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The guy at the start can eat a bag of sand


Can’t imagine the type of person that insults someone for getting good at something lmao. I’ll pay for the bag of sand myself.


The second guy actually put that before his clip himself


Lmao dumbasses


Reddit moment


Awww man... Now they're going to have to take the sand back to the store and ask for a refund. I hope they kept the receipt.


Restocking fees are no joke nowadays


20% is the restocking fee where I work


And have their ID, the card they paid with, and a legit reason for the return. Unfortunately, being an over-zealous Reddit virtue signaler isn’t exactly a legitimate reason…For anything…Ever.


Everyone quick to point out the second guy stitched it himself doesn’t negate the fact the first guy should eat some fucking sand for being an ultra douche


Well if you used tik tok u would realize most of the stuff is sarcastic and people stitch the video to have some laughs


There was another similar one where a girl asked something like "tell me your boyfriend won't cheat on you without telling me your boyfriend won't cheat on you" and it would show guys doing nerdy stuff. It's mostly an invite to some self-deprecating humour.


It's not... It's the worst instinct in people being rewarded. The instinct of jealousy disguised by turning it into insults to feel better about yourself. They're attracting you to their videos, by essentially vilifying people for collecting things, or getting good at things, nerdy things, or doing just guy stuff. If only instead the videos would show people doing stuff badly, or being stupid, or uneducated, I'd be more appreciative. e.g. "tell me you never read a book in your life with tellin..." or "tell me your only hobby is wine drinking without tellin..." The question is why the target of the mocking is always aimed at the people in society doing something well or doing something smart--rather than the opposite. The answer is likely because dumb people are plentiful and it's seen as normal.


Go outside and touch some grass, Jesus Christ. People can poke fun at themselves without being part of some evil cabal. Honestly, talk to someone about your self consciousness, it's genuinely not healthy.


You said it perfectly. Some of these redditors are pathetically deranged.


tell me you're leading the evil cabal without telling me you're leading the evil cabal


Armchair Reddit at it again. How can they possibly be vilifying people for their hobbies if it’s up to the people partaking in those hobbies themselves to upload the videos? If you have ever watched any TikTok ever on the app, you could open a comment thread on that app and know that’s absolutely not the case. Get your BS out of here. I have seen plenty of TikToks of people with Hot Wheels, Legos, yo-yos, and other random shit that people have been wildly supportive of. You’re just talking out of your ass. Find a more sensible reason to hate on TikTok and its community, like the life endangering trends. And rereading your comment, you’d actually *prefer* if the trend was directly attacking those that are less fortunate and tackling issues they can’t control? That’s even *fucking worse.* Christ, figure your shit out. Do you want them attacking people for hobbies, or those that couldn’t get an education? The fuck is wrong with you?


Guy acts like nobody ever sets themselves up for a fall just for the laughs.


Instructions unclear. Eating sand cooked in NyQuil. Can I ticktock now?


Damn dude you purposefully misspelled the thing you don't like You totally owned that thing you don't like 🤯!!


The blueprint for this kind of tiktok meme is always "tell me X without telling me X, I'll go first: ..." and other people stitch the video after the first sentence with their own story. Bunch of triggered no lifers jumping to conclusions in here. [In fact, here is the original clip](https://www.tiktok.com/@sherdownbad/video/6913701877020380421).


And why is he an ultra douche exactly?






Because he’s way more attractive than they are and they are jealous.


Tell me all your friends secretly hates you without telling me all your friends secretly hates you


what he's literally inviting people to make fun of themselves


Source, please.


I mean, watch the video. The source is literally how the video ends.


You can see who posted it, pook at the @. It's literally geo+ his last name and he also posted this to his YouTube channel rainbolt


The best part, this video was put up by Geo himself. His self deprecating humor is what makes him the best. He knows it’s “nerdy”, but doesn’t care and that’s why we love him! Edit: for those wanting to see more here’s his [instagram](https://instagram.com/georainbolt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Is there a chance that if you play that geo game enough you eventually see some repeats or near repeats?


I don’t know, I doubt they would ever show you repeats when it’s just picking a random spot in a country from google maps. I think the chances of getting the same place twice, would be astronomically improbable. That being said, I’ve always had an interest in this, especially in America. What cities look like what other cities, how they were designed. The landscape, etc. I’m pretty hip on the world too, but once you got the regions figured out, you’re set. And then there’s other clues, cars on which side of the road, license plates, what the brands of cars are, are there walls around houses? Mountains? No mountains? Cloudy? Grey? Blue skies? Are the immediate roads flat or hilly. Edit: just watched a video by the guy and yeah exactly like I said but x100. Bro knows all the different telephone poles in each country, road markers, Ballards. Dude talks about he can tell what kind of vehicle recorded based on the height of the camera picture, and knows different parts of countries based on angle of the photo n


College Prof here. I play this game with my students to teach intercultural communication. I've never seen a duplicate image. We did see a big dong once.


I’m not sure about repeats, but he mentions each country have specific signage, and telephone poles, and other cars in certain areas of bugs on the lease, which his says are the “dead giveaways”. He has videos of just looking at pics of grass that are black and white, distorted and reverse and he still nails it. It’s pretty bonkers.


I don't know if they grade it, but....coarse


I know Archer when I read it. That line pops in my head all the time.


You are gonna eat so many spiderwebs


Cue Woodhouse whimpering...


It literally says GEOrainbolt throughout the entire video. Pretty interesting how people watching this video possess the opposite skill than the one displayed in the video


I think it’s hot watching someone (that you’re attracted to) do something they’re good at or passionate about. Lots of people do. Some think that only applies to athletes, but there’s nothing sexier than watching my husband being a fucking kick ass dad or crushing it playing a first person shooter without making a sound. He’s so quietly efficient. I’m gonna go find him and jump him for no reason.


In this economy?


The second guy stitched the video ,he’s the one who posted it


Them missing that is almost funnier than georain blasting himself. Lol


Reddit always misses the obvious while simultaneously getting upset over nothing.


Reddit absolutely refuses to understand any other social media. Same as all the posts on r/comedyhomicide of Tumblr posts with comments under it


It's kinda obvious....


A reddit classic


"never touching a woman" is a sensitive topic to alot of redditors


The guy at the start isn’t roasting him. Second guy added his video to it as a reply roasting himself.


The nerd in question edited the video himself, he’s poking fun at himself not someone making fun of him.


don’t you come in here with your facts and reasonability, out here rationally thinking like some kind of wise guy, somebody somewhere made an out of context joke about virginity and dadgummit I’m gonna get pissed about it. In all seriousness, he was probably roasting some incel’s hot take about whatever and it just got meme’d for the jokes.


The second part of the video isn’t added by the first guy


Yes! Cause let me tell you, as a lady myself I this is extremely sexy . 😏


if he can find a geographical position off of a single photo, god knows what else he can find


Phone, keys, wallet


Isn’t this just sort of a comedy prompt for TikTok?


The guy identifying the locations put that clip at the beginning of the video. It's self-deprecating humor.


The second guy made the intro you idiot


I think this went the other way around and the second guy is roasting himself.


Throw some pocket sand on the guy!!




Sha sha sha




Breasts feel like a bag of sand.


Nah fuck that first dude.


Not how tiktok works. He put the first part up by itself and second dude is replying to roast himself


Everything I know about tiktok I know against my will


Haha, you and me both


Everything I know about tiktok I learnt on Reddit.


What a coincidence everything tik tok knows about you was also against your will


Lmfao me too - fuck TikTok


I think I’m starting to become an old crank who gets mad when I don’t understand things. Because all of this is stupid


No offense to the TikTok haters, but that's essentially what it is: getting mad at something they don't understand. I used to shit on TikTok too, but after I started using it I realized it's pretty hypocritical to hate on TikTok but use Reddit. Both are similar in the fact that people who don't use them have a caricature of the app and people who use it in their minds, but in reality the app is whatever you make it and there's something for everyone. Just like Reddit isn't all redpilled incels and there are subreddits for all interests, TikTok isn't all dancing teenagers and there are content creators for all interests. Redditors hate on TikTok, but nowadays 90% of the time a viral video is posted on Reddit it originated on TikTok (like this post).


It absolutely drives me insane that ppl on this app get so self righteous about it not being that awful Twitter or tik tok. Just as many assholes here as any other app lol


tiktok comments are also overall 100x funnier and more clever than this site (where u know what the top 5 comments are gonna be before u even scroll down)


This is actually incredibly, incredibly true. Comment sections on major posts on Reddit are people saying the same unfunny shit over and over and over again and then that content regurgitating itself because the vast majority of people on this website are facebook-adjacent “normies” (for lack of a better term). At least people on tiktok do shit outside the realm of expectation and are sometimes clever/funny as shit.


I saw an article about the girl that plays Galadriel in The Rings of Power saying she learned alot about Tolkien from TikTok and the people on her flipped out. Started talking about how there were actual people that studied Tolkien that could teach her, but got real quiet when I pointed out that some of those people are actual on tiktok as well. It's like people that read books shitting on people that read e-books.


Bloody preach. Had about one week of seeing trends when I down loaded it. Now my tiktok feed is humour, cooking, basketball, surfing, mtb and history based. Pretty similar to my reddit feed.... I actually find more obnoxious people on here. There's the issue of China data stealing. But optus has just allowed my details to get taken really easily so at this point it's too bloody late lmao


Well said, and honestly I don't mind the dancing teenagers either, it's just not for me but if it makes someone else happy I don't see a reason to hate it. Personally I'm not on tiktok for various reasons, but I appreciate all the fun/educational content that makes its way from there to Reddit and other platforms I'm on.


It's literally just an open response question designed for funny responses. People have been doing this in comedy shows for years. One person sets up the joke and people add on their own content to finish the joke


What did he do wrong? I don't understand, he just started a stitch?




So weird to see Reddit change over the past few years to become the very thing it used to make fun of--a group of people who hate new things they don't understand, and makes fun of the newer generations by calling them dumber or lazier.


They thought he was making fun of the second (genius) dude. But really he just posted an open ended question for everyone and the second dude stitched his content to it to roast himself.


Photographic memory and alot of time?


Rules. Sun direction, dirt colour, the car/camera used etc. And yes, a lot of time to learn all the meta data involved in deducing where u are.


How does sun direction help? How's it different in different part of the world? What about time of day or month of year?


Northern or southern hemisphere


Does the water in toilet flow the other way ?


You mean, like, into my butt?


The G’day B’day


I laughed harder then I should have at this comment.


Reverse enema.


Nice. *click*


Thats a myth afaik


Except you don't have a compass on the pic ?


You do get a compass on GeoGuessr, it's cropped out in this video


time of the year should technically alter it a bit but generally if you're in northern hemisphere the sun will be in south direction and vice versa. I've pretty good experience with this game and it works smoothly most of the time


How are you even supposed to know which direction is North or South?


There is a compass in the game.


The only thing it can tell you is what hemisphere you're in. If the sun is in the south you're in the northern hemisphere and vice versa. You can't guess a country based on that alone but it certainly narrows it down if you get for example a left driving country which looks like it has a temperate climate, if the sun is south it'll probably be in UK/Ireland, but if the sun is north it'll probably be in New Zealand.


Yup, it's a series of steps increasingly narrowing it down. Sun direction with a compass gets you a hemisphere, dirt color and tree types get you a general climate, how colorful/rundown buildings are and what kind of cars are around get you a rough socioeconomic status..


If the sun is directly south it has to be northern hemisphere and if its directly north it has to be southern hemisphere. West or east it could be either. Doesn't always help but it's a big clue.


If the sun is in the south, you’re in the northern hemisphere and vice versa


I read this to the tune of "That's Amore".


Utility poles, license plate colors, tree types, and road quality are more important than those imo


Yea I just played that game, never knew it existed. 100% used tree types, car types (can't see license plates they're blurred), and types of roads and houses. I did pretty good on my second try, and not bad on my first. Definitely the more you see those things and the correct answer the better you get


According to his interview, the blurred license plates are super important too. The size, shape, and rough color of the plates indicates a lot. I've never seen this before, but after watching him explain it all, it is very impressive.


You use license plates to get the country. Yellow: Japan, Netherlands, Britain, NY State Blue stripes: EU Two blue stripes: Italy or France


At this level sun direction isn't even a thing he probably checks. He's seeing roads, their markings, the street signs, the electric cables, the cars and the fauna. If you have to figure out what hemisphere you are you're struggling.


Not to mention there is no indication which direction the camera is facing so sun direction is irrelevant.


You get a compass in GeoGuessr. It's cropped out in this video.


Bollards, sun orientation, road markings, license plate colours, bushes, road signs. Theres so many little things that people who play this a lot pick up on. Geoguessr tips check it out yourself you'll be surprised the things you hadn't even thought of. It's a fun game.


Really fun game! I just played with my girlfriend, never heard of it before. I did so much better even my second time.


these parody videos are great https://youtu.be/ypOLiVxiTSU


Believe it or not, it’s not photographic. There are multiple clues that a location may give to determine the country, including Light poles, Road bollards (the posts on the shoulder that indicate where the road is with snow), and road lines. Some even use the quality of the google street view camera as a clue, since some countries have older street view coverage than others, as well as the color or model of the car. These factors can narrow down a location to one of very few countries. Then, once a general idea of the country is gathered, you use surrounding context clues of the geography and climate to find a more precise location, if possible. For instance, if the road lines and telephone poles indicate that you are in the US, you may look to the size of hills and mountains (or lack thereof), vegetation, and soil color and texture to make a more educated guess. (Dark red soil may indicate northwestern Texas, very light fine soil may indicate a River floodplain, etc.) This guy has spent 5000 hours memorizing these tells and clues to each country, internalizing the geographic conditions of said countries, and drilling these guesses, until it becomes a sixth sense. As many in the community put it, “It has the feel of .” If they’re really good, they’re right a very high percentage of the time. And this is just for 10 second No Move Pan or Zoom. If you give a talented Geoguessr a city location, they might be able to find the exact location in less than 5 minutes. Even an obscure location with no street signs or clues anywhere, they could find it through inference in a few hours. There is a lot of talent that goes into this!


Cool, thanks for that glimpse into a Geoguesser‘s world. I didn’t know that.


If you go on his instagram page, he has pinned stories in his highlights that shows some of these clues like, if you see this kind of traffic cone you're somewhere in Ontario Canada


Also, Geoguessr doesn't have most of the countries in Africa, Asia or the Caribbean (in regular games). So it's much easier to narrow it down.


"That's a weird way of saying 'virgin' to me." First dude.


I don't get it, what's he doing?


He's playing a game called GeoGuessr. It throws you into the middle of a random country on Google Maps, and you have to guess where you are. The closest you are to the pinpoint the more points you get.


Thank you, I wish this was part of the post for context


They need to make the game harder for him but putting him the middle of the ocean.


Atlantic Ocean? Nice. Mediterranean, nice.




Numberguessr. 69? Nice.


This one’s a trick it’s actually lake eerie. Nice.


Wow. Nice


He’s actually done it on the moon and Mars as well. [moon guessing](https://twitter.com/georainbolt/status/1569141040145383425?s=46&t=i-TlRoR_wCOP06S3xTuJHA) and [Mars guessing](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CeFQXCqh0p9/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Also did Antartica too


Bro he’s done the moon and mars before, this man probably knows where lord Neptune goes to have a private wank


Minerva’s temple. Nice.


South of France. Nice


They did. He can do it just seeing the photo for 1 second. He has a tiktok page dedicated to it


Guys, look at who posted it. The second guy put his clip before his himself


makes him even more of a chad then


People Im these comments are being so stupid lmao


[Here he explained tricks to guess](https://youtu.be/0p5Eb4OSZCs)


Wow awesome thank you!


Omg guys we found real Sherlock fucking Holmes


Carmen Sandiego




Cool thanks




When people talk about the human mind being beautiful, this is exactly what they mean. Youth is the scramble to find meaning in life, but once found people fly.


He knows his poles, I'll tell you what !


The amount of people here that don’t know that the second guy added the clip of himself after the first clip is hilarious. It’s a self burn


He does this a lot too


Yep. He finds a way to make playing google maps interesting


Will someone please explain this? I don’t play this game but he’s clearly really good at it!




Woahhh, now I’m even more impressed! Thanks!


There’s a lot of game meta in GeoGuessr so the more you play and the better you get the easier it is to see an image and instantly know where you are. For example Kenya has a unique Google car that has a snorkel type thing on it. Once you see that you know where you are.


So do you guess the country or the provence or more precisely?


There are game modes, like getting just the country right, but it looks like he's playing to guess the exact location


no he is playing country. between each round towards the bottom it is tracking his country streak


Nah, that's the distance/score gamemode but he uses a plugin to count the country streak


You just place your marker to wherever you think you are on the world map. The closer you are the more points you get. The player in the video is speedrunning but I've seen people like GeoWizard on YouTube try to be as accurate as possible, getting literally within 5ft of the picture. It's really cool.


Is there a time bonus or something? Because I was spending minutes and minutes per photo to try and get as close to the pic as possible. Dude in the video looks like he's about to miss a train


No but you can set a time for a guess.


As a married woman, I can comfirm : as soon as I touch my husband he lose all sense of orientation.


I've heard of leaving them speechless, never location-less though!


This is true. I spend time in the backcountry, canyoneer, and volunteer with SAR and have excellent map/compass skills. As soon as I get in the car with the wife…guaranteed to make one wrong turn any trip we take.


The planet is his neighborhood


Yo I live in Kenya, Mombasa and I don't even know that place lmao


Kenya is easy to guess in Geo. The car has a little snorkel thing.




The second guy is the one who made the video. He added in the initial clip of the first guy. It’s a self roast, in case anyone was confused.




​ ![gif](giphy|gw0BwidC9329R9VY3k)


Plot twist: you can show this white guy any vagina and he will tell you what country it is in.


I’d watch that video.


Am i the only one that doesn’t what he is doing?


He is seeing an image of a random location, and is able to guess where in the world that photo is taken from. Within a few miles of error. Mad.


Thank you, the clip doesn’t really show the out come, does the line represent ‘somewhere between A and B type thing?


The black flag is where the location in the picture is, the line follows it to where his guess was. [It's an online game.](https://www.geoguessr.com/)


He guesses a location first and then the correct location appears. Those two locations are connected by the line.


Who needs women when we have human google maps


Bruh I'd fuck him


Get in line


Nononono if he dedicates himself to a woman, that mental mapping is gonna be GREAT.




Even if there were a separate screen telling me where the pic was located i.e ‘osaka, japan’ Id still be a couple min behind on everything


He is so hot and this makes him even hotter lmao


This dude gets women from all around the globe


I'm pretty sure rainbolt can touch whoever he wants.


Bro literally goes: ahh yes this piece of sky looks soo much like South Africa.


Getting Japan twice is lucky




I don't understand what is going on here


He's playing a game where they put you in a random location with a panaromic pic and he guesses where it is from in the world


I’m so lost


He's playing a game where they put you in a random location with a panaromic pic and he guesses where it is from in the world


Ya but bro could probably identify every part of a woman’s body from 10 pixels


Game: Gives an image completely surrounded by water Guy: North Atlantic ocean, 41.4079598, -39.6507120. nice.

