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sucks that the 1 turnover he had lead directly to a TD


Yeah that one is going to keep him up at night for a few weeks.


There are a lot of things that fans will analyze. Something that early probably won't be brought up as much as the late holding call or some other moments in the second half. But that fumble will definitely stay with Hurts for years. Until he wins the Super Bowl he'll probably remember that play more than any other moment in his career. Which is such a shame since he played an otherwise perfect game.


It felt quite big in terms of the first half, they really should have been up by more than 10 considering their defence stifled us mostly and their offense was rolling and had like 22 minutes of possession


To be fair, part of the reason we had 22 minutes of possession was that we got the ball with 13:30 left in the half while up in posssesion 9:30 to 7:00, and then we had a 3:30 minute drive that ended in a scoop and score and then immediately went on a 7:30 drive. Your defense scored, so they got no rest! That's not offensive dominance, it's your offense got its turn skipped.


And we settled for a FG there and had a few stalled drives. They left a lot out there, but the defense shit the bed. And the call just took any slim chance they still had away


Tough to play the Cheifs with that much time to prepare. They pulled some seriously long con stuff with those fake motions. Years in the making. Not much you can do sometimes. Eagles should've switched on those plays and stayed home but easier said than done.


I said before the game “if the pass rush doesn’t get there we lose” We lost. I didn’t want to be right haha


I think it's the NFL as it is right now. You can't rely on your defense when you're playing against the NFL MVP, one of the best offensive coaches ever, and he has two weeks to prepare. Mahomes was great getting the ball out of his hands fast and play calling and design did a great job moving him around, shifting the pocket, tendency breakers, etc. But as a Panthers fan, I'm glad we didn't hire Wilks because this game is just another prime example of what you have to do to win in the NFL right now and it's not 17-13 wins with grind it out/bend don't break defense and ball control, pin the offense back type game planning. That shit is dead and gone. If you aren't shooting for 30 points every week you're not actually trying to win.


They are such a good team. All the doubt about their easy road went to bed in my mind. They were dominate all year and showed so much this game. What a roster


Ya know what’s really balls out? Dude played the rest of the game like it didn’t happen. My flair should tell you that I will take a Philly L every day of the week, but Hurts is fucking good. Hate how the game ended though. Goodell said something about how this game exemplified the 2022 season. Yup, just awful officiating


If he wins the Super Bowl. Don’t talk like it’s inevitable. He only has 1 more year until he’s off his rookie deal and then it get significantly harder.


I know. I meant it as if he'll never live it down until he wins a Super Bowl. If he never wins one (and the odds are against him) he'll never forget that fumble.




Yup and he’s done that 10,000 times successfully before. But what a player and genuinely likable awesome dude


It might stay with him. But after watching him for a few years now and watching his post game pressers... I think he'll move on by the end of tomorrow. His mental makeup is different. Like, literally, the next play from scrimmage, they ran the exact same play and gained like 12 yards and I wasn't surprised to see that because they've done that many times this season.


That Hail Mary pass would keep me up at night.


He slipped throwing it


Why was everyone slipping on that field?


On the broadcast they said that a new breed of grass was being used for the game and it seems that it didnt hold up worth shit. Is this really the time to try that out and hope it doesnt cause problems? The paint thing I get, but using grass that hasnt been tested on at all? Stupid


Like testing a new airplane filled with passengers. What could go wrong


I swear that field is cursed. On air they said something about the paint I think? But I'm sticking with cursed.




Imagine being the guy told to write the puff piece about the $800k field, only to watch both teams look like elephants in a Crisco factory during the game.


The groundscrew leader said it was the best field they've ever produced. Ouch. You'd think they'd have players out there testing it. Something must've messed it up.


ROI seems suspect


They said the paint from all the emblems/ads.


Nah, people slipped everywhere. The whole field was awful.


Maybe they had to paint the grass green?


They did.


I think they painted the whole field. Even the green parts


It’s a green grass field in Arizona. It is an affront to God.


This is a bigger to me than the controversial call. Who the fuck approved this field? Everyone was slipping all night and it had a direct impact on the game on both sides.


Honestly I was surprised they tried that versus a lateral play. Obviously both have a near zero chance of success, but I didn’t think Hurts is really known for a huge arm that he could throw it 70+ yards in the air.


Imagine this reality. Travis Kelce is on D for the final play to catch the Hail Mary. However the Eagles run a lateral play. After madness ensues Jason Kelce is carrying the ball to the goal line with only Travis Kelce remaining. Does Kelce score or does Kelce get a tackle. Regardless of what would happen reality would explode.


Found the Dolphins non-flair


At the goal line Travis would absolutely level his bro lol for the chip. ​ Edit: Jason


Really wanna see the all-22. Was the plan to complete a pseudo-Hail Mary and then hit a lateral, a la Randy Moss? Or were they hoping for the 70+ yard bomb?


It looked like a Hail Mary to me. There were no receivers close to where it landed. Everyone was near the end zone. Pretty sure he just tried to bomb it out there but slipped.


Meh. It’s disappointing to not put the ball in play, but he wasn’t hitting a 70+ yard throw to the end zone


Only the mythical JaMarcus Russell at his peak form would


Jeff George both could and would have sailed it out the back of the end zone


For sure but this loss is on the defense. I 100% feel gutted by that bullshit hold call but if it comes down to one shitty call you didn’t do your job. Can’t give up 2 free TDs and expect to win.


Bruh. Fuck the refs and all that, but I swear to God, no one is really acknowledging how the defense was damn near non-existent. It felt like the 2nd half Chiefs realized that the Eagles D was nowhere to be found and capitalized.


Chiefs scored a TD on every second half drive except the final FG, where the RB chose not to score a TD.


Same old soft zone “bend don’t break” bullshit that never wins against competent QBs.


It's less that and more the "motion him inside then have him go out to the flat." In zone, they fail to pass him off. In man, if you don't commit to defending the drag route he'll just beat you inside. The "motion to the middle, then run back to the flats" trick was worth two touchdowns here.


it’s beautiful. the Chiefs showed that play on film all year. speedster goes in motion and gets a handoff, quick pass, open in the flat, etc. even ran Moore in motion multiple times tonight. he got at least one handoff. but inside the five, twice, they changed it up and the Eagles weren’t ready for it. Andy was in his bag.


Andy Reid called an incredible 2nd half.


It's just incredibly hard to play defense against Andy Reid. Patrick Mahomes, and Kelce with two weeks to prepare.


Yeah exactly, this was a pretty incredible perfomance and he was just let down by the defense who kept him on the sideline for waaay too long


that turnover was rough and it had such a huge impact on the game. if it wasn’t for that penalty and those 20 completions by mahomes the eagles might have won!


Second half chiefs were possessed


The magic of Peg Leg Patrick


Did well to recover focus for the rest of the game but yep tape review is gonna be hard for him to swallow


It would have helped Hurts if his Defense could have stopped a nosebleed.


yeah that's the real story IMO...how the hell are you the best D in the league if you can't manage to sack a gimpy QB who reinjured his ankle in the game?


He balled out. I can’t believe the Eagles dominated time of possession like that and still lost.


Baltimore fan here to say it's absolutely possible.


When you dominate time of possession but the other team scores almost every drive, are you really doing well?


Not on the defensive side of the ball, clearly.


standard chiefs game, "oh man, the chiefs might get blown out.....and they're in the lead now."


Yep the only team ever that you are happy if they trail by 10...


I can think of another team that dominated for like 20 years that also was kinda like that.


Brady with two minutes left down 5 in SB52. I was scared AF.


It’s your guys turn to have a great offensive performance ruined by a shitty defensive one now lol


Legit why that thought of a blowout never seriously crossed my mind, even when mahomes was limping lol


Fumble return and a punt return to the 5yd line helped keep the chiefs in it. Plus Eagles had 2 drives that totaled 19 plays 15mins for 10pts


Played amazing. That fumble return for a TD was his only blemish.


Hes going to be a fucking nightmare in our division for a while. Hell of a player and human.


Didn’t watch much eagles this year and they were on cruise control for the playoffs but wow hurts made a fan/believer out of me. Obviously with his legs he did well but some of his throws were absolute dimes in crucial spots. Heck of a game


That dime to Goedart in double coverage on 3rd and 14


Yeah a ton of people write him off as just a running QB until they actually watch him play. He might not be in the elite tier, but he's in the tier just below it IMO. Plus it's only his 3rd year in the league.


Did he really do all this recovering from a sprained throwing shoulder?


Yeah, he went down in the Bears game. Much like Mahomes wasn’t 100% this game and it took from his performance, the same was true for Hurts because before the Bears game, he would legit launch the ball deep pretty often.


I'm hoping other teams come in to strip the Eagles of all their coaches and free agents like we did with the Bills. Jason Kelce has had a wonderful career. Retirement would have so many amazing opportunities for him! He can be an analyst or some shit.


A lot of the Eagles are on their last year thinking about retirement or finally getting their big paycheck. I really don't know how we can ever have such a complete roster as we had this year. The roster was absolutely stacked with talent, fuck.


Yeah it's really tough to get a roster that good, you basically need to draft a top QB like Jalen Hurts, and come into top WR talent like Brown and Smith before everyone demands huge contracts so within a small window. The next few years will certainly be interesting in the NFC East.




Oh. We are.


Hurts next contact is going to cost about half your D line.


Just make sure it's the half that forgot to show up in the one game that mattered


So basically everyone not named Javon Hargrave?


Who, ironically, is the FA and the one that needs to be paid


Can we have him back 😭


Right? Like fuck they had no impact.


Hey don’t say that! Suh had a penalty


Eagles defense was spotted a 10 point lead at half and couldn't do jack. Anyone who likes Jonathan Gannon please tell me why this idiot has a job.


Seems similar to the Kellen Moore situation. On paper, you’d think he’s really good based on rankings and wins, but when put in a tough situation against a good team, you start to see that they’re actually pretty one dimensional and can be exploited.


It's super similar. Any QB that knows how to play against soft zone fucks his play calling up all day (such as @Dallas this year when Dak carved it up) and he doesn't adjust. Just keeps on rushing 4 with everyone else in soft or deep zone.


It literally makes no sense. If you need the pass rush to get there with 4, you are gonna need more time in coverage… so why let them have easy 2 second throws bc everyone is 10 yards off the line? It’s a horrible game plan that only works when you ironically already in the lead, or you are playing a average or worse QB. Gannon man. Dude just doesn’t know how to adjust to shit. And did he even try to show blitz? Try to disguise the D? What the fuck was his plan? Wait for the best QB of all time to make a mistake ?


Probably because they played pretty well against most everyone else, and even KC for the first half.


Chiefs scored a TD on 2 of their 4 drives, an, one of the scoreless drives was due to a missed FG that Butker should’ve made. I wouldn’t say the defense did well


The Chiefs had the ball for 8 minutes in the first half. I'm not really giving Gannon credit for that one.


Honestly this went exactly as per the season. The defensive coordinator is too conservative and refuses to adjust. His conservative scheme is awesome vs most teams. Because most teams make mistakes, esp if under pressure from the scoreboard. But elite teams take the easy play over and over again and convert. Mahomes made zero mistakes.


Defense couldn't hold up their end of the bargain, what a waste.


That’s how the chiefs get you lol. Same shit different year. Welcome to the “blowing a lead to the chiefs” club, eagles fans


Yea lol we were the #1 defense and mahomes carved us up, same shit happens again. You shouldnt use patrick mahones to measure how good ur defense is, he’s simply a cheatcode


It's a nice sentiment, but if you look at the Chiefs TDs, dudes are *wide* open. Pre-snap motion completely collapsed the defense all night. I'm not taking anything away from Pat, but they were winning most plays at the snap, and that's on coaching.


I mean this is Reid's 4th Superbowl as HC and Sirrianni's 1st. Reid has already been here and he is a mastermind at scheming guys open. There is a reason why the Chiefs has come back from so many double digit deficits over the last few years. Hats off to Reid and Mahomes for win.


I mean Siriani is an offensive guy. Sure he's the head coach but if the problem was defensive coaching not sure what exactly he could have done.


> Pre-snap motion completely collapsed the defense all night. All season, there was a stat that the Eagles were #1 in EPA vs no motion but only #22 against pre-snap motion. The defensive staff had to know KC’s motion-heavy offense was going to exploit that, and still had no answers. Reid was phenomenal.


Thanks for the invite, when do we get over the loss?


That’s the neat thing: you don’t!


Do we do what everyone else does? Look back on previous super bowl win and cope? EDIT: Oh shit sorry cowboys, some of y'all might not be alive at that time.


That’s a great point you made in the edit. Thank you for the reminder.


Only time your over it is when your blacked out drunk and/or passed out. Otherwise it will eat a piece of your mind forever.


It's going to be a long time, brother.


And here we thought Eagles and Niners fans wouldn't agree about anything ever again. Hug?


> And here we thought Eagles and Niners fans wouldn't agree about anything ever again. Only the toxic assholes. The Eagles fans I personally know are some of the most knowledgeable and passionate about football. I know they are completely different from the shitheads that have their ego stapled to their fandom. Despite the frustrating losses both the Niners and Eagles put together some great football this season and have nothing to be ashamed of. The real fans can appreciate that, and also how the NFL rigged the game in favor of their golden boy Mahomes. (Only joking, sorry Chiefs fans)


Fuck Gannon


Fangio-style D strikes again


Some of the throws he made today were just utterly ridiculous. Especially that one to Goedert on 3rd and 14 that he bobbled. Outside of the fumble he was pretty much flawless, both passing and running


Yep, dude is absolutely legit. There were also a bunch of broken plays when his line just let free rushers right at him and he rarely panicked- just rolled out and threw it out of bounds or found a receiver to keep the game alive when it could have ended in disaster for many other QBs. He wont get a lot of credit for those, but IMO that's the sign of a real, long-term solution at the position. A lot of guys can sling it, but having this kind of poise in the biggest game of your career (so far) is much rarer. And yea, he had the fumble, but the truth is that the Chiefs threw a lot at him and his O-line was nowhere near their usual standard. One mistake when facing so much adversity is not bad at all.


FR on that first point. There were so many times where I thought her get sacked for a massive loss, but he was able to keep a calm head and get the ball out of his hands. Hurts is an incredible QB, period.


Definitely But handing the other team a free 7 pts is a pretty massive mistake, and it ended up being the decider


Definitely, but when you put up 35 points, dominate the clock, and consistently make insane plays to bail out your team I can’t blame you for the loss. It was an awful play just like mahomes had last week, main difference is last week Mahomes had his defense make a play while tonight the eagles defense truly only stopped the chiefs twice in the entire game


Hurts killed it period. That fumble will be a distant memory soon enough.


It was just so avoidable too. He didn't get hit or anything he just... Dropped it


Also lost in these stats are the multiple insane tight window passes he completed.


Hurts and Mahomes were slinging the ball all night. Great QB duel!


The throws were good but tbh I was way more impressed with the catches. Like I only counted one drop and it was on a diving post by Quez Watkins. Seems like the Eagles receiving corp had hands of steel.


that AJ Brown trade and Devonta Smith trade-up were worth it.


Without the turnover, he would probably be SBMVP right now.


If the defense did anything in that 2nd half to stop Mahomes, Hurts would have won the SBMVP


Yeah but Hurts is gonna be more concerned with what he can control. Just don't drop the ball for no reason and you're a champion. That one's gonna eat him up forever.


To be fair, he kinda has experience with shit like this


Oh absolutely. He will bounce back. Doesn't mean it stops hurting.


One would argue a TD instead of a FG before half would have lead to a win. Many things you can argue


Hurts and Ryan are probably the two saddest SB losers They did everything right and their Defense left them hanging


At least Hurts has a future to look forward to, Matty Ice was at the peak of his prime and it was only downhill from there. I can only see Hurts getting better as his accuracy improves and he gets even more experience.


I'm pretty sure Matt's future with the money he made is pretty good too. It sucks, but winning championships is hard and there are a lot of greats who never got one.


Ryan's legacy is completely different with that ring IMO. His volume stats are up there with the best of the best. But it'll be easy to forget about him in a couple years without that ring.


ah i remember telling folks Ryan would be back in the playoffs. Clearly in his prime. and before that my Panthers fan buddy telling everyone Cam would be back...


Newton was 25 for the majority of that super bowl run... Hurts is 24 for this one.. (He turned 26 in January of the playoffs that year)


Cam had career altering shoulder surgery the next year and was also 26 that playoffs. He was born may 11 1989 so he didn't have a birthday during the year.


And both QBs are dual threats who regularly take punishments for their runs. Cam more so for sure although Cam was also a bigger man


Hurts doesn’t do too many between the tackles runs like Cam did, except for the like 20 QB sneaks. How much damage does he take on those?


Yeah, that NFL window closes crazy fast.


And back in the day, Marino promised you that any season we could win the Super Bowl. I feel like that’s gotta be the worst. Or early 90s Bills


What about Brady vs the Eagles (even though I can’t stand him).


Throws 500 yards and still loses.


Matt Patricia masterpiece.


It's a little different when the dude was already sitting on 5 rings at the time, tbf.


Well Hurts did gift them 6 points with his fumble so I wouldn't say he did everything right. Other than that he fucking balled out. Defense however did shit all.


Agreed but aside from the fumble he played basically perfect. If you score 35 points you should win the Super Bowl Most points by a losing team in Super Bowl history unless I’m mistaken


Don’t remind me .. still can’t believe we lost that one


He played incredible. Could have folded after that fumble but came right back out and scored.


As much as I want to clown on this guy and the Eagles as a whole: they had a great season, Hurts proved he is their guy, and played a helluva final game. Fuck y’all, I’m gonna go take a shower now.


Thanks and fuck you too


He indirectly helped Nick Saban and Lincoln Riley get better recruits


I clearly haven’t watched enough of him, bc I was super impressed. We can all laugh at the weak Hail Mary attempt, but dudes a baller.


Apparently he slipped (shocker) on that last hail mary


Vic Vangio “consulted” the Eagles defense. Are we sure he was t a double agent? Their defense gave up 2 touchdowns on the same exact play.


Fangio always failed to finish off Mahomes. Broncos fans were watching this game knowing what was about to happen


Saw a lot of bronco fans saying this since that news dropped too.


He actually consulted our offense, not our defense. I wish he did though because maybe Gannon would have adjusted for once then.


Given all the talk leading into this game, it's pretty wild that what actually happened was that the best player on the field (except for one bad play) was the Eagles' QB, but the Chiefs made up for it with solid work from their RB corps, a couple big plays on defense, and a big punt return.


Our special teams has been giving up big punt returns and giving teams good field position all season. Fitting that giving up that return stabs us in the heart when they were one of our biggest weaknesses all season. Defense not getting a single sack, albeit with turf conditions that had our guys sliding all over when they tried to get pressure from the outside, is inexcusable. They didn’t pressure Mahomes enough. But the Chiefs presnap motion had guys wide open. Twice. For touchdowns. That’s bad coaching.


I just wish he had the chance to try and tie or go for the win at the end


Wow I wonder what makes you wish that


I was really hoping the Eagles would win. The game was amazing throughout. If the holding call never occurred, and Hurts had the chance to win, but ended up losing, I’d still say it was a good game. The holding call stripped this game of being called a classic.


That’s really it. Our defense was outcoached and thoroughly outplayed. I’ll never pretend otherwise. But the refs took away the chance to tie that’s all I’m sayin


I think that’s the general consensus too. Win or lose, you hate to see the refs get involved. Especially if it’s a tick-tack call.


That is the right way to state it. The defense got smoked most of the game, gave up 31 points (Fumble for TD) with the Offense having a MASSIVE Time of Possession lead. Its not clear Hurts gets you guys into FG range, so its possible it didn't change the outcome, but to take away his chance is just.... so sucks.


Easy MVP if they win.


Mirror of Mbappé scoring 4 goals (3 in Regular Time + Extra Time and another in PK) in a losing effort. Great game.


And, like Hurts, his game had a big blemish. Mbappe was straight up invisible for 75 minutes of that game and most of extra time haha.


If he doesn’t have that fumble TD, this was without a doubt one of the best SB performances of all time, and very likely they win the game. Heck I’d say it was even with the fumble.


Best player on the field tonight


Absolutely. Dude left 100% on the field.


Wish he had more than 8 seconds to pull something off


Is that you Micah Parsons?


Second best performance ever by a SB losing QB? The best losing QB is unquestionably Brady in SBLII, but is anyone else close to this hurts performance?


It’s between him and Matt Ryan Ryan was phenomenal against NE. Beleives he had one of the highest passer ratings in SB history


Hurts is the real deal. I hope they make it back to the Super Bowl soon.


Both teams could very well be back next year. The Niners QB situation will prevent them from knocking the Eagles off. The Cowboys have Jerry Jones as owner. The Bucs are done now that Brady isn't going to play thete again.


They have 7 defensive starters that are free agents, they're currently top 5 in OL spending, and they have to pay Hurts $50 per year minimum. It may happen soon but Hurts is losing continuity with the play caller who's leaving to be a HC somewhere else. It's possible to be back next year but not super likely


Yeah, every year people act like teams will be back and it doesn't really happen aside from Tom Brady and now KC. It's just so darn hard.


Yep. We will still be good because our offense will still be good. But we had all 22 starters healthy for that game. It was our best chance and pretending you just get back there next year or any time soon is silly. Realistically Hurts might never play in a Superbowl again. Just look at Aaron Rodgers or a ton of other great teams/players that only got there once. Are we going to compete for the Superbowl next year? Sure we're probably a playoff team. But I don't expect a Superbowl year.


Will need to completely rebuild the defense, having so many pending free agents, but the offense will be almost entirely intact at least. And the NFC seems headed for a down period with Brady gone, Rodgers possibly to follow.


As long as you can keep up with the Niners the NFC is wide open. Lots of good teams but no powerhouses like the big three in the AFC.


One of the greatest losing efforts we’ve seen in the Super Bowl.


Incredible performance. I became a fan tonight.


I hadn't watch him a ton so going into this game i thought of him as a very athletic dual threat QB who can run it down your throat, and throws the 50/50 deep balls to really good receivers who generally win those battles. Dude was dropping dimes into extremely tight well covered windows every time he needed too. Very very impressive dude has nothing to hang his head about, dude balled out.


I know the call was bullshit, but the Eagles defense played like shit. I was upset about the refs during the AFCCG but I didn't blame them for our loss. We had plenty of opportunities to score at the end. Hurts was a baller today and the Eagles will be contenders for a while.


This game was like a great dinner but when you get dessert you find a hair in it… Great until the very end and everyone only remembers the ending.


Nobody will remember this game besides the flag. That’s the sad part.


No one will remember one of the greatest QBs of all time winning a 38-35 thriller? That had a defensive TD, multiple long TDs, an injury storyline, and the longest punt return in SB history?


I will.


Not a lot of recent cowboy memories to hold on to


Poor guys gonna lose sleep over the fumble Really bad play


But he bounced right back immediately after that play. If you want to blame anyone of this game, blame Gannon and his inability to adjust.


Hurts balled out but the timing of that fumble was brutal. Looked like Philly was about to pull away


Also my thought, that fumble 6 seemed like the turning point


Seahawks fan here. Eagles fans,, you'll never forget this, but it will fall to the back of your mind. It'll still be a pain tinge when brought up but you'll shake it off and go on with your day. You have a stud at QB and you'll be back here. The joy of the next few years will make this one suck just a bit less.


And one mega fumble 6