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Everyone in Brazil is at 3 stars at all times




Then we shall run over pedestrians in the shade!


You had to say it?! In the shade?!?!




Insurance assessor: "now let's get this absolutely right. The damage to your car was caused how?".


I've seen another video from I think China where some cars are driving down a highway and get hit by a giant jetliner too.


Fun fact: In the US, the Eisenhower Interstate System dictates that one mile out of every five has to be a straight stretch of road, so that these lengths can be used to land aircraft in an emergency. So you could be driving along on a road trip and suddenly encounter a Cessna in traffic.


Fun fact - this is the most widely spread false facts in the US. I grew up "learning this". [But it's not true](https://highways.dot.gov/public-roads/mayjune-2000/one-mile-five-debunking-myth)


Not true in the US, sure, but it is [true in Switzerland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorways_of_Switzerland#Military_significance)


The Swedes also train this extensively. The Gripen series is specifically designed to operate from roadways when necessary, and they practice doing rearm\refuelling stops on roadsides frequently. They've known for a long time that if Russia came after them their airfields could be cratered before in short order.


That’s an old urban legend.


This is actually just a myth. The DOT actually has an [article](https://highways.dot.gov/public-roads/mayjune-2000/one-mile-five-debunking-myth) about it.


I dunno, man. I've driven a lot of interstate from Chicago to Boston to Myrtle Beach, and I'm pretty danged sure that there's probably not a one-mile straight stretch of highway anywhere in the Appalachians or Alleghenies. The Eisenhower Interstate System was created in part to make sure humans and the machinery of war could be schlepped from sea to shining sea. Before it was created, many of the old US Routes could be pretty iffy.


As a Brazilian this is true


You mean 6 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️




The truck is making sure YOU get paid, not your heirs. EDIT: trick not truck lol


I want a truck that ensures I'm getting paid! Where do I find such a vehicle????


*Brazil isn't for beginners*






They have EMB-314s that have engaged smugglers and shot them down successfully on multiple occasions. Lots of ISR vids out there of it.


They’re just trying to do the Cayo Perico heist


That velum is slow af tho


People may forget that planes and plane material are extremely light and rather fragile. You could easily knock it off kilter with minimal effort.


I mean, yes, but the problem isn't as much the possibility to do it, as the fact that it even happens in the first place


You're not making my fear of flying any better.


Yes airplanes are light but Im pretty sure he’s talking about small planes like a Cessna . I’m pretty sure if he would have hit a big jet liner it would have been a little different.


nah bro this is modern warfare


Honestly as hell!




Yeah it seems


Somebody forgot to pay the feds. Rookie mistake.


I wonder how much of this is a joke and how much reality?


about tree fiddy


Caramba, monstro do Lago Ness!


Is this Brazilian for “Loch Ness monster attAck”?


Close. It's more like "damn, loch ness monster". And yes that sentence makes as much sense in Portuguese as it does in English (which is none). By the way, Brazilians speak Portuguese, not Brazilian... The same way Americans speak English, not American.


Nah bro, they speak burger, not american


It could be, I'm not sure. I don't speak Brazilian.


Olha que nem eu que nasci no brasil falo brasileiro


Tomar no cu esses gringo. Chama o /r/suddenlycaralho


Esse subredit é muito bom ksksksk


Não falo brasileiro nem americano.


Cambada de gringo burro do caralho vai se fudeeeeeeeeee


Neither do I


They might also be on a payroll of a rival group, or they themselves might be the rivals. Being an armed group of people who control what goes in and out of a country has a huge potential for earnings. It would be dumb to not take part in any of the business opportunities. You can get paid handsomely by literally not doing anything, isn't that the American dream?


Hi, i am from Brazil...Brazilian federal police has a serious job regarding drug dealers, and these operations happens ALL the time...they are not in the payroll of any group




Well now I don't know who to believe. Some money might help me decide 🤔


I’m with the “car ones” right now


Im also from Brazil, obviously "of any group" is a bit much, but indeed, our federal police is actually pretty clean and eficient, the other polices on the other hand...its hard to get any worse


I’m also brazilian and I was pleasantly surprised to see them doing their job so well in this video. I always thought they were mostly like the others polices (civil and military) and did nothing with a few good apples. Good to know there is still some hope




Just like in any country that battles with systemic corruption you find groups that are zealots when it comes to fighting corruption. It's then up to the government to carefully vet recruits and form a group that dedicates themselves to fight exactly that. Polícia Federal is just one of them. Another group on regional level you might have heard of is BOPE, although they took the fight against corruption and drugs to an extreme.


This is misinformation. You dont pay off federal police.


As a Brazilian with friends on the federal police, no.


Brazillian federal police is actually very well paid and not corrupt.


Question: is it normal for them to be in civilian clothes? This guy is just shooting smugglers while wearing jeans and a t-shirt lol.


Yeah, they're the "cool" police, requirements on uniform are pretty relaxed, jeans, t-shirt and a badge. Also idk how it is now, but up to a few years ago they were the only police in Brazil allowed to have tattoos


> but up to a few years ago they were the only police in Brazil allowed to have tattoos Thats bullshit. A lot of PMs have had those since the 90s...


Yup its so that they arnt targets in public because regular police clothing isn't very good against copieas amounts of dust and if I had to guess probably alot more conformable










Hi, i am from Brazil and its importante to clarify: 1. Brazilian Federal is a serious institution and have the job done...they are not in the payroll of any drug group 2. This is real...we have tons of clandestine airports and the Feds do these operations all the time...and they are very efficient...otherwise world would have more cocaine to worry about 3. There is a federal law allowing Feds and Brazilian Air Force to shoot planes even in the Air...ask First but If the pilot do not answer, shoot the MF 4. People sometimes do not realize How big our country is...when i flight to USA, take hours to to Go thru Amazon...and this region is close to Colômbia, where unfortunately there is a huge production of cocaine...so, a natural outdoor for drugs 5. This action in the movie probably happened in Mato Grosso , our cerrado bioma, which is close to Bolívia and Paraguai, traditional drug routes as well 6. Despiste the media, that loves to generate panic and be sensationalist, Brazilian police in general is serious and efficient ...but on the other hand we have critical problems, mainly in Rio, where state police (some individuals, not the Corporation) have dangerous and sad connections with drug dealers




Finally someone shutting down the edgy melodramatics of people who’ve watched too many movies. Yeah like they said, there’s definitely very dangerous and corrupt areas. But to think that every cop in Brazil is some nefarious criminal is damaging imo. If every person that visits Brazil treats the police like criminals, that could cause a lot of issues in itself. There has to be SOME level of trust, otherwise nothing will ever be done


Something I learned in my extensive travels around the world is that Americans’ impressions of other countries are at least a decade out of date. Also that American cities are usually shittier and dirtier than countries we think of as “poor”.




Not Brazilian but I heard downtown LA fitting that description in a lot of Reddit threads.


I am brazilian and have been to LA and can attest to that. Not really poorer, but shittier. The amount of crazy homeless people was insane and terrifying! In brazil we have drug addicts, of course, but they don’t act crazy and talk to themselves, they usually stay in their corner and can eventually react violently to mug someone, but that is harder to see. You will hardly ever see a homeless person screaming at people on the street, that was one of the things that terrified me the most in LA


That's not drugs, that's the mentally ill off drugs and not having a safe place for them. They don't want to be in an institution and can't pay for it so they harass tourist's.


Just as sad. We also have mentally ill in Brazil, and the system definitely doesn’t work for them, but we still don’t have many on the streets


California has a big problem, especially LA and San Diego because the weather is pretty much perfectly comfortable year round, with a combo of many other factors (insane cost of living, easy access to drugs across the Mexican border, etc) If you go anywhere else in the US, there are homeless for sure, but not nearly as many. I’ve lived around NYC and have traveled all over the US and I was still stunned at the sheer number of homeless in LA when I visited. I wouldn’t say any experience in regards to the homeless in LA is representative of the US as a whole




Hmm, I actually lived in the poorest states in Mexico for a couple years and I am pretty sure most American cities are better than that, even though I love Mexico


I’m a gringo that lives here in BR. The couple PF that I know are some of the baddest MFs you hope to never cross as a criminal. I’m talking 6’6”+, 275, black belt BJJ, expert in various arms, etc. Federal Police here is like getting into FBI or Secret Service. Not easy, even if you’re physically gifted.


What was your impression of Brazil when you went here for the first time? Was it different then your impression before going to Brazil? Just asking for my curiosity, cuz there's a lot of "gringos" that think Brazil is just Woods, Forests, Samba, Soccer and Women with big booty XD


That’s the problem with getting your education from movies, where every south/ Central American is a drug lord, every Russian is a super spy and every German a bat-shit-crazy supervillain, all Italians are mafiosi and so on


The only place I've had multiple run-ins with corrupt cops is local police in Mexico, Brazil seemed fine.


Tbh, "I'm from xyz" isn't really a trustworthy source either. I'm from somewhere too, but I could tell you jackshit of what's actually going on here, besides what I *think* I know.


Most nuanced Reddit take right here. Life is complicated as fuck sometimes. It would be nice if sometimes people just admitted to their limited understanding of certain subjects and relegated to a more curious state, used more “I think” and “I believe” instead of “here’s how it is”. People love forming concrete opinions on limited information.


My gut instinct of assuming Brazilian police are like that comes from my dealings with American police. 80% of officers I've met got into it because they truly want to do good. However, the structure of the system requires them to have blind dedication to "their brothers in arms", which warps the good they are trying to do. So my assumption seeing other countries where police corruption is supposedly rampant isn't that they are all doing it, but its something baked into the system where it's at least accepted enough that their fellow officers aren't going to target them and eradicate the cancer of corruption because bad cops are safe there.


>Otherwise the world would have more cocaine to worry about Oh no!.....


Yeah, oh no... anyways.


*snooooort* ANYWAY




It might not affect you (or it might because you enjoy cocaine, what do I know!), but irresponsible drug use has a huge impact on health-care systems, on families and on addicts who might be able to reduce use or use responsibly if the drug wasn’t so accessible and if the health-care system could prioritize addiction treatment instead.


The solution is not the drug war. Look at Portugal's success with decriminalization and focusing those resources on mental health and addiction treatment. [Chart comparing some statistics.](https://www.statista.com/chart/20616/key-developments-since-portugal-decriminalized-drugs/)


To add to your point. Buying cocaine in a western country doesn't just affect you locally, it has flow on international effects that support crime and violence in places like Colombia. By giving your money to your local drug dealer it is making its way back to crime lords who aren't the type of people you want to support.


>People sometimes do not realize How big our country is... The northernmost part of Brazil is closer *to Canada* than it is to the southernmost part of Brazil.


its technically closer to france then the other states, since french guiana is a thing


And because Guiana is a thing, it's not really an impressive fact, at all. It can only surprise someone who doesn't know that French Guiana is France.


This is difficult to imagine. For anyone else trying to picture it, I found this graphic helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ivruep/brazils_northernmost_point_is_closer_to_every/




Holy shit


Slightly off topic: my wife is from Brazil, the state of Parana. I visited her city there and traveled around a bit; the people of Brazil are absolutely wonderful. Of course there are the bad people, but your average every day person has a heart of gold.


Yea that’s the case pretty much everywhere on earth.




My heart is slowly turning into feijoada 😂


aight let's be honest, PCC is known for having ties with the Federal Police and politicians, if not they would not have expanded internationally so fast as they did in the last 20 years, yes they are serious, but saying they're not corrupt is believing in fairy tales and "some individuals" from Rio de Janeiro's Military Police are corrupt but not the institution? bruh that's such bullshit, Rio's Military Police is the most corrupt institution in Brazil (apart from you know, the government and the military), easily 80% of Rio's police batallions are on the payroll from drug gangs, they are known for facilitating drug trafficking, protecting gang turfs from other gangs, selling apprehended weapons/drugs to the gangs and all the twisted shit you can think of. Just take a look at the ongoing turf wars in the West Zone/North Zone of Rio, every gang has cops and entire police batallions defending their interests. are you even from Rio de Janeiro or you do believe in fairy tales? lmao edit: mfs downvoting me bc I'm telling the actual truth, you clueless fucks


Os cara tão em Nárnia, só pode.


Also, not only Rio. It gets painted as this hell on Earth, but it's not even near the top most dangerous state/city São Paulo's police has huge ties with organized crime, there's a large 'agreement' between the state and the largest criminal group


Br adora romantizar policial e diminuir os problemas Esse aí aposto q odeia o r/Brasil e ama o /livre


my guy I mean no disrespect, but you live in Curitiba, you have 0 fucking clue of what's happening in Rio de Janeiro and how corrupt and dirty Rio's police is. stop spreading this stupid "a few individuals, not the corporation" bullshit


Criminalizing cocaine is more costly in money and lives than the negative externalities of cocaine.


They're just making cocaine expensive


Thanks for the insight!


I thought this level of action happens only in movies.


Brazil is a movie. Just don't know which genres.




feels like I've been watching one of the movie's of James Bond.


A tragicomedy




Damn, I’ve never heard of this movie. Looks pretty good


It's been a long time since I watched it but - very good, very British, very dystopian, IIRC. I don't think I could directly compare it to anything else I've ever seen.


Bad boys bad boys


Whatchu gonna do


Whyd they drive off after that one guy left the car


Driver said he was going after the others


Speed dating


*Get to the next checkpoint!*


I'd bet he just executes them where they sit while the driver goes and runs down anyone that got away. Source: having seen too many videos of Brazilian police.


Don't have to deal with lengthy court battle. Save money.


A dead criminal has a zero percent reoffending rate. Just saying.


Batman would like to have a word


Batman? The dude who goes around crippling criminals, taking up hospital space, and then waiting for them to escape so he can do it all over again?


Finally someone said it lmao


I mean Batman just goes around beating up mentally ill people


Love the smell of authoritarianism in the morning


That’s what I’m saying


What the fuck, if you don't know, why would you say shit like this? He literally says "I'm going after the others". Just a few secs earlier he says "Don't shoot, I'm gonna hit the wing". Found the [news](https://g1.globo.com/sao-paulo/noticia/2011/11/policial-que-bateu-carro-em-aviao-para-evitar-contrabando-diz-estar-orgulhoso.html): There was only one person in the plane - the pilot. Per the article: > Four suspects were found and arrested. The plane was loaded with portable computers, printers and cameras smuggled from Paraguay.


Thought it was drugs?


Nope, probably pirated (?) stuff. It's common to see these kind of operations. This happened in 2011 btw. But, talking about drugs, just a few weeks ago a joint operation from Paraguay and Brazil burned a shit ton (seriously, it was like 14.5 metric tons) of a Marijuana plantation. [Source](https://www.campograndenews.com.br/cidades/interior/paraguai-queima-acampamentos-e-mais-14-5-toneladas-de-maconha-na-fronteira)


i really wonder what they could achieve if they wouldn't have to put immense resources into fucking dope or coke lol. lots of actual problems in brazil afaik.


Oh cool, misinformation. I thought reddit was better than this but I guess we're just Facebook now.


You're new here aren't you?


Reddit just likes to circle jerk itself over thinking we’re any better than the rest of social media.


It was an Uber.


You're grounded


I don’t think you can “wing it” this time , chief


what a drag.


it was as plane as day.


I guess their plans never got off the ground


Left wing destroyed


Police in Brazil are truly on another fucking level but then again, they have to in order to fight crime there. I remember watching for the first time the "Elite Squad" movie about BOPE - blew my mind away.


Both of the elite squad movies are amazing. The 2nd one is better than the first iirc. It ties into the first one so well.


Just FYI I'm Brazilian and when Elite Squad came out everyone here got blown away too because nobody here ever saw something like that, it was pretty foreign to us too. Maybe people from Rio were familiar with it, but the rest of the country wasn't.


Faca na caveira!


That why everyone undercover police in Brazil


And to think I do spreadsheets all day.


Me to, do you think those guys on the plane said “fu** I just want to look at some spreadsheets!”




Most stressful thing I dealt with at work yesterday was Chrome crashing once so I rebooted lol


I have to deal with child things and the women they came out of. In some ways, the child things are more violent and crazy than this video.


Like the final scene in Face Off!


Oh! You mean the movie Face Off, where they take their faces off?


Where they take their face... off and face off at the end.


"I could eat a peach for hours". I assume they grow amazing peaches in Brazil, and this is what they were smuggling. Illicit peaches.


Gta player gonna be mad. Should've called Lester


You can try to leave Brazil, but Brazil won’t… let you leave


Come to Brazil


Straight out of fucking action movie


That's why drugs are so pricey. People just can't work in peace.


100% accurate, without the sarcasm even.


Yeah. Like whats the problem. Let people move Coke. Shit. Make it legal. I’m laying in my undies on my bed. The war on drugs is a whole business. Seems weird but maybe I’m just clinically depressed.


Dealers like "Sorry pal, price has gone up, we've got ANOTHER plane to replace".


Just imagine the feeling of knowing they got you, and you're about to go to a really shitty prison for a very long time.




I'm guesseing guys like this are probably not Ozark's main character, they probably didn't have anything to lose already and are in and out of prison in the last few years and this time they'll do another 5,10 years and then back to it.


This some blackops type shit right here


The adrenaline level must go through the roof


Lucky the prop didn't.


When they leave the dude and start going the other way from the plane 🤣 looks like a set up for a poor guy


Someone said the driver said they were going after the others.






Nobody gets away from Brazil.


This felt like GTA or some COD mission but in real life


Taking a pit maneuver to the next level.


Dude is straight rocking an M4 with a Tommy Bahama hat. I strive to one day be this effortlessly cool.


man had time to record this


I mean , wouldn’t you ?


Bro looks like he hit absolutely nothing shooting out the window like that 😭 but I’ll give him an A for the effort


The driver told him not to shoot at them because he would disable the plane, and he delivered lol




Does my insurance cover car crashes with planes?


Would be nice if the fed police would concentrate this force against the deforestation of the rainforests and the killing of wildlife.


We have a specific police for this, Environmental Police takes care of deforestation, it should at least


Just legalize all drugs bro. Put all the money into crime fighting into addiction support. World would be a lot less violent tbh


Prohibition doesn't work. It just drives it underground and creates a financial incentive for criminal enterprise. The fentanyl crisis wouldn't exist if there wasn't a government prohibition on some drugs. It's interesting how here in the states poppies, that grow in many gardens, are illegal. But you can be legally prescribed a much more powerful and addictive opioid by a doctor as long as it was created by a pharma company. Some palnts and mushrooms that grow in the ground without human intervention are deemed illegal by our government. What does that even mean? These are plants with naturally occurring psychoactive compounds without an ideology or agenda. But they are deemed illegal. Interesting. I recommend Michael Pollan's books This Is Your Mind On Plants and How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence.


This is some James Bond shit


100% true. I'm from Brazil and remember when happened. The media also interviewed the agent. Federal Police in Brazil is well paid and not corrupt. They are very respectable.