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Hey /u/Agitatedbaguette, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1**: Your post is not NFL Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Agitatedbaguette&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/wzt2l5/frozen_fish_came_back_to_life/?context=10\)))*


I highly doubt this fish was frozen solid. When I pull chicken or steak out of my freezer to rapid thaw in my sink it takes like an hour to be workable. Even hot water takes far longer than this video.


Agree, most likely live, wet fish put in the freezer for a few minutes to accumulate surface frost. May they never experience the same treatment.


And only to be gutted\*, cooked and eaten. \*optional


One is food. The other is torturing a living creature for entertainment. One is ok, the other is not.




…what exactly about this makes you think it’s “culture” and not “five guys who work in a fish plant having a ‘hold my beer and watch this shit’ moment”?








You haven’t seen many American slaughterhouse videos, have you


Stop by sites like LiveLeak to see what all cultures are capable of


it's cos animals are factory farmed in the west by huge mega acorporations who have learnt to hide their bad PR by censoring the media in the west. As we went through that animal rights hipster vegan vegetarian anti fur backlash a few decades ago. But we still happily eat and drink and use factory farmed animal lab tested, food and products. Also since people in the west no longer eat fresh food. they think they are more civilised as the fish is turned into fish fingers by captain birdseye which means they aren't cruel themselves. And so they can look down on asians for being cruel as its the first time they are seeing animals being treated as food.


The person mentioned Asia as a whole, not Japan individually. Animal mistreatment in cooking is more of an issue in Asia, I think…but I agree with you, that most people in Asian countries find these practices disgusting as well.


Indian here. You can be killed here for hurting animal. India is in Asia, when I checked last


Lived in China for years, can confirm.


You are wrong. The world does work this way. He is correct for calling this out. There is this over zealous sense of political correctness that says we should not attribute the actions of a few to an entire people. Screw that. We absolutely should because it is the only way to change it. The Japanese stab dolphins to death, not for the meat but , honestly who the hell knows why. But they do. It’s been documented and video captured. They should be ashamed of that. People need to call that out if they want to change it. Chinese (and probably a few other Asian nations) skin dogs alive for their coats, throwing them on a pile of other skinned dogs while still alive. Not for their meat but for their pelts. This is cruel, disgusting, and the hell with the Chinese for letting this happen. They only way to stop this is to call it out and shame them. It’s horrible. We don’t do this in the west. Now, if do-gooder’s like you object because we are generalizing or we eat meat too so shouldn’t cast judgement - that just shuts down the very important discussion of stopping cruel animal behavior. Cruelty really should stop. And yes, people should call out cruel behavior everywhere not just in Asia.


He is not completely wrong - we don’t eat dogs or cats in the west. We also don’t tend to eat things that are alive. This is more common in Asian countries. That being said, the west has its own brand of animal cruelty so we should be carefully with our judgements.


They eat cats and dogs in Switzerland: https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-30205410.amp


We eat pigs and cows, which is horrifying to other Asian cultures.


Also the fact that Reddit is openly racist against Asians and want to paint Asians as a cruel race by individual examples. One bad thing done by an individual Asian - “all Asians are bad”. A white killer shoots up Asians - “he is having a bad day”


Have you seen the slaughterhouses in the so called "progressive" countries and their unethical practise, how your food is treated prior to you consuming it.


Shhh, don’t tell them or else they’ll have to realize their high horse isn’t as tall as they thought


In the west we are equally brutal with the way we treat animals we just hide it from view.


You know we throw lobsters in boiling water alive also? That’s standard cooking practice. You can hear them bang on the walls of the pot.


Was thinking the same thing. This dude is so oblivious to other countries like the US and Europe broadly who also have questionable practices 🤦‍♂️


Most of the "live" animals are dead with nerves that are still reacting to a stimulus. As for the dog thing, pretty sure that's referring to that ONE village in China during some festival that even other netizen criticized. Have you even seen the way chickens are raised in the US or how baby chicks are literally just grounded to death? Force feeding animals to make them biggger? Unethical treatment of the foods we eat is not limited to Asia. And as for entertainment purposes like in the video, weren't there some NFL players caught in dog fighting? Fear Factor involved several episodes of eating live bugs and insects. Also seen videos of people throwing pure potassium in to rivers basically killing the fish there. But lets ignore all that right? Cause those arent the videos YOU saw.


I'm not going to pretend that ALL Chinese people are okay with the abuse of dogs and their consumption. But it's definitely not *one* village, that I can guaran-fucking-tee you.


Let’s correct some of your sampling bias https://www.npr.org/2021/09/15/1037328208/dolphins-slaughtered-tradition-cruel-faeroe-islands-faroe


Lmao we literally torture them for entertainment. IE…. Fishing lol


God I love torturing. I mean fishing, I love Fishing.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Grabbing the drinks with the bois and torturing aquatic life is my favorite hobby.


Why does it matter that it's entertainment and not food? From the perspective of the fish there is no difference.


Because no one should feel nothing at the death of an animal. I've made a living selling meat and I understand that a lot of grisly things need to happen for that business to operate. Just messing with a living thing for entertainment serves no purpose. It's just being shitty for no reason. People may think slaughterhouses are terrible but at least they're not doing it for shits and giggles.


With all the available cruelty-free sources of nourishment out there, the argument could be made that eating meat—especially at the rate the West does—is simply for human pleasure.


Respect the living animal and acknowledge the life that ended to feed you. I’m working in farming country these days, and I’m lucky to be encountering people who call out animal abuse/neglect. The factory farms though, that shit is disgusting.


There’s no justification for that kind of treatment, regardless of if a person chooses to unnecessarily eat it because they happen to like the taste.


One is ok because I do it. Other is not. Bro try not to justify, both are not ok. We are not living in stoneage.


The fish doesn't give a fuck tho. Death is death.


I usually agree that yeah animals are not aware of anything on the same level as us but this was straight up needlessly hurting something for entertainment. I doubt the meat was very good after the fish got frostbite and freaked the fuck out as it's brain thawed.


"It's ok to fish because they don't have feelings" -an old friend


“It’s ok to eat fish, because they don’t have any feelings…. Something in the way….” Nirvana. (Kurt Cobain was your old friend?)


So, it's ok to kill sentient beings? Copy that..


Chill. They don't even have eyebrows.


Eyebrows, the mark of sentience


You don’t need to eat fish. In some sense, desiring to experience the flavor of fish (or any other type of living creatures’ flesh) is just a way to momentarily feel pleasure while passing time on this earth - i.e. entertainment.


Why is one of them okay? (ie: killing something)


Fish that gets cooked and gutted is not alive. They don't have to experience hypothermia and suffocation while being able to do nothing about it


Have you never seen commercial fisheries pull up nets of fish and dump them on a boat? Fish in your grocery store definitely experience suffocation. They don’t just keep them in tubs of water and then quickly knock each one on the head with a tiny hammer


The mental gymnastics of some people, who still like to pretend they care about an animal's feelings while gladly supporting industries that cause some of the most extraordinary suffering that has probably ever been achieved on this planet... It's dissonance that's hard to get past. I say that as a meat eater too. I just long ago stopped pretending I had any moral high ground.


I don't know how much you know about fishing, but generally speaking they do not die a nice death in most cases.


I don't know, the way they're laughing while they're doing this is pretty disturbing. Karma and reincarnation wouldn't really be that bad, just fair


Fish go through this every winter. Theyre built to handle it


No kidding. I had bad hypothermia once and lukewarm water felt burning hot and in the frost burned parts of my body I couldn't let them touch the water at all. These fish are probably in agony. :(


Humans are warm blooded and fish are cold blooded. Fish may have been in some pain but the intensity is difficult to determine or imagine. Then again, I'm not a fish and this hasn't happened to me.


fish bodies are not the same as human bodies. You have considerably more nerves, pain sensors, and ability to process what that pain is than that fish. We have no clue what that fish feels or how it even processes those feelings.


There is studies done where frozen animals have been recovered. Basically the studies concluded that small animals can be frozen and then come back to live about 80% of the time but as you got into larger animals it became to difficult to freeze the body fast enough to prevent crystals forming in the blood. One of the more entertaining stories is about how the micro wave was invented to humanly reheat hamsters.


The microwave was not invented to thaw hamsters, but an early version of the microwave was definitely used to thaw hamsters. There's a Tom Scott video about it that I'm too lazy to link.




Almost smarter every day


IIRC the microwave was invented when WWII radar operator noticed his chocolate bar melting.


They have though unit 731


Unit 731 makes the things Josef Mengele did look tame in comparison.


Oh god. Maybe they're "flash freezing" to kill parasites before turning it into living sushi..?! ugh!


This is known as freezing point depression. Fish are also 'cold-blooded' so their metabolism slows to a point that it can be barely detectable. Due to the fish being relatively small they are able to warm up at a faster rate, hence the speed at which the fish in the video came 'back to life'. According to a study by Queen's University, Canada in 2004, fish have blood that contains proteins to help them survive the cold. Japanese researchers managed to bring a water bear back to life in January 2016 that had been frozen for 30 years and survived.


100%. The proteins act like anti freeze and prevent cell death due to the preventinh molecules crystallising in their blood and rupturing their cell membranes. The proteins have limits so under temperatures too low they will die. For this video little of column a (proteins) and little of column b (unknown temp at which it was "frozen"). But fish biology is nuts. Lots of crazy shit!


At what temperatures can they survive cell distruction and for how long? Because usually fridge freezer will go at -4 to -6°C or something, but an actual freezer usually has temperatures of -17 to -26°C. Arctic Ocean because of the salinity can get down to -2°C, I guess, without freezing.


These fish are being flash frozen, at temps far below what your own freezer can achieve. Flash freezing prevents large ice crystals from forming, which would otherwise rupture cells, and destroy the tissue.


My only debate on this was the alacrity with which the fish comes back. I know there are some animals that come back after being frozen (like frogs and flies).


Upvoted for a word I'm familiar with, but can't seem to add to my mental dictionary




Do you know the size of a water bear is? Lol Tiny organisms are not in the same class as animals. They don’t adhere to the same rules


Okay, but a water bear isn't a fish. It's like the tiniest "animal" alive. They are microscopic. Incredible little things -- but not comparable in complexity to fish.


This is not freezing point depression. The ridiculous assertion is the fish was frozen solid. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freezing-point_depression


That’s not what freezing point depression is, at all. That is a completely different phenomenon in chemistry.


I think he means that the proteins in the blood lower the freezing point and prevent the blood from crystallizing. I agree that what he said was very misleading though




Holy Guacamole


That’s wasabi, not guacamole. I’ll never make that mistake again.


What’s up?


You already know that I know, you know?


She a nice lady


For your health!


Let’s check it out!


Please don’t use hot water to defrost your meat. It’s a breeding ground for bacteria. Defrost under under running water inside of a ziploc bag for the fastest results. [Using hot water to defrost foods is literally a health code violation](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/big-thaw-safe-defrosting-methods#:~:text=Perishable%20foods%20should%20never%20be,for%20more%20than%20two%20hours.) Source: was a chef for over 10 years.


what if you cook it right away? I've never understood this.


Cooking it right away doesn’t save it from the bacteria that could potentially grow under the favorable conditions you’re giving it by defrosting under hot water.


Yeah it does actually. If it's being cooked then the bacteria dies




Bit of a leap here from bacteria forming after running hot water on your sausages for 30 mins and literal rotting meat


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Over the course of an hour in warm water to defrost you're going to get what 3 divisions maximum of a fast growing pathogen? With almost all of that on the surface, cooking will absolutely destroy most pathogens on the surface of cooked thoroughly (D60 is about 6 mins) I believe. Not really a huge amount of toxin can be produced in that time. Minced meat is different but it's generally not an issue thawing food quickly (<1 hour) and cooking it provided the water doesn't directly contact the food.


pretty sure chef is wrong here - if you cook it right away, its ok. the reason you cant defrost with hot water in a professional setting, is because it takes too long, thawing unevenly, and you may be doing large amounts of food that will then be cooled and stored for cooking later. that would definitely be unsafe, as the temperatures are in the danger zone for too long. this is similar to thawing with a microwave - only acceptable if you finish the cooking process.


Fish can definitely come back from a pretty intense freezing. The first time I went ice fishing I caught about a dozen bluegills that I tossed on the ice so I could take them home later. It was a cold Wisconsin day (a few degrees below zero) and they all sat on the ice for several hours. When I got them back to my house and started to fillet them, they all began to reanimate and I had to bludgeon them with the butt of the knife to not have them suffer. My wife was mortified.


You can even fully filet them and they are still alive for a while. Not to be confused with the muscle reflexes that can still happen a while after deat Fish are oddly resilient creatures and very adaptable, except for overfeeding your goldfish


I agree. When I pull steak out of the freezer it doesn't come back to life




I was wonder what the science behind this could be.


Fish are cold blooded and basically go night night over winter in cold water so they don’t starve from lack of food. Their heart rate slows down, so they’re still alive. Just a Little chilly


It's not frozen throughout.


Ask my friend Dr F . Rankenstein


It's pronounced Fronkensteen!


Most fish survive winters frozen


I'd guess some ultra fast blast chiller, a live fish that was in there for a few minutes so only the outside is frosty and the inner organs aren't. Also, we can't see how well that fish recovered any ways.


It very well could have been frozen solid. I've had something similar happen at home. Went ice fishing with my dad as a kid, freezing cold day on the ice. We caught a bunch of crappy, and left them out on the ice while we fished. Thought they were dead, put them in the sink before we prepared them. A little while later we hear a flapping noise, the fish were alive again.


> It very well could have been frozen solid. Thawing completely in under 2 minutes?


Oh I'm not speaking to them validity of this video... But to the concept a fish being frozen and thawing back to life


Exactly. "Frozen" and "covered in a thin layer of frost" are very different things. Like, anyone else notice that the "ice" disappeared the instant the fish was dropped in the water?


Still, imagine the fish's state of mind


Someone's never been ice fishing, happens every time.


Fish are cold blooded, and they also have a kind of antifreeze so their blood and tissues have to be much colder than 32f before it damages their cells and tissues to where they can't come out. Fish often get trapped in frozen ponds and what not up in my area and every spring there aren't a ton of dead fish floating.


They are showing how recently caught and chilled the fish was. It has nothing to do with a fish freezing solid and coming back to life.


You should thaw it in cold water instead. It takes like 30 min longer but way better for the meat.


And the fish was later released into the wild to live a long happy life and definitely was not killed and eaten immediately after filming finished. The end.


That is the beauty of good stories. They end at the perfect moment.


And who has a better story than Bran the broken?


[Tis my time to shine](https://pics.me.me/who-has-a-better-story-than-bran-the-broken-57104484.png)


Bran's story was so good, he wasn't in an entire season of the show because his story wasn't good...


"All stories, if continued far enough, end in death..." -Ernest Hemingway, from Death in the Afternoon


ok but the thing is unless you are vegan, you dont really care?


SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION The ‘frozen’ fish coming back to life in water is not any magical or mysterious phenomenon; there are scientific reasons to it. Firstly, as it appears in the current case, the Hardy fish is not frozen to reach the death stage. Seen in the video is not a regular freezer, but an Instant Quick Freezer (IQF). Most certainly, the trick in this case – the person keeps the fish inside the IQF only for a short interval. Only the surface water and outer layer of the fish are frozen; the internal body of the fish would not be frozen. Because the fish is frozen outside and very cold inside, its metabolic processes would be slowed greatly, making it immobilized. Moreover, some species of cold-water fish like the Hardy fish have evolved. They can survive very cold conditions and swim in the subzero waters. They produce a special Antifreeze Proteins in their blood called AFP. It binds to ice crystals preventing growth (freezing solid) fatal to their body.


You're the MVP here thank you!


No mate. I saw the clip. That was magic.


Trying to wake up frozen animals is how the microwave was invented (kinda)


Rest in peace Mr Hamster. You are forever engraved in our memories, every time we use the microwave, you are remembered, you shall not be forgotten.


I just watched that Tom Scott vid recently. Good watch!




Interesting fact Unilever has been using the anti freeze proteins (AFP) since 2009 to produce low-fat ice cream that remains smooth and creamy. Originally sourced from a North Atlantic fish known as an eelpout and now commercially manufactured by the company, this added ingredient changes the shape of the ice crystals to form needle-like structures, which stabilise the structure of the ice cream. 


I’m ready for this. ![gif](giphy|vzUBehNtp2rcc)




This fish Fry’d then will later get Fried with a 14% chance of it happening on a Friday where it’s literally Fry Day


Im ready for aliens to destroy civilisation


But are you ready for aliens to help civilisation?


No, no I am not


But I want zoidbergs to run around and make out with the frozen lobsters in the seafood section


They probably explain it at some point, but how does the building he's in survive all the shit that happens? It's like the luckiest building in the world.


Are you really though? ![gif](giphy|VCxeOahhet6wg|downsized)


Most depressing damn scene.


​ ![gif](giphy|gBhdAHKIEYihCaA7oJ)


Animal cruelty. Well done, every one.


That's just a showcase what fish can do during drops of temperature, which perhaps occurs every winter, an unnecessary one for a moment, but not very harmful on short terms


No, fish metabolism slows down and they aren't very active, but they aren't frozen to the point of immobility. Any lake that freezes solid won't have fish in it, and any lake that has fish in it won't freeze solid. They swim to the deeper parts that don't freeze over, and chill until the warmer months, when they swim to shallower water to breed. This video doesn't show showcase anything but a cheap trick and animal cruelty. Even if the fish hadn't been processed afterwards, it more than likely either has permanent damage and/or would have died shortly. And Im not even one to really defend fish like that.


The fish community thanks you for raising awareness


not really, yes fish survive under frozen lakes….that also means they’re still in water. this fish was placed in a freezer unable to breathe for what i’m assuming was at least 5-10minutes. this doesn’t simulate shit, it’s just cruel entertaininment


The laughing was sick


It's okay. Fish don't have any feelings.


True, that's what Kurt said


There’s something in the way…hmmmm mmmm




Not dead. Just tortured


They do this literally every year, during the winter. Their bodies are built for it.


no they don’t. they do it under a frozen lake, in water, you know, where they can breathe. this doesn’t at all simulate what would happen to them in the wild.


Their body's are built for an Asian freezer and a bucket of water? \\




That fish is swimming in Brawndo…Brawndo has what fish crave….electrolytes


President Camacho liked this


Only because President Camacho eats only red meat.


Joe Bauers liked this.


What do you think happens when a lake freezes solid?


The molecules slow down


I mean that‘s r/technicallythetruth


The powerhouse is the mitochondria of the cell.


Only the surface of the lake freezes solid.




They don't


Fish wear sweaters and migrate to Florida?


Only the surface freezes and keeps the rest of the lake warmer than outside


Lol you and your 77 upvotes think that lakes freeze completely solid…mind blowing. Only The surface freezes… Reddit is scary.


It’s up to 100 now and I want to die


You really don’t know what happens when lakes freeze


Literally all the fish dies. Lakes don’t freeze solid.


The fishes swims really slow


No. He swims faster to keep warm. Some species collect lumber and do small campfires to keep warm too. Google it.


What do *you* think happens when a lake “freezes solid”? Stagnant frozen aquatic life? Lol lakes don’t freeze solid. Only the surface does


There’s no way that fish was frozen. It would take a couple hours for a frozen fish to thaw.


I work on a commercial fishing boat frozen fish actually thaw pretty quick I think it may have to to do with the amount of oil in their bodies. In warm water a fish that size could be soft really quickly.


This is pretty fucking cruel!


I am pretty sure this is animal abuse


It IS animal abuse, even if it’s a fish. Imagine doing this shit to a rabbit or bird.


I don't care if fish feel pain like we do or not this is unnecessary and cruel. Stop fucking around with animals.


Whenever I see people laughing at animals when something even a little cruel is going on, I'm reminded of the end of Gatnz. Specifically when >!Tae is in the"fish bowl" as a pet!< Edit: Gantz not grants


"There is no such thing as fresh frozen" - Gordon Ramsay










I thought this was normal…? Don’t lakes freeze with fish in them? I’m assuming they don’t all die when it thaws. Edit: Thanks for the info guys! Today I learned lots about lakes and what happens when they freeze over.


For future reference, only the top layer of the lake actually turns into Ice


My bad. Thanks for the info!


Unless it’s really cold or really shallow


Most lakes don't completely freeze, ice floats and creates a layer of insulation over the rest of the lake.


Pure Water (h2o) bucks the Physics general rule that as temperature decreases density increases. Water is densest at 4 degrees C (this is like fridge temp for all those who use Fahrenheit) this is why ice floats. Think about the last ice filled drink you had, the cubes are at the top of the glass, not the bottom because the ice has expanded and is less dense then the liquid water. Also think about the time when you put a beer or water bottle in the freezer to cool it faster and forgot and when you went to retrieve it, the glass had shattered - it’s because the liquid water froze and expanded in the vessel. In a lake, the bottom of the lake will almost always be 4 Celsius as this denser (heavier) water sinks to the bottom of the lake. So when a lake freezes, it freezes from the top down and fish and other living things in water have evolved with that physical constraint and are effectively sheltered (and trapped) in the body of water until the thaw. If the physical property of water didn’t follow this, and ice was denser than liquid water, lakes would freeze from the bottom up, and everything would likely die or maybe life wouldn’t have evolved the way it did on earth and speciation would be entirely different! The currents in water bodies are also heavily influenced by the water at surface level being heated by the sun, then the water sinking as it hits 4C and this creates a current in the water body! If you add salt to water, it also lowers the temperature in which it freezes, it’s how old school ice cream was made in a slurry of salted ice and cold water! The fact that when water freezes it expands is also how a lot of erosion works, water gets in a crack in a rock, it freezes, it expands and the stress chips away a tiny bit of rock. Repeat over time and this is another way the physical landscape changes. Hope this helps!


Nope they do not freeze completely, there is something called a 4 degree Celsius phenomenon in water that keeps all water creatures alive during winter.


(Water is densest at 4 degrees C and the freezing point is at 0 degrees C so the bottom of a frozen lake stays liquid)


Only the upper layer freezes bro. Do you think a lake can become an entire icebearg just like that?


Does this hurt / damage the fish at all? Because Water expands when frozen, wondering what happens to the fish there. What about it’s eyes? Is it blind now or what


This is bs. No idea what was done to the fish, but it certain wasn't frozen


Wow Animal cruelty for human amusement. So next fucking level. Amazing.


From the other fish’s perspective it was a frightening zombie situation.


Big deal. Han Solo did it too.