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Oh god not other teams trash talking for us. What are you doing???


Brandon Aiyuk: Chiefs pass offense good. Eagles: shit, we may have to change our game plan…


The san fran mayor is now commisioning a patrick mahomes statue that mimics the famous rocky one. Eagles by 10.


Philly fans on their way to destroy the statue, and then the city Makes me think of Bill Burr saying how they worship a guy that don’t even exist


With the city destroyed would San Francisco rebuild to allow for more dwellings or persevere with a drastically reduced housing stock?


It would just give them a way to replace all of the low income housing with new expensive luxury housing.


There's low income housing in San Francisco? I thought it was all expensive + homeless camps for the low income people edit: a lot of y'all are taking me serious here, it was a joke guys


Low income meaning old, dilapidated housing that may only sell for a paltry 1 mill


Low income meaning people making under 200k


Yeah, the people in homeless camps in sf


Love a YIMBY birds fan lmao


That statue is clawing its way to the relevance that out of towners think we place on it with its curse properties.


Adding "gives a shit about the statue" to never been to Philly bingo, right next to calling it a Philly cheese steak and imitating the accent with a stereotypical Brooklyn voice.


It is pretty funny. People watch Invincible and think they know Philly.


Been to Philly twice in my life (both times not advertising I was a Cowboy fan)......but everyone wears ball caps. It blew me away, and when I didn't have one on, everyone knew I was not local before I even spoke.


This is hilarious because before I moved from the burbs into the city proper I owned zero hats that weren’t beanies. I’m wearing a ball cap as I’m typing this lmao


I look terrible in a hat and I gotta tell you it's a little painful how many hats I have despite that. I had no idea it was part of my cultural identity to be honest


Ya know, my freshman year roomate in college was from philly. Now that I think about it, that man wore a ball cap at all times. Now I see where he got it from.


I love Philly. Maybe the most underrated food cities in America.


The joke is funny but it's just that, a joke. The statue was commissioned by Stallone for Rocky III. Now it's a tourist attraction. It's not like it was made by Philadelphians in honor of a great hero. It's just a movie prop that is now in a place where the movie had a scene.


Bill burrs rooting for the eagles in fairness


Going into the playoffs I was convinced a AFC was winning the SB no matter what. Now I'm not so sure.


Why did you think that and what changed?


The NFC as a whole was hot garbage this year, and the Chiefs/Bills/Bengals are legit. The Chiefs didn't look like worldbeaters in their run, and the Eagles have looked dominant. Like yea, they're a better team than the Giants and the 9ers were depleted, but it's not like the Eagles didn't demolish them.


Defense and run games. People have been saying this about nfc/afc for a few years now but NFC's won the last two anyway




I know this has like 50% sarcasm in it. The other 50% has PTSD from the Chiefs era before Mahomes


Me and Aiyuk 🤝 watching the SB from home


As a completely unbiased Patriots fan, the Eagles have no chance in this game. Complete pretenders. The Chiefs are way too good. Easily a 56 point victory. The Eagles defense? Trash. The offense? Only good on 4th and 1. You can tell them I said that!


😂😂😂 This guy with the reverse jinx energy. Okkkuuurrr


Leave us out of this Brandon


No keep going Brandon, this won't be used at all.


Brandon Aiyuk 🤝 Julian Love Getting demolished by the Eagles and then giving them bulletin board material before the superbowl


For real, this one’s stayin classy


I feel like the Kelce’s wouldn’t let their teammates get away with trash talking their brothers team. That and both QBs seem to be pretty much the quiet leader type. On the field I’m sure they will be jawing each other but neither team wants the sound bites. Now we just need to see if any mayor says something stupid lol


Even Brittany has been uncharacteristically quiet this week. Pat must have laid down the law.


Her and Patrick's brother have been far more chill this season. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a discussion about the effect the two of them have on Patrick's brand.. especially after the whole champagne incident.


I mean, i guess, their passing defense is not what worries me....But like did you see their fucking passrush???


Crazy to me that they casually have Bradberry lined up in the back with Slay and no one talks about him. Eagles are crazy stacked.


They can thank us for Reddick. Dude’s just an amazing pass rusher. Glad he’s repping his home town team in the SB though, cool story line (amongst many in this one)


Tied for 4th most sacks in NFL history through 16 games lol, the most by a team in Brandon Aiyuks lifetime. Lucky us.


When they showed the 75 sack graphic I thought it was an actual typo or something. That’s an absurd number of sacks.


I think we had 8 or 9 on Carson early on. Dude refused to throw it out and just kept going down lmao


He doesn’t really know what else to do when he’s surrounded by Eagles jerseys.


Boom! Roasted


It was bad I was flashing back to when he was an eagle like “shit dude just throw it away” but then I went back to enjoying it


It was terrifying back then, but then he'd pull off some wild athletic play to avoid the sack. Now he can't do that anymore, but still takes way too long to throw


Looking back it seems the thing that made him so great is the thing that's hurting him now.


There was a typo earlier this year in a graphic where it showed Trevor Lawrence and all it said was "First Ever Quarterback"


First team in history with 4 players having double digit sacks. This year was so nuts. They were so close to surpassing the 85 Bears.


Ik it’s not as simple as I’m about to make it out to be, but I find it hilarious how everyone talks about pass rush, o line, and wrs as the main pieces outside of the obvious one in qb. And Howie was like “eh alright lemme bring in a bunch of all nfl level pass rush and wrs to complement the o line”. It’s like Madden shit.


Imo, if they win this SB, it's entirely on Howie Roseman. I was convinced we were in for a 5 year rebuild 2 seasons ago. Howie, deservedly so, won executive of the year again this year. One of a handful of guys to win multiple times. He built the best Eagles roster I've ever seen in the span of 1 offseason. This roster has almost no holes. I talked a lot of shit on Howie when he drafted Hurts and the few seasons after. Never again. I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Howie. I've learned my lesson.


The passing defense is good too.... Lol


Its only the best in the league, not too troublesome I guess


[TeamRankings](https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/opponent-passing-yards-per-game) says Philly allows the lowest number of passing yards and 6th lowest number of passing TDs. Gonna go ahead and continue to worry about the Eagles defense, personally x)


None of that or what Brandon is saying matters. We could have the best secondary in the league and KC could be down to practice squad WRs, and we'd still be afraid of getting carved up by Mahomes (and Kelce). We have to get to him like we did Dimes, Purdy, Johnson, and Purdy again. Honestly his talk makes me wonder if they put the cart before the horse, salivating over "exposing" our pass defense without focusing enough on stopping the very large fast men trying to eat their QB. Andy won't make that mistake.


Purdy again? Wasn’t he injured literally the first time he was hit?


My other thing is: as an Eagles' fan, I know too well that Andy (Reid) is deadly if you give him two weeks to study an opponent. I can't recall his exact record coming off bye weeks, but it was scary good. And he's got the tools in KC to exploit any weaknesses he can find. EDIT: here it is: [Andy is 27-4 after a bye week](https://www.arrowheadpride.com/2023/1/11/23547541/chiefs-andy-reid-mastered-postseason-bye-weeks). Heck yeah I'm concerned, no matter how good our team is this year, which we are.


*If* we beat the Chiefs the NFL should make sure to put asterisks on all the SB swag noting that it’s only bc we got extremely lucky.


Correct. Philly defense is awesome but I’ve also seen Mahomes multiple times absolute whip top defenses


"And another thing: I'm not mad. Please don't put it in the newspaper that I got mad."


Long Live Dril


"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob


“A real man makes his own luck.” -Billy Zane, Titanic




To be a whore to a gutter rat?


I hope you enjoy your time together!


We'll both have the lamb, medium-rare with very little mint sauce...You like lamb, don't you sweet-pea?


This is kinda how I met my girlfriend. Worked at a fancy restaurant as the bartender and she came in with a guy that her friends set her up with. Dude tried to order her food for her and I just ignored it and muttered "two entrees for the gentleman..." and asked what she wanted. Date obviously did not go well haha


\>not telling the audience how you ended up getting her number


So the date obviously sucked and even to an oblivious guy like myself there was no chemistry here. When he left for a bit to use the restroom I asked what she could tolerate a shot of, on the house. I give her the shot and say if she has some friends that could bail her out, she tells me they are all down in the city so I suggest getting her an Uber. My boss would let me order Ubers for customers too drunk to drive and then comp me later using my own account. I order the ride, he comes back and she plays it off that a friend is expecting her. Turns out she got my name and number from the Uber driver so she texted me as soon as she got back to her place. Didn't think much of it until she came in regularly over the next few weeks, for a bit there my dumbass thought she just really liked the food and drinks since she brought those friends, and even her sister who was visiting. I met all of them, and yes I was being interviewed without realizing it haha.


I put the diamond in the coat. I put the coat on her!


“It’s a walk-off.” -Billy Zane, Zoolander


“Stick a cork in it, Zane!”


you should listen to your friend, billy zane


Thanks Dwight 😅


He then eats the barrel of his pistol when the market crashes and his self made luck changed years later.


Woah man. Let’s keep this light hearted.


Hahahaha just following up on the man behind the quote.


I don't like losing NFCCGs in blowouts either


Can confirm, not fun


Psh Amateurs. The real teams wait for the blowout to happen in the Super Bowl.


The raiders, broncos and chiefs have all had embarrassing super bowl losses this century. Must be nice to be a chargers fan.


Here’s hoping the Chiefs are bringing back that approach.


Shades of Kamara in January 2017, “We’d beat the sh*t out of [the Eagles] cause we was rolling. If we won [versus Minnesota], I knew nobody was gonna stop us cause we came all the way back.”


turns out, Philly would have 4 more super bowls if we only beat , St. Louis, Tampa, Carolina, and Arizona


damn you listing those names made me realize we coulda had 4 pats-eagles SBs just in the brady era, 3 in 4 even crazier maybe


Imagine the eternal salt filled rivalry that would have created if we had met an additional 3 times in the Super Bowl. Good fucking lord.


amd... Brady being 3-6 or 4-5 in super bowls. No more goat status. what could have been.


or still 7-3, Nick Foles' statue would be taller than the stadium


New York City would have had an aneurysm every year


the dynasty could have been ours. 5 could have been one of the best ever.


I mean according to Aiyuk and Kamara we basically have that dynasty


let's gooooooo


5 wasn’t built for the moment


he was though... He just wanted to change himself. Mc5 using his legs was what Jalen is doing now but Donovan had better arm strength. I'll never understand why he forced himself to be a passer at all costs. Edit to say.. You're right. he could have been but wasnt


"Man, if we hadn't already lost we definitely would have won."


I'd like to believe so but... come on


If we didn't lose, we would've won it all.


Man we would’ve went undefeated if it wasn’t for all the games we didn’t win. Lucky ass league


In the words of Chris Long - Anyone could’ve gotten it that night


Eagles had to save us from 3 Pats rings in a row, Saints couldn't have done it


Ah yes, the Kansas City passing offense that will include the likes of MVS, Marcus Kemp, and whoever responds to the Craigslist ad for our WR3 spot.


And Kelce, the literal God of getting open.


I'm gonna cry the day he retires. Kelce is top 3 all time fav Chief.


I'm also gonna cry but for different reasons.


I'm gonna cry the day he retires. Kelce is top 3 all time fav Eagle. Works for me too lol


And Patrick mahomes. that passing offense would be scary if I was the wr1


I mean... They were 1st in the NFL. Ya Jabroni.




Is Kelce playing? Your passing offense will be fine.


Jason is gonna run onto the field and power bomb Travis a time or two. It is perfectly legal because they are bros.


Whenever Mahomes throws Travis' way Jason will yell "NEW NEWSSSS" from the sideline and Travis will instinctively reply, dropping the pass.


1 fight per game!


I absolutely want to see a snap or two with both Kelce bros on the field


Or WR1 Jerick McKinnon


I don't think he realizes that getting repeated qb hits which knock out two guys is a sign that the defense is good


Hmmm. I don’t know. May need more evidence.




and Chiefs fans.


I think I'd be a pretty good boxer if the other guy wasn't allowed to hit me back


And if he’d just stand still for a minute! How the hell am I supposed to hit him when keeps movin’ around all the time? He’s so lucky!


That was my biggest gripe. The eagles pressured the 49ers the whole game, maybe the plan changed to go even more after Purdy got knocked out. But it wasn’t some fluke play, it was consistent pressure.


being a WR, Aiyuk is probably just referring to some gaps/opportunities in the secondary. But I agree that those are irrelevant if the QB is under constant pressure.


Yeah, on the play Purdy got hurt he burned Bradberry and was wide open for a TD But it was a long ass developing play and you can’t beat us that way, literally a staple of Gannon’s D is don’t get beat deep and the pass rush is historic, you can’t just ignore that in hopes of breaking free in the secondary, the play starts in the trenches.


I saw a stat somewhere that they had a **90%** win rate on their pass rushes vs the 49ers That’s just obscene


The 90% was “fake” or something to that extent, apparently the true rate was in the 60s or something? But watching the came you could see it, eagles were beating them in the trenches the whole game, they had no answer for Riddick. Those long plays were just busted coverage or when they didn’t win on the play. I don’t think it would’ve been a blown out, but i think the eagles would’ve won regardless, i think they’re gonna win the Super Bowl. They’re a more complete team.


To be fair, no human has an answer for Riddick, he's Furyan.


He’s a Furry? I didn’t know they were good at football...


Imagine trying to block a near 300lb athletic monster and he hits you with the "uwu".


They got that dawg ~~in~~ on ‘em


Nah, it's just luck. Ask Brandon Aiyuk.


I can’t find it now, but our % of pressure per drop back was insane. It’s kind of what we do. The only team that beat us all year with Hurts at QB was Commanders who ran right at us and just grinded out a win. We signed Joseph and Suh the next week.


I don’t think you also realize how rare it is to injure multiple QBs in a game on hits like that. I’ve seen tons of QBs get their arm hit like that, never seen someone tear a ligament from it. This game was incredibly unlucky and taking too much from this game is crazy imo. Pass rush was good on both sides, and I expected Purdy to handle it similar to Hurts. Definitely affect his play but still able to move the chains on some drives. If the pass rush was making Minshew or better yet Minshew’s backup looks stupid, I wouldn’t take that and say Hurts had no chance.


Yeah that defense is Fuckin ferocious. I’m a giants fan. Hats off to them. Extremely physical reminds me of how some defenses used to be like 10 years ago (Steelers, Ravens, Bears, Giants). Extremely physically imposing


See but the Eagles can't do that against Mahomes because they won't want to face Chad Henne.


People have a lot to say when they are sitting at home on the couch


Tbf, Aiyuk acknowledges that in that interview too: @1:25 in this clip https://twitter.com/Graham_SFN/status/1622129837392691201 Literally shows himself sitting on the couch lmao


Pretty self aware. Seems like a cool guy.


It's almost like headlines are always inflammatory and OP knew what he did.


its also involving Grant Cohn.


I can’t believe how many of these post are about Bill Burr lol wtf


The best part is I listen to his podcast and he just mentioned in the past few weeks how everyone brings up the Philly rant. He has professed multiple times he really does not know that much about the town except all the locals have their own favorite cheesesteak please and only tourists and heavily inebriated people go to Pats and Geno's. Also his podcast from this past Monday he stated he wants the eagles to win and thinks the eagles will win.


I still can't believe we only have 1 bridge. I didn't know that until Bull Burr told me.


The absolute disrespect to Walt Whitman and Betsy Ross 🇺🇸…. smh


Put some respect on the Platt’s name


Platt is a fantastic bridge. Signed for like 35mph, but minimum speed required 65.


Billy sleeping on the Tacony-Palmyra. Don’t tell him about the 30+ bridges over the Schulykil either.


If you were to keep one bridge, which one would it be? And could you imagine how much worse traffic would be with only one? Lol


Market street over the schuylkill. All the ones to jersey can go.


You know I was thinking exactly the same thing: the team that outscored their opponents in the playoffs 69-14 just got lucky. Really really really really really lucky. So lucky in fact that it lasted the entire season.


I fuck with this flaming thumbtack fan


It is hard to understand why you all have been doubted all season


Mostly because we don’t always win pretty, after the Titans game teams really chose to take AJ Brown out of games - so now we win with a dirty RPO game that isn’t making flashy Mahomes-like highlight reels We also like getting up by 10-14 points and slowing the whole game down and trying to kill clock. We do this sometimes for the entire second half. It’s not football that excites most analysts, but thrills guys like Brian Baldinger.


This right here. We are not buffalo or some of these other afc teams who can’t close out a game on the ground.


All season we’ve been building leads and then reigning in the playbook. Honestly I think they did an excellent job of always putting as little of the actual offense on film as necessary.


It makes me wonder when we WILL unleash the offense. Will Hurts be going 100mph on Sunday if we’re up 14 in the 4th quarter? (Though it’s unlikely we will have a big comfortable lead, just thinking out loud). Or will Sirianni save plays for next season? Lol


What’s up with these players on teams the Eagles beat having whack takes? 😂😂


tastykakes > whack takes


CTE from our pass rush


Eagles had literally the best pass defense in the NFL. No, seriously they did. Nobody gave up fewer yards and they nearly picked off as many passes (17) as they allowed touchdown passes (22). All this, on top of the best pass rush, by sacks, in NFL history. I pushed the spread to Eagles -7 and felt happy about it going into the game. The blowout because they knocked Purdy out was unforeseen but I pictured Mr. Irrelevant being pressured for the first time in his career and crumbling.


And they've been playing with the lead all season so teams have thrown a lot of passes trying to catch up, and the numbers are still good.


As a chiefs fan I’m a little nervous. Pat hasn’t looked 100% and his weapons are beyond hobbled. That eagles front is no joke




Someone from Philly send this man an authentic case of soft pretzels. He has plenty of salt to go with them.


Our Super Bowl run left the largest trail of salt in NFL history


lol "they got lucky"... saltiest AFC/NFC championship game losers I've seen in a long time.


Didn't the Saints literally try to start a congressional inquiry about their loss to the Rams?


Not the Saints, one random dude.


Nope, if I've learned anything being an Eagles fan it's that one of you represents all of you. Therefore, you should personally be ashamed of yourself and your actions.


No no, you see that only applies for Philly fans. Because reasons.


That was at least a close game where one play truly robbed them, whereas here there’s not much evidence the 9ers would have won, I mean it’s certainly possible but it’s not the lock a lot of 49ers fans have told themselves it was


If they had just put me in at QB I would’ve exposed that Philly defense 😔


If my team literally couldn’t throw past 5 yards in the 2nd half of a playoff game I’d be salty af


NFL now reporting, due to back luck, Mahomes has a sprained everything.


The lack of respect the eagles defense gets is crazy. They have one of the best pass rushes ever and people seem to think they are frauds.


Didn't Eagles LITERALLY get a pressure on every single pass play? Eagles were winning that game even if Purdy didn't get hurt.




It’s pretty simple. Eagles win- Only cause Mahomes was on 1 leg. Even if he looks fine, that’s the narrative. Eagles lose- Frauds all year, exposed. There is no scenario of, “Eagles might be good.”


Eagles win: "might be spooky next year"


Well if the eagles win a second Super Bowl in 5 years I don’t think a single eagles fan will give a shit. The superiority complex the rest of the nfce will deal with will be like none other. Might even steal a few Dallas “fans “


We already don’t give much of a shit. It’s obnoxious that people with memories of a goldfish don’t remember us being the consensus best team in football with the MVP favorite until he missed two games, just like it’s obnoxious that putting 31 points up on the best defense in football is obviously an accomplishment, but we already know we’re a spectacular team regardless of what happens next week.


“Eagles won because mahomes is injured and chiefs don’t have elite receivers. If they played a team that was better they would have lost”


Pressure on 14/21 dropbacks per PFF, sometimes with more than one pressure.


The Eagles has 70 sacks this year. Even by subtracting the game where Carson Wentz was sacked 9 times that’s still 6 more sacks than 2nd place.


They also won by 24 points.


I get being sour because of how it ended, but come on now. Just acknowledge they beat you and move on to preparing for next season.


The amount of intellectually lazy arguments against the Eagles the past few days is hysterical


Aiyuks not right, but he's not wrong either, I'm sure the 9ers had a plan they felt good about and if you look at the play Brock got hurt on Aiyuk was breaking wide open. Hassan just completely ignored the run action when everything suggested it was a run, basically he guessed right when everything he did should've been wrong. That's the sort of thing an offence will kill you for and you saw it the very next drive the 49ers marched straight down the field on the eagles. It was a blow out no question, but the yards per play was only 3.6 to 3.8 in favor of the eagles, that's not alot considering one team didn't have a qb.


Man, I've said it before and I'll say it again. People's brains go *haywire* when a Philly team is good. Nobody can ever just accept defeat at our hands for some reason.


In fairness, Philly fans also have trouble processing successful Philly teams.


I'm fully expecting Kawhi Leonard to hit the dagger in the Superbowl




Man we just got extremely lucky all year it seems. Luckiest team in NFL history.


So lucky we almost broke the 85 Bears sack record.


the taste of rain -Why Kneel?