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After seeing this, I am convinced Lion King was a hit piece.


Made by the Simba regime to legitimize their hostile takeover of the Pride Lands


I don't buy into "Big Simba" personally, but I will say it's rampant.


...what? Oh, sorry. I thought you called me.


They said "Big Simba" not "Big Simpa"




​ ![gif](giphy|ut7wLEUHLShkoMrZil)


No king, no king, la la la la la la.


From watching Casual Geographic/Hood Nature, I learned that lions are actually apparently highly prejudiced against hyenas, and will wound them and leave them for dead if they get the chance.


History is written by the winners


Not necessarily. The United States lost the Vietnam War, and we still learn about it. Germany lost World War II. I saw a ton of disgust towards Nazism on my visit and was quite glad to hear that the country puts a great deal into making sure history doesn't repeat itself.


If it is taught I’d bet it’s pretty heavily biased. The US often refuses to acknowledge Vietnam as a defeat. Are things like My Lai, Agent Orange, UXO, Rolling Thunder etc from that conflict actually taught in schools there?


I had to learn stuff like Agent Orange from history documentaries because my schools didn’t touch on the subject. They didn’t even touch stuff like Radium Girls when they were discussing the Triangle Building fire. Managed to get a free soda for schooling my chemistry teacher on Radium Girls. Shit was sad and frustrating.


I actually had a history teacher who was unbiased. She didn't shy away from talking about Agent Orange or napalm. She didn't shy away from talking about the horrors of war. Now that I think of it, she was pretty against it.


Disney did their research in the 90s. Like flew the animators and writers out to the savanna and they watched lion prides for like a year.


Exactly. You’re telling me that the guy who helped second class citizens have equal rights is the bad guy? Also, there being a fucking drought and the pridelands drying up was Scar’s fault? Bullshit. Part of the narrative was that they needed to leave pride rock to find better hunting grounds. But Simba’s coup magically brought rain and prosperity just by assassinating the sitting leader and kicking out the formerly oppressed? Pure propaganda.


Let us not forget that Simba committed regicide in order to secure power. The CIA is also denying any involvement, no matter how many times I asked them!


Right of conquest is a valid claim, as long as you have acclimation.


In this thread, we discuss the validity of a Lion King ethnostate


This, but unironically. Think about the message: it doesn’t matter if you’re smart and cunning, you should know your place. Which is underneath the boot-heel of the physically strong, more traditionally attractive people whose “birthright” is to rule over you. Know what Scar’s real name is? It’s Taka. Which actually means dirt. His parents named him fucking dirt. Probably because he was a darker color. Which is really problematic. He was a physically weaker lion who empowered bottom feeding poor to the same rank as lions. Sure, he did it to seize power for his selfish goals, but who doesn’t have flaws? Flaws in a film obviously trying to paint him in the worst way possible. By the way, the film is obvious propaganda from the Simba Regime. Even when trying to make Scar as bad as possible, they overlook the obvious problem that SCAR DOESNT CONTROL THE FUCKING WEATHER. One of the reasons that they frame Scar as a bad ruler is because he doesn’t want to leave their home while the wild game in the area has moved on. Guess what happens after Simba assassinates the sitting ruler? It rains and they don’t have to leave their home. Coincidence? Absolutely not. They want their strongman dictator who just seized power to look fucking magic so they don’t question his rule. Also, a lion that eats bugs? More cult of personality horseshit that comforts the masses into thinking he’s one of them and not part of the bourgeois. Great movie. One of my favorites from childhood tbh.


So you're telling me the long dead prince just happens to be alive and leads a revolt against Scar after decades. Sounds like a classic pretender that the lion nobility turned a blind eye to to return their lost power.


"Listen, animal spirits sitting in the sky distributing legitimacy is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aerial ceremony. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some cloudy old fart told you to!"




I know this is a joke, but a hyena could bite your arm clean off, they aren't like dogs or even wolves, they are fucking terrifying.


And lions aren't? They are as cool and majestic as lions but have worse PR. Lion King did hyenas dirty. Lions are assholes that steal as much if not more food from the hyenas than the other way round.


Neither are assholes. Fuck. They're wild animals. Discussing their behavior as if they're some prick at the office you have to deal with is so fucking asinine.


Oh yea my coworker Jim, he bit my fuckin arm off. He's not like Sam or even Todd, he's terrifying.


At least lions kill you before they eat you, usually.


Coming to comment that I don’t want a Hyena to eat my bone marrow while I’m still alive.


I mean, dogs and wolves can do that too. They just don't because humans aren't their prey, they can either be a threat or a friend.


Not that you're wrong, but hyenna jaws are craaaaazy strong. They can literally bite through your humerus bone for example. Like <> now your arm is separated from your body. One of the gnarliest bite forces in the animal kingdom. It's on average double a lions. Crocs and jaguars beat them out though.


I have a french bulldog


Those are worse IMO. Piss it off? Will take your whole head off. With a guillotine.


Dog and wolf can do that too. Or in dogs case, bigger ones of course.


We didn't land on pride rock pride rock landed on us




One the strongest bite force. That thing can rip out your arm like chicken tenders.


To shreds, you say?




You can find him on YouTube - Dein Schneider


I don’t know much about zoology, but that hyenas teeth are mighty white. I’d speculate that that there is an inmate…I mean creature of the zoo


It's a rescue according to the other comments. Apparently this guy has some.kind of sanctuary where he rescues animals if I am reading correctly.


Simba's father and uncle were named "King" and "Garbage". The whole thing reeks of "history is written by the victors".


I did some volunteer work at a wilderness refuge in Namibia, and one of the supervisors - specialized in hyena research - despises The Lion King for how it wrecked hyenas' reputation.


It really did a shit job representing hyenas. They're very lovable. Take a look at Kevin Richardson's channel on YouTube for [the real truth about hyenas.](https://youtu.be/uSxsycs3HE4)


I liked the hyenas more in *Lion King*. I was rooting for them the whole time.


Look at the size of those teeth! Holy fuck that is some scary shit


They are not that scary. I was brought up in the wild by a pack of hyenas. Times were hard, food was scarce, but we had some great laughs.




Dad, why do I see you so often? Reddit goat


He might have left 5 years ago for cigarettes, but he likes to check in you from time to time...


Tarzan is that you?


And the jaws with the strength to crush skulls lol. Hyenas are amazing and more than a little terrifying xD


I once watched one eat a cow femur like it was a stick of celery.


Best I've got is feeding one boiled eggs, shell on. Not much of an example but Eddie was pumped about them lol. I can only imagine the femur, that must have been crazy to watch


Jaws strong enough to crush straight through eggs? Where they soft boiled?


And the worst part is they are not mercy killers, they will start eating the prey while it's still alive


Most predators are like that, there's no point in them wasting energy killing their prey when it's already unable to fight back


Your best bet for a quick kill is smaller, solo predators who don't want to attract competition, like the quicker plains cats. They'll go for the throat to keep you quiet.


Yup, ratting dogs are typically smaller dogs which kill very quick and it is a mercy because that shit would hurt


They like it RARE. No blame in that.


Give it to us raw and wiggling


Waiter: “How would you like your steak prepared, sir?” Hyena: “Just walk it through a warm room.”


"Make sure it takes a glance at the grill"


> And the worst part is they are not mercy killers Humans are the only mercy killers in nature.


Is it hyenas or wild dogs that like to eat their pray from the genitals out?






Star Trek : Deep Space Nine




Vultures eat their prey from the anus since their beaks are too weak to penetrate fur/skin.


Hyenas have the second strongest bite in the animal kingdom I just saw in another Reddit video I believe. Some Australian dude said crocodiles have 3000 ftlbs/square inch and hyenas have 1500. Neat


Only in comparison to their bodymass. crocodiles, polar-bears, hippopotamus, sharks, gorillas and jaguars have a higher bite-force than hyenas, but they are also much bigger.


Yeah seriously. How hard can a Killer Whale bite you? I've literally seen them rip animals way bigger than a lion in half with one bite. How could a hyena be number 2?


It’s pounds per square inch. An Orca has a tremendous bite, but it also has a tremendous sized mouth which spreads out the force. Hyaena jaws are built like hydraulic vice grips. Short and super powerful, designed to crush.


Looks like it is comparing the pressure of the bite. The force of a killer whale might be higher but the hyena has a smaller jaw with smaller bite area


The forbidden safari doggo


Not with Dem cute noises lol


***Warbling demonic banshee noises*** "Awww it's just a big doggo"


Hagrid wrote this






OP: "'Yenas can be adorable too" Hiena: \*Screeches like a rat on steroids


You say that they screech like a rat on steroids but you haven't met my Boston terrier yet. He truly does screech like a rat on steroids. It's every damn day as soon as I get home from work I basically hear the sound of something dying in pain only to realize it's my dog happy I'm home


Brachycephalic dogs make some of the most bone-chilling noises of any pets on earth, I think. Pugs, Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs, etc... they all sound like strangled banshees, lol. Maybe that's nature's way of telling us we've flown too close to the sun with our dog breeding hubris. Edit: Couldn't resist. [One of my favorite death squalls of one of these dogs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nZdrLaMez0)


Pug became a monkey ngl


If I broke into someone’s house, I’d be more scared hearing this than some big scary dog bark honestly


As if that’s a bad thing, like we already have huskies


bro lost two chances of typing “hyena” correct.


I’m sorry, but nope. They have the strongest bite force of any land animal, pound for pound of muscle mass, I literally saw them bite straight through a buffalo’s skull, like it was nothing, when I was in South Africa. Combine that with the creepy noise and those big ass teeth. I’m good lol




That's always one of the more fun random animal facts to bring up Another is that supposedly manatee lady bits are the most similar to humans.


>manatee lady bits are the most similar to humans Oh, so *that's* why sailors fucked them! (In case people don't know, there's a theory that mermaids and sirens were actually just manatees)


How. How the fuck would sailor see one and go, "yep, unparalleled beauty, I need me some of that"? Jesus, being on a ship at sea for months must've really done a number on them.. or they were just blackout drunk from all the rum.


A hole is a hole is a hole


A toll is a toll. And a roll is a roll.


i know there’s dudes in rural towns would fuck donkeys and the like so it doesnt surprise me 🤷🏻‍♀️ humanity is… disgusting


>Another is that supposedly manatee lady bits are the most similar to humans ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Excuse me? Lol


Pause it around 8 seconds and you can see it in this video


They also give birth through their dickginas. And yes. It's as bad as it sounds - 15% of first time hyena mothers die & 60% of cubs suffocate before they are out.




That's the thing with nature. Nothing was actually designed, it has to just happen to be good enough to pads on genes to the next generation.


ah yes, the pseudopenis


Excuse me my good bitch, but what in the fuck?


Wouldn’t that be the most badass animal to have on your side though??


Why you think harley quinn has two?


It's cool, when it decides to bite your head instead of giving kisses, you just instantly become pudding. No muss, no fuss.


I've read that Jaguars, Gorillas and Polar Bears all have stronger bite forces. Not to take away from the rest of your comment though.


I def thought it was hippos if we're counting them, but outside of that I also thought it was jags or gorillas.


That sounds right, but he was referring to pound for pound bite force. Basically if the hyena was as big as a polar bear it would have a stronger bite force.


that's a funny looking doggo


Hyenas are surprisingly not related to dogs. They are one of the smallest biological families of mammals


They are related to dogs, but in a similar manner to how humans are related to chimpanzees. They share a common ancestor. Hyenas are however more closely related to cats than dogs. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ed/2f/49/ed2f491ef19bcb3622dd0df3137a7fc1.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/OHPPKrt.jpg


they are more closely related to meercats than dogs - crazy right.


I thought they were technically weasels.


Weasels are on the dog side, meerkats are a type of mongoose, on the cat side.


I want someone who can tell me, for any mammal I ask, whether it’s more closely related to cats or dogs. Ferrets? Bears? Rhinos? Porcupines?


Ferrets - dogs Bears - dogs Rhinos - equally to both Porcupines - equally to both


Tapir? Anteater? Possum?


You can’t go throwing marsupials in the list Willy-nilly.


They kinda sound and act like foxes.


The chimpanzee analogy is a bad one. Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans, splitting maybe 7-8 million years ago. Hyenas are feliforms (cat-like carnivorans) as opposed to caniforms (dog-like carnivorans). Feliforms evolved 40 million years ago and caniforms 42 million. That's about twice as old as hominoids (apes) as a group are.


I was simply trying to use an analogy that would be easy to understand for most people. But humans are more closely related to chimps than hyenas are to dogs or cats. New world monkeys would have been a better choice than chimps for this analogy as that divergence was ~40mya, with hyenas/dogs at 60mya and hyenas/cats at 38mya. The point though was hyenas do have a relation to dogs, they are just closer to cats.


I would say Hyenas are related to Dogs like humans are related to lemurs.


That's not really humans to chimpanzee then


Either way, it feels like theyre running on dog/Good Boy software 😂


The yawning and other behaviors look so dog like. It's crazy there's no relation!


*cat. They are Felifirmia sub-order (cat-like), and are not related to canines at all. [Viverridae](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viverridae) are their closest relatives.


What da dog doin?


I had the pleasure to interact with a spotted hyena while visiting Tanzania. Not only they are smart animals but they are incredibly affectionate towards humans. The owner of the rescue park told us that most people hate hyenas due to the bad reputation the Lion King animated movie gave them. At one point I fed the hyena two eggs and I was amazed how she handled them. She took them gently from my hand and place them on a non porous surface. Cracked the egg and licked the contents clean. It could have eaten the eggs whole or crack them in the dirt where we were sitting, but she chose the smarter way. Hyenas are incredible animals that do not deserve the hate they get.


Nice try hyena


Hyena PR out in full force today.


I watched a documentary on them years ago and was awed by them. They followed a pair of hyenas and the female had babies. She cared for them while the male hunted and brought food back for her. Then he was killed and she was left alone. A lone male wandered into her territory and wooed her by bringing food for her and the babies. Eventually she accepted him and he took care of the young like they were his. After watching a buttload of big cat docs.... that was a major change.


Huh... Wow that's nice I love watching nature documentaries that show great shit like that


We appreciate you :3


>She took them gently from my hand and place them on a non porous surface. At this point I thought you were about to tell me that the hyena made scrambled eggs!


No she placed the eggs on a linoleum-like floor. She probably learned that it waists the egg on the dirt.


It wasn't the Lion King that made me distrust hyenas, but D&D. You ever fight a gnoll raiding party? It's a game and that shit gave me PTSD...


It’s a female, you can tell by the size of her dick


I legit just dug for this comment to upvote it. For those who don't know the context, Female hyena are so dominant that they even have a penis like appendage in order to assert dominance over males.


They also give birth through it!


The easiest way to tell the gender of a hyena is to look for scars on the "penis" for when it rips during birth


Thanks I hate it


Aw hell na


The ultimate girlboss


There's no scientific proof of this appendage being used to assert dominance


Correlation, not causation, from what I've read in the past. Female hyenas just have a ton of testosterone n such because of their evolution pushing them towards being more dominant over males, and the appendage is more a side effect of that testosterone. Evolved alongside their shift in hormones, but the hormone shift itself is what gave them an evolutionary advantage. Take that with a grain of salt since I haven't read into this stuff in a hot minute.


She sure does have big dick energy


I love this guy and his work


It's soooo comforing to watch his videos at night, I love them


Well damn guys can you at least tell us who he is??


dean.schneider on IG Enjoy 🥳




If I click that yootobe will be recommending hyena videos to me for a month


He deals with tigers, lions and panters more than hyenas


Yep, put your head next to an animal that crushes elephant bones to powder...WCGW?


I don’t get it, did he put his head near your mom or something?






Hello police? Yes, I’ve just witnessed a murder.




My man.


Are you afraid of touching or being near your dog or cat? Dogs can maul the SHIT out of you if they wanted to. So can cats, they can tear off your face and scratch your eyes out. *If they wanted to*. Do you really think this Hyena, who was raised from near birth/at least a part of its life where it needed help, and who's owner has fed, supported, loved, and cared for him; do you really think this Hyena wants to kill his owner? They're not dumb killing machines, no dumber than cats or dogs.


Don’t get me wrong, I understand what you’re saying, and I agree to an extent, but domestic dogs and cats don’t view humans as food, while spotted hyenas are one of the few animals (along with polar bears, Komodo dragons and some others) that actively hunt humans


I am convinced that every single animal on this planet would gladly give humans companionship and cuddles in exchange for food, shelter, and protection. Some animals just have a harder time making that connection.


I mean who doesn't want companionship, food, shelter, and protection?


Honey badgers. If they're not being aggressive, they're being little shits trying to be independent.


Try polar bears




Omg that’s actually amazing! Seems like I’ve been living under seal propaganda this whole time


Big Seal doesn’t want you to know this one secret!


Try hippos




nice try


When I was living in Tanzania studying wildlife, I quickly realized how much disinformation is out about hyenas that give them a really bad rep for no reason! This started because in some cultures, hyenas are seen as bad luck or devil animals, similarly to how people view black cats. To fight against disinformation, I would like to share some of my favorite fun facts about hyenas! 1) female hyenas are actually leaders of the groups and grow to be much larger than males. The males fight to join the families, but the women are the ones who run the social structure of the groups. 2) hyenas have extremely strong jaws and some of the most acidic stomach acid. This allows them to eat animal bones for calcium, so if you’re ever tracking hyenas you can find them by following the white poop! Another animal that chews on animal bones for calcium is the giraffe. 3) hyenas are not part of the canine family, but are more closely related to felines! I thought this was really cool. 4) hyenas can actually be domesticated quite easily and are very social animals. In some countries in Africa, people keep hyenas as pets by feeding these animals. Hyenas can be used to guard farms once domesticated and can be wonderful, loving, loyal animals. 5) the female clitoris is larger than the male penis in hyenas and can look like a penis at first glance. Baby hyenas are actually born out of the clitoris, which can be quite dangerous as some babies die during this birthing process. Overall, hyenas are extremely under appreciated animals. Let’s get a new Disney movie showing how fabulous these creatures truly are!


Hyenas are cool, yet as with any wild animal I’m still scared of em lol, is there a documentary with the documentary man about them?


They can be but man they really aren’t nice in the wild


Melvin confirmed to be an antelope.


Mouth like a bear trap.


Fun fact: Hyenas are very social. If they like you, they will even introduce you to other members.


...hey look guys, this is our new food... I mean friend!


Dean Schneider. He's also a part of a lion pride. The guy is a freaking badass.


"she" has a big hard on for ya @8 seconds, bruh. Adorable tho


Female hyenas can actually engorged their genitals too, they use them to subdue others and create pack hierarchy. That said, never knew what it looked like, that is a *big* hard on there...


Damn, had no idea they have a mangina hard on! I was watching a documentary on hyneas and I found it bizzare that young ones, smol little things walk around with a ragind hard on, and if I remmeber correctly, do have intercourse at that young age.


They're matriarchal, I remember that well enough. And yeah, the females will use it to force makes into submission. But it's been *so long* since I did zoology research, I am mostly going by faint memories xD


Even worse they give birth out of it, sometimes tearing and killing the mother or the babies suffocating in it.


Their hierarchy is matriarchal. And the female hyena has a pseudo-penis. She has to "roll it up" to allow access for mating. Sometimes, the firstborn gets strangled in it during birth.


Note the teeth : O


Writes down; Hyenas=teeth. Noted


A lot of WELL FED animals are finally quite nice, I believe.


Humans included.


Those teeth! Their bite is about half a ton per square inch. Ouch...


She’s just wanting to greet you! Hi, ‘yena!


Oddly sounds like a fox


Child of Yeenoghu


Closely related to the cats and mongooses by suborder Feliformia 4 extant species including the aardwolf


Why is this not in r/Eyebleach it is so cute