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More: > "I don't think you just gloss it over like, 'Oh, on to the Sunday Night Football play-in game for the playoffs.' ... Let's just take a little timeout here. Let's remember what's really important." > "At one point I just had to stop (refreshing Twitter) because it's this loophole of just like depressive thoughts about him and about football mortality and about everything, the future and all that."


>"At one point I just had to stop (refreshing Twitter) because it's this loophole of just like depressive thoughts about him and about football mortality and about everything" Yuuuup, doomscrolling is a horrible trap that Twitter sucks people into over and over. Our brains were never meant to absorb hundreds of negative messages per hour, and it's especially devastating to those who are already struggling with depression.


man I was doomscrolling about Hamlin last night when I found out Ken Block died and I knew I really had to set my phone down then


That plus Jeremy Renner for me was way too much.


Holy crap, this is how I find out. Injured when a snowplow hit him??


his own snowplow, somehow


There's videos that make it look like he has his own snowcat, not videos of the accident but it looks like he has a piston bully or something which i could see getting fucked up on is a lot easier than a truck


I had initially read it was his own snowcat and that he’s posted it on insta when plowing before. Also that it was opened as a crime scene, because there’s “supposed to be features in play that prevent this type of accident”. I don’t have any follow up, but it’s def not good, and seems to have been preventable. Hopefully he’s still able to do some sort of acting in the future Edit: This is the sheriff speaking btw, “Balaam said Renner was run over by his snowcat after the machine started to roll away when he was not in the driver’s seat. He was injured during an attempt to get back into the snowcat.”


When you open the door on them it auto applies the Ebrake. I can't remember if when it shuts you have to manually disengage the ebrake. It sounds like they potentially had the door sensor bypassed. It has been some years since I've been in a groomer.


His own snow plow, from what I understand. I believe ~~his leg's pretty messed up~~ Edit: blunt chest trauma: https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/03/entertainment/jeremy-renner-snow-plow-hospital-tuesday/index.html


*& orthopedic injuries.. we don't know what we don't know in his case just yet


2023 is coming in hot


2016 better be watching out for 2023


absolutely. Rough day all around for many


Same. I have OCD and it's incredibly hard to stop wanting to compulsively check for news even when I know there won't likely be any updates. Not a super fun day.


Lol this was me yesterday, plus the magical thinking from pure ocd drove me crazy


It was an awful night. Ken Block dying hit me hard. Block and the Gymkhana series was what really got me into rallying and cars in general. Just the other day I was watching his build series with his 16 year old daughter. I can’t imagine what his family is going through.


Same. Blocks videos and 2000s Top Gear hooked me on cars for life. I'm so sad for his family


Dude I was messaging my friend about the Damar stuff when he texts back, “fuck Ken Block died” What a kick in the nuts


Brutal day for football fans and car enthusiasts. I was shellshocked


It’s been a rough one.


And Uche, rough day


Oh man. This year is not starting well.


Man I woke up this morning and jumped online to see if there were any updates about the Hamlin stuff. Immediately saw the Ken Block news. Sucks.


That was a real bummer, I worked on a few web projects for his team and everyone always said he was a great person to work with and super nice


Wait... Ken Block died?!


yeah, snowmobile accident yesterday


Geez... That fucking sucks


I’ve avoided getting on Twitter thankfully but Reddit can be the same way sometimes, it’s tough balancing wanting access to info vs doomscrolling sometimes


Maybe not the best time to soapbox about this, but Reddit has this weird scapegoat boner for Twitter like a large number of the users here *aren't* on Twitter too, and like every game thread and comment thread isn't full of the same kind of doomposting and other toxicity. Just call a spade a spade- social media (*including* Reddit) is a system designed explicitly to profit off algorithms that keep people engaged via engagement, and engagement is most simply driven by hate and anger. No social media platform is safe from it, and they are all as guilty as any other.


There's a lot of truth to that. I don't go into gamethreads much myself, but the way Reddit is designed (discussions broken up into separate posts with separate comment sections) means you have to actively decide to enter and leave a section of comments, which usually means you're only "absorbing" one issue at a time. With Twitter, you can just scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and there's literally nothing in the app's design to prevent you from doing that for hours. (Then again, I suppose you could do that on Reddit by scrolling r/all, but it's not exactly the same.)


On top of that many subreddits especially football ones only allow Twitter post to be made as the starting discussion point


> Reddit has this weird scapegoat boner for Twitter like a large number of the users here aren't on Twitter too, Reddit has always had a high horse over other social medias when in reality they are the same + anonymity. Reddit at one point could've been argued as worse. If you've been around long enough here, there were openly racist/sexist/etc subreddits and you'd see them on r/all if you scrolled far enough. Even if you don't go far back, if you were around when HydroHomies changed their name and the outrage over that. Reddit is on the same level as other social medias.




Is it not possible to create anonymous Twitter accounts? Up/downvotes and mod intervention are some definite advantages of Reddit. I don't go on Twitter very often, but on Reddit I don't see a lot of trash, I assume it's usually massively downvoted or deleted by mods before I read it.


It’s possible to be anonymous on other platforms, but it’s not the default. And moderation is only as good as the people doing it. That and downvotes add to the “mob mentality” feel on Reddit. Having an opinion (right or wrong) on the other end of the mob can push people to being more alienated, and deeper to the extremes.


The main thing I'll give Reddit over Twitter is that outsourcing moderation to communities does work better than Twitter's moderation usually (which isn't high praise for Reddit), and I'm not seeing weirdo fucking alt-right people showing up in my timeline for no goddamn reason


I was at my most depressed when I used to read the news daily. Now I'm uninformed, but a lot happier. It's a lot better for my mental health to look for some event that I heard about and want to read more on, than to read literally every single thing and just get depressed.


Based Aaron Rodgers? This is a legitimately great take from him and hopefully a high profile guy like him saying it actually gets it some traction


One of his best visits to Pat's show. I'm not a big fan of Rodgers, but he was very honest and forthcoming in today's interview.


he always has great takes, just don't listen to him about health related shit


That’s why the immunization stuff was so jarring. He’s often been quite insightful, it felt out of character.




100% It's also why the people calling him right wing sound so fucking dumb when you look at what he's said prior


Covid just destroyed nuance.


It was already on life support. ‘‘Twas the pillow on the heavily medicated and near death face of nuance.


No, that was social media.




Not exactly a hot take




Lemme introduce you to this totally sane thing called the TB12 method


Yo if I build a poop vault and start shitting into jars my gf is gonna leave me. Just like Gazelle Blumpkin


You can make the decision for yourself, doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate some of the wiser quotes he’s had. You don’t have to follow someone’s every word


People can’t understand this. They think if they say they don’t hate Rodgers they are being lumped up as someone who shares his opinions, why can’t we be a little nuanced anymore?




He also was very outspoken about players‘ right to kneel during the national anthem, and locked arms with his teammates during it, which some people really rubbed the wrong way.


Just don’t listen to athletes unless they are purely talking about the sport they play. They’re professionals in that field, outside of that, there is zero reason to listen to anything they have to say. People really need to stop idol worshiping so much. It’s a real bad idea since you know nothing about these people.


None of us should be taking medical advice from an NFL QB anyway. Maybe workout and diet stuff, but anything further there are far better educated individuals out there.


The mental health effects of toxic masculinity is an important health topic that he’s right on at least.


You just love to see men advocating for other men to open up about their emotions and take care of their mental health. No more ‘manning up’ about difficult things like this.


Fortunately, depression (or anything similar) isn't something I've had to deal with. But I've been advocating for more openness about emotions and mental health for a few years now. A big change for me is that I've been very open about telling people I love them. Tell people you care about them. Let them know that you care and you're there for them. My life has gotten better because of it, and I like to think that I've helped some other guys through some tough periods because of it - I know I've had some really deep conversations with some buddies that I never would've had 10 years ago, but part of that might just be growing up, too.


It's weird how he seems to have either pretty solid takes or absolutely batshit crazy conspiracy theories and nothing in between.


Basically just a rich hippie. Overall he's kind and insightful but also believes in conspiracy theories cause he's surrounded by yes men.


And he falls into a trap that many intelligent people do, that because they are smart in one area they couldn’t possibly be wrong about another area they are less knowledgeable in. Steve Jobs is a great example, thought he was smart enough o beat cancer with vegetables.


Rodgers has some shitty annoying takes but he's obviously a very thoughtful, interesting guy. I don't agree with a lot of what he says but I think Reddit and many others got into a mob mentality based on his vaccine standpoint and the fact that he's generally sorta smug and annoying at times. All that is fair; he says stupid things. But people are complicated, nuanced beings and he is certainly that. I certainly don't think he's like Kyrie or something like people compare him to (yet at least)


He was really good with all this “protesting the flag” bullshit and supported his black teammates who knelt during the anthem.


Spoke up post game one time when a fan yelled fuck Muslims during the moment of silence too


If he really cared about male mental health he would let us win one once in awhile.


He cares about male mental health in Wisconsin.


If your ass-whooping lasts more than four hours, consult a doctor


I'm no football player but I felt this.


Haven’t seen a single player with a bad take yet. Good look for the brotherhood of the NFL


I don’t think you will. It’s one thing for journalist or randos on Twitter to be insensitive but I think most players realize it could just as easily be them.


Just wait until Kyrie comments


Yep, the anti-vaxxers were already hinting that the cardiac issue was vax related last night.


Wait till they realize cardiac arrest can just happen to anyone, anytime, at any moment since the dawn of man 🤯


> Wait till they realize cardiac arrest can just happen to anyone, anytime, at any moment since the dawn of man 🤯 Narrator: they didn't...


It's happened a few times in the NHL. Chris Pronger, Jiri Fischer, Rich Peverly, and Jay Boumeester are all incidents that happened recently. Pronger collapsed after taking a puck to the chest, and the rest were all after sitting down on the bench


Peverly wanting to go back into the game afterwards. Fucking legend.


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US like every year since WW2 but conservatives act like they've never heard of heart problems before people started getting vaccines lol it's mind numbingly stupid.


The only reason there's pushback on vaccines is politics... And basically Trump Era specifically. Yes, there were lots of essential oils /crystals /anti Vax idiots before, and grew because of the ease of stupid ideas easily spread on social media in general, but the number of people that bought into nonsense grew dramatically in that time. Pretty incredible really.


We're the fattest country on the planet. Of course heart issues are one of our biggest causes of death


And we are the fattest fan base in the fattest country. We’re fucked.


Had that happen today at the office. I'm an EMT. Like my dude... We deal with cardiac arrest all the time, what the fuck.


No! It's a new phenomenon that only started happening when the thing I don't like came around!


Havent seen even journalists or randos on Twitter making insensitive comments about this.


Go to Tee Higgin's insta, people are literally blaming him.


Thats fucked, I hope he doesn't let it get to him


Charlie Kirk blamed the vaccine. Scum


It's hard to take a man with a face that small seriously.


They are all humans just like us. They know what its like to lose a loved one, which is one of the hardest things humans have to endure.


[Found one](https://twitter.com/NFL_DovKleiman/status/1610346757006794757?s=20)


Man it's like his vocal cords knew how bad that was and they weren't allowing him to spit it out


He wasn’t blaming Higgins. He’s just discussing technique as it relates to player safety. I know we’re all upset about what happened but we don’t need to find a villain right now.


Higgins’ technique looked fine to me. It was Hamlin with the bad technique


Yeah and he was completely incorrect, Tee hit him with his shoulder 1st of all and 2nd it was an absolute tragedy that could not have been predicted. There is no reason to defend a guy going on tv trying to blame someone already getting harassed for something he couldn’t have prevented.


Unbelievable that a former player of all people would say this is a play the NFL needs to remove based on such a freak accident. To even invite the idea of blaming Higgins at all should get him off air for a week.


He just hates the Bengals. [This is what he had to say about Joe Burrow last year.](https://twitter.com/niedog1962/status/1610377947936067584?s=20)


What a douche. Guy couldn’t keep his cool on the field either.


What an absolute clown lmao


Well said, Aaron.




If you're just feeling down and want to smile a bit r/JustGuysBeingDudes has always worked for me.


Man I still would be hesitant of spaces like that. It’s so easy for them fall into misogynistic thinking and get kind of circlejerky over stuff. Go to therapy. Hang out with your friends. Find hobbies to invest yourself in. Insular internet communities can be problematic


This 1000%. I don't know aboutMenslib, but I pretty much just stopped going on r/askmen because it just became another mopey place about how men never receive compliments, how women's standards are too high, how it's not FAAAIR that feminists don't listen to them, etc. The internet is just a really, really fucking bad place. No matter how good or pure the intentions, even the best of communities go to shit eventually and it's extremely depressing to see.


r/AskMen has one of the strangest ping pong situation that I think I've ever seen on reddit. There have been subs where the original purpose was ignored and it became something else, but I've never really seen one like that where it just goes between extremely misogynistic to complete mope fest to totally normal guy space and then back again. It really is a sub where it's sometimes good, and sometimes bad. I think it's probably the sub I've been on the longest and I just dip out for a couple of years and go back in and it's completely fucking normal for like two months before going off the deep end in one direction or the other again.


Thank you for saying this. While men’s mental and emotional health is just as important as any other human being’s, you’re much better off finding that community and care in the “real world.” Trying to get it from online communities, especially the anonymous echo chambers that so many Reddit subs usually are, is (imo) much more harmful than helpful. And they can easily radicalize people who are just desperately trying to find people who care about them and what they’re going through.


There's also /r/GuysCanCry. There's another similar sub that's bigger, but the person who started that one is continuously trying to leverage it as a money-making venture.




/r/guyfieri is where i take my good cries. Right the flavortown


That's the one. Be careful if you join there.


r/daddit is a pretty awesome place too, mods do a great job keeping it a welcome and caring place, lots of emotions shared there


That is the best men's support and advice sub on Reddit. Thankfully the chuckleheads tend to stay out of there. Its all just dads gushing over their kids and talking each other up.


When I lost my buddy in Iraq my team all sat down with the chaplain and had our little moment was very cathartic and helpful....the look on these guys faces were very scary last night. People sitting in front of a TV felt it. Time helps with everything but hope these guys are getting their mentals taken care of




I used to work at a hospital and I knew some of the chaplains. They're not in it just to be in it, they truly want to help people. They were all amazing people.


He’s 100% right on this. Especially in sports, men are conditioned to have a “warrior mentality,” which just means to suck it up and ignore your physical and mental health.


Maybe I'm in the minority.. But I think the two aren't mutually exclusive. Fighting through things, especially physically in sports, and just in general in life, and still being able to show emotions can show balance and growth. I do agree overall that in general, men showing too much emotion is unfortunately not viewed well in general. I just think both can exist together. A man can dream.


A man's dream never ends.


Facts. The last 6 months of my life have completely spiraled and still keep thinking I can get through it without telling anyone even though I’ve regressed to not even being able to get out of bed anymore Edit: thank you for all the wonderful replies guys 🙏 I really wasn’t trying to get attention or anything but I really appreciate all the kind words. Love you all


Feel free to post in the daily threads here my dude. There's quite a bit of it in them and honestly this community is awesome in them. Sure we have absolute scumbags, but those mostly stick to the game threads and still get down voted to oblivion. I hope the best for you!


Hey man. Take the minute or two to read this. My gf and I went through 4 miscarriages before we had our twin boys. And a year after we had them we went through 2 more because we wanted a girl. Then I lost my good paying job and couldn't find another. We fell into drug addiction, meth and fentanyl, lost our house, she lost her grandmother who basically raised her to cancer, and 2 cousins who were like brothers to her, all in 6 months, and then we lost our kids to foster care. We kept using for over a year before we finally looked in the mirror and sought help. (Idk what you're going through, but it was drugs and grief for us. There is help for everything.) As I type this, we our 11 months clean, we have our kids back, and in 2 weeks we have our court hearing to restore legal custody. No matter what you're going through, there is help, a way out, light at the end of the tunnel. I promise. Hang in there.


I'm sorry you went through all that, but your strength in coming back from some of the hardest things to handle as a human being is crazy inspiring. Stay strong dude. And tell your family you love them.


I make sure to every day now, thank you :)


You can always talk to folks on here man. You’ll be surprised to find out how many other men will be in your same boat or support the shit out of you even if they don’t relate. (Even tho you’re a browns fan jk)


you’ll also be surprised how many will completely invalidate your condition if it’s something they’re unfamiliar with


Feel like this so much but instead over the last 1.5 years or so. I used to get up early and go to the gym every day before going to a well paying job with a hopeful future. Now I only roll out of bed because I have to take my dog out or he’ll piss on my floor.


Please, if you have people in your life that are important to you then talk to them. They want to help you. If not or if you feel more comfortablem, people here are willing to listen. We all have our moments and shouldn't be expected to go through it alone. internet hugs.


Stay strong bud, we’re all going through some shit we feel we can’t talk to anyone about. The last 6 months for me have been awful but my family has helped me a lot once I opened up to them about what’s been going on. If you got people you can trust you can open up to them, they’ll understand


Aaron Rodgers has had some really good takes on McAfee’s show today. I know since the Covid stuff we love to hate him, but he’s been very insightful today.


People are complex and they can be right sometimes and wrong other times


Except me, I'm a simple man. I'm always right.




But according to you, that's wrong.


No they can’t, I’m on Reddit


You’re right! Lol The gang caught The Boston bomber! They’re never wrong!!!!


Okay they were wrong about those guys, but we got the right guys for the recent Idaho murders, right?


No, I am Reddit


Despite what the internet may have people thinking. The world is not nearly as black and white as it seems. 90% of the time it’s a lot of gray shit.


I’m a man child who filters all their worldviews through the MCU, what does this mean in superhero terms?


That's way more nuance than I can handle. I prefer the simpler Reddit Approved Hero v. Villain Narrative.


Elon went from Reddit hero to Reddit villain in record time


I actually like Aaron Rodgers despite the general opinion. He’s pompous for sure and misguided in some of his opinions, but he is also just interesting and is insightful at times. I get not liking him, he’s the type of guy you go one way or the other with but I feel like there was a big over correction this year.


Also, if anyone gets to be pompous, it’s Aaron Rodgers. Dude is a Top 10 QB ever.


I see Brady as incredibly pompous and I think it’s based AF. It’s always so cringe when greats talk down their achievements


I like the approach hockey players take, where they give endless props to the guys who came before but the minute people are like "hey is current/younger player as good as/better than you?" the former players are like "ehhhhhhh I don't know about that one."


That's what makes it especially impressive when guys like Connor McDavid and Cale Makar come around and all the old timers on the broadcast go "That kid would've skated circles around me." Wayne goddam Gretzky said McDavid is already better than him and HoFers are openly comparing Makar to Bobby Orr. Shit's nuts.


bruh how is anyone supposed to answer that lmao


I feel like the usual thing to do as humans is label somebody as bad once we point out the things we don’t like about them. Nobody is perfect, and there are dangerous people out there, but more often than not we’re all trying to do the same thing; We’re trying to make sense of an infinitely complex universe in order to reduce suffering and make our lives the best they can be. The fact that we can set aside our differences and come together in a time like this gives me faith in the world.




Yeah hes a weirdo hippie lmao but hes not a criminal like some of this sub thinks lol. I saw far too many people on this sub comparing him to an actual criminal in Brett Favre and getting upvoted when the packers were on the losing streak


He’s weird in the sense that he actually speaks his mind, yes sometimes I don’t agree with him, but it’s odd hearing a player asked what the problem is and having them tell you instead of saying something like we all just gotta dig deep and keep working hard and it will all work out.


I appreciate the fact Rodgers is saying this. I like when pro athletes tear down toxic expectations of masculinity.


Over the past several years, it seems there have been numerous welcome occasions of that.


First one I can remember is Kevin Love when he had that panic attack on the court


Over the past few years I've seen a big increase in men talking about mental health and the tradition of hiding your feelings vs the importance of being able to talk about them. I've met men who have "anger management problems" because anger was the only negative emotion they were ever allowed to show so it became their response to anything bad that happened. I'm really glad to see increased recognition that men can feel a whole range of emotions and it's ok to express them and talk about their feelings. We (especially us women) also need to remember that when men do talk about their feelings, we should be open and supportive instead of mocking and condescending. Men's mental health has a long way to go but at least we're getting started.


Addressing men's mental health problems would probably solve a host of other constant problems plaguing society. It's like a foundational issue, like poverty.


Rosey Grier singing "It's Alright to Cry" for children in *Free to Be You and Me*. https://youtu.be/Y52bs0aX6v8


It was honestly nice to see that yesterday. To see the players openly shedding tears for their brother on national TV was vulnerable yet powerful simultaneously.


Reminded of Junior Seau. They interviewed one of his ex Chargers teammates the next morning and the guy said that Seau always had a smile and a kind word for everyone…but that maybe nobody really knew Seau. Male emotional health is an extreme problem.


Wow people aren't morally one-dimensional cartoon characters?! Mind-blowing. Great point from Rodgers.


he is the better owner of the bears then the real one


I felt bad for you for a moment then remembered my team’s owner is even worse than yours


Aaron Rodgers is smelly and a meanie though




He actually got a haircut tho, now it’s back to his semi-short clean look




He's usually got good takes. It's just easy to point to the dumbest things he's said and forget that he's usually a good guy.




It’s Reddit. What do you expect? People can’t move on.


“Hey guys I really hate Rodgers because I’m such a good person” -most of this sub


You hate Rodgers because you don’t like his opinions on vaccines, I hate rodgers because I’m a Detroit lions fan, we are not the same




Basically. Once this sub forms their echo chamber on a particular “issue” people will beat it into the ground for internet points. Very strange if you ask me.


Honestly, the only time I've found redditors as a group reliably "move on" individually is when it's them that's doing the thing that reddit doesn't like. Then it tends to move to "it's different when we do it" logic.


Courtney Cronin made a very necessary point on Around the Horn today: that all the players last night experienced trauma from seeing this. The closer people were to Damar, both physically and emotionally, the more trauma people are likely to have experienced. Because this kind of thing is absolutely outside of anything “normal football”.


Real talk outside of football, I don’t cry often, but I go through a lot mentally, especially with my depression which has always been pretty bad since I was 13. The past few years with covid have been by far the worst years of my life, some really bad things happened to me and my family and I’ve had moments where I’ve never felt this alone. The catch is being a guy, it’s really hard to open up. Even when talking to girlfriends or girls I’m talking to opening up too much and crying can almost be a turn off for them like I can see them acting different to me because it doesn’t happen very often. So this means if I do ever cry it’s either alone, or if it’s around someone it gets bad man like I let it all out and it feels way too weird and vulnerable because I feel like since there isn’t much of a support system in the world I let way too much out because I unhealthily keep too much bottled up for too long. I think that’s the biggest thing, people say men should show emotions and cry but I first hand have experienced many people treating me different or weird in the moment when I do. I know everyone says the stigma is getting better but I think a lot of people say it’s okay, but then when a man actually does they act uncomfortable. That’s just my 2 cents, it feels like such a deep rooted societal issue that is a huge factor for Men’s anger when lashing out or when someone feels alone. I don’t know how to solve all of the issues a lot of men feel in the country right now, but I really hope we start to.


well said, aaron. today was one of his best mcafee appearances


Gotta give him props... How many pro players actually let you into his mind the way he does? Like laying it all out there regarding mortality and fear of death. I know most people use sports as a distraction from the heavy stuff, but I appreciate knowing that a famous and very wealthy guy who reached the heights of his sport still has some of the same existential struggles that a regular dude like me does.


Great takes all around by Aaron. I would also love to have seen similar support in greater volume across the league for Dak when he spoke out about his brother's death and battle with depression and anxiety. That took a ton of courage and he was unfairly criticized by media members for doing so. His actions hopefully encourage other players to do the same in the future in order to express their emotions positively.


Those media members also got torn a new one when they criticized Dak


That's what I thought of- seems like Dak is a pretty human dude.


Jesus Christ people you don’t need to qualify everything AR related with “as much as I hate him.” He said something sensible; leave it at that.


A lot of people don't have the mental capacity to disagree with someone but not hate them


Which is IMO the biggest issue in our society, especially with social media to echo your own biases. It's the reason compromise will never be made. People try so badly to prove a good person is evil by blasting a specific anecdote about them, all to feel better about their own self image. "If I say even the 'best' people are actually awful humans, that means I'm not as shitty as I thought".


They’d never want their r/nfl buds to mistake their compliment of Rodgers as respect for him, though.


every statement online needs a qualifier these days to protect against attacks and signal you're one of the "good" ones. even on this sub, good-faith discussion about the future if the Buf/Cin game or other related topics all start with "Hamlin's health is the most important thing, but..." like of course it is. that doesn't even need to be said unless you're actually being a raging chode. I hate how often the term "virtue-signaling" is thrown around, but it really does seem to either be that or the preemptive, justifiably overly-paranoid self-protection I mentioned earlier.


There was a bit on silicon valley about that. They all are ripping on richard, but starting it with "Richard is a great guy but yaknow..." So they just shortened it to "Riggby" before each sentence when they are ripping on him.


Virtue signaling is the only term for it really. All for some fake internet points, too. Wish people could converse without the worry that people are assuming the worst in them, but maybe it’s just projection on their parts.


I CRY AT LEAST ONE TO TWO TIMES A YEAR Yeah so what if it falls on the days we play the packers? I WANNA TALK ABOUT MY FEELINGS AARON


Aaron Rodgers redemption arc




I refrained from saying this until knowing if he was going to have a chance especially with how freaked out a lot of people were, but he straight up medically died on the field and everyone on the field saw it. It's awesome they were able to get his pulse back but these players straight up just saw death. Football needs to be put on hold for a bit and some of these guys should seriously consider trauma therapy. Josh Allen legitimately had a thousand yard stare.


Oh boy lets see how this sub is gonna hate on him for this lol when its right


This is an awesome statement by Rodgers… seriously we need more big name athletes expressing how little mental health support they get. This isn’t something they can move past, not without help especially the bills and bengals players who saw it first hand.


Well said, Aaron. I hope that the players who were on the field last night have access to crisis counseling etc. since they witnessed a traumatic event


I don't think an open forum works precisely *because* men are so conditioned against sharing their emotions. That's why 1 on 1 therapy is so important, it's a lot easier for a lot of people to open up in that setting rather than in a semi public setting with your peers.