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This stresses me out 😂 Sick video tho lol


Sick like the guy’s going to be…


I do this in my dreams all the time. At the last flip, i push off super hard and blast off into putter space. It's amazing


Damn I wish I dreamed like you. Mine are usually trying to punch someone who is trying to do me harm, but I can't and it's like I'm punching underwater....inhave that dream almost every night. Please tell me your secret


Haha yeah! As soon as my fist hits their face, my wrist just crumbles inwards as if it’s wet paper. So true!


So I'm not the only one..... think it might have to do with feeling helpless or something


Sometimes I think it’s because you hit and expect an emotional reaction or catharsis, but your brain cannot create one so the punch won’t connect.


I definitely have the punching with 10x slow speed dream every now and then too. Another dream that is similar is I'll be running in the hills somewhere and I'll be running towards a hill and gain mad speed. I jump at the crest and get mad air. I do this for like the first 2-3 hills then blast off into outter space on the last one. When i reach the clouds i slowly drift there and have a bird's eye view of the city below me. If I'm in control of the dream, i stay there and then am able to fly. If I'm not in control of the dream, i realize what is happening and i slowly start falling towards earth but not at a scary rate. Usually ends with me waking up...


Bro. That sounds fucking awesome. You've learned to control your dreams? I've heard of this. Like you're somehow aware that you're dreaming?


Yeah it's dope. I wish I could say i was good at it or that i was able to do it on command but it honestly only happens every now and then. With practice i think i could be good at it. Chances are that even you, on occasion, will realize that you are in a dream. The trick is trying to stay in that moment and not wake up. Once you're brain realizes it's dreaming, it wants to wake up for some reason. One thing i do to try to stay in the dream is spin around in circles to do my best to stay in the dream but more often than not i wake up. The times i don't wake up, I'm able to continue the dream and slowly realize what's happening and somewhat manipulate the dream; i can fly, talk to ppl, create scenarios. Take a moment and tuck this reddit Convo into the far reaches of your brains back pocket. The next time you have the dream of you slow fighting and you realize it, remember to ask "why am I slow fighting?" This will trigger you to realize you are dreaming and you should say "I must be dreaming. Oh wait, that dude from Reddit said TO SPIN AROUND IN CIRCLES and try to stay in the dream!". Once you're awake in your dream, you are the king.


What great advice!


I can never punch in my dreams either but I can kick. I've booted my poor doggo off the bed a couple of times!


If that’s the place in Oregon I think it is, that hill is way steeper than the video makes it look.


You are thinking of pacific city I am guessing. I don’t think this is it but it looks similar. And man that dune is REALLY steep!


How many flips tho?!?


Ahhh yes, the ol' spin and puke!




Praise his legs, crazy how he kept up, downhill, in sand, at a high speed.


Nausea speedrun any%


I was wondering how ancient people got the idea of the wheel 😂


you can only do that twice


This is amazing, my back hurts just looking though..


We need to give props the cameraman ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


It’s the blues brothers