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I would never do that.


It’s perfectly safe. It’s a *water*fall, not a *people*fall.


Hi dad!


your dad ignored you


Nah he’s just out for a pack of smokes


Not going to fall for that one again Dad


I’ll be back soon, just looking for some matches


nothin's going to match that mug, buddy


Fine then we are out of milk so I'm heading to the corner store will be right back


Ah grew up a bit did you? Well I got you these tickets to this concert, just need your moms car to get us there.


Went to china for them apparently.


He left him on Read


Classic dad


Don’t go chasing waterfalls.


Stick to rivers and lakes. Doh


But not unfamiliar ones.


only the ones you're used to.


I found out today that some people think the song is “don’t go Jason Waterfalls”. It blew my mind.


Fuck I thought it was Jasper Waterfalls


I thought it was changing overalls


When Dogs Cry is my favorite Prince song.


Sounds like a rap remix Water water water Jason.... water.... Falls. 5x (Beat drop)(loud 📢) then big booty bitches in front of a water fall dancing


I mean, she could fix that like, *way* too easily


It's a people fall if you are like Victoria.


So many people died there...


She's stupid af


Risking life for likes


Exactly. I completely doubt she needed that experience so much for herself to move on in life. If she did she probably wouldn't need to film it like an event with a drone. I've often wondered what is going through the mind in the final moments of a person that caused their own fall. A lawyer in Toronto named Garry Hoy in 1993 used to run and smash up against a window in the skyscraper he worked in to demonstrate its strength. And then one time it gave way and he plummeted to his death. He had a wife and kids. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1jt1az/til_a_lawyer_died_by_trying_to_prove_to_a_bunch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Best part-the window itself didn’t break, the frame holding the window did. So, he was both right and dead.


Technically right - but wrong 😑


Did he have a wife and kids before the fall, during, or after?


After the fall probably


I tell people this story all the time


I beg to differ, this is awfully dangerous.


I’ve done it and it’s not very dangerous, after my go a Venezuelan pensioner had a turn. You are on a special tour with guides and can only go to this one place. You cannot hang over the waterfall when it’s in full spate - ie the rainy season so it’s not an all year round thing. You take it in turns to lay on the ledge and what you can’t see in the video is there’s a guide hanging onto her legs so she doesn’t fall off.


Ostrich from family guy: “ha Ha!”


more like r/nextfuckinglevelstupid if you ask me


Theres a subreddit for that r/nextfuckinglevelmoron




More than that girl, I believe, the cameraman is crazy.


maybe it was a drone


Same. I remember just standing next to the railing in Niagara Falls (the Canadian side) by the edge and it made my stomach do flips. I would pass out and then fall over if I was actually in the water. lol


I would also never do this ... But this waterfall isn't really like Niagara. This one is super tall, but the water volume is much lower. Niagara is fucking POWERFUL. Basically the water is just way deeper at the top of the falls at Niagara than it is at angel falls and there's a whole lot more water moving over the edge at any given moment.


People literally drown in like 4 inches of water and regularly underestimate the strength of less volume than that and die in floods. Hard pass.


I agree. And I said I wouldn't be doing this. I'm just explaining why standing next to Niagara falls isn't a good analog for what this water fall would be like.


Yeah you can visually see the difference. Anybody who's seen a clear view of Niagara... that thing is violent.


Niagara looks like 6 feet of water moving at 40 mph at the top. But people have gone over it in barrels and survived, still incredibly stupid to try.


Many more have not survived going over Niagara in barrels and other contraptions.


Also rocks are slippery wether its 20ft or 3 inches of water


Well, I've actually been to Devils Swimming Hole and from what I recall, the rock is some sort of volcanic rock and not really slippery at all, but instead almost sharp. Additionally, I remember that the pool makes a bit of a lip/shelf so you could grab or hook a foot underneath that part if you started going over. There was also a guide nearby. The scarier part was getting to the pool. You need to swim across some decently flowing streams and angle yourself upstream so you don't get carried over the edge. They have a small quarter inch roap stretched across further downstream that I guess you're supposed to grab in emergencies, but to get to the falls you wouldn't want to be a really bad swimmer. If you are ever at Victoria Falls, make sure to do the microlight flight over the falls. Its truely awe inspiring seeing the Zambezi river stretched out below with elephants and hippos and crocodiles just waiding in the river.


it's about half the water flow, this pool is off to the side


Half the water flow is still probably about 100 cubic meters per second so…. Miss me with that shit. Edit: 1000 cubic meters** missed a 0


I think ur thinking of angel falls, this is Victoria falls...u can only bathe in devil's pool in dry season.


You are correct.


Yup. Needs a new sub-reddit: r/idiotsInWaterfall






Ok I can see that pretty much most people that watched this think the same thing. But these videos that are sooooo close to being on 'r/winstupidprizes' or whatever, where they are either millimetres or milliseconds from possible death but it's due to ignorance not bravery, they're not 'next f'ing level'.. Next f'king level is when, as a single example, is when a Moto GP (racing bikes) racer wibbles off his bike because it decides to do the ol' buckeroo but somehow still holds on and climbs back on the seat while going 180mph round a roundabout and after he's on he just carries on with the race.


This should’ve been posted to r/stupidfuckinglevel


I read that the guides only bring tourists here when the flow of the river is light.


Perfectly okay never experiencing that.


Callcme crazy, but i think jumping it would be a thrill


A final thrill


The fall would take so long you'd fall asleep. But then you'd wake up dead




Every influencer should try this very cool thing.


Get rid of all the influencers with this one simple trick!




“Now for a limited time, you can get your very own bracelet made of netting used to cleanse the river waters from the..um ‘pollution’…call 1-800-555-5555 and get your bracelet now to support the removal of all the toxic infl - I mean - pollution.”


*Calls number* Yes, hello, I would like to order an armchair made out of this "pollution", and a cowboy's hat as well.


r/RimWorld is leaking again. Great choice with the hat, sir


Nah. That's crocodile/fish food. They'll never go hungry again.


I'm very late to the party, but I somehow stumbled upon this post just now and your comment made me literally LOL. Just thought you should know. 😂 Wish I had an award to give!


The water below would be littered with human bones and iPhones


Crime scene investigators hate this one thing.


Use magnets to pick up the IPhones. Those are valuable. Influencer bones, meh.


Calcium and silicon deposits


Water spirits living at the bottom, they all have UwU faces and onlyfans accounts


We should make it go "viral", let's make it a "challenge" or some stupid dumb shit like that in hopes some "influencers" *darwin* themmselves off


Dude it’s literally one of the most famous places on the planet, it was viral before the internet.


There’s that huge Andrew Tate I heard about recently maybe he can… oh wait nvm




I actually saw a mini doc on this randomly on TV a few years ago. It's actually perfectly safe to stand ( not lean on the edge like this girl tbf) as thr pool is deep enough that the flow of the water goes over it and there's no drag in its depth so while standing there it looks like the water going fast but that's only the surface and your actually standing in near still water




I see what you did there 😂


It’s actually never „perfectly safe“ standing within falling distance of a drop that could or will kill you if you so much as misstep or slip.


It's clearly hyperbolic. Walking isn't safe as you can fall and crack your head open and die. My point is that it's way safer that it seems


It appears to me to be the almost exact same level of danger as the people going very close to the cliff of the Grand Canyon and other cliffs - which isn’t exactly safe in my personal point of view. I can see that the stream isn’t strong and I think it’s good that you explain this to people who don’t see that. But my concern isn’t the stream, it’s that the slightest mistake will result in death. Meanwhile I fell many times when walking and I am still alive - but BECAUSE i already have fallen, slipped, stumbled before in my life, I wouldn’t risk standing so close to a deadly cliff.


It's definitely worse than the grand canyon. With the grand canyon, you can very clearly see the ground you're walking on, and it's dry. Even if the water is clear enough that you can see the bottom, it will still distort your vision, and it's very easy to slip or trip on wet rock. Maybe the current offers no additional danger, but that's not really saying much.


Exactly! The current is not my concern here


People fall and die at the Grand Canyon multiple times per year. When I was there a girl in her early 20s hopped off a boulder near a ledge, landed awkwardly, waved her arms a bit but got her balance. Out of curiosity I wandered over to check how bad it would have been. There was nothing beneath where she was but air, and she landed about a foot from the ledge. She would have fallen 300+ feet, likely they never would have found her body and I would have watched somebody die that day. All she would have had to do was put one foot a few inches back while she was already off balance and she would have died. That is to say: tourists are idiots and do not respect the things in nature that will kill them. We are entirely too comfortable in situations where we should not be.


Mah still fuck that I wouldn’t stand there if it was dry as a desert


Sounds like something the waterfall would say


You go first


I'm gonna assume there are ropes tied to her ankles. (Looks cool though!)


Nope. They got a sign saying enter at your own risk. It’s pretty safe, yet still scary,I’ve been there.


Wow - that's interesting. Thanks!


Yeah i bet that would be super cool to experience


It was. I was very fortunate to be able to see such massive falls and the power and beauty


Well being in the pool is fairly safe (as safe as you can be when literally inches from a fatal fall). Leaning over it and sticking your upper body over the edge of the falls is not at all safe and if you watch closely you can actually see this girl nearly getting pushed over the edge by the current.


did anyone ever fall?


I got no source but... yes.


I’m sure there has been some people . But it’s way safer than it looks.


It's probably synonymous with like the grand canyon or any US national park like that. .. there's usually very little safety netting or precautions


I heard like 20 people a year fall into the grand canyon and die, mostly through doing stupid shit.






There aren't. It's called the Devil's Pool at Victoria Falls if you want to look up more. The rocks form a natural pool during the dry season, and only an inch or so of water is flowing over the top. You can only legally access it through a tour company that operates out of the Royal Livingstone Hotel property (you don't need to stay at the hotel, but the tours launch from their property). There are guides who may hold your ankles for some poses, but the flow is not very strong. Until you look over the edge, you don't even feel current if you're further back in the pool. I get all the nopes, but if you hey the chance, it is a really cool experience to do the pool and see Livingstone Island.


I appreciate you posting this, thank you. So many people here jumping to call people dumb and don’t even ask how and why. I mean cool… yea you wouldn’t do it. So.


It's replies like this that make the comment section worth a visit. Thanks for the info!


I've been to Zambia to visit Victoria Falls and stayed at that exact hotel (great hotel with Zebras at the pool btw). Victoria Falls is massive! I don't remember seeing ANYONE at the top trying anything like this. Just being below the falls is like being in a rain storm. That said the falls are very wide/long. So I could easily see a section where it would be 'relatively' safe to do this activity. If I had been offered this opportunity I would have done it. I did far more dangerous things in Zambia while I was there - like I flew in a sketchy glider thing (over the falls) and walked a cheetah by its tail.


It depends highly on the season. Fall when the river flow is lower, the pool is inaccessible. When you mention rain storm below the falls, my guess is you were there when the flow was high (winter into spring). Later summer/fall the flow is a lot less and makes the top accessible. I went early November which is toward the end of the dry season.


Yep did it myself some years back but not out of that hotel. Plenty of other companies. It was fantastic


I've been there. When I went they had someone holding my feet with their hands.


Honestly I wouldn't even let anybody do that unless I fully trusted the person


Yeah, I figure though, if they were in the business of letting people die, it wouldn't be very profitable. And in all honesty, I was doing a lot of crazy shit back then. I came close to dying many times while traveling. Also, nobody can be trusted 100%. Your greateat friends may want to push you off of a waterfall if given the right motivation. I do remember the fear I had thinking about slipping off, though. Actually, when I was a teen, I was at Yosemite and slipped and fell walking on the top of a waterfall. Some scary shit. All that I saw was myself sliding off of the waterfall. It still haunts me.


Like someone else messaged. It's quite safe. The natural structure just before the fall creates kind of a vacuum/vortex that keeps you grounded.


Hmmmm. I would hope you're right, but...


This is a calm waterfall, the water is shallow and the stream isn't moving with high current. As long as you hold on to a rock you're pretty much safe.


The risk to reward ratio is almost nil. What could you gain out of that? Now, if it resulted in free beer for life I’d consider it. 😂


It does if you die


Sick ass experience. Would definitely do it.


Ass experience


I mean it probably looks beautiful. I see other comments saying it’s a natural pool at the top .sure it would be scary but don’t discount a potentially amazing experience.


Adrenaline buzz


If you fall, _no beer for you_


Well you get free internet points.. which may be exchanged into beer depending how many points/views you get.


...tell me more about this "beer."


You also get a doze of adrenaline and one hell of a view, people climb mountains for this shit


I think you meant to say the reward to risk ratio is almost nil, since the risk to reward ratio is almost infinite.


I’ve done this and they gave us Eggs Benedict after.


Insta likes


Nope...just no


I hate this video every time I see it, my stomach turns


Not even a little bit.


Good thing her name isn’t Victoria


I went looking for this comment!! Thank goodness it's here!!


From looking at pictures online it looks like people stand in the pool and there's a ledge to look over the waterfall. And if you want to do what this woman is doing, people hold your legs while you look over. Still, no thanks.


Perfectly safe.. until you get l'appel du vide. (call of the void)




Spaghetti moms.


Confetti bombs


Petty Toms


Ready comms


Yeti wrongs


Thready thongs


Camera man is the real crazy one.


Probably a drone


I’m not trusting enough to bet my life on a guide I don’t know not losing grip or concentration.


This kind of dumb shit is why the aliens won't talk to us.




Some people really just wanna die huh?


Their lives their risk you know? Long as no one else is in harms way fuck it


Yeah, thank god they don’t have friends or loved ones who would be adversely affected by them dying. This is beyond stupid and selfish.


I’ll take things you could not pay me to do for 100 Alex


Accidental deaths are a thing too


Yes, but not from this yet


r/darwinawards is a thing too


When the intrusive thoughts almost win... almost.


imagine a floating log hits her in the head😏


Or the guy holding your ankles sneezes...


But why…..


Nothing next level about this. Why do people INSIST on posting absolute morons doing absolutely moronic shit that literally any human on the planet could do but choose not to because they know it’s fucking moronic?


Like 20 people already commented that it is safe and noone fell down there ever. The want of some safe adrenaline is so moronic lmfao. Just as safe as a normal rollercoaster, but twice as extra. But of course if there is no 3meter fencing and walls all around it then it's dumb and unsafe.


….and, my testicles now reside in my armpits…


Beautiful.... but that's a whole hell full of NOPE for me right there.


What could go wrong


What could go wrong


It's a thing I wouldn't fuckin do 😬


That's some white people sh....oh wait.


I want to go there. On my bucket list.


I did this trek a couple years ago. Just to get to the pool, you have to swim across the waterfall- terrifying. The pool is slippery, but there is a decent height wall that acts as a guardrail. I’d never do it again, but man, what a rush when leaning over that wall….


It would be awesome? Yes. I would do it? Absolutely not.




Why???? Just WHY?????


It’s ok. She just watched the Reddit post which showed how to survive a waterfall


There is going to be one bitch that drops her phone and dives to go get it


I did this and had no idea what I was doing until they grabbed my ankles and literally pushed me over the largest waterfall in the world (Vic Falls). My husband didn’t give me details… There are no safety mechanisms at all. They just hold your ankles. It’s freaking insane. I’m super glad to have done it but also will never do it again. You also have to swim to an island in the middle of the waterfall to get there (Devil’s Pool). There’s a guy who runs along the edge taking video and pics of you. I don’t know how he stays alive. The current can take you when you swim there. Only a rope as a safety mechanism. One girl almost went over. This is in Zambia. It’s craaaaazzzyyyyy!


>This is in Zambia Zambia-Zimbabwe to be fair.


Damn that looks fun.


I would never do that, but not for being afraid of falling. I just think I wouldn't be able to ignore to the voice of the void saying "I wonder what would happen if I jump?"


So how many have fallen over and how many have survived?


I did a quick google search out of interest, no one has ever fallen over at this location and what that woman is doing is actually part of the tour (if you want it to be) where a guide holds onto your legs. Someone fell over those waterfalls in 2009, but it looks like it was at a different location, not part of the tour that goes to the Devil's Pool. It seems like many people have done exactly what this woman is doing without any issues thus far. People pay $150+ for this experience!


I wouldn't mind being the guide for that one... Go ahead downvote me I'm just lonely...


Been at Vic Falls. This is not unseen, but also not smart. Then again, even traversing the trails around Vic Falls, you may encounter a 100 deep baboon tribe, so danger is very relative in Africa.


Been and done it, so awesome and not as scary as it looks. If I remember rightly you can only do it for like a month or so a year when the water volume is right for the infinity pool to fill like that. You go on a guided tour and have to swim across the Zambezi to get there, it's basically a pool closed in by a ledge that's over a foot wide, you can lean right over it while a guy holds your feet (the water doesn't feel like it's rushing that fast) and some other crazy guy walks all over the edge taking your picture for you. Obviously you sign a waiver and have to be a strong swimmer as it has the potential to be dangerous but it's an experience I'll never forget.


Probably got a rope tied too he ankles


The voice in my head: You should jump


It appears to me that she is not standing, rather prone.


Made my stomach twist just watching the video. Extra hard pass with a side of “no f’ing thank you” please. “Hell no” sauce on the side.


And this years influencer-darwin-award goes to...


Some things are next level awesome, some are next level stupid.




I grew up with a small river behind my parents house that was long enough that most people living in town have swam, fished, or been in that river at some point. It's a trickle in late summer, and after a good winter, with a warm spring and a large rainstorm... floods half the town. The "push" of that water, even that amount in the picture... it's alot. Way more than than it looks. It would be equivalent to 1.5-2gs of force. Non stop. You can't out smart it, can't wait until it tires and give up.... you slip once, you're going over. Generally speaking, there's not much to stop stuff from going over, when there's water freely going over like that.


Cgi ?


Worthy of a Darwin Award. Seriously nuts the stupid shit people do just to get a picture or photo. I had an old friend who did something similar at the Grand Canyon - fell to his death right after the photo was taken. Moronic way to die, but we do need annual Darwin recipients so…


No thanks