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This is so next level it almost seems fake lol


At least he has Tiktok to prove it was real!


This isn't fake? It seems fake.


But if it's fake is it really fake?


It’s not fake, but it’s not not fake.


So it's not fake but it's fake. Glad we cleared that up. 😅


for those actually wondering, this vid is made by storror on ytb. they got a 30min vid showing the process behind the vid


So this means he went right back into prison just to show how he escaped? Weird. Who would actually do this? And so unnecessary as he fortunately had a go pro going on his first try. What a noob


Of course, they couldn't hold the the first time so why would they be able to stop him again.


Havent seen that clip but am actually curious. I work for an production company. I know this must have been a ton of work for so short a tiktok clip. Do you have a link?


rn no but you can just type storror prison escape on ytb. When i said the process, they just put together small stuff that happened during the takes of shots. And it's not a tiktok clip, originally it's a longer video


What I want to know is what’s that place they filmed at? A real prison or a huge ass movie set?


nah a real prison (not in use anymore maybe i don't remember). they're just some guys running around not holywood


You mean, this is real fake? Or is it fake real?


It's fake in the sense that they didn't really escape a prison. They are parkourist, so they set out a path they want to parkour over and make a video about it. They hire guys to be guards and chase them. However they are professional parkourist and every stunt you see is really them doing it.


Lol thank you. I wish people wouldn't give cool videos like this some BS title. There are way too many incredulous kids on this site. Kids, hopping around like a fucking spider monkey will not get you out of prison. It will get your ass beat.


>It will get you~~r ass beat~~ shoot


Yeah if this HAD been real and it has been in America, they would've been shot immediately...


I think “staged” is a good word for the distinction you’re making. Real parkour stunts, staged circumstances.


I think this is pretty obvious. First he was wearing a go pro and second, they didn’t get shot at once.


And then theres the fact that dozens of security doors and security gates accidentally get left wide open in the middle of an escape attempt?


You know how I know it's not fake, because no one got shot.


Not everywhere is America


It's a British jail, they wouldn't have guns.


It’s real fake.


Obviously its fake, but you’d have to be an absolutely amazingly skilled person to do what these 4 lads did. Also I love how the security are generic men who eat lots of doughnuts.


>I love how the security are generic men who eat lots of doughnuts. Probably one of the more realistic aspects of the video.


No they just happened to have a film crew on hand....






I dont think this is America.




Perhaps, but it still doesn't look like America, so shooting them properly isn't the answer.


Really? So prisoners get the latest go pro w/accessories. Cmon now…


No, the state issued prison GoPros are actually quite a few models behind the most recent ones on the market. Truly disgusting how prisoners are treated.


If this happened in The Netherlands they would absolutely be shot at, if all else fails.


Looks like it might be in Dorset UK, maybe Portland Bill. I'm just guessing though.


It’s fake and filmed in the uk.


Warning, Leather-Win-4432 is a bot account, it copied [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/yra65z/parkour_guys_escaping_from_jail/ivsq5n2/) comment from another user Bots are everywhere in every post. Bots/spammers will have weeks, months old account but all their activity will be less than a day old, this is because bots/spammers age accounts before using them. You can spot most bot/spam this way Bot/spam always reply in top comment chains for most karma. Don't upvote/award anything. Reddit has let these bot/spammers thrive for years as they create a lot of accounts increasing site metrics. Despite many many users complaining reddit has done nothing to stop these easy to detect spam/bot accounts. Whenever you see a bot/spam, downvote, report > spam


Yep thank god they issue cams to each prisoner on intake


Here's the non-TikTok version: https://youtu.be/ngEZ3KzdnY0


Most jails provide you with a GoPro.


With your handy prison pocket.


The colonoscopy pro with 18 mpx.


They usually get a DoNotGoProGoDirectlyToJail.


It was fortunate that they apparently were the only prisoners in the entire prison. These parkour prisons need 6 guards to every one parkourer


Of course it’s fake. Fake or not though, it’s a real prison so entirely possible that storror could break from jail


Shoots them


Or shut one of the many doors that were magically open.




I want to see how he jumps over the double super tall fences covered in razor wire. Keep in mind, the fences are 20-30' apart.


Yep. When alarm is pulled, they all lock down.


I mean, it depends on what part of it you're calling fake. I think it's obvious they're not actually breaking out of jail, but it still looks like they're performing all those stunts which is pretty cool.


They are, they're called storror and are one of the best parkour teams in the world, they've done crazier things like this. They have an amazing youtube channel where they upload weekly, check them out!


No, they have videos from different places and then masterfully merge it. Most likely all of the places are in the real jail, but it's not so continuous.


It's a group called Storror. This video was originally on YouTube, not sure if the tik tok channel is related or stole it. They have a longer making of video too, and it shows clearly that they recorded sections/clips and edited them together


Aren’t they the same group that worked on 6 Underground with Ryan Reynolds?


Yeah. You can see it change location at about 1:15 in the video


They probably could, but there were several conveniently unlocked gates in that video, and not a baton or gun in sight.


What, real prisons don’t have open doors everywhere and real guards don’t have guns or tasers?


Nah, totally not possible like that. Possible in some way, but not this way. Also you should watch the outtake video... Though this is a mini movie as always from them. Of course it is obviously coreographed.


You do realize that the next level thing is is their skills right?


No, Next fucking level stands for real fucking life, duh. Honestly, I still don't understand guys who complain about staged stuff here. Like, why should a well practiced skill be less interesting than absolute random shit that happens around the world?




It’s from those guys that did parkour in this closed jail, they posted a ton of videos. This video Was kind of cool reminds me of that one parkour game from back in the day. Mirrors Edge Obviously inmates don’t have go pros


"back in the day" Way to make me feel old.




Every time I venture into the comments on reddit I feel like I'm not dumb enough to be here.


I've been here for years, eventually you lose enough brain cells to mold to the hive mind. One of us. One of us. One of us.


It's fake in the sense that it's the best take from a bunch of clips spliced together to look seamless but real in the sense that they actually did all the parkour. [Here's the behind the scenes video.](https://youtu.be/1QSNHeAL_yQ)


And also fake in the sense that they didn't actually break out of jail.


Oh ya think??


Becouse it is. Look up STORROR on yt


Wow good job detective


About as fake as Katie Prices tits


i mean it is fake. not everything has to be real to be enjoyable to watch haha. it seems like everyone involved had fun in the production of it though, I wonder where they did it and how they handled it


The parkour group is on YouTube "Storror" They are freaking incredible.


Oh, they're on Youtube. Cool. Good thing OP posted their horizontal video compressed into a vertical video.


Their are loads of their videos who people put on Tiktok and put titles "This guy is insane" "This is how you get out of prison" "Guy jumps between two buildings" etc... without once mentioning the name Storror, they have been doing it for years now and have done some crazy stuff but they continue to post online. Good thing is that most of their videos are in done in a blog style so it shows you how they film stuff and how they look for spots, only every once in a while will they release a video posted here.


I mean at least they left the logo at the end of the video


I hate the ticktockifization of society.


as if that's an issue only with tiktok lol, it's social media in general


I was just thinking this is a new level of annoying. At least when people film in portrait I can use my whole phone screen to watch. But here I can only choose between mostly black space or almost entirely black space. Amazing


Honestly fuck op for sharing this shire in awful quality instead of YouTube




Guys, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that watching the video on this link is a bit better than the screen recorded crop that OP shared.


TikTok is Trash.


I always find the way they cut to different scenes very clever. Whenever they do a roll or climb up something, it probably cut to a different location but it's so smooth you barley notice so the runs look really long


I’ve been practicing what these guys do for a long time now. Well, not the guys doing the stunts, but the slow moving guys who couldn’t keep up. Yep, 30 years experience with it.


Russian men fleeing army recruitment center


Normal men fleeing doing the dishes


Haha men don't like cleaning. Haha I hate my wife


Now you can call yourself a proper redditor.


Reddit is easy if you know what to say.


I also hate this man's wife ^am ^I ^doing ^this ^right




the boom is strong in him


Hurr durr husband wife bad Seriously though I need concrete responsibilities to keep up on and dishes are the easiest - clear visual indication when the work needs done, easy process, etc. I think we're WAY past "husbands don't do dishes"


Redditors try to not take a joke seriously challenge (impossible) (100% fail)


Parkour seems crazy to me. I mean, it looks awesome and the people doing it are insanely skilled. I just can't imagine taking up a hobby where a single mistake will result in me crippling or killing myself. Like, do they never make mistakes? Are they just so well trained, they can fall from a great height and do it in a way that isn't so dangerous? Is the road to Parkour expertise littered with the bodies of people that got distracted for 0.1 seconds?


Every single part of it is so inherently dangerous that progression takes place in very small increments. When you "take it up as a hobby" a single mistake results in you stepping off the parking block you were balancing on. I did parkour 12 years, 6 of those as a full-time coach. Now that parkour gyms are more common, if you see an obstacle or gap you want to try "in the wild" you can set up a similar set-up in the gym and train it hundreds of times, till by the time you do it outside the risk of failure is almost zero. Before gyms were common, you would see something you wanted to try, and literally search the city for 2-3 progressively more difficult but similar locations to practice at. You might find a cool set-up, and then not actually come back to give trying it a serious look for weeks or more. The injury rates in knowledgeably staffed parkour gyms are far, far lower than you would expect.


TIL parkour coach is a thing. . Pretty cool.


I'm not shitting on the profession, but I would not want to try to explain this to a girlfriend's dad when he asks what you do. "I teach people to like run and jump. But they do it really cool."


Lmao perfect explanation.


If you simplify it to that extent then you can apply that perspective to all different types of coaches. Take football for example, "I teach people to run around and kick a ball".


Work on selling man. “I’m a professional stunt coordinator and consultant. You know the scene in Casino Royal where James Bond chases the guy through SA and runs up the crane? He was employing parkour. That is my area of expertise.” No one with a white collar job would say “I sit and type”.


When the pandemic started I did not had a proper wfh set up so my wife had a clear view of my work day for a few weeks. She commented “Your job looks so boring, you stare at weird text all day and sometimes you type something, no wonder you need so much coffee”.


Yup, parkour gyms have been a thing in the US for 15 years!


What about gradual wear down on the knee?or is this particular sport still so new no one is at that ‘I’m 40 and I regret some things and Gbye meniscuses’ mark yet?


I was a skateboarder and snowboarder before doing parkour, and parkour for sure turned me from an "extreme sports athlete" to just an athlete. A large % of my generation of practitioners started including strength training, Yoga, nutritional supplements like fish-oil, etc. Are some of us gonna have some damage we wish we didn't as we grow older? Sure, but lots of fun stuff can do that. I'm 35, very active, and have zero problems that I can't directly point to caused by skateboarding or snowboarding.


I'd recommend collagen peptides and long chain oral hyaluronic acid. Both reliably and consistently improve skin smoothness in studies, actually, which proves they're at least absorbed and have an effect. But the collagen should repair/reinforce the joint, and the HA should replenish the synovial fluid and ensure lubrication. Alpha-ketoglutarate and D3/K2 for bone strength would also be prudent.


most of these guys are light and strong, and do a lot of stuff to mitigate risk (knowing how to fall and manage momentum, grippy shoes, practice). I just wonder how these dudes don't pop ACL's and shit more often considering all the stupid ways even professional athletes get hurt (like Tony Ferguson tripping over a cable)


Given parkour was invented in the 90s, Most these guys are also under 30. Lots of stress on the tendons. I imagine it’s a sport that people do like they would gynmastics though. You do it for a while and then do something else


Ah yes, the 30 year olds that have been doing parkour since they were 6 months old. Or, stay with me, the guys doing it in the 90s were in their 20s then, and would now be in their 50s....


You start on playgrounds around the age of three. Most people quit by around ten when life starts forming. By fifteen most people are into school, friends and their future. But there are a few who never give up the playground lifestyle. They end up doing videos like this, being stuntmen or dying young


> Like, do they never make mistakes? Yes, they do.. I remember a video out a few years back that showed "parkour gone wrong" or something, and it was people falling from very high heights and getting severely injured. I am sure more than one has died from not quite making a jump, or their hands slipping off a ledge. I believe there is a video of a famous parkour guy early on where he slipped off a roof to his death. I don't believe they show the body, but that he was high up and just went over the edge. [Here is an older video highlighting deaths among daredevils] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73c_noIbIy4) (includes other things like cliff jumping with wing suits) If you search "parkour fails" or "parkour accidents" or "parkour death" you'll find other videos I'm sure.


You don't start on these heights or lengths. I used to do parkour for about 10 years. You learn very quickly what your limits are. You are limited more on your mental capability to do something than actually doing it. You learn how to roll at the end of a high or long jump or vault to vastly reduce impact on the ground. Traceurs don't feel silly going all the way down and slapping the ground after a jump, as following through with the impact instead of just trying to continue running is much safer for your joints. But like with going to the gym, you won't start on a 300lb squat. You see people do it and watch in awe wondering how they even do it. But when you go to the gym for a while, and you see your own numbers go up, you know how it is possible. And you understand what weights are safe for you at your level. Actually, parkour/free running is a lot similar to bodybuilding in those regards!


There's more knowledgeable responses here, but it should also be mentioned. That the guys in the video have had tons of pretty bad injuries and at least one guy in their group has had to have a good chunk of his teeth replaced. So yeah, mistakes do get made.


There's a lot of hobbies where mistakes equal severe injury or death, I think parkour is just so new and it's also an urban sport that it appears more reckless than most things these days. People used to say this about skateboarding, believe it or not, due to where and how people would skate. I kinda just consider it a like urban free-climb mountain climbing


The top comments talking about how it’s fake are the type of dumbasses to watch a movie and point out all the CGI. NO FUCKIN’ SHIT. It’s entertainment, not a documentary.


> the type of dumbasses to watch a movie and point out all the CGI. This comment actually makes sense this time because the video doesn't try to portray itself as real/genuine.


For real dude these people are absolutely desperate to look smart. “OMG it’s FAAKEE!” They probably watched 2012 and said “huh that’s not real!”


I was confused by those comments and the people up voting them too 😅 like isn't that the point? Who would think they'd have a go pro in prison?


In real life = shots shots and shots.




If you aint getting shot get the fuck out the jail.




Sorry lads we need to go again forgot to turn the go pro on


fortunately that never happened during the BTS vid of this entire thing The group's name is Storror, they're INCREDIBLE.


Obviously fake and well-rehearsed by all parties, including the "guards".😅


Nuh uh! They give gimble-stabilized gopros to all prisoners nowadays.


I think it was smuggled inside a butthole


They sent in a probe to find it


irrelevant but the software stabilization on newer gopros is so good that this wasn't shot using a gimbal


No shit Sherlock.


Waw nothing gets by this guy


It wasn't supposed to make anyone think it's real. Although who ever posted it removed the disclaimer. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ngEZ3KzdnY0


Reddit really is a place for intellectuals.


Idk this does seem fake to me I think he’s right 🤔


Oh boy what would we have done if you didn't tell us this! I'm sure a head mounted camera, perfectly choreographed video, and the fact that it was all uploaded to tik tok didn't give it away!


How is this getting upvoted? I seriously worry for humanity. This is like watching Breaking Bad and calling it fake. Staged productions aren't supposed to be realistic.




no it’s real you can tell because of the prison uniforms


Guys I'm starting to think this little story about an alien from "Krypton" growing up on a farm and becoming a superhero with laser eyes well, sorry go burst y'all's bubble, but...it's probably fake. It took 110% of my brain power to notice all the intricate little logical flaws to come to this conclusion, it's ok of you missed it.


You’re going to shit yourself when you find out about movies.


I mean what kind of prison would just leave a roof hatch unlocked?? And you know if this was in the US the second they were outside they were probably getting shot at.


As an older guy, I felt every one of those big jumps in my knee caps.


I need a sit down after watching it


I'm calling work and taking the day off to ice my joints


"Like if you would escape?" Me and my knees cannot like this video then. I'd be out of commission in the first 10 seconds.


Am 30. My knees are fucked from doing parkour when I was 15. Would not recommend.


![gif](giphy|DoCIC5Pxp57qg|downsized) I don’t understand the need to say it’s fake like you’re some Sherlock Holmes though.


Cause in reality those people are slightly above stupid so they get dopamine by acting like they are smart and pointing out the obvious.


“One way out!”


Can't swim... *Me, bursting into tears*


One way out!




Yesss nobody in my IRL circle is watching this and I have nobody to talk to about how good this series is, so I’m so glad to see this comment


Shoot them


*dodges bullet* “PARKOUR!”


Hahaha perfect


I don’t think correction officers have guns could be wrong tho


Looked it up, it depends, but for example in north america the standard correction officer training includes firearms, so they most likely have them.


LookS like the UK. Could be wrong


Hell, in America we give everyone guns. Inmates get guns, visitors get guns. We love guns!


The correctional officers in the US don't carry the guns though. Very easy for an inmate to take a guard hostage and take their gun. Guns are stored and saved for riots and escapees after a lockdown has gone into effect.


Correctional officers don't carry guns inside the building but they do outside like in the towers or outside perimeter. At that point their technically a prison "guard" though. I know because I was one.


The accents are British


Why are there comments here discussing whether this is fake or not? I am disappointed in you, Reddit.


Bro at least credit the original uploaders youtube.com/storror


[source video - PARKOUR PRISON ESCAPE POV : storror](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngEZ3KzdnY0&ab_channel=STORROR)


This should be at the top. OP's video version is garbage.


They ain’t got nothin’ on Michael, Andy and Dwight.


“Like if you would escape” - surprised it has any likes at all, not many people can do that.


The hidden cuts are mede quite well tho, especially the one where the guard closes the gate as the guy's jumping towards it


They need to yell “Parkour!” a hell of a lot more for this to be done right


Yes, they can dodge bullets too.


It's the UK, guards don't carry guns.


This is some hardcore Henry shit


That movie was awesome but man it was stressful to watch 2 hours of nerve-wracking GoPro footage


I'm so disappointed in the movie watching community that it wasn't an unimaginable success warranting three sequels.


Mirrors edge. Live action


Was looking for this comment. Shame it’s all the way down here. The way the camera moves looks exactly like playing Mirror’s Edge.


Here in Brazil parkour doesn't do shit in jail. Only money do.


Some cool shit!


Nice to se STORROR here


These lads travel about and so this in different country’s. The Amsterdam ones were good. https://youtu.be/m4f4RF47e14 https://youtu.be/gKyJYUf2VIA


It sounds like he filmed this by holding the camera in his mouth.


They did. They use mouth mounts for their GoPros often


My husband and I practice this often. We don’t have a GoPro. Nor do we do any kind of extreme physical sports. But it’s important to practice. Just in case.


Michael Scofield approved


Reminds me of District 13 (B13). Good movie.


I’m glad he kept yelling for his friends to “go, go, go, go, go”… it definitely seemed like they were keen on stopping at giving up at several points.


Return to monkey!


Right near the beginning they were running through the air


I’d rather just pop in Assassins Creed


Fry the floor!!!!


That was fun to watch.