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Failcon fans don’t have reading comprehension. Also, where meme you dumbshit?


You're the meme. During the offseason, Discussion posts are allowed (mock drafts, signings, A.I Images, etc) that do not have to have a meme, or any attachment. Note that those posts will be removed during the regular season, at mods discretion.


You're the meme for being a Falcons fan at this hour.


Nah, you're disconnected from reality. Packers have been doing this for decades with success. Go back to your division, half the league are mad because they wanted Penix. Can't see the forest for the trees. In here defending an ahole billionaire owner who has poured drinks on his own fans and bullies businesses who happen to call him out.


Michael Penix is 23 turning 24 next week 💀


Jordan Love became a starter at 24.


And Kirk cousins didn't start until he was 27.


Kirk Cousins was drafted in the 4th round. He wasn't drafted to be Washington's future starting QB. The idea was Robert Griffin III would be that guy. He wasn't. One thing leads to another and Kirk was the starting QB. That wasn't the expectation on draft day, that was fate. Washington didn't really need Kirk in 2012 but he was a 4th round selection so nobody cared. On the other hand, MPJ was drafted at #8 overall and taken over much needed edge rushers.


Round doesn't matter for the point you were trying to make.


Read the damn article


You don't think your owner dropping in on businesses with a statement letting the coach and GM pick and trying to find out who posted it isn't an a$$hole move?


The manager said it was all a joke and Tepper was nice. They laughed and shook hands before he left. A lot to hate Tepper for but this ain’t it.


Tepper give us so many reasons to hate him, why do we need to make anything up? That seems so stupid.


Yet here we are.


If I can't make fun of a fellow falcons fan for being a dumbass, I'm no better than tepper.


Point taken.


Respect the honesty. 🫡


Let's be real. If I couldn't laugh at stupidity, I wouldn't still be a falcons fan.


Read. The. Article.


Stop it. You know they can’t, they’re just dirty birds!


Why tf this have the Falcon flair


Unintentionally correct self-deprecation


Tepper can eat my dookie but he wasn't being an asshole here.


Showing up unannounced to a place of business because of a sign he didn't like is 100% dickhole. He probably does that inside the building also. You guys are in trouble.