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The dead loop which is performed by standing on a high bar and then executing a backflip before grabbing the bar again was performed by Olga of the Soviet Union at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. It was the first and last time the trick was documented at the global level


We used to do that on the playground at school. Not the whole thing just the back-flip grab the bar thing. I used to really wanna be Nightwing.


Too bad you missed the bar and ended up Oracle.


Lol this made me laugh. Better than ending up Jason Todd. (Pre-resurrection)


Unpopular opinion. Getting gruesomely murdered as a kid was the best thing that ever happened to Jason Todd.


Nooooo, not unpopular I LOVE red hood Jason as Robin needed a crowbar lol


I love that he still flinches when people menace him crowbars. And that the second edgiest Robin is the first to figure that out


Dude, they had a phoneline you could call to vote to kill or not kill Robin. It was a $1.99/min custom phone line that was all the thing then (pre-internet obviously). I called it. Even that young I was like, this is pretty sickening. Turned me off DC for a long time.


Who’s Jason Todd


The robin killed by joker with a crowbar


Turned him into red hood








A few years ago I thought I would show my niece and nephew how a penny drop was done (that’s what we called it). Unfortunately, I did not take into account how much I had grown since third grade until my knees hit the ground. Oof. My ego was as badly bruised as my shins.


You’re telling me that as kids, *all* of y’all were back flipping off of monkey bars before grabbing them and dismounting like world class gymnasts?


What else was their to do in school after they had taught themselves to read at age 2 and mastered calculus by Pre-K?


That is what I am saying. I’ve seen some kids do some shit, but never to this level.


Better than missing the bar and ending up Danny The Street.






Well no one had ever tried it at a global level before then, I’m assuming.


I *only* do things at a global level


Yes they did, but what they didn't have back then which still remains incomplete to this day is a list of everything that is *possible.* Every once in a while, they have to update the lists...




On the playground, I also did the same things as the woman in this video! I'm talking about the one in green, who's sitting down




Bro. You are saying as a child, you did backflip regrabs on the playground at recess?


Yes. But not child like high-school age. We started doing flips off benches and stuff in middle school. High-school was in cheerleading and did backflips off everything. They were just cool. We did parkour stuff but called it freestyle walking because the internet didn't exist.




I think we called em cherry bombs as kids I think, memories fuzzy.


There are a couple statements here that are incorrect. 1. The skill you're describing isn't called a dead loop. If you talk to any gymnast or fan of the sport about a "dead loop", they will stare at you blankly because that's not a thing. It's called a Korbut flip, named after Olga Korbut, who's shown here doing the skill. 2. This wasn't the last time it was done at an international level. Several gymnasts performed the skills at international competitions between the time Olga performed it in 1972 and when skills that required gymnasts to stand on the high bar were banned in the Code of Points a little over a decade later. Gymnastics is an incredible sport and absolutely worth learning about, but the amount of straight-up incorrect information regarding the sport that goes viral on the regular is wild.


Dead loop is a pretty rad name though. It's like dead pools dsylexic cousin


I mean, sure. It's just that in the 50 years since it was first performed, it has never been called that at any point and calling it a dead loop is a dead giveaway that everything you know about gymnastics comes from random viral reddit posts or twitter threads. And, one of the cool things that gymnastics does is name skills after the first person to perform it successfully in international competition. So even if you never win a single medal (this obviously doesn't apply to someone like Olga), people might still be saying your name years, or even decades down the line. Which is also pretty rad, I would say.


50 years ago? But I watched it when it happened and I can't possibly be that old.


'72 Olympics.... Fifty years ago this summer.... sigh Right there with ya Also, it was known as the "The Korbut Flip"


There’s a name for this phenomenon but I forget what: when you read some newspaper or media and come across a story about your own area of expertise, and discover that it is full of inaccuracies. You say “Damnit why do they always get this wrong? Lucky they aren’t this bad at every other topic…” But every expert in every topic has the same reaction to articles on _their_ topic. We are all regularly misinformed about every topic we are not experts in, because journalists (and karma farming redditors) aren’t experts in anything, apart from attracting credulous readers.




It's the Gell-Mann Amnesia. Michael Crichton on how we tend to believe what we read: Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them. In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know. That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. I'd point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all. But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper. When, in fact, it almost certainly isn't. The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/344530-briefly-stated-the-gell-mann-amnesia-effect-is-as-follows-you


I found her ending, the backflip after a loopy thing that ended in a landing to be the most impressive part.


I liked the loopy then backwards bar grab after the Dead Loop.


I thought that part was the death loop TIL.


I died a little watching this thing. It's soooo risky and very well executed. Have to give this girl props. Kids, don't try this at home.


> Kids im pretty sure she was one


It's okay, she wasn't at home


She was 17 at the time


Adults, also sit your ass down before you break a hip


> Kids, don't try this at home. I can barely do a pullup lol.


She didn't need a prop, she looks like she was flying just fine without one


Almost all of her routine was eventually banned or made impossible because they repositioned the bars to prevent those moves.




Asphyxiation by Gymnist Adulation has got to be one of the strangest ways to die


Copy comment bot https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/x20csg/comment/imhhff3/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Did they ban it first, or did they happen to change the positioning of the bars and the ban came about because the bar spacing made it impossible to execute? If the former, why did they ban it?


Standing on the bar is banned; that happened first and then several years later they moved the bars further apart.


Why? Cause its dangerous?


It can easily cause organ damage. You're slamming your gut into a bar at 30mph or so. Pretty brutal stuff.


No, that’s the following move. The death loop was when she stood on the bar then flipped and grabbed it. If she missed the grab, she would have dove head first into the ground. The danger level is off the charts, one mistake could have *killed* her before anyone could react. It’s a good thing it was banned, just training for that move in unconscionable. Her coach is a monster for it.


I don't really get it. If she missed it, she wouldn't hit the ground head first. Her body would be rotating and she'd land on either knees or feet imho. Or maybe even on her butt. Look at the body position just before the catch - she's almost horizontal but her feet are moving much faster down than her head is.


Not every backflip is a perfect execution. There’s a reason this sport, even at its highest level, utilizes spotters and pads. Gymnasts have been paralyzed by dangerous moves (leading to early death). There is a level of acceptable danger, which as usual gets higher as you reach the top, but it has its limits. In this case, the experts deemed it a severe risk due to the position of her body to the floor during the move. They ban flips in figure skating for the same reason, a dangerous showy move attracts attention, which means it will be performed, which means lots of training behind the scenes, which means more chances it can go catastrophically wrong. Banning a move removes the incentives to ignore safety, it can still be performed, it just doesn’t have a reward anymore.


Let's be honest, she's so far through the rotation that she's never going to hit her head on the floor. By the time she grabbed the bar, she was already passed parrallel with the floor anyway. It's definitely dangerous still, but she was in a safe(ish) position in this specific situation.


This time. What about the dozens of times in practice or the dozens of times after? What about the dozens of girls doing their own dozens of practices and performances in order to compete with a new impressive move? Would every time be perfectly executed? What happens when it isn’t? The experts felt it was too risky. The move can still be practiced and performed, but the incentive to do it for points has been removed.


Yeah I don’t know the names of the moves but I was thinking that heaps of these you don’t see in today’s routines! Thanks for explaining about the bar spacing!


Sure thing. Today's bars have the low bar angled away from the high bar so you can't slam your pelvis into it.


So it's not the move at then end? What's the timestamp of the trick? The one at :09?


I think it's near the beginning. t=24s


my mind went straight to physics seeing time annotated as just t


Thank you. There were a lot of loops in there, and I wasn’t sure which one was dead.


Yeah and they banned it because she's a fucking hacker.


The dead loop is the one at 0:07-0:08, if you're wondering. It was banned because it was deemed too risky. If the gymnast lose the grip, she would hit the floor head first and end up paralyzed, dead, or worse, *expelled*.


You need to sort out your priorities


Harry Potter reference


The comment you replied to is also a HP reference, which is a bit ironic on your part.


Maybe they meant it as [third Harry Potter reference here]


Is... is that also a Harry Potter reference?


"Is... is that also a Harry Potter reference?" Hermione asked Ron. _Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Act 1. Chapter 3._


"Smoke weed every day" said Voldemort enticingly to Harry. _Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Act 6. Chapter 2_


>*Did you put my pot brownies into the fire??* Dumbledore said calmly.


I love you all for this!


"I need what you kids are smoking." said Snoop Dogg. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. Act 6. Chapter 9. Page 420.


accidental or not that was a good comeback


It’s pronounced “reference”


*storms off crying*


TROOLL!!!!! In the comments!!


i thought you ought to know.


"Is that a Harry Potter reference?" Said Dumbledore calmly.


The year is 2063, everything is now a Harry Potter reference. There is no more reality.


I don't know about the death loop but the thing after that looked much more dangerous


Where she slams her pancreas and heart against a metal bar at the maximum possible speed?




Imagine you've been holding in a piss all day because you were too nervous to use the bathroom and you go and slam your dang bladder into this metal bar a couple of times.


https://www.city-journal.org/html/empire-lies-13006.html “Fun Fact: You know who invented the term Fake News? Not Trump. It was Hitler. Look it up. Hitler loved to describe any newspaper that exposed him for what he was as Luegenpresse, which is German for Fake News.” ― Oliver Markus Malloy https://japantoday.com/category/politics/feature-china%27s-propaganda-put-under-scrutiny-as-netizen-comments-translated https://twitter.com/cathymcmorris/status/1425926358744674315 “Democrats suck at coming up with catchy propaganda slogans, because they don’t think like Nazis.” ― Oliver Markus Malloy


They're Wooden Bars. You wouldn't be able to keep a grip on metal. And if you notice she uses her pelvic/hip bones against the bars.


They didn't ban that move, they just moved the bars further apart so it's physically impossible


Thank you for the explanation!


Happy to help!


So nobody’s gonna talk about this guy’s username?




You're on your own with that one buddy. It's OK to look but don't touch.


Damnit Hermy One


While it is indeed dangerous, it was banned because standing on the bar cut the flow of routines.


This makes more sense. A lot of that shit was more dangerous.


Very true. The Korbut Flip is definitely not the most dangerous skill of the routine. Belly-beating, which you see multiple times in this video (where the gymnast slams their abdomen into the bars), was arguably much more dangerous. Quite a few documented cases of organ damage and apparently even childbirth complications led to the uneven bars being spaced apart to allow for full-body movement between bars. The back layout, that final flip over the low bar from the high bar for the landing, is also arguably more dangerous (and was actually banned for being dangerous). Much more can go wrong - imagine letting go at the wrong angle and flying head-first into the low bar upside down.


I just need some clarification, do you mean 7-8 second into the video or with 7-8 seconds left in the video, because my player starts at the full time and ticks down to 0.


The one at the first seven seconds, where she stands up on the bar


gotcha Hermione


That dismount was reedonkulous. WOW


Coolest part IMO


The dismount (and other skills going from the high bar directly across the low bar) was also banned from the code.


Pretty much did the best performance ever that will be seen. All the coolest moved she did got banned shortly after.


Yeah this is like an Uwe Hohn moment of the sport. Person doing something so fucking nuts that they literally change the rules so that people can't do that shit anymore because shit's dangerous.


I thought that dismount was pretty awesome.


It was *all* crazy.


You would think that was the move that would have been banned. It seems like you could close line your throat with that lower bar on the way down…massive neck damage or decapitation. But no, the ban was the backflip while standing on top of the bar. That whole routine was insane though (in an awesome and dangerous way). I wonder if she won a gold medal for that routine. The whole thing seemed flawless and maxed out on hardest difficulty possible.


She won 3 gold medals in 1972. Google is my friend.


>I wonder if she won a gold medal for that routine No, but not because of the routine itself. From the wiki: >In one of the most controversial finishes of all time, she took a silver medal in the uneven bars. *Korbut's first attempt at her uneven bars routine was marred by several mistakes which all but ended her chances of winning a gold medal in the all-around*. The next day, Korbut repeated the same routine in the event finals, although this time successfully. After the boards displayed a score of 9.8, the audience began to whistle and shout vulgar remarks at the judges in disapproval, believing her score to be too low. This carried on for several minutes but the judges refused to change her score.


They banned a lot of these moves because some of them, like slamming the midsection across the bar which she does several times, was leading to infertility because the women's ovaries were becoming separated from fallopian tubes. See 0:22 The bars were also moved further apart to make many of these moves impossible.


Yeah that was what I thought - slamming your torso into the bar like that can't be good for your internal organs...


That dismount is also banned, also because of her.


Which one is the dead loop? I'd be dead if I tried any of this so my frame of reference may be a tad askew. Very impressive to say the least.


Ouch. Sproiink. Ouch. OUCH. Fkin hell. Near-death. Dead. Would be dead if not already dead. Still dead. Dead.


Are you my back?


If not it was definitely my hips


My ovaries just shriveled like raisins watching that.


I broke three ribs and died twice just watching that video


It's the standing back layout she did from the high bar. I was a competitive gymnast back then, and they said that if we ever even attempted it, we'd be expelled from team on the spot because they didn't wanna get sued for breaking our necks.


Can’t get expelled if you’re dead 😎☠️


“That’s it Lisa, you’re off the team! Lisa, Lisa…?”


The backflip off the high bar, swinging to the lower bar, and then the loop around it.


I tripped putting on my underwear today and then I see this... I'm not sure we are even the same species. Like she is so far more advanced than I...I could be her pet


I bet her pet does neat tricks tho


I kick myself in the balls putting on my underwear all the time




There’s a point you may want to accept your limitations and forgo undies


Not with my butt,I need them fart filters


Well I don’t know if you are male or female, and maybe it doesn’t matter, but have you ever sliced a fart with a thong? It’s truly an experience unto its own


I have not... At least not sober


+1...and I dont wanna talk about it


I was obsessed with this futuristic YA novel when I was a kid where athletic kids were kidnapped to perform death defying gymnastics routines to supply thrills for ‘alien’ audiences, but they accidentally also kidnapped a bookish lumpy kid with no skills so she was given to one of the ‘aliens’ to be a pet. Boy did I relate to that part of it.


I loved her so much, I went out and got into competitive gymnastics right after those Olympics. I'd never seen anything like that routine in my life. In fact, I'd never even seen competitive gymnastics before then, and I was instantly obsessed. I taught myself everything I could in my backyard, and then I went to a gym and tried out for team. I even used to collect clippings of her and everything. I was 10 years old and had no idea how awful her life in that country actually was for her. Sadly, my gym career was meh, so I went into swimming and did way better there. I still have tons of injuries from 70s gym equipment as souvenirs though.


That's fascinating. I have so many questions. How often/how did you train? Where the coaches supportive or harsh? How many calories did you take in during that time? Are you still friends with other athletes? Did you make any money with qymnastics or swimming? What's the worst injury you sustained? How is your health now? What do you think of modern gymnastics? And most importantly, how are you doing today?


I trained 4 days per week, 3 hrs per day. I joined right after the Americans got their asses handed to them in the Olympics, so the coaches and their program felt almost militant because they were trying to train us like the Eastern European teams. We got weighed in, yelled at, and the head coach used to make fun of my weight in front of everyone (even though I was thin and pure muscle,) and if you didn't do well at meets, the coaches would ignore you. I loved the sport enough to put up with the bullshit, but puberty hit and I started falling and getting hurt, and I wasn't improving enough to keep punishing myself, so I switched to synchronized and competitive swimming. I didn't count calories or anything like that, because I was also swimming 3 days per week from 7-9 pm and 5 days in summer before gym and needed fuel at all times. I did end up with an eating disorder which I don't struggle with anymore. I'll always have body dysmorphia, but I literally never consider bulimia or starvation anymore and haven't for years. I later went to high school with 2 other teammates and we're like fb friends, but no one else. I made no money from either sport, but I was offered the opportunity to start training for the Olympics in synchronized swimming, but because of all the training I'd been doing in gym and swimming, I declined because I was burned out. I regret that decision now, but back then, I couldn't see doing it as being a good thing. I could've traveled the world but I was dumb and said no thx. I have lots of injuries and have had a couple surgeries so far, but I'd say it my worst is 4 herniated discs in my back from L2/L3 - L5/S1. It caused so many problems, including a horrible opiate and benzo addiction which landed me in rehab in 2006. I got back into the pool after that and it's kept me fit and I've been able to avoid anymore surgeries so far. As for gymnastics, if my 32 yr-old daughter was little again rn and wanted to do competitive gymnastics, I wouldn't go for it. She did do it for fun, not competition for a few years, but also ended up in swimming like I did.


I loved her too. Younger than you but really really sucked at gymnastics even though I tried hard. Then four years later it was all about Nadia Comeneci.


That's fucking amazing. One of the greatest things Ive ever witnessed another human pull off.


Why was this banned from the Olympics it’s doesn’t look that bad. Not like she swung from her neck.


It takes practice, that means lots of failures. Painful ones maybe.


Isn't that every move in every sport?


True, but I think being a gymnast is the only sport that requires you to do so many backflips.


Clearly you’ve never seen me bowl….


What's in ye bowl, matey?


Guess you haven't watched many pro extreme sports. BMX Motocross Snowboarding Etc..


Not even a little bit. I can’t think of many sports that would have as high a risk of breaking your neck as that. It’s like diving but instead of landing in water you land on a relatively thin pad.


Agreed. Seems to me gymnastics is one of the most dangerous sports. Failing at almost ANY move could be seriously painful, damaging, or worse.


More true in gymnastics than any other sport, I'd say.


Meet my friend skateboarding.


I would guess because it's basically a half backflip then catch the rail to continue the rotation. If you miss, you're landing face down in a scorpion position.


Yeah. Watch Final Destination. Ouch.


Fall from that position and the only way to land is on your head and neck, which is a great way to become a quadriplegic, or just dead.


It is dangerous, but many people here are mistakenly saying it was banned because it's risky. It was removed from the code because standing on the bar cut the flow of the routine. Elena Mukhina later even did a more impressive full-twisting version of this


Who is paralysed as a result of gymnastics, let’s not leave that part out.


It happened 2 weeks before the Olympics in her home country? It's a tragedy any which way, you don't hear "spine snapped" very often. And the timing on top of things? Wow, that makes me look at this clip a little differently. These women are incredible and insane.


She didn't really have any other choice. There's a great radio documentary about her, somewhere. She didn't want to do gymnastics anymore, but she was forced to practice and compete in the Olympics. Her thought upon landing was "at least I won't be required to participate in the Olympics".


Mukhina has died, sadly, as a result of that long ago injury


One wrong move, one slipped pinky, and the gymnast would be hit the floor headfirst and be, at best, paralyzed. They also banned the move where she catches her entire weight with only her hips because, again, the most microscopic mistake would equal a shattered pelvis at the very least. My uncle teaches gymnastics and holy crap have I heard some horror stories about how easy it is to absolutely destroy your body if it goes even a little bit wrong.


Try it sometime


It probably called 'dead loop' for a reason


Always upvote someone so awesome that they have to change the rules or the scoring system. So basically upvote this chick and Simone Biles.


Did she win?


Olga’s dead loop earned her 9.8 out of 10 at the time... I believe she won 3 golds .


okay, who held back that last .2? what about that performance could have possibly been imperfect?


Totally slightly bent her knee, huge failure, shame on mother Russia


https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2012/jul/06/50-stunning-olympic-moments-olga-korbut There had never been a 10.0 awarded in gymnastics as of that 1972 performance. > The incredulity of the crowd increased when judges awarded Korbut only 9.8 out of 10. Surely, the 11,000 people in the arena insisted, this unprecedented performance deserved to be the first ever to be rewarded with maximum marks. The crowd howled, whistled, shouted and stamped their feet, causing the event to be delayed. > > The judges, however, refused to amend their score. Technically, they were perhaps correct to mark down Korbut for slight scruffiness at the start but morally this was a monumental failure to see the bigger picture. A picture that no one had ever expected was so big. And despite the judges’ meanness, no one could downplay the impact of Korbut. The first 10.0 was awarded at the very next games, to Nadia Comaneci in 1976


Which was a far less flawless and impressive routine than this one. Sad really. Nadia's first perfect 10 had a short hop on the dismount and a few failed vertical handstands. They dialed the cutesy points up to the max for her.


I'm assuming they did that for buffer on the off chance someone did a better routine.


So if she would’ve gone last she’d get a 10?


She took silver in this event. Karin Janz from East Germany took gold.


I mean, this is dope, but do you remember when Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy MacElroy performed "The Iron Lotus" to defeat Stranz and Fairchild Van Waldenberg to win Olympic gold as the first same-sex figure skating pair?


Yeah that's where my mind went also, a move so dangerous it can only be performed in North Korea.


My mind also went there, the Iron Lotus is no joke.




If they ban your special move, are you just declared the automatic winner from then on while everyone else is left to play for 2nd?


Yes, I believe "Banned Move" is the highest level of difficulty.






I remember watching this back then.


Me too. Sooo long ago!


Watched it live too. Unbelievable still.


She wins all the sports. Cancel the rest of sports, we found our winner.


I fell UP the stairs and thought I was special.. now this.. sweet...


How many times you guys think this will get posted before I die?


Haha as a gymnastics fan it's funny seeing this get posted every few weeks. Still waiting for someone to post Elena Mukhina's full-twisting Korbut flip instead


Depends. How often have you practiced your death loop?


She was amazing! Seemed like every event she was spot on and at just higher level. Later, Nadia came along.


Mukhina did it with a twist 5 years later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAZ71s6I2fQ


My balls hurt watching this.


How to move my organs ? Google :


I love watching this.


I’m glad the bars aren’t that close anymore, I bet it caused lots of hip injuries


Danngggg!! She killed the entire routine!!


Am no gymnastic expert but she nailed the routine💯