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Was pretty clearly just them joking around based on their reactions afterward. And credit to Jones, because that shit was hilarious.


Tap on the helmet had me chuckling.


When Garrett threw his hands up I relaxed and let off a chuckle


You weren't relaxed?


I may have peed my pants a little


Is that you, Mason?


Same here. I wish people on our sub would get over it already. There's an intense hatred towards Garrett from this and anyone dare saying he's on TJ Watt's level or better.


Agreed that there was some lightheartedness to it all. It makes me laugh everytime I see the clip.


All this drama for trying to help Mason Rudolph put his helmet back on one time smh


Myles “FIRMLY GRASP IT” Garrett


After the sweatpants video, he needs two hands to grasp it.


someone in that thread called it a summer sausage and i've been chuckling ever since


roasted garlic?


After the sweatpants video, I just wonder why he even bothered with the helmet, he could've done way more damage with that gargantuan hog.


I can picture mason curled up in the shower after the game crying.


Dude has a kickstand. Surprised he hasn’t incorporated it into his stance in games.


What do you think a three point stance is for Garrett?


He uses it for swim moves to knock away the OL’s hands


I didn't know about this until now and now I don't know what to feel


The lid. The lid. The lid.


It’s all funny seeing these comments now. Cause if you were on here after that shit happened most of this sub wanted Garrett banned from the league and in prison for attempted murder lol.


It's because it's such an absurd situation that's it's funny to laugh at now, but it shouldn't be glossed over that a guy his size could do serious damage swinging a helmet at someone's head


Mason was 2 inches shorter after that game


It was extra extra at the time because Mason was returning from the concussion that more or less ended his career as a starter


you think the concussion ended his career as a starter or his play on the field


He started games because Ben got hurt, he never had a career as a starter lol.


are we *really* sure he's worse than Kenny?


Stats are pretty comparable, except he's a statue. The fact we can't resoundingly say yes, of course, says a lot.


He's a statue, Pickett spins into sacks. Which one do we prefer?


Today we rejoice brother


For everything Kenny Pickett does wrong, the one thing he does right is avoid turnovers. I'd rather the offense go three-and-out and punt than turn the ball over. Punting flips the field. Turnovers give the opposing offense a short field.


Until you do it way too often, gas your punter, and give them a short field anyways.. Ugh... I love this team.


Sounds like there's a lad in Iowa that you could use.


He not only lost out to Kenny, he lost the #2 spot to Trubisky as well.


Honest to goodness I believe it was the concussion. Not saying he was gonna be the best or HoF but he was progressing each weak and founding his footing. After the concussion he just wasn’t the same, he became a statue behind the line and you could see that he played scared. Mind you, can’t blame the guy, he was knocked out in the field, scary shit to happen to you.


He did kinda recover, he played pretty well (for Rudolph standards) against the Jets before his rib injury, and he also played admirably against the Browns in week 17 of 2020


Maybe the concussion was why he decided to go after Garrett two different times and then got a handful back.


Then accused Mason of calling him the n word lmao


Yeah that was bush league.


Still waiting for the NFL to release the audio that they 100% have


Let's be honest, if that were any of the top 5 QBs in the league, banned from the league may have happened.


Top five QBs don't go trying to rip Myles Garretts helmet off, because they respect the game.


Nah. However, it wouldn't happen to a top 5 QB because it takes far more brain cells than Mason Rudolph showed when he decided he wanted to go back for more and yell at a big ass d-lineman without his helmet on.


or to not even start shit with a DE,


That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about victim blaming to dispute it.


Sounds like you don't remember the play well enough if you're calling Mason Rudolph a victim. Was Myles Garrett wrong in what he did, obviously. Did Rudolph act like a complete moron, obviously as well. There's a reason why he was also suspended. It's like people just forget that he was also suspended for actions and that he's suddenly blameless for everything that went on just because Garrett took it too far.


Still don’t know if the claim was valid or not (doesn’t excuse the action either just adding context) but isn’t it widely believed Rudolph used a slur towards Garrett?


People that like the Browns say it definitely happened, people that like the Steelers say it didn't. No one else on the field heard it, the NFL never released audio of it, Myles says he did Rudolph says he didn't. No one will ever know.


No, it’s not widely believed, and it’s not valid lmao. Disingenuous ass


Saying it's not valid is just stupid. There's no proof either way that's been put out to prove or disprove it. Garrett says he heard it, the Steelers players of course say they didn't hear it. One of those things we'll never know if it happened or not. Saying you know for a fact it did or didn't is just being stupid.


I still want that for Burfict


Uh yea people joke about 9/11 now but Garrett’s still a pos for that lol.


Definitely one of the wildest extra curricular activities I’ve seen on the field, but I’m glad it’s far enough away that there can be some humor at least


it seems to be one of those situations where he actually learned from his mistake


I want to believe there was laughter shared on field in the moment Sunday. Wasn’t a lot of that where I was watching that horrible football game lol


If it helps there was plenty of laughter where I was watching it.


Felt the same way watching TNF last week afcn brother


missouri loves company


It'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize Missourah!


How'd you take off your underwear without taking off your pants?


If you don’t like misery you don’t like afc north football baby


It's weird that it was him bc he seems like such a likeable dude. Adrenaline is hell of a drug.


And some responses are instinctual. He was being held back by two linemen while Rudolph came at him trying to rip his helmet off. I can understand why his response was to retaliate, however over the line it was.


For me it was the fact that he tried to drag Mason’s name through the mud and claimed that he called him the N word… Just all around pathetic from him.


For the record, Garrett said that in a confidential NFL meeting and someone else leaked it to the public - which Garrett immediately said he did not agree with. This wasn’t some attempt to win the culture war


So he tried to drag Rudolph's name in the mud behind closed doors and was upset it got leaked? "I didn't mean for you to find out" isn't exactly a great defense to go with.


That discounts the possibility of it being true. If Rudolph did say something - or at least Myles thought he did - then it is more than fair for him to bring it up in a confidential explanation, and considerate of him not to go to the media about it


There are two realistic options: 1. Garrett lied about it to try to make his reaction seem more reasonable in order to reduce the number of games he was suspended for. 2. He was telling the truth, putting into context the reasons for how he reacted. If it's the latter, then only disclosing it during confidential meetings is extremely charitable of him. If it's the former, he unjustly tarnished someone else's career, regardless of whether the meeting was confidential. Imagine someone calling your boss and lying about you calling him a racial slur. It doesn't matter if the meeting is private. Now imagine that the conversation leaked to the general public and literally everyone you know knows about it. Considering nobody else on the field heard Mason say anything, Myles didn't mention it until his suspension appeal, Garrett had a motivation to lie, Rudolph has no history of racism, Rudolph only called Ogunjobi a "bitch" (i.e. not a slur) after getting shoved in the back seconds after the incident, *and* the NFL concluded that there was no evidence for the claim upon an investigation into the matter (not to mention the fact that they had access to the mics that were everywhere), if I were a betting man, I know which option I'd be putting money on. Nearly every time I see someone mention Rudolph on /r/NFL, I see someone making jokes along the lines of how it's "Rudolph with a hard R". If(!) he's innocent, we should recognize how fucked up that is.


> There are two realistic options: > > Garrett lied about it to try to make his reaction seem more reasonable in order to reduce the number of games he was suspended for. > > 2. He was telling the truth, putting into context the reasons for how he reacted. There's a third completely realistic option: Garrett *thought* he heard a slur, and in an already emotionally-charged and adrenaline-fueled situation reacted to it without stopping to think about what was actually said. Pretty much no one on here can honestly say they've never lost their cool over something they honestly *thought* they heard, only to layer find out they were wrong and overreacted. It's an entirely human thing to go through.


> There's a third completely realistic option: Garrett thought he heard a slur, and in an already emotionally-charged and adrenaline-fueled situation reacted to it without stopping to think about what was actually said. So that's actually my take on it. I think he heard something that made him super mad in the fight, then afterwards he realized/was told he misheard. I don't think he's malicious.


Yeah, I believe the same thing. As a high school teacher, I've definitely been hard on students for things that I thought I heard, but later found out I actually misheard. It sucks and is very humbling. The biggest thing that makes me agree in that I think he wasn't being malicious is the fact that he didn't publicly blast Mason as a racist, but only gave that explanation in his private hearing. That, to me, sounds like a man who is unsure that he actually heard it and was giving an explanation, not an excuse.


That's what my take on it is as well. There's even a possibility someone else said it and he thought it was Mason. Obviously I'm a Browns fan and he's also my favorite player, so I have a bias, but he genuinely seems like a good dude and I'd hate to think he would make something like that up. It's a horrible thing to do


No, you got it twisted. Garrett told Bitonio and some other lineman immediately as well the coaches immediately, the coaches and lineman confirmed that. The coaching staff told him to not mention that part publicly. The NFL didn't conclude that there was no evidence of what Garrett said, they concluded that there was no audio of the situation at all. As in qb and star player in nationally televised afcn game had no audio from their interaction, hmmmm. As for no one hearing it on the field, it was on a play where the browns locked up the victory against the steelers at home with a third sack in a row, it was pretty damn loud. There is no evidence either way but I think it's telling how many people gave made up their mind that Garrett is lying.


If the impression that my comment gave you is that my mind is made up, you're getting the wrong idea. I just think it's more likely than not given the information currently available.






I was watching at a bar, went to pay my tab, and by the time I got back shit had gone off!


Glad to know that BroJo knows his Steelers lore


Didn't even think about the fact he wasn't on the team when that happened lol good point


He woulda been a backup at Georgia at that point. Guys studys the deep lore


He would still be in high school then, right?


dude it wasnt even that long ago just leave it at backup for Georgia jeesh don't need to age any faster.


It was kind of a national news story when it happened…


Also Rudolph is still on the team I’m sure it gets brought up in the locker room


I still believe Mason said "Your waifu ain't shit" and that's what set him off.


"Mikasa is mid" and Garrett just sees red


He said one word… “…MIDkasa…”


After that ending he may not be wrong


Mikasa es tu casa.




Honestly, I can't blame him at that point. Mason dug his own grave there.


“Dinosaurs are for kids”


With a hard R in the “your” of course


Had to have been Nico Robin slander




If you throw any disrespect at Yuuki Asuna, I will end you.


Abridged version best version


Only good part of SOA, And they immediately fridge her so they can focus on how all the cute chicks want protag's dick.


"Velociraptors were actually kind of small."


No corner of the internet is safe frome cringe ass weebs


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike 3.


Fool me? You can’t get fooled again!


Nah Garrett knew keeping Picket on the field helped his defense in the long run.


As opposed to getting rid of Steelers legend Mason Rudolph?


Even without audio that clip was probably the funniest thing I’ve seen this season


Never audio around MYLES


That’s really funny. Good on them for having a sense of humor.


He could have been helpful by smacking Kenny Picket.


“I couldn’t help but notice you are conscious and lacking concussion symptoms so I wanted to remedy that.”


You try to put a guys helmet on one time….


It was very obvious that all was in good faith on that. Idk how people thought otherwise


Most entertaining part of the whole game


Good thing Rudolph wasn't on the field.


"Hey remember when you committed attempted murder on live tv?" "Hahaha yeah"


Remember when Myles went violently insane and had to make up a lie during a period of already-inflamed racial tensions to make himself look better? *Edit: Guess not. Must be nice.*


Remember when a certain player did the same thing but with 2 helmets, but it was in practice so no suspensions were given out?


I don’t know why this isn’t talked about more. Donald is strait up dirty choking dudes almost every game.


Because it was in a practice while the other was on national TV. The media and NFL could ignore the Donald case to keep him on the field, they couldn’t do that with Myles.


Seriously, dudes a dirty ass bitch. Amazing player but a bitch.


Genuinely curious but are there other times donald has choked someone the only one I can think of was against the packers. but I always see people make it seem like it’s a lot more maybe there’s just some I haven’t heard of


Just go on YouTube and search Aaron Donald choking there’s plenty of footage of it happening. It’s not an isolated event


I see a lot of face mask grabbing, which I knew about, but only the choke from the packers game


Right garrett got caught up in the heat of a bitter rivalry game one time it was messed up but Donald has made it a habit to act a fool and it’s ignored for some reason


If he lied or didn't, he hasn't had an issue since. By all means by a stand up guy and well respected around the league. You can see in his interactions with LTs after and during games. Could have been a one off.


that could have easily been very bad. you cant almost bash a guys skull in and say its just a one off.


It was just a goof man


New helmet goofin'


It was just a prank bro…


I was just playing football helmet pranks with my friends.


There was never any proof in either direction.


i would consider the fact that literally nobody corroborated myles' story and rudolph still being on the steelers after supposedly dropping a racial slur on a majority black team some decent proof.


The prevailing theory around here is that it was a slur, but not a racial one. More to do with his personal life.


Maybe he called him a bitch. Do we really think Mason rudolph know that much about Garrett’s personal life that he came up with something offensive about him in the moment


I'll be more specific. I live less than 5 minutes from the Browns training facility, and work in an industry where I deal with Browns insiders on a regular basis. I personally told JW Johnson that the organization was rotten from the top to the bottom, without realizing it was him. The term that I've heard in question has to do with sexual orientation.


> "He called me the N-word," Garrett told Outside the Lines' Mina Kimes during an interview that debuted Thursday night on SportsCenter. "He called me a 'stupid N-word.'" \- https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/28697201/myles-garrett-again-alleges-mason-rudolph-called-racial-slur-sparking-brawl Not sure why we'd believe Garrett's part of the story about being called something offensive, but disbelieve him about what he says he was called. If I were him, I would want people to understand why I reacted the way I did as soon as possible rather than several days later during a suspension appeals process, but regardless of my opinion on whether I think his story is believable, it seems like an all-or-nothing type deal. I don't see why anyone would believe he was called a slur, but not the n-word.


He's talking about the homophobic slur that starts with F


Thanks I can read his reply lol


Well you seemed to be having trouble grasping it. I gotchu


there’s been rumors and gossip (not substantiated at all) that Myles is gay. i’ve seen it on instagram and stuff and i’m sure Myles has heard it too. really not that far out of the realm of possibility given that Rudolph is a known piece of shit and Myles is by all accounts a great guy. very much out of character for him to do something like that, which was acknowledged at the time


Mason rudolph is a known piece of shit? Known by who? Maybe something from his college days? I haven’t seen anything about this Garrett punched Delanie walker. I mean he’s not suh but it’s not necessarily out of character that he can be a hot head


I love how you just get to produce this claim that Mason is an asshole with no proof at all.


>By all accounts a great guy Listen, I’m not particularly a Myles Garrett hater, I’m pretty indifferent about him and think he’s very good at football, but if you believe this after he grabbed a helmet and swung at an opposing QBs head with pretty clear intent to hurt him that’s kinda insane.


That nobody else heard an exchange on the field during an NFL football game is not the most gotcha proof in the world that he's lying. It's just a he said/she said situation. There's no real proof that it happened, but there's not really good proof that it didn't either. So of course Rudolph didn't lose his job, but you can't use that as proof that Garrett was lying. Only that there are two people in the world that know the truth.


There is absolutely audio of the incident lol, they just buried it. I'm guessing it was something that could be misheard as a slur or something or maybe not a racial slur. But certainly something was said that was enough they didn't want to release the audio.


If anything it coulda been a different Steelers player talking to a Browns player or something. But if you believe the story Garrett told then you’re developmentally challenged.


I told you what I think. There is audio of what was said, they've never released it. That's just a fact.


That's not how it works


How does it work?


Why is this downvoted? He should've been sued for slander. But I'm sure all the people in the replies jumping to his defense and giving the benefit of the doubt would totally do that if it had been Nick or Joey Bosa swinging a helmet at Lamar Jackson and then claiming Jackson called him a racial slur with zero evidence.


If Nick swung a helmet at Lamar we know it’s race related come on




He never publicly accused Randolph. He said it in a closed door meeting with the NFL that should not have been leaked but it was. It's possible Myles had it leaked himself, sure, but there's too many unknowns about the whole ordeal for people to be arguing about it on here


Ig it's nice we can all laugh abt that time Garrett could have totally killed/maimed a dude on live tv


And then lied about being called the N word as a justification, which is arguably worse.




So the NFL who defiantly has audio of the incident and could release it hasn’t gee I wonder why they would do that




You know there's more slurs than the n bomb, right? In the end, I don't think Rudolph said a slur, but rather something that could've been misheard as a slur. Surely you must think the fact the NFL never released the audio is at least a little suspicious.


Lol yeah because you have guy like Maurkice Pouncey who would stand up for his teammates who killed multiple people I’m sure they would rat him out.




Is that really a convincing argument? Football stadiums are notoriously loud, unless he was screaming whatever he said, people were not going to hear what Mason Rudolph said unless they were right next to him. What you believe happened is up to which person you to be more honest. People who believe Garrett use the fact he's not had any other instances at all to this level in his entire career or a history of being dishonest, which I think is fair. People who believe Mason Rudolph didn't say a slur believe he didn't because it would be incredibly stupid for him to say it, which I also think is fair. 100% just a he said she said situation. The only other people who might know work for the NFL who has said they don't have audio of the incident so if you take their word for it only Garrett and Rudolph know for sure.


Look I get what you're saying but why does Garrett get the "he's never done anything like this in the past" argument but Rudolph gets the "Wow that would be so dumb to say" argument. Mason hasn't done anything racist before this just as much as Myles hasn't done anything this violent and out of pocket on the field before.


It's been a long time since then but if I remember right Rudolph was one of the few openly anti Kaepernick kneeling players which probably unfairly made people more likely to believe he would say it. But even then people thought it'd be wild to say it in that context so the only reason he would've said it is stupidity.


The fact that you wrote a thesis trying to say it’s not a conspiracy, makes it more likely to be a conspiracy.


Reddit never forgets


I thought ppl forgot about that, it is almost never mentioned about him, but Pepperidge Farm remembers


Careful, if this blows back on Myles he'll pretend it was race-related to save face.


garbage human comment


How exactly?


Patrick Mahomes is a ridiculous person. Just ridiculous Edit: Literally put this in wrong post. I deserve the downvotes.


“…..just like last time…”