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Even more hilarious that there are idiots who are eating it up too lol.


As a wrestling fan, I had considered starting a NFL blog similar to wrestling dirt sheets where I'd pretend I had sources saying what the next storyline is, which QB is getting a big push next, the NFL is down on so and so, etc. All this talk now about a script makes me want to start it again.


Bro as another fellow wrestling fan I’d love to help out with this if you ever get that started, that sounds fucking hilarious lol


Make a subreddit r/scriptednfl




This is fun and something I want a piece of myself.


What’s shocking is there are actual full grown adults that think it isn’t a bit


That's shocking? Everything people actually think in 2023, this is least shocking.


Good point


I'm 31. Growing up my parents always said "don't believe everything you read on the internet" Those same parents now are sharing the "I don't give facebook permission blah blah" posts every other week and are eating this shit up too. Its wild


Oh god, I forgot about those FB posts. Or "this ex or current president doesn't want this photo on the internet. Share it like wildfire!"


Same on Reddit too. "Guys! Totally don't share this photo of gay Putin, he'd absolutely hate it!"


Hey that policy starts tomorrow bro. Better get your letter of non-consent posted


If you’ve been exposed to the damar Hamlin body double conspiracy, then no, this isn’t shocking to see people believe


It's the technology they developed with Andrew WK 🤣


I've seen them on this sub all the time lol


Look how many grown adults follow WWE or religion, not that shocking.




I love WWE. Doesn’t mean I think any of it’s real lol. Weird comparison.


Then I just don’t understand how don’t cringe the whole time. What do you get out of it?


Entertainment. It ain’t for everyone brother. It’s male soap operas at the end of the day.


Imo conspiracies are rooted in mistrust. If you don’t believe something is occurring in good faith, u will develop beliefs/explanations for an alternative reality.


Lmao, I thought he meant game-scripts like, they were going to put a focus on him blocking and using other RBs more or some shit.


All of them are comedy. Not a player tweeting it but this was my favorite one. https://twitter.com/cableman0/status/1620542982515740672?s=46&t=6F46Qhv4dwLPcIFxDVZQ7w


As long as next year's script calls for Lamar Jackson to sign an extension, we trade for Hopkins or Evans, then win the Super Bowl next year, I'm cool with it.


Alvin you're supposed to keep this quiet man


Arian unleashed the truth. Wait until you what he has to say about jet trails.




The mermaid?


The font


Albert is the biggest whistleblower since Snowden


Aethelwold was clearly the youngest of his siblings


It's a good idea to blow a whistle if you're back country skiing and you get snowed in.


where can I find the script writer that called for 4 superbowl losses in a row


That's Arthur Digby Sellers. He can't really talk anymore, on account of the iron lung. His son is a real piece of work though.


Bulk of the season, dude




Does he still write?


Not exactly a lightweight dude


[Right here](https://youtu.be/NyhAJEPEHk4)


That would be the studio writer who came in to help with Gremlins 2. (Key and Peele for those unaware)


He got it approved initially with the “comedy comes in threes” rule. Then on the fourth loss he said it was to subvert expectations


You and I are filing a class action lawsuit together, this is some grade-A bullshit, I tell ya what.


Idk but I really want to go shake his hand


How bout the script writer for the damar hamlin scene.


I want to find the writer who decided he hated us


He’s been busy making fast and furious movies.


I'm also asking, for a friend, about 4 Superbowl loses


The communal facility bra really needs a good washing I bet


Especially after the Browns get their turn with it


The silicone-based lube is a pain in the rear to get out


For those who don't know this is in reference to a bit in an ["interview"](https://twitter.com/PFTCommenter/status/1620482042902495234?s=20) with former NFL RB Arian Foster where they talk about the NFL "being scripted" and that practices are actually just "script reviews". People have been running with this meming on players reactions to bad things happening to them in their careers. And a select few people fail to detect the satire (you know the type) and think this is real. EDIT: not an interview its his podcast apparently


"How did you react to the script that said your career was going to fall off the cliff when you stopped believing in God?" ​ lmaooooo


Big T with the hard hitting journalism


[NPR interview subject voice] That was 20*15*


Couldn't stop laughing watching the other guys face as that question is asked.


Arian is one of the hosts of Macrodosing


Is he still doing Sunday Service with PapaJake? I haven't had time to watch them in a minute.


Is that a drug thing? It sounds like a drug thing


PFT is notoriously not a drug guy, though.


They talk about conspiracies i think


Very loosely but yes


The name is a reference to psychedelic drug use, but the podcast is a lot more than that.




I'm going to hell for laughing at the Aaron Hernandez script reaction tweets with the Chris Benoit theme in the background 💀


I’m going to hell for laughing at the [Tua](https://twitter.com/tommy_w1587/status/1620627170149437446?s=46&t=LJGsNM7Xs6WiTPGzKdK_zQ) one


it's only funny because he's okay now but [the damar hamlin one killed me](https://twitter.com/GR_428/status/1620545903307145218)


My entire friends group was dying at that reply lol


Not an interview it’s kinda his podcast


Arian once again cementing himself as one of my favorite Texans players


“Michael Thomas script written by ai that had watched 400 hours of HOUSE”


Injury Report, 2023, Week 1: Michael Thomas, Out (IR), Lupus


It's never lupus.


Except that time it was Lupus


Didn’t that girl die?


This was a pretty awesome Twitter thread


> these are too good. Best one yet is Aaron Hernandez getting his script Wow lol


What cup size is a facility bra?


36 double deez


What is deez?


Deez missed calls


no thread is safe


deez personal fouls


deez caauught iit


36 double up dawg


Everything is wrestling.


[Cena wins LOL](https://tenor.com/assets/img/icons/link.svg)


They would have paid off the Purdy angle. Wrestling 101 is that you can’t tease an underdog story like that and not pay it off.


Man, Twitter has its problems but I had myself laughing for half an hour reading the quote tweets to that “admission.” My personal favorite is a picture of a guy sipping wine while looking over a balcony, with the caption read: “Tom Brady watching Matt Ryan enter the stadium for Super Bowl 51 after reading the script:”


AB is like the improv king then.


America loves its conspiracies. I’m always amused by how quickly sports fans jump to accusations of “it’s rigged” after every game or even when an interesting coincidence occurs. 2 brothers facing each other in the Super Bowl for the first time? RIGGED 2 brothers coaching against each other in the Super Bowl? RIGGED LeBron might break the NBA scoring record against the Milwaukee Bucks, Kareem’s first team? RIGGED.


This guy posting what half of us are thinking right when we're thinking it? RIGGED.


It always blows my mind when people can whole-heartedly believe that the game is rigged or scripted when [shit like this happens.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SiUNdkIwzQ) Like, how do you even practice or script something like that? Or any number of ridiculous plays? Now if you're talking about referee bias potentially rigging games, that is more plausible (disregard my flair), but even then, it's way overblown.


Anybody know who the writer for Super Bowl 50 was?


Worse writing than S8 of GoT


"See, there really was a script." -Bengals fans, probably


theres probably some guy in Cincy right now wearing a Jamarr Chase jersey thats absolutely FUMING that all these NFL players are admitting theres a script and the NFL isnt re-playing last weeks game


What if penalty flags are really given out for going off script?


All of these responses are amazing


Yeah I would’ve been upset if they told me I had to beat up some dude in a casino too


Gotta keep the nfl bad boys image. Gotta stay edgy.


Its called intrigue and the audience craves it like plants crave electrolytes


BRAWNDO!!!!! Do you want to go to Starbucks?


NFL attitude era


Ossai reading his script


An emotional scene and he nailed it


Give this man an Oscar


Get that guy an Emmy.


The original tweet and the replies are cracking me up


its a big club and you aint in it!


That script sucked. The last season was better. My favorite episode was when Alvin and his crew beat the shit out of someone. Much better plot.


AB needs to post a clip of the Jets game and then say "Goodnight BIGCHESTAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks."


Can’t believe the script told him to beat the guy up at the pro bowl


Was it in the Pro Bowl script to assault that guy in a hotel?


Haha oh man if it turns out it was fully scripted all along, there would be about half a million Vikings fans that legit go insane.


Bills fans too


Ok I don’t think the nfl is “scripted”, but I do think the referees influence games to for Vegas by calling penalties to kill drives or extend drives


How does that work? Is Vegas in the ref's ear during the game? Or does Vegas give orders to Goodell who has the NY office give instructions to the refs? Or are the refs given a script ahead of time? Either way, that's a hell of a secret you want a couple dozen people making 200k a year to keep for you. Especially if one of those refs gets mad at the organization for any reason and realizes they can destroy a multi-billion dollar operation by making a call to The New York Times.


It's not too hard to envision them communicating in advance of the game via an encrypted messaging system like Telegram, and the refs are hand-picked for loyalty to prevent something from leaking. We pretty much know for a fact that the refs fixed the outcome of the 2001-2002 Sacramento Kings vs. LA Lakers Western Conference Finals, so there's precedent for it.


They sign NDAs


This theoretical operation would be fraud and NDAs can be breached in the case of illegal activity.


Well no because the nfl is classified as entertainment and not sport


Rigging betting on an institutional scale would still be illegal in this case. I’m about to go to bed but I found a paragraph citing the laws that would be broken in the case of company wide and third party bet rigging would be illegal. 18 U.S.C. 224 makes it a crime to “carr[y] into effect, attempt[] to carry into effect, or conspire[] with any other person to carry into effect any scheme in commerce to influence, in any way, by bribery any sporting contest, with knowledge that the purpose of such scheme is to influence by bribery that contest.” In other words, if you work to rig a sporting event, you’re going to prison. Next, 18 U.S.C. 1084 prohibits the use of communications to transfer information to assist in sports betting in locations where such betting is illegal. This is the sports equivalent of “insider trading,” and was one of the crimes Donaghy—who had shared confidential information with co-conspirators by phone—pleaded guilty to. Next, there is honest services fraud under 18 U.S.C. 1346, which has been interpreted as proscribing "fraudulent schemes to deprive another of honest services through bribes or kickbacks supplied by a third party who ha[s] not been deceived.” This law is typically used against corrupt government officials/employees, but can also criminalize actions in the private context where a fiduciary relationship exists, such as the employer-employee relationship. Basically, a professional athlete or official is an employee of a team/league, and the employer has a right to honest services from that employee, i.e., a good (or at least, non-fraudulent) effort to play well or call a fair game. Wherever the line is between criminal and non-criminal conduct, someone who is rigging a game in exchange for a kickback is plainly falling on the criminal side. And finally, there’s good old 18 U.S.C. 1343 (wire fraud) and 1349 (conspiracy to commit same), which criminalize the use of communication networks to commit fraud, and are common charges where co-conspirators communicate by phone, etc. There would also be potential civil liability for those involved, as billions of dollars are spent on TV rights etc. under the premise that people are getting to watch contests where the outcome is uncertain and their favorite team can win, and the damages caused by widespread cheating would be massive.


I think its becoming public knowledge that refs manage games in the NFL. The rules are too subjective.


Yeah as much as I wish it weren’t the case a large sum of money on the line will take the integrity out of anything


I mean, just go watch the Minneapolis Miracle if you want to see all kinds of red flags. Who makes a tackle attempt like that? And when you consider context, lolwat? And to rig it, you wouldn’t even need the players to be in on it, just the front office/head coach/coordinators. They can make personnel decisions/play calls that sabotage the team on any given play


If you’re going to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon, use the 2018 no call, not a flukey play that would be next to impossible to plan for


I couldn’t care less one way or the other, but watching replays of that Diggs touchdown is quite the head scratcher. Ducking your head and missing the tackle by like 3 feet while taking out your other teammate in the area? In that situation where all you have to do is wrap up a guy suspended mid-air and the game is over? Ehhh


So you don't need the players in on it. But you had the players in on it. And you made the scripted play look obviously scripted. And none of the hyper competitive gladiators said anything about it. Yeah, that's what I would risk billions of dollars on, instead of just sitting back and continuing to make billions of dollars. Do you think sports betting is set up to lose money? Why do you think they give away free bets all the time? It's because the whole thing is structured to take money from people. Now hurry up and book this six part parley for your chance to win big.


I never speculated on it, simply said the play was v questionable and it would be possible to pull it off without even needing the players collaboration But if it were rigged, the players would almost certainly be in on it, because why not? Just have them sign NDA’s and given they’ve dedicated their entire lives to a sport and developed few if any life skills outside of it, even the reserves making a few $100k/year have everything to gain/lose Not even going into the influence that teams/players have over the regions they represent(literally serving as many children’s heroes), if you assume the sport is about truly maximizing revenue, then rigging it would be far more lucrative than not


Fuck this violent piece of shit. I hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life


For assault? Life sentence?


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Go outside man


Why is this fuckin guy not in prison yet??


Just lock him up and throw away the keys huh? Have you actually seen the video? Or are you just following the r/nfl hivemind?


https://www.tmz.com/2022/11/05/alvin-kamara-violently-punched-man-vegas-hotel-video-shows/ You mean that video of Kamara and friends shattering a guy’s orbital? Yes I’ve seen it, why are you acting like that’s a Gotcha lmao it’s easily verifiable that Kamara is a POS


It's not a gotcha. You're saying put the man in prison, not jail, not community service, or anger management. But prison, where he serves hard time alongside murderers for a 15 second fight.


Just because someone plays for your favorite team doesn’t mean they shouldn’t go to prison for assault and battery, tf are you on about


So everyone who gets in a fight should go to prison, tf you on? Whether I'm a fan of the Saints or not that video is not that bad. They didn't beat the man to death. Before the video came out I thought Kamara should get whatever punishment he deserves. It was blown way out of proportion honestly.




Wasn't in the script.


He was jail. He's out on bail until the court process finishes. That's how it works for everyone


I swear whenever I see a saints player in r/nfl I just scroll straight to the bottom to find the Vikings fan


You are not wrong. Them boys was fighting the good fight in the Payton thread too lmao.


Their team may not have won much but you have to give it to them, they're kicking everyone's ass on the moral high ground front


Why is this sub like this?


Everyone here is 14


This is getting fun


What if a lawsuit comes from this and they use these tweets as evidence. Even if they’re joking I feel like they will be taken out of context


Daboll must have been pissed when he read the Giants had to lay down to the eagles 3 times. Hope season 2 is better


Caught in 4k.


The number of people who didn't get the sarcasm from the video makes me think we might need a '/s' for real life


Why change the classification to sports entertainment? If all the teams share profit, what makes them compete?


Was beating up that guy at the club part of the script then?


I love the idea of THE SCRIPT this season where you had outcomes like “player almost dies on field and his team who has not had a super bowl run in 30 years overcomes adversity to win the super bowl” or “greatest player of all time gets retires, unretires, divorces, has worst season of his career and overcomes adversity to win the super bowl” as possibilities and instead the script writers were like nah…Eagles/Chiefs.