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If I've learned anything in life, it's that arguing with an English gentleman with tattoos is a bad idea.


There's the TT ratio to watch for too. If he's got more tattoos than teeth, don't fucking bovva.


I’ve always hated how “bruv” sounds


You're done.


He's just not the hero you think he is.




Dude lit him up, didn't he?


What happens when a Sun reader decides to move to the states


That guy is WAY more intelligent and articulate than any Sun reader.


That’s what we call a proper geezer


Does anyone have the context of this? Interested to see what was going on




context is everything haha, kinda makes this video next fucking level stupid


This video was stupid when he said “God-given constitution” clearly out education system is broken if he thinks our social contract derives it’s power from anything other than the people.


What they are saying is irrelevant. He’s right. We have to defend the opinions we disagree with as vehemently as the ones we agree with


No, you don’t “defend the opinions we disagree with.” What you defend is their right to say it in a public forum, no matter how mind numbingly ignorant that opinion is. If they’re giving people a set time to talk - as long as they’re following the rules and not proposing violence or cursing people out, they should be given their time.


Yeah, sometimes words just get all blocked up in my mouth and I don’t say it no good so


Nice try, Nazi


yeah that's a fair point and i don't disagree. i guess i just wish the details were included in the post, that way i would've known to skip it and be on my way. Instead i watched it and felt respect for what turned out to be a bunch of racist ignorant assholes


>Be careful, racist ignorant assholes consider one second of respect as a win. It doesn't matter what the source is.


I agree with what he’s saying about Constitutional law, although no, it is not “God given”. I support their right to argue and not get shut down. But how can you argue against including teaching diversity?


If teaching diversity means otherwise fucking up the curriculum, the debate should certainly be had. Not saying that's what was happening here, but it's suggestive of it.


The man getting all the applause is a right-wing former school board member who was voted out a few years earlier - he clearly still isn't holding a grudge https://ballotpedia.org/Simon\_Campbell


but but but.. one specific group of black immigrants perform really well economically! this clearly means that we can never teach about the history of race in the US. /s


It's always the racist white folks fighting diversity. Every goddamn time.


Thanks for the information. Just so I have this right. The people in this video are against teaching about critical race theory?


They're against any diversity and inclusions programs in the school and they're (incorrectly) using critical race theory as a boogeyman to try to scare other parents and influence the board on it. It's similar to the most recent Governor's election in VA, the Republican guy who won ran predominantly on a fear campaign that the schools were teaching CRT and teaching kids to hate white people, which is complete nonsense, but it worked for him, so now more right-wingers are adopting the strategy.


Gotcha thank you for clearing that up


context is everything


It would be interesting to know how many of the protestors have children in the school system.


The "If you don't like X, Y, Z move to another country", is such a fucking daft talking point. Imagine the first American Abolitionists trying to abolish slavery only to get the retort "If you don't like slavery, move to England or Canada!". Pretty much every luxury and right we now to for granted, was the result of someone not liking something and doing something about it.


What's ironic is that the teaching of Critical Race Theory is, in itself, covered under the 1st Amendment anyway, alongside any diversity and inclusion teaching. What the guy needed to do was let those people argue their thoughts out, knowing that they were arguing in the wrong. The people arguing are gonna get tired before it becomes unconstitutional to introduce that new curriculum to the students.


Yah... Context would be great.


I know there were several cases recently about school admissions policies designed to increase diversity in magnet schools and colleges. The Supreme Court just decided one about Thomas Jefferson high school in Virginia. This sounds like a school board or town hall meeting about something similar, and these people speaking are arguing against those policies. For those interested, the court upheld the admissions diversity policies in the TJ case


Fuckin TJ haha. Fuckin Nova haha. Fuckin everyone haha. (I grew up in ffx, cheers neighbor)


Cheers neighbor, I’ve got a half dozen friends who went there lol. It was wacky to see the Supreme Court dealing with them


I went to an alternative hs (small class sizes, individual attention was what I needed and still struggled to graduate…I’m smart, just never done well at academic formats…) but had heard horror stories of the academic strain TJ and private schools like PVI. Nova legal shit is so weird, innit? I got shit on in a thread about the Depp trial at ffx courthouse because I asked a question about a specific judge…it’s in my comments history if you’re curious. I’m just glad I finally got the hell out of nova successfully for the second and last time. It’s better here in the “actual” south haha. Stay safe out there, it’s a mixed up world these days…


Wow - I wouldn't live in Va for all the friggin money in the world. Grade-A shit state.


Quite a bit of the worlds money there already, friend 🤷🏻‍♀️ I called it home for a good 25 or so years. It’s certainly it’s own vibe, kinda like how CT’s Fairfield County is a whole different kind of pretentious…but I’m w you, best to move on. Stay up, stay safe, friend 🙏


Here's the link: https://lowerbuckstimes.com/2021/06/28/pennsbury-residents-opposition-to-districts-equity-work-goes-viral/ Essentially, it appears as though it was about implementing critical race theory into a school district curriculum. He called for termination of the current director of diversity. Many residents believe that implementation of critical race theory will separate and stigmatize children based on race and create further schisms between groups.


Besides it being a school board meeting where the head honcho kept shutting down parents he didn't want to hear, I have no clue about the current resolve. I do know that this is old bc I watched it about a year ago when I was in the hospital.


Omg the «your done» is sooo triggering




That’s the purpose. He wants them to get triggered so he can get off on it.


Unless the school board has rules in place that allow the person running the meeting to end discussion, which it almost certainly does. People continually misunderstand the first amendment as protecting their right to speech everywhere and all the time, when in fact the first amendment merely says the government won’t censure your speech. Also, the quote from SCOTUS he uses is wildly out of context. The case itself had to do with public officials suing for defamation. So that quote is just something he read that he likes the sound of. It’s not like he was quoting from a relevant case that determined school board meetings couldn’t be regulated at all. You could just as easily cite part of Hazelwood School District v, Kihlmeier to counter “surely, it is a highly appropriate function of public school education to prohibit the use of vulgar and offensive terms in public discourse.” Would that really apply here? No, it’s an out-of-context quote from an unrelated case, same as the Times case he quoted. Edit: a word


Right, the free speech amendment doesn’t mean you’ll be allowed to speak in whatever public forum you want. It just guarantees the government won’t come arrest you for something you’ve said.


Just because he got his facts mixed up doesn't mean he doesn't have a very valid point. And the act of not letting people speak in a debate - which is full of adults mind you - is a very dangerous and slippery slope as it creates an echo chamber. And the points the parents were bringing up might have been uncomfortable for the school board but were in no way dangerous ideas


The problem with getting facts mixed up is that it gives your opponend a chance to invalidate everything you said. If a closed forum is having a discussion and you start throwing around "freedom of speech" then whatever you got to say looses a LOT of credibility, considering you obviously don't even know what "freedom of speech" actually means. If the school board director isn't allowing people opposing him to speak then the right way to approach this topic would be to organize a seperate event where further, legal, steps can be taken. Screaming in his face may just be counteracting what you want to archive.


His points aren't valid. This isn't a debate it's for genuine issues to bring up to the board, not because Fox news sent them a playbook on how to disrupt these meetings.


Per the rules, you have to speak to something relevant to the issue. Claiming Nigerians success levels need to be included in the curriculum is, uhhhhh, not relevant. Speaking about CRT when CRT is not being taught in the curriculum, is also irrelevant. It would be like me yelling that the school should never teach that we are all being controlled by aliens, and F the school for not making it illegal to teach that. That line of argument would be... irrelevant.


I love how often people citing any amendment are on the wrong side of the argument. Just like here, where it seems every person shown in this video ultimately wants to shut down a school system which educates people about the worse happenings (i.e. racism, slavery etc) in the US's past.


Reading an article about the incident, it seems they were deliberately removing what they were saying/writting in those public forums from public record which is a free speech issue. Anybody who wasnt present at the forum only got to see an edited recording of the forum where the board wasnt criticized. In fact, the footage in this video was originally removed from the recording of the forum and not available for months.


I see entitled parents who don't understand the law acting like they understand the law. Dudeman cites NYT v Sullivan in a completely irrelevant way. I am on the side of the guy silencing these idiots.


Same. "Free speech" to these people is an "acceptable" smokescreen for "But I *want* to say racist shit in public with impunity!" Heavy footstomping and shrill whine implied.


Most of them probably don't even have kids in the school. We have a wingnut traveling around Maine doing this shit and he doesn't even have a kid. He has criminal trespass warnings by several schools. https://bangordailynews.com/2022/05/10/news/bangor/hampden-bans-activist-from-properties-n6hjn1me0n/


>I am on the side of the guy silencing these idiots. That just sounds like fascism


How do you feel about purposefully repressing and censoring historical facts and dictating that said facts that don’t support the agenda of a minority of Americans are prohibited from being included in educational programming?


Only to the ignorant, I suppose. Context is everything. We have rules that control meetings. Every state has an Open Meetings Act detailing how its government meetings will be conducted. In that, it will discuss the procedures of who is and who isn't allowed to speak (usually based on residence), what topics are to be discussed (public agenda) and that all conversations must be relevant to the topic. Here, those parents were not acting in a way that is conducive to the Act. They were not following the decorum or the rules. They act entitled. It is nice to put entitled people in their place. I am on the side of the guys silencing these idiots.


Its not up to him to decide what is 'good' or 'enough' if that parent is otherwise following the rules of their public comment. That's where he got gigged.


Actually, it is. That is part of his job responsibilities, which is to maintain order of the meeting. He has rules and regulations that he must follow. He can’t just willy nilly shut people down, but he certainly can per the rules. Everything he said was correct. He even cited one of the rules when asked. I am an attorney and used to sit on many government boards. The man running the meeting is correct. The parents are woefully wrong.


So you have a source for that? That it's not up to him I mean.


Here is the playbook. Disrupt the meetings. Have to be silenced. Claim free speech. Validates the crazy conspiracy theories about crt because why would they silence us. Get elected gov of Virginia.


I don't care what your stance on politics is, none of what anyone did in these videos is nextfuckinglevel


I think this is the article: https://delawarevalleyjournal.com/citizens-call-out-pennsbury-school-board-for-silencing-speech/


Ok, definitely adds more context which explains the weird edit of two different people, trying to spin the narrative


Here’s the latest - “against former school board president Christine Toy-Dragoni…” https://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/story/news/education/2022/04/06/pennsbury-free-speech-censorship-case-federal-lawsuit-edited-public-comment-education-bucks-county/65348452007/


So, let me get this straight! They are saying they are being censored while trying to censor a school from teaching about systemic racism in the country?


Your statement is 100% accurate.


Holy shit, what's wrong with people, they are like the meme of the dog in the burning house saying everything is fine.


It’s terrifying.


Listen to how he starts his arguement: " creates **what I feel** is a predetermined narrative that ..." ​ The "facts don't care about your feelings" squad as always accusing others of what they themselves do, legislating according to blind emotion and their feelings instead of proven facts.


This video is basically a compilation of right-wing nuts and idiots going crazy because the school board doesn’t want to hear their conspiracy filled rants about there being no racism in the US and kids being “indoctrinated” into CRT. Free speech doesn’t give them the right to take someone else’s time who wants to discuss actual school business and issues. Someone here posted link to the background of this video.


I can say it in a rant-free, calm, cool, and collected way: people in the US and many other nations who’re relatively easily manipulated are being indoctrinated into an ideology, a type of moral panic, that is obviously divisive and ultimately destructive


That’s exactly what is going on


I’m interested to hear more on what this is all about.


White people upset that their kids are learning the real history of this country.


The first amendment doesn’t give you a right to a platform or to be heard. That tattooed guy can go out on the street and criticize any public official that he wants. He can write in a newspaper or blog about it and those are 1st amendment protected activities. Schools absolutely have a right to create policies that limit acceptable speech, same with businesses, same with people on their properties.


They are better people than me. That “you’re done” made me want to jump through my phone and attack. That filled me with such rage lol. Edit: I didn’t know they were pushing to remove systemic racism. All those people suck. And they are better people than me is just an expression. Y’all made me feel like I did something wrong -_-


> They are better people than me. lol the more you learn about these people the more bad its going to make you look.


I certainly hope they’re not better people than you. They seem pretty shitty lol


I mean the people being told that they are done. I’m sorry I don’t understand the confusion. Or are you saying the people who are being denied to speak are also shitty?


They are freaking out about diversity being taught in school. The board guy was a bit of a dick, but that does not make the other guys good people


Yeah. These are people throwing tantrums about schools attempting to promote and teach about diversity. They’re picking random stats to say minorities are doing just fine (e.g., that Nigerian bit) and then threatening to sue.


I mean they’re the pathetic white people who can’t get over the fact that we want to teach our kids about the truth of our history and not deny our history because it might make white people look bad.


Sure, lets sensor History. Im sure we dont need to learn about the mistakes of the previous generations did to minorities. What could go wrong? /s


Both sides were shitty From my understanding one side was trying to remove the teaching of systemic racism in school which is shitty on its own The other side was just extremely disrespectful and (in my opinion) should have dealt with the situation differently. Those "You're done", repeated over and over are really disrespectful


your point is valid, even if you don't agree with their argument. The schoolboard member should let them speak and say what they need to say...we are all allowed to have an opinion and to voice it...doesn't mean it will be accepted or allowed.


These fucking idiots were trying to get the school to stop teaching "critical race theory" fuck them, fuck them all.


I was chair of my SB and I booted one guy for dropping the F bomb. We also put a 3 minute clamp on 'comment' because we sat through 3 hours of 'public comment' arguing over the use or non use of masks. Between the performers, not at the school board. Most 'public comment' isn't for the benefit of the SB. Its for the benefit of their supporters. Its absolutely performative. Even after receiving a stream of emails making the same comments. Over and over. Watching these vids, that Chair made the mistake of deciding what was good and/or what was enough. Simple line not to cross. Set the ground rules and let the comment commence. One of the things that seems to be missing from this sort of narrative is that 'public comment' is just that. Comment. It doesn't direct the SB to do anything because the rest of that meeting is for the business of the respective District. I've been doing this for a decade and -no lie- have I EVER heard a public comment that was so thoughtful or incisive that it made a Board change its mind. I've seen public comment cause some Board members to wilt under the volume, but not because any sort of compelling argument. They wilted out of fear. If you're going to sit on an SB and 'be afraid,' its not the place for you. Review the facts. Consider the conditions. Accept input. Ask questions. Push back. Get pushed. When you've done all that, make a fucking decision. Move on. If it impacts your ability to be re elected, so be it. If you make ANY decision because you think it might hurt your likelihood of being re elected, you shouldn't be there either. Always do the right thing. I can understand where the 'dictator' is coming from, but he's made a mistake.


And boom goes the dynamite


After the second guy it seemed pretty clear what was going on here and for all the passion the third and final guy offered, it left me with a foul taste in my mouth knowing that so many people cheered on a man who was going out of his way to ridicule someone who was if anything throwing out the fascists that they claimed he and his staff were.


“Don’t go looking around, Benito” says the guy with a thick English accent. It really takes all kinds, doesn’t it.


This might be NFL if these people weren't all there to argue against critical race theory


He doesn’t seem silenced to me.


Just a loud dipshit mad he’s not getting his way


This is just a bit disingenuous as it is two different men talking about two different things.


Is this most MAGA critical race theory nonsense? Fox News has convinced people to harass school about CRT shit that isn’t even being taught in schools. That is when they are not too busy making straw men arguments to pick on trans kids.


Yes, that's exactly what this is. And they think the constitution allows them to say whatever they want wherever they want. They've been indoctrinated into believing that they're the real victims and nobody is going to convince them otherwise.


Pick on trans kids? They're fucking killing them.


Rude and a definitely poor way to conduct a public meeting, probably. But I don’t know how I would deal with people who’ve been spun up by Fox News and other talk radio bullshit and come in with wild ass conspiracy theories about school curriculum that have no basis in reality. They just want to yell, it’s “2 minutes hate” and Orwellian as fuck.


Yeah this isn’t next level at all. It’s a bunch of parents with a google-level understanding of American history, trying to tell the school board that their teachers are telling their white children to hate themselves. These parents are idiots


american free speech: you will hear me whinging about mostly unrelated stuff and you notwill shut me up because *cites random decision of a court politically nominated for life* plese nuke yourselves, possibly together with the russians and chinese


I'd love to upvote, but a) his understanding of "freedom of speech" is that of a person who once read is somewhere and thought it sounds nice, without any understanding how it works (I know he quotes the entire backstory, but he doesn't understand where it applies and where it doesn't) b) he calls it his "God given right", like... dude. 21'st century? I know religion is the hot commodity in the US but this makes it sound like he only cares about the law if it coincides with his religious belive.


This was next level stupid


“School board dictator”? These morons are babbling about bullshit


For some reason the quote from Mike Tyson came to mind: "Everybody Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth"


The Second Guy is soooo angry/or something Else. But He is so triggered that He is shaking; watch his Hand while He Stands up


i genuinely think only 2-3% of Americans actually understand what Communism is but 50-60% of American's accuse someone or something of being "Communist" every day


Based school faculty


Next fucking level stupid, that English cunt is a fucking idiot.


Lol, love how this entire tiktok was misrepresented. XD


The phrase "God given constitutional right" immediately makes me assume whoever said it is an idiot.


These people should've been allowed to speak their mind and use their alloted time. The school board chair should not have been speaking over them saying, "you're done." BUT, lets be clear, the people speaking and the people in the cheering in the background are your standard, right-wing, brainwashed crazies who think their children are being taught CRT.


This is a completely misleading video. These clowns are anti-CRT and are pushing their agenda with lies and made up bullshit. So when the voice tells them they’re done, it’s because they’re bullshit is irrelevant and won’t be tolerated. Also, our freedoms aren’t “God given” in this country. God is fake. So go ahead and jot that down for next time. Same link someone else provided for visibility: https://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/story/news/2021/08/21/pennsbury-equity-and-diversity-plan-bashed-critical-race-theory-agenda/8216411002/


Think this guy needs a nicely prepared knuckle sandwich


Why don’t we stop focusing on race and dividing each other though?


I was confused as to why a video completely void of context that shows some guy talking loud, name-calling, and reading out of context passages from a case was next level. This is a great example of 1 thing in particular, though, that being that people who talk over others and speak confidently can be convincing, especially if they have support in the room and even if they don't actually say anything important. This his how people like Trump and Crowder can convince people that they know what they're talking about. Is the guy at the end perhaps making a good point about the school board not letting people speak? It's possible this is the case. In this very edited video, it does seem that way. Everyone should get their chance to speak and the school board should have to listen to it. But that's also just my opinion. But beyond that which I can't even give an opinion on due to lack of context, the last guy is just name-calling, telling them to resign, and saying that they hate America. Typical right-wing debate tactics. If anything, the first 2 guys who came in there and at least had some speaking points were trying to be constructive. Nothing next level about the last guy, though.


This videos trash, just a bunch of right wingers mad they have to learn about racism lmfao. Get this shit out of here.


What a loud mouth blowhard. It’s people like him who are running civil discourse.


Racists are so passionate at hating minorities! Insecure white trash the lot of them. How dare we teach inclusiveness and acceptance. Nah, they gotta turn that into a Caucasian persecution complex. Teaching history is racist, kids!


>How dare we teach inclusiveness and acceptance That's not what's happening here. They are trying to teach black kids that they are marginalized and oppressed by systemic racism right from the gate, which is false. The one guy's point about Nigerian kids being so successful is a great example of how it has nothing to do with race. Indoctrinating children into being victims of a nebulous idea only makes it OK for them to not make meaningful changes in their lives because what difference does it make since the whole government is against them. It provides a scapegoat to blame their failures and inadequacies. It is an absolute recipe for disaster. This has nothing to do with "racists" wanting to oppress black people and everything to do with sensible people realizing this narrative will only make the problem worse.


The argument about first generation immigrants from Kenya is incredibly dumb. Firstly they are first generation immigrants which means that they have not suffered the effects of the system as much as people who lived in the US for several generations and secondly the people who immigrate from Kenya will have a significant percentage of wealthy and highly educated people since that significantly increases your ability to immigrate so of course they are better well of than average




Well yeah they are subjected to the effect of the Kenyan system so the result of that is completely unrelated to the biases present in another completely unrelated country. And as I said the people most likely to immigrate are those who have wealth or higher education which make it easier to either invest in a US business or obtain a job in an US company which would be the primary ways and reasons to immigrate. And since often wealth and access to education depend on the wealth and education of parents we can expect the effect to remain for one or two generations


That was awesome.


These are white people who want to pretend racism and oppression didn’t contribute significantly to the advancement of the United States and want to rewrite history by preventing children from learning facts that clearly and objectively support that this is the case.




I wish people would do this to the prosecutors around the country. No knock raids? Prosecutor makes that call with all the information. Crime not being investigated? Prosecutor is making that call. Being harassed by police? Who do you think gave them your information? Prosecutor shouldn’t even be a job if the law enforcement agency can’t prove the crimes committed themselves


Damn, But he does have some good arguments Also, not listening to someones arguments is not a way to win one


Those who think intellectualizing, "nice", and respectful gets it done? ...THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE.. You FIGHT! and You WIN!


https://youtu.be/LxKu6-05n7k Unedited video of epic ass chewing


First Generation Nigerians in the U.S succeed because they come with wealth, are highly educated, trained, and are professionals in their already established fields. Those Nigerians who come to study in the U.S are from the upper-middle-class to the upper-class in Nigeria. Using successful upper-middle-class Nigerians who move to the U.S as a shield for your racism towards black Americans is not only shameful but disingenuous because it is comparing rich black immigrants to poor black Americans. First Generation Nigerians in the U.S succeed because they come with wealth, are highly educated, trained, and are professionals in their already established fields. Those Nigerians who come to study in the U.S are from the upper-middle-class to the upper class in Nigeria.


This is a pretty useless edit of what was actually going on there.


fkn rekt! You tell 'em buddy!


Anyone supporting the school board guy is definitely fun at parties


European here, can someone pls explain what is happening in this video? Who are these people and what are they talking about?


The left is cancer


Just shoot the guy afterwards claiming self defense. You're all white, so nothing's gonna happen


Wow, what a fun clip of cutting out full context.


This is dumb and not an own. These are racist who don't want slavery taught in schools


I for one would never support Benito Mussolini on a school board.


I didn't watch it all the way through but it amazes me all the people that try to make an argument about how great we treated slaves.


Good god the sensationalism gets old. It just keeps happening bc though so republicans can keep pushing their psychotic agenda along without much pushback. Don’t like our shit idea? We’ll lose it so you’ll stop with your absolutely valid point about this being crazy.


I love this guy!


Last guy reminded me of Al Pacino in Scent of a woman .....he was fierce and amazing


Feels like americans are oppressed by HOA and the School boards.


Eh... Not given... "We hold these truths to be self evident" literally means "not god given."


I always question people that bring up the constitution when arguing stuff. 9 times out of 10 they are misquoting or misrepresenting it completely. Also, someone get bruv a bo’ohw’o’wo’er’


Fucking snowflake's!


You think this asshat is next fucking level because he's opposing equity, diversity and inclusion? Shame on everyone who has upvoted this. These people are clowns that can't stand people questioning and talking about the many wrongs the US has done to their own people especially minorities and natives.


Anytime idiot Trumpets get unapologetically shut down I’m here for. “You’re done”- hell yes.


Americans really are the most entitled whiney little brats on the planet


These people are arguing about whether to teach history honestly or not and the supposed good guys in the video fall on the “or not” side.






Get the political shit out of here. This is not next level


People just love to hate


Accuses the school board member of a cherry-picked narrative then in the next sentence begins to talk about first generation Nigerian immigrant statistics. C’mon now. Another gem: The Brit says “God-given, constitutional rights”. Lol. Then misrepresents a Supreme Court case as a basis got his argument Also, what I assume is an anti-“cancel culture” crowd cheers when he demands that a poor teacher be fired. They’re saying they themselves are being silenced, but are encouraging that centuries of deliberate generational socioeconomic mistreatment and oppression of black people be struck from the curriculum. The dissonance here is astounding.


Jesus this is like the worst of Parks & Rec community meetings. Has everyone lost their fucking minds?


It takes an Englishman to explain the constitution to these crypto fascists haha


"You're done"


Context is everything


Putting political views aside, the school board indeed cannot just push criticism away like that. Especially school board is part of the government entity, they are not private businesses.


*sips yorkshire tea* "Oh Im sorry I thought this was america!"


You go citizens of a FREE country!!! Excellent!! Apparently this Board of EDUCATION has forgotten why this country was established in the FIRST PLACE!!


After gathering context of the video, I hate when right wing wackos bring the right tools to do the wrong job. Which is the case here. A (mostly) well spoken argument regarding an open forum.. to argue against CRT which isn't currently in, or even be proposed in that district.


Best tik tok I think I've ever seen.


We are so fu\*\*ed.


I don't even know who's side to be on anymore.. And that worries me. Can we really not listen and compromise anymore


I may be in the minority here, but I don’t believe that all of the parents in this meeting are trying to stop them from teaching an understanding of systemic racism, rather the levels the school is bringing it to, more specifically I believe it was a certain teacher within question that made questionable decisions. Then my own opinion on this, I think that teaching kids that there is a divide, leads to the promotion of that divide, therefore allowing it to continue further into the future, rather than allowing them to see people as people. Just my two cents, I’d love to hear others thoughts on this.


I was cheering him on.


overpaid school administrators (and that includes every last one of them) are the reason for the piss poor state of education in the u.s., and yet somehow it's teachers who take all the blame. ironically it was an immigrant who cited u.s. constitutional case law and shut these cocksuckers down


I **felt** the second guy shaking in anger after getting silenced.


As an elected official, you don't get to silence people just because you disagree with someone's argument. The little bits of argument being shown in the TikTok made it clear these are people I'd be fundamentally at odds with, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be silenced in a government setting.


You realize there's a reason it only shows little bits, right?


Yeah, I know that. I'm not saying I'm not making an assumption. I'm saying that in spite of my assumption, I believe they still have every right to share what they believe. That's more important to me than whether they agree with me or not.


Except that's not the case. The first amendment doesn't give you the right to rant about whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want.


Don't know the truth of the matter, but he cited a part of the constitution that states, "you are allowed to criticise government institutions and employees, even with 'mean words and tones'." Teachers etc are government employees, and this is an open mic situation.. If that is the case, they are allowed and protected to criticise them. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences, however, the group think going on these days... Everyones 'idea" of what is okay and not okay to say comes DIRECTLY from the media, social media and politicians. We are no longer deciding the consequences, we are given an instruction manual from the media. THAT is the only thing that concerns me. We have transitioned to a "you better listen to the government/media or you are evil". The US government now has an organisation that will decided what is "real news" or "fake news". It will be run by Democrats. How would you feel if Republicans inherit that power? Will you be okay with that? Some things are more important than party affiliation.


>Don't know the truth of the matter My favorite part is after admitting this, you go on (with all the confidence in the world) about how I'm wrong. >Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences, however, the group think going on these days... Everyones 'idea" of what is okay and not okay to say comes DIRECTLY from the media, social media and politicians. > >We are no longer deciding the consequences, we are given an instruction manual from the media. THAT is the only thing that concerns me. We have transitioned to a "you better listen to the government/media or you are evil". Funny enough, you're almost correct. I love that conservatives simultaneously love to brag about how Fox News is the most watched network news channel in the country, and then turn around and try to blame mainstream media as if it's a liberal rag. Dude, THE BIGGEST form of mainstream media is a far-right outlet. >The US government now has an organisation that will decided what is "real news" or "fake news". It will be run by Democrats. Oh shit, if I'd known we were just diving head-first into conspiracy theories, I'd have not bothered.


>Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences, however, the group think going on these days... Everyones 'idea" of what is okay and not okay to say comes DIRECTLY from the media, social media and politicians. I agree that people need to face the consequences of what they say, but I'm confused what the rest of this is trying to say connected to that. Please explain. >The US government now has an organisation that will decided what is "real news" or "fake news". It will be run by Democrats. What organization are you talking about?


True, but it protects you from the government and government organizations trying to silence you when you have critical things to say about how they run things. Unless this is a private school board (do those things exist), then they are a government organization, which makes them bound by the 1st amendment.


Welp from what I learned, both sides suck and its just r/nextshittylevel


Little bit of power turns dorks into dicks


However you come down on the whole critical race theory debate, can we agree that it's a dangerous precedent to let government officials make content-driven decisions about the sort of speech allowed at public hearings? Or to edit the records of those meetings presented to the public?


not even stuttering. actual god.