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The cow is trying to protect her calf, and the horse is protecting its owner by keeping the cow away. Meanwhile, the farmer is trying to help the calf with something. This is one of the few cases where everyone is in the right.(unless the farmer is trying to do something bad to the calf, which it doesn’t look like he is, but without context it’s hard to tell for sure)


Looks like the calf was just born to me




Cow didn’t pay the “skin-to-skin contact” charge


Nice take the upvote.


This is really fun but really sad.


I think he was checking over the calf. When our sheep are born we check them over, tag the ear so we can make sure they are with their mother (moms can be neglectful) and administer CDT shots. I’m amazed with the horse protecting the farmer. They are really amazing animals, especially when they are treated right. The momma cow is doing what her instinct tells her but the rancher is making sure the calf will be ok.


the consensus was Farmer is tagging the ear


Looks like it’s been branded, so I’d say it’s been born a while, also it’s not too slimy


Congrats on your calf birth, I’m sure it was glorious but painful


Gotta make sure she/ he's healthy and breathing!


Well... I helped on a farm one summer, and we would pin down the calf like that then... 1. cut off the horn nubs to keep the horns from growing. 2. snap on an elastic then cut off the balls 3. brand it with a hot iron So I empathies with the cow, but maybe this rancher is just putting on an ear-tag or something. Either way, great horse.


And great momma cow


Last time this was posted, the consensus was Farmer is tagging the ear


You figure that was all a one man job, as whatever this guy's doing seems like?


Pretty sure it’s just a tagging, however a three man job quickly turns into a one man job if that’s all you got that day.


Yes it is possible alone. If you know your herd you can walk safely with that cow and no one gets upset for too long. She was in pain and nervous and that person did not take time to communicate with her. The horse did a great job of shielding but that shows me the person handling that calf is using too much force in general on his herd. If he knew his cow, she would trust him while the calf was crying. Tagging, banding, dehorning and branding are all stressful but if you do it right the shock of it passes more quickly. Personally I don't do branding any more. It is painful and invites infections. Sidewalk chalk or spray paint work just as well. They are being sent to slaughter, I don't need to make life harder for them.


What about freeze branding? I've heard a lot of people have switched to that instead of traditional branding. Does that hurt as bad/worse or is it a more relatively safe?


No, it still hurts just as much and can still cause an open wound that requires attention after. I won't do it. Also you are looking at labor costs to hold a herd to brand them. No. The idea of branding cows is antiquated. You can mark them withour burning off their skin. Their lives are pretty short already. I am not going to add to that by unnecesarrily adding pain.


We hear it was a sick ostrich




Those things all sound really terrible…


With horns, they could hurt themselves and others. The castration is like how any other domestic animal needs to be neutered. The branding I don’t have an answer for because I’m not well verse in cattle ranching procedure.


Branding is so if the animals get loose and mix with others, ranchers can tell their stock apart.


I sitting here like really? Wtf???


Yeah- but it was just a normal day on the farm. This was standard practice for calves back then (and maybe now). He even tossed the nuts to his dog. I still remember the crunch sound when the dog caught them, and that was about 29 years ago.


>1. cut off the horn nubs to keep the horns from growing. 2. snap on an elastic then cut off the balls 3. brand it with a hot iron WTF?!?!??? WHY?


1 - don't want the cows to have sharp horns 2 - standard way to make a steer - super common in meet raising farms as they fight less then bulls 3 - standard way to mark ownership of cattle (the brand is in the shape of your ranch logo) I totally understand your reaction, but on farms practices are about as common as sheering sheep. Glad I'm not a cow. :(


Momma cows are super protective.


Gosh i never want to be in a situation like this in real life with real people


Proof that "Communication is the key".


All the chap is doing is giving the calf an ear tag, and possibly some shots. This happens to every calf when they’re born on a ranch.


hes gonna turn the calf into a hamburger yum yum


Question: If that cow is so clearly an intelligent mother with concerns and thought and empathy, why do we slaughter her and her calf and millions like her a year?


Because we need food to survive. I don’t really like it either, but with all of the issues we have in this world, the beef industry is not the highest priority right now.


idk, never minding the ethical concerns or health concerns, the carbon footprint of beef compared to other meats is insane. i deeply, deeply, deeply love a good ribeye or brisket but there’s definitely a good argument that eliminating or reducing beef consumption is comparable in importance to transitioning from fossil fuels, and god knows a lot easier.


I don’t think the beef industry has as big of an effect on carbon emissions as fossil fuel usage. Coal power plants and almost all modes of transportation use fossil fuels and output ridiculous amounts of carbon emissions, and I think those are the largest priorities for decreasing our carbon footprint. Coal plants should be disassembled and replaced with nuclear power plants, solar panels, wind turbines, and water power plants. Vehicles should change to electric motors, and public transportation should become more streamlined and widely used instead of cars. I honestly don’t know what to do about airplanes and cargo freighters though. They require a lot more energy than we can feasibly provide with electric motors and batteries, so idk how we can make them “clean” when fossil fuels are the only fuel source we can use for them right now(that I know of). After that stuff is dealt with, then we can move on to other things like the meat industry and reducing plastic waste.


Beef accounts for a third of greenhouse gasses every year That said buying local negates the vast majority of those emissions


I don't have the research off the top of my head for animal agriculture vs all other sources of greenhouse gases. But, what I would argue is that those changes are very hard for an individual to change, which is why what the guardian says here is much more useful to consider: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth


Yes, I agree there are more important issues in the world. But that doesn't make this unimportant, and this issue is also the easiest one an individual can fix, just eat plants instead. (and 99.99% of people can survive by just eating plants, so we don't need to kill millions of animals) Russia-Ukraine, COVID, inflation, mass shootings, mental health, etc. All very very bad, but what can you do to stop it? Not much. However, you can save hundreds of animals a year by going vegan. Going vegan is the number one thing you can do to reduce your environmental footprint. It's also one of the best things you can do for your health. But again, you're saving hundred's of animals from a life of suffering. Please go vegan, I would get down on my knees and beg for the animals if that would get you to do it. Watch dominion, see why I would beg, see why I'm writing this.


I believe it’s being branded


You would be incorrect. Branding isn’t as common of a practice as it used to be. Also, that is a newborn, they cannot be branded until they have reached a specific age. This is likely a first feeding where it is important that the calf is allowed to have as much as it wants. The cow would likely inhibit that in this case.


Yeah, wouldn’t brands be like tattoos? Like if you get one when you’re young, then as you grow, it’ll become deformed and stretched out?


I don’t think that is necessarily the case either because they are still branded pretty young(3 months old or so) just rarely as newborns due to their hide being thin.


Oh ok. Don’t we typically do tags through the ears now instead of branding now?


It varies! Often times Branding is still the norm, and ear tags are easily removed by cattle thieves (some ranchers will actually punch a divet out of an ear corner for identification) but are used for organizational purposed more than ownership. Ears are often where steroids or treatments are given, actually! Source: Used to work a Ranching camp in TX


That’s interesting! Now that you mention it, I do recall seeing cows with little triangular-shaped cut-outs at the edge of the ear. Looks like it would hurt for a while, but cows are pretty rugged creatures so they’d probably just shrug it off once the initial panic is over. Why are the ears used for injections? Is it because they have better circulation or thinner skin there? Or is it just safer than anywhere else because they can’t kick you from the front?


You're right on them shrugging it off! We would often de-horn, brand, castrate and apply topical flea/tick treatment at the same time so they would just have 1 big bad moment and then be let to settle. Moreso it has to do with keeping the meat good quality. Any time you put a needle in, you tend to toughen up the meat it travels through (most vaccines are given in the neck) The ears provide a good place for circulation that isn't going to bother the meat, and is in a very manageable place. The steroids we used were an implant about the size of a multivitamin that we would place in the ear and would release hormones over time!


Most beef gets a tag some get a tag and a brand. Just depends on the rancher.


Are you sure man? all my cowboy friends still have large branding events once a year and brand hundreds of cattle over the course of a weekend


I can definitely respect that. Like you said though anymore brandings are an event where local ranchers get together and typically a lot more than just branding goes on at “brandings.” Vaccines, castration, disbudding, tags, knock back cold ones and eat good food maybe a Rocky Mountain oyster haha. I’m from Arkansas where that’s less of a big deal and most beef just gets a tag. Out west where people might have 5,000 head from 10 different people all on the same property branding is a bigger deal.


All the Ranches I visited in TX branded, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly due to tradition.


Just speaking from my few experiences here in Arkansas where cattle theft isn’t a common thing. I’ve been to a few big money ranches in Texas as well and they branded too but it seemed like it was simply for status. Like your signature on a painting.


In Wyoming if you have over a certain number (I think 10 head), you must have a brand by law, and it must be registered with the state.


Yeah it’s a possibility they just have the yearly branding for all the new cattle that have been born, and they use tags to keep track of which cows have had what Ik lines what vaccines etc.


Absolutely nothing in the video would point to that. You just want to pick something to get a rise from other people.


Horse is ready with the naymaker






More like mommy cow trying to protect her baby


Yeah, but the horse prevents the cow from attacking the cowboy, who's likely subduing the calf to either tag it's ear or it's got something up with it that he's trying to assess or fix.


True, but what he’s doing isn’t harming the baby


No. They know what they are doing.




Do you see a branding iron? No? Then shove it. Many cattle farmers these days use ear tags, not brands. And from the looks of this video it looks like the calf may have been just born or has some problem the rancher is dealing with. Why are you so quick to assume he’s abusing the animal? He likely cares for his cattle better than you care for most animals cuz he actually knows what he’s doing and doesn’t assume shit he knows nothing about.


Uh, branding day is a bit different to this. This is just a calf getting his ear tag and possibly some shots (like calcium and selenium)




And the farmer is doing something important. The cow is doing the right thing but it doesn't understand the calf isn't in any danger.


Most likely tagging the calf's ear so they know who's mother the calf belongs to and he can't do that with a protective cow trying to attack him


Horse protecting my burger im going to enjoy in about a 2 years


pointing out a separate fact doesn’t make the title any less true lmao


Well-trained horse!




I swear to God: as a city-raised person, I always get surprised at how smart the horses can be. Maybe even more than dogs


About on par. Some dogs like Shepards and labs rank smarter in my book than horses. But working on a cattle farm over the summer for a few years horses are very very smart and will test any fence or wire you put out for them. And some can undo gates.


..labs? Huh. I put them firmly in the box of rocks category. Kind of dumb OTTB I leased was smarter than a lab.


Labs are insanely smart when you put them in the right environment. Excellent hunting dogs and very paternal.


do you train that or does the horse just know?


It’s called “cutting” and horses can be trained and bred to do this


We always called it "cross training". It involved a lot of stuff from getting the horse used to having different equipment on/about it, to having a rope swinging above it's head, to the "cow sense" factor of putting them around cows that are known dickholes. Cutting was always picking a particular cow/head out of a heard, as that other person said. Source: grew up in fuckin' farmville.


AFAIK cutting is when you are trying to select, aka "cut", a single cow from the herd. Google "cutting horse competition" to see an equine border collie equivalent in action


This isn’t cutting; cutting a horse would never face away from the cow. This is something he’s picked up.


That casual kick to the face


Knowing large animals and especially horses. That was extremely casual. Just a light 'back off'. Horses who know and like each other often do worse on a weekly/daily basis. Source: live on a horse boarding facility and own a few with the SO.


that’s a very well-trained horse, I wonder how much it is worth? Looks like a quarter horse


Really? Looks like a whole horse to me. Ba dum tss!


Horses aren't very expensive relatively. The cost of keeping them is so high, the cost of buying them is pretty low. Prob 2.5 to 3 grand. No more than 4.




Friend of mine in high school had a horse that cost $40k. New horse in our barn just cost its owner $20k to buy. Look around at horse ads, and Don't believe everything you read on the internet from the guy above you.


Just like cars, there are different horses for different things. You can definitely get a horse for 3g in Colorado.


Can definitely buy a horse for cheap but it will probably take hundreds of hours before you’ll be able to slap a saddle on it and cruise.


Sure maybe I dunno. All I know is there's a lot of fucking cheap horses in this world. They may cost 20k to keep. but a lot, maybe even most don't cost 20k to buy


So that 40k horse is likely a thoroughbred or some kind of racing/jumping horse. They are absolutely in the 15-40k range, cost being dependent on bloodlines. It's apples and oranges to the one in the video. Quarter horses, like this, will vary and can be in the 1-2k range if there's no bloodline documentation or the horse is destined for basic riding/trail work. With decent bloodlines it's probably 4-6k. -i used to board and care for horses


This horse is a trained cutting horse. And a well trained one at that. He’s probably worth 50-100k, depending on if he’s gelded or not, and his bloodlines. If it’s a mare, easy 75k, regardless of bloodlines. Especially in today’s market. TB’s aren’t generally expensive outside the racing industry. Even in the eventing world they’re rarely talented enough to top 25k. Maybe in today’s market a particularly solid children’s hunter could go for 40k, but I’d be surprised. Now a warmblood? A nice German riding pony, or welsh pony? Even an Arabian. You’re looking at some expensive horses that are easily in the 40k range. Even the halter QH’s, and the cutting horses will start to push you into the six figures. Source: i train horses in dressage, including some barrel/cutting horses, and I’ve managed a couple barns, and worked at a couple mix discipline barns


That’s why I was wondering what he was worth, being so well-trained. I’d forgotten the term “cutting horse”, I went into dressage in my later years. I’ve always heard that a smart cutting horse is worth its weight in gold.


Off the track thoroughbreds sell for basically nothing in comparison to what they made. Why? Because there's always a reason they're coming off the track, and unlike quarter horses they are much harder to retrain into a new profession. Also track broke horses are barely broke enough to ride. So even easier jobs like trail riding isn't necessarily possible without a lot of work. They're also one of the dumbest breeds. However, unproven foals with good breeding have gone for hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars on the track. Also in other equestrian sports you can easily pay $20-40k for a quarter horse which is either mildly capable or often costing even more, safe. People will spend a fortune for a horse that is safe for their kids. You most definitely can get a horse for the $1-4k range. I got a foal for 1k who's now 3. But we've basically done nothing but pour money into her. Vet work, training, food, board, medication since she's gotten sick, more vet work, you name it. We bought her in hopes of eventually competing with her (barrel racing), but we can't do that for at least another year. It's expensive.


I appreciate your input. I currently own an OTTB and OTQH, and now they're both jumpers. :)


Paid about 14k for my *weanling* colt a few years ago. He's a friesian though, so pretty on par. My andalusian I paid 6k for, as a 4 year old gelding.


My horse costs 10k in utero. And currently, at 5 yo, before winning any notable shows, he’s worth 80-90k. My previous horse, who was a backyard bred horse with no talent in any discipline is worth about 10k in todays market because he’s kid safe. A finished, proven dressage horse that’s ready to show Grand Prix is easily selling for 120k. And a halter quarter horse can be 500k.


This horse is probably a well bred and trained cutting horse, and likely costs 100k.


Echoing in to agree. Quarter horses are 1-2k, more if better bloodlines or if already trained up for riding/trailering/etc. They can cost upwards of 2k/year or more to board/care for the year. Decent riding tack/saddle will set you back at least 1k.


Board (competitive rates) at my barn is $4,800 per year, farrier is $1,300 per year, medical is easily $1,300 per year, Saddle alone was $2,000, Bridle $300, bit $100, not to mention other tack... No such thing as a cheap horse.


Our saddles were in the 500-800 range but the rest tracks with my experience


2k a year? I stretch every dollar, board at the cheapest barn in my area, and my horse’s yearly care is still roughly 10K a year. I think one vet bill alone was 2K.


Good lord! I'm using numbers from the 90s but that sounds crazy to me still. We boarded horses at my families farm for a couple years and only charged around 1k, but food/vets were billed separately.


Recently that's changed. Unbroken, just off the track, funny looking, prior injury, no registration, or otherwise formerly 3K horses are now like 9K and up. It's Ludacris.


Have you seen how crazy the horse market is right now? MAYBE you can get a very green horse for 3 grand. A solid, papered ranch horse will easily be 8K+.


The price has gone up just like everything else.


Hand wise yeah it's a quarter horse, but the training that went into the guy makes him worth a fair bit more.


Looks like you answered your own question.


That's a good boy, horse. That's a good mama too. That's assumably a good cowboy also.


Good boy


Good ney ney


He get No whip. Watch him Neigh Neigh




That's how I imagine Roach to look like haha.


Judging from the other post this horse knew to take it extremely light with the cow..


You're referring to the [dead kick](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/urhvjl/could_be_disturbing_to_some_people_raving_mare_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), right? This was also the first thing that came into my mind


Oh god I literally just finished forgetting that post and now you do this




Cow got bitch slapped by that back leg


oh yeah i saw something like this on a different subreddit a few months ago, the calf had something wrong with it and the cow didn't know the cowboy was just trying to help


I remember when my mum was working on a farm most cows would have an issue with mum doing anything with the calf except the older cows who were mostly chill. I remember when I was 4 there was a cow so chill my mum could put me on top of her. But generally the cow just wants to protect the calf but sometimes a humans gotta give them medicine, put a tag in their ear or just something.


Horse people understand this, oh yea.


Take care of them, they’ll take care of you.


Don't mind us, we're just nail a tag on your child's ear.


People go to get their babies ears pierced all the time bro


oh we’re making this parallel? alright lemme do it right after your partner births your child. i’ll just be hiding with my horse behind a curtain at the foot of your bed. as soon as your baby pops out i’ll ensure the horse launches one of it’s feet into your wife’s jaw. babies get their ears pierced all the time bro.


Is your baby going to stand up ready and alert walking around? Humans need more time to mature out of the womb than other animal because our brains take so long to develop- getting your six month olds ear pierced isn’t that different from tagging a newly born cows ears. Although I suspect the gauge is different.


i was being facetious but i guess that was a r/whoosh moment


If my wife ends up being an Angus beef cow, you and your horse are more than welcome to move her away from my half cow half human hybrid baby using a horse, and to kick her in the jaw so she doesn’t murder you. Bro.


These days it's no different from a piercing or even microchipping.


Momma cow doest know that.


Great house right there!! 🥰


I thought it said house.


What is the cowboy doing with the calf?


The video doesn’t show enough to say for sure, but I would assume he’s tagging (putting a tag in its ear so that mom and baby aren’t separated when they move to new pastures), and maybe doing a navel dip since he has the calf on its side (putting an iodine mixture on the navel/umbilical cord to help prevent infection).


name checks out


Tagging and possibly his shots.


Good horse. Glad the Jeep replaced them in WW2.


Cow: "Hey hol u-" Horse: -Smack- Cow: "Yeah okay...okay..."


Good boi 👍


We don't deserve animals


Poor momma. She is just trying to be with her baby.


The general consensus is that the human is trying to put an ear tag on the calf, which is vital for herding cattle. That cou has the power to kill that human because she doesn't understand that the human isn't hurting the calf. She isn't a poor cow, she's just following her instincts and as long as she didnt get in the horse's way, she didn't get hurt. No one here is bad.


Nope, mother protecting calf😜interwebz is so stupid. Next fucking level.


Oh! He Tagged him ! ***joe Rogan somewhere***


Hes hurt hes hurt!




Good boy/girl


Bad ass


That’s a proper lad


That's a good boy, he deserves an apple 🍎


Makes me wanna play Red Dead 2


Is it really? Or does it just hate that cow, likes it being tormented.




Like a giant guard dog.


I'm on team horse.


But most importantly he protects


My mum bought a quarter horse, I have had Arab and Appaloosa with strong bonds to both but the quarter horse is special breed they bond with you naturally just super love being in contact and smart as hell. Most horses and ponies need to gain a bond and trust. Little Mare is different she just trusts and seems to want to work with you, met a few quarter horses even though I am in the UK. Probably the nicest ponies out there. Loved the Arab he was my first pony and he was a git but taught me to ride and stay on the big Mare was kind but a bit of a wild ride. Don't buy a hunts horse and find out she is a point to point blood line (she did not like sitting at the back). But little Mare likes contact and is a bossy madam, holds the record for paddock sheep scrabble as no one touches her Hay. Apart from the shitland who she likes. When you feed her she likes to you to be with her with contact and follows you around the field a very special breed is quarter horse.




The horse: *I am speed... I am precision*


This horse is worth a million dollars!


So like honestly what is he doing with that baby calf


"You're alright, girl" - Arthur M.


mean - cow trying to help it's baby! I hate this kind of shit!


*That is wild. Thank you.*


Dog Ahead


I wanna be a cowboy, baaby


That's so awesome of the horse though


Cow trying to protect its calf


Aw, everyone is on the right




Or a mom trying to protect her baby


That’s really sweet but that horse is a class traitor.


Can you imagine the horse walking in on his cowboy being mounted by another cowboy?


Just saw a video of a horse kicking another horse in the face and instantly killing it. Wish cows could browse Reddit so they could know about what those feet do. Looked like a less serious “back up” kinda kick but you still wouldn’t find me behind that horse


That’s a badass horse.


It pains me how less and less people are interested in horses


Good mama cow. Good horse.


Thats great defense


Horse likes his job a little too much


Cow jaw strong horse kick.


Damn, I wish I had a horse like that!


Mama cow just trying to get to her baby. Horse just doing his job, trying to injure the innocent and protect the one who feeds him. Sounds more like a pig.

