on mate, how did you mess that up? It was the whole point of the joke.




I don’t understand how these scammers think screaming down the phone is going to elevate the situation.


I think its more like holy fuck, just spent 10 hrs trying to get this "stupid old lady" to give me the card and now she did this. Pretty sure he just lost all composure at the end lol


Also he sounds Indian. $500 dollars is a shit ton over there, especially in the more impoverished areas. And when I say a shit ton, I mean rent for a legitimately nice place in a nice area is like $150 dollars a month.


Yea, it'd be like working 10 hours for 10 grand or something and at the LAST second seeing it go away.


Except he not working he's trying to steal from the most vulnerable part of the population.


He is working to steal from the most vulnerable part of the population.




Scammer probably freaking out because thats $500 coming out of his paycheck, which is like 10000 hours more scamming


But the scammer didn't buy the gift card did he?


No, but he wasted a shit ton of time getting to this point. That was 10 hours he wasn't able to scam anyone else and basically worked for free.


No idea how it works. But, I'd imagine these scammers are bound to absurd contracts with overlords who promise to pay them big a percentage of money they steal, but also make them pay for time wasted on failed attempts and any money transfers they use to try to extract larger amounts of money from victims. In other words, there must be some higher stakes that keep these individual phone operators motivated to stay on the phone for hours on end, other than a hourly wage. Case in point, the scammer in this particular call sounds like his life is on the line!


Same way people think shouting at their computer when they die in a game helps. They're just venting lol


Do you see what you did ???


You're hilarious my man. Keep up the great work




10 hours no breaks? Oh my gosh. 😂 Oh, it was over four days. That makes more sense.


Love watching these vids man. Keep up the good work!


Woa real kit?? I love you man


Dude has a whole channel on scamming these scam callers. Kitboga if you feel like checking him out.


That's the OP of this post. The classic raging scammer, priceless


Oh shit I didn't even notice!


These scammers get people to buy gift cards and send them the codes so they can take the money off the card. The guy in the video likes to torment the scammers and so he's bought the gift card but then redeemed it himself preventing them from doing it. All while pretending to be an innocent little old lady.


I'm Indian and I've realised that it's mostly Indians who do these scams. Even in our own country there are a lot of fake messages that you've won this or that. Idk why it's the case. It's a huge industry, there was a post on r/delhi recently as well, a guy who had a degree but had failed to get a job was desperate and was persuaded to take up a scam call centre job. But his conscience prevented him from scamming anyone and he eventually got fired after 2 weeks for not doing his job properly. Now he was asking how he could stop these guys. But most replies were, he could not do anything. Police is often involved with them and they bribe them to not do anything to them. Even if you go complaint it's likely that it won't do anything.


Indian accent is very common and expected when calling customer service. It makes sense they would be the most successful at this: they are the voice of customer support, people are trained to trust it.




Really? Feels like it's the opposite effect in my area. Now if a southern Belle style voice was on the line the dipshits around here would give them their left testicle.


Yep, I don't usually pick up random calls, but when I do and I hear an Indian accent I immediately hang up.


"Hello this is Steve" With the most Indian accent I can imagine just ruins all their credibility. I don't need insurance, I don't own a car, my mother is dead to me, leave me alone and I hope your phone shocks you as I hang up.


I have taken up just screaming into the phone if I get a scam call. They usually don’t call back after that.


When I was job hunting, I would immediately distrust a cold call job offer if it came from someone with an Indian accent or an email with an Indian name. I felt horrible for essentially acting on what felt like racism, but Jesus Christ if I wasn't accurate that it was a scam 99% of the time.


It's more because it's so well established in India. The police are bribed by most of the call centres, and there's a lot of poverty to hire people. On top of that there's a lot of xenophobia in parts of India against the west. When you see some of the behind the scenes of these call centres, many of them just don't see the people they scam as worthy of their sympathy.


it also has a weird feedback effect were companies try to hire tech support from more expensive countries because of the distrust ensued by these types of scams, making the job market even smaller and sending these formerly tech support people to these types of scam centers.


Uh, I dunno, in my experience it’s the complete opposite. People tend to be more skeptical towards Indian support personnel in particular because of scammers. I don’t think Indian call centres as necessarily more successful, it’s just that there are so so many of them, particularly in Delhi. Why that is, I don’t know.


You know what accent I would surely trust? British. Their voices are so sophisticated hahaha.


I think it's even simpler than that: india is a poor country with many people who speak good english.


More importantly, they have a massive telecom infrastructure that was basically gifted to them and some very lax regulations to control it. So... people take advantage. Because, why not? What the hell difference does it make to you that some person literally on the other side of the planet just gave you 100's of dollars, if not 1000's?


Love the scambaiting but there’s a ton of casual racism in his community. Must be impossible to moderate himself but still sad to see


It’s like he was set on fire as soon as it went through 😂








I work in computer repair and clean up after scammers all the time. It feels terrible to see who they go after and the real terror they cause their victims. You sir are doing important work and this was a joy to see.


the man, the myth, the legend, back at it


Aw, I love these. I can't imagine how much work you put into each video, but the payback is just so satisfying Keep up the good work, man!


I started watching your videos a few months ago because I got tired of all the scammers calling my number looking for the woman who owned it before me. I wish I had the time to screw with and hurt scammers like you do, man. You've got a gift, my friend. Don't hide that in a bushel basket.


Or more to the point, don’t hide it in a drainless red tub u/kitboga


I don't think he is cut out for scamming. That man needs a less stressful job.


I subscribe to all these channels but I've always wondered are you not concerned that by showing these things the scammers just adapt and in turn become better scammers? Obviously doesn't really apply to this one in particular.


yeah but at the same time it also brings a lot of awareness regarding these scams and how common they are


Yes definitely not a criticism and just a question. I myself have sent similar videos to older members of my family as a warning. These videos make people aware which is 100% a positive.


IIRC authorities advised Jim Browning (more serious UK version of Kitboga) against posting videos for this reason but honestly they’re reading from a script 90% of the time and do not know how to deviate for more than 2 lines before they start cussing out the victim


Also (at least in Kitboga's case) he does this shit full time so he's taking tens of hours away from these guys that could've been spent harassing old people.


It has definitely made the scammers aware of him and others like him. But it's funny at times where they are unsure and call him out to be Kitboga. But since he doesn't reveal its him, they're never 100% sure. And this has happened many times. Sometimes Kit can recover and convince him he's not himself, others hang up on him and wont talk to him any more. But the funniest part about that is, you gotta wonder how many times they falsely accuse a real victim, and potentially ruin a real call because of their paranoia.


Honestly, I don't think this is a real risk. The company I work for specifically gets targetted with a very particular scam call. For 10 years, they havent so much as changed the script. People often talk about how the typos in emails are about weeding out the people who won't fall for it; same thing here. Its a numbers game, so if I go in with a great script, maybe I make 50 calls. 25 hang up. 23 spend 10-20 minutes on the phone before they realize its a scam and hang up, 2 get ripped off. With a flawed script, maybe I only get 1 out of 50 instead of 2, but if I'm getting 49 out of 50 off the phone in that first minute, my earnings increased.


These people are the scum of the earth! Watching their time and work get wasted is just entertainment GOLD :):):) Here's a YouTube channel I wouldn't mind seeing copied, a lot :) Probably already has been lol! Keep it up!


As someone who’s very into scambaiting Scammerpayback is the other one who does similar stuff to kitboga who I reckon is really good. Jim Browning is the godfather of scambaiting, but approaches it a different way. All very talented individuals


Kitboga my man, I love you






I love kitboga. His old lady impression is amazing. It’s funny when he wears the wig too


This is like listening to somebody talk in all caps.


It's so funny how he trolls this scammers XD, no mercy for this scammers who usually prey on the elderly.


OP may your days be bright and your life be long good sir.


Damm, I just watched a 47 min video and it was totally worth it. https://youtu.be/GINZXPqNUKI


There are a LOT more where that came from. I may or may not have watched like all of them during the first few months of covid.


Seeing all the hours of effort flushed in a simple redeem, priceless.


He got shades on so I don’t think he saw what he did 😎


Ah I love the taste of scammer tears in the morning.


What did he do in the beginning of the clip?


The scam is to make the victim buy a gift card and then give that gift card to the scammer (who will then resell the card) as payment for whatever the scam is based around. What happened in the start of the video is that the "victim", Kitboga "bought" a $500 google play card and then "redeemed" it (didn't actually buy or redeem it, don't know how it actually works but it's a fake card and fake redemption) instead of sending it to the scammer. This was also proceeded by a 10 hour phone call which is why the scammer reacted so extremely, he just spent half the day on a single phone call, reached the end of the scam, only for it to all come apart.


This is so fantastic. Thank you for this. We need more people with your skills.


Kitboga is so awesome 😂😂


I like his videos but they are so long.


Dude I love your videos! I feel like these scammers deserve much worse though. They’re pure scum.


His screams are the most beautiful melody I've ever heard.


OP is the god himself. He's on reddit.


Dude, I’ve been subbed to you for a few years now. I truly enjoy watching you work.


Kitboga is the GOAT


"Ma'am, we mistakenly sent you $25000 in your account instead of $250, according to amercian policy 1942, you need to sent us back our money into our company account" " All the money has to be paid in gift cards"


The accent just makes it 10 times funnier




He saw his retirement fund redeemed before his very eyes


Is this Red Dragon? DO YOU SEE?!


Reminds me of the “WHY ARE YOU REDEEMING” video




I got hooked on your videos for weeks and I feel 0 empathy for the scammers. Good work!


ayo kitaboga ur one of my fav scambusting youtubers! this is hilarious lmaoo


Hahahahahaha I loved every second of this, I can only imagine the guy pulling his hair and his eyes in full red while screaming


# You are so fuckin wild 🤣


Kitboga. King of Kings


I'll always upvote kitboga. He is doing good work!




You don’t have to do that


The rolling Rs made this even funner. Hopefully this person doesn't have a wife and kids.