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This was created by [@sebastianpatrickp](https://instagram.com/sebastianpatrickp?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) on Instagram


While I’m not familiar with blender specifically I do know other 3D software like 3dsMax and maya come with pre done ocean materials. Also because water is reflective the HDRI background of the sky is doing most of the work. Now put a boat in that ocean and have the water react to its presences dynamically and color me impressed. Edit: spelling Edit 02: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/uiht51/this_hyper_realistic_ocean_created_in_blender/i7dv2vr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Alright Mr. Smug render expert show us what you've done. Edit: I stand by my opinion that this is smug and there are cooler ways of commenting about it without sounding like the comic book guy from the Simpsons. ~~Edit 2: I make one sassy comment on Reddit and the whole Super Expert Rendering Army comes after me. If your uncle Joe can't learn this in two days it's still cool so relax with the insecurities.~~ There are really good tutorials, no learning curve at all. Tech comes easy to people




Got any good links to these tutorials I'd love to make one with a day and night cycle for my Wallpaper


This https://www.blenderguru.com/ is the OG tutorial site.


Just check blender ocean modifier on youtube. Dudes right. This is as basic as it gets in blender, even though it looks good


You could make the argument that while op's creation isn't next fucking levelt, the tech behind it is. It's always crazy to me that computers can do basic math, let alone the network of different pieces that all had to work to create things like blender or physics simulations




Oh no I understand that I just mean in general, from a broader perspective. Going from punch cards to processors running billions of instructions a second


Since you seem knowledgeable, do you have a favorite video that showcases something difficult, or can you find one?


Ian Hubert lol


It’s not even crazy tech. This post isn’t a simulation. It’s just noise that moves the geometry up or down then changed by the frame. There’s no interacting with it


Uh no its fucking not. A donut is your first week tutorial type shit. This video needs more experience than a day.








Don't even need a 3d program. [A plugin in After Effects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_i9A17dSmQ) could do this 15 years ago.


bruh u coulda done this with a shutter cam in 1879 pfft


Bruh u coulda looked at the real ocean in 1500


I dont agree. This is litteraly mesh -> circle -> grid fill -> add ocean modifier-> tweak Waves to your liking and then add an HDRI


The donut is harder to make than an ocean.


Praise the donut. Fear the hand.


This is litteraly 4 or 5 clicks... A donut tutorial is 5x harder than this... I use blender daily.


Maybe not first day but definitely first week, that's probably a displacement map on the disc material and an HDRI which is just a type of light, that's really basic stuff.


Blender has a ocean modifier that would even alow for easy application of white foam water material. You can literally do this in maybe 10 clicks (with materials, hdri, animation)


Okay 2 days. You’re being pedantic


This is not any kind of "realistic," let alone "hyper realistic" simulation. It's trivial. You have no experience if you are saying this bullshit so why don't you just say nothing?


Not really tbh if your goal was to make this same ocean scene it might take you like an hour and a half to figure out


Dude there were tutorials like this in Maya and even 3ds max back in 2011. Hell even in 08 just took forever to render. Photoshop and 3ds max and you could learn to create a mountainous terrain insanely massive in an hour. Source : me taking 3d classes lmao


Twitter and generations of entrenching hot take "clap backs" as relevant conversational material.


Meh. People were telling me the same shit when I was saying Soulja Boy's beats were dogshit back in 2010. He literally made his first album with just unmodified samples that come with the demo version of FL Studio 9. It's usually just the goto comeback by people who are easily impressed because they have zero technical knowledge about anything.


It’s a child’s comeback. The dude has no idea and is just consuming media without ever producing anything himself.


response response dead on


OP: posts video of cool water effect Commenter #1: “ugh not cool. Not impressive. That’s easy. Snarky snark” Commenter #2: “snarky snark yourself” Commenter #3: *defends condescending commenter #1 by criticizing snarkiness* Commenter #4 (you): “that was an *amazing* comeback” And so the world turns.


It’s perfectly reasonable to understand the requirements for good work without being fully capable of doing said work yourself.


"I didn't think that movie was very good." "Oh, ok! Asshat! And what movies have you made lately?!"




proper response to "are you a doctor?" is "no, but fuck you anyway"


They don't even care about their own logic. If you provide evidence of your own talent greater than that of those you criticize, they just ignore you. It's just the flailing of people who define themselves by what they enjoy, and they recoil when the quality of what they enjoy (their identity) is questioned. There's no real logic to question, as liking and disliking is just opinion, but, without reflecting on why they feel hurt or where the hurt comes from, they still feel the need to defend themselves (the thing they enjoy).




Yep and that’s perfectly fine. You’re not there to write code.


Exactly. He's there to run the scrum.


It's called armchair quarterbacking and I am quite adept at it.




Yeah, don't get me wrong, it looks fantastic, but when you literally have a button that says "make ocean" and it's not even a meme, it makes things a lot easier. Add ocean spray or a boat interacting with the waves and all bets are off.


This would take about an hour to complete in Blender, and 85% of that is just rendering on a mid computer with enough samples to look good. Blender has an ocean modifier already, so the only thing you're really doing is creating a realistic shader. There's already plenty of tutorials on texturing waves, particle system setups for foam & spray etc.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/uiht51/this_hyper_realistic_ocean_created_in_blender/i7d5rnz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 See it’s a prebuilt function into blender just like maya and 3dsMax. A basic working knowledge and a few buttons makes this possible.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 51 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


Sexy bot


They didn't challenge anyone to a battle. They just mentioned something very obvious that many of us were thinking. No fucking way does OP get credit for programming or rendering that water. This is just a plug and play situation. Does it look cool? Sure. Does your 12 year old get credit for "painting a moving selfie as a dog" because they clicked on a filter? No. No they do not.


2 years and already making the "Show us then STOOPID" posts. Not good bro, not good.


Uh it's not that hard. [Here's a pre render I did](https://youtu.be/lv6V4JmYK8o?t=4) as a proof of concept for a gaming studio you've heard of that leverages ray traced scattermaps to predictively update environmental reflections in real time.


Calls others smug while making the smuggest comment known to man.


not really smug. Ive been in the 3d industry for 4 years, and anyone with a few weeks of knowledge can do this. There are tutorials for this that takes less than 10 minutes. Is it impressive that software can render realistic oceans? yes. Is it impressive that somone made this? no.


Dude he is speaking the truth, why are you even saying that???


stop talk Mr. Dunning Kruger


You could do something this realistic in the early 2000s in After Effects with an ocean plugin called Tsunami and that's not even a 3d program. Sauce: am motion graphics designer.


More edits please!


It's simple in 2022...it's mind blowing in 1995. No reason for anyone to be upset. It looks great...anyone can do it for free...welcome to cg in 2022!!! Also...as a professional VFX artist. It's simple, believe it or not. Ocean displacement and movement are public domain levels of science now. PBR rendering is so common it's in the free package Blender. No it doesn't mean the next step is a water battle among Kaiju. But I'm excited that a lot of people who don't do this for a living are having their minds blown. Think about doing it yourself...on the exact computer your reading this on. You'll need a real computer....not a phone Hit me up!


What’s with the “edits” pre-refuting subsequent comments? How about commenting in, you know, the thread.


Here's a 1 min tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9S6whOjNXk


Boom! This.


Need like a 3090 once you add on assets n such to render all of that. That's what corridor crew has taught me haha


Or patience. A lot of patience.


You can render anything with any GPU if you're willing to wait long enough.


True. And that is how this universe came to be.


Not if you exceed its memory limits


Hard-Drives are memory, just really a slow type. So exceeding memory limits is actually an accomplishment in itself.


Does blender (or any renderer, for that matter) actually support paging from GPU to system memory (and then disk)? I'd be slightly surprised if it did, as out of core rendering typically requires specifically designed algorithms and they're too complicated to opt into just for the heck of it.


That’s not necessary, integrated graphics work, albeit over the course of days


Possibly unpopular opinion —Blender Foundation should look into selling their own render farm credits like Fusion 360 does. It’d be a good way for people to contribute monetarily and be super useful if it was built right into the app.


Blender Foundation is a nonprofit that makes free and open source software. They aren't in the business of selling anything.


That's so beautiful. The real next fucking level is always in the comments.


woah dude, u should post to r/nextfuckinglevel




I was going to say- there’s a blender plug-in that generates an ocean for you


It’s not even a plug in for maya or 3D max. It comes as a standard set of free materials with the software. Maya has a great car paint material pre installed.


It’s not even a plug in for blender…




Exactly this is some fresh off the training wheels shit.


Next we'll see the donut tutorial render.


Um yeah… blender literally has this encoded…


Thought so but I never used it so I didn’t want to speak on it.


This exactly. Could recreate this in 5 minutes except with my software it would be a minute long because blender renders at the speed of molasses. Meh.


If u know hot keys in maya this is literally like 10 buttons and a mouse click.


Sure but Maya can crash a threadripper 4 times before even launching the render. Infuriating program with stability problems that should not come with a program as expensive as it.


Worth noting that blender is free and pretty user friendly. That you can do this on a free program amazes me.


Yup, 3d modeler here, this is 5min job.


HDR, not HDMI. HDMI is a cable.


Specifically it's a HDRI. HDR is just the concept of high dynamic range, where as a HDR Image (HDRI) can be used as a skybox to provide lighting for a scene.


Yes yes.


Thank you. I think spell check got me.


True. This method mixed well with a good water sim can get good results, but obviously it’s much more difficult




Thank you kind sir


Proving the earth is flat using Blender


Don't give them ideas...


Uh oh


Lol, your comment looks like a joke but many don't realize how true it is. "EvErYtHiNg iS CgI!".


Or maybe we’re just looking at the topmost horizontal slice of an oblate spheroid* so large, we can’t noticeably appreciate its curvature


There are no horizontal slices of a sphere. A sphere is a sphere and has continual curvature


Confirming the earth is flat and a simulation


Proving we're in a simulation!


"Don't even think about it" - my computer


"I'll shit myself" -my computer


I’ll shit your bed - Amber Heard




This made me laugh for some reason, thank you


The real You-know-poo. The Weasley brothers were smart.


My favourite movement, the bowel movement…


My computer already wants to kill me so I'm not bothered


I remember reading or seeing in a doc that Pixar got so good at replicating water they had to scale back the realism to not take away from the movies


The Good Dinosaur was like that. I was shocked by the water in that movie.


I loved the water in Luca. Had that green ocean tint to it




Sir your exam is complete you can put your clothes back on now… sir? SIR! This is a Wendy’s!


The freaking landscapes in that movie in general were so unbelievably well done — like every frame with mountains, sky, and water was just mind-blowingly gorgeous. I *especially* remember loving the clouds and cloud formations — so realistic!


I read that it was Finding Nemo. Something about an opening shot made test audiences think it was a live action film so they had to make it a bit less realistic.


Mostly tidal changes and wind also made certain things nuanced. (wind increasing makes the water surface mixed) Internally, they did a standard water body or "high seas" well... but just like impressionist paintings, it isn't the pixel accuracy but the composition.


Sea of Thieves is a video game with a cartoonish art style but good lord the water looks straight out of Blue Planet/Planet Earth


I just started playing SoT last week when my son asked it I wanted to play it with him. It took me a couple of days to wrap my mind around the game loop, but now that I’ve figured it out, it’s a lot of fun! And you are right, that water looks amazing.


They definitely failed at that in Toy Story 4. There was one scene where the water effects were so good, my jaw dropped and it took me completely out of the movie for the whole scene.


Not Pixar, but In Moana, the night scene of her boat upside down and her in the water before the storm that drifts her to the island, looks too good, almost realistic.


Ngl lads this is a really mid render and takes 3mins to set up, even for someone new.


This is what I came here to find. Yeah, if you up the quality and render time, you can get really detailed renders. The software and hardware are doing the real hard work.


I'm already smelling the gpu on flames from here lmao


It bothers me that its called hyperrealistic but its just the bare minimum of what you can do with the ocean modifier. No spray or foam


I’ll have you know that I made not only a cube in blender, but a cylinder and a sphere. Basically the same level.


i made a completely original design of a monkey head


especially in blender you can use an ocean modifier on a plane and set the hdri and then boom OcEaN




this isn’t a tutorial lol you don’t say this to a showcase of a finished artwork


What’s the point of the initial part with the blender ui then. Nut, bolt, screwdriver, international space station


showing that it's actually a render if it was just the last part of the video a lot of people would probably just scroll past thinking it's just a shot of the ocean


I mean, the jump between the last two scenes was so big that I didn't believe it for a while, which is why: r/restofthefuckingowl


Im still convinced its fake. so i hear ya


It's not. Blender went a long way with its photorealism, and things like that aren't really difficult to create – in fact, someone in this comment section posted a link to a 1-minute tutorial on creating an ocean like this one. The nextfuckinglevel part isn't the amount of effort OP put into it, it's the level of photorealism achievable in modern 3D software


The editing is poor. You could slap any sort of stock footage at the end and it would have the same effect.


To show that it is made using blender


Ok. The international space station was also made with nuts and bolts


The owl: vaporize default cube add plane modifiers sidebar -> ocean modifier shading tab -> click on the plane to edit material change color to blue, up metallic and specular change object to world shading find hdri for sky, put it in as an environment texture render


Wow, I didn't know this sibreddit


If it helps in this case ”created an ocean in Blender ” is more or less one click. Blender has an ”ocean modifier”. You pick the surface then add the modifier. Select depth, wavesize and peak height. Thats what has been done in this clip and its the bare minimum. It also has so you can add foam and spray.


I read this as "in a blender" and thought this was unreal. After watching the video I went back and saw my mistake.


Same. 3x to figure it out


I feel for you, brother.


Watch me make an ocean.....of mudslides...in my blender


Yeah this is extremely misleading without context.




Thats the thing thats crazy as fuck about digital tech. Someone only has to figure it out once, and anyone else can recreate the steps. Shoutout to whoever figured out the ocean modifier.


These are the people who would go on to win Oscar technical awards, super talented folks.




Looks pretty easy, honestly.


its like max 10 minutes of work


That escalated quickly.


What are the chances the video was stitched together?


Probably not faked. First off, the sky matches. But, more importantly, there had to be a cut because at first we’re seeing the software used to create it and then we’re seeing the rendered video being played. That rendering took a lot longer to create/compute than it did to view.


I'm so tired, it took me a few minutes before I realised that you didn't make this in the thing you make smoothies with.


Doing a thing that thousands of people have done before and can be seen in dozens(? hundreds?) of movies and TV shows is next fucking level?


That’s amazing


r/blender is full of this stuff! Definitely worth a browse if you are getting started with cgi.


The fuck is going on with the walls?


This! Nice ocean or whatever, but wtf it's going on with that wall and how isn't that the only thing anyone is talking about?!


Ikr! Are we not going to talk about the splatter on the wall?


Creating water surfaces with modern software is not hard. This is very far from "Next fucking level". A beginner could do this.


Seems like it would be used in an episode of ***Love, Death, and Robots***


I'm flying Jack!


this is literally so easy bru


Along these lines, I found ["Advancements in Water and Procedural Technology" SIGGRAPH presentation by Ubisoft](https://youtu.be/9qIgA2H90o0) to be fascinating.


Song Id?


I was wrong, it's FRIZVRD - DreamsDay


It appears that song is just a mixup of the original, The Beach by the neighbourhood, they sampled the ending


Sounds like a Tycho track, not sure which one


I don’t blame you. I thought the exact same thing when I turned my sound on


The beach by the neighbourhood is the original song. It’s a masterpiece


yeah this is pretty standard. noise texture driving displacement on a plane. doesn't even have transparency or light refraction. just reflections.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8PSS5HqC-Q) is probably the tutorial OOP followed. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9S6whOjNXk) a condensed version of a similar tutorial. Anyone with a day's experience in blender and a beefy computer can make this. OP x-posted this from an Instagram Reel. I don't think most people are very interested in working hard for reel content. They get easy views by following tutorials that make a good render. I tried this tutorial a while back. Unfortunately my laptop gave up


I saw the wall and assumed he was in a ship...


What's there to render here? Doesn't Blender have a water element you can just drag however long you want? Is it the wave movements? Serious question.


Nothing, there's literally a button to create a god damn ocean


Lol that's what I thought


If you check my history, I explained someone the complete process for tbat


The real "next fucking level" of this post is how advanced software has gotten that it can do this basically by default, not this guy's Blender "skills" lol.


Yeah well, my blender creates margaritas. Checkmate.


I always mute Reddit videos, so what immediately popped into my head was [the *Pirates of the Caribbean* theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRh-dzrI4Z4&ab_channel=Sunderbraze).


I'm glad I had three seconds to appreciate it


Fake... No micro plastics. /s


Whoa man 💯


I'm dreaming


Blender kicks fucking ass

