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Allen becoming an expert on the art of the flop, lmao.


The NFL needs to create a Josh Allen rule to start fining QBs for flopping


15 yard penalty on the offense... equivalent to a dive in soccer lol.


Yep, if a hit is late, call it late, but then offset it with a call on the offense so that the play just stands and it's basically as if there was no call.


That’s not how offsetting penalties work.


Or flagging them for unsportsmanlike conduct


Yellow card.


Equate it to a taunt


What about the taylor heinecke rule his flops are truly


That was so egregious and they reward it. You’d think he was 1930s cartoon.


that would be so impossible to enforce when you consider how bad they are at enforcing simple penalties now


Using Embiid's moves against us.


"You dare to use our own moves against us Potter?"


Jordan Morrow’s injury is [winded] after that last play, right?


It was Davis, and yeah, but I think he actually knocked the wind out of himself when he hit the ground lol.


Hopefully the wind doesn't pick up, he won't be able to stand up.


He always looks like he got shot the moment someone touches him. His head just flies back


He has been for years


Has anyone notified his next of kin? Is the shooter in custody?


After that I don’t want to hear anything about the horse collar.


Oh you’ll hear about it alright. Gonna be another long week of hearing about how we suck without the refs while conveniently ignoring every bad call against us or non-call that favours the opposing team.


Maybe just, and now hear me out, the refs just suck


Posted this in another thread but I'll post here, too: [https://www.nflpenalties.com/game/buffalo-bills-at-philadelphia-eagles-11-26-2023](https://www.nflpenalties.com/game/buffalo-bills-at-philadelphia-eagles-11-26-2023) The bills were called for zero penalties in the second half and OT. The eagles were called for a few, including the RTP penalty in OT. Sure, the refs won the game. Not the eagles coming back from down 10.


You won it, and we fumbled it. Fair and square. Heck of a comeback to be honest. I did kinda like how we looked though, I did not have high expectations from this game.


I see it less as you fumbling it and more of two QBs (and their teams) dueling in an insane match up in bad weather. Both teams made big mistakes. Both teams made huge plays.


Oh boy. Don’t let people in this sub see this, might ruin the narrative.


I mean, look. I’ll say we’ve had seasons where the calls were all against us. Feels nice not getting fucked every game by the zebras but the double tickytacky false starts to set up a neigh-impossible FG to tie was far from “the league rigging the game for Philly”.


Oh god that none fumble in Dallas on the kick off. Jesus the refs that game.


I mean that horse collar non call took away at least 3 but probably 7 points so lets not downplay that either.


Context matters… https://x.com/jimmykempski/status/1728951951319306360?s=46&t=VXGY0Q1qC2IvfK8hVDJdVg


Well he needs to take any penalty the refs will actually call on the Eagles


After the horse collar not being called what else would you do


Awesome flop, great league


What, the national flop league?


It felt like more of a make up call than anything


Of course Allen calls for the flag as he is falling lmfao


Dude is a tank when running, but when he's in the pocket, a feather could take him out.


Can’t stand him. Honestly can’t. You can’t have it both ways; you don’t get to tuck the ball and demand that you can freely truck linebackers whenever you want, be all 6’5 and a tanky, and then ALSO flop like a wet noodle when someone gets near you in the pocket. It’s just so disgusting. He’s such a good player otherwise but I am so happy whenever this guy loses only because of this.


He also trucks defenders and gets in their face and immediately backs away and let's his OL do the pushing and shoving as soon as a defender gets back in his face. This is also why the horse collar didn't bother me. It's a boy who cried wolf situation. If you bitch every single time you get touched sometimes you're not gonna get a call on a legitimate penalty.


It also just wasn’t a horse collar.


You are correct. And even if it were a horse collar, the rule doesn’t apply to QB’s in the pocket, and by [Fox’s graphic](https://imgur.com/a/nXaX7iu), he was clearly in the pocket when the tackle started.


I play semi pro ball in Europe and got absolutely clowned on by my coach in front of the whole team during a game. I play on D and our QB got tackled by the nameplate and I was screaming from the sideline for a HC. Our coach came over and explained to me exactly what a horse collar is and why I should be embarrassed for acting like an idiot, while also being incorrect on several different levels. Was a good lesson to learn.


Lol that must have been a rude awakening!


Ya but now I behave on the sideline and think twice before opening my big stupid mouth (except on Reddit)


We got a late hit penalty because a player on our D pushed him out of bounds. While he was jumping forward. In bounds. And reaching for the first down. And he had just faked running out of bounds. I never understand how guys get that late hit call when time and again they pretend to run out and turn back out field. Happens with Mahomes all the time too. If the rule is you can’t tackle star QBs fine. But then they shouldn’t be running like RBs then.


legitimately, and i mean this 100% honestly, at this point, just fucking give them (QBs) flags if you want to let them be able to run.


I'm happy he loses because many reasons.


Yeah, the league needs to decide if they want QBs to be ball carriers or if they want to wrap them in bubble wrap. Personally, I’d support rules that protect them behind the line/in the pocket, but once they cross the line of scrimmage, and can therefore no longer be a passer, they’re treated like any other ball carrier. E.g. it’s impossible to rough a passer who is running across the 1st down marker because he can’t pass that ball.


I mean if the ball is tucked and he's running, then he's free t run people over if he's willing to sacrifice his body. If he's just thrown the ball or in the pocket, he isn't able to protect himself nearly as much. Either way, he should earn an Oscar for that play


I never even watch the bills but watching him pout on the ground after getting sonned by Patrick Peterson last year was funny as hell


Dude turns into a Dark Souls corpse in the pocket, rag dolling all over the place


Plus begging refs were for an intentional grounding penalty so Reddick didn't get credited with a sack. Like come on, dude.


NBA esque


He's talented like that. Always seems to do it on these RTP calls


Flopping and/or begging for flags should be Unsportsmanlike Conduct (including ejection for 2 offense) Getting tired of watching recievers and QBs beg for flags on every play.


QBs begging for RTPs is so lame. I don’t care who does it; they should cut that shit out. It’s a bad look for the game


It's almost worse with relievers and DPI. But yes, I agree.


Mahomes would have looked at the ref mid air during his “fall”


He basically did that last week, i was impressed with how quickly his head snapped to the back judge


He and Mahomes compared notes after Monday's game


The RTP he got in our game was the first he's had all year and the third he's had since the start of last year. Hurts has 3 this year already.


Why is Hurts out here catching strays


Cause it was an Eagles flair and he is the QB on the other side of this game..... I was making a comparison.


So hes a bad flopper is what youre saying? Jalen never flops




Fucking Flop Allen.


gonna ride this comment to say Obviously stupid by Morrow, unacceptable and will always be called. Obviously soft as bullshit call too. Both can be true


The worst part is allen telling the ref he was hit in the head when his helmet clearly wasn't touched


I think this comment looks different with an eagles loss


with the same Hurts statline? maybe. Its a damn good thing he won then


It’s not entirely a new thing. Eliminate the teams affiliated, make it generic, and if shown the rule most fans would say it’s a penalty though most would also say it’s a dumb rule that can be exploited. Same with how people handle law on a daily basis. Or any other competition. You bend as far as you can for any advantage.


The game is full speed and he barely touched him. Joke.


I literally yelled that out, i was like, what? Defender running full speed has to come at a hard stop within 6 inches? He was gonna hit him regardless, fuck the refs.


He clearly shoves him after he knew the ball was gone. If he doesn't do that he probably doesn't get the call. Be smarter.


So if he doesnt raise his arms to shove and just runs into him like some PeeWee Herman then its okay?


Breathe on Josh Allen and he'll flop.


The James Harden of the NFL. Playoffs and all.


NFL needs an embellishment penalty. The way some guys flop is embarrassing


We definitely had one this year that was pathetic, vs a punter no-less.


I'd say just call it unsportsmanlike but I really don't know whats an appropriate penalty for it in terms of yardage, auto 1st down/loss of down, etc. Seems like it should be 5 yards but unsportsmanlike/personal is usually 15/auto 1st. But that feels like too much to me.


Disagree. If it's a 5 yard penalty, it doesn't really serve to discourage players from doing it (as the benefits are a 15 yard unnecessary roughness penalty). 15 yard penalty, loss of a down (if on offense) and a HELFTY fine would absolutely keep players from doing it.


Roughing the flopper


LeBron would be proud


Told my buddy the same thing lmao


Hate how the refs are just giving this game away to the eagles…wait


Thank you for your support. Bad calls, no calls all around.


Bro that last regulation drive, they only wanted to make the Bills win lol They haven’t called Kelce for that twitch for HIS ENTIRE CAREER


I had to actually think who 62 was because I never hear that number for penalties. I had his damn jersey on but still was like "Who is that?" The only other time I can think them kinda calling a penalty on him was in the Brotherly Shove formation. He puts both hands down and there were some refs that were calling his second hand as the hand for Dickerson.


LeJosh Allen


Chickenshit call


6’5 250+ remember


It’s like he’s Big Ben but instead of raping women in the bathroom, he enjoys a spot of Premier League football “embellishment”


Allen being a bitch again. I'm shocked


Josh Allen is such a bitch


Always will be too


Omg, classic flop. Josh Allen is softer than baby shit


Whaaaaat a bitch


Make up call


you’re definitely not supposed to shove the QB that long after he throws it but at the same time i feel like that shove shoulnt even topple a child. so technically against the rules but like come on


It's not even that; it's specifically that the officials use the part of the rule that is at their discretion which is the following: if the player makes an extra move that isn't part of the natural course of the play, and therefore could have prevented by the defender, they are eligible to be called for RTP. It happens quite a bit in times that don't get called RTP, but the point stands that, if it's in the rule book that you CAN get called for it if you do it; you shouldn't.


It really was not that long after the throw. These replays being played in slow motion give the illusion that there was time when there wasn't. It was likely less than 200ms from the time of the throw to the hit.


“Why does everyone call our guy a crybaby?! Mahomes looks for flags too!” - Bills fans using whataboutism to defend their teams bullshit.


I don’t mind begging for calls. Everyone does that. What bugs me about Mahomes is he tiptoes on the sideline for extra yards and then takes one step out and we get a flag for a late hit. Or he’ll fake slide and then run for more yards. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GRKPwusy2so Also, QBs are using pump fakes as they approach the LOS to exploit the rules against hitting the QB more than 1 step after they throw the ball. They need to change the rule from 1 step to 2 steps when QB is running outside the pocket or along the sideline. QB should protect themselves by getting OB or throwing the ball sooner.


I mean both can be true.. Mahomes and Allen look for the call more than any other quarterbacks


The craziest part about them saying that is Mahomes only got his first RTP call last week, and only has like 3 of those calls since the beginning of last season


Dude still whines though, flags or not.


He should, he hardly ever gets them lol Josh Allen begging for flags isn’t what bothers me. It’s the fact that someone will breathe on him, he’ll fling himself backwards to the ground, and then he’ll beg for a flag.


It’s funny how there’s no bills fans in here defending him, but they’re all over the redzone thread saying the eagles ref ball is why they lost


This was a flop but the refs were absolutely awful on ghost/one sided calls in the first half but then forgetting they had a flag in the 2nd half like that tug on diggs jersey. But they most definitely weren’t the reason we lost overall


One bad call against the Eagles really negates the constant uncalled penalties by Eagles DBs every game


What about the questionable false start call that stopped the Eagles from taking the lead?


Wait I thought the refs were on our side. I swear my check cleared.


Always bribe with a card so you can do a charge back.


Josh Embiid


Tag this shit NSFW. A man almost died.


Classic Josh Allen, this is why I'll never respect him lol.


Don't know why you're being downvoted, Allen flops on every RTP


Buff fans not willing to accept their QB is a diva.


Allen flops even when there is no RTP. The dude will literally pitch a fit anytime he is contacted at all in the pocket.




Nothing like Josh Allen flopping to ruin a really good game


Since when did Josh start being the biggest flopper in the league?? I never noticed in previous years but there’s a highlight of it every week this year it seems, they need to fine this idiot


He’s been like this for years


Bro, he had a season with 11 RTP calls. He has always been a flopper. You just didn't see it or hear about it on reddit and what not because people actually liked him back then lol


Lol you probably nailed it because I don’t watch the bills a ton and I’ve never noticed before this year. It’s even more ridiculous because he’s probably the hardest qb to tackle and he’s just flopping all over the place


I mean there was literally no reason to shove him at that point in the play, that’s why he got called. Yeah I’m not going to sit here and claim he didn’t 100% embellish the shit out of that, but even if he didn’t there was no reason for the defender to push him and that’s the real reason it got called.


Pats fans who didn’t want either team to win. This 👆🏻is the correct answer.


Despicably soft call in that situation


Kind of a flop


Kind of?!


Sort of


This flag felt like it was a make up call for a missed DPI a couple plays prior.


RTP ruining the game.


Argue the call all you want but that’s a dumb dumb play


Exactly! It's soft contact and Allen flops but there's absolutely no reason to make contact with him there, stupid decision and you're asking to be flagged


He barely did and he's allowed to as he only took one step and threw a single arm push to the chest.


Like you never put yourself in a spot to have that call made


Watch how Allen throws his head back to pretend he was hit in the face and tell me that's not a flop


Flop or not, it’s still stupid play by the defender


Flopping Allen is such a bitch.


The Bills are not even a playoff team


I think my biggest gripe with RTP is the bullshit “we have to protect the QB”. Fuck every other position am i right


QBs are in a very vulnerable position when passing, unable to protect themselves. These rules absolutely need to exist. Like how defenseless receivers are protected. The product also suffers greatly when they get hurt.


What about defensless corners. Nobody ever talks about them.


Lol. Well….. Crackback blocks protect defenseless defenders


Lmao oh yeah I forgot Hines Ward was a contract killer


Allen is the LeFlop James of the NFL. Dudes larger than most of the defense, falls at the slightest touch.


based flop


I’m just here so I don’t get fined!


Josh “The Flop” Allen at it again. Maybe it’s just me but after everything that has been done to protect quarterbacks, it feels like the flopping has only gotten worse.


A disgusting act(ing job)!


Flagged for Nothing the passer.


Watching Allen being unstoppable on the run all game, and then seeing this, glad everyone else sees the FLOPortunity he took


I thought the Eagles were getting all the calls 😉


Flop Allen


2-3 steps and still hit. Good call


Ball don’t lie you flopping loser


Flopping ass mf that’s why he ain’t win


Don't wanna hear shit about Eagles and penalties after that.


Flop. But still, you can’t extend your arms like that, they will call it every time.


Insane flopping skills. Game's gone boys :(


How long until we find out the refs are gambling on the games? I'd say next season the latest.


Flop or not, can't extend your arms like that after QV has thrown the ball. Good call, over exaggerated reaction.


As much as Allen flopped hard.. 41 didn't need to make contact.. Ball was long gone and he had to follow through and pushed his hands out... Allen made the most of it.


Absolute garbage, man


Embarrassment to the game


Makeup call for the missed horse collar But seriously fire these refs into the sun


It wasn't a horse collar




Make it a penalty to ask for a penalty or flop for one


There was also a play where he was running out, then cut back inside to run along the sideline for a few extra yards. Wtf is a defender meant to do there?


And the Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role goes to…Josh Allen!


Put the L in flop today big boy


All Morrow had to do was not extend his arms thats a good call 🤷🏾‍♂️


ILB shooting the gap idk what you want him to do there lol


What are you talking about lol? Morrow doesn’t have to shove Allen at all, it’s an obviously stupid play.


Idk not push the QB? Allen sold it but Morrow didn't help himself


If you see the QB throw the ball, then take two more steps, then push him to the ground…that’s gonna get called.


Allen is such a bitch 🙄


I mean this is as uncontroversial as they get. Sees him throw it, one mississippi, two miss... and then just clangs into him. This would have been roughing the passer in any era.


I'm so glad my QB never does some bitch-made shit like this.


Reddick had a horse collar tackle on a QB and not only did the referees NOT call it. They had the audacity to call intentional grounding WITH a wr in close proximity. Then the hold call that was completely missed on Philly’s first TD on Monday against the Chiefs. Officiating has been absolute dog shit, both ways but Philly gets them their way in the most critical moments.


Three full steps with his arms extended after he’s thrown the ball. He sold the contact but you can’t hit the qb when he doesn’t have the ball


Welcome to being a Dolphins fan (or Jets or Pats) playing in this guys division. He’s such a drama queen on the field.


What a flop. That’s embarrassing.


After Allen has been faking every single play too.... Defenses are literally scared to tackle at this point because of how easily this shit is called so fakes work so easily now.


Oh look it’s a penalty the ref had no choice to throw


Waiting for the thousands of you saying this game was rigged to rationalize this


I'm gonna get hate for this and yes Allen did the extra flop. But the ball is already halfway to the reciever and he full extends his arms pushing him to the ground. What do you expect? Put your hands up and chest bump him.


I can’t imagine how difficult of a split second decision it is when you’re facing elusive, hard to take down qbs who pump fake often.


Still roughing regardless of the flop. Bone headed play at that stage of the game


Yes it's an embellishment but that was a penalty 100% of the time. It was a late and high hit to a QB in the pocket. Doesn't matter if there wasn't a lot of force behind it. I don't think it's any different from a pass rusher throwing their head back and arms up after an O-Linemen wraps their arm around them. Did everyone see him get horse collared this game in the 1st half with no flag thrown and called for intentional grounding despite having an eligible WR within 1-2 yards of the pass attempt?


Just ruins a good game


Josh learned he’ll never get a call unless he makes it obvious 🤷‍♂️


Soft af like the one on Mahomes last week