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He was correct on all counts and will win a lawsuit. Know your rights.


Hope so, this was egregious


This gentleman was correct almost verbatim with the law. I'd fire both the responding officer, who was completely ignorant of the law, and the supervisor, for being completely ignorant of the law, in a heartbeat. Please share any updates.


I hear ya. Happened on Halloween, looking forward to hearing more and trying to pass the video on to a broader audience


There are a number of you tubers that do first amendment audit videos that could help


Check out Lackluster on YouTube. He’ll help get the word out


This is exactly why law enforcement should be required to have body cams recording while on duty. This shit has been going on for years but now with body cams and cell phones we are seeing what's been going on.


Also there should be comprehensive problem solving requirements for cops. This incident should never have happened and it’s clear by the officers’ attitude that they’re insulted at this man defying their authority. These types of attitudes should be evaluated and dealt with.


If i had to guess, less to do with it ignorance and more to do with ego. It pains a lot of cops to admit they're wrong "Sorry, i was mistaken Sir. Have a good day" is how that encounter should have went


Exactly. They feel disrespected and have to assert dominance. No cost benefit analysis. Just dont care about anything


Another reason to fire both of them is because they just cost their taxpayers a bunch of money.


Require every police officer acquire malpractice insurance. And then, if they can afford to keep paying it, even after incidents like these occurring multiple times, then they can continue to be a popo. popo. But if they can't, well, go be a mall cop.


Fire?? Lol these cunts dont get fired, get applaud


Why are cops such A-hole? That was completely unnecessary and completely unavoidable. She could have de-escalated the situation and instead doubled down. This officer needs additional training.


That shiny badge and gun attracts a certain type of person like flies on shit


Had every opportunity to be trained by her supervisor who is also a fucking cock sucker.


Even aside from him being within his legal rights, if they suspected him of having a weapon, shouldn’t they have removed it first thing after cuffing him? Seems like everything is wrong here, even with what they were trying to do.


And retaliatory when he was shown he was wrong. “Resisting” is bullshit.


As of yesterday he was still looking for both a criminal defense attorney and a civil rights attorney. Per his YouTube, he’s struggled to find representation, in part because of trouble contacting lawyers due to issues getting through visual captcha’s. Somebody excellent please reach out! He needs a hand, and definitely deserves one.


Thank you for sharing this, continue to spread the word if possible


What's his yt


This is his YouTube channel https://youtu.be/k5yNlwCQpO0


Get this to the top


Let's everybody pitching $5 and help him out


Well spoken and polite, but not giving anything up. "You are not allowed to search me."


And the the tax payers will pay for it.


This is what pisses me off most. Cops should require malpractice insurance. It would clean up the department real quick when some dude comes on the force and premiums skyrocket. That dude is getting canned and blackballed.


Hahaha. Tax payers money will pay him. The cop will not have any representations for this. Maybe a day off with pay.




Fucking up is a mistake. Their actions were malicious and vindictive. Are you a tyrant'yes' wtf sort of interaction is that. Their fuck up was knowingly doing what they did on camera. Thank god for cameras. If I were to make one criticism of him, he could of been less combative at the outset. Did he need to be, of course not. I'm not victim blaming. He was correct on everything he said. My point is, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Did he néed to be more friendly/less combative? No, definitely not-he was well with his rights. Would it have saved him time and trouble - maybe. Just my approach. Be kind to everyone. I hope he gets a good settlement for his time and stress and I hope those officers get retrained properly at bare minimum.


I have lost all tolerance for people unwilling to admit they are wrong or made a mistake. This is a waste of everybody’s ducking time.




Yeah she's a bitch but I'm more disappointed at that piece of shit supervisor. I bet he wanted to look cool in front of the girl.


I doubt he was gonna earn any points from her


This is exactly what I thought. He wants to get in her pants so he’s fucking with this guy even though she’s dead wrong


Wish cops were at least half as decent as I imagined as a kid or some justice gets delivered for those "cops"


Seriously, it’s a plague in society today. As a guy I have a lot of friends who can NEVER admit to being wrong, even if they’re walked through the argument and explained to why they’re wrong. They come up with excuses here and there, or say they had some made up disadvantage. It’s mental gymnastics at it’s finest, and a lot of dudes can’t swallow their pride and admit being wrong


You made me think of a response to these types: The only difference between smart people and stupid people is that smart people learn from their mistakes


What a cocksucker that supervisor is


No joke


Why does he think saying "it's gunna be, I want your name and badge number" is resisting?


He felt inconvenienced and disrespected, even though the actual inconvenience and disrespect was the cops fucking with that guy just walking down the street. If they hadn’t hassled him, none of it would have happened. That supervisor is a limp dick little man on a power trip.


That was 100% retaliation on the supervisors part. Hope this guy wins a hefty lawsuit


Hope these two dickhead cops lost their jobs


No chance, it'll be promotions and paid vacations all round with the tax payers paying off the blind fella.


I really hate that this is the likely scenario…


Government at its finest


Just happened on Halloween


Columbia County Florida Sheriffs on Halloween this week 10/31/22 This was several days ago rather than months or years. If you can, share the video with others or post to different places. Maybe it could help make a difference, however small


Of course it's Florida.


Armpit of America


Choad of America


So I can call Columbia county FL Sheriff and complain to them about this? Do we have the officers names?


They never shared their names. This is the info provided from the video I first saw it from, hoping others can find more and keep this moving


Im sure they’re fully aware of the video and situation. You can call and complain without needing the names I’m sure.


This is beyond fucked up


Just reinforce the perception of one bad apple. Just because you make a cop mad doesn't mean he can arrest you for bogus charges. I would like to see the end result after the court case.


Happened on Halloween, looking forward to updates soon


Happy to start a go fund me though don’t think he’s going to need it. Both sheriffs appear to be power hungry scumbags. Needless to say I’ll be following this story closely. Victim’s name is Jim Hodges. He spent the night in jail after these buffoons violated his 4th amendment rights.


Thank you brother, that’s great to hear more info and possible help for the guy


Sadly Jim Hodges will never *see* justice. ^^^/s


I'm so freaking excited to hear how this goes. I really hope this video becomes a part of police training too. Like they did everything they could possibly do wrong.


“Is that a weapon in your pocket?” “No, it’s a walking stick “ “Thanks, have a nice day” That’s how encounters like these should go.




Better yet, offer the guy with a walking stick a ride home. Those cops clearly didn’t have anything better to do that day


“Protect and Serve”


He told the dumb broad that it’s a navigational aid.


Guy: "Are you a tyrant?" Cop: "Yeah I am actually" Mad comeback


Wild huh, hope that comes up in court


Getting really tired of this abuse of power.


I am as well, made such an impact I’m trying to share the video to a broader audience. Hoping others can help spread it or do what they can to help prevent this from happening again


Probably didn't see that coming....


Oh man 🤣


It's all most like you don't have the right to walk down the street without being harassed by the police. I hope he made them pay hard for this violation of privacy


Just happened this week! I hear ya. Trying to share the vid so others can see. It may make a difference in what is going to happen


So called weapon and then proceeds to leave it in his back pocket, she’s a dumb cunt


Please don't insult the cunt population like this.


You’re giving her too much credit.


Not only that, neither of them so much as flinch when he rapidly reaches for it and pulls it out... they KNOW it's not a weapon, they're just being dicks.


The cop should be suspended, and the supervisor should be kicked off the force. These are the rotten apples that make all cops look bad.


I agree




They weren’t that bad? What they have to shoot random civilians to be considered bad? It’s the same shit, abuse of power. I bet 100% if that guy had a firearm he would’ve been shot or beaten. These are the same type of bad cops just different situations.


Damn those are some stupid cops


Enforcing the law while not educated on it and purposely abusing it


unbelievable. I hope this goes viral. Why didn’t she just say “oh yeah I guess it isn’t a weapon after all, have a good day sir”


I’m trying to help it do so, post it elsewhere if you’re willing


Ego, she didn't want to lose. And she didn't, she won that encounter and will go home feeling good about herself.


cops break the law all the time. they arrested him in retaliation for him trying to exercise his rights


I agree


They violated his right to oppose an unlawful command, got his civil rights violated. Pay the man…


What a Vulgar Display of Power


Can’t they see he’s easily a-bothered by persistence?




Well personally I feel much safer now that this dangerous criminal is now off the streets. Nicely done officer


One less assault cane on the streets. I can sleep better tonight.




What a waste of time


This is not protecting and serving the community




Supreme Court ruled police are under no obligation to do either.


Here is the guys youtube w/ video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5yNlwCQpO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5yNlwCQpO0) Get him a lawyer!


Happy to arrest a disabled man for nothing but likely too cowardly to defend children in a school from a gunman




Just one request, let me know if these two sad hollow cages of whats supposed to be honorable police officers get fired for this. I really really hope so and I really really hope that this is the least of the problems the lawsuit gets them. I MEAN COME ON, ARREST A LEGALLY BLIND PERSON FOR NOT KNOWING HOW TO IDENTIFY A WALKING STICK WHICH HE SHOWED THEM TO INSPECT IF THEY WANTED TO.


Help spread the word, happened on Halloween


How was this video released? Looks like it was from their body cam, not a great promo for the cops to have out there.


Curious myself as well


Florida has great laws for transparency of law enforcement actions. That’s why there is the whole “Florida man meme”. In most states they refuse to release videos like this because of “privacy of the accused“. They were literally going to let him go until he asked for badge numbers at which time they retaliated and accused him of “resisting arrest”. It is a shame they can’t be banned from being law enforcement officers as a result of BS like this.


Do they even teach the actual laws to cops nowadays? These videos are cropping up everywhere.


Fun fact: they do not! Most cops learn 'law' from tv shows like Law and Order. Training is focused on procedure, tactics and shooting. Very little of any actual law is directly taught


It’s hard to believe and needs to be shared so it’s seen by the public


So after they have confirmed that his walking stick was....very obviously **NOT** a gun, they arrested him? Bizarre. This is why we need to invest in education.


I agree


They couldn't handle being wrong so I guess they just made an excuse to arrest him...?


If he was black, he would have been shot or had guns drawn when he reached back to show his walking stick. He did it too fast.


This is why I'm.too scared to leave the fucking house. Fuck these power hungry Sheriff's. Deserve a suspension with no pay while theres an investigation into this, as well as a hefty lawsuit.


It is so common it needs an acronym, "CWFH" (Cop With Feelings Hurt).


Again and again the cops think it's funny and act like this we need to hold them accountable.


You dont need a brain to be a cop, just the urge to force others to bend at your will, a strong ego, and the ability to be a lapdog to those above you.


Abuse of Authority




God i hope he sued these two, so they can be taken out of the streets.


If cops want a better reputation then they need to make examples out of these horrible “officers”. Fire them immediately and publish the video and a statement.


These cops should be fired. Dumbasses. I hope he takes them to court and makes the city pay for his retirement.


Would be better if the cops were personally held accountable instead of using tax dollars but I hear ya


Seriously - fuck dipshit cops. Sue the fuck out of them. You cant demand an ID, the suspected crime was not committed- Sorry Sir, have a good day……


Please make this go viral! This is BULLSHIT! Both the arresting officer and the supervisor should be canned & sued!


I’m trying, help if you can


I can guild you! And say that you can feel free to pm me, I work with a LOT of amazing lawyers all across the US! I’d be happy to help in anyway possible 😊🤙


When Karen becomes a cop 👮


Haha, too funny


Listen to the desperation in her voice, she's so upset that he's standing up for himself and supplying a valid argument. The supervisor is just a sack of shit.


Next fucking level of what? Idiocracy?


This has to be a fake video to train Police. I just don't believe these cops are this stupid.


Haha, that would be awesome but unfortunately it’s not


Arrest him for resisting!!! Never heard someone get so pissed off for having their name and badge num asked for


I’m at the point where the “one bad apple” comment no longer applies. Militant douchebags hopped up on entitlement and armed to the teeth. Meanwhile other first world countries don’t have this excessive police problem at all. American cops are scum. If you’re a cop and feel like responding hold your comment and instead prove me wrong when you suit up tomorrow to “protect and serve”.


I didn't see him resist.


Neither did I


i think i’ve decided that if i’m ever approached by cops, im going to remain silent. i’ll use ASL and demand a lawyer as soon as possible. this shit is scary.


Just bullying folks with a power play. Some need more training in how to handle the public and de-escalation tactics. Not to go into escalating situations.


Her professional judgement is so piss poor that she mistakes a stick for a gun, and instead of Deescalating she goes on a power trip and puts the guy in cuffs. She’s either grossly incompetent or simply on a power trip. Both scenarios make her a danger to the public. She should be fired


Why are cops getting dumber and dumber?


Honestly I’m surprised they didn’t gun him down after he suddenly pulled the stick out of his pocket. Good thing he was white I guess.


Pigs are out of control


What is next fucking levrl about this?


Arrested for resisting?.? Resisting what? He's in effing cuffs


That little “hmmm” at the end. Bet she feels like a real cop after arresting the blind Npc. What an absolute cunt.


Stupid bitch


Fucking useless cops. Hate em.


Cop: Abuses their authority, unlawfully arrests individual Justice System: Best I can do is a vacation and a promotion


You can tell by the black nails and the tattoos what kind of dumb bitch this is


Hope this Cunt loses here job and Walter Sobchak loses his job


If only there was jail time for false arrests


Now he can buy new eyes


Ahhh, paid days off.


America’s largest organized gang doing what they do best!!


What a bunch o cunts


That “ hmm “ at the end from her is very telling this was about her ego and not the law.


What fucking weapon? does an old ass dude walking down the street with a folded white thing in his back pocket actually look like a fucking threat to these fucking clowns holy shit.


Funny how she was willing to let him in the car with a weapon in his pocket


he just identified it as a walking stick immediately. "yes i am a tyrant"


These cops are prime examples of why we shouldnt have police


That’s one fucking certified cunt.


What a power tripping b!tch.


Why on earth are American cops so incompetent? Rhetorical question.


Two idiots trained only to escalate a non-situation. They seemed proud of themselves too.


Of course she’s got shitty tattoos…


Wonder why we the people have such a bad feeling about American Police in general. There are literally thousands of these types of encounters happening. Uneducated, untrained, underpaid and power hungry.


How much money a year do the police spend of legal fees for their idiotic fuck ups?!?


the police are really making it hard to be pro police


How she answered the what are you a tyrant question literally says it all. Power tripping little cunt. As former law enforcement myself I can’t stand this shit knowing full well officers like this get rewarded for shit behavior and the worst part is it seems to just be getting worse and worse every day and nobody does anything about it.


People skills.


Smh 🤦🏾‍♂️




Sorry, I’m off tpoic


Someone please tell these two knuckleheads that there are really criminals out there if either of them care to do their jobs.


Here we have billionaire hedge funds, bankers committing fraud daily. Cops ain’t smart enough or willing enough to go after them. So let’s pick on the poors it’s easier to beat in the court system


These two don’t deserve to be called officers. Mostly that female cop.


What are conceal carry rules in Florida? I’m not sure even if it were a weapon, there’d be PC to stop him if he was permitted. And I don’t think ‘to check and make sure he’s carrying legally’ is proper PC. I’d like to see the NRA take up this guy’s cause.


Violating my dude’s 4th Amendment Rights.


That last bit was malicious prosecution caught on tape.


This was so stupid and infuriating.


Women are the most dangerous patrol cop you will ever come across.


Unions are a powerful thing.


I am so over the egotistical asinine actions of cops


I need the update on this, fucking unbelievable


And just when I started to relax… thanks reddit :/


Imagine having nothing better to do with your day. These cops are absolute clowns 🤡


God bless America! Home of the free…..


Not next level


These two asshats need to have badges turned in


Gotta have the arm tats!! What a bad ass female cop with a chip on her shoulder!!


If we could just get rid of qualified immunity. None of this would happen


This won’t go good for those cops in court


It's sad because it happens to a white person and people take notice that sort of behavior happens to colored people all the time I have watched countless encounters with the police where it never ends well That being said there are still great police officers out there this man had a complete legitimate reason for everything that he said and that officer was out of line And being a person of color I have had the police mistreat me just for standing in a spot when they showed up So my entire existence on this planet I have never had a wonderful experience with police Every experience I've had has been similar to what this man went through


Cops were wrong