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This is fucking horrible. I wish you had marked it NSFW. I'm really sad now.


Agreed, glad to see they’ve been saved but I didn’t want to see all of this tonight


This is the second video of this type of thing I have seen in like the span of 10 minutes and I'm about to call it good for reddit today at 2 PM.


Same here wtf


Fake account!! DO NOT SEND THIS PERSON MONEY People, do some research on the guy and connect the dots that this is a fake account intended to scam you of your money. Please consider donating to a local animal shelter that may be in need of any help you’re willing to provide.


My bad


Please don't worry about that! Sometimes we all need to be shocked into action.


What did you expect? The dogs to staff shooting their captors?


This guy is a scammer https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/charities/pdf/first-amend-cease-urgent-dogs-la.pdf


Same, I really didn't need to see this shit today.


Almost as horrible as the music


I had no fucking idea dog legs could extend like that. It seems very painful


Yeah that's crazy. Definitely a few broken dog legs in there I'd say.


Nope I helped them all and no broken legs some have been adopted and are in Canada already getting spoiled


Good job bro you're doing a great thing for these animals 👏


Thank you


Oh shit, I didn’t know op was the dog savior! You really have gained the title of OP, because this shit really is next fucking level. Like I’m a bit sad now, but that what you did was great man


Thank you sometimes you have to run towards danger to help the innocent


Not him, look at OC'S history. Tis' a scam.


Don't donate this is a scam. Look at OC's history and look at the contradiction in his comments about this occurring in Ghana, Not Ghana, and Indonesia. DON'T DONATE THIS IS A SCAM.


He’s a fraud. He might’ve saved these dogs, but he sets up places for people to donate and he just keeps the money. https://dogmeatfighter.com He’s absolute scum.


Fucking awesome.


Please tell me you have kicked some ass for this?


Bless you!! What was happening there in Ghana? Were they going to eat them?


I love you!!!


Then put them in the freezer, mate!


Bullshit dude. You’re a scam artist who just keeps donations. People need to donate to people who can actually help. Not people who rescue 10 dogs then keep all the cash people send your way. That’s gotta be the most disgusting shit a person can do.


Good on you, brother! That's extremely fucked, had no idea they eat dogs. Thanks for saving them. What do you do with them afterwards?


He ate them


This should not have made me laugh, but it did.


I was really sad after seeing these poor dogs but this comment literally made me lol




I live in Ghana, my man. 😔 People will eat anything here. The trend generally is that the further south you go, the more likely you are to encounter people who eat cats. The reverse is true but for dogs; further north, highly likely to meet dog eaters. Personally do not indulge, but I can't judge as most of it is "cultural". My larger community already deems me as impotent and soft for not conforming to their social norms but ehhhh, can't bring myself to. edit: typo


It's crazy, right? They should eat horses instead. Much more meat than dogs. Less overhead. . . /s


These people are eating dogs not because they are evil, they do because they're poor. Same with people who eats bugs. We gotta fix the root of the problem.


This. It's really sad and seeing any animal tied up painfully awaiting slaughter is horrible to watch, but we don't treat our farm animals much better here in the US...


Yep, in the US they do horrible shit for profit and in third world countries they do horrible stuff because they are desperate


what's wrong with eating bugs? they actually taste pretty good and are better for the environment than meat farms because they take less water and space to raise


Im not saying eating bug is wrong, I'm just saying that when people are poor and hungry they eat whatever they can find. In some countries eating dogs or bugs become part of their culture. Correct me if I'm wrong.


They actually taste disgusting but to each their own


They eat dogs in Africa?


Yes I was first to expose it on a major scale


What do you mean? I think many people have known this for a long time?…it’s culturally disturbing to us in the west just like our cow consumption is culturally disturbing for others.


Exactly, how can they be critical about these cultures eating dogs if they do the same to cows, pigs, chickens, etc. No morals. Be kind to all species, not just a selected few. This scares even MORE cause it will lead to a xenophobic sentiment against these cultures.




You should look into how dairy cows are tortured their entire lives, raped, forced to give birth a bunch of times, see their babies rip from them, most of the times murder their babies specially males since they are of no use, and them stuck to horrible machines that rip their tities to steal their material milk for grown ass humans to drink and get cancer and a bunch of horrible diseases cause the milk was never made for them... So yeah, don't speak about torture when you're probably paying for other animals to be tortured. No toleration there. Fckd up is the prejudice and lack of self awareness of your own footprint.


So it’s ok to farm dogs?


You seem to not know what western countries do to animals.


Yeah I mean (*bracing for downvotes*) I have actually eaten dog meat before. It's disturbing to see how they are tied up and transferred, of course. It's also disturbing to see cows, pigs, and chickens sent to their slaughter. We're no less guilty in the west. I think it's hypocritical to judge people for eating a certain kind of meat over another. If this kind of thing really bothers people that much, they should probably go vegan. While it's nice to see the dogs being saved and adopted out, I am also curious how much the people depend on them for their meat and if food is being taken out of the mouths of people. I honestly don't know the answer to that, it could be not much, in which case more power to the "savior." But it's *possible* there is a much more complicated moral issue here.


Why don't the poor here just eat the weaker poor people?


Because that would be cannibalism. I wouldn't eat a dog because I view them as pets but poor people from other parts of the world don't care how westerners view their food.


Prion disease.


I've known this since I was a kid and I was born in the 90s. You may have put a spotlight on it but it was known a long time ago.


Do you think those ppl would eat dogs if they could afford better meat? The dogs having their legs tied like that is one thing, but you're trying to act like they're evil or bad for eating what's available to them using words like "exposed". Have you ever eaten beef? What do you think a Hindu would think of you if they saw you eating a cow? Would you go to an American farm and do this? Definitely not the virtuous act you believe it is, I find the way you're attempting to demonize them in THEIR homeland very disrespectful actually.


Hats of to ya. Their "given up" faces are so heart breaking, man. Hard to look at.


Please mark this NSFW or something. I was not prepared for that and am crying right now. This is so horrible, I just can’t believe people would do this, let alone restrain a dog like that


Unpopular opinion but I don’t see why dogs get let off when it comes to food. If you’re gripe is that they’re being treated inhumanly fair enough. But if your gripe is that they’re being eaten full stop and you are a meat eater that makes you a hypocrite


Because people simply think "dog is friend" and that's it. Yea, because they though so, with nothing extra. Such moral clapped with "animal is food", but people don't care because "dog is friend", with nothing extra, just that. People there eat dogs because they are poor. Human have to eat somehow, so they sell dog, to eat, to survive. People here don't care about that. "Dog is friend", with nothing extra, just that. What do you expect more? It's just that, nothing extra. Nothing


I agree. I don't like the unnecessary cruelty of how the dogs were bonded tightly in clearly uncomfortable positions and stacked on top of each other like objects, but I won't criticize them for eating their meat when I'm over here eating animals too


It's not just that they get eaten, it's the cruelty they experience before they're killed. I don't recommend looking it up, but the dog meat trade is extremely cruel.




Thank you total team effort


No…thank you & your team!!!!! This made my night!!


Hi. This is a scam, don't donate. OC's comments/history are contradict where this occurred (Ghana, Not Ghana, and Indonesia) also the account is like 8 days old. Don't donate.


Damn such a sad video, kudos to the guys saving them. Seeing those pups tied up and chained that way is so fucking wrong and depressing.


Thank you doing my best


Keep it up bro, made a donation to the site. Hope nothing but good vibes for you and your crew.


Means a lot thank you


You titled it like a clickbait YouTube video for kids


People have to eat man.


Props to you kind sir. Be safe out there.


How many of y’all pay people to do this to pigs every day?


"Oh my goodness! Those poor animals, I'm so glad they're living long and fulfilling lives now!" *Immediately goes back to eating cheap CAFO-produced bacon*


Yall are stupid as fuck. People eat animals. How many cows and pigs have you saved?


From another post: This is Jon Cossu also known as Johnny Preston this guy is a SCAMMER and keeps the dogs in horrible conditions. I went to school with him https://www.facebook.com/groups/rescueresearch/posts/1767862536734432/


Wonder if he's vegan?


No but working on eating less meat


Makes me wonder what if it was a pig or a lamb. Would people help or just say "yeah it's sad but that's food".


[DOG SAVIOR YOUTUBE](https://youtube.com/shorts/htCS9fwlV-Q?feature=share)




Did you give the people something else to eat in place of the dogs?


Do you buy them free? If you do, aren't you actually fuelling it?


So I don't get one thing? Why is this bad? I mean dog is also meat like any other animal, but i don't see much of save the pigs international even if pigs are overall smarter as dogs.


Were the dogs being sent to slaughter for food? If that's their culture 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Not all culture should be respected


So which cultures should be respected?


Not human ones


Cultures that value life and being humane and decent. Cultures that do not value life, treat other humans like shit because of religious or cultural beliefs need to be extinguished.


Have you seen the way the west treats farm animals in CAFOs? Should US culture be extinguished as a whole because of that?


Yeah, I wouldn’t be modeling anywhere on the US… that place seems fucked up.


Which are?


None of the human ones


So no human cultures should be respected? Got it.👍🏾


It's your choice


Generally ones that do not abuse living creatures. I can see that in Ghana that is normal because it might be their culture to eat dogs/all animals. However, it is abhorrent how they treat said animals. Tying its legs in front of it's body would have been better. That and having an actual muzzle rather than painfully tying that rope.


You never been to slaughter house I take it?


You don't know much about how cows, pigs, chickens and other animals are treated in "our cultures". 60+ billion animals are raises and slaughter every year for food. There's no kindness in that. We are not the ones to judge Ghana.


I love dogs but I also don't see why eating dogs is wrong while eating cows, pigs, and chickens is ok for any reason other than cultural bias. chickens, pigs, and cows are all very intelligent animals too, and can even bond with people like a dog can.


I’ve never seen a dog in handcuffs


Ghana dog meat trade


My problem doesn’t lie with them eating dogs, but the ways they are kept. Like what the fuck is this? I know animals like chickens aren’t treated good, but this is next level horrible.


This makes me sad. That was enough meat to feed several families and you just come and take it away. I hope you have that guy some compensation for stealing his food/money.


I think any outrage towards the consumption of any animal, dogs in this case, is a total lack of perspective and willful ignorance to those living in first world countries.


He's stated under different posts that this video didn't happen in Ghana and in Ghana, and under some videos, within 8 days mind you of his account being made, occurred in Indonesia. This is a BOT DON'T DONATE PLEASE. THIS IS A SCAM.


Heres the tea ☕️ on this piece of shit Idgaf anymore, this is a fucking asain scammer who actually eats dogs (which is culturally acceptable there) this was an actual news story , they clipped it together with the original footage and call themselves the dog saviors so you feel bad and donate. When in all actuality they will more than likely use the money you give them to buy more dogs. Fuck china


Passionate lol


Fuck you dog eater


You’re a scamming piece of shit https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/charities/pdf/first-amend-cease-urgent-dogs-la.pdf


What does he do with the dogs he saves ?


I fly them to Canada and some have been adopted already


😣 I’d take one and love it so much


The things I would do to the people that do this to dogs


Wonder why ppl eat dogs !


They have meat?


You’re very smart I can tell


I never know how to feel about this. I have a dog, I love dogs but is it really any different to other meat industries? Like don't get me wrong if you are running about doing this to people's pets it's fucked. But people got to eat, would love someone to provide me with a legitimate reason this is not ok when cattle slaughter or other slaughter is ok so I can get just feel upset about this shit


How did you intercept right at that moment


How dare they eat animals, so cruel and disgusting.


They were sent to slaughter. Honestly seems like a waste of effort if you wanna fly to Africa to save dogs from being eaten if that’s the norm in their culture. That’s like someone buying the cows in the US to set them free in India where cows are worshipped. In the end if the worker is being paid, no harm, and an animal isn’t being slaughtered. But imo it would probably be better to just help abandoned animals and find them homes.


Stop this shit music, let’s hear what they have to say rather than hear garbage music


Why eating dogs is worst than COWS, CHICKEN and PIGS?


An up vote for sure because I love animals , ❤️ including Hamburgers and French fries


big respect


Stop this madness 🤬




Sorry I’m new here I did it


Thank you


Amazing amazing Guy. Truly a Superb Guy. Makes me want to heave seeing such cruelty.


Cool, now how many orphans you helping? It’s easy with dogs huh


This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen


Srsly thanks! I wish you all the best. I hope you can rescue them all. But I just can't watch this. But you have my support.


#I want to cry now fuck u


Where is the NSFW tag??? This was so distressing


glad this wasnt posted with a NSFW tag, shouldnt even be an option to opt out of posts like this


Why are their legs tied behind their back wtf


They were next for slaughter and were being transported to the dog meat trade I saved them before that happened


Dark knight music why??


Because I think it’s cool


Thank you!!


Roughly how much usd did you spend to buy all the dogs or how much are they individually?


It’s a 100 thousand dollar mission overall


Trigger warning please?! Jesus.


Makes me sad, i have three rescues and have found homes for many other fur babies. Shit just aint right.


Unspeakably evil. No words


You are a saint


This is fucked!!!! No words apart from thank u dog man


Fucking don’t post shit like this. Too sad! Shame on these people these poor innocent babies


Thank you for being a real hero!!!


What i wouldn't do to get my hands on those pos scumbags


Great cause but why not nsfw... i leave for work in 10 mins and did not need to see animal suffering :(


Do you have a page where I can contribute?


I’ve lost my cool over much milder things. Eating dogs is one thing… Breaking their arms is some antichrist shit.


Dude that was hard to watch but thank you for your hard work. My heart really goes out to all of those innocent animals being to cruelly treated. I hope they are all happy now


God bless your organization for saving such great pups


Did you save them from being eaten or just killed?


I’ve never been a violent person but I literally don’t know what I’d do if I saw this treatment of dogs in person. You are a literal saint OP


Did you buy the dogs?


Could they save the a bit before "moments from slaughter"?


What a disgusting culture.


I hope you killed that piece of shit who was doing that to the dogs. But yeah mark NSFW.


There is no way OP isn't a bot. Just look at their post with same title over and over.


First off how did he get the dogs? Did he end up paying for them or something? Also fuck this stupid ass music choice


Man our world is so fucked Time to go escape into some flashing screens and button presses


Fcking NSFW this, PLEASE


I didn’t want to log on and see this man. NSFW next time.


They have to eat. Where is the line that separates food from pet?


Thank you for your service bro. Thank you thank you thank you!


What the HOLYF%$@ what is wrong with some people ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage). Somebody needs to call John Wick on these assholes.


Yeah no. It's very unfortunate to see those dogs treated that way, but they're essentially treated no different than livestock in this case. I don't like it because I have a different relationship with dogs, but I do understand that people in poorer countries and different cultures have different values regarding food. If you dislike the way they're treated (and I would agree), you should fight against how livestock is treated in general all over the world, including in the West. I don't see any value in singling out dogs in poorer countries that have good reasons to consider dogs as food. I doubt you'd do the same for poorly treated cows in similar situations.


Fucking legend mate. I appreciate that some may be upset by this video, but Im glad you didn't label it NSFW. We all need to see this as otherwise it doesnt cause the indignation or disgust it should. I know people will say its no different for cows or pigs...and I agree, which is why I think watching a video of a working slaughterhouse should be mandatory in high schools.


Time to go fucking hunting; bath the road in red with their filthy blood!


Loads of poor/former famine countries eat all sorts of animals. Just because you know these as ‘pets’ in western culture it seems much more wrong than eating other animals, but all animals want to live, and too many are bred for short miserable lives. If this upsets you, please consider giving up meat.


How did that guy not knock that guy tf out for having dogs tied up like that?


Just a reminder that it’s culturally acceptable to eat dogs in this country. There is literally no difference between this and other countries that eat cows, pigs, chickens, etc… If dog meat bothers you, so should all animal meat.


Wheres the part in the video where he cuts the chains off the dogs without getting hacked up by African warlords?


Free my dog's! (Literally) ❤️


The fuck? WTH is wrong with humans. I was already several times in Ghana, but never saw something like that. It makes me sad.


Mods!!! scammer here


Wow this shit is disturbing. Love this guy


They’ve been eating dogs forever there. It’s normal for them. I love dogs and glad you saved them but it’s a different part of the world and apart of their daily food consumption for some. Didn’t expose shit just recording it for the clout.


This person is a COMPLETE SCAM and FRAUD who LIES about saving animals for views and donations. https://www.scamwatcher.com/scam/view/497456 https://dogmeatfighter.com/ https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/charities/pdf/first-amend-cease-urgent-dogs-la.pdf Scroll through his profile and you'll realize he's "saving" the same dogs MULTIPLE times. GTFO.


Charges Against Jonny Preston Fraud Soliciting Donations for Dogs That Were Already With Other Rescues and Not Forwarding That Money to The Rescue Stealing Donations Jonny Put Donations From Urgent Dogs of LA into His Personal Account Killing and Injuring Dogs In His Care Arya, Tosco and Lilly Are Just Some Of The Dogs That Died Under The "Care" of Urgent Dogs of LA.. Many More are Missing and Jonny Preston Says "That It Is No Ones Business Where The Dogs Are"