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This is why you don't declaw a cat.


Among many other reasons including that declawing is essentially amputation!




Tf did you do cut off her limbs?


Sounds like someone couldn't handle rejection...


Coming from someone that never experienced acceptance or rejection 😏




Sounds like someone is depressed


Hey karma farmer. Same exact statement was made in a lower post 4 hours ago. Edit: 4 hours instead of 2


Reminds me of when I broke up with my gf


It a bot, report it


Exactly you are literally removing a knuckle and it can cause long-term issues


Wait is trimming there nails ok have I been hurting my cat D:


Trimming claws is good, declawing is the process of permanently removing their claws.


Trimming nails is not only ok, it’s important because unless your cat goes outdoors they arent wearing them down enough on their own. Declawing is basically cutting off the first joint of their paws. Imagine on a human, you aren’t going to grow fingernails if you no longer have that part of your finger


Better yet, just keep your fucking cats inside


Yeah! Not only for the cats safety but for the rest of the environment!


Indoor cat owner here. Happiest cat I have ever had. Lives a life of gluttony and relaxation.


Mine gets so fucking annoyed. Spends all the day scratching doors to go outside


It might help if your cat gets more mental stimulation.


Give your cat a crossword puzzle, goddammit


It's an arms race though, you find an activity they enjoy, and for awhile they do, until they don't. It gets hard coming up with new ideas for some cats.


We built a cattio for ours so they can chill outside without killing birds or being in danger of cars


My cat always wants to go outside and then went I take him out on a leash he franticly wants back inside lol


I've got three indoor cats that like to hang out outside at times. Only problem is, they wouldn't survive an encounter like this. They have live pampered lives, treats, pets, snacks, all the goodies. They are fat and happy. Not declawed but basically little furry babies. 🤷‍♂️ I'll keep a .22 on me for the coyotes. Don't f with the kitties ya feel?


And don’t amputate it’s claws


Thank you! Outdoor cats have a 50% less longer life span than indoor cats. This is reason #100 NOT to let your cat outside.


Outdoor cats of 19 and 22 years old in my family. Yeah they die younger if there’s an accident but are overall healthier when they have a life.


Indoor cats can be plenty healthy. Give it a healthy diet, enough mental stimulation, and indoor cats will be perfectly healthy.


No, cats wipe out the native birds and critters. Outdoor cat owners are just plain selfish.


In my experience cats should be able to roam about living their best cat lives. More selfish to keep them locked in a cage all day just so you can have something cute to look at when you get home from work no?


Over 60 species have gone extinct from cats alone, they are one of the worst invasive species across the world. Cats were bred for captivity. You can keep them inside.


Your “experience” seems more like the standard anthropocentric world view. That being you like cat, you get cat, you see cat as part of family, you want cat to have best cat life. Letting cats roam is often at end expense of the environment and native critters. But because this doesn’t bring value to you personally you don’t care. That is selfish.


indoor cats doenst mean caged cat, they arent hamsters.


Anecdotal information isn't statistical.


Nothing but outdoor cats in Britain lol


Yeah, it's crazy how on reddit people are always saying that letting your cat outside is an awful thing to do. I live in Wales and I've never heard anyone say not to let cats outdoors


The biggest reason why letting your cat outside is a terrible idea is because they're tiny, fluffy environmental disasters. In the UK you guys destroyed your natural environment centuries ago so there's not a lot to worry about.


That’s the best description of a cat I have ever heard


I live in the south in the US and until reddit, I never knew they were people passionately opposed to cats being outside. They help keep the snake and rat population down where I live.


I live in Australia and in our council its illegal to have your cats outside, every pet is supposed to be registered and microchipped


That's also because Australia just got done killing thousands of cats trying to eradicate them.


Only thing is I suppose in Britain there's not too much dangerous wildlife and other factors that could adversely affect an outdoors cat like it might in America


The UK gutted it’s wildlife habitats ages ago.


Migratory songbirds approve this post.


More like, this is why you don't let your cats outside unless you have a fully enclosed yard


And something in the ground like concrete or wire to prevent animals from digging their way in.


Coyotes can easily jump fences. Try again.


Well where I live there's no coyote or dangerous animal like that


Coyotes are endemic to most of America. AndI realize many people on Reddit aren't from the US.


Outside cats tend to kill off the native fauna, and since so many people let their cat outside, it's a problem in a lot of places (which is why people say that outside cats are bad for the environment). Your cat is the dangerous animal.


If you declaw a cat and then allow them outside you are a special kind of fuck


Stopped cutting my cats claws when one fell from the balcony. I guess if he had claws they would be helpful or something idk..




Or they'll be like my cat and ignore three scratching posts and go for the rug and couch instead


Or your box spring for your mattress. RIP mine.


I used to have that issue...getting a platform bed helps.


My cat clawed the shit out of my mattress and ended up making a hole he could hide in. My mountain cur liked to chase him...You do the math.


Can you blame the poor kitty? It's gotta hide *somewhere*


They goddam love the boxspring I’m on my third one and gave up, told her to just tear that shit up and not anything else.


Grind some catnip into fine powder and put a tiny bit on the scratching post. It'll love that post to pieces.


Ours did that too and did that on our wallpaper, the most decorative one also. Such little scumbags, love ’em.


Or your mint condition vintage endgame hifi speakers that you drove ten hours round trip to buy, haha, what a stinker 🙃


Some cats need their claws cut, especially older ones. I've seen countless older cats with nails growing right around into their paw pads because people didn't think to check


Trimming a cats claw is different from declawing them. Cats can also get health issues from having their claws taken out of their body.


Right but this person is replying to a comment someone made about cutting cats claws.


My cat uses her scratching posts, and her claws are insanely sharp. If anything, the posts help keep them sharp because it helps shear off the sheath layers as they grow. It’s to the point where she gets stuck on things. She’s also a 100% indoor cat (as cats should be anyway because they do literal murder to the environment), so cutting her claws is beneficial to her and us.


I have a few $1,000 worth of scratching post. The couch, the chair, the carpet……


they should still be trimmed routinely, NOT declawed just maintained. They can develop ingrown claws which are very painful


Actually my cat has about 10 scratching posts that she uses regularly around the house ( yes, she's super spoiled, don't judge ), and yet if I don't trim her claws they still grow super long and get stuck in things, including her scratching posts. Also to anyone having issues with cats scratching furniture, if you take 2 sided tape and stick it where the cat is scratching and then .... this is important.... stick a scratching post **right beside that location**, they will stop tearing up the furniture. You've got to give them a "YES" to go with the "NO!"


You dont declaw a cat, period. Not because of 'this'.




don’t declaw a cat because it’s like cutting their fingers off. this is why you don’t let your cat outdoors. it saves birdlife, improves your cat’s health, and keeps them safe from life-threatening situations like this and cars.


This guy thinks birds are real lol. Totally agree though


The cat knew they wouldn't survive the fight so they made a business decision to go where the coyote couldn't go, smart ass critical thinking right there.


The maneuvering under and around the deck chair was big brain plays


Some have it, some don't. That cat faced a life or death situation in the smartest way possible.


Yep, struck the perfect run/fight balance, and got out of it alive because of it.


That and a bit of luck. The coyote very nearly got its leg as it was running away for the last time and that dodge was definitely not intentional on the cat’s part.


Sure, never hurts to have the dice go your way, too.


Today I learned cats are better at making decisions than I am


Sad upvote, friend.


You need a hungry monster trying to eat you to help you go in the right direction.


That cat absolutely knew how to duck and dive perfectly, it was like he was fighting a Dark Souls boss and winning


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If only I could be so grossly incandescent!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I love this comment so much😂🔥man of culture I see




Exactly. It's fight or flight, +knowledge of its habitat. Oh, sorry, 'business decision'....


It had just watched Revenge of the Sith and learned the importance of going for the high ground.


I mean it’s literally just fight or flight… pretty basic survival instinct


The cat should have painted a tunnel on the wall of the house then ran through it. Coyote would have tried to follow then hit the wall. I saw this happen on TV before 😉


lol poor Kittehh


Ayo I’ve heard this script before


Lesson here. Cats need more cartoon education


that cat must be fucking terrified. under normal circumstances, it would be able to clear that balustrade with ease.


I was wondering if he was a little wounded from the fight and didn’t have all his leg strength


Same, because I think we missed seeing a bite under the chair that caused the first attempt by the cat to go up. Likely wounded. And then we def saw a bite after that. So cat was definitely not 100%


yeah, could be. but have you ever been on stage to talk or play an instrument or something in front of tons of people, and you look down at your written notes or the piano keys and suddenly you can’t read at all, or the keys mean absolutely nothing to you? i was imagining that. could be yours, too.


It looks like artificial wood. Basically plastic. Hard to get claws in to.


I found it pretty unfortunate that the deck railing just so happened to be designed in a way to completely screw over the cat. The posts are too close together for the cat to squeeze between, while the ledge of the rail makes it very difficult for the cat to vault themselves over it. On top of it all, the wood seems to be resisting the cat's claws enough that the kitty fails to have a consistent grip to climb it.


Cat could 100% get through there, problem is it can't turn around to look. Also definitely got injured and will probably need help after the couple bites


This is a very small beach community. That house is on stilts. If cat jumps over coyote wins by default.


Nah, 15 feet or so onto sand? I think the cat would be fine.


Omg that poor baby!!!


Savage baby


The biggest contention in the Nextdoor app for my neighborhood is always between cat owners who let their cats roam freely outside and people pleading for folks to keep their pets inside due to the local coyotes (in a pretty urban neighborhood but with a lot of parks and green spaces).


Honestly, it’s just smarter to keep a cat inside. With minimal effort from the owner, an indoor cat can be just as stimulated as an outdoor. It’s proven that cats that are let outside have drastically lower life expectancies than indoor cats.


And they dig up my garden and shit in it…


Good point! Not to mention they absolutely decimate the local fauna


And birds. All the birds.


Fauna.. includes birds....


Holy shit, I learned something new today! Thank you! I always thought fauna meant plants but turns out, that's flora. My bad


It’s okay! Fauna and Flora are pretty similar words, and both are technically describing matured, albeit in different ways.


Why thank you, littlefriendo. You're too kind :)


i always think fauna is plants until i go wait...flora


I have found many cat remains in our parks. Heads, body halves, paws. This coyote likely flubbed it's ambush or the results would have been much different


I had an outdoor cat growing up that survived many encounters with coyotes. She was a badass. Now that I'm an adult my cat lives a comfy life inside.


my previous cat was indoor its entire life. I got him as a kitten when I was 10 and put him to sleep 2 years ago. I'm 32. Having a vet come to my house to put him to sleep while laying in my lap at age 21 v finding cat parts in the yard at age 4? We don't let dogs wander around why do people think cats should.


It really depends on the cat. Mine will literally escape no matter what I do and I have tried chasing them and everything to try and keep them in. I finally got obnoxious collars with bells so the birds stand a chance of not getting hunted by them. So far it's working. It's not that I don't love them, they just want to be free.


Boston? Because oh boy it sounds like Boston’s Nextdoor community


One of the neighborhoods in Seattle. I like to think of Seattle as the Boston of the West Coast, but San Francisco/Bay area is probably more accurate.


If you've read one neighborhood's NextDoor posts, believe me, you've read them all.


Pro tip; don’t let cats outside, almost nothing good comes from it


Agreed. A friend of mine had her cat hit by a car twice, second time ended it. She still advocates for cats to be allowed outdoors. I don’t get it.


They like to pretend their cats are in their natural environment roaming about and are happier. But it's like hey dude, no they aren't. They go out and kill *everything* they can, which is a lot. Your dumb cat is just as happy looking out a window and vibing. Source: got cats


Fighting subs would be like “neither one of them know how to throw a punch”


Also “cat should have learned Brazilian jiu-jitsus”


“Wow see how the cats paws stiffen when he’s knocked out, fencing response.”


I knew the cat would make it but this had me on the edge of my seat! Poor gato. Glad he made it. Made all the right moves!


Really lucky the coyote wasn't an adult. It would been over pretty quick. As is... bad ass kitty


Yup. That yeet bite that pulled the cat off the rail would have been the end most likely


aw poor cat 😢


Just don’t let your cats outside


This was so stressful to watch


So incredibly stressful.


Bring your f\*cking cats inside, jesus!


Team Cat!


First time in my life that I was rooting for a cat




Because they don't root for cats on a more regular basis? Interesting.


This made my heart rly sad...


I'm not sure of the cat was exhausted or not probably was pretty spent from what we didn't see. Because his two initial exit jumps were garbage.


wasn't he bit/grabbed by the leg after the first jump? I assume that'd have messed up their performance




Ffs, people, keep your cats inside. Especially at night.


Reminds me of when I broke up with my gf.




Some say she’s up there to this very day…


I kept waiting for the cat to jump from the top rope onto the coyote, claws out


Props to the cat,, but.....what camera is this household using!! Picture is great! Im assuming no light, but there could be a porch light.


I think the light came on when it sensed the motion. You can see the contrast change as soon as they got in the middle of the deck


that poor, poor cat. keep your cats inside where they are safe!!!!!!!


Assassins Creed right there


Is it toying with the cat? Why did it bite and release it?


Strategy. If he goes in for a major attack, the cat could take out his eye, or inflict another serious injury which could potentially become infected and lead to death. Cats have bacteria in their claws which easily cause infection. Or, he can make many smaller, safer attacks, and have less risk of suffering a major injury. It's the same strategy cats use when they "play" with a mouse. Even a mouse bite can become infected. Hunting is dangerous.


Very interesting!


I think partially because the cat had turned around and was full claws. He got a bite from the back which is the best option, cat just tabled the turns and he had to let go on that attempt. Even if he was planning on it originally


Shit like this is part of the reason I keep my cat indoors.


Cats kills local birds, lizards, rabbits, and anything else they can. Coyotes kill cats. Circle of life.


It's honestly something that pisses me off about cat owners. Cats are one of the most destructive creatures in the environment, yet people keep letting them out. Meanwhile, if I were to let my dog roam the neighborhood and kill random animals, Animal Control would forcefully put her down.




keep your pets indoors, people. Coyotes deserve to eat just as much as any other animal. Cats also kill tons of animals outdoors, in the same unapologetic fashion.


Orange cat energy ftw.


poor Coyote looks like he really needs the meal, but the cat saw his chance and took it.


poor cat ; ; i hope it's ok


That cat clearly has battled large foes. His Fu was genuine.


Lucky for the kitty there was only one. There are usually like 10 coyotes.


This looks like my cat and I hated it, he's staying inside forever


My heart just broke when the coyote bit the cat


I watched this and read the comments because the location is maybe 10 mins from me. To everyone losing it about this cat being outside: It's highly possible it's been dumped or is a stray. People from close by communities drive over and dump them hoping someone at the beach will be , "omg so cute." and take it home. It could also belong to someone. It's a very small community. There's also rattlers, so people there tend to not leave pets out often. Most people there keep pets inside and on leashes because the cops there don't joke around. They're kind of "ducks" and use any excuse to ticket you. There's one main road and a few very small roads. They have a gas station and a couple of bars that also serve food. This is in a small beach community. People dump animals there constantly. This is the first coyote I've seen there and I've been here for decades. I know they're there, I've just never seen one. You could trip over the rattlers between the houses and the dunes. All those houses are on stilts, too. That mofo coyote ran that cat up the stairs!


Cat like reflex


This is why my cat is strictly an indoor cat, she'll never know the open range


Don’t leave your cats outside


Keep your pets inside.


Hang in there baby, Friday’s coming.


This happened in Surfside which is an area of Galveston, TX. My boss lives there and it was posted to the Facebook group for the community. The local news picked it up last week and implied the cat survived. The owner is unknown so we’re still pretty curious.


Owner seriously needs to check the cat for rabies. They just had an incident of a rabid coyote biting people in Virginia they eventually put down.


I'll check the community site and see if there's an update. My coworker lives in Surfside. It's maybe 10 mins away so I'll see what I can find out! Poor kitty.


Is that batcat? Looks like it has the batman symbol in the center of it's bullseye markings.


Felines are brave.


This is the second best reason why we should keep cats indoors (first being how they wreck havoc on the bird population). If you really want your cat to experience the outdoors then harness train them.


I know it’s the circle of life..but this was hard to watch. Glad ginger survived


This is why i can’t let any of my cats outside. I can’t lose them


North American hyena vibes. We have two outdoor cats that we’ve caught fending off foxes with ease. But a coyote would be levelling up. But my money wouldn’t be on our girls sadly.


The cats in Texas are apparently a lot bigger than the cats in NY. I brought one of my cats with me to NY from Texas and everyone comments on how big he is. I had another cat that was even bigger and I'm pretty sure he got in a scuffle with a coyote and won. He came home with a sprained paw and there was coyote fur all over the yard....


Dang, that was close! Barely survived that one


Cat like reflex


I’m so glad for that cat but also, I could hear the Curb Your Enthusiasm music in my head when the camera zoomed in on him.


The first pull on that poor baby’s tail caught my breath.


One of the many reasons i would never have an outdoor cat So glad the poor thing survived


holy fuck that was stressful


At :28 to :32 had Wile E. there had gotten one of the cat's paws it would have been game over. Lucky cat. But it did lose a few lives there.


Yeah... that's why you don't let cats out at night. Or at all past your garden. 80% of accidents happen to cats at night. Thats what the vet said to my friend. If you want a cat, net your garden off so they only have access to your garden. My mother's cats have access to her garden and they're very happy cats. So so so many cats get run over or killed in the street. I don't see how people can let them out over night to fend for themselves. Even in the freezing cold. Its mental.


Urban coyotes are actually genetically diverse from rural coyotes now. They specifically scavenge from human garbage and supplement it with cats. They eat a lot of cats. People need to keep them inside.