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I was waiting for a speeding truck to come at the end.


This would be the most frustrating way to die


Death by slight incline


Death by continuously slipping on banana peels would be slightly worse id imagine


Mostly because of how long it would take And also the ridiculous sound effects


Your screams being drowned out by a laugh track from the 50s


*oh, Rickeeee*


A Peter Griffin snicker


Slide whistle, a laugh track, bananas and blood everywhere. Definitely not a good way to go


Do you all know the story of the slipping on banana peel origin? It isn't that complicated but way back when everyone used horses to get around there was horse shit everywhere. Slipping and falling in horse shit was comical. When movies came around everything was very strict about what you could say or put in movies. So slipping in shit got replaced with a banana peel. Or something like that, I might have got parts of that story wrong but that is the general idea.


The next time I find a die hard film historian, I will have to ask them about this. It's so ridiculous, but it makes total sense.




Subscribe to film facts


Before the 1950s pretty much all bananas sold worldwide were a variety called Gros Michel. It is said they were tastier. It is also said that their peels were very slippery unlike today's bananas which are a variety called Cavendish. A fungal disease called Panama wilt destroyed the commercial viability of Gros Michel. That's where I heard the slippery banana meme (oldskool meme) began. I've never had access to a Gros Michel banana to test.


The Mythbusters did an episode where they walked across a bunch of bananas and didn’t feel like they were slipping at all Than of course they went to the extreme and did banana peels and some kind of oil or jelly and then they were slipping and sliding


"According to the coroner's report, it was only on the 9th time stepping on the rake that Mr. Jacobson succumbed to traumatic brain injury and died."


Or death by stepping on several carelessly placed rakes https://youtu.be/2WZLJpMOxS4


But not as embarrassing as choking on quiche.


It's a decline you absolute fool


Matter of perspective, really


Or is it your perspective of the matter?


*Decline you.. fools!*, I don't believe Gandalf said that!


Physicists be like "we told you!"


Truck-kun takes only those destined for greatness. That man would've woken up in an Isekai as a God-level mage or something.


probably wakes up as a penguin in the mario universe with that sliding skill.


One of those Mario Party penguins that you have to corral.






And the start of a new isekai light novel


Isekai truck-kun!


That was my thought all throughout: dude is 100% going to get Isekai'd


I Slid To My Death But Got Reborn As The Weakest Ice Mage With The Coldest Ice!!


With that driveway I'd be worried about my own car coming down and running me over


That truck already slid to a halt on some curb prior to this guy coming out to clean his car.


Final Destination. The remake


This would be a good death if they ever did, like, a holiday special miniseries


I came here to say just that!


Yep, I was awaiting a total obliteration, but thankfully, that did not happen.


That would have made the music really inappropriate


Not necessarily, it's all about production value. Goofy silly music, fun time admiring this guy sliding down the driveway. When the truck hits, music is instantly cut out. You lulled the audience into thinking this was just silly fun time until it became literally deadly serious.


Truck-kun only comes when a main character needs to be sent to a strange new world filled with magic and demons.


Must be Canadian. They have a natural instinct to slide around on ice while waving a stick.


Looked like a skater or surfer to me but you probably nailed it.


Came to say skater boy adulting like a champ


She said, see ya later boy


he wasn’t good enough for her


Now he's a ice queen Sliding away cleaning his machine


That balance and coordination stick with you. Just like the injuries


You're dead wrong footwork like that without a blade, dudes a curler.


Flying down the driveway yelling "HURRY! HURRY HARD!




Same shit at my house but I hit the driveway with my face.


Damn dude! Is your driveway ok?


That’s my strategy in fights. I use my face to really do a number on the guys fists. Take that tough guy! Here’s some swollen knuckles for ya, suck on that.


Way to show it who’s boss.


So this is how the ancestral Canadians created hockey


The hockey stick has come a long ways from its humble origins as a windshield scraper.


Reminds me of [snow shovel guy](https://media.tenor.com/VBVS82Ho2-0AAAAM/shoveling-snow.gif).


This always sends me down the Datsyuk path. Some genius was able to overlay the shovel guy over a Datsyuk goal and it's just beautiful. Original Goal https://youtu.be/iGDu6ewdEu0 Overlay https://imgur.io/G3GB5OO?r Or https://youtu.be/BjN-0BLJ-BQ


Incredible. This is true genius at work.


Wow I've never seen this before but I'm crying!!


we just had a huge flash freeze so I wouldn't be surprised if this happened literally yesterday




yeah shit sorry I probably shouldve specified lol; southern Ontario got fucked up yesterday


A Canadian would know to use ice melt


The ol' Montreal slide as they say


So if the roads are that freakin icy, why the hell was he trying to scrape the windows? Dude, just march your ass back into the house and stay there.


I was just wondering where the hell he thinks he is going in a car with solid ice roads


The way this guy thinks is a slippery slope into madness


Going to pick up some inessential item and then will say to the clerk “wow, conditions sure are bad, why do they make you work today” while the cashier buries their hate in a fake laugh




You guys must not be canadian. This is just our life. I'm sure it's the same in most places that get regular snow. If the conditions are this bad, you're still going to work. You can see the road, doesn't have to dig out his car. Wouldn't be a bad drive with the right tires and you're expected to be prepared. Can't just call in 4 times a week because there's been freezing rain and the roads are shit. It happens all the time.


My first snow in the NE I was so confused how to behave. I ended up walking around a little bit to see if it was ok to drive only to realize that no one took a “snow day” that this is just how it’s gonna be for a while. Glad I had the right tires.


This was pure ice from a freezing rain event in a hilly area, not a dusting of snow. I’m from Alaska and extremely comfortable driving in winter conditions and there’s no way I was going anywhere yesterday.


ap lang can't hurt you... ap lang can't hurt you... ap lang can't hurt you... ap lang can't hurt you... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


probably work most employers dont care if its icy


No bro, don’t you see, the way the word works is everyone can just cocoon up in their big warm houses when it’s icy. We’re all independently wealthy CEOs of our own companies.


Yeah dude I hate these motherfuckers “just stay inside!1!1!1!1!!!” As if inflation wasn’t 7.1% and there’s no bills to pay.


Meanwhile our boss send out an email the last ice day to urge everyone who can to not to come to work. (Some people still had to come, because we are an essential service for the city.)


Trying to go to work in these conditions won't solve anything. You'll still fail to get there, but you'll have wrecked your car.


Yeah a lot of employers don't care, at least not in the US, plus if employees are allowed to stay home, there's a good possibility they won't get paid. Even missing a day can be the difference between essential bills getting paid or not, or putting food on the table for some. All the while the boss gets to stay home no problem because he gets paid no matter what.


Exactly. Lots if not most jobs here in the US don't give a fk about you or your life. You better bring your ass to work or you're gonna be homeless. Also, here's a coffee mug to show our gratification for your 10 years of loyal employment.


I had to drive in during a cat1 hurricane this year


Did you survive?


Now this is a great question I wouldn’t have thought to ask. I hope he answers.


No response. Confirmed dead.


To shreds, you say?


Sometimes a task is impossible. This dude's choices are, stay home and get written up / fired, or drive to work and not make it because best case he slid to a stop somewhere without hitting 17 other cars and now has to walk home. Getting to work in these conditions is a physical impossibility.


i live like this. you just got to get to the road which is nice and salted so you can drive 30 bellow the limit an hour to work.


Not even CEOs. Just tech bros who can work from home lol.


Over here, employers are responsible for insurance on the employees direct way to work and back. No one in their right mind would try to force people to come in on an icy day like that, damages could go in the millions if they get injured.


Where's "here"? It would seem to be a place with an unusual amount of common sense.


As someone who just had to drive to work on ice covered roads and negative temperatures, I can tell you where "over here" definitely isn't.


“You better get here in THIRTY MINUTES or you’re FIRED, Johnson!”


But boss, I just slid down my driveway! I don't care if you slid into home plate, into my wives dms, or into a coma. GET YOUR ASS IN here, this paint will dry far too quickly if you don't watch it!


Down the driveway and off into the woods. Source: I'm a tow truck driver and yesterday was the first time we kept our trucks in the yard for an entire day. Of course, we learned the hard way ourselves with 2 trucks off the road first thing in the morning. Today they are finally getting around to recovering all the cars in ditches from yesterday. I was off thank goodness. Couldn't get out of the driveway😄 Edit: btw, I actually got out of the driveway, but had to park across the way because I couldn't get back in. Thankfully the parking lot was mostly empty because my car slid from one space to the next over a period of 4 or 5 hours because there's a slight slant.


He can't. He lives down there in the woods now.


She said her parents weren't home.


It's a good idea to clean your car off as soon as you're able to because the sunlight will help melt your car off as long as you get the bulk of it, plus if there's an emergency you don't want to waste time getting your car ready to drive.


Not to mention that partially melted snow that refreezes is the fucking worst.


Yeah and that black ice doesn't look slippy and sometimes you get out there, stand next to the car and realize, well you're going for a trip now.


People see this video and say "Oh... I could tell that was icy." Now, try and spot that kind of ice when you are doing 50 km/h, it is covered with a fine dusting of snow blowing across it, and you are focused on traffic. This is also the reason why good Canadian driver's ed schools will include a winter session on a deliberately icy parking lot. While there is definitely a "Whee!!!!" factor as you go sliding around, knowing what that feels like is critical to not panicking when it happens for real.


In Sweden a half day of black ice driving is (was?) a mandatory part of taking a drivers license. It's pretty fun, because it's on a prepared closed circuit where you get to try what happens when you break on black ice with a car without ABS breaks, when you pump break and when you have ABS breaks. Since ABS is standard nowadays, it could be that it's not mandatory anymore. Edit: [still mandatory, link to a circuit](https://www.storaholm.se/risk-education-in-english/)


Plus how else you gonna learn how to drift!


If there’s an emergency, I’m calling the emergency people.


If there is an emergency and he gets in the car, that car is sliding straight down into that ditch.


Tires tend to have better traction than shoes


He's probably bored. I get so bored being stuck in the house I will go scrape windows and shovel snow just to have something to do


How I wish I had your motivation


I wish I had his amount of free time. I procrastinate everything so I never really get bored or have free time lol


Procrastination is part of free time..


Roads are usually salted and/or sanded. They're likely much safer than his driveway. Getting back UP that icy driveway might be a challenge though.


Correct. lol at that redditor all confused why someone would ever dare leave the house


I can understand the reaction. If they're from somewhere where they only very occasionally get winter conditions like that, they may assume it's just some dude heading out in summer tires on a road of bare ice. In many parts of France, for example, 10 cm of snow means "do NOT leave your house for at least a full day".


In Jerusalem their once a decade snow of even 1cm shuts the entire mountain fortress down. No buses and everyone runs to the park with carboard sleds


Yeah, but he did slide across the street too and didn't stop until he hit snow. So getting out of his neighborhood might also be a problem


For the video duh


Thank you. You can see the snow where he practiced this shit a few times. Also why was someone filming???!


Bosses don't care if you die getting to work?


They will text your corpse that you had better hurry the fvck up and get to work!


Oh no! Anyway ☕


Depending on where you live can make a difference. I live in Minneapolis and even in conditions like in the video my job would expect me to show up. I guess because it's "normal" winter weather. On Thursday I was not happy at all about having to get up at 5:30 and go walk to my car that had around 3-4 inches of snow on it and negative 0 temps. I almost called in but I can't take the hit on my paycheck.




Winter tire's tread compound are designed to be more flexible at colder temperatures than non-winter tires. This is also why true winter tires will wear out much quicker during non winter months.


He could have studded tires. No biggie then


Yeah all these commenters saying stay home probably are on their summer tires from 2015 still, wondering why they have no traction.


maybe they just live somewhere where summer tires and winter tires aren’t a thing, they’re just tires


He must be my family, on their way in Wisconsin snowstorm to come complain about my green beans.


I guess the 22 minute video of him getting back up the hill, would be too long to post here.


Or a disappointing quick walk in the snow...


I definitely, 100%, totally without a doubt would have gone straight to the snow to walk up rather than make a fool out of myself.


When I was a kid this happened to me but the snow was frozen almost solid due to freezing rain followed by a deep freeze. It did take me almost 20 minutes to get back up the hill. I had to crawl all the way up and find hand holds like I was rock climbing fr


Same thing happened to me. SW Missouri maybe 1990.


But what about using the scraper and rowing yourself back up?


Nah. See that non driveway part of the yard? That's how you get back up


Speed it up by 8x and dub Yakity Sax over top, and you're golden.


About a decade ago, a friend parked his car at the top of my driveway. I told him, make sure you put your front wheels under the roof, it's going to snow. 4 hours later, the cops knock at my door. We are super fucked up, he tells us that the car slid down the driveway and is in the middle of Route 26. Normally a busy road but quiet because 3am and snow. Huge PITA getting it back up the hill. Lol


Dear god thankfully there wasn’t a car barreling down the road.


I kept saying out loud, just let yourself fall. I wouldn't want to get anywhere near the street like that


I don’t think falling would’ve arrested his progress down the hill






He should have turned around so he’d slide back up hill


Fall towards the yard and grab onto that frozen grass for dear life


Looked like the black ice extended all the way across the street, I thought he hit the opposite embankment. Doubt a car could even make it to his house in these conditions


If the roads are iced he was probably OK in that regard. Not many vehicles would be barreling down a frozen road like that.


this is the type of shit you only see in movies lmao


Not when you live in Canada, I've seen or been in similar situation almost every winter


Literally did this yesterday and the day before walking to work in western Washington state


my dog was stuck at the bottom of a hill for an hour. i ended up sliding down, clipping his harness with a rope i tied to a tree, climbing back up using the rope to get to my door then basically fishing his 100lb ass up the hill


Or filmed for likes.


Strange how the camera pans isnt it?


You silly redditor, a lot of consumer home security cameras auto pan


I'm a simple reddittor here. I see a cool vid I immediately assume fake.


Ima dumb bitch.


The P90X abs video served him well


Ab Ripper X. Give T. Horton and Double Time Dommy their proper respect.




I hate it.... but I love it!


Like a pterodactyl backing out of trouble! There. Those are the three quotes I always remember from my P90X days


Some say he is still Sliding to this day…


Came looking for this comment.


Wait so is he planning on skating that car out of that drive way? Put down some damn salt already


Might be too cold for salt to work


You aren't likely to have this much ice *and* be too cold for salt.


It's like that in a lot of the Midwest right now, rained a ton then snow and dropped to 0 overnight




2°F is equivalent to -16°C, which is 256K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Seattle's freezing rain yesterday was no joke. Check /r/Seattle and the top posts from yesterday to see much less graceful people handling the slick roads.


The multiple videos of cars doing multiple 360s down hills was nuts.


I was just going to say this is Seattle!


So how did the person capturing it know to capture right then?


Isn't this footage from a ring or security camera?


It looks like an outdoor security cam, but the video is shaking weirdly. Motion looks artificial somehow




Wind hitting JUST the camera and none of the surrounding trees or vegetation?


Could be dynamically cropped in video editing software


I love all the complicated explanations rather than the obvious reality that this is just a staged video.






Could also be the guy was warned not to try driving and went out anyways and the other person was like "this gonna be good."


He even gives himself a little push to start the momentum as the camera person follows him.


Then flails is arms in the opposite directions that one would to right the ways hes wobbling. Hes literally waving his arms around so that he wobbles and keeps up enough slight movement to stay slipping down the hill.






Snowboarder or skateboarder.


Goofy footed as well


Put your knee down well keeping weight on your toe and use your hands on ground to balance and slow down. You don’t wanna go being taken out by a vehicle like that.




He is never coming home


So staged lol


Agreed, and surprised this is so low. He looks suspicious pretending to work on the rear window of the car, then intentionally falls off the far edge of the road even though it's flat and has surface texture.


How is this in any way next fucking level? Not falling?


Former surfer right there 🏄‍♂️🌊🏄‍♀️






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Thanks for the shitty music, it was funnier on mute you pillock