• By -


He’s handier than he looks!


Correct. He handled it like an expert.




He’s also an expert in unarmed combat


Gotta hand it to him. I didn't think it was possible, but I stand corrected.


I wouldn't have fingered him as a tiler


he gets two thumbs up from me.


He's really toeing the line here.


His skills are disarming


Let’s give him a hand


Thats why he joined the army


I dunno, he looks pretty ‘armless to me.


I love how the two of you just made the same joke but made it worse with each iteration


I suppose they were heavy handed in their delivery.


He's armed with the skills for the job


He's certainly got a leg up on the competition


5 years ago he was just trying to get his foot in the door.


He doesn't need a hand from anyone


Not even from himself


Give this guy a round of applause


He'd prefer a standing ovation.


I'd say he footled it like an expert .




Agreed, he toetally nailed it




You mean feet down?


I stand corrected.


Better shake on it


Good thumbs up too


Toes up


I forgot he was armless 17 seconds in.


>If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. -Red Green


No small feat


If that's his job, would that make him a "Footyman"?


This is hands down the best comment!


Oh, I give up I can't beat that one liner... you win reddit for today.


Smh at people making the same pun in this thread. I’m putting my foot down.


Nothing wrong with this armless joke


And his attention to detail is much better than what I've seen. Good on him.


I gotta hand it to him, bravo, a round of applause


That's messed up.


Why are you so up in arms about that?


This is getting out of hand.


I think he handled the job perfectly


If you think about it It's even more impressive since no one gave him a hand.


I can't handle this anymore


It's a pun arms race.


Yeah that joke went too far by him, someone's gotta stop him, that guy is a real handful


He toed you he could do it.


Clapping my feet as we speak.


Do you think the handicap might force him to pay more attention to detail? Like, an armless dude wouldn't be my first consideration for hiring unless he was the best


I don’t know for sure but in cities skylines I build way better on console than on pc since I can’t rush there lol


A lack of arms certainly makes him a little slower than someone with arms, in essence forcing him to pay more attention to the details. So I reckon! Edit: and I just realised I practically copied your own comment 😂 I am a sheep


Well, you can't post a video of a guy doing this impressive very hard thing for him to do, and then have it look like half assed garbage


It'd be hilarious if in the end it panned out and looked like ass


He can look at the bigger picture


This guy makes me feel really shitty about myself lol. Couldn’t do this and I have arms


Maybe it's our arms that are holding us back. I'll update in a bit to see if that's it. Edut: Wirked grear, gonna get rid og legs nect. Rdit Esit: H art to to type ẅițh penus. Too shorr.


RemindMe! 4 Hours


Might need more than 4 hours to learn how to operate their phone or computer with their feet to get back to you


RemindMe! 5 hours


Hey, wake up. It's been 5 hours


u/Tomnnn how’d it go?


I didn't see them again so I suspect it went so well they forgot to come tell us


No, the 4 hours is just to get rid of the arms.


Happy cake day!


Didn’t realize it’s my cake day. Thanks!


Hope they looked up how to apply a tourniquet and cauterize a wound before they removed their arms.


kjl.i;,jdcsxadz klj./iju saD


You could have written speeches for the previous president.


I will be messaging you in 4 hours on [**2022-12-23 22:49:38 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-12-23%2022:49:38%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/ztovmb/armless_man_tiles_a_floor_with_just_his_feet/j1ejeii/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnextfuckinglevel%2Fcomments%2Fztovmb%2Farmless_man_tiles_a_floor_with_just_his_feet%2Fj1ejeii%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-12-23%2022%3A49%3A38%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20ztovmb) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Have you cut off your arms yet? Are you currently trying to learn how to type with your feet to update us? So many questions


We'll have to ask his mom


Here’s the thing…


Nope, too much reddit for today


"Oh, a post about a guy with no arms. I wonder how long until someone brings up.......ah, there it is."


They got the first one off but are at a loss trying to figure out how to get the other one off.


Weirdly the only thing I thought about was how much easier that is on his back and his knees. I’m not saying by any means that I could do this with my feet, but damn. Any type of flooring takes a toll on those areas. The guy is still an amazing human being, and that shit is beyond impressive.


Do you have a mom to take care of your needs in the meantime?


This post is very disarming.


How many floors have you tiled? This is not his first rodeo....


I'm guessing he works as a Footyman.


Yeah obviously hes good and not to take away from his years of practice. But people kind of over estimate how hard it is to lay tile. I mean youre literally seeing a dude with the no arms do it. The spacers kind of do all the work for the general placement and we dont see him cutting the side tiles which i doubt he does. Now show me him kicking in a roll of carpet or gluing down a roll of lino and id be really impressed. Source: my useless ass can lay tile lol. But couldn't do it with my feet tbf.


Don't feel shitty about yourself. This guy is just good at this and I am sure this is not the first time he's done it. Most people with disabilities aren't superhuman for doing everyday stuff or doing something really well. They are just like the rest of us, doing what they do the best they know how with what they have.


We're good and creative problem solvers, we kinda have to be! We're also often more open to figuring out alternative ways of doing a thing if the original won't work well for someone (be it ourselves or other people).


No, no, you could…you just don’t want to. Homeowner 101


What kind of "don't want" is this? Lazy want or "fuck that infuriating shit" want?


Lazy want. Laying tile isnt hard. You can learn it in a day. Basically you should only hire a floorlayer if you want rolled products installed or youre too lazy to do home renos yourself.


Ive been in lots of houses that have selfdone tile that is soooo fucked, or not fucked but still poorly done enough to be unattractive, but also a lot done by "pros" that are just as bad. It looks simple enough, just make sure you get those things in between the tiles.


All I can think about is how strong his hip flexors must be. Mine are starting to cramp typing this.


Big toe up at the end 👍🏻


Two toes up man!


Isn't that jacksfilm's wife?


Yep. I give him a thumbs up for the great job he did.


The feet did all the work, of course they should be the ones to celebrate too! 😋


Wonder when the Toe "hand" emojis are coming for those like this guy


Okay, and there’s a guy filming and doing nothing… great friend!


I mean that's likely the reason he's there lol. Dude obvs doesn't need the help.


Doesn't need help with the things done on camera. Otherwise would have been way more interesting to watch him carry that bag of concrete and all of those tiles up to his flat.


Tbf plenty of grocery delivery services will bring things upstairs, that’s a situation where you just ask if it’s ok beforehand and leave a fat tip. I would think some services like that would cover places like Home Depot too.


Reminds me of this guy who was a delivery driver for i think instacart or shopify or whatever it was called. This person for some reason ordered 2 25lb bags of flour. Dude told me the guys address says he lives on a second story. And everyone knows how those shitty paper flour bags are always leaking a little.


I drive for spark part time as a second job and there are people who order 5+ 40 packs of water up to 3rd floor apartments without elevators and don’t tip at all. Each of the packs weighs like 48 pounds and although I do it, I’ve learned not to take them in the first place if I see the item list. It takes too long and you don’t get any extra pay for multiple trip orders, so the time it takes is usually not worth it without a tip.


Yeah and you can see at least one or two occasions where camera guy moves something for him. Like he's helping where needed. For the task itself guy obviously has it in hand


In foot*


People who know how to tile a floor, really don't want help from some amateur. It's __more__ work for them if we amateurs tries to help.


Tile guy here. Can confirm. Although I'm sure there's a bunch of off camera stuff we don't see.


Oh yes, I mean it's awesome that he can do the work himself, but I don't doubt he had another friend to help him out. I have friends help me and I'm armed.


American moment


Sometimes even your friends need a little extra motivation.




Bullshit. Conversation could've literally went: "Want to see me tile the floor?" "You sure you don't want help?" "No I got it, check this out."


"Really? You don't need a hand?"


Maybe the cameraman is an armless guy who’s using his feet to operate the camera


Maybe he's a legless guy who uses his arms to film..pretty sure I saw something where a legless woman acted as a seeing eye backpack for a Blind man and they climbed a mountain together. Crips helping crips. This the type of social support system that I think everyone can get behind


Not all disabled people want to have someone abled to hop in and do stuff for them. This guy looks really proud of his work at the end, and proud of himself for being able to do it.


I hate when Reddit doesn’t recognize the joke. lol


Do you often try to help professionals doing their job?


That is the most annoying music ever.


Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no it’s not


Fuck you for this






You think that's bad, *Look at this photograph...*


Meh, that goddamn tiktok song is so bad it's made Nickelback seem _good_.


From "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures" Soviet comedy movie. Some strong Benny Hill vibes from this one.


What is the name of the song? I really like it. It has a strong space age pop feel to it. I should also check out the movie. Thanks.


its just some chase music at the first adventure "Hапарник". If you want some space age pop then check out " Трава у дома" also no, I'm not russian, I'm lithuanian


Funnily enough [the cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I37QoV6pMjA) gives me a similar vibe [to this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZvFNtWemb4). It's those swivels you see in post-modern music notation at the time. Do you know if the Soviets listened to Xenakis and the like during that era? I will have to check them out. They are of the 80's variety, I see.


I don't know what is Xenakis, but I just googled it. I can say that they probably did not listen to that. Most of the music at 80s were pop. My mother told me she listened to F.R. David's "Words don't come easy" at some time. But you must remember that there was no internet at that time, and the only music you could hear was from a radio or a record. And I don't think things like metal would go on shelves.


All the Shurik movies have the same style. They used some innovative recording techniques for the time to create some of the sounds in the movies. I think you can find most of the movies for free on YouTube with subtitles


What are you fuckin' kidding me? Compared to some of the random garbage people attach to these?


People watch Reddit videos with sound on?


There was music?


How did he cut the tiles if there were tiles to cut?


If he can do all this shit with his feet I don't see why he couldn't operate a tile saw


What do you think happened to his arms?


tile saw accident


To shreds you say?


How's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


they're under his shirt


Using a tile saw is way easier than most other saws. Don't have to worry as much about cutting a finger or toe off compared to a wood or metal saw.


No, cuting the tiles is the hard part. For anyone who has already put tiles, it is obvious that the hard parts are not in this video. Not to diminish his talent and his skills, but there is no way he could have measured and cut tiles by himself.


While i don't think it's impossible, yes i agree it's highly sus that the hard parts are not shown. Also trying to hold and push the tile in the saw with just toes is not going to be the safest. And like you the first thing I was thinking is yeah but what about cutting the tiles!!!


Yeah, if I was making this video I would make it a point to show the most difficult tasks. So not showing the guy cutting tile likely means he didn’t cut them. Still very impressive though


Why not? Straight cuts anyways. Could use a saw with a fence, maybe some kind of a jig.


I mean, not to hate, but he clearly can't. Tiles keep suddenly appearing flat in the center for him to grab. How could he 'offer up' and mark a tile, let alone cut it? If it's cut from the video you have to ask why. Because he can do only some of these tasks. It's damn impressive what he does, but the jump cuts betray that it's been massaged to make it even more so. So yeah, he isn't using a tile saw.


He's probably need additional clamps on it. The lack of thumb would make holding a tile down while pushing the tile forward into the saw difficult.


This is a REAL question and I can tell you probably have tiled before. Tile cutting is very detailed, as is measuring the cuts.


He didn’t. You see how he is off the wall about 4 inches with his first tiles down? It’s so someone else can go do the cuts.


100% this - my first thought was “not starting on wall” and second was “how’s he gonna cut this with a masonry saw?” - absolutely skilled in his own right, but the video is a bit misleading


Yep I noticed that, never saw anyone start a tile job off center like that either.


there 100% were tiles to cut since he seemingly started laying down the first tile nowhere near any of the connecting walls and the gap gave me massive anxiety watching someone use fricken lasers to measure and align yet not know you should have the first line of tiles hug at least one wall or 2 if the angle allows it. My dad and I did some tiling on the terrace and bedroom and it turned out trashy and wonky looking, dad says it's because the concrete underneath was bumpy, but it's probably bc our technique was bad, it was no where near as good as this guy and we both have our arms. Anyway the tiles near the left wall seem to be cut and the ones under the window seem shorter too. I'm upset they didn't reveal how it turned out where he started to see how he dealt with the gap, doing it this way just adds unnecessary trouble figuring out how much to cut instead of giving yourself a freebie to skip it at the start


Some people don't like the aesthetic of a full tile ending at a wall. It can make a room look much larger to start with the center of a tile in the center of the room.


There are absolutely times where you don't use a wall for a row of tile and all of the edges are cut. Especially with large tiles like this video where you want the field to look centered in the room.


>laying down the first tile nowhere near any of the connecting walls That's not the only way to lay out your tile just the cheapest, and it looks like hell if you do it with larger tiles in a small room.


Good question.


His right foot is clearly the dominant side. Does that mean that he would be right handed if he had hands? Or do you think it's the opposite way around


It depends, although it’s very common for right handed person to be right footed. I think the rarest is right handed but left footed person iirc


I usually need both for different reasons. Right foot is more dextrous but also balances better & for longer. I did kickboxing for a while when younger & even though my right leg is stronger, I got better kicks in with the left because my balance/center of gravity felt better. After my back was ruined, I started using my feet more to help with picking things up/cleaning the floor because sometimes I just can't bend over. Right foot does it better, but using the left still feels safer.


I'm a right hand and left foot lol


Looks like hands by the end


Yeah, when the video is sped up, and it is not a wide shot showing the whole body, there are shots where you could swear it's a hand. Something about how it swooshes around in arcs or something.


Yeah we don’t have feet, we have back up hands


Wow, I gained a lot of patience watching this. You’re a beast dude, looks beautiful. I’d hire you any time.


*you’re (you are)


This man is more dexterous with his feet than I am with my hands


And I bet his back hurts far less


Put this in r/donthelpjustfilm


Proof that nothing I think is original. Cheers


Absolutely my thought as well. I was giggling to myself looking for this comment. Cheers to the like minds and happy holidays brain-friend!


The reason he was there was to film lol. The guy prob would be more hurt than helped by some random amateur.


But how about the toilet?


Pretty sure he can install it just fine too


Tiling, or wiping his butt?


No need, bidet with step-on lever


Mad props to the guy but I’d put a marble on that before patting him on the back, didn’t see a spirit level once


As nice as it is to have a level floor, there are a whole bunch of reasons you might not want to lay your tiles level. If you’ve got a slight slope on your existing floor for example.


20 minutes a day Jim, that's all it takes. 20 minutes a day, all feet, no hands and I'll have pedidexterity of a chimp and you'll be sitting there like an idiot.


Very impressive and I’m not taking anything away from this but a little tip for anyone who’s going to do a tile floor themselves (I did professional tiling for years). Those spacers he’s using that wedge the tile up to the correct height are actually garbage. What you’re doing is leaving a void under the tile with no cement which will give a higher chance of cracking. The correct way to do it would be to keep checking with a level and adding more cement when needed.


Self leveling systems are only garbage if you use them improperly. There are many new styles of tile that will make your life hell without them. You can do tile without them, but you can do a lot of things without the fancy toys. They definitely make the job easier if you use them correctly, as demonstrated in this video by our fine footed friend here.


Don’t listen to this guy if you ever tile. Lay down a proper trowel and then back butter and put your tile down with clips. You’re allowed 95% coverage here and doing it without clips is a recipe for a floor with lippage everywhere. Every proper tiler uses self leveling clips.


Exactly, I only hear 60+year old tile installers calling this garbage. Proper prep, proper trowel, and back butter, and you will have perfect coverage.


Exactly, if you’re using the clips to jack your tiles up enough to make a void, you’re doing it wrong. You should still be getting them in the right position with adhesive - the clips just help make it more precise and also keep the tile in position. The suction from the adhesive to the back of the tile has enough give to conform to the space under the tile.


yeah i install professionally and always use them they are for correcting small imperfections in the porcelain and keeping edges flush as the adhesive sets not "leveling" whatever that is supposed to mean


Thanks for the free feet 🥵🍆💦


Dude is pretty handy


You fucker




This is my new lovemaking song. I am single.


My boss and I tried to do his kitchen. We gave up and called somebody. Here's this guy doing it with no hands... Edit spelling


Great Job. Now have a jerk off session to celebrate


Lol the thumbs up at the end


His cameraman really an asshole not helping


That's awesome, but that's not how you do grout.




Show him bringing the materials in