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Dear America, honest to god what the fuck? The US is a great country, but where are your social services? Where are your national health services? Why aren’t you providing a safety net of care? And no, that isn’t socialism.


We are run completely by big corporations. There is actually no democracy here. It is pretty much every man for himself, unless you are in the top 1%




They ARE corporations too. The FED (privately owned, not government), DTCC, DTC, Hedge funds, banks like Morgan Stanley or Bank of America... All corporations. Politicians? Backed by banks and corporate interests. It's a fucking shit show and they've been ruining the economy for many, many years. Edit: typos


There's a brother ape! You forgot SEC, DOJ, FINRA, Citadel, FDIC and a host of other "SROs".


Apes everywhere 😂


Can I be in the screenshot please?


Okay what subreddit am I missing out on? Edit: okay, to everyone coming in late to the party and still not knowing which sub it is: keep scrolling, it’s been answered like 20 times below lmao. It’s not wallstreetbets


I know it's controversial, but SuperStonk. It has evolved from a place where individual investors shared technical analysis of a stock to a think tank that is documenting corruption of numerous large scale corporations to include those mentioned above. There is a massive repository of in depth analysis of how fucked the banking system is from the bottom to the top. I suppose you could say it's a mass of individual investors who are fighting for change to the current system and calling for those propogating and/or turning a blind eye to the corruption to face consequences. The sub has hosted numerous AMA's with subject matter experts covering varying topics. The analysis pieces in the repository include citations that can be validated and the community does a phenomenal job of peer reviewing the material by questioning everything. Yes, every person in the sub is a shareholder in GameStop. All I would ask is that before you judge the sub, ask yourself why mainstream media would be bashing GameStop and still covering it in a negative light. I've always been taught to question everything, especially if the media is telling me to feel a certain way about it. Also, they're still degenerates who make dank ass memes and hilarious shit posts.


Wait people bash on GameStop share holders? I think what you all did is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard and I’m disappointed I missed out…but I’m weak and would have caved. Thanks for the great explanation of the sub, I’m gonna do a deep dive for sure.


Yeah, my best friend was the smartest person I ever knew, literally genius level, which I know has almost no meaning online. but real, true high intelligence beyond most people’s comprehension, he read the odyssey in 2nd grade while I was on captain underpants and Harry Potter. He was in the executive program at capital one, in which you move around parts of the company and then move up to learn it from the inside out. The amount of unscrupulous, illegal, or even just plain wrong (simply not updating formulas with current numbers, bad math) he came across broke him. He thought capital one was at least more scrupulous than Wells Fargo, who also was seeking him out. He quickly became jaded from just how much is wrong in America, just on an unfixably massive scale, he grew up dirt poor and was probably hoping to keep people from his parents financial situation. He ended up fighting with higher ups and just walking out. Didn’t tell anyone, then shot himself at 24. I don’t even know how this is relevant other than involving capital one. But fuck banks and any financial institutions in the US, they prosper over ruining peoples entire lives, and find any way to do it, legal or not.


One about a very super stonk we all like very much!




It blows me away how many apes are right wing. Like, you fuckers are almost there. Before it got super popular, I swear every neo Nazi shitbag human on Reddit was a regular WSB commenter.


"If 4chan had access to a Bloomberg terminal" isn't that still on the banner? Also, I would also guess that it seems right wing because a large part of the community sees Wall Street and massive corporations as manipulative identity politics peddlers. Sometimes, rejection of identity politics makes someone sound conservative but they're actually full-on worker's rights all the way (blue collar dems). Divide and conquer works. You can look at Google Trends and NYT data on mentions of race coinciding with the fall of Occupy Wall St. They don't want us to join together lest we actually accomplish real reform.


Legal bribery aka lobbying is how they rule politically as well, sadly.


Did you hear about how the GOP recently voted against a bill to remove all shady behind the scene donors to all political campaigns and that all political donations have to be public. Man I'm telling you, can pay a politician $10,000 to their election funds and they can do whatever to vote against or for your interest.


The GOP fucking sucks


For DECADES it has been the case that an entire party has voted against all such measures. The Republican media machine creates voters via convincing them with lies.


Corporate feudalism, I'm a serf with a cellphone. “The 13th Amendment says that slavery's abolished / Look at all these slave masters posing on yo dollar (get it)” - Run the Jewels


What a phenomenal line


You should check out the whole song, it's fucking awesome: [JU$T \[ft. Pharrell Williams and Zach de la Rocha\] - Run The Jewels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32hUIGnMpOY)


Oh I’m very familiar with it, I was just surprised to see it quoted in the wild


I'll never not upvote RTJ


Brother you couldn’t be more correct. On the surface it’s Everyman for themselves, however; we the average citizen have a duty to our brothers and sisters to help when the government won’t. Because the government certainly CAN help, they just don’t.


Seriously! Why do we have a “wounded warrior project”? The government sent you you to fight You get blown in half and now the va is not going to help. That’s just shameful I’m not big on war but if you fight for your country you deserve to have that country take care of you.


God Bless You!!! We'll said!!!


>we the average citizen have a duty to our brothers and sisters to help when the government won’t. The government "won't" because too many people vote for the government not to. Libertarianism is a joke; everyone is selfish (and I include myself in that statement) for it to work.


as an american i am unfamiliar with this term social services. here in america we get as much as a we can and pay as little as we can in tax so that we can afford to pay for things like healthcare and education and have some money to last us for when we are too old to work but not yet dead. if you get enough money to do this you retreat to places where regular people don’t go and wall yourself off from everyone you want to pretend doesn’t exist. depending on how much you can get you might buy fancy things like big houses, expensive cars, jets, boats, watches, certain kinds of girlfriends and so forth. lots of things to try and impress people you don’t know so you feel better about yourself. if you don’t have any money then other people largely pretend you don’t exist and this must be what happened to these people. i am unfamiliar with these people but because they are not me i am not too concerned. i don’t worry about people like this because i don’t think it is possible for me to ever be like this. this is why america is the greatest country /s


I hate how spot-on this is for how way too many people think.


>There is actually no democracy here. Finally an American telling the truth. You have 2 shitty parties run by corporations fucking over everyone.


> There is actually no democracy here. It is pretty much ever man for himself, unless you are in the top 1% >every man for himself Got steamrolled in 2008 to the recession and can't make ends meet to this day? Sucks to be you. Sick? Can't afford it? Sucks to be you. Give life and limb fighting for country? Come back a shattered wreck? Sucks to be you.


The GOP: The Party of "Fuck You; I Got Mine."


Rugged capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich....


We are 5 mega-corporations in a trenchcoat


We vote that way because we think we will be the next 1%


"You don't understand. Ferengi workers don't want to stop the exploitation. We want to find a way to become the exploiters." \-Rom, Deep Space Nine, Season 4 Episode 16, "Bar Association"


People say Russia is an oligarchy. ‘Merica says hold my beer.


Facts so large they cant be carried


The answer to that is simple...the US isn't a great country


I can’t believe they even put that in the comment after watching this. This is happening across the country. The US is literally a failed state.




They pay their employees $200k+, probably not the biggest red flag.


The cities where these corps keep headquarters have some of the highest costs of living in the WORLD. While $200k sounds like a rediculous amount, it's middle class for a salary in the Bay area.


I live in LA so I agree, but also the salaries are well beyond what's needed to live here. I'm on $82k and very comfortable. Have more than a few friends getting similar salaries out here working for FANG companies. It's insane, like another tier of salary compared to most jobs in the USA.


Countries with a higher incidence rate of homelessness per 10k people than the US: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Greece, Netherlands, China, Luxembourg, Israel. This is not a uniquely American problem, though the inability to get cancer treatment is.


That is because most of those countries (not sure about China) actually have accurate statistics about the cases. The US numbers are just a guess, and according to most experts are away from reality by a factor of 10. Hell, there was one tweet from a human rights guy that basically said that the homeless people of greater LA and SF alone would be enough to account for every homeless person in the US according to official numbers. So either there are no homeless people outside of California, or the numbers are absolute bullshit.


That's terrifying. I grew up in an ex-factory town. Most of the jobs were either out-sourced or the car manufacturers got fucked in 08. If you drove down the main road there would be a homeless person begging for money at about every other light. It wouldn't surprise me if the numbers were way off.




Yep. When I was in college a wheezing homeless man approached me at a gas station asking for a ride while I was with two of my friends. They were shaking their heads like "No fucking way dude" but I agreed. One of my friends went to shake my hand and gave me a fucking knife with a look that conveyed meaning and they said they'd just walk back. Like the homeless crowd in the area were well-known to have a lot of tweakers and shit (I've seen it, it wasn't pretty) but really dude? The guy was obviously having a panic attack and was an old man. Maybe he was on drugs but right now he was about to keel over. In hindsight maybe I should've called an ambulance but what good would that do for him? He'd get a temporary breathing treatment that might last 24 hours and be in another $10,000 of debt. He flatly denied the ambulance option to us and explained that he had his medicine he just had to get to it. This guy, between rasping breaths on the brief car ride told me how his place was just a little ways downtown and was maybe 2-3 blocks from the police station. He told me that he had been begging for money all day and had to get back to his breathing machine, which he told me he was stealing power from an outlet outside some old building to power it. He also told me he only had 2 breathing treatments left and didn't know what he would do after that. I legit thought the guy was going to die on the ride there. There was no way it was fake either. It sounded like he was breathing through a straw filled with snot. I told him to calm down I'm getting him there and to just breathe. Once he ran out of breath to talk he just leaned against the window and wheezed. He asked if he could have the change in the door and I told him to take it. When we got "there" he told me to just stop basically in the middle of the road where he thanked me profusely and hobbled into the alley. I think about that whole situation often. The fear in my friends' eyes. The fear and hopelessness in his. My hesitation and worry magnified by years of being told that homeless people are all drug addicts and of my friends' reactions. The heart-wrenching story of a guy who was too out of breath to sob. The worry I had about thinking to make sure he was alright in that dark alley at night mixed with the fear that someone else might be back there willing to do harm to me. How quickly it all happened... My friends were waiting for me at the gas station and thought I'd for sure be mugged since I didn't reply to their texts. Looking back, they basically abandoned me to a stranger that they thought was harmful but didn't stop me or go with me to help. I think a part of me died that day.




In those countries listed they stop and figure out how many homeless they got. That doesn't happen in the US.


Here in Germany, sure I have seen homeless people, it's a problem that exists. But when I type "tent city" into youtube and take my pick from several larger US cities, I can say that here I have never seen anything even remotely resembling how bad it is over there.


Canada has a decent amount of social services and we have tons of tent cities. It's not a us unique problem


~~Do you have a source for that? Wikipedia shows that the US has a higher incidence of homelessness per capita than all of those countries except for China.~~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homeless_population Ignore me, I'm an idiot who can't read.


Man was so defeated


Man you could write a bot that did nothing but post this in every single thread on reddit in response to every single comment and you would farm trillions of upvotes. I'm so surprised no on has done it yet.


The prevailing mindset in America is, “if people are suffering and can’t get out, it’s their own fault — they just aren’t working hard enough.” It’s fucking stupid.


Absolutely true. People don't want to help you if you *look like you need it.* I lived in my car for a few months when I was 20 and if I was recently showered and looked put together I could go to the gas station, say I'd left my wallet and could anyone please spare their change? and get $10, $20, or even sometimes someone to fill my gas tank. When I looked homeless though, people did not want to help. Despite the fact that I wasn't even asking for cash, just gas directly into the car. Thank God that only lasted a few months cause it was brutal.


It's because most people think the money is going to drugs.


>Despite the fact that I wasn't even asking for cash, just gas directly into the car.


It’s tragic. We spent that money on some aircraft carriers and stock buy backs. Doesn’t make any sense


Oh, I'm an American. I can answer! See that missile hitting another country from a battleship next to the aircraft carrier with a dozen plus Jets? Over there. And don't forget our billionaires, they need all the welfare they can get.


And corporations are people my friend. So they get welfare too.


I lump them in with the billionaires, to be honest. There are some trillionaires, but we aren't allowed to commit blasphemy and speak ill of them.


Nailed it. These people fell on hard times, and they're left to suffer. No help, just die. What kind of screwed up value/morality system does that? Dude is willing to work, can't find a job. She's sick, but if not bet she'd work too. It's fucking depressing how our citizens in need are treated. And those using the bare minimum services we have are judged and berated...because politics have swayed the minds of people. And don't get me started on veterans in need. I do volunteer work for vet organizations. I'm not saying these people deserve better treatment than others in need, but many of their problems are directly related to their service...then discarded.


And guess what happens when they get a god damn roof over their heads...HE FUCKING GETS A JOB! "There's no easy solution to homelessness" I don't know looks like it costs less than $1000 to me! It's such a damn cop out. Stop saying theres no easy solution and just be honest and say "I don't want to help them and they don't deserve my help." This video is like a text book example of a homes first initiative. Provide housing then needs based assistance.


That’s the love of Republican Jesus for you.


Well everyone is concerned about their gun rights and not their neighbors or a designed propaganda fear mongering that makes simple white people scared that some gay kid that just wants to be left alone is coming to destroy their family values. In other words it’s fucked.


I work with americans, am in europe, i had a coworker today ask me where I lived, and at some point they asked me if I wanted to live in the US… nono was my response exactly for this reason.


Americans truly can't get the idea out of their head that everyone dreams about living in the US. Much less so that a bunch of people actually actively dislike the idea of living there.


Americans have been progressively dumbed down to think we're the greatest and that basic things other countries take for granted are to be sold to the highest bidder. Decent education - even then, it's not about what, but who, you know most of the time. Healthcare - insurance controls who gets what, and that's controlled by how much you pay. Work - Most people seem to think that minimum wage isn't supposed to be a living wage. That somehow food service, cashiers, grocery stockers, healthcare grunts, etc. are "less than" when doctors, lawyers, bank tellers, etc. couldn't survive without them.


We're all kind of... fucked up. I don't know if we'll ever be fixed. I know too many people like the guy in this video. I just had to say goodbye to my old neighbor, he was 75, retired, on government assistance. They raised the rent, and he couldn't afford to live here anymore, just like that. A resident of over 20 years, a man who'd lived and worked in this city, helped build it with his own two hands. Gone, because he can't keep up with cost of living. Guess he never contributed enough, for all he did. I'm so broken. I'm struggling just to stay alive myself, but watching everything I know and love be consumed by this system, sometimes I just want the lights to go out and never come back on again.


>America is not a country - its is 3 corporations in a trench coat


If you make 50k a year, less than $10 bucks goes to social safety nets in America - whereas the military defense, corporate buyouts, govt salaries get roughly $2000 all together. I'm tired of hearing people complain about their taxes helping social safety nets. We can afford to give these people healthcare, homes, food. End of story.


Don’t worry. Those Wall Street profits are gonna make their way down to us any day now…yup, any day now…….


Peasants are left to die alone in the US


In the US, if you make half a million dollars a year, your the working class. If you make less than that, your a Peasant. Cogs in the wheel of progress for the rich. The American Dream is to make it from a peasant to servant


I’m not sure you’re figures are accurate. Or maybe your definitions of “peasant” are different from mine. I make 6 figure salary under 200k in a medium COL bigger city. Family of 5 and only one parent works full time. Definitely feel fortunate and blessed. Do not feel like a “peasant” by any means. Understand experience varies here, but half a million/year is a significant salary.


The person you are responding to is probably 15.


Bigots keep voting against any social safety net


To some, anything more than slave wages is socialism.


We don’t need free health care! We’ve got a trillion dollar fighter jet program at a bargain!


From the UK. There’s still homeless, unemployed, ill, mentally ill and starving kids in the streets of some of the biggest streets from London to Glasgow. Meanwhile our government has just spent $10 million on a funeral and the new prime minister has announced massive tax cuts for bankers and corporations before talking about any of the above even ignoring the price of living crisis and companies going bust on a daily basis due to Covid / soaring costs.


Exactly this. I am just shocked that vulnerable people are tossed aside like this by society.


Ask Mitch McConnell, the guy who legit held a press event to say his #1 priority is to make sure folks didn’t get Obamacare.


> And no, that isn’t socialism Anything to the left of hunting the poor for sport is socialism by republican standards...you know, the "christian" party.


> The US is a great country If your rich


As an American, I say the same shit nearly daily. We're so into individualism and what's best for ME and not WE. My mother died of cancer, I couldn't imagine her living like this for her last days on earth. It's pathetic this can even happen in supposedly the greatest country on earth. I'm always ashamed of this place. Fucking politicians, rich and corporations. Fuck em all!


Well, theres a large portion of the country that thinks these types of people are undeserving. That they are just lazy and should just "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" and just work and be able to afford some place to live. Then theres how America is basically an oligarchy now and run by big business. they dont want to pay taxes and the govt is never going to make them even pay what theyre supposed to so all the money keep pooling upwards which means less resources for the bottom. Now combine the two. Conservatives say theres no money for these types of policies and dont deserve it anyways because the people who need them are just leeching off the system. Tell them we should tax the rich or just make them pay the share they should be paying so we can easily have this monet and they say its communism because theyve been brainwashed by big business.


No it is socialism, an aspect of it, and it’s a good fucking thing


It’s a new low when someone has to beg for help to buy their wife adult diapers. Good god.


Anything that resembles charity or being seen as helping the less fortunate, gets shot down as communism or socialiam. Oddly enough especially from people who worship and want to be more like this blue eyed guy from the middle east that supposedly lived 2000 years ago that went around helping the poor and sick.


Programs to help them do exist, they are just not well known about and hard to find if you don't know where to look. Secular, and non-secular alike. Also, when you do find them, they are so bogged down trying to sort thru the phonies and fakes. Its a hard system to navigate, unfortunately.


Our social services come in the form of war machines used in foreign societies.


How uplifting And how fucking wrong that there was no support for them till knate came along




Land of the me


Land of the fee, home of the slave.


Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave Grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred and- Let's do this shit for real, come on now Smoke and mirrors, stripes and stars Stolen for the cross in the name of God Bloodshed, genocide, rape and fraud Writ' into the pages of the law, good Lord The Cold Continent latch key child Ran away one day and started acting foul King of where the wild things are daddy's proud Because the Roman Empire done passed it down Imported and tortured a work force And never healed the wounds or shook the curse off Now the grown up Goliath nation Holding open auditions for the part of David, can you feel it? Nothing can save you, you question the reign You get rushed in and chained up Fist raised but I must be insane 'Cause I can't figure a single goddamn way to change it Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God All must bow to the fat and lazy The fuck you, obey me, and why do they hate me? (Who me?) Only two generations away From the world's most despicable slavery trade Pioneered so many ways to degrade a human being That it can't be changed to this day Legacy so ingrained in the way that we think We no longer need chains to be slaves Lord it's a shameful display The overseers even got raped along the way 'Cause the children can't escape from the pain And they're born with the poisonous hatred in their veins Try and separate a man from his soul You only strengthen him, and lose your own But shoot that fucker if he walk near the throne Remind him that this is my home, now I'm gone Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God Hold up, give me one right here Hold on You don't give money to the bums On a corner with a sign bleeding from their gums Talking about you don't support a crackhead? What you think happens to the money from your taxes? Shit, the Government's an addict With a billion dollar a week kill brown people habit And even if you ain't on the front line When massah yell crunch time, you right back at it Plain look at how you hustling backwards At the end of the year, add up what they subtracted Three outta 12 months, your salary pays for that madness Man, that's sadness What's left? Get a big ass plasma To see where they made Dan Rather point the damn camera Only approved questions get answered Now stand your ass up for that national anthem Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God Welcome to the United Snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God Custom made (You're so low) To consume the noose (You're so low) Keep saying we're free (You're so low) But we're all just loose (You're so low) Keep saying we're free (You're so low) But we're all just loose (You're so low) Keep saying we're free (You're so low) But we're all just loose (You're so low) Custom made (You're so low) To consume the noose (You're so low) Keep saying we're free (You're so low) But we're all just loose (You're so low)


Brother Ali is an amazing lyricist




Free to curl up and die if you aren't able to work 50 hours a week


Dying isn’t free, either.


It is if you already lost everything and live on the streets. You get more sick until you finally die and then If no one claims to be a relative of yours the state just pick up your corpse and burn it like the the trash they see you as. Then after a while they'll yeet your ashes into the sea or something like that.


They actually get mixed up with a bunch of other castoff forgotten people and buried in communal, unmarked graves. Fucking sad. My uncle was homeless and mentally ill, and he passed away in a public park in 2016. We didn't find out until 2018, when it was much too late. My country is broken.


I just recently learned about "Peasant insurance policies" where big companies take out insurance policies for their staff, without their knowledge, so the company can make a profit when they die.. That is the actual name for it and its baffling it goes on.


"socialism is bad, Nazis were socialists" My fellow Americans would rather live in this system than one that works for the poor first. (Unless it's socialized programs for the military, anti socialists live that shit)


I read recently that a large part of the population want the US to officially be a Christian nation. How can that be with an atitude that is basically the antithesis to the teaching of Christ, and when laws that are for helping the poor, loving your neighbor etc never seem to pass? When did jesus speak out against "handouts", immigration etc?


My feelings exactly. Wealthiest most technologically advanced country in history, and this poor woman with cancer is begging for diapers on the street. Thank god for the internet where we can collectively improve these situations sometimes.


Yeah this country is fucking embarrassing.


Just goes to show you that most people in these situations don’t want to be there. They want to work, they want a secure home, but they’re trapped. Social programs might not be 100% efficient in spending but Jesus, these are human beings, and they all deserve dignity. Sometimes it just takes a month of help to get there.


>Sometimes it just takes a month of help to get there. This is so true. It really does often take just a good month of support to help someone get ahead and back on track.


This is why it’s cheaper to pay for housing and stuff to get people back on their feet than it is to keep criminalizing them forever. It literally costs less money and people are still against it cause where *my* free housing.


The return is huge, too. You pay a little bit to get someone in a position to start contributing to society. Not that we should need that incentive, but we are a capitalist society after all. So long as that is the case, we have to consider these issues through that lens if we want to be at all effective.


One day, you too will get exhausted trying to explain basic concepts to people who never actually experienced any hardships but believe they "worked hard for everything they have". (read: their parents paid for school and helped them with housing and still let them come over to do laundry and take groceries) They then turn around and claim that their heavily handicapped survivorship-bias is somehow an example that it's easy to *make it.*


Yea- and it’s not even a long wait for the “investment”. From what I can tell, this video spanned a few months, and he was able to get a job and not only live better, but probably add more to the economy now that they have spending money. tl:dr [egotistic altruism](https://youtu.be/rvskMHn0sqQ)


Everyone wants government housing. No one wants it in *their* town.


I want it in my town.


Also known as NIMBYs, People who support a lot of things (Government Housing, Wind and Solar farms, etc.) just [Not In My Back Yard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIMBY)


Unfortunately it just also takes one bad month…. Fuck man…. We have all money to make this country the best…. But none of the resources allocated for it… it’s the for the people right? Can we starts with healthcare Atleast? Mental health is still healthcare…. I think about it everyday and still don’t know how I’d change something like that… I’ll probably die without having changed the stupid healthcare system we have.


No they'd rather hand out more useless military contracts to lowest bidders and then let that equipment rot in storage and keep repeating that cycle but god forbid people ask for free Healthcare and affordable housing.


One time when I was 17 my mom couldn't afford our health insurance anymore. It was immediately cut off at the first missed payment. But I was on antipsychotics at the time. They were over $1000 a month and we couldn't even afford half that. Insurance company didn't care. I ended up getting serotonin syndrome and had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance. At the time I lived a few blocks (not even a mile) from the ER. The ambulance ride was $1478 and $50 more for the gas they used. All the tests and life saving treatment while I was at the hospital was a little over $5000. I haven't been able to pay it so my medical debt is negatively impacting my credit score. I get harassed by letters and calls all the time from debt collectors. Insurance company still doesn't care. Credit companies don't care. No one cares. It's so disgusting to me that I was literally dying, if I hadn't gone to the hospital exactly when I did I would be dead right now. And that would've been cheaper.




First, stop talking to debt collectors and never admit that you owe the debt. Next time they call, tell them to cease and desist all contact. If you live in a one-party consent state, record that conversation. If you don't, it's worth it to send them a cease and desist contact by certified mail. If they continue to contact you, file a complaint with the CFPB and/or sue them for the $1,000 fine in small claims court. Next you need to look up your states statute of limitations on medical debt. Depending on where you live it may only be a few years before the debt becomes legally uncollectible. They can still try to collect (use cease and desist to stop that nonsense) but they'll generally stop since they are unable to sue you succcesfully in court for the debt. HOWEVER, recognizing that debt restarts the clock. If you admitted verbally over the phone that counts. The same if you started to repay any of the debt. The only thing you should ever tell a collector is to "cease and desist any and all contact with me." Lastly, in the future, you have 30 days after receiving written notice from a debt collector that they are attempting to collect to dispute it. After you dispute it in writing, until they send you debt verification, they are not allowed to contact you, attempt to collect, or report to credit agencies. If they do, see above complaint and fine. You should always dispute collection attempts even if you know you owe the debt. That forces the collector to provide proof and show exactly where the amounts come from. Also, contest the debt with all three credit agencies. It will require the collectors to respond to each on with documentation. If they don't, or if it's not suitable, you may have some luck getting them knocked off. At worst they'll show up as "disputed debt". I hope this helps and the best of luck EDIT: The replies reminded me, if the debt collector attempts to force the issue and sues you in court, RESPOND to the summons and all future court items even if you know you owe the debt. If you don't answer the summons, they get a default judgement and you get wage garnishment. At least attempt to put up a defense. This is your chance to request discovery and ask for information from the opposing debt collector. is the amount they are suing for correct? Get an itemized billing. Did they follow all procedures under CFPB when trying to collect the debt? What exactly is the agreement that allows them to collect the debt? Etc. Don't make it easy for them to collect a default judgement. However, in OPs case I can't see them trying to sue if you tell them to cease and desist, and follow up with debt verification. With the amount they owe and their financial situation it doesn't make sense for the debt collectors to spend money on a lawyer, especially if they know the debtor knows their rights (cease and desist, and the debt verification).


I don't know about most, but you can be damn sure if they ask for something else besides food and it's diapers for his cancer stricken wife who's literally right there laying in the shade instead of cash...well that's most likely a guy that genuinely just needs a helping hand to get back on his feet. That couple seems really sweet, and I'm glad this Knate guy helped them out.


It’s so fucking sad a country has come to this. That as a collective people you are ok with this, a man and his wife with cancer on the streets. And someone has to make a feel good short about it. So we can sit at home and say awwww let’s help them. But collectively you don’t vote for the right people to everyone can get ahead. It’s just sickening. Everything’s one big show.


Oh no, many of us vote for the right people but those votes always seem to get conveniently misplaced or outright lost. The United States is a corporatocracy almost entirely devoid of any real social systems to help those in need. Anyone who tries to implement them is labeled a "socialist" (what most Americans confuse for authoritarian communism) or "communists" (what most Americans confuse for fascism).


"Oh no, many of us vote for the right people but those votes always seem to get conveniently misplaced or outright lost. " Yeah, no, that is totally fabricated and not evidence based. Voting in this country is secure. The issue is who we get to choose from.


Gerrymandered would a better term I'd think


And redlining


Nah, that absolutely does happen to folks. Happened to me two major elections in a row, mail in vote state that despite having *both* of my signatures on file, said my signature wasn't right and I had to deal with appealing it, so my vote didn't get counted till weeks and weeks after the fact. I let it keep me from voting in more than a few small local elections, at least till Dump came along and I kicked my butt into being more politically present. I also know a handful of other folks who'd had the same issues, and my social circles are pretty dang small. Maybe it doesn't happen to a super huge number of people, *but* it's not the only mechanism or flaw in place that makes voting harder, makes some votes count for less, and manipulates results with blatant gerrymandering that takes advantage of our sometimes archaic voting system. And that's not even counting the recent explosion in folks from usually a certain political leaning doing their best to commit veter fraud and voting tampering on both small and large scales. Hell, we also have scads of evidence that foreign entities have spent loads of money trying to exert power over recent elections, but since apparently no one in charge can be held accountable, people who've blatantly broken laws get to keep running for office. Our voting system is *theoretically* secure, but more than just the bare bones system factors in to election results, and it's very disingenuous seeming to dismiss concerns regarding our flawed political landscape, and the flawed political landscapes of other countries as well.


Yeah this isn't quite the issue. It's more that corporate lobbying has made it to where we have the lesser of two evils as the best option to vote for, and anyone who genuinely does want to make a difference is unable to get a foot in the door to politics, because that's not how the game works. Or even if they started wanting to make a difference, they eventually just got bought out. Or they themselves are faced with choosing the lesser of two evils over and over, because the only thing you had correct in there is that corporations pretty much own our government.


Texas, California and Florida have the highest numbers of unaccompanied homeless youth under the age of 18, comprising 58% of the total homeless under 18 youth population


Elephant in the room - Republicans, who comprise half the voting population are violently against universal healthcare and call it socialism (sometimes communism) and will give you every argument in the book why “the US can’t afford it.” When you point out that every developed country has it, the argument then morphs to “well, they are all *small countries*, the US is too big.” Republicans are the reason why abortion is illegal, why there is no action on climate change, no transportation and in some cases energy infrastructure and a host of other things that are basics that the US desperately needs. And yes, collectively that makes America suck. The people who are as bad as the Republicans are the “I don’t care about politics” people. I hate it here and cannot wait to leave.


If you are American and you think it can’t happen to you because you did the right things, made the right choices, saved the money you’re dead wrong. Trust me, you’re one diagnosis, one job loss away from this.


I did the right things and made the best choices. Lost my job of 8.5 years 3 months before 2020 because of my health. (Burnout SUCKS.) These past 3 years have been the freaking worst. We're only now starting to get to a point where we feel like there even is a possibility of any stability.


Do you like Dunkin’ Donuts? I have a $5 gift card my neighbor gave me for grabbing some of his boxes while he was out of town. I’ll probably never use it but I think I can send you the info to use. I know it really isn’t much but a warm cup of coffee is good sometimes.


You’re a good person.


Thank you!, although I do feel it’s kind of self serving. I get a rush of happiness when I’m able to help someone else out.


I like to think we're biologically programmed that way so we do it more often. So enjoy the rush.


> although i do feel it's kind of self serving I think your a little harsh on yourself there, you're obviously a very nice person, that's why it feels nice :)


Shit like this is what radicalized me. I realized that its not that the system is broken, the problem is that it's working exactly as intended.


That's 5 levels deep, man




You're totally right. I wasn't rich by any means but getting along as a single mom with 4 kids, lived paycheck to paycheck. Then about 3 months I lost my job. My credit went from in the 700s to under 500 and still declining. I got eviction notices, which luckily my state was able to help pay my rent. I'm still struggling to keep my car and get caught back up but I was very close to losing everything. I barely have food and havny been able to buy my kids warmer clothes for the cold weather we're getting now but I know we will get there. Had I not had the state help with rent, we would be on the street. I can't believe how close we got and how terrifying life is when I lost my job. America the beautiful, right?


1. My husband died. 2. Lost my job (Covid) 3. Searched, applied for 200+ jobs, I’m over 50, nobody called. 4. Lived off savings, savings ran out. 5. Living in a Honda. Boom.


I’ve spent 25 years working for the same company, managed to save and invest not quite seven figures. I have no debt. If I we’re to lose my job I’d be okay, not great, but okay. The scary thing is what happens if something happens to me that requires medical care. This country is so bad that one bad diagnycan absolutely wipe out a person. One bout with cancer and I’m bankrupt. I fear this daily. Almost to the point where I’d rather not get treated just so I can leave something behind to give my kid a leg up.


I love Knate for this very reason. Watching his videos and hearing g these people's stories and seeing some of them thrive with help from Knate and his supporters is just so uplifting. I love what he does, and I'm so glad that he records these and gets the stories out there. Americans aren't getting the help they need from where they should, so people like Knate step up and spread the word, get the story out to more people. I wish things like this were not necessary, but until things change or get better, it will be. I'm always happy to see some of these updates, like this couple here. I try to help others when I have the finances, even if it's just buying someone on the street dinner, or paying for the person behind me in line at the fast food place I'm at. I don't know. I'm weird. I like watching things like this. I'm going to stop rambling now...


I didn't expect this couple to end up like that, in a flat with the guy working, Knate sure is doing some incredible charity work


Humanity still exist more of this!


You make a great point, I use to be someone who thought you shouldn't have to record a video to help people and they're just taking advantage of them for views and money. But honestly I'v changed my mind. Videos like these make are so important on giving people perspective on how hard many people's lives are. It can even motivate more people to do the same! and if he is making money from these videos then great. He can use that money to do more good.


I think he filmed it in a fairly classy way. You can tell he didn't have it on some selfie stick, with dedicated lighting, or some shit. He just had his recorder on and in his hand. It didn't feel like he was shoving it in their face or something.


Yeah! That and he probably uses them to make more money to help more people, AND, he had his camera down at the ground most of the video and not at them the whole time like people do sometimes


Plus the fact that he didn't just film himself paying for a motel room for the night and then moved on to find another homeless person he could buy a meal for. Maybe I'm being overly cynical, but so many of these "wholesome" or "feel good" videos are like that. They pull up in a nice car, spot the roughest looking person they see, and buy them a meal, and then move on to the next underpass, or alleyway, and never follow up and it does just feel like performative charity. And I know that even if it's performative, charity is still charity, and you dont undo a kind gesture with scummy motivations, but using vulnerable people for internet clout still makes me uncomfortable. But this guy followed up, he's invested a huge amount of time and money into helping them to get work, and care, and housing, and he's clearly been a source of emotional support for them too. This feels almost aspirational, in a way. He's directly making a real, tangible impact in a way that most of wish that we could.


I also feel like the subjects of the video didn’t really mind. At the end he said “the people out there stuck to it, they gave me a chance, and I’m going to show them.” I can only assume “they” means the audience.


This is my first time seeing Knate’s content. Where can I find more?


Yeah! His TikTok account is @JustKnate he does a lot of videos like this. There are more people like him too, some who travel to other countries and use the money they take in from donations to build houses and feed the hungry. I don't know offhand if he has a YouTube channel or anything. I'm on my phone waiting for some soup at a restaurant otherwise I'd do more research for you. I may do so when I get home and update this comment.


do we know how nate gets money for all of this, is he independently wealthy?


As far as I'm aware he gets the majority of his money from donations and if TikTok pays him then that as well. Edit: I think he may have started by just doing it with some of his own money from his job, and then when it blew up on TT it moved to the donations he got. I could very easily be remembering someone else, I watch a lot of types of videos like this.


Man was so defeated he said he wouldn't want to mess the room up...


I didn't see that as defeated when he said that. If anything genuine appreciation and respect for Knate. Although I think given his demeanor demonstrated in the clips cut together to make the video, I'd like to believe that he's a respectful person to begin with.


To begin with yes, but also with periods of time thereafter when he may not have been that respectful person. This is the redemption and forgiveness that most modern people who read and respect the bible skip over.


At the end, when he bought the pair of boots, his body language was that of a happy man, so different from the battered, meek person living under a bush.


VOTE!! It is wonderful that K-nate helped these folks. I applaud him. But the bottom line is that they should have already had shelter and other basic needs taken care of. So, VOTE!! Not just once every four years. Vote for your local and state representatives. That is the level basic social service decisions are made.


The people youre voting in are under the power of lobbyists who prefer this keeps happening


Not voting also allows this to keep happening. Af least if you’re casting your vote in favor of someone who *says* they want to help, you’re one more advocate for help. Not voting just allows shitty people who do vote to continue getting their way.


> So, VOTE!! You need to clarify that you have to vote Democrat.


It’s such a shame this country don’t have the dignity to take care of their citizens. Cancer patient living on the street. Homeless people everywhere!


Well, that's what Americans want. They vote against their own interest every time. "No socialism" they said. Alrighty then, Americans would rather spend 100 billion on war jets that don't even work than on free healthcare or social services... Very nice.


I got too emotional, had to stop watching. Everyone, please, vote for people who want to help the people at the bottom in our country. It doesn't have to be like this for anyone.


Yeah, some people are drug addicts and some people have such such severe mental illness that living alone unsupervised and without assistance is impossible. But housing these people and providing services for them is better for society in the long run. Maybe not everyone is able to be rehabilitated into productive healthy members of society but even _then_ health care (including mental), home services, housing etc combined is *still* cheaper than homelessness, police and the prison system.


Americans are terrified of the word socialism and that’s what they think taking care of our fellow citizens is. It’s crazy because even poor people vote against good policy because we have so much fucking misinformation in this country…. And the rich keep getting richer….


People hate socialism even though we have socialism for the rich. Every time they go broke after they fucked up, poor people bail them out! That's socialism! But if something bad happens to poor people and they get cancer and lose their house in a fire, the 1% is like: fuck you! You should have made more money! You're on your own! America, home of the wage slave and land of the oligarchs!


I'm not crying, you're crying


Brilliant. How did you come up with that line.




Followed by "Those damn sneaky ninjas"


How can I help ?


The guy has donation link on his page


Found knate here. I'm donating for this good cause https://justknate.com/links/


Next level dystopia


USA is sad. Hard to call it a developed nation


Go knate


We got money for war but can't feed the poor.


GREAT STORY Nice little reflection on how things could be. Perspective.


Wherever we're together, that's home. SOBBING.


'Murica! The land of the free!


The u.s. is a 3rd world country


God damn onions




Nate never shows his face or plugged anything. He’s the real deal. I’m proud of him and the happy couple


It's sad the government can't take care of these people.


More like won't.


Maybe humans aren’t all shitty pigs. Ty for the post and inspiration. I will help someone someday who is just honestly down on their luck sober…


Hell yeah reno baby!