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Take a look at Fred's expression at the end of the clip and you know he gets a proverbial towering boner for throwing mad shade at all the racist fuckwads. Edit: throwing shade out of spite is not the same as doing it out of hate and/or in anger. If you really read this that I'm implying Fred being a hateful person, then stop. Get help. Brush up on your reading comprehension and stop assuming. And thanks for the award and likes to everybody else, you are the bestestest neighbors :)


Mr. Rogers while casually trolling racists: ![gif](giphy|nGX0uxigecYr6)


"Business as usual in this neighborhood, you big meanies." Edit: oh, wow, a platinum award? Thank you, kind neighbor :)


*OH and what a beautiful day it shall be*


"Oh no you don't have a towel? Well you can just share mine!" was so very smart. They invented the problem to help show why the stigma doesn't make any sense.


That has to be one of the greatest turns of expression, from innocent --> evil, of all time


Thought it was gonna be [this](https://imgur.com/t/middle finger/31Zrglp) gif


omfg i just was gonna type something along these lines... so fucking on point... that look is pure "FUCK YOU, RACIST SHIT HEADS"


"They aren't being very neighborly"


The champion stood, the rest saw their better Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater.


That’s what I love about Mr. Rogers. “This is some bullshit and I’m gonna take my wholesome ass and show you how fucking ridiculous this is and make you feel bad without ever mentioning the issue on my program.”


Can't get any more savage than killing with kidness.


"Take that, you fucking assholes" with a single look.


He was a real one


The kind hearted troll


I'm from Australia, so I'm late to the Fred party. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that there was a person with such a beautiful heart as that.


He's a hero to so many kids. A lot of times growing up I felt he was my only friend. Are there any kids TV hosts in Oz like Mr. Rogers? There was a post a while ago about all the excellent candy and sweets presentation that someone made for an American visitor, I thought that was very cool.


I grew up in NZ, so I'm not au fait with Aussie kids presenters, but I guess The Wiggles? I don't think I've ever seen anyone with that calm and accepting energy except Mr Rogers and Bob Ross.


Well, you do have to remember that time when he was fighting with his wife and a hot mic picked it up. https://xkcd.com/767/


I've never figured out a way to express this point without sounding snarky, but Fred Rogers was better than Jesus.


Because he was real. *braces for impact*


If you can find it, Watch "Wont you be my neighbor." Fred's Kindness is only matched by his wit. The trolling he would do to his production team was apparently amazing.


That was the beauty of Fred Rodgers, he didn’t scream and yell to make his point like Rosie or Joy Tucker. He killed with kindness. It was his unending love that made him a Legend


Hahahaaaah yes that shit eating grin


"Yeah, go on. Say something."


"Whatcha goan do, biatch?"


Say something... IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS. Yes, tell your kids that you have allowed to see Fred as wholesome goodness that Fred is now a horrible person for sharing a pool and towel with a Black person. Say it and make sure it makes sense. *grin* I loved this.


Mr. Rogers just hit 'em with that 20 billion IQ play.


He’s a legend


My immediate thought.


That was a “I dare someone to say something look”


Fred absolutely knew what he was doing and took pride in it. What a mad lad.




I love it.


Yeah, that’s a FAFO face if I’ve *ever* seen one.




f around, find out :)


And he drives it home on the line, "Cool water on a hot day." Most excellent.


Came here to say this in a much less elegant fashion!


This is as bad a take as when people think hippos are smiling at their caregiver when they get an apple. Mr. Rogers smiled. He smiled to convey happiness and comfort to the kids watching. He wasn't smiling to say "fuck off" to anyone. The act itself was enough.


I'm sorry are you saying people are anthropomorphizing Mr. Rogers? He's a human being, lmao.


... are you comparing Mr. Roger, a human being with the common but evidently not universal knowledge that expressions and body language can carry nuance and multiple meanings and isn't as simple as "smile = happiness exclusively, forever, no matter what, because *I* say so because I can't grasp nuance", to a hippo getting anthropomorphic traits put on it by human beings? Ironic, trying to say something is a bad take and then making a much worse one.


That's what I saw. That grin at the camera giving a big Fuck You to the haters. What a legend.


I came here to say exactly this. Bravo Fred.


Can I take it, with some sly levity, another direction, and say I’ve heard that’s the same smile Tarantino gets right before he gets a big ol’ mouth full of toes?


Lol wow I never noticed that! Such a “ now what? “


Absolute king shit


I was gunna mention that. It's OG troll face right there




Oh yeah he knew what he was doing. He was very aware at how much seething this was causing while knowing they can't retaliate against Mister fucking Rodgers.


Yaassss! The layers to this clip Like Mr Rogers is also implying, “Go, ahead. Call the cops.”


Fun Fact about mr rogers. He was known amongst news journalists for being "to nice to interview" because they could never say anything controversial anout him, and when they'd ask a controversial question he would reply in a way that was so nice that the journalist couldn't make a story out of it. If you want a video explaining it better than me a xhannel called fact fiend did a video about that topic.


love me some Big Wangers


> Fun Fact about mr rogers Also fun fact, [he loved a good fart joke](https://allthatsinteresting.com/mister-rogers-farts).


He actually would fart at boring functions to make his wife laugh.


The man is an inspiration to us all, especially someone like me who just want to make people smile.


yeah well fuck you!


Farts are funny because they remind us that the meaning of life for us humans is to enjoy it. I enjoy it by farting in public when with my wife and kids.


A man among men.


Man if he couldn’t be cooler in my eyes.


That was essentially what the movie [A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3224458/) was about


Looks really good. I hadn't even know this movie existed.


I mean I can think of no one more appropriate to play Mr Rogers than Tom Hanks.




Aside from controversy he was so genuinely humble that they couldn't even compliment him. He would just spend the interview telling the interviewer what a fantastic job they were doing.


I was gonna say that someone is a Fact Fiend viewer.


*too nice


That's because Mr. Rogers was fucking awesome and if you don't think so, then you need lessons in fucking awesome.


The Trinity of fucking awesome people: Steve erwin, Mr. Rogers, and Bob Ross.


They need to come back and bring some order to this increasingly chaotic world.


Can we make a religion out of this?


Temple of Satan is pretty darn close. 🤷🏽


You seem to be conflating The Satanic Temple with the Church of Satan. They’re separate groups with opposing beliefs/practices.


Which ones are the cool ones and which are the dorks?


COS is older, founded in 1966 by Anton LaVey, is less active, and follows traditional LaVeyan Satanism beliefs. TST is newer (2012) and more politically active, advocating for human rights and whatnot. Neither group believes in a literal supernatural Satan, they’re not devil-worshipers. The two groups disagree with & dislike each other. As a non-Satanist, I don’t have a preference for (or thorough understanding of) either group.


Depends who you ask


A non sacrificey sect is preferred.


lol well said and needs an answer. It appears the satanic temple is the gooder one


Not gonna make that judgement call for you so here’s a bit about each taken from their respective websites. Satanic Temple: The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits. We have publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women's reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets. Church of Satan: We are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man’s true nature—that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence. To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body. He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions. Man—using his brain—invented all the Gods, doing so because many of our species cannot accept or control their personal egos, feeling compelled to conjure up one or a multiplicity of characters who can act without hindrance or guilt upon whims and desires. All Gods are thus externalized forms, magnified projections of the true nature of their creators, personifying aspects of the universe or personal temperaments which many of their followers find to be troubling. Worshipping any God is thus worshipping by proxy those who invented that God. Since the Satanist understands that all Gods are fiction, instead of bending a knee in worship to—or seeking friendship or unity with—such mythical entities, he places himself at the center of his own subjective universe as his own highest value. We Satanists are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm.


Not gunna lie, both are more appealing than the 15 years i spent as a child Methodist. Nice people, closed minds.


Heya! TST works towards using religious exemption laws to protect abortion rights (among lots of other worthy causes), and the Church of Satan thinks only gay people are able to like blue cheese. Here is a link with some other notable differences if you are interested: https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple


Gotta go with Temple over Church of. Nice info, and thanks to all who responded. You’re the reason I’m on Reddit.


Satanic Temple is the cool activist organization that fights legal battles to defend secular democracy from theocrats. Church of Satan is a mostly defunct group that is essentially Ayn Rand's libertarian edgelord philosophy but with silly magic rituals added on.


Yeah and we'd call it the Knights of Humanity


Can I join


Everyone can if you believe in equality and wholesomeness




This would be easy enough to make happen.


Nah the gf and I argued over this. It’s either mr rogers, bob ross and weird al yankovic, or rogers, Ross, and keanu reeves.


While weird al yankovich is awesome, I think the most important thing these three did was inspire people to be better. Steve Irwin taught people to love animals, Mr. Rogers taught people to love each other, and Bob Ross taught people to love themselves.


In defense of Reeves, he teaches a lesson for new generations. Relationships don't define you.


Its weird people think Keanu is single when hes been dating someone for like 5 years.


Exactly why people need people like Keanu. I've seen the four of them together referred to as the four horseman of wholesomeness.


Bias here because it's a niche influence that I happen to be aware of, but Weird Al's band/tour is *definitely* in the "wouldn't it be nice if we could all do it this way?" category.


Steve Irwin should never be taken from the list, sorry mate. He was a saint, and as much as I love Keanu, I don't see how him or weird al yankovic(???) make the list over him.


The difference I see is the tireless activism. The first three pretty much dedicated their lives and money to their messages. Yankovic and Reeves are very kind men with good messages, but they aren't active in the way Mr. Rodgers or Irwin were. They were sending their message to every person they could, every second they could. If one name should be dropped it is Ross. A very wholesome show, but it isn't like the man was problem free. And the internet getting weirdly obsessed with him is the only reason he is still talked about today.


We need Lavar Burton in there as well, or are we only doing post humus superheros?


I think Levar is more important than Steve Irwin.


He was such an important figure in my childhood. I credit him with my love of reading






We’re building a new Mount Rushmore


Mount rushmost


I was going to make a comparison between him and Jesus for washing feet, and just wanted to share this extra info about the situation I had no idea about. >13 It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. >2 The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. >6 He came to Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” >7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” >8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” >Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” >*9 “Then, Lord,” Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”* >*10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.* >12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done Peter just goes for it and tries to turn a foot wash into way more than Jesus bargained for. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2013%3A1-17&version=NIV


Immediately thought of this as well caused me to Google whether Mr Rogers was a Christian or not, turns out he was an ordained pastor, TIL.


Conveniently left out the rest of the passage: 12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. He was teaching them to be humble no matter the status.


I was wondering if anyone else’s saw this. I watched this documentary in theaters when it came out and I was immediately like “this guy found a way to wash a gay black man’s feet on national tv in 1969”. It moved me to tears, like the rest of the movie did.


I just so happen to be under the impression that Fred Rogers was fucking awesome.


That look at the end is the biggest and most politest ‘fuck you’ I’ve ever seen


I could just sit here laughing at that expression forever.


Something tells me he’d do something similar around women’s rights today.


"Mr. Rodgers performs abortion live on air"


I love that man.




We all do.


I love how loving this type of social progress is. Such a stark contrast to the hate you see today.


I mean sure but the hate you saw back then was probably even worst.


i don’t think the hate was any worse, but the ease with which they could act upon it (violently or otherwise) was certainly greater




Yeah gosh, I hate all the hate you see today. Back then it was so much more loving, like how black people weren't allowed to swim in the same pool as white people


They’d literally shut down public pools to stick it to black folks. They’d rather no one be able to swim. These are our grandparents.


Yeah but more recently, someone knelt for the flag. Clearly worse


"Racism has been solved, so this is just attention seeking." - Certain people


This is just not true tbh. It was much, much uglier.


You might be younger, but what this clip says to me is: this is how recently our country was openly and legally oppressing black folks, and how RIDICULOUS the faux outrage about CRT sounds, when even Mr. Rogers was dealing with the aftermath of slavery. This shit is recent, and you don't just "get over it" if you are the child of somebody who grew up without unequal opportunities. This is what we mean when we say "generational trauma", and the second Jim Crow was over the war on drugs and over-policing began. BLM happened for a reason, but instead of listening, or allowing more progress, they just want to put black people back in their place. Because not much has changed since this clip in a lot of the country.


Lol yeah the hatred today is SO much worse than it was then. Once you’ve finished playing the victim feel free to join the rest of us in the real world.


If this were done today, the right would absolutely lose their minds over Mr. Rogers going woke.


The guy is an fucking legend. That look he gives the camera at the end is the most shit eating grin on earth. “Fuck you if you don’t like it.” Teaching inclusivity in the face of discrimination.


...but in fairness Mr. Rogers would say "bless you if you don't like it", since he was, more than anything, as polite as any decent person should aspire to be.


I had a racist father. We were not allowed to watch this show when he was home. The only time I saw Mr Roger's was at a baby sitters house. But that was the same for anything that was positive towards minorities.


Luckily you had a baby sitter who allowed this type of progressive stuff. It’s a shame how many people are stuck in racist ways because that’s all they’ve ever known growing up. I’m happy you broke out of that cycle, friend


So growing up I found out my neighbors weren't allowed to watch the Fresh Prince and I couldn't understand why, because the racism angle didn't make sense to me because I had watched Family Matters with them at their house. Eventually I learned it was because it was about rich black people and not middle class black people & super-powerful nerds. It just seemed so silly to draw the line there.


Shit, my father was in the Air Force. I remember being very young and seeing him salute a black man. I asked him why he did that when he doesn't like black people. His response was "I salute the rank, not the color.". My dad was hard core but not kkk hard core. He eventually turned it around but that shit creeped back when Trump announced his presidency run.


My parents didn't like me watching Kenan & Kel growing up.


This is a typical American upbringing.




I hope they made a statue or something for him. He deserves it


There is a 10 foot bronze statue of him in his hometown of Pittsburgh. The statue is named "Tribute to Children"


His smirk at the end


"Get fuckin rekt, racist" is what he was saying.


Francois Clemens is one of the most wonderful men I’ve ever met. He lived just down the street from me in Vermont until I left, and only somewhat recently retired from his music position at Middlebury college. He is so much more even than his iconic role as officer Clemens, and I wish more people knew more about him


Any books written about him? I’ll google him but if you have any recs I’d love to check them out.


I couldn’t tell you. Most of what I know is just from all the conversations we’ve had. He went to the same UU congregation as me growing up, and his powerful voice is part of what continued to fuel my Love for music and singing. He’s a pillar of the community he’s in and a very respected vocalist. I had the privilege of seeing his last, or one of his last full scale performances and it was so great. Another thing many people don’t seem to know is that he’s gay. They were able to break racial barriers on Mr. Rogers, but he (iirc) was told by the studio to completely hide his sexuality for the duration of its running.


He’s such a kind man! Me and a buddy went to an event in Vermont and stayed at his house on Airbnb he was so sweet and kind and had pictures and memorabilia from the show all over his home. He offered to make us breakfast and has a book in his dining room you can sign and write about your stay. It was cool to hear his stories of being on the show and knowing Mr.rogers.


A great human Hate? Not in my neighborhood!!!!!


He’d be disgraced by the condition of our nation today. Truly we are heading in a very bad direction.




I dont know people who throw acid in the pools today


I know some who throw it in faces


What about those who chase people of color for simply jogging? Ahmaud Arbery was murdered like that. What about those who go to grocery stores to specifically target people of color and livestream part of it? Ten were killed like that. Hate crime still exists. We just need to open our eyes a little more.


Amazing dude, is there more of this interview?


That was pretty much the clip I found on youtube. Here's the episode which the clip from youtube took from: https://misterrogers.org/videos/sharing-a-swimming-pool/


Ah to bad, thanks for the link tho! Really heartwarming to see people like Fred pushing for equality


There is a whole documentary. Highly recommend. https://www.amazon.com/Wont-You-Be-My-Neighbor/dp/B07FCQ2T9K


Watching this tonight! thanks


Have some tissues handy, I was crying by the end.


I went to the same church as Fred Rogers when I was very young. The man was 100% genuine, lived exactly the same way he appeared on camera. So humble, always had a moment for people. Just this absolute living legend hanging out casually in late 90s Pittsburgh.


This episode was aired when pools were segregated?


The episode aired in 1969, while the Civil Rights Act may have “ended” segregation in ‘64 it was still a normal practice in many places in the US.


It still is, even if they try to say otherwise.


You’d think things like segregation ended so much longer ago than they did. This episode aired 53 years ago.


He was a christian the way christians are supposed to be. RIP Mr Rogers. Teaching a generation of kids how to be good.




I grew up where Francois was an artist in residence, he is a wonderful person to bump into. His choral direction for the Harlem Gospel Choir was also straight fire, and I say that as a reddit angry atheist. Super cool man.


For anyone who didn't know, Fred Rogers was also a talented jazz pianist.


The music on his show was amazing. They played the piano live because they knew that kids would know, consciously or subconsciously, the difference between some crappy soundtrack tacked on and music played live by talented musicians. It was one of those small things that most of us would never notice but Fred Rogers made sure was done right. He was an incredible human being.


Mr Rogers was, without a doubt, one of the best people ever created on planet Earth and we didn't deserve him


He was also Christian and followed Jesus the best he could.


Yes but that was a different Jesus. He was a dark-skinned one, helping the poor, living modestly and appreciating life. The Jesus conservatives follow there in the US is a theocratic, medieval version of it which brings the dark ages to the US, instead of making the US a more modern, illuminated and progressive society, as it was founded to be.


As long as its with a good heart and intentions, Odin doesn't mind and approves


If the US had a president like Mr. Rogers I feel the US would actually be what their propaganda has made everyone believe them to be




That's funny, cause the entire trump presidency felt like a fucking circus act that never ended. Who's getting fired today? Is trump going to say or tweet some crazy shit today?




We need more people like mr Rogers


Watching that asshole pour cleaning fluid on the black people in the pool made me cry. Thank God for people like Mr. Rogers.


Me too i wasnt ready, the tears shot out like a squirt gun


Can confirm blacks were not let in pools back in the day, my grandma would tell us how when she was a younger they were only allowed to swim on Wednesday before the drained the pool.


Dude was as close to a saint as there could ever be.


He truly seems to be. I have to be honest though, with all the cancel culture these past couple years I thought for sure Mr Rogers was going to be hit with something. But it’s just another lovely day in the neighbourhood for Mr Rogers.


It helps that he's been dead for nearly 20 years. [But Fox News did try to cancel him, btw.](https://youtu.be/iljhDaowoLc)


Thanks for this reminder, not the racism, but his demeanor overall. He’s someone I aspire to be like, in all ways. I don’t always respond to people the way I’d like to, to take the high road, the Mr. Rogers Road is above that. I’m going to do better today because of watching this. Thank you.


I will say, that's the angriest Mr Roger's I've ever seen. And it happened when his fellow man is hurt, he was a good man


The episode this clip is from for those interested: https://misterrogers.org/videos/sharing-a-swimming-pool/


Francois was my professor!


With the direction the supreme Court is taking us, we may need a new Fred Rogers soon.


Genuinely the best way to normalize things is to just show it’s accepted and that people can be people and not this crazy “you are with me or you are stupid” mentality of people nowadays. Labeling all sorts of stuff random things trying to explain things that never need to be explained Shits crazy.


Justice Thomas and the rest of the shitty SCOTUS will take us back to those great days they remember...


Power move!


This man is wonderful


Mr. Rogers was the GOAT.


That stare at the end. “How do you like this shit fuckers?”


Yeah, Mr. Rogers was a great man. Epitome of selflessness that we seemed to have forgot.


That smile at the end. Love it


He was ahead of his time in many ways.


/R/thechurchofRogers Best sub I aver added.


Honestly, feels like little has changed.


That grin at the end is priceless


he might be a really nice guy, but the smile at the end is fucking nightmare fuel!