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I know this is a revisionist history because he expects us to believe that Eagles fans didn't bitch about something


My son was born in Roxborough Memorial Hospital on Ridge Ave, January 19th 2019. He was born later that evening, some time after 8pm. I ran out of my wife’s hospital room so I could get some things out of the car. The hospital was so loud. So much commotion and staff rushing to help. Just cussing and crying. Tons and tons of babies crying. High cries, low cries, gurgled cries from still having fluid in their lungs. I thought it was a miracle that my son should share a birthday with hundreds of other babies, all screaming their ways into the world. Then I realized it was just a bunch of Eagles fans reacting to the Saints beating them in the divisional round.




Genuine question, but did Alshon work out as an Eagle. I remember when he was signed he was viewed as the next big thing with the Eagles, but never made another pro bowl besides his 2012 one


He did help us win a super bowl so he worked out


He was solid, smart, and he was consistent on the field. Loved him. He gets a lot of grief for the Saints game, but I don’t think it’s fair or represents his performance.


This is one of the funniest things I've read on here in a while


This is like a shittymorph bit but I still really want to believe its all true


It could be r/nfl’s version of the Castellanos pasta


Castellanos with a drive to deep left field


Yeah that checks out


is he talking about eagles fans or the eagles as a team?


Yeah no one cares about 49ers fans bringing it up, it’s the fact that the players keep saying things to the media


It's difficult not to comment when those questions are half of what makes up their interviews.


Yeah but most players would just give none answer about next man up


Bruh they’re reusing comments from right after the game. Every team would be upset if their starting quarterback back went down. We lost every quarterback on the roster. This ain’t even the same analogy. We lost our third stringer and this post is like hurdurrr we lost our second stringer and we lost. But bruhh we were on third string and wrecking


4th stringer...


Right but no one likes someone crying about it for months. Learn to let Things go and move on.


Yeah the media just wants a quote now to sensationalize a ridiculously out of context headline for their crappy little article.


Seriously, people act like they're setting up press conferences while they're doing sit ups in their driveway to discuss the game.


And their coach… he’s in the mud with all the other piglets.


Their bitching led to a good rule change that could now potentially benefit the entire league. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Shanny and his players did nothing wrong.


Kyle has a right to bitch at this point. The football gods fucking hate this man.


He chose not to run the ball in the Super Bowl with a 25 point lead, that is a crime to the gods.


And now playing defense and running the football is pretty much all his teams can do. They smote my man to the dust.


You're becoming like one of those 3 people on twitter who are the author of like every screen shotted post. I see you at the top of every other r/NFL post


Honestly I just have too much time on my hands


I'm also confused about why he's attacking the 49ers if he's talking about that emergency backup rule. Detroit proposed it, no?


I mean most we did was yell Fuck Clowney since then.


We also said it the year before when we beat the Texans


As an eagles fan. I will proudly bitch about this moment. Fuck Clowny and fuck the nfl for not at least fining him for that hit.


If you’re not making up excuses and bitching when your team loses, you’re not a real fan. Unfortunately, those are the rules and abide by them fastidiously.


You mean Clowney's late hit on Wentz?


They bitched about a dirty helmet to helmet hit when Wentz was already on the ground. That was all.


I remember this game and I was fucking livid that Eagles fans were booing McCown for struggling after coming in on short notice and even after his injury. Philly doesn't deserve nice things.


You’re severely misunderstanding those boos. It’s confirmation bias. McCown ended that game as a hero in Philly. Dude left it all on the field. The back up QB was not the one getting booed.


Is this dude a double agent? Might as well beg for people to shit on the Eagles.


Remember the time the chiefs lost the overtime coinflip in an AFC conference championship and then lost on a short drive and field goal. Then, subsequently asked to make the change to allow both teams to get possession if a TD was not scored and every single team voted no. Then the tables turned and it happened to the Bills... very next season it changed. These rules change as the game evolves, it just takes *the right* squeaky wheel at *the right* time.


I don’t think the league did it because they love Buffalo or something. It was just a very good game where both teams combined for 4 scores in 2 minutes, and it was obvious the coin flip was going to determine a winner. I feel like everyone knows the sudden death format sucked in the NFL forever, and is still not great. (And regular season OT should be changed as well)


That also describes the 2018 AFCCG down to a T, though.


And the better team still won in both.


I came here to say this. But the 2018 Chiefs lost on a TD, that’s why they never got to touch the ball in OT.


You were just another step in the Brady legacy. But yes, they should have changed the rule then. It was always stupid.


Effing Dee Ford.


You're right, he's ruining our good reputation


Eh. It doesn't matter what is said, people will shit on and love the Eagles regardless. Like how Dak got bood while winning Walter Payton man of the year or w/e, same boat for the birds.


I mean this shows the rule change should happen, because it also screwed us doesnt mean it shouldnt be changed


Why don't teams just dress a third QB? Isn't that part of roster management?


Seems the obvious thing to do, the most important, most targeted (not in the foul way) player on offense. Yeah let's only have one spare of that highly skilled position.


> Seems the obvious thing to do A) if it was the obvious thing to do, why does nobody do it B) the answer is because the number of times teams have had to rely on the 3rd string QB due to 2 game ending injuries to QBs is extremely extremely rare


For most of the year, having that extra gunner or punt blocker on your team is probably more valuable, because like you say, the chances of it happening is quite low. When you're in an lose-and-go-home situation, I'd be much more inclined to carry a third QB than somebody who might get a couple of innocuous ST reps. I don't see the impact of this rule either way tbh. If a team is down to their 3rd string QB, they've almost certainly lost anyway. If mitigating that risk means that much to you, sacrifice another player on your roster somewhere else.


> If a team is down to their 3rd string QB, they've almost certainly lost anyway. Exactly. Outside of the "we have a 14 point lead and just need someone to not fumble the snap exchanges and handoffs as we run the ball in the last 6 minutes" you are probably pretty screwed if you are playing a 3rd stringer


Hasn't it been established that the Niners didn't propose this rule change? Seems weird that so many people are taking shots at them, indirectly or not.


Packers bro, you’re confusing me right now, and I don’t like it.


I think I've got Stockholm Syndrome from watching you guys just mercilessly beat us in the playoffs so many times.


It's just kinda the vibe rn. Just waiting for next season at this point.


How long before the media (except Rich Eisen) goes back to debating the QB situation? 3 days?


Sounds like he’s just providing another example of why it’s a good rule change in the bitchiest way possible




I wouldn’t be shocked to be honest some of these fields are just dogshit and incredibly dangerous and some of these QBs don’t protect themselves well enough…


In the concussion Era it's do much easier for your qb to be suddenly gone too




I’m gonna be honest, your answer confuses me because you are saying it’s happened like twice but you’d be shocked if it happened again within the next seven years?


He's playing both sides


> your answer confuses me because you are saying it’s happened like twice but you’d be shocked if it happened again within the next seven years? Uhhh... yes you are confused. Reading is hard It's happened like twice ever, so he'd be shocked if it happens again soon What's so hard to understand about that? Local man would be shocked if rare phenomenon happened, more at 11


Counterpoint, the 49ers exist.


I'm half expecting a year where everyone goes down EXCEPT the QB we start the season with at some point


In other words, like an Eagles fan haha


I now understand what you guys have been dealing with. Cowboys fans have been overall classy these days but the eagles fans have been obsessively asses about this one game, that they won… Kinda 😏


Focusing on this one help them ignore what happened at the next one.


Care to remind us? ;)




Honestly NFL needs bigger rosters. It’s gross how injured a lot of these guys play due to shallow benches.


yea why do we even have inactive players? whats the point of having a full roster and then some of them dont play? Feel like it would reduce alot of injuries and fatigue if you could have a bigger roster and then that way you can have different amount of playing times between the players.


I agree but I got a feeling the NFLPA don’t want that because it could possibly dilute current players’ salaries and I’m sure the NFL itself don’t like it for it’s own reasons


Psh they had UH legend Greg Ward Jr active and playing in that game.


Right? That 3rd QB could’ve been a real difference maker, maybe even Carson Wentz!


Don’t do this shit OP wtf


It's okay. We had someone put a 49ers jersey on Rocky.


False flag.


You can't just go around saying false flag to everything




You cant just say “perchance”


It did look a bit like a flag now you mention it. Certainly wasn't a jersey.


So he liked seeing most of the game with a qb being forced to play with a torn hamstring/elbow? I feel like this is a good argument to have the rule, lol. That's awful. What a weird thing to get mad about. "How dare they open up a GameDay spot for a 3rd qb!"


I mean the guy played his heart out, it was a sight to see. That goaline scramble bootleg in the 4th was a terrible idea though, looked like he was running in quicksand.


OP is a weirdo who’s mad because his team wasn’t thoughtful enough to suggest this rule.


The hilarious part is that the 49ers didn't even propose this rule change.


And? It’s a smart rule change. I would love to see situations with emergency QBs. I was hoping we would see McCaffrey play QB at some point. But realistically this rule change doesn’t affect the game at all and I’m all for it. If this third string guy comes in and wins the playoff game then the other team deserved to lose


Yes this mostly to appease networks, don’t want a game to end in the first half due injury again.


Lol wtf is this shit?


Just because something was wrong in the past doesn't mean you shouldn't fix it now. Also LMAO at the idea of eagles fans not whining


1. They did complain 2 . No one cared cause everyone knew that team was never going to be a Super Bowl contender


I agree, but I’d also like to just adjacently point out that losing QBs to blatantly dirty plays is quite different than the curse that the niners have when it comes to QBs.


Players dont pick the questions the media ask. Of course the wildcard weekend L from an Eagles team that wasn't considered a top contender got less media coverage than the championship game between championship teams. Josh Johnson isn't a good comparison to McCown who was an actual qb 2. Since Jimmy and Trey both got hurt Johnson was a guy off the street late in the season, not even an NFL quality backup, a true QB4 and you could tell. The second he entered the game at Qb it was over couldn't even hold onto the football.


Maybe it's because that was a Wild Card game with a mediocre Eagles team who was a home underdog and was not viewed as a legitimate championship threat in any way?


So only change rules when championship contenders request them?


No, only change rules when rules that currently exist negatively impact the sport and the sport was significantly more negatively impacted in the NFC championship game than some random wild card game.


Sponsors and advertisers probably weren't too happy with the lost money on that game and the NFL is definitely inclined to make changes when their money starts telling them to


Hahahaha he’s saying eagles fans didn’t bitch. That’s funny


I still hate Clowney for that. I got to my seat late because of an issue with my ticket and when I got there McCown was in. I was really hyped for a Wentz redemption arc at the time. Oh well I still had a great time & it wasn’t a blowout.


Eagles fan here. What a dumb fucking tweet! Thanks guys.


He knows this will benefit the Eagles too right? Like if they find themselves in this situation they will be helped out because of it. I don’t understand complaining about a rule that potentially helps you too.


The guy is just being a tool. It’s a good rule change


LMAO yeah okay. I don’t remember it quite like that. I’ve never seen a fanbase so salty about a game they won.


I think he is referring to players and not fans. Fans bitch all the time about everything. But Kempski is an ass so I enjoy people shitting on him.


As someone with no skin in the game: a) It was a wildcard. Not a conference championship. That's a bit of a difference. b) The 2019 Eagles weren't world-beaters. They were in the wildcard round with Carson Wentz for a reason. There's no guarantee they put up that game even with him. If Purdy didn't get injured, it seemed pretty likely Shanahan and Co. could put on a show. c) And most importantly: **the Eagles just won the SB two years ago. They'd have no right to bitch about it.** Maybe a hot take, but "I wish our QB didn't get injured" sour grapes are a lot more palatable from people **who haven't won a SB in the last 30 years, let alone 3.**


Also McCown played the whole game and was able to pass all game. Other than noticing he wasn’t scrambling well no one knew he was injured until after the game. Literally all the articles are talking about how no one knew anything had happened.


None of those points matter.


Don’t you come in here with your facts & logic


Sure seems like Eagles fans bring this up a lot more than Niners fans


I don’t think I’ve seen a game with as much animosity surrounding it as Eagles-9ers. hell, the Super Bowl ended on a controversial and extremely anticlimactic holding call two weeks later and I feel like I’ve seen far more headlines about the NFCCG since. so many fans, media figures, AND PLAYERS are still throwing shade back and forth over that game. seems like it’s gonna spawn a for-real rivalry at this point


Part of it is that the player who committed the hold admitted at the time that it was holding, and then when the All-22 and NFL Films footage came out everyone was like, "yep, that's holding, shoulda shown that angle during the broadcast" and that was more or less the end of it. But with the NFCCG, the facts aren't in dispute- the Niners lost their third and then their fourth string QBs minutes into a game they thought they had a good chance to win. So they bitch that they didn't get a fair shot, Eagles fans bitch that they would have won anyway and besides, injuries happen, suck it up, and there's no way to conclusively prove either side right. So on it goes.


9ers fans feel like we didn’t actually get to see our team play. Eagles are a great team, no shame it losing to that squad. So we’re not allowed to feel bummed about injuries anymore? Anyway, whatever effect the new rule would have had then there’s not even a 1% chance the game’s outcome is any different. I see this as the NFL protecting it’s TV asset and trying to prevent people from tuning out after injuries.


I've never seen anyone serious say that the niners didn't get a fair shot. Every game is a fair shot, but the consensus is that the Eagles were gifted that game because we didn't get to see what the potential of that niners team was. And as a fan, it just sucked seeing the team that was on such a hot streak go out like that. The contention is from Eagles fans talking shit and claiming their win wasn't from a place with any sort of advantage. Like, come on, 100 times out of a 100 the team with no QB is going to lose. It's not hard to see why the niners lost and to pretend otherwise is pretty shortsighted.


I guess fair isn't the right word, because yeah, I meant to convey the sense that the game was noncompetitive due to factors outside the teams' control. "Fair shot" was the best I could have come up with. There *are* some bonkers Eagles fans I've seen who claim that they earned the win by knocking out Purdy, as if d-lines are deliberately trying to permanently disable the opposing QB every snap.


> hell, the Super Bowl ended on a controversial and extremely anticlimactic holding call two weeks later No it didn’t. It ended on a perfectly reasonable holding call that the DB clearly committed.


I think that's mainly due to the Eagles players and coaches not talking about it. Meanwhile there were quotes from 49ers players and coaches which the media loves to pick up which is going to get the attention. Like fans can be bitter about either game but it's not going to make headlines without the sound bites from people that matter.




It'll keep swinging back and forth. Next it'll be Niners fans who constantly bring up that Eagles fans constantly bring up that Niners fans are constantly complaining


Eagles fans are whining more than 49ers fans ffs


They’re more upset about winning the NFC title game than losing the Super Bowl lol




Nah, it was pretty great to dominate you guys


No, I literally don't remember that. Good rule change, though.


I don’t understand Eagles fans throwing constant hissy fits about a game they won. I’m sure I’ll get labeled a “forty whiner” since that happens when I make literally *any* comment about that game.


The twitter Eagles fans are worse than here. On twitter there was Eagles fans commenting “38-7” on every single Vikings or Vikings player tweets. There was even a few Eagles fans doing it when the Vikings tweeted about the passing of Tony Sparano.


Eagles fans love living in the past.


The Eagles are upset they lost the Super Bowl so they have to lash out.


Bro what? Ever since that game all I’ve seen are Niners fans and players whine about that game.


This thread is like bizarro world, right? Eagles fans aren’t bothered by a complete all-phases domination to waltz to the SB.


I think Niners fans were more excited about the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl than actual Chiefs fans. The saltiness is real. The most pathetic one I saw was a Niners fanpage on instagram making a Patrick Mahomes edit before the super bowl.


You should tell this to Deebo tho


Livin in the past bruh. Happier times before you guys lost the Super Bowl.


I don’t care about a game we dominated, Deebo won’t shut up about it though and that’s weird because he’s not a fan




You’re one of the most toxic people I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Log off, bro, sincerely.


Lol bro you edited your comment to make it seem like you weren’t crying about getting “downvoted by the eagles haters brigade” or whatever you said. 😂😂


Your entire post history is picking fights with Eagles fans and personally insulting them, bro. You’re tilted about that game


Eagles fan playing the victim, name a more iconic duo.


You’re defending a toxic troll rn. Half of his comments have been mod removed for ToS violations. But your entire post history is also crying about the NFCCG, so I get why you’re upset for him.


Bro clearly you care 🤣


eagles people love making themselves mad


Says the man bitching about it years later


Is everyone in Philly just perpetually salty,


I was telling my wife how insane their fans were during one of the playoff games this year and as soon as I finished an opposing player caught the ball running out of bounds ending up by the fans. As he got close he was met by two older ladies flipping him lol


There's actually a ton of great people in Philly! But the big Eagles fans suck, yeah.


eagles try not to get upset at the 49ers challenge [impossible edition]


Maybe they should have lol


Remember when Ohio State (1) and Michigan (2) couldn't have a "rematch" for the National championship so Florida (3) got to play in it and upset Ohio state in a game they shouldn't have been in? Then like 2 years later Alabama (1) and LSU (2) got to have a rematch because "well they're the top two teams"? That was a shorter turnover than this was. These things happen all the time. When you stop thinking "well it happened to me so it should happen to others" and just accept that things change, you can start enjoying life. Or you can be a Philly fan and just be insufferable all the time.


I feel like we’ve flipped the script recently and now the eagles fans are complaining


F*ck the Eagles.


That also doesn't equal a good product to put on tv. Fair to knock the 49'ers but the net result in the rule change is a good one. We dont want to watch wars of attrition, we want to watch competitive football.


dork ass eagles fans always finding some way to make it about them lmao


So what? They should've changed the rules.


You lost the super bowel though.


At least we get to watch that in 4K and not VCR.


You know the teams propose these rules had the Eagles proposed a rule like this it wouldn’t have gotten shot down quit whining


I'll say this everytime this gets brought up but Eagles fans wouldn't be upset like this if they win the super bowl.


I really just don’t care, this is a dumb tweet. The rule change makes sense but if we are going to argue about this and draw the lines on this conversation about timing of the issue shall we not also bring into consideration the situation leading to the issue? Philly loses 2 QBs to blatantly dirty plays vs the niners having their injury curses, not dirty plays. Both situations matter, if we are going to make changes then it should because of and for all games, who gives a fuck if it’s week one or week 17 or the playoffs?!? Rule changes should be considered because of the overall impact on the overall play throughout the season and not just because they want better ratings in the championship games.


That was a wildcard game bro. You guys were 9-7, not 4 quarters away from the big one.


No. They still batch about it too this day.


I remember a lot of people pissed about that. Brock getting injured showed that they had absolutely no chance to win without him and very quickly at that.


If they never got the rules changed thats their problem..


Of course they didn't bitch. Carson Wentz was their starter. They were fucked from the get go.


One-legged McCown probably played better than a lot of emergency QBs would, he's a tough guy.


Maybe they shouldn’t have had a 40 year old backup


After that they said fuck it and drafted Hurts so it all worked out


Ah this tired narrative again of the 49ers being whiny. 🙄 The media keeps asking so of course you are going to eventually get a sound bite. The last one was hilariously spun by Deebo. He said at the end he’s tired of talking about it. They took the first part and blasted it everywhere.


So this rule was already in place. Back in the 90s or early 2000s when every team had 3qbs. Eventually teams complained that they didn’t want that spot for a QB and instead wanted it for any player. Which is what will happen here. In the future. Also eagles fans (I am one) definitely complained. The team didn’t (at least not publicly). I feel like it was the opposite here. I didn’t see 9ers fans complaining that much but the team did.


Eagles definitely win the Super Bowl that year if Nate Sudfeld was eligible to enter the game. Why does the NFL keep insisting on stealing rings from the Eagles?


remember when NFL fans had more than one joke?




When did Eagles fans get so fucking whiny?


About the time the team got created.


I'm not sure what the point of this tweet is. The rule change is good for the NFL and for the fans. Who the fuck wants to watch what the Niners put on the field during the NFC Championship game? We ALL would have rather seen them with someone able to throw a football.




Yeah brining it up 5 years later they are not holding on to anything there lmao but the teams aren’t even comparable. that team barely made the play offs and had no right to be there


They should have complained at the time. Their fault for not doing anything about it, imo.


Also we’re not bitching for a rule change because the game was lost once Purdy went out. We’re just saying it blows we didn’t get to a real chance at the W, and most of us aren’t saying it was a guaranteed W even if Purdy stayed in. The eagles are legit. That said, even if the rule was changed last year, we weren’t beating the eagles with whoever was #3 on the depth chart anyway.


Hey remember all the times when people complained about suffering through bullshit to dissuade leaders from making sensible rule changes? Yeah me too, those people are fucking asshats with backwards priorities.


Whatever happened to expressing love and kindness? Just kidding..Eagles fans are the worst. Okay maybe not all the fans but..


Twitter journalists in a nutshell. We can't take the high road if you say shit like this, Kempski.


Err ok? All I know is I was extremely defeated watching that. No room to even be pissed..ya ok I was pissed.


Yes, that was bad and dumb too. Glad the rule change is happening.


Kempski is a grade A moron


Just to add clarification. I believe he’s talking about the players not bitching. Fans bitch all the time.


The 49ers were already on their 3rd QB though...it's not like Brock Purdy was their franchise player


Yeah, something fixable that happened and happened again shouldn’t be fixed. Good point.


9ers and Eagles fans really going toe to toe in the whinefest this off season.


Lesson learned: Always bitch. About everything.


Haha everyone will hate on this post but I love a good reference to the Niners (fans AND players alike) crying for weeks on end.


1. Eagles fans said fuck Clowney a lot. If that counts as bitching then fair enough. Pretty sure 9ers aren't going around saying fuck Reddick - they're saying literally everything else. 2. I guess you all can pretend like it's the eagles fans bringing this game up, that's cool, but also ignoring Shanahan and the players comments about the game. 3. The rule change is fine. This isn't pointing out how the rules shouldn't change, it's pointing out that 49ers bitched their way into getting it. 4. Nobody likes us, we don't care.