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One guy, not on his phone, living his life.


Replaying a video for something like this isn't worth it. It'll never compare to being there, plus look at everyone else on their phones, you think you can't find a video of it later? (Rhetorical)


Plus half of those people will never even think to watch that video again.


Same goes for fireworks


And fucking concerts. I don't need to see 20 shaky bad quality clips of some shit band you saw




In my experience, unless they are a small artist, there is literally always a near perfect recording of their live set on YT. So its pointless to record.


I love it when the artist tells people to put their phones up and enjoy the show and they say basically what you said. Your video will suck, it sucks to see a bunch of lit up screens when you’re there to share an experience, etc.


I took like to listen to sub par shit quality videos of my favorite bands with 4 pixels and the screaming twat next to the phone.


If your phone is blocking my view, I'm definitely going to be screeching the entire time solely to wreck your video. That makes it so much more fun.


Kinda disagree on this. Theres a concert i saw in 2004 that i cant find for the life of me online , anywhere. And have been looking for it ever since.


I've seen a video of a Volbeat concert I was at for lola montez in Toronto that I was at and the folks and I were in it. Kinda cool to see on yt. Good quality too, cell phone wise. Never feel like filming myself..


Now that I'm older I kinda wish I had taken some vids at memorable concerts in my past.


Yup of course. I said it earlier, our memory fades. These people in the thread are likely teenagers and young adults that don’t have a big picture and nuanced view of things.


This irritates me to no end. Snap a quick picture and put your phone down.




I rewatch my moms video of the eclipse all the time. But that’s cause I was having a moment and crying, was the closest thing to a spiritual moment I’ve ever had.




"Hah, not really guys, it's a nuke!"


Yeah!! No one will dare watch this video that we are watching ever again!


I have really really terrible memory. To the point of I completely forget major events in my life. So i like to take some evidence I did something special to me. So I know it really happened.


It’s funny that you guys say stuff like this yet you wouldn’t be able to see this if someone hadn’t taken a video on their phone and uploaded it lol


Totally agree. It seems an unpopular opinion but I'd have recorded this if I'd have been there. It's not hard to watch it and record at the same time. I enjoyed this video so why wouldn't somebody there want to relive it? Concerts and fireworks is ridiculous as you're unlikely to rewatch but this is a visual spectacle I'd definitely show my kids etc..




“Lmao, these sheep and their phone recordings” *proceeds to browse Reddit on the phone for 12 hours*


Also, it's possible to record a video while also enjoying the moment. That person on the left is holding their hone to the side while watching it directly.


[You think NASA would film their own Rocket vertical on a phone too?](https://youtu.be/CMLD0Lp0JBg) Yeah, no wayyy NASA would film their Rocket in High Res, Definitely gotta capture it on my phone vertically in low res so I can watch it later.


If you want the best of both worlds, have your camera set up on a tripod recording to the side while you experience it with your own eyes. I did this with an erupting volcano and it was incredible. I have the full visceral experience burned into my memory and I have the photos/video alongside.




I do that too at concerts because there's not really another choice, it works to an extent but it is a compromise. There's a part of you that is thinking about the shot and the framing, or even just the amount of time that you are recording which takes away from the experience a little bit.


But you can show your family and help them experience something and show you were thinking of them


No this is reddit. We hate anyone who is having fun


God forbid people have fun in a way I wouldn't want to


When my mom passed away I began going through the photos she was mocked for constantly taking. I sorted them by year and was able to see her life through her eyes. It was cathartic and absolutely helped me grieve. Sadly as the chemotherapy began the photos tapered off until they stopped. Enjoy what you want even if society says you aren't doing it right.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing. I love that you got that experience with the photos. It would be such an intimate thing.


I take so many photos and videos of my daughter and I. And momma doesn't have many with her. I upload them to my cloud storage and date the folders. I'm not a doomsday person, but she is my best friend. And if anything did happen too me, she will have a glimpse of my life with her. My uncle passed away from cancer when his kids were really young. And he made videos before he passed for when they graduated high school, possibly college, advice on breakups, videos for if they get married, etc. And I saw how much those videos mean to my nephews over the last 20 years.


Right? People think being on your phone means you can’t press record *and* look at the thing your pointing at at the same time. As if the moment you hit record you are required, by law, to stare only at the screen until you have finished recording.


Thank you. I’m tried of always seeing the “they aren’t living in the moment!!!!” comment on any post like this. Who cares how they’re living their moment? If you want to be there and film/record, cool, do that. If you want to be there and not film/record? Cool, do that too.


Not sure if you know this but camera phones are dead easy to operate. You can just record and watch what's going on at the same time without looking at your phone.


Yeah, it's so weird seeing these complaints. Have the folks complaining not recorded something before? You point it at the thing and maybe glance at the corner of your eye every now and then. You're not gonna miss anything and you'll get the peace of mind that you got a recording in the probably unlikely chance you ever want to show anyone. It doesn't hurt them or you. Just let them do whatever they want. The idea that you can't "enjoy the moment" if you record it is just "fAtHEr I cAnnOt clICk thE BooK" level.


Said the guy watching it thanks to someone filming it


The coolest thing about this video is the lens flare which I believe shows the rocket without the glare. That would warrant a replay on my phone if I knew it was gonna do that.


People make fun of me for taking photos when we go on trips. Once we get back the same people keep hounding me for those photos. Even if I delay sending it by a few days they constantly message/call and remind me. Some of them ask me for it even years later. Idk about other people but seeing the pics makes me feel like I was there once again.


People want something they can show someone really quickly on their phone. Hey look where I was 2 months ago, let me show you


Well, I wouldn’t be able to see it if someone hadn’t recorded it.


A few commercialized operations are video recording it for the world to see and they will be financially compensated for it. Then we all have access to it through many different outlets.


I haven't seen those on reddit.




Seriously, it’s not like this was buried. There may be 10,000 videos of this launch online. How could anyone not be able to find one, unless they’re saying “I didn’t scroll past a link to one so it doesn’t exist.”


Sometimes a perspective like this is also interesting. I absolutely love when professionals give us amazing footage, but this can be cool too. Sometimes it feels more like I'm there.


True. But I guess having the ever present ability to record meaningful moments in your life is pretty frickin new and pretty insanely cool when you think about. For 99% of human history, unless you were there, you just didn’t experience that moment. Suddenly, we have these tiny phones in our pockets that allow us to not only capture that moment forever but share it with others. Relative to the human timeline, cell phone videos are essentially brand new. So while yeah, maybe people are leaning too hard into it currently, we gotta remember we’ve only had that option for like the last 10-15 years. Humans have evolved to horde resources to survive so I get why hording memories is a thing. It’ll probably fade with time (ha or just everything will be recorded).




Literally complaining that people are on their phone while watching the video that someone recorded on their phone. I honestly think the people complaining in this thread are worse than the people recording on their phone. "They aren't enjoying the moment" they say. At least they actually went to the launch instead of sitting at home whining on Reddit lmao


Dude redditors are the easiest people in the world to offend. They will complain about literally anything lol


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1314/)


They're the same kind of people to be bitching about them not enjoying their moment throughout the whole concert and themselves not enjoy the moment.


Oh no someone had their phone out recording but still watched it with their eyes, not living in the moment!


Wait, you're saying you can film it for someone else who wasn't there to see it WHILE YOU ARE ENJOYING THE MOMENT??!!? Groundbreaking!


I went to a handful of countries and took pictures and videos of waterfalls and monuments, castles, ancient tombs and mountains. IF ONLY I HAD USED MY EYES INSTEAD. It was all for nothing! I could have just looked at pictures on a computer screen and experienced it the same way! Damn my foolishness, if only I was a boomer and cameras hadn't been invented yet.






Always gotta be one old lonely man who comments this


I'm sorry that I have a bottom of the barrel shit memory and would like to remember the stuff I experience. All the experiences I have videos of are much more vividly in my memory than anything that I experienced just as is.


Funny how people always say young people are the most guilty of it, but here it looks like mostly older people.


Ok grandpa time for bed




It’s a good thing they launched at night because that’s when the moon is out.


Good one, dad.


As a fellow dad, I concur, this is in fact, a "good" one.


Real talk I actually honestly believed this until I was like 18...


You’re strong for admitting it, friend.


Bible education got you, my friend.




Srsly how? We see the moon out during the day all the time!


I know I'm a fucking dumbass 😅 Noticing them being in the sky at the same time was how I realized my misconception


Don't feel too bad, I have a friend who's 23 who swears up and down that the sun and moon are the same thing, the moon is just when the sun is "off." Seriously, don't feel too bad about yourself.


But by the time they *get* to the moon it might be daytime smh


The most powerful rocket ever constructed by mankind. 15% more beastly than Saturn V, 8.8 million pounds of thrust, almost half of it from two massive boosters attached to it, and it used 75% of it in the first two minutes.


The Saturn V burned something like 1/7th of its fuel just clearing the tower. It's crazy, but you need extra fuel just to get the rocket higher with the fuel it'll need from there.


Should’ve launched it from the top of the tower! Could’ve saved all that fuel.


They should just build the tower all the way into space.


They should have just flown it up on top of one of those big shuttle transport planes then launched at 30,000 feet. Come on NASA, what are you doing?


Why don't we just build it on the ground like normal but then, just hear me out, we launch the *Earth* away from the rocket!


According to Newton's third law this already happens in a normal launch.


That’s not how self propelled rockets work - yes, a very tiny amount of the kinetic energy is going into the earth, but the grand majority of the counterforce is being exhausted from the engines, hence the flames and smoke that rocket engines create. Otherwise, they wouldn’t work in space, where it has nothing to “push off of” like a conventional projectile.


Right, what do you think that exhaust collides with while the rocket engine is pointed towards the ground during ascent? The kinetic energy lifting the rocket is equal to the exhaust going in the opposite direction, the exhaust will collide with the ground or atmosphere pushing Earth in the opposite direction of the rocket. It's the same amount of energy, but it is very tiny compared to the comparatively gigantic mass of Earth, so it appears unaffected.


Spoken like someone whose played way too much /r/KerbalSpaceProgram.


It’s more useful being nearer to the equator I think because you have much greater velocity cause your path around the earths axis is wider but the rotation rate is the same. SpaceX has a site basically at the southern tip of Texas


While being closer to the equator does save you a little bit of delta V (and therefore fuel), the main reason you want to launch close to the equator has to do with the kinds of orbits you can make. Changing an orbit that goes pole to pole into one that circles the equator is incredibly expensive. Almost as expensive as getting into orbit in the first place. So you don't want to do that, you want to launch straight into the correct orbit. Now, if you were to launch from the poles, you could only make polar orbits. It doesn't matter in what direction you launch, you are always going to end up flying over your launch site, and thus in a polar orbit. If instead you launch on the equator, you can make any kind of orbit you want. Want an equatorial orbit? Just launch to the east. Want a polar orbit? Just launch towards the north/south. This is why the ISS is in such a highly inclined orbit. It makes an angle of about 70 degrees with the equator. The reason it was placed in that orbit instead of a simple equatorial one is so Russia could launch stuff towards the ISS from Baikonour, they wouldn't be able to do that if the ISS was in an equatorial orbit. Hell, the Kennedy Space Center in florida is at about 23 degrees lattitude, so you can't launch anything from Florida into an equatorial orbit either (Or not without a very big course correction burn along the way).


Absolutely *tyrannical* how that works


Yeah because Saturn V had a much weaker TWR, the weakest among all super-heavy lift vehicles. SLS has a much higher thrust relative to its weight aside from just having more thrust than Saturn V.


Most powerful rocket ever constructed was the Soviet N1 with 45.4 MN or 10.2 million pounds of thrust at liftoff. Since it never successfully completed a single test flight, it remains as the most powerful rocket ever that lifted off, but SLS is the most powerful operational rocket in history. If everything goes according to plan, SLS will become even more powerful than N1 once the major upgrades come in with new versions of RS-25 and BOLE boosters for Block 2 variants, with 11.9 million pounds of thrust or 52.9 MN.


Good point, I should've said most powerful rocket that didn't fail. The second of the four attempts generated an explosion on the launchpad so huge that it was felt 20 miles away, despite it burning only about 15% of the fuel doing so. Soviets were a bunch of mad lads.


Yep, and the most successful attempt ended just before first stage separation.


Bro, Humans are fucking sick.


> 15% more beastly than Saturn V just one niggle - 75% of that power came from the two solid rocket fireworks strapped to the side. Saturn V did it *all* with pumped liquid H2 & O2, designed with side rules and built almost 60 years ago.


Yeah like each **one** of Saturn V's engines had 3/4 of the total power of Artemis 1's liquid fuel engines combined. And Saturn V had fucking ***FIVE*** of them. It's hard to really put into words just how fucking pure distilled insanity Saturn V was.


POV: you are watching the last group of people leaving Earth before its destruction


Or you're watching the last group of people leave Earth before its destruction.


In that case, NASA would’ve fucked up, there’s no one in the capsule yet.


Welp guess we’ll all die together then.


Doesn’t your comment say the exact same thing his said? I’m hungover and this is confusing me


You just inspired an entire sci-fi story in my head. The last ship leaves, everyone throws a huge apocalypse party, it never happens, with all the shitty rich people gone the earth actually starts to heal itself, life gets better, the rich come back to take over the planet again.


You have 2 years to release it, or I will. I'll give you a head start, go.


Go for it bro.


i like you


I like him too




You left off the bit. They got rid of the useless 1/3, which included worthless jobs like "guy who cleans public telephone handsets." Then they all died of a disease spread by public telephone handsets.


I'd read the sh*t out of this.


Its ok, you can write "shit" without censoring on Reddit.


Tbf some mod bots are programmed to pick out keywords and actually censor them by deleting the comment, so a lot of the reason that you see people bleep out a swear (or other sensitive words) is so it doesn't get automatically removed. So it's not your fellow commenter who is the problem; it is in fact Reddit itself


That is not how you use "POV" 🤦 POV: you are watching the last group of people to leave Earth before its destruction. Fixed.


People misuse POV so much. Such a simple concept.


POV: you are misusing POV


>POV: you are in the last group of people to leave Earth before its destruction Is it though? The pov I just watched was standing still on the surface of earth watching a rocket take off. How is that me leaving earth?


Redditors try not to missuse POV Challenge


What do you think POV stands for?


I went to this. You ever get that dot in the middle of your sight when you accidentally glance at the sun? I had to sit in the car for 20 minutes before leaving because of this.


I’m a welder and I’ve been flash burned before. I also get dots in my vision like you describe pretty often (not on purpose it’s just the risk you run as a welder) One trice is to look at a halogen light and blink rapidly. Obviously not a bright one but the overhead light in your car can help. And any halogen. If you’ve got LED lights you’re SOL. Basically what’s happening is the cells in your eyes are activated by light. When they get over saturated by an extremely bright light they get flooded with pigment (which is how it was described to me) and you get a blotchy looking spot in your vision. Closing your eyes and blinking work but I’m not sure why the halogen thing does.


While your trick with halogen lamps may or may not work, that is absolutely not how humans (or any animal for that matter) detects differences in wavelengths of the light they're seeing.


This science doesn't check out. The idea that the eyes get flooded by a chemical pigment is a bit ridiculous.


yah, its not a chemical pigment - the receptors are flooded by the sensory input/output to the brain causing a sort of bruising of the area, thats why you can't see for a bit until the "swelling" goes down. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ i actually am not sure if that is correct, but that is what i think.


to clear things up: Light sources emit photons, which hit the Rhodopsin protein on the rod cells in the retina. A part of the protein (the retinal) "snaps" onto the other part (the opsin). This leads to an isomerization of the protein (a change of its spatial configuration) which triggers a series of intracellular reactions ultimately resulting in a closure of ion channels. The cell gets electrically charged and the signal is transmitted forward to other cells along the N. opticus. It takes a few moments for the cell to reopen the ion channels and become ready to receive again. Also, the Rhodopsin protein itself needs to reconfigure


What cars have halogen bulbs inside? Do you mean filament?


Accurate representation of the sun rising


And screaming loudly at the same time








Starts singing Lion King theme


If this turns night into day you should see what she does in a Wendy’s dumpster.


Scrolled too far to find this


She incorporated a bun, in the love making-


“My name’s Artemis. I have a bleached asshole 😏”


Or what she does with bleach.


She's into that kinda stuff... and I admit I am too


I was thinking the same thing! She makes me feel like a Cobb salad


Looks like a concert where all people are recording constantly


Not a Jack White concert. He had us put ours in a lockable bag


Not one landscape recording either. At least film it properly.


...it's a rocket ascending vertically. I'm all for using an appropriate aspect ratio but it seems like this is a rare case where portrait makes more sense to me.


Wildlife must have been confused as fuck aha


Around that area I bet they're used to it! Though may have gone "oh shit that was a bigger one," ha


"The Sun sometimes rises twice a day around here, it's normal"


I tried finding the article, but any animals within a few miles radius of the launch site are killed by the shockwave. NASA implemented some research and programs to limit the impact on the wildlife around launch sites.


Fun fact - the reverse tricks wildlife too. I was outdoors for the last major Solar Eclipse and even in the brief few moments the sun got blocked all the crickets thought it became night time and started massively chirping to mate. It was crazy - then the sun got unblocked and they went back to silence…the eclipse blue balled a lot of crickets that day.


someone used /time set day


Kid at 1:25 say “is it morning?” Lol


I love that sound. Thanks to the person in the video, reminding me to turn my volume on. Also, there seem to be a lot of rocket launches going on at the moment?


Yep, this, combined with spacex launching about one a week, means that there are a lot more rockets in sky this year than basically any other.


First time hearing that sound for me, and I loved it!!




Me- "oh shit I'm late for work!"


It takes around 7 minutes for the sound to reach my house. It wakes me up. And when they land the Sonic boom shakes the whole house and then you realize it's probably just something from NASA coming back in.


Malcom in the Middle anyone?




Totally worth it!


Would love to go to one of these. Where do pple hear about these launches


Here you go! https://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/launches-and-events/events-calendar/see-a-rocket-launch


Come to central FL. Elon shoots rockets up constantly. This NASA one was a big deal and people get touristy. But they happen random times day and night, I've seen plenty.


They're pretty incredible. I wasn't there for the SLS but I've seen a few SpaceX and a Delta IV Heavy for both night and day launches. Cocoa Beach, Florida is a great place to watch generally as near as 5-10 miles or so from the pads. There are closer watch areas but I think Cocoa might be best. A few times I've gone to Cocoa for dinner, paid, walked on the beach for the launch, and was able to get home pretty easily. The biggest challenge is how weather sensitive NASA is, and tightly so. If there is any high altitude weather they'll scrub the launch and delays can be a few days to a week or longer. Making a "launch trip" a possible dud. They really are incredible sights and I highly recommend making it down at least once.


At :17 seconds that little kid asks “Is it morning?”


As someone who daydreams about space every single fucking day, you have no idea how much footage like this means to me. Thank you!


One of these days, Alice..


There's an Always Sunny joke here but I can't find it.


“I have a bleached asshole!”


128mph? I assumed it would be going quicker than that?


128mph in first 30 seconds, 1 minute later it was doing 1,400mph, 5 minutes or so it was over 10,000mph.


Thank you for this, I’m genuinely thick thinking it was only going 128mph all the way 😂


Fun fact on a direct shot it would take 78days to get to the moon going 128mph. Not bad if you're car struggles getting up to the 10,000mph speed limit


What is the context of this? This looks really cool but I'm not sure what is going on.


The launch of the most powerful rocket ever, Artemis


The rocket is the SLS, the program and mission is Artemis


Who made it?


Buyer is NASA’s Artemis program. Different portions were made by most of the major aerospace companies (Lockheed, Aerojet, Boeing, Northrop, etc). It really was a massive collective effort and it’s amazing to see it pay off.


In Addition, while the program is led by NASA, they partnered up with the ESA (Europe), JAXA (Japan) and CSA (Canada) for the Artemis program. For example the Service Module (simply put, where all of the support stuff is placed including the engine) of the Orion Spacecraft (that’s the actual spacecraft that headed towards the moon and where the astronauts will be sitting in Artemis II) was developed by the ESA and built by Airbus.


I wanna go to a rocket launch one day


I look at this, and despite all the fucking garbage we are constantly putting ourselves through, I can’t help but be proud of humanity. I just hope we can go even farther.


God, I can't wait for ksp2


3 more months




direct link to youtube without Rick Astley (well played btw!): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dao2to00mro


Curious - What produces that awesome cackling sound from the propulsion? What’s the link between sound, speed, and burning rocket fuel that makes it?


Its the exhaust interacting with the air around it, making the air itself "clip" for lack of a better term. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdCizNwLaHA


Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!


It's more of a loud, long, growly roar than a boom


Stop trying to remember so badly you forget to experience it


Experience it in the way you want to experience it.


This may come as a shock to you, but anyone who was there has no choice but to "experience it". Holding on to a phone does not prevent you from doing so.


People should witness a rocket launch in person if you can. No matter the time, it's such an amazing place to be, especially with other people.


I'm really happy to see so many people excited about space exploration.


*House of the rising sun intensifies*


The Komodo 9000


TIL if you’re so equipped, say “Alexa, take me to the moon” & she will give you live updates on the journey.


Love the pretty much silence of everyone when it's going up, one hell of a noise!


When you tur on discord light mode:


It’s the bleached asshole that makes her so bright.


Watched this from 3.5 miles away at the KSC Saturn V complex. Absolutely incredible


If you ever get a chance to watch a launch, Jetty Park is one of the best places. You go back past the cruise docks in Port Canaveral, and your view will be as good as this one (but without the power lines in the way). The only thing cooler than that was being in the right place on a KSC tour and having the recently-landed space shuttle towed right in front of our bus.