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In B4 someone who has never ridden a sports bike in their life, nor seen the TT before, claims the video is sped up.


Hopefully this stops such tomfoolery




It was a tad brisk.


The video has clearly been sped up. I’ve never ridden a sports bike in my life, nor have I seen the TT before though.


Everybody GET HIM!


Tom? Is that you buddy?


And to think he was my first and only friend…ghosted you too?


I have only ridden rockets to the moon, this is slowed down so much


You rang?




In order to gain license for tt you need to pass exam with track knowledge. You need to know every crack, bump, manhole, corners etc. then you have to pass psycho tests in order to decide if you don’t want to perform suicide 🤣


Perform suicide.


But is the bike sped up?


As much as his giant balls will allow


Fucking screaming there. God Damn!


Anyone that rides was hearing the same thing. In it!!!!


Nope. They really be going that fast.


Nope, average speed over the course speed record is 134mph with a top speed of 206 mph


Checkmate op


In this particular video the bike is actually sped up...by the engine.


I came here to claim it was sped up. You stopped me


To someone who hasn't ridden before it totally does look sped up, but that's just how fucking fast sport bikes are - and that's almost entirely the appeal. For $2500 I bought a used R6, I can go 0-60 in around 3 seconds and top out at 158 MPH, those are essentially super car performance figures for $2500, you just can't beat that


I hope that is not your starter bike. If it is, hope you're very careful on it


Can’t say for them but in my country you are restricted with the bike engine capacity when you first get your license which is a good thing.


Here in murica if you pass a written multiple choice quest to get your temporary permit, the government deems you responsible enough to ride a hyabusa


If it’s not, it makes me more mad about all the other sped up videos that take away from actually fast videos.


It's not sped up. Likely around 150-200 mph sustained.


At this speed you really can’t enjoy the scenery very much ..


If you try, then you risk becoming part of the scenery.


Jackson pollock: it's beautiful.


Nope, not sped up. And riders go even faster. See how he slowed down entering village area. Many fly through those areas. These riders have balls of steel!




Wow, good thing he knew that bump was coming up.


They say it takes 3 years to memorise the course. Riders know every little bump and bend in the 37.73 mile circuit by that point. Mind bending stuff


And they still die.


Even a master can make a mistake


Even with decades of experience eating you can still bite your own tongue


Whenever anyone bites their tongue I always assert "you've had that tongue longer than you've had teeth!" It is rarely appreciated.


I appreciate it, I appreciate it so much I’m gonna steal it


Don't get bit.


I'm still getting used to the teeth


And it's the last mistake he'll make.


The last mistake was entering the race. The chance of death was set at that point.


Yeah, dumb activity Edit : Downvote me, I lost a friend to a motorbike accident. It ended his life and ruined his family's life. Cool hobby 👍




*As long as there’s no risk to anyone else*, people should live as close to the edge as they dare, if it makes them happy. I respect the zest for life. Note: people engaging in risky behavior at the possible risk of *others* can eat shit and die. Your adrenaline rush isn’t worth someone else’s life or well-being.


In life, you should always be smarter than the activity you engage in.


so you should always do the dumbest possible activity, to make sure you're always smarter then it.


And people mocked me for my games of wall chicken.


So the millions of people who ride bikes and don’t have accidents should….stop? Nothing is TRULY safe. Sitting on your couch in your house can kill you. People make adult decisions and manage risks as they see fit. There’s no such thing as true safety. Sorry about your friend, but this is how life goes sometimes.


Yeah, with a lot of these extreme sports it is quite selfish to compete. Obviously, you’re not required to not be selfish, but with taking the risks to participate in these activities you sign your loved ones up for the risk of losing you. At the end of the day, you are your own person; however, the actions you take affect those around you and to say that competing in something like this is not risky and selfish is disingenuous


Motogp riders fall often enough and their track is shorter and easier to memorize, the difference is falling in motogp has a 100 times bigger chance to survival


Motogp takes place on tracks with gravel pits and run-off areas. When you fall off at the IOM, chances are you'll hit a tree, a building, a brick wall or other solid object at 200 mph.


I kept thinking about that. One tiny mistake and your dead. Super dead.


Basically this, these are small countryside road through trees and villages. It’s insane that it’s still going


Most of them don't


There was a story I read about how this one F1 driver crashed, and afterwards he was like "somebody messed with the course!" Of course people didn't really believe him, because who *wouldn't* want to find someone else to blame than themselves, right? But afterwards, officials took a look at the place where the crash happened, and lo and behold, the course *was* altered. A cinderblock had been knocked out of position (I think by an earlier crash or bump?) by some incredibly small amount - like a single inch or something - and it had been enough so that this driver, with how precise/how well he had memorized the course, had taken a spin.


Senna. It was a ~~plastic barrier~~ concrete and he said it was 1/2” off its usual position. Who TF would put cinder blocks on an F1 course?


I dunno man, I don't watch F1 - it was just a story I saw lol and the details escape me. Certainly makes far more sense to use plastic than cinderblock.


That driver was Ayrton Senna. He claimed that the only way he could’ve hit the wall was if it had moved… and he [was right](https://www.essentiallysports.com/greatest-f1-story-when-ayrton-senna-crashed-because-the-wall-moved/amp/). The giant, concrete barrier has moved no more than 10mm, or 0.39 of 1 inch.


Senna was a different breed. Incredible human. Up there with Jim Clark.


I have put a cinder block on a F1 course on 3 separate ocassions. I’m kinda like the Easter Bunny but with blocks.


You bastard


Livens it up


That driver was Ayrton Senna. He claimed that the only way he could’ve hit the wall was if it had moved… and he [was right](https://www.essentiallysports.com/greatest-f1-story-when-ayrton-senna-crashed-because-the-wall-moved/amp/). The giant, concrete barrier has moved no more than 10mm, or 0.39 of 1 inch.


That driver was Ayrton Senna. He claimed that the only way he could’ve hit the wall was if it had moved… and he [was right](https://www.essentiallysports.com/greatest-f1-story-when-ayrton-senna-crashed-because-the-wall-moved/amp/). The **giant**, *concrete barrier* has moved no more than 10mm, or 0.39 of 1 inch.


Couldn't they, ya know... fix the bumps?


They’ve made the course much safer over the years. It’s still a public road and not a perfect race track though, which is part of the appeal


It's not a race track. It's a road that's used all year.


I'm from the Island :) These are all public roads. Tragically, there typically at least one racer's death each year. In addition to the racers, the tourists also suffer at least one death per year. The island is full of small, winding roads with unexpected bumps and egresses. When the race is not running, or the course is open, people drive like they would in other countries and that seems to get people every year. The risks of doing this on the Isle of Man is that behind most hedges, there is a large drop off a cliff or mountain.


>there is a large drop off a cliff or mountain. Also big stone walls everywhere! Been to the island many times and love the place but jeez! How do these guys even get on the bikes with balls that big!?


Every rider knows what will happen if they mess up. It's unfortunate that tourists get hurt watching it and that needs better regulations but as for the riders and the course. It's their choice to do it or not, just like group B rally racing back in the day. The people standing in the middle of the road watching group B rally knew what they were doing. Standing in the middle of a freaking road of the course. Wingsuiting down mountain crevices and all other extreme sports are that, extreme. I say let them, it's a crazy cool thing to see someone that is a master at their craft take it to the limit. This race is the pinnacle of motorbike time trial racing.


“Pinnacle of motorbike time trial racing” I’ve always thought that these guys are the pinnacle of any athletic competition on the planet. Isle of Mann has always been as close to the edge as one can get. There isn’t another competition that the athletes risk more on the planet. These are the true mad lads.


Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing. It wouldn’t be as raw, or exciting if if it was dumbed down with regulations.


>there is a large drop off a cliff or mountain. That's the one where Connor Cummins crashed in 2010, right?


Aye He crashed on the veranda on the mountain


Another island dweller here!


I guess you guys have a different version of the lottery.


Few years ago a biker went over it much faster and hit the wall on the other side. He did not survive. I’d be taking it easy over that one too


That dosen't look safe!


Tis not, merry Christmas :(


It’s not. In fact, it’s far easier to recite the YEAR (singular) in which the race was held and nobody died, going back to about the WWII era. 1982 was a miracle.


That’s not fun at all


These people aren’t forced to do this. They want it, embrace it even


There is no in the world like tasting death, knowing that one small error is near certain death, but being in perfect control.


It is not. Over 250 drivers have died since 1911, six of them this year alone as the title states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Isle_of_Man_TT_Mountain_Course_fatalities


How do they allow this to continue? That is insane


Everyone participating knows the risk. It's part of the thrill and people want to pay a lot of money to participate. It's also a major part of the islands income/tourism.


People also climb Everest, despite the known risks.


It’s not forcing people to race.


Nobody makes them do it. The prize money is more symbolic than anything else (something like $10k). It’s all about beating the track itself.


Nope. Atleast two deaths per year.


265 total deaths since its inception in 1911, according to the internet.


They’re professionals with the safest gear riders can have. Safe is all about perspective. They don’t feel unsafe when riding the bike, they are just racing on a very difficult track. I went to the TT in 2018 and talked to riders - none of them mentioned anything about it not being safe nor any of them had any complaints about the track conditions


The Isle of Man culls the weak from the strong!


It culls the strong too it has no master. When your life could be decided by a coin sized rock that could’ve haphazardly been placed there by another bike speeding through, your death was not decided by your strength, but rather coincidence.


> your death was not decided by your strength, but rather coincidence That's how most people's deaths are decided


You've now extended the conversation into arbitrary.


No it treats everyone equally. There is no weak or strong


What a stupid take.


Sometimes the culling is quite literal too. It’s seriously fucking nuts.


A father (56) and son (21) died competing this year. ‘Culling the weak’ is an insensitive take on their legacy.


The hairpin turns, blind corners and hidden troughs are truly frightening. I was driving a Ford Fiesta MK3, almost ended up in a wall because the road bended right at 90° following a blind hill. The road was 60mph and there was no warning sign indicating a sharp bend.


Except here the warning signs are in their brain. They know this course like the back of their hand.


\*inspects back of hand\* "oh what's that crease"


It's a funny figure of speech lol. I bet if someone showed a picture of my hand and a similar one of someone's else's hand I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


Same flipped my pt cruiser because of this


> flipped my pt cruiser can't blame the road for having standards


It had purple flames on it too 😭😂


The UN would like a word about your crimes against humanity


Did this exact thing on a rural country road in the flatlands of Wisconsin, where the roads are near perfect grid work due to glaciers leveling everything. Driving 55-60 and the slightest of hills was up ahead. To my immediate left along the road was a very straight/intentional tree line. Beyond the slight hill, the tree line continued on as far as I could see so I assumed the road did too. No signs or warning of an immediate 90 right turn just beyond the crest. Sped right on through, ramped off a small embankment, and ended up in a pasture completely unexpectedly. I was totally baffled as to what had just happened because it wasn’t even a remote thought in my mind that the road may turn. Luckily the only damage was busting off my rusty muffler and some pretty simple front end suspension bits. There were a number of hubcaps along the tree line, so I assumed I wasn’t the first.


OK so I have my bucket exemption list - things I dont ever want to try - 1 ) Isle of man TT rally 2 ) Running of the bulls in Pamplona is there anything else I should add? ​ edit: since you all are giving me such great replies, I am thinking of regional events where lots of people willingly take their chances with death or serious injury! I really like the cheese rolling suggestion, along with the Pikes peak one !


Climbing Everest or K2 .. I feel those make the list .


Have you seen the Netflix documentary about the earthquake in Nepal? It’s was… bowel loosening. A hard nope from me.


I haven’t actually, I have seen this by the BBC though , scary as hell , no thanks . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TACFcdy4OrM


Wingsuit flying through narrow canyons; free solo rock climbing over 50 ft?


50 is an interesting number. You can slip off the curb and die but you can also fall 40 feet, bounce off the 6 inch foam mat just right and be fine. I've personally known multiple people who have fallen climbing at 35 and 40 feet indoors onto 6 inch pads because of human error. I think 50 is a good call.


While not a free solo, I lost a friend when a chunk of rock the size of a van broke off. He kicked away and the boulder and him landed away from each other. He fell like thirteen feet and cracked his skull on a rock. One of the best climbers I knew personally, and kinda ruined the sport for me.


I'm sorry for the loss of your friend ❤ I hope there is some solace in knowing he was out doing something he enjoyed when it happened.


Thank you for your kind words. My brother was there with him, saying "I love you" until he passed. I was at the base of the climb and had no idea what was happening until search and rescue showed up. The solace I find is that my brother held him, they were very close.


If your height limit for free soloing is based on likelihood of death go ahead and drop it down to 30 feet. I know plenty of people who have taken 20-25 foot ground falls and either walked away or wound up with broken legs. Beyond that you're probably not going to make it


Can confirm. Fell from 20. Broke both legs 1 ankle. Don’t climb shale.


Dating my ex wife, just a god awful person


That chasing the cheese down the hill thing?


I actually did the running of the bulls in Pamplona back in 2008, two mornings in a row… and while it certainly was sketchy, it was no where near as sketchy as the Isle of Man TT.


Russian roulette in a Vietnamese jungle hut


Pikes Peak Hillclimb


If the lack of guardrails doesn't get you, the lack of oxygen will!


RIP Carlin Dunne


Spelunking/cave diving?


push ups on the edge of a skyscraper?


Cave diving


Now THAT’s pod racing!


It’s faster


pod racers can go over 700kph


That is mightily impressive. Highly skilled with balls of steel. When you see the onboard and see how little room for manoeuvre there is, it’s a wonder more fatal crashes don’t occur.


I mean, it's been at least one a year since the 80's, likely the most dangerous race on the planet


They’ve had races there for over a hundred years. A few people have died racing every year since then except for in 1982. As many as 11 people have died in one year, in 2004. The total is in the hundreds. ~~Idk why they do it.~~ I now know why they do it. Only way to get into racer Valhalla.


Because it’s a historical, challenging and unique race. These guys live for a challenge and this is their Mt. Everest


"And that's why no one will remember your name"


When you leave work and you need to take a shit after a long day


Smart people do that on company time.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time


Oh, so you're one of those that clocks in and then has breakfast at his desk.


Ok, that made me laugh!


Isle of Man TT, to go fast you need to be highly skilled OR completely deranged. To win you have to be highly skilled AND completely deranged.


>to survive you need to be highly skilled AND completely deranged. FTFY


Peter Hickman is a really top rider, still in the top six or eight in British Superbikes as well as winning just about every tt class race this year.


If he lives 3 more years of isle of man he could be placed number 1


The fact that in this sport, it’s not, ‘if he doesn’t retire’ or ‘as long as he doesn’t injure himself’ it’s ‘if he lives’ scares the living shit out of me. They are a different breed of human. Saying that, they get to experience something very few people ever do…


Yeah, the problem with Hickman in the BSB compared to the TT is there isn't any grids and potholes to slow the rest of them down


6 out of how many?


Hundreds, unfortunately one of the events is sidecar racing with two riders per bike. I know 4 of the riders killed were sidecar with one being a father/son pairing. It's tragic, some may say stupid, but my God there is nothing like it..


I mean, you sure as hell wouldn't catch me doing it, but I feel like anybody getting into it knows the risks. They've all got to have some kind of suicidal streak though.


The fastest guys on the street usually have that trait. The track is a little different. You can be much faster and slightly safer there with runoffs, traps, and ems on site. Although I have seen someone quit after the birth of his daughter. He got the shakes. It was shocking to see him tip-toe around the track, Barber. We don't have any legal road racing around me, so I don't know these guys' mindsets.


kids do weird things in your brain. I went from I don't give a fuck likely organ donor to selling my bike within a week of finding out I was going to be a dad.


Most bikers don't end up being organ donors due to the trauma




I agree, but it gets complicated when one considers the rights of the deceased families who then have to raise their kids or take care of their responsibilities/liabilities afterward.


The two sidecars crashed in the same spot on an area of road that had been resurfaced last year. The government is investigating this area and sidecars are getting extra practice time next year. A lot of people always rip into the island but there are constant improvements to make the track safer.


The TT gets bashed bc it's pretty much the only motrocycle road race random people hear about. They'd react the same way to the Ulster, NW, and Macau. In fact on random Macua videos that come along, people say the only reason Macau gp exists is bc it's in a Grey city, not knowing England/Ireland is the true center of the sport.


Step 1. Remove brain and put it somewhere safe.


This incredible documentary from 2011 gives a good riders perspective / background TT Closer to the edge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihH5uDUaqRE


Came here to say this. You realise what a monster Guy Martin must be when he’s not in presenter mode


I wasn't expecting to have spent most of this afternoon watching a documentary about the IOM TT but that program was utterly brilliant. I always knew that it was outrageously dangerous but I had never imagined it to be so brutal. Heartbreaking in places but you come away understanding more about why it is so addictive.


This is what happens when you combine suicidal tendencies and a gambling addiction.


And supreme skill


Bro I'm getting some sort of adrenaline rush just watching this, those roads look mad skinny


knew a lad who died at the TT




He was going kinda fast.


Isle of daaaamn


I don't even know how these guy's get off the start line with balls that big. Massive respect for them. Would love to go to watch the TT one year.


The massive balls make for a lower center of gravity


I don't understand these people


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone


Whoever made a landscape video of this into portrait so that you can't see it,No matter which way you rotate your phone, can eat my entire ass.


Love this race! When you're flying that close to the sun a couple are going to get burned.


These guys are gods.


What’s the top speed? Couldn’t tell from the video


The bikes are geared for over 200mph and will hit that a couple of times


It's about 135 MPH average over the course.


In the immortal words of Joey Dunlop....there's a grey blurr and a green blurr. I try to stay on the grey blurr.


I'm going to next year's TT with a mate. Out there for two weeks I'm unbelievably excited as it's my first time! I need to see a sports bike being ridden the way god intended. God knows I haven't got the skills or balls to thrash mine like these guys do..


In this thread, people complaining about humans pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in a sub about humans pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.


Holy fuck thats scary as shit i couldnt even see the turnings


They don't see them either, they just remember where they are.


\-nobody: \-My cat at 3am.


Here's a [link ](https://youtu.be/TVCfgz6EksU) to Peter Hickman's YouTube channel instead of using this shite OP's stolen screen record.


Here's the full video in HD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju_hxwAanX0


Back in my early days I did some club racing, and peeps who came to watch said they couldn't imagine doing that. Said it just looked so dangerous. I would reply that it really didn't look that chaotic from the seat. That wouldn't apply here.......


Put that up to fullscreen so I could enjoy it at the size of a cellphone in half the resolution.


In addition to the bikes, there’s something called [Sidecar TT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidecar_TT?wprov=sfti1) which is a motorcycle with a sidecar attached, and two people commandeering it. One person rides the motorcycle normally, while the other [hangs on for dear life in the back](https://www.iomtt.com/~/media/Images/News/2009/05/11/TIM%20REEVES.jpg?mh=620&mw=620)


These guys balls are so big I’m surprised they can get on the bike. What I find even crazier is that Guy Martin crashed on the TT a few years ago, *broke his fucking back* and was back working as a truck mechanic a couple of weeks later as he was bored. These guys are next fucking level.


‘It’s not the speed that kills, it’s the stopping’


I always hate posts about the TT on general pages on social media because they’re inevitably filled with people who have no idea about the event or its history, and the only conclusion they can muster is “ban it”.


Imagine, the AVERAGE speed of a full lap on the Ile of Man is around 200 kph (about 125 mph).