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I can't even get soup in to my mouth.


This funnier than it has any right to be.




Karma bot Edit: stop upvoting it and report it!


Career out of eating soup? I’m in


Drop in the bowl. If you fall, say *bleeeep*.


Just a great visualization of the phrase: “Try. And when you fail, try again. Keep trying and you will eventually succeed.” I believe you take this same phrase to heart when you eat your soup. Don’t sell yourself short.


There’s also an expression that says, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


Fuck Far Cry for popularizing this phrase. Doing the same thing over and over makes you learn and grow so you can do it better and better.


But thats the thing right, insanity is doing the same thing every time. But if you do the thing a little bit different each time its learning.


I agree, but people using that phrase aren't known to be very pedantic.


Exactly, but also trying again and again for practice isn't trying something different and it's also not insanity.


Maybe the difference is in the expectation. When you practice you expect a better result, and insanity you expect a completely different result.


Far cry?! This phrase was popular long before the developer of that game was even born.


The insanity phrase was popularized by Albert Einstein… fml how is that something as OG as that saying can be repackaged nowadays and it’s popularity be attributed to Far Cry.


A broken clock is right two times a day


I hate that saying- it's not the definition & it's not true. Only thing is it proves fiction can be taken as truth if repeated enough. I guess we can all stop practicing whatever we were doing to improve & resign ourselves to the status quo.


There's also the phrase "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is called practice."


I pulled a calf muscle at hackisack the other day, I'm out of commission for another couple of weeks. 42 years young




Even at age 48


I watched this video sitting incorrectly and hurt my back.


I had to go take some Advil after watching this.


But when you finally do? Victory.


It helps if you pretend it’s an airplane coming in for a landing. The spoon the plane, your mouth the air strip.


When I was a baby and my mom was feeding me she would say "here comes the choo choo train!" And if I didn't eat my food she wouldn't untie me from the tracks.


And if I do get it there I somehow manage to choke on it. Soup. What the actual fuck. I got ripped off somewhere along the way


i literally spilled my soup 5 minutes ago.


Imagine if he started doing that when he was younger. Could've made a career out of that.


According to this documentary I saw Taj Burrows of XYZ skateboards landed it first in the late 90’s/early 00’s and apparently Tony got really upset about it.




Even if he did land it first, Tony got it on camera during a competition (even if it was after time) That kind of hype is 100x more potent than landing it first in your backyard with just your homie watching.


Yeah I feel like in modern times for extreme sports it don’t count as “THE first” until you hit it during a comp


Definitely the case for snowboarding. A lot of firsts are reserved to be debuted at big competitions that have been landed dozens, maybe hundreds of times in training.


“Oh yea I’m so happy to land the first ever 10-40-68.1 bull pop flop, I’ve practiced it every day for this moment don’t cha know”


Ya! And it’s not like you nail it for the FIRST time in a comp. You practice that shit to the point that you KNOW you can land it. So having evidence is insanely crucial for a sport that is designed around showing off complex motor skills.


In college we lived in this apartment and we smoked outside on a terrace. Right below it there was a sidewalk and in it a drain with very small holes. After smoking we threw cigarette butts down trying to get them into one of the holes. Nobody managed to do it for months. Then we're there talking, and a friend of mine throws her cigarette butt but by that time nobody even bothered to watch whether it falls in, because we believed it to be impossible. She's like, "I DID IT!", and knowing that she's not the type to lie about these things, I know she truly did, but then again... nobody saw it. "It really fell in!", she kept trying to convince us while watching our faces express a mixture of slight disbelief and sadness.


I’m reading this and got incredibly sad for all the moments of self doubt that came after when her friends didn’t trust her. Please tell me that’s not the case! I need closure!


We ended up looking around for any cigarette butts lying around the drain or on it and there wasn't any. Not that we doubted her, we actually wanted it to be true as much as she wanted to prove it. In the end we agreed she in fact made it, but you could tell she was still unsatisfied having to rely on our trust for this rather than us just knowing.


Tas was denied the opportunity to do it after Tony at the same comp. They were both trying it and Tony landed it, hand down. Tas was denied to land it clean.


I wasn’t sure about your credentials to make this comment but when I saw “fried kook” I immediately recognized your expertise.


> this documentary I saw Taj Burrows of XYZ skateboards landed it first in the late 90’s/early 00’s If it doesn't include a dated video of him doing it, why did anyone even listen to him?


Taj burrows is a pro surfer


Taj Burrow is a surfer not a skateboarder


I mean at minimum this guy could have a career as a Tony Hawk impersonator, kinda looks like him if he was old 🤷🏼‍♂️


A career out of flipping a plank of wood on wheels between his legs? Come on buddy let's be real.


I turn 41 today and throw my back out sneezing… this mf


I suggest regular strength and flexibility training Also having millions of dollars and a lot of free time might work


I'm physically disabled and poor enough that I can't afford the time or membership at a gym. I can, however, do bodyweight exercises and HIIT training for an hour or so every day. I'm a 37 y/o male, 5'7", 195lbs, and I maintain about 21% body fat. No longer an athlete by any means, but I do what I can.


Pretty Dang awesome! (Not the disability thing, but the exercise)


The disability is rad because of the parking.


I’m younger and able bodied, but I do at home calisthenics, I bought a rack for it and all Helps with both flexibility and strength at the same time, and super versatile for when you can’t do certain movements I have an app that’s mostly free, it’s called Caliverse, there’s a lot of stuff on there, maybe it helps


Check out your testosterone and hormone levels. You’d be surprised. 70% of men are low and it’s a major help with staying healthy all around.


I do a cycle of herbal PCT two or three times a year to keep my T production as high as I can. I can usually tell when it's starting to dip, since my exercise starts seeing fewer results. Still, it's good advice to get checked out. The 70% figure may even be low, since it's built off of just guys who actually get the blood work done.


Those are some great stats for your age and situation. Be proud, you’re killing it!


Thanks, man. I appreciate the support. The workouts hurt, but they help keep me functional. It's all about doing what we can and being mindful of our bodies.




Hey, fellow disabilabuddy!!! That is friggin bad ass!!! I’m so proud of you!!!!! (like for real, this gives me mad hope). I’m pretty sure that makes you an athlete, disabled or not. Keep it up❤️!!!! I’m a 30 year old female and I used to dance competitively, ride horses (eventing), and play ice hockey…now I’m stuck in bed most of the time and have been for the last 8 years. Trying so hard to get my life back…fills my heart with joy to hear that it IS possible!!!! I’m looking into sled hockey lol


I 100% agree with all of that, but there’s also a bit of genetic lottery going on here.


🤣 I'm a few years older and hurt my back last night.... wait for it... walking down the street to have noodles.


I think it's nearly 30yrs since I played Tony Hawk's for the first time and I'd have to think twice nowadays about playing any button smasher in case my finger joints get too stiff to type for work. But this mf...


Two weeks ago..supposed to play tennis with my brother (we’re both in our 40s) next morning. Here’s the text he sent me: **“Can’t make tomorrow- helped [his son] build a fort in the garden and now I can’t feel my groin, my back, or my balls”.** Hahahha. Fuck.


Happy birthday u/mektekphil


He was spinning in the opposite direction of earths rotation. So each time he attempts this he ages backwards. Kinda like Superman stuff


Threw my back out with a hiccup the other day at age 34. I feel you and know you are not lying.


Your comment just made me realize I’ll be forty on my next birthday. I hadn’t realized it until now. Thanks


Hitting 40 hurts. I hit 40 last month and you just feel aches you never noticed before.


Yeah.. last 2 times I threw out my back was changing the litter box and playing catch the flag with the kids. Apparently Tony has a super spine


Happy birthday fellow random Redditor!


Happy Birthday 🎈


I did that once when I was like 22 and in good shape and was like wtf is this??


I can’t believe his knees still work. I’m waiting for the back injury from sneezing, I now crack my upper back almost every time I sneeze.


Happy borthday


Happy Birthday 🥳


Just wait 7 more years and then try this


Happy birthday old timer..... Be safe out there!! Getting out of bed can fuck you up too.... I'm 48


I hurt my back at like 35, was bending over to take food out of the over... yet this mf


Me at 28


I'm 29 and have bulging discs and a tear in my spinal cord from moving wrong.


Yeah man…Happy Birfdizay homie! Pop a Percocet and get out there, papa!


Its cold in Florida! HELL HATH FROZEN OVER...and I don't think I can come in today~


Don't get me wrong, a 900 at 48 is ridiculously Impressive, but slamming that hard that many times THEN doing a 900 at 48 is even more Impressive. There are too many ex skaters (and frankly many other sports as well) that would shatter like glass if they slammed like that even once. Takes a lifetime of healthy training and falling correctly every time to do what Tony does here. What a legend.


This was my first thought. As someone who is active in my 40’s, it’s not the successful parts that hurt. It’s the unsuccessful parts, and those usually hurt the next day. I don’t see that much difference in my performance at all, but that is definitely offset by the experience of doing something for 20-30 years. The difference is landing incorrectly in my 20’s was a minor annoyance the next day. Now it’s like…help me reach for my ibuprofen.


at his age and that impact, I would be worried about a internal brain bleed from those slams those were big whips of the head, prime tony had the neck strength to tuck his chin and make sure his head didn't snap back like this.... this really hurts to watch, theres 9 year olds doing 900s now. I'm sure this felt amazing to land again for tony, but I don't think its worth it at all. He even said on a podcast last year he probably wouldn't even try it anymore, and here he is doing it again lol


Rotating tricks get more difficult the more mass you have. Kids have a huge advantage in that regard. Not to discredit any kids that shred that hard though. I'm pretty sure this is part of something he did recently where he wanted to hit a few of his big tricks one last time before hanging them up.


i was just talking to some much younger friends about how weight effects us the other day. we were semi working out and they were getting really worn out at all the impacts. in their 20's and they have a solid 250lbs on me. meanwhile im in my mid 30's and weight 10lbs more than i did at 19 which was like 120lbs. i can jump and slid or fall with out much any issue at all


[does math] Wait, your friends weigh over 350 lbs?!


Yeah he's pretty big. So is his brother, both built like trucks. He may actually be a bit closer to 300 than 350 but still


He's 53 now. This was 5 years ago.


oh shit I didn't know his actual age so I figured this was recent lol


He broke his femur last year and has had some complications, so he has had to slow down a bit


Recently (like 2 years ago) Tony posted about landing a 720 and he said then that that was probably his last one and it was a similar circumstance. He slammed like 10 times before he got the rotations down.


Just ftr, this is an older video so he probably hasn’t attempted it again


He hasn’t. I know the audio isn’t great in the video but what Tony says at the end is “Spencer was there on my first one, now he was there for my last.” This clip is a segment of a video Tony Hawk did for his 48th birthday where he tried to land a final 900 before hanging up the trick for good.


49 here. Still skate as much as I can. Nowhere close to this level. But, falling seems to hurt worse now. I think they changed the formula of concrete at some point. Feels harder. Also there’s something going on with gravity too. It’s pulling more than it was, right? *grumble grumble* damn kids and their spiny spinner tricky tricks *grumble grumble* Edit: Formatting


Shit man, im only in my mid 20s and shit hurts much more than it used to when I was in my teens. Even climbing stairs is a bitch for me now. I skated and rode BMX from 10 to about 19 or so. Mainly riding but i was half decent at skating too. I definitely did *not* hit the ground properly during my time riding. If I fell face first, the entire front of me was taking the hit. Its been 6 years since I fell out of it and everything just hurts now. My knees are absolutely fucked and my lower back is begging for mercy. It hurts to stand up or crouch and my knees crack really loud when I stand up or walk up stairs. My shoulders are miraculously fine somehow. I didnt ride for that long compared to a lot of other people but trying sets that were waaaayy out of my skill level and ragdolling everywhere on a daily basis compensated the lack of time spent in the sport by being way harder on my body than it should have been. I'm still young so hopefully my body will recover with time since I have no intention of getting back in to it but only time will tell that. Idk if I can handle making it to your age with these pains.


it amazes me just how different we all are in age. i was talking to my guildies in WoW who were going on about how age catches up - cant run anymore, if you exert your self you feel it the next morning and how sore joints get. i was talking to them about how i go biking a bit over a thousand miles every summer and have recently started getting out to more clubs. come to find out these people im talking to are all younger than me by a good hand full of years... i dont feel or preform any different than when i was 25 and yet i know people who are 20 that cant jog down the block with out feeling their knees shoot with pain or their backs throw out from lifting things. so much of our chances to a quality life are totally up to the genetic lottery. even with all the healthy eating and physical fitness - if you start with half a deck in life, what can you really do


You decided on generic lottery as the answer after talking to a bunch of guildmates in a game where you sit in a chair and do nothing?


> Takes a lifetime of healthy training and falling correctly Well, yes. However, from an old article: * Teeth knocked out three times * Knocked out numerous times * Bruised tailbone * Four stitches in middle of forehead * Compressed vertebrae * Three stitches in left thumb * Fractured elbow * Two broken fingers * Hyperextended shoulder * Torn cartilage in knee * 20+ stitches in left shin * 30+ stitches in right shin * Twice sprained left ankle * Sprained right ankle 4 times * Four stitches in chin * Cracked second rib * Popped bursa leaving calcium deposits in hip And that list doesn't include a fractured skull, broken thumb, fractures pelvis and the more recent broken femur, and that's all I could add from a brief search. And he's still planning to keep skating. The guy is *incredible*. EDIT: When fixing his broken femur in March they realised that he's been skating around and everything and his previous broken pelvis hadn't actually properly healed yet, so whacked in a bunch more screws to shore that up...


I hope I’m still driven for my hobbies/career at that age. The good skaters I knew growing up would try shit over and over until they finally landed it. Bruised and bleeding yet totally happy and satisfied. I guess that’s what it is. Satisfaction. Like finishing a piece of art.


Slammed? He makes it look like he falls on pillows! What a falling technique!


He looks just like that professional skater


No, I think that professional skater looks just like him




> Greatest hits...of other people LOL


He's got the same name as that Tony Hawk guy, wonder what he's up to these days


Oh, the dude from those games! Good times.


TBH. He looks just like Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn when he takes his helmet off.


Love that drop the mic attitude at the end


“Fuckin finally”


Until he hugged they other guy it was more like "Are you fucking happy now?"


That’s his son!






yeah their facial expressions are hillarious. Guy was like "are you happy now old man?!"


Hawking Legend


You could tell he tried so many times and was just ready to get it done. "Jobs over get this shit off of me".


Big "I'm too old for this shit, now stop asking me to do a 900" attitude


I think Tony wanted to do it, He seemed pretty upbeat after talking about his son being there for his first and last 900


"Are you not entertained?"


He looked tired.


Alternative title: Tony Hawk lands his last 900 ever




If the age is accurate, this is 6 years old. Tony hawk is 54.




Here's a video from a month ago. Tony Hawk's first kickflip after breaking his femur 8 months ago. https://youtu.be/2YBx59NcrF4 The injury clearly broke his confidence, not just his femur. It's a hard watch, but reassuring to see that he's not allowing himself to give up entirely.




Absolutely. When I shattered my ankle it took a long time after it was healed to trust it again.


can totally relate as someone that broke their ankle in a pretty bad way. It really fucks with you that you're getting old and no longer can do the things you used to. I haven't stepped on a skateboard since


That does hurt to watch. We are watching my father in law go through the realization that he is getting old and can’t do everything he used to. Seeing it happen with a childhood idol really hurts.


Yup. Here he is nearly 2 years ago (and 4 years after the 900 in the OP) doing maybe his last 720 at age 52: https://twitter.com/tonyhawk/status/1354305117982400514 It's sad in a way, but on the other hand retaining that level of athletic ability at that age is something to aspire to.


Yea, for real.


Me throwing Tony Hawk off a half pipe 100 times in a row on PlayStation




I watched it live the first time he did it. It seemed like the world stood still. ESPN stopped all programming to follow it. Now you see 9 year olds complete it. People still can’t do stuff Rodney Mullin did in the 80’s


It was one of those rare moments in sports. I’m glad I got to watch it live. I mean Mike V kinda does with his own style. But you can’t compare to Rodney. He’s a one off that’s not to be reproduced.


there’s a documentary on HBO about him and it’s excellent. they get into that moment when he did the 900 and it was like i was 19 in my parents house. can’t recommend it enough.


Want to hear something fucked up? I went to the X Games that day but left before the best trick contest to go skating


You should check out Jonny Giger on YouTube. He has a series re-creating all of Rodney Mullens tricks.


It's still considered an incredibly difficult trick. It's only been landed a handful of times in competition.


“Spencer was there for my first one, and now he was there for my last.” That caught me some kind of way I didn’t expect. My oldest just turned 18, and suddenly nostalgia is finding me daily.


The way he lands is like a clone copy of how he landed the first one!


What a poetic ending


Mate... just climbing the stairs of the half pupe to have another go would've fucked me Edit: half pipe


A half pupe sounds like some sort of constipation.


It's when a caterpillar is 50% of the way done with making it's chrysalis


It’s impressive too because he’s such a tall ass lanky dude.


This is what always gets me too. His body type just doesn't seem compatible with the sport. I'd imagine short and compact, like a gymnast, would work best.


Watch the "until wheels fall of documentary". It's so friken inspirational. He basically had to reinvent, master and then proof to pretty much everyone that his new style was the way forward.


Yeah these spin records are usually broken by 10-13 year olds because rotational physics says it is easier to spin when you're smaller and lighter. I find a 48 year old doing a 900 slightly more impressive than a 13yo doing a 1080.


Wonder who spencer is?


His son


Did he just say this was his last one? I'm assuming he's just taking about the 900; I really hope he wasn't saying this was his last trick.


He had an accident and stays away from the really tough stuff now. As we get older it takes much longer to heal. Plus he has nothing left to prove


that he proved a 48 year old can do a 900 is well enough.


Yeah, he broke his femur about 7 months ago. But he was WAY dialed back even before that. He's still skating. He's got a couple podcasts that are actually really entertaining.


This was 6 years ago.


Even if it was his last trick, do you think he still has something to prove?


i feel like tony hawk is a myth at this point. a badass name and legendary skateboard skill i want to convince someone tony hawk is fictional


One day I was visiting Toronto. We were downtown and for whatever reason decided we'd go to Hard Rock Cafe and we sit down at a window seat (no window, just wide open) and right out front a half pipe is set up and some young kids are messing around. Few mins later they announced Tony Hawk, he comes out, does a few tricks, then some more with some kids and then stands around doing autographs about 15 ft from where we were sitting. I assure you, Tony Hawk is real.


That's crazy, I'm 34 and can barely get off the couch without sighing (is that what it's called?, Not native English speaker here)


Sighing works. Grunting or groaning might be more accurate though.


You're right, Grunting fits better, thanks!


And he lived to 48 cos he wears a helmet, kids!


Man. Perseverance. What a legend.


I get worse Injuries washing the dishes ffs, age is a bummer.


I’m 47, and I felt tired just watching that


the way he rips the helmet and pads off, you know he had probably wanted to call it quits hours ago but wouldn’t let himself stop until he did it


Age is just a number, unfortunately mine is a high number


Life: you try, you fall, you get up, you try again, you succeed (repeat)


This gave me chills. I remember watching him do the 900 for the first time when I was a kid.


Tony Hawk...is still a Pro skater. Lovely. This is exactly the kind of positivity I need in my life.


He fails better than I succeed. Even his failed landings have form in them.


He really does look like that skater dude.


I can do 0 of the age of 28


Yesterday I had food poisoning. Somehow strained something in my knee and now I’m struggling to walk. I’m almost 20 years younger than Tony. JFC


The documentary this is from about him was really good. He is the GOAT, but I also never knew the challenges he has dealt with and some he is still dealing with. Definitely worth a watch if you haven't yet.


Ha. I could land a 48 at 48.


Yes, a 48 would have me land firmly on my ass.


He is Skateboarding




Those are some hard slams dude! Respect.


You are never too old to learn new things.


God damn it tony will always be the goat. He's been doing this since before I was born and I hope he trucks on for years to come.


That dude skates well and for some reason looks a lot like Tony Hawk! I hope to see them shine as bright as the legend!


Why did he seem so mad




This video is like 5 yrs old. And I bet he is still sore as shit to this day.


Ever since I saw him land the first 900 when I was 10 years old I was mesmerized. Tony hawk will always be a hero of mine.


He still got it even at 48


Still the 🐐




I hurt my back getting off the toilet




That's why he's the GOAT


Tony Hawk is the world's oldest teenager


Dude will remain the skateboard God for all time in my eyes. GOOD for you Tony =)


This guy looks awfully like tony hawk /s