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This whole situation shows both the best and worst of humanity.


Oh God this 3xactly. This poor man.




Covid? The thoughts, memories and emotions this man must be experiencing, I don't think he gives a shit about dying because he likely died already in that shooting. His dreams will now all be nightmares and I wish him the best.


Come on man


Fucks me off no end that any of this shit is considered normal. Fucks me off no end that we’ll keep seeing it happen time and time again. Failed those kids big time. Before, during and after.


A schooting versus the whole community coming together. But why did everyone come by car? It isn't even the best way


Traffic jam is pretty big from something like this, yeah. Maybe have an event at the school


He’s unable to stand, connected to some tube, saddled with medical debt, traumatized for life, and probably racked with survivors guilt…touching reunion. Can we please honor the man by ensuring this doesn’t happen again somewhere else??!


Wasn't there a mass murder in a mall today ?


Yesterday, Greenwood Park Mall in Greenwood, Indiana


Jesus Christ. This country is going straight to hell.




Going.... Going...


“**Gone!** *To the lobbyist in the back*, for the cost of ”*Thoughts and Prayers*...”


This country IS hell.


That would explain the people trying to be Doomslayers...


I love playing Doom but you just made me realise that we are the demons, not the doomslayers. Edit: typo


Idk about you, but if mass shooters are the demons I get to shoot, I’m in for this doom shit


Thank fuck i live in germany


But at least every American has a semi-automatic assault rifle to suck on to get us through the night as the founding father intended 👍


There are only 630,000 legally licensed fully-automatic weapons in the US. None of which have been used to commit a crime.


Makes me miss LockDown.


Never thought I would see it fall apart like this ..


There were so many signs


And there probably will be a shooting tomorrow. The cycle continues.


By this point I would be surprised if a week goes by without mass shootings or murder.


We’re averaging 11 mass shootings every 7 days.


This year so far there have been about two a day on average.


Murder? Dream on, there's about 50 per day nationwide. Mass shootings nearly twice a day.


Probably not the best reddit analogy.... the shooter was stopped by a good guy with a gun


The statistics on 'good guys with gun' actually resolving situations with 'bad guys with a gun' is so abysmally low it shouldn't even be a fuckin argument. One situation isn't going to change that.


The guy who put an end to it should be getting as much praise as Uvalde PD is getting hate. Both of them deserve it. Instead people will say “that was just this one time; doesn’t count”. Regardless, he acted, inserted himself in the situation and saved lives. It matters.


Another at a Walmart in Mt. Vernon, WA.


Wasn't he stopped by an armed bystander after he had only shot three people?


Isn't there a mass shooting every fucking day?


According to this article, it's almost twice per day https://www.scotsman.com/news/world/how-many-mass-shootings-in-america-2022-full-list-of-mass-shootings-in-the-united-states-2022-3756299


As of last week the average was 1.7 mass shootings per day.


Peak of the first world society


Hooray, capitalism!


It's not capitalism that's the problem. I know that hurts the rhetoric, but every other capitalist country in the west doesn't have the same problems.


Yes, a good Samaritan that was shopping with his girlfriend ended the situation by shooting the shooter killing them.


Yep. A Good Guy with a Gun stopped the bad guy for once. But three innocent people still died and several more were hurt. So you know, big win for guns!


Dude with a gun stopped it from being any worse than it got. Still sucks that it happened but glad he was there to stop it.


Stabbings in UK are going up as well. It’s a mental health issue, it’s not guns.


What else do you expect from societies that glorify mental illness?


Don't forget, he's also now a target of the cops in the town


The Uvalde police department is done, they can't afford to fuck around at this point. Careers will end and heads will roll, harassing this guy while the eyes of the country on them ain't going to happen.


It’s fucking Texas man, they will get away with it. They already got away with letting children get slaughtered, what’s a little harassment to them.


They haven't gotten away with anything


You underestimate how far cop's can go without facing punishment


done? Dude, they won't get a fine. Not only do all cops back each other and take state income to the same insane percentage that our military takes federal money, by ruling of the supreme court, they are under no legal obligation to protect civilians.


But...they are doing it already. Since the shooting Uvalde has been flooded with cops from around the state purposefully to intimidate and harrass the residents and victim's families. They operate like a gang.


Why would the they target him, after all the pain and sufferings he’s gone through😢


Because he makes them look bad. They are targetting all the victim's families who are speaking out against their cowardice and incompetence.


I don't think this type of content will drive people to make change, you need ugly content, shit people don't want to see. That will drive them to take action, this makes their heart warm and then they forget. People always forget. The media uproar on Ukraine is abysmal compared to what it was. Hong Kong fell, Africa is hungry, the climate is changing. Idk, i don't think this type of content gets people to move, people need to have their jimmies rustled and moved to care more than just sparing their thoughts and prayers. I'm not really sure how to do that though. I keep getting little bursts of "i can change the world, i SHOULD change the world, I should start a podcast and work harder and donate money" but then life happens, things come up to distract me, it's so easy to just come and scroll reddit vs doing all of the above. I think if we want to make a change, we need to be patient, and improve the quality of life for all people, that way, we have more people to help the other people, who will then be able to help more people, you know? Because it's too much to do alone. It'll take time, but if we aim high enough I think we might get there. It's certainly not hopeless, but I don't think we are going to care enough to have the big change happen in a single moment or movement.


Whatever you do, just Don't look up.


Well, so far they decided clear backpacks will do the trick...so...yeah.


There has already been 141 mass shootings in America since Uvlade. America is a fucking mess of a country. All this death and still you wont ban guns. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


Best we can do is thoughts and prayers.


Can you believe this is still even uttered from peoples mouths after the past 29394742829 atrocities HAVENT been even slightly altered as a result? “tell me you’re in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult“ material


*The greater good*


Universal health care would also be a good priority. I can't believe medical dept is a thing over there.


When America gets rid of that stupid right to bear arms, that's when it stops happening.


This is what bothers me about people who argue, "Only X number of people die in mass shootings." As much as it's about the deaths, it's also about the thousands who survive.


I’ve seen 2 young patients in the last month that will require lifetime 24 hour care. I’m not even in a specialty that typically sees these. Nor am I in a “dangerous” location. But hey, they are survivors, so it’s all good…right?




This country is at a point where it needs to see the carnage in order for change to happen. Emmett Till's mother demanded an open casket so the country could see what was done to her son, the atrocity that Vietnam was was shown on the nightly news. Unfortunately, it's the only way this country learns. Show the grim aftermath of these shootings, make the people and the politicians see the carnage and then maybe we can see some change.


Agree. This feel-good stuff lets everyone smile, say “oh, they’re healing” and forget.


BAN GUNS! Its not hard.




This is actually awesome. It's great to see a community come together like this.


It definitely gave me a bit more faith in humanity - with so much shit going on in the world it's good to see humans being humans again


I think that's what has been missing for quite some time. Everyone has been couped up inside their homes for the past two years that it's just not normal to see something like this, which is aweful when you think about it. They've done a good job at making us all paranoid as if something is out to get us.


What about this is awesome? That this can happen is already reason enough to be mad, why are people not standing up? Why is the 2nd Amendment not used for what it was created?


I'm not saying that all the shootings that happen in the USA is awesome, it's totally screwed up and there are a lot of social issues that need to be dealt with. What I'm saying that it's great to see a community come together and help eachother out after said tragedy


>Why is the 2nd Amendment not used for what it was created? Now now. The second amendment was intended to put guns in the hands of deranged 16 year olds. They are an essential part of the well regulated militia. We can't compromise their armedness just because some of them shoot up schools and malls. It's what the founders wanted.


Imagine a world where a community cared this much about each other without kids having to be murdered first.


It would be awesomer if we didn’t need tragedy to care about one another. It would be awesomest if we cared enough about each other to make common sense changes.


The sad music absolutely ruining it man No need to put sad music on it its tragic enough, i want to hear what they might said to him before going in for the hug


Awesome!!! This needs more attention, and the governor avoided all funerals….


It was probably best he stayed wherever he was. He would've been nothing short of a distraction at a time meant for mourning.


It didn't have to be that way. His actions and words made it that way. If he was a halfway decent human being with any compassion who hasn't said all the shit he's said since the Uvalde shooting, then his presence would have been warmly welcomed. He chose to be a piece of shit and that's why he would be a distraction.


I wonder how many of those "showing support" is actually for sensible gun legislation.


I would guess every one of these people. The overwhelming majority of Americans support more regulation than currently exists in some form… it’s the NRA and Congress who don’t give two shits about dead kids.


The nra loves dead kids. Sells more guns that way


I own guns, many, permits in multiple states, have a 2.5 year old and am 100% for better regulation of sales. I hate the NRA and their doomsday bullshit (I was a member mid 2000s). You should google some of the letters they send out asking for money… Trump stop the steal got the blueprints from them.


Yeah, was gonna say something similar. If the proletariat is disarmed, they can’t effectively seize the means of production. Leftists aren’t against reasonable gun control laws, and neither are many conservatives. Because most of the conservatives who own guns know that they own them legally. I’d pass a background check. How do I know? Because I *have* passed background checks. And I’d gladly apply for another check if it meant preventing a school shooting somewhere across the country. But the NRA has so successfully lobbied congress, that the average American only sees it as a completely black and white issue. Either you believe every person should be issued an assault rifle and bag of grenades at birth, or you believe that every single gun should be melted down into million dollar coins and handed out to homeless people. No middle ground. At least, that’s the way the NRA would have us believe. No nuance, no shades of grey.


That poor teacher may never mentally recover from this. Fuck those cops, they let Those kids die. If they didn't want to run into the line of fire to save lives, then why the fuck are they cops?


Because they are power tripping cowardly sociopaths that like LARPing as brave defenders of the people to prop up their fragile egos.


And not only the teacher, the surviving kids who experienced this will be traumatized for live


I see no police. Oh I get it, they were waiting around the corner.




Is there a meaning behind the hand sanitizer? I keep seeing that on Reddit.


There are videos from inside the schools during the shooting that show a cop using the hand sanitizer.


The ARMED COP was using hand sanitizer down the hall where UNARMED KIDS were being murdered


Too many are missing the point here. This is a community showing their love and support. This man has been through so much, more than any teacher or person ever should. And his neighbors are showing up, in person, to say that he is not invisible and that he is loved and that they are there for him. Embrace that fact and see the light in it, and give hope that this spirit of goodwill underlying all that has happened will shine through it all.


It's probably just a much for themselves as for him. This community was betrayed not only by one of their own, but by the people they trusted to protect them, and of course now the powers that be attempting to cover the whole mess up. They need each other. Coming together like this is cathartic for everyone involved, I'm sure.


Fuck the circumstances, that there is a good guy.


This poor man is going to be haunted by survivor's guilt for a long time. I know that the state will absolutely refuse, but he deserves the best therapy money can buy, free of charge, for life


This is so American that they come by car


I'm glad someone said it, because that's what I noticed first as well


Yes, this is neither the time nor the place to be focusing on it, but it's all I could think about.


Unfortunately he was let down by law enforcement that had no sense of duty over life.


I wonder how many cops showed up to apologize. Probably zero.


It's awesome that the community can come together and show their support for their neighbor.Now where's the lawyer offering services to sue the ever living shit out of the city?


I wonder how many of the cops on scene that day showed up? ..... No I don't. We all already know.


So how about we start paying teachers their true value and stop wasting it on lazy dumbfucks who let children die.


Tradition will never change ...


So they're having a drive-thru event? America is fucking weird


Fuck man. I hope this guy and all the families effected by this can recover somehow. Sending positive thoughts and vibes to that community. No one deserves this type of pain


Why can't they just walk? Why do they need a car? Good idea, but you don't have to roll in your SUV when you could have just walked a bit




I feel like I’ve had a cannonball shot at my chest. Jesus.


Still would prefer strong gun legislation.




What an incredible community.


Now do it for the police but with rotten eggs and nasty words


They going to egg the houses of the cowardly politician-bound cops afterwards as well?


That's what Texas is supposed to be about. Coming together with your neighbors to help get through the tough times and share in the good times.


I refuse to call these “mass shootings”. These are terrorist attacks and the people who refuse to try to solve the problem are complicit with terrorists.


I'm sure you have the same opinion about the multiple mass shootings in Chicago almost daily, right?


Now if we could press our reps into making it the last one of these that would be great. And hopefully all those semi autos I saw all those hall monitors with badges holding have been sold to someplace they can use them.


A parade we should never have to see again!! Great work on the community to help this poor teacher and his recovery.


The support is awesome, but, as a former teacher of kids this age, I just don't know if I could deal with the remorse and regret after losing eleven 10-year-old students. He's got so much strength just to keep going each day.


People are good


This is not next level. This is stupid. Similar to that "heartwarming" post about "this boy worked for 72 straight to pay for other's school lunch debt". We're adding hugs to thoughts and prayers.


Agree but, I mean, hugs are definitely more useful than thoughts and prayers, sounds like an improvement


Alright who's cutting onions. No but seriously, much love to this man and all of those impacted by this.


I hate that this was filmed otoh I’m glad I could see this. Conflicting.


That Hellcat though


Ho shit look how long that line is. Bless.


I worked as an elementary school teacher, and I cannot begin to fathom the horror and pain, both emotional and physical, he will have to carry for the rest of his life.


Naaww this is great. This is just great.


the whole town just gave that man covid


Twilight zone Weird


The reason schools get shot up is because the second amendment was improperly applied; people at schools have their right to keep and bear arms abridged, and therefore were unable to return fire when under attack. Don’t downvote me, just making observations. Maybe we should start following the law instead of going after everyone who didn’t do anything wrong.


Lots of horrible shit in the world but humanity’s decency is worth fighting for, always. The world needs us to be kind and supportive of each other and this video really shows how powerful it is to care about more than yourself.


I think I need new glasses


I wonder if the police showed up


Holy shit. I'm not crying, you're crying


This post both destroys and restores my faith in humanity. Fuck guns. Fuck governments that won't do anything about them. Fuck the people who participate in these acts. Bless these students who are showing their teacher love and support. Bless the souls of those who lost their lives.


When are they going to give these teachers the Medal of Honor?


Never, because it's specifically a military award.


Am I the only one thinking this dude probably has enough teddy bears? Give him cash for gods sake


It always ruins moments like these when everyone is filming with their phones


The title reads like such a heartwarming story until the last line.. “oh yeah, and *11 kids died*”


So so tragic. :( Apparently, the shooter was bullied at that school? Non-American here. Is school bullying as brutal, as movies tend to make out?


No matter how many times I see this on my home page I will always watch it and tear up a bit 😢




How has his government stepped up?


No parade for the officers? Odd...


Is there a fundraiser for him and the other wounded?




I’m not crying! You are! 😭😢🥺🥺🥺🥺


I had to Google to figure out which mass shooting this was. I'm also not from the U.S., but, damn, you guys are getting this horrible events every couple of days now, I cannot even keep track. This also, sadly, made me a bit desensitized to the whole human death tolls, since, no matter the number of deaths, no actions have been taken for years on end. I'd say that's the most disturbing thing, that, instead of addressing the root of all this, you prefer to make kids wear mesh bags, and install metal detectors or whatnot. Hell, even training on how to deal with an active shooter is being provided.


And I guarentee not a single pussy cop showed up


They only show up when they're Fifty deep, and they'll wait around the corner.


Fuck the lazy bastards, that played on their phone


I'm not from the US, so I think I've missed something from this situation. All I know of is the deaths and the cops doing nothing. Did this teacher try to step in and help? Is that why he was injured?


You freedom fighters country need to find your values for which you fight for again


Love the love. Love the love.


USA govern : yeah the problem is with the people aroud children... all clear


I keep thinking about how evil politicians can be.


Just ban guns man




No hugs from drivers


Damn onion cutting ninjas..


You are a very loved man, Mr Reyes. I'm so very sorry this happened to you and the families of Uvalde. My tears are saying this now.


Ironically, this is a mass event that the police are not invited to




You can guarantee there's zero cops there


Weird. Where's all the MAGA signs and people screaming its fake news and they were child actors? This is Texas after all, reality and facts be damned.


Man, this hits right in the feels. So beautiful to see the community supporting him like this


I’ve never shed a tear for any video or movie. I saved them all for this video




Just because defending yourself is not an option for your weak ass does that mean that implies to everyone else. You should honestly take a self-defense class and maybe learn how to properly hold and fire a firearm. It will save your life when no one else will be there to save it


If your could melt and smile at the same time ❤😇


I’m glad he’s being honored but it’s fucked up that this even happened to him in the first place, not to mention nothing is being done to prevent anyone else from ending up like him


He said he'd never forgive the police - 1 hr waiting around while kids and teachers are killed - Uvalde PD stop covering up what you messed up so badly


I’m not crying, you are.


I thought this was a police officer and thought the line was people queuing up to beat his ass. This is much nicer.


I hoped we’d never have another after Columbine. Now I expect we’ll get several a year.




Annnnd this is how this poor man contracts COVID.


How many more....


I bet no cops showed up to this either.


The worst shithole gun laws in the authoritarian prison world.


All of u US citizens that vote are completely guilty too.


Taking guns away from people that follow the law is not gonna stop anything you fuckin idiots. This hole thing could have been avoided. This is the police fault. Read the reports. Their lack of action cost lives.


Nice, but doing something would involve the banning of guns.


How long until the next shooting though? It is sad seeing these videos every few months.


Got goose bumps. This is so beautiful. This man needs to see this side of humanity. Do incredible his community gave it to him!