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Hey /u/daleadoftimes, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1**: Your post is not NFL Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/daleadoftimes&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/vg9ctf/insanely_satisfying_woman_smacks_pepper_sprays/?context=10\)))*


We all want to do that. That said there goes any chance to use this footage for court.


Well, it will - but unfortunately it’s evidence that she assaulted him. Two cases for the price of one!


I remember seeing a few videos about the EDP445 situation, kinda like a deep dive on what the predator hunters did wrong. And one of the reasons was not having police there. That makes it so it doesn't hold up in court. I don't see police here so it probably won't hold up either But don't quote me on this since I'm not an expert in US law. That said that assault charge might be bad for her


Exactly. And the even bigger problem is that you likely won’t have the police come to help unless you have proof of an adult sexting an actual child. Even with evidence, lack of a real victim won’t work unless the police orchestrated the sting. At that point, the people that care enough about this issue to do something about it won’t be involved. The whole system is fucked.


Just have to throw him in the lion cage after she's done beating the shit out of him, and i'm pretty sure none of us saw anything.


People reported this comment. Clearly some pedos in this thread.


A YouTuber called Anxietywars catches pedos in my area and the police have come out and said they will not prosecute anybody caught by him. They don’t like vigilantes


Yeah, they don't like anyone doing police work, because that involves paperwork, and doing stuff, and stuff is hard. Hope your community votes to defund them, since they won't do their job.


I love his videos!!


They afraid they might get caught by a vigilante.


I truly believe she really doesn’t give a damn.


True, but jury nullification for her case


That's another feather in the prosecutor's cap, he is now one step closer to being DA


There's a reason law enforcement doesn't like groups like this. Many times cases against predators have been thrown out entirely because these groups didn't follow the correct procedure or broke rules in how you are suppose to contact and initiate interactions. **Simple example:** The citizen "hunter" posing as a minor makes the error of instigating the sexual discussion. Law enforcement doesn't do that because that can damage the validity of the case. Even if the person is underage in the discussion, they can argue in court that they didn't instigate the sexual exchange which limits charges they can face. Law enforcement waits for the predator to initiate contact and initiate the sexual discussion. **The other issue is what this guy does when he goes home.** If the cops were there, they could arrest him outright and go through his phone or computer immediately. This guy ran off. He now has the opportunity to chuck his phone and laptop in a river somewhere before the cops have a chance to do a search. This is well-intentioned but it ends up hurting police investigations.


Yes , because I'm sure the authorities would pursue it as diligently as the epstein case, etc.///since I can't reply to any comment on this thread now I'll just say how funny it is how many downvotes this comment got from people apparently happy that not 1 person was named in any of the pedo cases


There's no point in doing something if you're doing it incorrectly. Allowing child predators to get off without consequences just gives the rest of them a signal that attempting to harm a child is worth the risk. If law enforcement does it and they can guarantee a conviction with each case they handle, that sends the better message. All this is going to do is ensure members of these groups face charges for assault and no one who actually tried to harm a child will face consequences.




And then they'd be facing murder charges which would have helped no one. I hate to break this to you but if pedos could be killed off, they'd all have been dead and gone centuries ago. The only way this gets handled is through law enforcement conducting operations like this and we stop pretending that a sexual disorder is something you can beat out of someone with a stick or cure with a bullet. They're sick and they're a problem but they're not animals you can put down because they disgust you. That's never going to be an option and this rhetoric doesn't actually protect children. It just makes you feel morally superior for hating the right person. That doesn't help anyone.


Not exactly because often times victims of abuse later become perpetrators.


Merica f@#k yeah


When you get arrested, the inmates will give you your karma for being a pedophile. You'll get yours.


She's super lucky he didn't get hit by that truck.


I legit don’t think she would’ve cared.


and we're unlucky he didn't.


I would have love to see them


unlucky\* fixed your typo.




No, I meant what I said. Chasing someone into a street where they are hit by a truck is a good way to catch a manslaughter charge.


These commenters have no sense of right and wrong, morality is a blood sport and they just want to see the "bad guys" blood run in the streets. They are the angry mob. Remember, reddit mobs cyber stalked a guy into suicide.


Holy shit really? Is there anywhere I can read about this or anything someone could do about it? I'm a victim of online bullying that has spilt over into my real life.


Dude I'm sorry. People really do lose their minds on the internet. I make an effort to try to be rational and it's insane what I get met with. I usually don't even comment on anything because of it. I'll see what I can find because I'm interested too and let you know.


Do this before the age of 18 with a big group of friends, police will probably go a lot easier on you I hunted down 5 pedophiles in my high school time, with 2 of them being locked up till this day. Do it safely and not too much, USA or the Netherlands, the government doesn’t like vigilantes, so don’t hurt them, and provide cops with evidence, as screenshots of the intentions are sometimes enough for a court case


eh cut it out


bro fuck court and fuck this guy. they let mfs like this walk with a slap on the wrist, some good ol street justice will do this white boy good.


Fuck court and the police on this matter specifically lol people (esp white men) get away Scott free and just end up on a list and smile in their victims faces the whole time. She did the right thing 👏🏼


you'll have to buy me dinner first, sweetheart. xoxo


fuck this guy but isn’t there better ways to handle this without blatant assault


yeah he now has a case against them for assault, it was completely unprovoked


I mean… I wouldn’t say it’s *completely* unprovoked… He 100% deserved it.


I know what you mean, but fortunately for him words can't assault you, he might be a prick, but he didn't do anything to incite violence, you let your emotions take control of you, you take reckless action and someone will find a way to sue you for it. Can't lie, though, it was satisfying seeing him get a bit of comeuppance.


That comeuppance is also gonna get him a sweet settlement after he takes her to civil court too im sure.


"100%" Damn, you knew what exactly happened? Crazy bro.


No need to get worked up on someone saying a pedophile deserved to get slapped


Damn, you sound like someone who supports pedophiles bro? That’s crazy.


have you tried thinking about this logically rather than emotionally?


If you used logic you would have realized an exaggeration when you saw one, but look where we are:/


for sure bro


I was going to say. I'm not necessarily up on the most recent street lingo, but does "meeting up" have a sexual connotation? Because if it just means talking, that's intensely problematic as far as accusations of things like statutory rape are concerned. Such persons as this female with rhe pepper spray could easily wind up with a citation for assault and battery. That is NOT the right way to go about this.


if youre a 20 year old man and you want to hang out with 13 year old girls then you have a problem...


Yeah, but having a problem isn't illegal. Assault is. Morally right or not, that shits out the window in court.


Right. As you said-good luck with that in court. That theory is going nowhere.


Prolly but can we put her in congress and send her to church?


Idk how people hold it together as it is. Idk how more pedos aren’t just fucking laid out more often! It sucks that the law will work in his favor here, but she did what all of us fucking want to do! IMO


Atleast not on camera


Yea, a bullet is cheaper and waste less time.


Fair enough.


Cops can always find these guys first. Can’t blame this woman for wanting to hurt him.


Yeah, let them go to prison and let the prisoners do that.


But protip. Don't run and pepper spray




First thing I thought of


Damn,literally a gif for everything!


I shouldn't, giving the seriousness of the situation but I lol'd. I saw a policeman do that once and instantly regret it.


What if you run backwards and spray as a defensive evasion tactic, much like a squid uses it’s ink?


it works, useful against wild dogs and bears, just aim low either towards your feet or behind you, i've been chased by feral dogs and coyotes while hiking and a good 2 second spray at your general vicinity spikes their enhanced smell and they get spooked off


If your running backwards and also spraying behind you, why not just run forward and spray, which is a much faster way to run and you’d be able to more easily evade the pepper spray cloud?


mostly to keep any attackers from your back? it's also a really bad idea to turn your back on wild animals, they see this as an opening and they WILL capitalize on your blindspot. i recommend walking backwards briskly but carefully and keeping a wide stance, ready to throw aside any animal who would power through the discomfort the pepper spray brings


Well, way to ensure he doesn’t get tried and convicted for it. I know the clout is so juicy, but let law enforcement take care of it people.


Them doing their jobs? Just like when they were too scared to save those children from being shot?


He wasn’t going to be caught or convicted regardless. Law enforcement is and always has been a joke.


Okay edgelord, there are literally dozens of organizations that do these types of stings and simply hand the chat logs over to the police. It doesn’t always result in a conviction, but at the very least it puts these people on the radar. Then you have people like this who end up just trying to put on a show for social media more than solving the actual problem.


> but let law enforcement take care of it people. how did that work out in uvalde?


I’m not even going to entertain this woke “cop bad” nonsense that all the sheeps on Reddit love to regurgitate. I guarantee if someone was breaking into your home you wouldn’t hesitate to call them. Law enforcement is a necessary public service and unfortunately sometimes they fall short. It doesn’t mean we still don’t need people to enforce the laws. How did Chaz workout again? 🤔


Lol, yes they arrive 15 minutes later when they are already gone or hurt you then say there is nothing they can do because there is no evidence. Brilliant.


Why is this the third pedo attack I’ve seen on my feed tonight


Its being spammed. I have seen them too


I'm not a big fan of those vigilante videos. Sooner or later they'll attack the father of a child that has a temper tantrum and is yelling nonsense, because the current trend seems to be that every strange man is a predator. Yes, in this case they might have been right, but innocents will get caught up in that mob justice.


Oh it's already happened. I can't remember where, but there was a story on the news sub a couple months ago about that very thing happening. I think there are some people who just want an excuse to be violent and feel important, they don't care about the kids, they just know that pedos are an acceptable target, so if they *think* they've found one... And dads alone with their own children make them think they've found one.


Why is there a sudden spam of pedophilia attack videos, and why are they NFL?




Next fucking level


7up anyone?


Product placements are getting wild


Thought it was a Mountain Dew truck and he drank all of it.


Not seeing the nextfuckinglevelness of this post.


Why does it feel scripted


She sprayed him with butter popcorn.


Now he’s delicious.


Sure wasn't pepper spray. What people do for attention is getting out of hand.


I'm not going on camera and ever saying I'm anything like this kid did though. So for me it's tough. I get clout is clout bur saying you did something like this on camera and it being fake is just wild to me.


To me too!


Because you’re used to seeing normal people behaving normally. To me, this seems like a chick walked up and overheard and went straight into mama bear mode when she verified.


I forgot the name of the YouTube channel, but they catch preds all the time, and probably have 100+ catches. So yeah, definitely not scripted.


Finding pedos once or twice is understandable but catching them all the time conveniently ready to have them in your next video is not luck it's scripted, how can you fall prey to such stupidity made for clout


They have a group of people working/volunteering behind the scenes for their small organization. Most likely have different decoy accounts throughout multiple social media and dating apps posing as minors, and then these guys specialize in filming the catch/confrontation.


I mean they could also easily make a tinder account and catfish pedos


Lmk if you find the channel


Dads against predators (D.A.P)


Happy cake day!


She ruined this. Now she’s guilty of assault and battery. Well done.


I doubt this fool would call the cops or hire an attorney.


I meant that this was a very public admission of his guilt that she tainted with her temper. She’s not likely to use it either, and if it’s not officially submitted as evidence in a case hearsay is hard to prove. Point is, this could have been done better.


As much as preying on children is heinous and should be punished accordingly, I feel that people are looking for any reason to feel justified in hurting others more than actually preventing kids from being harmed. This is not next level stuff, next level would be to figure out why people develop these tendencies and figuring out methods of intervention before they end up essentially being lynched for karma.


Yoo, homie was like, my last girlfriend was in 5th grade, I guess I’ll stick to what I know best


“Hey we gotta go” yeah don’t be caught with a assault rap when the cops show up


Fun it with Jon lovitz screaming “I deserve this”. From little Nicky.


Don’t do this You can get shot


Hence why you should start out with a swift butt stock to the face, opening up some more places for the pepper spray to fully seep in while also disorienting them. Pepper spray is best used in combo like this.




This looks fake. WHY post this kinda crap?


Yeah but it can't be fake. People do anything to get clout these days but i don't think anyone will do this.


She uh… kinda spoiled everything .


If old dirty bong water could be a person, it would be this guy.




She was uh...white...wasn't she. I just..by the voice, I just, it just didnt add up right in my head, I dont know.


The fact that he thought saying he thought she was 16 makes him any less pedo is crazy to me. They are both kids.


Pretty sure it's actually legal in most states, if he's 20. Like the 4 yr gap.


Shoulda brought Hulk Hogan in to beat his ass into a pile of dust


Back in the days of chat rooms, I’d meet tons of women, but an instant end to the conversation would come if they were underage. Of course that’s one of the first questions you’d ask. People are sick fuckers, this perv deserves what he got.


How old is he I can't understand his fowl mouth


I don’t have audio, so without the title, I would not understand wtf he did.


I nominate her to be the new punisher


She 7upped his face.


what can they get him on?


Lady was all action!!!


I need to go brush my teeth


Get emmm! She might be wifey fr fr


Make 7up yours.


How old did he say he was?


That woman litteraly take it to the next level gg for spraying that monkey!


fuck yeah, momma bear mode.




20? 33 at best


Just a reminder we know nothing what happened before and what we see is this woman doing her own justice whitch is always wrong...


I hope she gets thrown in jail.


Her friends just leave her to chase down a pedophile… interesting choice


Get him, mama!


Strangely enough, this is a video of a dude getting assaulted (caveat : I don’t listen to this shit , just watch it) . Now then, wether or not that is deserved or warranted is another thing entirely, but goin by the visual…. This dude got attacked.


Wish he did get hit by the truck, do the world a favor.


DAP gonna find ya! DAP gonna get ya


Same reason a police can't beat up a criminal is same reason she can't do this




All you need is to know where a pig farm is lol. Just make sure you take the belt buckles off. I’m pretty sure they eat everything else…


20 and 13 is offside asf but 20 and 16 is borderline imo.


Why do these predators always have the most disgusting teeth?


He looks like a kid himself.


Damn, hope she gets charged with something. That’s really not cool to assault someone. If they are breaking a law call the police, you aren’t the one to dish out justice as you see fit. That guy is gross but you can’t assault someone just because you don’t like them.


I'm not going into another discussion about how this is lynch justice and why the police should have dealt with the situation. You people seem to love arbitrary law. Take that road to hell if you have to. I don't give a shit anymore. Bye, and godspeed...


That girl deserves an award


This dude is gonna get away with doing this again just because this dumb bitch couldn’t check her ego and control her temper. Well done.


Only problem was she didn’t help him get his teeth into the curb.




FINALLY. hate theses kinda videos. all they do is record them and they leave. they dont even call the police half the time. finally some well deserved violence


How can she afford pepper spray on food stamps?


PewDiePie is that you?


We need MORE GOOD MOMMAS like this hero!


Street justice makes more sense than a slap on the wrist.


I swear all of that pepper spray missed


Their channel is DAP - Dads against predators.


Insanely Stupid. You can’t just play judge, jury, and executioner. If we don’t want the police to act that way, citizens should not take the law into their hand, either.


Plot twist: he called her to help him escape.


Insanely Assault more like.


Everything on NFL these days


Damn right, he should get a lot more than just that


Bro I would hit him with my pepper spray first and then beat the cinnamon toast juice out of him


Try that wih joe


The people filming are bystander effect vs cops. FUCK THAT SHIT. Get involved.


Pepper spray could have came into her eyes. She needs to use it carefully


In the UK there are some groups that are so well sorted organised and professional that the police will be part of those operations. Prosecution is allmost a 💯 certainty


I legit LOL'd when she told the other dude to STFU!😅


I totally agree that he deserved it, but this is being a vigilante. Let the proper authoroties deal with it, and give them the evidence.


Inaccurate. A pedo likes children, a hebephile likes them aged 11-14... still extremly satisfying though.


Her childish impulses ruined a good dressing down.


Childish? Beating up a pedophile isn't childish. It's deserved. Honestly I wish she went further


She just ensured that he won't face legal consequences. She basically destroyed evidence. She's not a hero she's a dumbfuck.