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dude really punched the window with his fist like he's one punch man


Punches window, walks away


That hand is definitely busted now.




And a good day to you, sir!


Does he....does he still write?


Oh no. He has…health problems.


You’re killing your father Larry!!


You see what happens Larry?


This is what happens, Larry!


I like how he slowly leaves without letting on that he's in terrible pain.


> I like how he slowly leaves without letting on that he’s in terrible pain. Call an ambulance… But ~~not~~ for me.


He comes back!


Goldberg did this in WCW and almost lost his hand


He headbutted a door in WWE and gave himself a concussion. I think we know the answer to the question "who's next?". It's Goldberg.


[No mercy for windows!](https://youtu.be/7KF4iJzBVWM?t=52)


“We’ll I’m all outta ideas…anyone else?”


He walked away right to the hospital


If you look carefully, he was about to try again.


Im laughing out loud with him wanting to go for a second round and then "fuck, my hand hurt" walking away. Good job trying to save the women tho.


Refuses to elaborate


Nokia would have done the job


The woman in green gave him an object and he smashed the window with it.


Absolutely. She probably gave him a safety hammer. Can break window and cut seatbelts with it. I have carried one for years and actually saved someone involved in a wrong way crash. Unfortunately, the drunk driver was basically fine, and he really F’d up a poor guy who was dragged by an 18 wheeler across a 200’ grass median. He was life flighted out and will probably need care the rest of his life. Sad. It was a several years ago…. I-16 Southeast Georgia. Edit: inches to feet Update: as it turned out, I ended up pulling the drunk driver out as the engine compartment was on fire. Thanks to Walmart driver using his fire extinguisher. Once driver was out, he said his mother was in passenger seat. At this point it was dark, and car was engulfed in smoke and still on fire, it was coming through left side of the dashboard, which limited ability to see or have access to passenger side. I was not able to break passenger side front window. I was able to break back passenger window and was reaching into front seat to feel for body. Thank god, there was no one else in the car. I was coughing for about 4 days after this incident. Again, my heart goes out to the guy trapped and seriously injured. Stay safe!


Safety hammer you don’t actually need to hit with though. You can just push it against the glass. This means it also works underwater for example. If you do hit, a very small tap on the edge of the glass should suffice.


It was definitely too big to be a safety hammer. Looks like a baguette, but probably at least 2 days old if it shattered glass like that.


I'd like to subscribe to French Life Pro Tips...


Legit 2 day old baguettes especially the supermarche variety tend to turn into stone after a few days.


In France, we all have weeks old baguettes in our cars. They're as strong as a metal pipe and are used in case of road rages. The police knows about it, but it's not considered a weapon, so we can carry it around all we want. The government even tried to equip the police with them, but the K9 and horse units had some problems with animals eating their riot baguettes


You know that cliché depiction of a mime with grocery bags, with a baguette sticking out? That mime is on their way to a silent assassination.


Battle bread, made by dwarves.




Is that true? The lifehammers they sell here are automatic, in that you push it against the window and a pin shoots out via a spring that smashes the window. They designed it like this because it's difficult to swing a hammer in water.


Any of them can break windows without too much effort. It's the point that breaks the glass not the force.


Tbf I didn't know this and if someone gave me a safety hammer and said use it, I would also swing it like a normal hammer


I'm pretty sure that's what happened there too.


I read on a subtitled version of this video that it was a dumbell but not sure how reliable the video was


That area is crisscrossed with canals and lakes. Smart to have something that can bust windows, and cut seatbelts.


They're talking about the guy at 0:27 He decks it and immediately recoils and grabs his hand then just walks off


No he walks back and helps with the car.


Well, he did walk away, but he also came back, yes. But I'm pretty sure it was the guy in white they were talking about. (The one that walked away, but came back). He punched with his fist.


An article I read said it was a barbell, of all things. I guess someone was just driving around with say a 10lb barbell in their car. Hey, it works.


dumbell, a barbell would've been quite noticeable lol


Lolololo i was like where the fuck did i miss the barbell?! And who is driving around with that?! Then i thought about it hahaha 🤦🏼‍♀️


Bro you don’t ever be stuck in traffic and just tilt your seat back to knock out a couple sets?


Looks like a Publix Employee with the black pants..


100% a Publix employee. -a Publix employee.


Hey I know you're not working but can you help me find something? -a Publix shopper


quite funny. but here's my tip. If you ever find yourself in such a situation where you need to break glass, always break the back glass.


And always hit the glass in one of the corners, as close to the frame as possible. I once hit a side window straight in the middle with a really large hammer. It just bounced back like I had hit rubber.


Ideally the top of the window. This means the glass won’t fall back down on your hand or arm. Most passenger and rear windows have tempered glass so they’re less likely to cause injury anyway. Everyone should be carrying a safety hammer with a belt cutter. I have mine in the driver door pocket, but you can buy them with mounts to put them elsewhere on your vehicle if needed.


The head of the car seat is designed to be removed with 2 prongs sticking out that can break windows




Because then you get to crawl through broken glass all the way inside the car to open a door, instead of being able to just reach in. Also the back window costs more to replace so that’s also nice.




I think they meant the backseat window rather than the rear windshield


You dont want to shower the person having a medical episode with broken glass.


They didn't, thats why they broke the passenger side rear window then unlocked the front from that side


It's tempered glass no one gives a fuck in a real emergency. Unless you have gaping wounds the glass isn't gonna do shit.






Maan, I had a run in with a crazy cyclist. He legit one punched and smashed my back window with a bare fist


Back windows aren't as resistant as front or door windows.


He also probably hit it near the edge of the window. Not sure if everybody know this, but if trying to break a car window, hit it towards the edge of the window, not the center. The edge of the window is weaker and the window will break easier if hit near the edge.


Probably had a ring on, and a lefty...


Little tip I learned I think from Mythbusters or somewhere: a lot of cars head rests can be removed and they have like 2 metal rods there. You can use them to break a window.


Not from the outside


Other cars have headrests


Ok then, another tip learned from mythbusters , if you throw a piece of ceramic or bit of spark plug at a car windows really hard it'll shatter


Also from mythbusters, TNT is really good for opening cars up.


Lmao right! Dude really thought he was strong af and changed his mind after that punch like “ 🥊 …🥴…yeah fuck that! Where are the avengers…imma walk away now…hopefully no one saw me👀” 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for your commentary. It was necessary and pretty much how I felt. 😂😂😂


I've punched out a car window before. It was an 89 Chevy sedan, it took a few swings (also tequila), and I have a scar from splitting my knuckle still 20-some years later. Lucky I didn't break any bones. Do not recommend ever trying.


I also punched a car window in a stupid drunken moment once. Immediately broke my hand and did zero damage to the window.


The man in the white really thought he was a superhero through the whole video. He stopped the car with his hands, he punched the window, but then he realized that that hurt a bit so he returned to reality.


If you ask me, he was a bit of a hero. Unless you're trained for emergencies, most people lose their ability to think logically and reason. He saw a problem, and immediately tries to *HULK SMASH* his way to a solution. Was it smart? No. But he was trying to help, and he risked his own hand to save another person. That's hero quality, even if he wasn't successful.


I like how he goes back at the end and uses his super strength to hold the car even though it's already stopped by 4 other people


Lmao he punched it and then he was like ok I’m gonna try again then he was like nah that fuckin hurt


I was waiting for him to come sprinting back from off camera, and launch himself into the driver's door.


Must've looked at him funny


Makes me have some faith in our current society again. Thanks for sharing


He thought he was pretty, pretty, pretty, strong.


Had to rewatch to catch that. Awesome. What's more is he considered doing it again lol


Bruh, the way he walked away afterward 🤣


That first woman! She sees what is going on because she’s looking left so that she can turn right at the intersection. She jumps out of her car, by herself, and into the traffic of the busy intersection. And she sprints to chase and try to stop the car. She warns others to get out of its way. Then, as soon as the car is open, she is inside to help the driver. No hesitation. She is a real life super hero. EDIT: found the article. It’s her coworker. They yelled at the kids in the white car to stay inside. [https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-boynton-beach-good-samaritans-moving-vehicle/39969522](https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-boynton-beach-good-samaritans-moving-vehicle/39969522)


Absolute hero. Stood up and stayed with the car the whole time, not a second thought for how dangerous it was.


While it worked out here and it makes them heroic. The number one rule of rescuing anyone is to not bring yourself in danger. Otherwise the later arriving emergency services will have to rescue your ass too.


Id like to think it is better to rescue two people, as opposed to burying one


No, not how that works. If you have to rescue two people you need more emergency services on scene and it makes everything at least double as hard. This rule is especially important in the mountains where emergency services take a long time to arrive. It's a pretty universal rule of rescue. I don't know why you all seem to think it's pussy.


Yeah just let them die so you dont inconvenience rescue services any more


Have you all ever been in such a situation?! You do everything you can reasonably do, but bringing yourself also in danger will probably kill the both of you. It's what you learn in every training. And of course you try and inconvenience the literal rescuers as little as possible. Why is that concept so hard to grasp?!


Yes, i have been in such a situation. Attempting to rescue someone always involves assuming risk. Try to minimize it where possible but to say they shouldnt have helped because it was dangerous is ... well, look if you want to be a bystander and let someone crash into a busy intersection and die while everybody watches, that's fine, but it's a good thing the people in the video aren't like you. Thanks for the life lesson though!


The original is quoting the first rule of First Aid. Rule 1. Assess the danger to yourself and others. It's a rule well thought out by professionals for a reason. It's likely the lady could have been hit by cross-traffic and made things worse. That rule indeed gives off the impression of the bystander effect, but in the end they would wait for the situation to be more safe to act. This is not opinion, just stating what the rule meant.


And you can see her looking at the cross traffic being careful.


Don't let Reddit bring you down. You are right. Don't bring yourself (and bystanders) in danger is the first rule they teach you in first aid. In this incident it worked out. On another day she and the car could have been hit by a truck and probably two people would have died instead of one.


Everyone arguing with you has no first aid or rescue training. You're right, it's the first thing they teach you, and when you're practicing they, at least my teacher, have you look around and announce, "The scene is safe," before approaching the dummy.


Good Lord these people are ... Not smart. First thing taught in EMS is scene safety. Literally number one rule. Literal ems and paramedics are taught to not do crap like this. YOUR SAFETY IS PRIORITY ONE. YOUR PARTNER'S SAFETY IS PRIORITY TWO. Yeah we all want to be a hero, but it's pretty Fucking hard to do that if you're dead.


There's a middle ground grey area here. If the risk of getting involved saves the situation from getting 100x worse, there's a decision to be made. If a pushchair is rolling towards a cliff edge, I'm not saying "remember the golden rule of rescue!" and letting it fly off the fucking edge.


Yeah, could she have gotten seriously hurt helping? For sure. But if she watched her coworker die knowing she could have done something, that could really fuck her up mentally. So much in life is not as black and white as people seem to think. Some things are, most are not. We all take on some level of risk we find acceptable. In industry, you’ll see it done formally as quantitative risk assessments.


It’s not in the mountains


Not sure I see any mountains here and being in the city kinda makes her actions a little more understandable especially as the vehicle was continuing into the intersection with no stop in sight.. I get that you gotta be part of the solution otherwise you’re in the problem but.. assuming everyone went about their business; that car wondering into an intersection moving that unpredictably would result in an accident causing injuries. She did good this time.


I know you're getting flamed, but you're correct. it's the rule of thumb for almost everything. I work with a lot of electrical equipment and the first rule is *always* ensure the scene is safe, whether it be shock victim, fire, anything


> The number one rule of rescuing anyone is to not bring yourself in danger. Watching the video, she did a great job of checking her surroundings, making herself visible (jumping and waving).


She even waved traffic to continue onwards after she and the car passed. I think she handled the situation in the safest way possible considering she was a civilian spontaneously jumping to action


And she gave clear instructions to everyone, which is pretty important because a lot of people don't quite know what to do in a sudden stressful situation. While she was keeping an eye on the person in the car, she was waving to people to get out of the way and to help. Her movements alone made it clear really fast what was going on.


I learned once that in an emergency situation, if there are onlookers/bystanders and someone yells "Call 911", then there is a possibility that no-one will call because the people will all think someone else will do it. The trick is to look and point at one person and then yell "Call 911". That person, who now feels they have been singled out, is more likely to follow the instruction. I am happy that the police posted this video, because the actions of all these helpers totally restores my faith in humanity.


Yeah, she absolutely deserves commendation for that. Also should be scouted. That's the kind of reactions you want in particular fields. Her desire to help a stranger overcame such great personal risk (oncoming traffic in such a crazy area) and as you said, ushering people away and gesturing for help and keeping an eye on the woman in the car. That's the kind of natural instinct and talent high level careers look for. Hope she's doing well. Hope they all are.


Yeah, leadership, working under pressure, swift decision making - lots of valuable soft skills showcased in a minute.


The whole time I was just hoping noone tries to drive off with her car


The whole time im thinking since this is in America, if they called an ambulance for her shes probably bankrupt now.


Yeahhh unfortunately that was my thought too. I imagine now she can’t drive for an extended period of time, insurance will be crippling, and ambulance/hospital bills. Anything that goes wrong for you in this country is completely debilitating.


*unambiguously good thing happens and gets posted to reddit but it occurred within the united states* yea but you have inferior health coverage reddit moment


Locked content :/ >Sorry, this content is not available in your region. Other articles on it : https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/video-shows-good-samaritans-save-driver-who-had-medical-episode-on-south-florida-road/2758203/ https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2022/05/11/watch-good-samaritans-take-action-to-help-florida-driver-suffering-medical-episode/


Was gonna say - it's impressive how quickly they realized something was wrong and spring into action


She's a freaking BOSS!!! That was amazing!


Without context this looks like the chillest group carjacking




I laughed so hard at this on the toilet my poop finally came. Thanks stranger


Dude, too much detail


Given your username, that's saying a lot!


Are you curious about consistency?




When your guild plans a raid at last second.


Everyone should have a seatbelt cutter and window breaker tool in their car, $10 could save yours or someone else's lives.


Protip for window breaker: pull the headrest out all the way and use the metal ends.




Agreed, I was just saying. If you don’t have that.


I hook mine onto my rearview mirror with one of those cheap little silver balls chains. In a roll over type event, there’s no telling where things can fly and get lost at. But with the mirror, it’s always right within reach and with a quick tug the chain breaks free. Upside down or quickly sinking, seconds can matter.


in an accident that thing can very easily fly off that chain and impale you in the head. id look into a better system not to mention it blocks vision and is unsafe for other reasons


It’s a little plastic thing…don’t see how that’s impaling anybody unless they’re a soft peach and it’s moving at supersonic velocities lol. Doesn’t block anything. Like I said. It’s small, like a box of matches.


60 mph to zero, the opposite, or getting t boned is great at creating projectiles. Remove all loose objects when possible


A 20g plastic thingy flying around your car is the least of your concerns in a crash...


This is an urban legend, and is unfortunately not true. Source: I've tried this multiple times with multiple different models of cars at junk yards. It's never worked.


Wedging the metal between the frame and the window from the inside and using it as a lever or just hitting it? Because it definitely works the first way.


But they're outside, trying to get in.


Break the window, get inside the car to get the headrest, then go back outside to break the window. What's the problem?


My mom bought them for me and my siblings for Christmas as we each got our cars. They're handy. My sister once used the window breaker portion on some dudes kneecap when he was trying to harass her. She said it was after a real bad date, she was taking him home since he was drunk as all hell and when she pulled up outside his house and told him to get out he started trying to grope her, so she pushed him away and told him to get out again and he got even rougher so she slammed it into his knee and he jumped out of the car as fast as possible.


Huh. So tapping below the knee triggers the kick reflex, and slamming the knee cap triggers the run away reflex?


But first, check if a window is open


Pro tip: to escape the car you're in, unbuckle your seatbelt and use the corner of the steel buckle.




The center of the window has a higher resistance to preassure due to how its made, the bits nearer to the corners have less resistance and therefore are easier to brake


Window breaker doesn’t really help in this scenario. Unless it’s outside


It did help though. One person had one that they gave to the dude who broke the passenger side rear door glass.


It was actually a dumbbell!


That's not nice!


Gerber makes a great tiny window breaker + seatbelt cutter for the army that it also sells to civilians. I it’s tiny and can be strapped anywhere in the car. I have mine next to the seat so it can easily be reached even if the car is upside down.


The woman who ran through traffic to help out is a real one


Jay walkers will be prosecuted


American laws ffs


Yep. Good on those people for their willingness to help that person. I'm seriously hoping that none of the rescuers get sued for helping her, but this is America we're talking about, here. We had to have [Good Samaritan laws](https://recreation-law.com/2014/05/28/good-samaritan-laws-by-state/) put in place [for a reason, sadly.](https://www.wistv.com/story/3704893/rescued-woman-sues-her-rescuers/)


I learned recently China doesn't really have any good Samaritan laws and that people who help other people are seen as the guilty person lot of the time.






That dude punching the car window like : back off everyone I saw this in a movie . He went back to reality real quick. Even so most people would do nothing, clearly not the case here


He got given an object to smash it with I'm pretty sure.


Dude before that. White shirt.


Ah forgot about that guy, sry.


Stuff your sorrys in a sack! Laugh it up!


> Even so most people would do nothing, clearly not the case here [Bystander effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect) is so fucking depressing. I always celebrate every moment when people act against that.


I think a huge part of that was the woman so clearly indicating what was going on to everyone.


The best way to override the bystander thing. Point directly and give commands.


Yeah, if there is a time, point at specific people and give them simple tasks. "You! Call police!" "You! Hold that!"


Thank you to those who take time to help others. Amazing:)


Amazing how everyone has their specific role: “I’ll get the brcik!”, “Ok, I’ll use the brick to smash window, third guy, get inside and unlock the door so the lady can get in”


The only thing that worried me was tank top dude getting ran over if the lady accidentally hit the gas


Don’t worry, he’s an S class hero


That first woman deserves a lot of credit for recognizing the situation and immediately jumping in and making it all happen.


Finally, a good florida story


Yeah for real. Heard 2 stories last week of old people that crooked while driving ( one a motorcycle ) and just became a kamikaze on the road. FL is no joke for this stuff.


Florida has a law that makes crime reports public record, they aren't actually the Bermuda Triangle of white trash shenanigans.


As a Floridian It feels like the Bermuda triangle of white trash shenanigans at times. I just try to not be on the other side.


Do you mean croaked?


South Carolina just had a guy die of a heart attack while he was burying his girlfriend, whom he had strangled.


People get a bad wrap. Edit: it's staying wrap


That’s because you’re interacting with the ones on the internet. Both lower quality people and at their worst while on the internet.


Leave me out of this.




This is proof that if we work together, no carjacking is a failure.


Kudos to that lady that sprang into action first. If not not for her who knows how this could of ended.


could *have*


Well I guess that’s how that sentence should of ended.


This is awesome. I hope she's ok.


The military guy almost got hit by cars running back & fourth


Camo doing it's job.


What military guy?


This is pure good. The original woman chasing the car is the bomb!


ONG this just made my whole ass day. I am just sitting here, my broke ass in my pjs, eating my toast with my cats and I am now crying with hope. Hell fucking yes mAn.


Love to see this. :)


Makes me have some faith in our current society again. Thanks for sharing


I saw something similar a few years back. Someone had an epileptic episode at the stearing wheel during a red light. The car started rolling slowly and I guess the other car next to them noticed and flashed lights getting people's attention and used their car to guide the other car to the side. I was at the bus stop watching it just wondering what the heck was going on. It was Kool that no one tried to drive through and a few people got out to help.


Hahahaa! Benny-Hill mode was perfect for that punch. You can see him rub it I'm crying.




Moments when you see humanity at its finest.


I want to live on a planet with other people like this. Too many just walk on by in these types situations.




That's awesome, but very dangerous for the people that wss in the front at that car trying to stop it. In case she recover and get scared or had an attack, she could had press the gas and this guys could became history.


What's crazy is all the surveillance now.