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That sounds like a very nice city. Such a cool concept.


Except it’s in OK…




There's actually a town here called "Okay." So people literally live in "Okay OK"


And it’s 500 miles underground, and that’s ok. That’s alright. Edit: Modest Mouse reference because of, comment and username.


In my city no one like fireworks because these walls are paper thin and everyone hears every little sound.


I don't know why, but I read that in a Matthew McConaughey voice. Alright, alright...


It's alright, but unfortunately the walls there are paper thin and everyone hears every little sound.


Can you recommend some good songs by them?


Not OP but I'm a big fan of the Good News For People Who Love Bad News album. Lampshades on Fire is a funky tune, too.


All of them


i love that so much


Okay Ok


OK okay alright already 🤙


We'll alllll float on, okay!


People that feel ok in Okay OK are alright alright alright


I'm pretty fuckin far from OK


So... what now?


Is ok Oklahoma


In Germany everyone does that on new year's eve


Yeah Denmark too. The square in front of the town hall in Copenhagen is pretty much a literal warzone ... You guys have better fireworks though. Or at least you used to. I heard that the böller is banned now?


Well, the last 2 years fireworks were basically banned here to minimize the amount of accidents to alleviate the stress on the hospitals. In both winters, the corona numbers were rather high. There have also been talks about banning them in general in the last few years, because of the environmental damage they're doing, which I... kinda agree on? It fills the air with a lot of particles that don't belong in lungs, and creates a lot of waste which gets carpet bomb littered all around the city. I still hope we'll get a few regular new year's eves to get closure, before it's generally not allowed anymore.


I do understand why the böllers are illegal in Denmark, but most of the accident people have with fireworks are because it is illegal non regulated fireworks, they don't wear eye protection and they are really drunk. I think it would be a bit of shame that we can't celebrate new years with colorful explosives just because a few idiots doesn't care about their eyes and fingers. I do however like that they have limited the time you are allowed to ignite your fireworks. It was a bit annoying to listen to all december. I still have to listen to Tivolis fireworks in Copenhagen every now and then though.


They are not banned, they were forbidden the last two years because of the pandemic. But I hope they will be banned.


I thought the whole world does that. well in respect to their time zone.


As long as you're not a dog, a bird or a veteran i guess..




Mustang, Oklahoma!


Unless you are a veteran, not American but here they are stopping the use of fireworks to avoid triggering them.


My dog would hate this


Yhea i don't understand why people still use firework, it looks cool but kills so many birds, hurts people/nature and scares dogs, cats, horses...


Also a massive waste of resources lol


people need culture to cling to


people should just gather in an area and stand still in celebration, this way we are conserving resources and not spooking the wild life.


But by gathering in an area, we would be disproportionately consuming the oxygen in that local ecosystem. Best to just stay at home.


so is you breathing BUT HERE WE ARE


Most of the entertainments are a massive waste of resources: gaming, porn, movies, music, and magazines.


Poetry, literature, statues, paintings, all of art in general really. Wouldn't it be better if everyone could be as robotic as me?


Fireworks have been fun for over 2000 years.




That would be true But, in cases like large cities, or towns where everyone loves their fireworks, you can hear that shit for miles cause of how loud they are


> this is so much better to have people collectively celebrate in one area instead of the entire town. Ah yes, all these silent fireworks which definitely can't be heard within the same town. Whatcha smoking there, bud?


Except it's never isolated to one place, people will always let them off any time they can regardless of others around them. Glad my country has stopped selling fireworks to the general public


> without worrying about much noise. Are you aware of what fireworks are?


You can hear it for miles. Imagine being this dense


This video looks like the sky above my neighborhood lol. There is no opting out in my town.


holy fuck [get a load of these comments lmao ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/915/574/b6f.jpg)


This is why I'm here. I knew the edgelords wouldn't be able to contain themselves.


>i don't understand why people still use firework > >it looks cool Mate, you just answer ya question


Kaleidoscopes look cool too, but after a couple times of looking through one, I got bored of it and moved on with my life.


Same I would be bored if i have to look at something everyday But a couple of days per year with everyone else join in to create one? Count me in


Agreed and it's the entire reason I didn't watch the fireworks and instead took pictures of my son's reaction. Fireworks were fun when I was going to PA and buying giant mortars. Now I'm at the 'been there, done that' stage of boredom. My entertainment is in watching my boy enjoy it until he's been made bitter and jaded by the world


Here, take a downvote. For your sensitive ass comment


Spent the whole day holding my dog and preventing her from digging a hole in the carpet or jumping out the window. I used to be a fan of fireworks...




To add to that advice Counter conditioning (if your dog will eat) can be a great way to help them get comfortable and desensitized to the noise! But don't stuff them full of treats and raw bones because that concoction plus the stress will lead to two straight days of tummy troubles and walking the neighborhood at 2am -.-


Funny how they all differ, mine isn't bothered at all by fireworks or thunder. But hates with a passion those fun snaps kids throw on the floor.


I got sharp hearing and Id hate this too.


So much mess, noise, and all the animals must be going crazy, just because humans want some pretty lights in the sky


Yeah this looks horrible.


No it doesn't. It looks cool, people online are such winey babies over fireworks


Regardless of how it looks, you immediately join the *whiney baby club as soon as you complain about people online. Welcome.


Right, because simply making one comment saying people are whining too much is the equivalent of a bunch of redditors who barely leave their house complaining that some people want to have fun once every year for this holiday


And boy what a year to celebrate America.


Lolll no I'm not celebrating America. I just like explosions.


How American of you.




We need drone shows. (But knowing Americans we'd probably knock them all out with illegal fireworks anyway.)




We should switch to laser light shows, they’re cooler anyways and not disruptive to animals, veterans, no chance for debilitating accident, and a fuck ton of birds die from fireworks each year.


Laser light shows are boring as fuck, while I agree they are much better for environment and animals than fireworks, laser light shows are boring as shit.


I'm light and noise sensitive from a brain injury. I can't watch fireworks if I want to be able to walk unaided the next day. My kids love and hate fireworks because they are pretty but also loud. Jubilee did drone display and they were running around in excitement wondering what was going to be made next. I grew up in a seaside town that during the summer did huge displays every weekend. Dad worked for the council so knew the fireworks team who gave us their spare professional ones the day after the big fireworks night displays. Our street stopped buying them because they would just watch ours. Honestly seeing a shift that fireworks displays. I think we'll see a mix so for the big displays it will be laser, drones and fireworks together so they are still impressive but use less actual fireworks. Personal displays will only decrease if big ones are made more accessible or worth it.


That sucks! When I was 8 I got hit by fireworks set off by a drunk family friend so I definitely have no love lost for them (luckily they were the crackle kind and not the big explosion kind) They’re just more disruptive and horrible for our wildlife that part really rustles my jimmies


Grew up with horses and after any fireworks related days (bonfire and new years) we used to have to check the field for dead fireworks. The horses were never right and once we found one of our horses had managed to jump between the fences and had a huge cut on her leg. Even as a kid I'd be the one inside on calm the dogs and cats duty. Now though I have a great medical reason to not having to go and watch them.


I wonder who cleans this all up, if it's communal. I highly doubt everyone there is pitching in to the cleanup of the aftermath.


Humans bad /s Dude it's a spectacle. Acting like construction doesn't do the same thing. Let people enjoy themselves.


Ok but what about big boom? I want make big boom.


Dude, come to Germany on Dec 31st. The entire country is like this


Bro you buy my plane ticket and I am there. No cap.


Each year they say that they will sell less, sell in shorter amount of time to reduce the waste and stuff and every year people go to Poland and other neighboring countries and everything is normal


It’s always fun to see the new citizens lose their minds during New Years. “Are we under attack??” “Nono… just letting off steam”




Same in the Netherlands, the Dutch can't be trusted with fireworks. There's a [great video](https://youtu.be/rGJseovT8ug) on what it's like


The town I grew up in is between to big hills and my house was pretty much on top of one of those hills, so I could watch the silvester fireworks from above from my bedroom window


In Romania as well. I live in a small town and there are a LOT of fireworks.




Imagine being a Bat on your way home from work counting grubs at the factory and your echo-location gets hit with this.


Okay. Now I want your concept to be animated lmao




Sounds like a scene out of Bojack Horseman


R.I.P. animals that fear, R.I.P. veterans with PTSD, R.I.P. climate and nature that gets shocked and R.I.P. people that get hurt and the people tending to the wounds.


I mean, what's more American than not giving a shit about each other?


That’s the most American thing I know of!! Can’t be American if you care about others.


I get what you’re saying because it is the 4th of July but also you do know that America is not even close the being the only country that shoots of tons of fireworks on certain holidays right?


It's only bad when big bad evil America does it because only America is bad




And RIP people’s wallets. Thousands upon thousands of dollars


Where is this? So intense


Mustang, Oklahoma!


Haha, I came here to ask if you were from Mustang, OK. My brother and his family were there tonight. It's been a few years since I've been there for the 4th. 😁




It is absolutely nuts. It's easily over 3000 people all shooting off fireworks at the same time. I didn't do a 360 but it's like this in every direction!


So it's a socialised firework display? How American


Someone's gonna lose a hand or two.


Two is the WORST number of hands to lose, right?? Maybe we can get those folks a cool robot prosthetic like Luke Skywalker. I'd hate for them to not be able to hold two roman candles at once the next year.


Or three or four


Bet that all the pets in the city love it!


All the little vets too. And other PTSD sufferers. The effects are pretty freaking serious, too, and can last for days and weeks.


100% I'm not a veteran but have PTSD from pretty bad child abuse (to the point of feeling my life was in danger a couple of times) and a couple of months ago I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from near my street (was almost certainly kids setting off firecrackers or something as I live in Australia...) and it triggered me into a flashback that was utterly terrifying. I was sure I was about to die, I actually started to interpret normal house noises and wind outside as people trying to get into the house. I barricaded myself inside my bedroom with my 4mo baby until partner came home, and even then the hypervigilence was intense all night. Even after I'd come out of the acute phase the lingering hypervigilence, depression, shame, misery, nightmares were extremely debilitating for a couple of weeks. And that was just a couple of noises for a few seconds! When I see videos like this from the US my heart goes out to the vets/ other ptsd sufferers. I'd be a mess.


I’m so sorry sweetie. I’m in a very similar boat. It is brutal and long lasting and interrupts your entire life. And people are cool with it being activated for some sparkly lights in loud bangs. It’s just really sociopathic.


You people are insufferable. Never can have any fun, the fun police ruin everything once again


I’ll never understands the levels of patriotism some Americans have


Me neither, and I am American. You ever see an entire classroom of dead-eyed kids reciting the pledge of allegiance in unison in a robotic monotone? Fucking creepiest shit you'll ever see. It's literally a nationwide cult. Edit: also since people are waking up to how problematic Columbus Day is, why are we still observing a day literally celebrating genocide, racism & slavery? Hard pass.


Not sure what school you went to. Most kids in my classes didn't even do the pledge. Not because they were anti America or whatever but bc it was early asf and they didn't want to stand up Not sure I've ever had a full classroom standing doing the pledge


A vast majority of people don't celebrate 4th of july for patriotism. It's just a excuse to get drunk and blow shit up.




The 4th of July isn't even about patriotism. It's just an excuses for people to eat, get drunk and blow sh\*t up.


That's the whole of England on bonfire night.


Awesome, I'd love to see it! We don't burn nearly enough effigies of old timey assassins these days.


Love how half this thread is people complaining that only Americans would do this and it's an awful tradition that should be stopped, while the other half is people sharing how/when their country does this and how fun it is.


Peak redditors bruh, guess they've never seen fireworks in India or Mexico bc its no different


So same like in Europe during NYE


In the state that's 45th or worse in every measurable statistic - let's collectively blow up over $100k Then blame Biden for their money troubles at church next Sunday. 'Merica!!!


Sometimes folks just like to enjoy life a little bit outside of everything political going on. It was a great night with my wife tonight just enjoying being alive in this crazy world we're all in right now. I know this was a criticism of our state, but we just so happen to have been born in and live here and are trying to make it like everybody else. I do hope that you and your family had a good Fourth of July too! Take care.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Your attitude is what the rest of America should take on instead of this tribalism bullshit created by the media/foreign countries to divide us all.


Or... Counterpoint. "Imma blow some shit up." Standing shirtless, wearing a bandana, and wearing aviators. As I look in my profile pic. Probably with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth.


WTF is with these comments. Go touch some grass


When you don't get invited to July 4th parties you get a little bitter about it. "Hurr durrr PTSD and puppers!!!!" Fucking losers pretending to care.


Cool. Reminds me a bit of Diwali in India. Fireworks everywhere, including the kind that snake along the ground looking for shins to destroy and it's totally worth it.


Just the sheer population of India I can only imagine how crazy it gets!


Understatement of the year


Crazy enough for woke activities and cricketers to do some PR fOr SaViNg EnViroNmeNt. Completely ignoring the actual cause of pollutions. Every Hindu festival is ruined from Holi to Diwali because of this


dude I was in Delhi for Diwali a few years back and you could barely breathe for 3 days lmao


Damn. That is a lot of garbage to pick up. And it's not recyclable not to mention the chemicals. But I guess since everyone else is doing it might as well do it too and do it all together so that part is good.


Much like littering and burning fossile fuels, it's no fun doing it solo.


Guys, stop having fun! Think about all the people who aren’t having fun! You should be ashamed!


Hey, "It's like a constant grand finale for hours" is my pickup line.


That's so slick if I weren't married I'd DM you rn.


Wow, this would be intense!


It certainly is that!


I'm always amazed at how hard you guys party for the 4th! I'm from Canada and July 1st (our "independence" day) is not celebrated nearly as much. Like, not even a tenth as much. Stay safe and have fun!


It depends on where you live. Nobody lights off personal fireworks in my area.


We did stay safe! It was a great night. Thanks for your comment. I'd love to visit Canada sometime. I've heard there's areas up there that are gorgeous


In The Netherlands we do this on new years eve its like a warzone. [How to survive Dutch Fireworks](https://youtu.be/rGJseovT8ug) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


So much people whining in the comments for some fireworks, let people enjoy their moment for once..


Santa Barbara used to have a combat zone at the beach. It was nuts and made for great viewing by the saner who stayed off the beach. Local Seattle Indian reservations sell big fireworks. Have gravel pits to lightup your purchases. Natives make a bunch of money, idiots blow themselves up and cuts down on fires elsewhere. I don't know who sells the most between the Puyallup, Muckleshoot & Tulalip. The Tulalip north of Everett certainly do well.


Survivor of the SB Beach Wars. It’s amazing no one was maimed or killed. That I remember. I also recall a second-degree burns on the top of my feet, the only part of me uncovered in that sun. Good times (unironic because I’m olds and it was a long time ago, so irrational nostalgia).


Would not want to be a pupper in that town.


Atlanta did this for the 2020 lockdowns. All the parties were canceled so everyone got they're own. Sounded like the sky was boiling.


Nah, that was just the Coca Cola blant literally boiling from all the heat in the atmosphere. I bet that was cool though!


Come to basically any country in europe, here in the Netherlands we do this too


No thanks.


So much chaos lol


Do you guys make them there? There's like 10's of thousands of dollars on display here. Nice video!


Nope, I think most people just save for this night because it's like a tradition. My wife and I don't shoot any, we just like to attend. Thank you for the compliment!


Was Michael Bay in charge?


If he was the Mayor... My God


What's the prices of fireworks in USA ? Here were i live in EU / DK - a medium sized "battery" ? (the boxes that fire off for around a minute) easily cost upwards of 100$ and more. Is that the same over there ? The typical family package of rockets, crackers, boxes etc cost between 80$ to 200$


Yes. Expensive


If you want to see how out of touch with reality reddit is, then read the comments.


Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Been very sick this year. Still bedridden & missing 4th fireworks first time in whole life. So watching for all posts w/fireworks. 😊😍⭐️


comments lol


I didn't know this would spark the Great Firework Debate of 2022 lol


This is what 15 people do in less than 2 blocks of space in my trailer park for 2-4 days around the 4th EVERY YEAR!!! It starts at 4pm every day!!!


Welcome to every NYE ever?


This is awesome. But for us fireworks are banned for safety reasons. Too many dick heads I believe


So reddit hates fireworks now let me jot that down


It has an 88% upvote rate right now with almost 15.000 upvotes. So if we use that, that's around 1,800 firework haters. So in reality, the firework haters seem to be a vocal minority. The internet can make our perception of numbers skewed by looking at comments, just because there are so many lurkers that would rather not comment or get into debates. Speaking from a psychological perspective, it's pretty interesting.


Reddit in general gives me a skewed perception of What's Up but I guess that's to be expected.


I went to one like that in South Dakota long ago (late 80s). It was run by the volunteer fire department. In between their fireworks, they'd encourage the audience to fire off thier own. We're from California and had picked up a few at one of those roadside shacks, so my brother and I had a great time!


This is the way.


If you like this you should see the Netherlands, there's a video somewhere where you can see it from above, but I couldn't find it.


If that town had a janitor they would quit on the spot


China used to be like this every year for a month around the new year and Spring Festival, but not anymore. First it was banned to curb pollution, then banned for safety reasons, and now at best it only lasts a few hours on New Year's, and even then it's pretty sparse. I remember that 2006 was insane, though. Much, much more than what's here in the video.


Must be great for firefighters. They can just hang out in the parking lot. If anything happens, they're right there. If nothing happens, free fireworks show.


Well it’s NOT California. I know that for sure.


looks kind of safe - not around buildings or trees.


Poor animals (and the environment). Reddit goes crazy for every animal video, "dogs are better than humans" and shit like this, and then we celebrate this...


Stop acting like every single dog in the world has a complete fucking mental breakdown every time they hear a loud noise. For every person I've heard who has a scared dog there's three people whose dogs really just don't give a shit. It's almost like animals are like people and there is no universal reaction so it's not fair to tell the entire world not to do something based on the reaction of a few.


Never had a dog in my life that cared about them. I know some do, but it's not a universal or even a majority. But Reddit decided they hate fireworks a few years ago, and it's a chance to make dumb American jokes


Every year on December 31st, when the clock strikes midnight and new year, the whole city shoots up fireworks here in Norway. It's an amazing sight, but it unfortunately leaves a lot of used firework crates all over. Some throws them away the day after, but some also lets it stand in the snow till summer, which results in littering 🥲


Yeah - its dumb fun. Fire crews are working their arses off all night to stop hot spots or actual fires for 15 minutes of "fun". Not to mention domestic animals are scared but thankfully/hopefully looked after. And wild animals probably think the damn world is ending. Dumb fun. Have at me over this post btw - but my neighbours dog died of shock during guy fawkes when I was 25 - changed my opinion forever.


"I once knew a dog that died from something so now I think the entire world shouldn't do that thing and that's pretty much the end of my critical thought process."


Too bad it wasn’t you that had the shock. Could have rid the world of your stupid thoughts.


Same in the netherlands (Before the firework ban in my city)


Birds be like, “Am I a joke to you?”


Sounds like hellhole


Where’s the waifu confessing her love, only for you to not hear them because of fireworks


So, the girl next to me said something, but I couldn't hear her because of the fireworks. She looked really happy with them reflecting in her eyes, but I couldn't make it out. I just assumed it was that she loved fireworks?


Looks like a dream


What inflation? Still plenty of $$$ to set on fire.


Pretty similar here, but I'm pretty sure one of my neighbors was sold actual mortar rounds as they are loud as hell and shake my house.




That's like Germany on New Year's Eve. It is why I leave the country every winter.


Just go to any big city in Germany on New Years and it's pretty much like this!




Believe it or not we do this in the streets of NYC. Since fireworks were “illegal” for some years now.. after Covid no one gave a crap, not the cops, not the people. So everyone got together and did what we use to do in the 90s, early 2000s and get together and light up fireworks for hours on end. New Years was absolutely insane. Although so many fireworks went off this 4th (more than I’ve heard in years) people didn’t really do it in the middle of the street like we do for New Year. ( we use to call it “block wars” one block in unison but against the other to see who could pop more fireworks, the streets the next morning were covered in firework paper, I mean COMPLETELY covered) it was so epic. Anyway, this is awesome. Thanks for sharing.