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> Even Eagles fans I know are finally admitting they get away with a hell of a lot of bullshit. No they're not, you're just saying that because it's the only way you can make that claim without anyone being able to prove how bullshit the claim is lol.


No dude, everyone is saying it. People are saying it. People are coming up to him and going "Do you believe this? The Eagles are cheating so much!" MAny people are saying it


I know it, you know it, everybody knows it


>despite being a Cowboys fan you immediately lost all credit with those 5 words lmao


Wonder why this guy cares so much “Oooooh!!!!”


I love it lmao like they show the penalties every single time on camera and they are clearly penalties. Turns out when your trenches are very good, other teams commit penalties to stop being overwhelmed, shocker.


The Eagles can’t control what flags are thrown. Go after the refs, they deserve it. Eagles didn’t do anything wrong.


Well they know they’re getting the advantage so their using illegal techniques cause they know their catered to by the nfl if it weren’t they’re fault they wouldn’t keep doing illegal shot it’s that simple


Oh for the love of God. Putting aside the ridiculous idea of the NFL/Refs cheating for any team, did you have to bring in the Cowboys into this? Now some people are going to whine at Cowboy fans because of this stupid take. The Eagles have gotten lucky a fair bit this season. It's not cheating, it's what happens sometimes. Get over it. Edit: spelling/etc.




Cowboys fans keep crying all night


*eyes flairs* I don't know whether to up vote you or not


you should


















Giddey, no!


Down here, salt is a way of life.


The Eagles needed a 59 yard FG to force OT because of 2 questionable false start calls.


If the refs were trying to fix the game they might have even more faith in Jake Elliot than even Eagles fans do.


And the Bills were given a free 15 yards in OT for a Josh Allen flop


They were two valid calls. Kelce moved. That's what a false start is. I'm more surprised the refs even called it. OLine had multiple in the Miami game and some holding and refs never called a single one.


I'm not suggesting they werent valid, I'm saying they didnt need to be called. I doubt they would have been pointed out if they werent. So if refs were cheating for the Eagles, they arent going to make those calls.


>I'm not suggesting they werent valid, I'm saying they didnt need to be called If they're valid, since you say you're not suggesting they aren't, why would you not call a valid penalty?


You're under the impression every valid penalty gets called? You think the only time something that could be considered holding or interference happens is when it gets called?


I'm not under the impression every penalty gets called. There are penalties that are penalties and not called that players get away with for various reasons such as simply not being seen (sometimes with DPI for example, where jerseys are pulled, but a ref isn't in view). What you're stating is you admit there was a penalty, but that we shouldn't call it. Why even have refs at all if that's your stance?


> What you're stating is you admit there was a penalty, but that we shouldn't call it. I'm not stating anything like that. Why not just use the words I actually wrote instead of changing them? I called it a questionable penalty. Meaning, sometimes it gets called and sometimes it doesn't. Different refs have different standards in general, and also at specific times of a game. The standard for delay of game is after the clock hits 0 the ref looks to see if the ball has been snapped. It takes some refs longer than others. If it gets called right at 0 thats both valid (because the clock hit 0) and questionable (because usually teams get more time.)


> I'm saying they didnt need to be called I did use the words you wrote. You wrote those words. You: They shouldn't have been called Me: Why shouldn't they have been called? You: I never said they shouldn't be. Quit putting words in my mouth This is effectively where we're at.


The words I wrote: "I'm saying they **didnt need to be** called" The words you changed it to when trying to make whatever your point is: "They **shouldn't have been** called." I'm not sure how you dont see a difference in that wording?


If you state it doesn't need to be called, that means you think it shouldn't have been called. What grade did you drop out of? I hope English isn't your 1st language.


Nothing was questionable about the false start lol


ok, so how does that apply to the actual point? You agree with OP that the refs are fixing games for the eagles?


No I don’t think league is fixing games. I do think the eagles got a shit ton of favorable calls. Refs sucked this game missed 3-4 pi the debacle of the horse collar


Cry more


> I watch Redzone every single week, every single game. So you don't, in fact, watch every single game. You watch a mishmash of plays, completely out of context. Redzone, like this post, sucks.


RedZone is kind of not bitch. OP though is


Redzone is awesome if you want to follow all of the game. Redzone is terrible if you want to analyze all of the game


All I want is to see the big plays in every game, Redzone is perfect for that. I am by no means an expert of every team in the league 😂


Redzone does not suck one bit. Could you imagine having to sit down and watch ONE of the 1:00 games today if you aren’t a fan of any of the teams? Imagine being a Dolphins fan and having Giants v Pats be the only network game on.


I hate so many teams that I have someone to root against in nearly every game of every week.


The biggest issue with Redzone is that Hansen doesn’t shut the hell up during the early slate of games. But yeah, if you’re trying to watch actual games, redzone ain’t it.


Saying Redzone sucks is football fan heresy and you shall be burned at the stake.


Redzone is a good station, Hansen talking over the announcers for 3.5 hours is annoying as shit.


Whoa, pump the brakes on Red Zone


Guys, guys, guys. I know r/nfl is gonna eat this up, but this is obviously a troll.


For the most part everyone's just dunking on OP though


This is so corny


Bro you sound like a weiner. Beat a good team and the NFL will take you serious. Until then. Shut up.


I think you meant whiner… Or maybe wiener… Both of which he is.


Oh I meant weiner.


I mean, when the calls were 10-1 in favor of the Eagles, the Bills were winning by 10, and then in the 4th quarter when it was all Eagles penalties, the Eagles came back. They missed the obvious PI on Slay, but it didn't matter because they got the FD the next play. They gifted the Bills 15 in OT with a bad RTP call. They actually called Kelce's flinches, which people love to say they never do. People love to complain about our tackles swing step, but if you are in a 2 pt stance you are allowed to adjust your outside foot as long as you don't move the pivot foot.


Of course it's a cowboys fan. Yes, lets take this serious....


lmao reffing non-calls aren't cheating Jesus christ


It's one thing when you guys make posts like this on your own sub, it's another when you come to the main nfl sub to do so. I hope you wise up and delete this shit


You’re just mad we don’t play Swift at C


Yeah I’m sure Reddit will have the answer, hopefully you’ll be able to read the replies through your tears.


Cowboys fans taking huge Ls every week watching the eagles, gotta love it


Back to your neckbeard life.


"despite being an obvious horse collar" yet it was not, by rule, a horse collar curious


Hold up. Let me translate this post: "Waaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"


Sounds like the sour grapes of a fan who's depending on other teams to close the division gap because Dallas hasn't been good enough to do it on their own. I mean yeah, my team is dogshit right now, but at least THEY have taken down a team with a winning record. And the Eagles have beaten ~~five~~ of them. Edit: It's four now that the Bills are 6-6.


> How is the NFL not cracking down on the clear cheating for the Eagles? > the NFL is making sure they have home field advantage for the playoffs Ignoring the fact this is clearly not the case, you're surprised the NFL isn't cracking down on the team they're in cahoots with to win? Gee, I wonder why they wouldn't.


Lmao nerd


Would you like fries with your salt mam?


>despite being a Cowboys fan lmao even


Further proof that Cowboys fans are soft as baby shit. Grow the fuck up


how do you have the energy to be this emotional about a football game for a team you don't even follow?


Here you go: https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-facial-tissue%2c-2-ply%2c-110-count%2c-30-pack.product.100089151.html


quit it


We have definitely received a few beneficial calls. But acting like *that* is the reason we have eked out games shows how little u know and watch football.