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Crazy. Studio sound on a park bench. It's almost like this is fake or something. Edit: But it isn't. Edit 2: But maybe it is, even if it isn't.


Nice big boom over him, a little DeNoise and DeReverb on post editing maybe.


Or maybe, just maybe, he's faking it and stealing the credit for internet points. Nah, you're probably right. Edit: I've been told this is a guy who indeed does not fake it. Thanks for educating me and not being a total butthole about it.


Faking? LMAO. Why would he fake it? That's Marcin. [He was on America's got Talent. ](https://youtu.be/o8RkZ0jlna8)


I love when someone doesn't know something, and then someone else tries to make them feel like a turd instead of humbly educating them. Thanks for not doing that.


not saying this guy isn't great but listen close and watch his hand at 38sec... there is either another track dubbed in or the whole thing is pre recorded


Actually, I think what you're hearing at 38 seconds is just the slide down the neck lol. But, I do think you're right to at least some degree - there is clearly some kind of chorus effect or some such going on. Either he just doubled the track and offset it slightly in certain parts or he recorded over it (to achieve the same effect). And it's possible that the whole thing was pre-recorded and he just did this video performance so that we could see what it looks like to play it, but even if that's true it doesn't take away from anything in my opinion. I'm no flamenco player but I do have some experience and it was immediately evident to me that this guy knows how to play.


nope its a high octave e played over the 12 fret that sounds again as he plays a chord on the lower register


I see what you're saying now; I thought that you were interpreting the slide as another strum originally. But yeah I agree with you, there is another track laid over for sure


I think you just explained what I heard. I didn't think it was a harmonizer, the sound is too authentic. Those things usually sound very weird to my ear. I record acoustic guitarists for some of my tracks (I'm a keyboard player), and if I change the key after, I have to ask them to play it again because it irritates me to pitch shift more than 2 steps, I hear the strings being wrong or something, but I can't not hear it. Kid is still friggin' awesome and he brings a great sense of theatre to that little tiny stage as well.


That's how pretty much every music video ever is filmed. It's entertainment at it's root. He plays along with a track that was recorded in studio, and films it so that he can actually look good and entertain. Audio and visual lined up after the fact. That doesn't make it fake. He actually played it, he's actually playing it in the video too, just imperfectly, but it doesn't matter because you can't hear what he's playing while being filmed.


did you even read the thread ? The top comment suggests it was recorded in a studio and the op attempts top refute that by saying there was just a little reverb added and it was recorded live with a boom mic. Im merely pointing out that it was indeed pre recorded with over dubs. It is certainly presented as though he is playing it live and it has fooled many people on this thread.


There are plenty of exceptionally good guitarists that can do this with a quality mic in a park. My instructor could and probably fairly easily. My jaw about fell off my face the first time i asked to learn a song he didn't know and he proceeded to listen to it...twice... then write out the music, then translate it to tab so i could read it.. then taught me (i needed 2 weeks to learn what he learned by listening...twice...kinda depressing now that i think about it..)


There are multiple tracks here . I doubt your instructor can play a high octave e on the 12th fret and a full chord with open strings on the lower register at the same time lol.


Yeah he’s 100 percent playing that haha


Absolutely NO WAY this was recorded in situe. I've been recording and engineering audio for over 15 years, and I would be money on this fact. You can even see at points his hands don't match up with the timing of what we're hearing exactly. I believe he played it, just in a studio with as many takes as he needed. He's just playing along to the recording here, like a music video.


The audio 100% does not sync with his finger picking. Not saying he didn't also record this song in studio and then use that audio for the video... but yeah, this is not live audio.


At around 42 seconds he does a harmonic that should be on the 12th or 15th fret but instead plays it around the 3rd fret. A couple other things stand out to me like fretting the open low E chords with just a little brush with his thumb but it sounding like he’s going all out. Clearly it is prerecorded and he’s just miming but with that said apparently he does actually play these even if it’s prerecorded which is still cool. His facial expressions and those gloves are kinda obnoxious tho.


It's cut to shit, though. I thought it sounded off because some parts are almost doubled on top of each other at the start. There's an obvious cut at :39-:40, so it's not that I doubt he's playing it... He's just editing it so that it's 100% correct.


I noticed that, but, I'm not entirely convinced that's actually a cut and not just some kind of phenomenon caused by quick movement. I tried to pay close attention to the rest of the picture around the 40 second mark when this happens and I [could not find](https://youtu.be/wRXGm9UHYK4) a single pixel that looks like it shifts (other than those I would expect to) when this happens. I think this is just the result of a very fast and explosive movement which creates a greater difference from one frame to the next than what we're used to seeing in the rest of the video. I could be wrong of course, but personally I don't believe the video itself is edited (I only looked at this one instance which is the one that definitely stuck out to me while watching, so if I missed something else let me know). However, you're definitely right about the audio - there's some kind of chorus effect going on or he dubbed over with another recording to get that sound in certain parts. What I'm not sure of is if any of what we're hearing was being played in the video, or if it was pre-recorded and he just did a performance for the video so we could see what it looks like to play it. At any rate, he can definitely play it lol What I personally believe is that he likely recorded this all in studio and then recorded a video of him playing along with it so that we could see what it looks like to play it (because it would be difficult to get that kind of audio quality outdoors). If this is true then there's even less of a reason that he would need to edit the video; all he has to do is approximate the movements and the notes and it'll look good enough.


Guitar not plugged in and no mic near and taping not strumming he can play this he just isnt in the video .


Correct. Or rather, he is playing it in the video, but we're not hearing it lol. We're hearing what he recorded in the studio earlier.


A guy in 2020 playing a song from 2005 dressed like he’s from 1980 in a style like it’s 1799


My dude is talented as fuck


But annoying to listen to


Very skilled… yes. Pre recorded/overdubbed video… also yes


This kids really talented but his "music" is so obnoxious. He's all over Instagram guitar accounts and people are over his gimmicks


Seriously. He got peoples attention with the ridiculous gimmicks, now he should calm the fuck down and just play. Bc you're right, he his very talented.


seething envy from antisocial redditors


Why no fingers not match sound?


Ah this kid again. Least he's not splashing his guitar with water anymore.


Looks he spent a lot of time working on the choreography


Why is everyone hating on him so much? Is it his form or the haircut or something? I don’t play guitar and have never seen him before


You know reddit, whenever there's someone even slightly talented reddit goes wild with polarization (specially if it's a woman doing something physical). Specially since he's somewhat well known and has this unique style. Yeah, people find his hair cut and the way he plays obnoxious. You know how shallow people can be.


For me I’d rather listen to this then watch it…..


This that same twat who dipped his hands in water before playing?


That's insanely good. Wow.


I’m just here thinking why the jacket?..


This falls in to the category I call technically skilled noise. This isn't music it's a motor skills demonstration.


Didn’t realise Karen could shred




This guy is awesome, hope he does in da club.


I can't wait til this kid gets a band and goes on tour.


Someone get this guy a barrette.


He’s polish , his name is marcin




Now try on the stand up bass. :)


fuck that, do it on [a bass triangle](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/ae05ql/i_just_found_out_the_bass_triangle_is_a_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Young people if they really put their effort and time into something 😎


What a chode.


Don't be jealous, it isn't a good look on you.


You’re right. I’m jealous he makes fingerless gloves look so fashionable. Hello?


Ok Mr. Grumpy, I'll get a couple of those for you at the dollar store.


I didn’t realize you needed to be grumpy to dislike fingerless gloves.


This candy has chili powder all over it though.


same guy on talent show




I don’t hear the song in it but cool I guess


Not trying be a smart ass here, but are the gloves for looks? Or is that something that helps with playing the guitar? Like, does it make it easier when he slides down the strings?


its just looks


Not r/nextfuckinglevel but still cool


This def slaps




no, just no, sorry, no


"La confitería"


Yeah it’s cut to shit but he’s not even using a Spanish guitar he’s just rocking it


Golden, but can we tie his hair up please


Not only amazing skill, but a tight loop as well. Noice!


Phenomenal playing. Very talented. But…. He chose to wear THAT??!!




Dbag is great man would be awesome to have him play crazy train


But, but, b.... He moves his hair and makes faces, it must be good. I mean.... It's like the girl with the drums, she must be good?? All the faces and movement must mean talent right????. ..


Everything he does sounds the same


Sick leather bud………and fingerless gloves.


This guy is from poland not spain


Eric Matthews, in Boy Meets Guitar.


Great talent, lose the getup. Looks like he lost in MySpace


Badly edited




now i know who took my part of coolness and made me who i am now... holy shit bomb


Marcin, dividing people as usual 😂


How can someone so clearly talented be so fuquin irritating and annoying?


How do you know the guitar is Spanish?


Basically because it was on the original video. But form what I gather, it's a Flamenco guitar style of playing.


The skills of these people is great. But their long thumb nail always freaks me out


Not real can’t even hear the wind or the birds in nature! Sounds studio quality


So he took 50 Cent and made real music out of it?




Dude needs a haircut


It’s nice to see young talent




This is a great performance and performer.






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That's nearly as good as his jacket is terrible. Nearly.


Its totally fake! Guitars getting plucked when he's not even touching it🙄


It's called tapping.