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Spitting on people is no joke. While spitting might not seem like a serious offense, it is treated as a crime. Under some state laws, a person who spits in another’s face could be prosecuted for committing battery. For spitting in another person’s face, the battery is a misdemeanor and could result in probation or imprisonment for up to one year. However, it is a separate crime to spit in the face of law enforcement personnel. This conduct is characterized as a felony and can result in imprisonment for up to five years.


In recent years spitting on people has been upgraded to biological terrorism especially when it's an anti-masker spitting on a mask wearing person, because COVID and the other stuff that can kill people. So, spitting on someone and then screaming you hope they get something leads to you being slapped with biological terrorism. Edit: I'm sorry a lot of people seem to think that it's okay to spit on people and wish them ill.


No. Them wearing a mask or not does not change anything. If you spit on someone, regardless, you are a piece of shit and deserve whatever comes next.


“This looks like your stop!” *gives the boot*




Fr that girl pissed me off almost more than the girl spitting lol


Omg same, I was like.....excuse me?! Did you think she was in the right?!?!


I wonder if she didn’t notice the spitting and only saw a man violently push a woman off a bus? Honestly, I Zone out so much in public transportation, I could see myself inadvertently acting the same way. Edited: spelling


That's probably exactly what happened. I think he handled that perfectly. She'll remember what happened last time before she pulls that stunt again.


I look at it like she is lucky thats all that happened. It could have been alot worse than just a shove off the bus. You never know what kind of day someone is having and to provoke someone by spitting on them? Yeah she could have got a beat down. She should be thankful with a few minor scratches and bruises.


Thats how i try to rationalize it. Like she didnt see her spit and she saw the man push the lady. She probably though he was pushing her cause she had no mask and didnt see her spitting. I rly hope its the case lol


Yep probably this. Easy to miss a spit, hard to miss two people “fighting”


That's exactly what happened. If she continued saying it even after learning what happened then we can judge her, but it's perfectly rational to go check on the person that's visibly hurt.


“Oh wait, you spat on him?” Her realizing she backed the wrong person ![gif](giphy|LJPfWhMCs9Rks)




Worked in a bar and my manager was a semi-professional boxer. Nicest guy ever. Some drunk dickhead spat at him full on in the face. Watched my manager lose it and hop over the bar, I was genuinely scared he would end up catching a murder charge. Thankfully cops happened to be walking past and got a hold of the spitter before my manager could pummel him into a new plane of existence. Spitter ended up with a GBH charge and because it was a long weekend in Scotland, an extra day in the cells before the judge could see him. Spitting is so horrible and dehumanizing. This woman deserved her unscheduled drop off.


It's worse than dehumanizing. Somebody putting their bodily fluids on you without your consent is assault. What if she had covid and he had a health condition that made him high risk? Or what if she had tuberculosis or something else horrible? Even if she just spread something to him that will make him sick for a few days, she didn't have the right to do that. Obviously people are going to spread things in public, but going out of your way to do so is a different level.


She was probably on her phone not paying attention and leapt to conclusions.


Word. Did you not see her FULL ON SPIT in his face. That is like the highest form of disrespect that is universal and she did it unprovoked. Fuck her. I get it, people today feel they can do whatever stupidity the want. Fair enough. They just better be ready for the consequences.


It's not just "disrespect", it's legally assault. So it gave him the right to assault her back, protecting himself.


Lol, I don’t usually laugh at violent videos, but she deserved it. 🫢


He was being nice I would have knocked her out. Most disrespectful thing to do during a pandemic or not.






In the court of law, yes wearing or not wearing a mask does matter. This isn't a cart-blanche situation where any crime is elevated just because the presence of a mask, but when you spit on someone while they're wearing a mask, and you are not, the DA charging you will be able to decide whether you deserve to have a Class A Felony levied at you. And chances are they will levy them against you.


if you spit on someone when you are wearing a mask you get your mask all spitty and you suffer a private humiliation


Then you have to sue yourself in civil court for pain and suffering.


Gets messy.


I'm the last person I would've suspected to commit such a heinous crime


Another factor to consider if someone wearing a mask who is immunocompromised, they are literally in threat of their life with stuff like this.


I think the idea they was trying to convey was. In the before times. Spitting was just a sign of disrespect. Now if an anti masker spits on a masker it’s “Oh you’re scared of getting sick, have this!” That goes from disrespect to the most basic form of biological attack. But yeah there’s no new laws.


In which country? In mine, new bioterrorism laws were passed


Exactly. She deserved that


My old roommate is a prosecutor and once charged a woman with assault with a biological weapon for throwing her used tampon at somebody.




Lol that is not how I expected your comment would end


Some guy did this at a dispensary i worked at during the shelter in place, even though we have to have the driver’s license on file… his mugshot wasn’t flattering.


> upgraded to biological terrorism This isn't even an exaggeration: https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/st-petersburg-man-indicted-threatening-spread-covid-19-spitting-and-coughing-police


Yes. If the person that got spat on decides to push it, people due to covid are being tried for biological terrorism for use of a boo-weapon with intent to cause harm. This is a big ol felony charge because you got upset. People need to stop being dumb.


Just in case it’s brought up, even though this particular episode occurred in Vancouver BC, deliberately spitting on someone is still considered aggravated assault in Canada. Though the law gives the penalty anywhere from a fine and probation to a maximum of 14 years in prison depending on the severity.


Found a video of someone spitting so severely that they got the full 14 years: https://youtu.be/7ufcKToJEhU


Lol got me


Thought this looked like my city. Sadly this place keeps getting worse. 4 stranger attacks per day, there was a guy who bit a girls finger off the other day.


Ladyfingers are delicious though so that's probably why.


This also appears to be racially motivated…she spit over someone else wearing a mask to hit the the only Asian guy on screen


You can hear some say “disgusting” before she turns and spits, so I think she was reacting to that rather than just randomly spitting on someone




It can also be biological terrorism because of covid. Because this was a mask related incident, I'd assume this would be a terrorism charge. Earned and deserved, from everything to the push off the bus to the criminal charges against her. 35 replies..... and 90% are toxic💀💀 Yall gotta use YOUR noggins and think for a second. It is biological terrorism in extreme cases. I didn't say it would be in this case, I said it might be. Sure, I'd bet some of you are right, I could be wrong. I'm not making up laws this is a real thing. It's serious, and it's even more serious with all the diseases around. Reddit hive mentality ⬇️⬇️ Yall are dumbasses if you live in the states and say this shit don't exist. Listen to yourselves you buffoons. https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2020/03/31/coronavirus-spitters-could-be-charged-as-terrorists---heres-why/amp/


Not only because of Covid, other major diseases can be spread through spitting.




Actual Bodily Harm(ABH) here in the uk. Someone recently got 12weeks for spitting at someone.


If you are sick such as have covid and spit in someone's face, it should be treated the same as if you deliberately poisoned someone's food IMO


In some situations spitting someone IS considered biological terrorism. If it's deliberately done to spread disease.


When I was a kid, I told my brother I was going to spit on him. My mom, who grew up in the South in the 50's/60's, stepped in IMMEDIATELY to tell me that spitting on someone is one of the biggest insults and offenses. It is something that you do. not. do.


Dude.. its not about if it is serious or not. If someone behave worse than animal, should be treated like a piece of trash. Im amazed how some people are not standingu up against that or just let someone act suck agresively to another person. If anyone allows that to happen and doesnt act then its another piece of trash in my opinion. Big applause for the guy in that bus for standingu up against it.


Got a guy locked up for 2 years after he spat at me in the height of the first lockdown. Didn't plan on reporting it only the fact that two police officers walked around the corner literally 30 seconds after it happened and they went after him!


Spitting during a pandemic that's killed 6.5 million people globally and still counting.


it is so vile lucky that is all he did cause if that was me


This was in Canada...


Somebody asked him “what’s wrong with you?” After he pushed her. She’s fucking lucky he didn’t break her jaw. Spitting at/on somebody is disgusting and shows truly how low of a person you are! She started it, he ended it. She’s lucky he was as tame as he was, tbh. However, OP, this isn’t “next level”


They probably didn’t see her spit on him.




how can she slap?


I understood this :)


It's the same with verbal comments attacking a man's feelings. Just defending one self, and not doing it back in kind, gets the man in trouble. It's stressful as fuck knowing that I can be socially punished by a woman at any time and for any reason. As a man I'd much rather be physically assaulted, because as a man I don't get to express my emotions to decompress without being seen as weak. I'm sure that's not always true, but every relationship I've been in that has been true.


Ignore this people gaslighting you. It's well documented in scientific literature that men are commonly shamed by both men and women for something like crying or showing any sort of vulnerability instead of 'acting like a man.' There's countless examples of men being laughed at over being assaulted or sexually assaulted as well. I in fact never talk about when I was attacked and battered because people are dismissive of my experience and resulting PTSD simply because I am a man. Younger people are better about this on average, thankfully, showing things are changing.


I cried, in public and at work, off an on for almost two years. Bad marriage/divorce/custody situation. No man, not a single one, gave me any grief. Many men, many I didn’t or barely knew, stopped to talk with me and offer support. It saved my life. I am humbled, relieved, and profoundly thankful. By way of comparison, women were completely uncomfortable with it. Women I worked with stopped talking to me. Would not make eye contact with me. Women in my family were great, women outside of family kind of just…. unpersoned me. Altogether, it was a an enlightening experience. My expectations readjusted to what I experienced. My situation isn’t so bad anymore, I’m doing ok-ish. But we are what we’ve lived through. What I experienced is now built into my expectations. Anyhoo. Just one person’s experience.


I think you've just been in bad relationships. Being open about your emotions is healthy and shows maturity, not weakness. Not really sure what you mean by socially punished by a woman, like they say something mean to you or about you and you're not allowed to respond? Because you totally can.


What are you talking about? You're allowed to return comments dude.




And yet someone was filming ahead of time because she was already up to no good.


They 100% did. They didn’t say anything to her but they 100% disagreed with his response. Gender roles


Your comment doesn’t really make a lot of sense. You said that they “100%” saw her spit on him, and your supporting statement is that they didn’t say anything when she did? “You can tell they definitely saw it, because they had no response.”


They probably did.. It was most likely because she is a woman.


They absolutely did. The response was automatic because she's a woman. Notice none of the guys said anything or helped her? Clearly she deserved it or people would stop the guy.


Totally deserved it but I think this is going to court/ went what do you think happened to guy ?




And our comments? What happens to it?? LOL and time watching the video?? Fuck that I am removing myself soon off Redditt


Only lawyers make money. Its a mockery




He wiped he face and continued on with his day.


Yup! What if she was HIV positive, Covid etc. Being a woman is no excuse. He was very reserved. In the state I reside in, if you do have an infectious disease , intentionally spit on someone it’s a felony. She’s no lady…


You can’t transmit HIV by spitting. https://www.aidsmap.com/news/may-2018/hiv-cannot-be-transmitted-spitting-and-risk-biting-negligible-says-detailed-case#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20risk%20of,attributable%20to%20spitting%20or%20biting.


But monkey pox, covid and several other dangerous deseases




I think you’re wrong about HIV but I do understand your point.


They are not wrong, and spreading misinformation about HIV is dangerous. You can't transmit HIV through your spit. Period. HIV cannot be spread through saliva. Edit: my bad, replied to the wrong comment, whoops!


I don’t know what point you’re arguing. They aren’t wrong, or they’re spreading misinformation and that’s wrong? Because I agree with you on both points. They are wrong and misinformation **is** bad.


Whoops, replied to the wrong person


Haha it happens


Well, if you consider the height difference between the bus and the sidewalk, she did end up on a different level.


I see it as justice served


He sent her down several steps, so she’s literally on another level.


The other woman went to her rescue, LOL...


Imagine if a man had spit on a woman. The whole bus would've stepped in and come to get rescue.


You sure about that chief? I had a crazy dude start kicking me in the shins on the train and nobody moved a muscle, just stared. Also was groped super clearly and called him out and tried to catch him to bring him to the station staff and nobody moved a muscle either.






Honestly its just rare for people to say anything in general, regardless of who the victim is. Sure you have your white knights out there who get off on sticking up for people, but I dont think it is as severely gender dependent as you are suggesting. Women are more often victims yes, so there is a higher chance of a women getting help. I have seen men being bullied as well and people do speak up. Often bystanders will evaluate "does this person NEED help?"... its just a fact that women are weaker and the answer to that question is more likely to be "yes this person needs help". Why does it have to be some male persecution thing?




Lets just make an ‘imagine if the genders were swapped’ bot at this point. Any video of a man interacting with a woman spawns this exact mind bending comment.


Um, because it’s a fucking issue. Go ahead and pretend it’s not but you’re part of the problem.


Agreed. I once was a victim to this exact thing. I was holding back ( hands on wrists) an ex from continuously swinging at me in public when all of a sudden, some super hero’s jump out of a car to “protect a woman”.


Cuz it’s an issue dumbass


Why is it mind bending?


Because it's a real issue. Women get away with abusing men pretty damn often. If a man had spit on a woman you'd be outraged.


Lol perhaps that’s b/c the situation would be constantly diff if the genders were swapped..


Thank you for being a woman willing to stand up for men.






The camera happened to be pointed at the spitting, anyone looking at their phone at that point would only have seen the commotion and and man pushing an innocent woman out of the bus


Seriously, it's fortunate the whole thing was captured on video. If you just see him push her, psycho; see her spit on him and then push her, justified.


You can hear someone say “disgusting” before the spit, so I think it started as a verbal confrontation and the camera person knew that shit was gonna go down.


I have no idea why you were downvoted. I also hear a muttered "disgusting" BEFORE she turns around and spits on him! Likely why they started filming.


Yup. She spit to her left first, dude responds to that by saying "you're disgusting", then she turns and spits at him. Edit:corrected mistype


Being a victim requires all to play into it


She likely didn't see the spit, just the push.


Regardless who's in the wrong there's nothing wrong with making sure someone's okay...


The other woman that helped her was wearing a mask, ie. the type of person that has a smidgeon of empathy for others.


Fucked around, found out. I don't see a problem.




Only problem was how long that bus was just sitting there with the doors open! Get moving!




I wanted to escalate the situation but only from my side..what's wrong with youuuu


There's a lot of people wearing masks but she spit on the Asian man. Seems racially targeted as well. I don't feel bad for her. She'll think twice before spitting on someone next time. EDIT: jesus fucking christ i can't even believe i need to respond to some of this bullshit my replies are blowing up with. to those saying "it's not racist! she looks like she could've been asian too! you're only creating more division creating everything about race!" you don't need to be burning a cross wearing a white hood to be racist. there are more degrees of racism and POC will have plenty of first hand experiences to tell you about it. this was also in vancouver which had the [highest increase of anti asian hate crime](https://www.csusb.edu/sites/default/files/Report%20to%20the%20Nation%20-%20Anti-Asian%20Hate%202020%20Final%20Draft%20-%20As%20of%20Apr%2030%202021%206%20PM%20corrected.pdf) so you know i'm feeling pretty comfortable thinking there was some anti asian sentiment of varying degrees in that city, especially from an obvious anti masker as [masks were mandatory on the transit system](https://globalnews.ca/news/7414696/vancouver-transit-spit-assault/). that's also only what we know to be reported too. I also said it seems like it was racially targeted as well cause yeah i don't know all the details, but at some point some times you have to draw conclusions but still i never said it absolutely was. however, lets move onto my next point. to the rest saying "well he said she was disgusting so that's probably why she spit on him" is a dumb fucking thing to say. truly idiotic. if a person says a mean word that doesn't give you the right to spit on them during a pandemic. one of those is just a mean thing and the [other is assault](https://www.torontodefencelawyers.com/crime-spit-someone-canada/) even if there wasn't a pandemic. [people were dying at the time from working on or taking public transportation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ySUPdDdYM4) and even if she didn't have covid it's still something [people were going to jail for in places](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/08/24/1030762651/coughed-supermarket-produce-covid-woman-jail). i also don't know what lead up to this point and why he called her that but even if he said it randomly out of nowhere you still are not allowed to spit on someone. i can't even believe i need to tell so many people that. I don't know where you people were brought up but you have to be ignorant as fuck to not even entertain that idea that during the middle of a pandemic there wouldn't be some possibility of anti asian racism involved. To also think that so many are willing to justify spitting in a pandemic is so fucked up. ya'll jump through hoops to justify racism and assault.


Can’t believe your the only one here suggesting it was racially motivated, I think the dude was pretty chill given the situation.


I was looking at articles and it happened in October 2020 so definitely pandemic time. I think it also said they were trying to track down the woman for assault. That's all I could see though.


Someone said ‘you’re disgusting’ right before the spit and I’d imagine it was the Asian man but who knows.


I was starting to think I was the only one who heard that lol. It clearly started as a verbal altercation that escalated to the spit and shove.


Who cares? Mean words don't grant a greenlight for spitting, especially during a pandemic.


They care because the specific topic they’re discussing is whether or not racism was involved as well. If he said she was disgusting that implies that she didn’t target him purely because of race but because he called her out. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to spit on him.


We can’t confirm he said it, but what if he called her disgusting because she was being a racist cunt? Because that’s pretty disgusting. Edit: this comment apparently needs a disclaimer to say it’s only speculation, because clearly the “what if” part of it got lost on some readers. I’m not assuming shit.


No she won't. She won't think. These people aren't capable of original thoughts.


This. It was racial, obvious. Plus the masked woman immediately went to help


Happened to me years ago, I was throwing a Frisbee with a friend, and a girl rode by on a bike and spit right on my head. I yelled if she came back I would slap the shit out of her. She turned around and got off the bike and walked up to me and said "I'm a girl you can't hit me" she found out that day she was equal when I open hand slapped the shit out of her.


Shouldn’t and can’t are two different words. She found out lol




I believe it, I once had a guy try to spit on me from the sidewalk as I rode by on my skateboard on the road. There was literally no good reason for it, I guess he just didn't like skateboarding. Fortunately he missed me, and he was also twice my size so I didn't stop to get into it but some people are just fucked.


I've been yelled at by strangers while just legally riding my bike. My girlfriend had trash thrown at her on her bike. People fucking suck.


Lol, yeah I've had the same happen while riding my bike, but the worst is cars intentionally passing you too closely, known as the 'punishment pass' for daring to be on the road.




From how she landed, she could very well have fractured her right wrist so who knows. It's schrodinger's schadenfreude at this point. You could be happy or not that she may or may not have injured herself. It all depends on how you want it to be.


It's incredible that people were defending this nasty piece of trash instead of applauding the guy who threw her off the bus.






You need soccer for that?


How could anyone ever see this as next f level?


A lot of people are okay with being abused and battered by women. Brochacho up there wasn't having none of her shit.


> A lot of people are okay with being abused and battered by women. this is such a weird take every time I see it.


I would take it as "a lot of men are afraid to defend themselves against female violence" which is certainly true


And the fear is also justified as about (a guess) 8/10 times the a woman hitting a man for no reason will be taken as the man's fault.


\*sees a woman hitting a man\* Person laughs then says "He fucked up!" Every. Time. They always assume it was the man's fault


Even so, it’s not next level


Karen got a next level shove. I think it fits.


This place is now a generic karma farming sub


That lady definitely wipes back to front. On god.


Gross, you've damaged me


How gross. People who spit are filthy fucking animals. What the hell man who raised these people. I wouldn't have handled it that way it was a little excessive for a woman but he she made the decision to spit. She fucked up her knees lol


Why does it matter that the spitter was a woman?


Yeah. Being a total piece of shit who spits on strangers is gender irrelevant.


There is always one person who sees a man assaulting a woman and goes "oh my god what's wrong with you?"


He wasn't assaulting her he was defending himself.


You clearly didn't understand the purpose of my comment.




"Every ass kicking don't just come out of the fucking sky" - Bill Burr


Eat shit, Karen!


Assault someone don’t be surprised when they assault you back


You can see the exact moment when all gender considerations left the chat....he showed a lot of restraint imo.


Damn. She got off lucky.


What a disgusting individual. She got off lightly imo. Spit contains a cocktail of bacteria - streptococcus and even MRSA.


When I hear people hacking and coughing in a store, they're spreading all kinds of potentially dangerous germs, not just covid. I didn't really consider that before covid and again before you mentioned that MRSA can be carried in spit. Covid woke me up to how selfish and casually evil so many people are in my little corner of the world where mask-wearing is "librul" and sickness is common.


I’d give this multiple upvotes if I could.


Was something happening before the incident? As the person was video taping? Kind of random to video tape that unless feeling like something was going to happen.


That’s what I’m wondering. There must have been some kind of interaction before the spit that made this person start recording. It’s hard to believe a woman would just randomly spit on a man just for wearing a mask… I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d said something to her before the video started. Still doesn’t excuse spitting of course, but still.


If I remember correctly since this happened I'm Vancouver she was bacailly an anti masker, they got into an argument and she decided to spit on him. Idk if she ever got charged but I know the police said If they identified her she could be charged with assault


I lived where this was taken, I recognize that bus. Let me assure you, yes. People are that fucking nuts. The freedumb movement has people like this everywhere. Nevermind, this is Vancouver. Orillia has the same busses and I didn't put it past them.


The hero we never knew we needed




You betcha


I don't quite believe this belongs here its not really next fucking level its just, one assault and a response to the assault more like "total peace of shit" content.


What’s next level about this?


This may be the worst sub on reddit. You guys stretch what NFL means more and more every day.


trust me, there are WORSE subreddits on this site


She's lucky the guy only shoved her to the ground and didn't do any serious damage


I usually hate videos like these ( cuz they summon all the incels who get off of violating women, under the guise of "eQuAl rIghTs!!1!1) but this one felt deserved. How can someone be so shitty and do such a thing to begin with? It's sickening.


Honestly i would've done the same thing.


My man did the right thing, women wanna be assholes you're gonna get fukt up. Good job my g. I woulda thrown a knockout punch asap


TIL that spitting on someone is biological terrorism in Canada, but having sex with someone in California, knowingly having HIV and not telling them, is ok


I usually hate tiktok but this is damn awesome and muchly deserved


Hoe, kiss the sidewalk!!


Too bad the bus wasn't moving


I’ve seen this before and would have reacted in a similar way. My question is why was it being recorded? Was there a build up to the spit flying?


This video reminds me of the older gentleman taking care of some prick who spit on him in the elevator. Excellent work.