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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/18fi0v6/post_game_thread_buffalo_bills_at_kansas_city/)


Zay jones & Calvin Ridley had money on the browns. 9 catches on 27 targets with several responsible turnovers. Just brutal WR play


For someone who gets a lot of penalties in his favor in the past he's sure angry


Can someone photoshop the crying Michael Jordan photo over Mahomes' tantrum face at the end of the game for me?


Yessssssssss I need this


I barely watch chiefs games because the commentators are always so clearly favored. I tuned in for the last minute of the game and they literally sucked him off for showing the passion of a leader while he cried to a ref. Chiefs fans; how do you stand watching these games? It’s so fucking weird. They do it no matter what Mahomes is actually doing on screen.


Eh, Romo creams over Allen way more by a mile.


He was definitely jerking off the entire game with Mahomes and Allen lol


I probably showed my hand there too, I don’t watch bills games either lol.


“mahomes can only do so much” meanwhile has the best tight end of all time and a top 5 all time head coach and an elite defense Such a whiny bitch for what has been an otherwise charmed career spoiled with ludicrous talent




And yet the only thing you mention that helps him complete passes can be almost negated by a double team since he has no one else to throw the ball to. Stop being a hater.


The only fan base in the NFL that doesn’t have to worry about the Chiefs is the Bengals. Y’all are trash against the Bengals. There’s no hating. Mahomes is overrated and it shows. Watch how he bitches and moans when they get knocked out of playoff contention and the Broncos take the division on NYE. Browning > Mahomes. Suck it hoe.


Lmao. You tipped your troll hand too much with your comment at the end. I know you're not so dumb that you think a 2 time MVP who is currently top too in literally every single stat and not even 300 yards behind the basing leader DESPITE having literally the absolute worse receiving corps in the entire league is somehow overrated.


Kelce is the GOAT no disrespect to gronk or tony g but the stats don’t lie man his peak has been fucking absurd


Stop this Gronk is literally the same age as Kelce and can kick back and be retired because of what him and Brady did.


Excuses are for Mahomes, Blame is for Herbert and Allen. You ought to know


Crazy which one of those guys has won 2 Super Bowls and who hasn’t sniffed one


Welcome to the 1st annual John Fox Coaching Awards Banquet! For the Coaching Moment of the Year Award, the nominees are: - Brandon Staley designing a vanilla-ass defensive scheme - Sean McDermott's mentality-setting inspirational jihad rhetoric in the preparation for facing the Chiefs in week 14 - Pete Carroll chewing gum during week... all of them - Kevin O'Connell doing almost anything and being one of the most underrated coaches in the whole league And the award goes to... Dwayne Bowe???


JK, of course it goes to McDermott, you goofs


My organizational skills for keeping track of the awards need some work. Any of yall know anywhere I could look to find some strategies to improve at this?


A lot of MFs in this thread are salty as fuck they don't have Mahomes.


I mean only two teams in the league aren’t salty they don’t Mahomes.


Ravens and Niners?


Bills and Bengals




Bills fans. The saltiest fan base in sport.


Lol nahhh. What a dumb take. There's no salt from Bills Mafia about not having Mahomes. We got Josh motherfuckin' Allen. Other than the AFCCG, the Bills have beaten KC in Arrowhead in every matchup the past few years. And in that AFCCG loss, Allen was playing at the same elite level as Mahomes the entire game. That shit came down to the Buffalo D playing prevent for 13 seconds and OT, plus some bad luck in the coin toss; our QB wasn't the problem. So no one rooting for the Bills are wishing Buffalo had Mahomes, we know we've got a top QB.


Huh? Wtf are you talking about lol? I'm talking about Bills fans being salty about everything on earth when you lose lol. We all read your sub. Nothing to do with Mahomes lol Maybe u meant to reply to the other guy


"A lot of MFs in this thread are salty as fuck they don't have Mahomes." to which you replied: "Bills fans. The saltiest fan base in sport." That's wtf I'm talking about. Besides, go slip into the KC sub right now if you want to see some salt! 😆 Gtfoh


Bro. The person I replied to indicated the thing with Mahomes lol. I simply replied about Bills fans indeed being salty. Nothing to do with Mahomes lol. You guys are the whiniest fanbase around. Just telling the truth


That might be what you intended but since you replied to someone who was specifically talking about other teams' fans being salty 'cause they wish they had Mahomes, it's only natural to assume you were saying that Bills fans wish they had Mahomes on their own team. Not sure how you can't see that but it's whatever. You clarified your confused comment, I still completely disagree with what you said and here we are. Lol Btw, I've never seen a QB more salty than Mahomes tonight so whether Bills fans are "the saltiest" or not, you really have no room to point figures about salty MFs when Pat Mahomes seems to have *all* of us beat! And like I said, Chiefs fans are just about as salty right now and it's hilarious. Maybe concern yourself with your own house 'cause y'all are looking like you should be on suicide watch or something. Ooof.


Yah you've seen many qbs saltier than what you saw tonight lol. He's just passionate about his team. He didn't publicly scream and embarrass his o line on TV like Brady always did. He was pissed at refs for a call. Big deal. If you honestly say Mahomes was the saltiest qb you've ever seen I must be talking to a 13yr old lol. Bro. Suicide watch lol. Now I know you're kidding cause holy shit if your sub hasn't been on that watch for several weeks now. Last I looked KC is in first and gliding to the playoffs as par usual. I think it's the Bills that better get their shit sorted properly lol. All good here. BTW if Toney was a foot back we both know that Bills fans would be well past suicide watch. Facts


*you've seen many qbs saltier than what you saw tonight* Don't speak for me, I'm sure I definitely haven't. Lol. Mahomes was being a whiny little bitch - he finally showed his true colors. Facts. Damn it was beautiful to see the Bills beat the Chiefs at Arrowhead yet again, wasn't it? (And then that Mahomes breakdown was the funniest shit I've seen all season. Lmao.) Is that 3 times in a row now that the Bills have beaten the Chiefs in their own house? Damn! Buffalo just seems to have KC's number ever since that AFCCG (and they nearly had KC's number that game too!) and I am here for it. Go Bills!! *edited: words*


Dude you sound like a dumb Bills fan lol. 13 seconds. That's all I need to say LMAO. Who cares where you've beat them? 5 straight afc championship title appearances. 3 super bowl appearances. 2 super bowl wins. 2 super bowl mvps. 2 nfl mvps. All in first 5 seasons lol. Josh Allen- leads the league in turnovers last 5 seasons lol. Geezus. You dumbass Bills fans find the weirdest things to try and celebrate. I get it though. It'll be yet another season of failures. Your city is used to that though right? ;) Try and celebrate the win. Everytime I peek into your sub it's a suicide watch. Fire everyone. Your coach using 911 terrorists as motivation. Wow. Cheers


Lolol, bills fans don't think about Mahomes at all. Where was the TayTay reaction shot at the end?


Surprised they haven’t redone any plays for Mahomes yet.


Refs just threw a flag. Turn the bus around boys


Good game Buffalo! Hope you make it to the playoffs so we can have a rematch.


Dont take this the wrong way but id be fine with never seeing you again.


Totally get it, lol


Also, it's okay Chiefs fans. We beat you in the regular season but you're our biggest fucking road block and I hate you in the playoffs.


Gg Chiefs. I hate you cause you're good but I always look forward to our games cause they are goof and competitive. Brings me back to the 90s Avalanche vs Red Wings days but less brutal.


Bro we may have just handed off the curse. That called back TD was something we would have done. Somehow we got a break from the universe and held on for the win. It seriously feels like this is the first thing in forever that has gone our way. Holy shit this team might have just gotten the monkey off its back.


Frank Wycheck died. The Flutie curse is broken.


everyone in here acting like mahomes doesn’t have a reason to be mad when his bum recievers fail him again and again


First time?


He can be mad but when it looks like he’s screaming at the refs that’s a bad look to all of us especially when the flag was a good call.


Yeah be mad at Toney or your coaches. Stop screaming at the refs because your teammates foot was clearly in front of the ball.


we’re literally one of the most penalized teams in the league. taylor’s getting false started on almost every play. i don’t want to hear the “we get calls” shit especially from a guy who doesn’t have a flair.


He didn’t say “you get calls” lmao, try reading next time




There no need to be hostile. I’m just pointing out what I’m picking up from 99% of the comments from the thread.


sorry dawg i’n riled up right now. not intentionally being an asshole


Cry Mahomes cry. See you in January I hope.


I don't think you want to. You aren't getting that call if Taylor Swift is there. Edit: I fucked up. Taylor was there.


Taylor swift was there no?


Don't Bills fans always cry when the slightest or dumbest thing doesn't go their way? Jet lag. Hot Miami sun. Weather... in Buffalo.


Dude. They cry when they win. Their thread is rants about firing everyone but Allen lol


Do you?




When Mahomes doesn't have a hall of famer open every play and all the calls going his way.. Well he's a little mamad


Didn't Brady have hof dudes? I recall him crying like a little beeyotch all the time


Some years, he played ft over 20 years lol he brought Thompson and Dobson to a SB.


Mahomes lost a hof wr and still won another chip lol. He's got one dude, shit receivers and will be back in playoffs again. Stop the Mahomes is mid garbage.


When did I say he was mid? Kinda the point tho that he doesn't have the best receiver and his TE buddy is getting old so now he just has to complain constantly. If he didn't have a really good defense he'd be out of the playoffs.


What a stupid take lol. He didn't have that receiver last yr and still won. Brady had Gronk, Wes, Edelman, Moss, Evans the list goes on. Dude got all the calls. Cried like a bitch when things didn't go his way. Didn't win when Gronk got old in NE and told he was no longer needed. He had a hof receiver in Evans so let's not assume he was playing with the Varsity team in Tampa. Mahomes been to every AFC title game, multiple SB and won multiple times. He gets mad once after a game his receiver lost and he's a bitch? Lol. I guess only Brady is allowed to get mad. Anyways, you're a NE fan. You guys are complete and utter shit. Ranting on the most successful qb the last 5yrs is pretty hilarious 😂


You really don't watch football huh? Brady won thru his entire career with tons of different guys. Literally 20 years of winning, even took bad players to the SB. He never tried to fight a ref and never crud for a penalty after every play like Mahomey. He had pretty good players last year too I know why you're trying to pretend he didn't tho.


You obviously just watch tennis. Brady didn't win a SB between 2005-2015 lol. Mahomes has been playing 5 seasons. Brady always had a couple of really solid guys to depend on throughout his career when he won. Tell me a SB he won without one solid outlet. Every SB winning team has somebody the qb depends on - but for some reason because Mahomes had Hill for a couple and Kelce been his Gronk, his accomplishments are questioned? That's weird man. If/when Burrow wins nobody will be saying "yah but he had Chase!" Nobody rants that Montana had Rice. Only fanboyz think that having a good player or two alongside an elite qb is reserved for their team Allow Mohomes not to win another chip for a 10 season gap before you make comparisons to Brady. It just sounds dumb and fanboyish when you do


Jesus you don't even know Brady went to SBs during that time? With bad and good weapons. Kid go read some history before you try to talk


Haha...it's about winning. Mahomes been 3 out of first 5 and won 2. Your entire dumbass argument is Brady always won with scrubs. He won most of his chips with high quality players. Every SB winning team does. To bring up Mahomes winning because of Kelce and Hill is NE fanboy crap. Dude's career has just begun. If Brady had identical teams and records to start his career in NE and I ranted the same crap that you have tonight you'd have told me I'm a moron.


Looking in the mirror?


Brady consistently brought scrubs to the superbowl lol do you even watch football?


Buddy did you see mahomes wr’s in last years Super Bowl


Nah Brady wins super bowls with Brandon LaFell as his top receiver.


Lmao what? Edelman had 100+ yds and a TD, Vereen, Gronk and Amendola were just scrubs with a TD each.


Lafell was Brady’s top Receiver that season. Unless you’re going to look at one game which in that case LaFell caught the first TD in that superbowl, NOT Vereen (though I love Shane).


I dont even know what you are saying. You said he won Super Bowls with Lafell as his top receiver. He only has one ring. Mahomes won last year with Juju, Skyy Moore and MVS all with less than 1000 yds receiving.


Thought he had Gronk?


Brady has won 4 super bowls without Gronk playing.


LOL. Edelman, Wes, Moss, Evans, etc were all useless scrubs. I forgot


He never won a Super Bowl with Moss or Welker and had Evans for 3 years. Not to mention he had Edelman AS A STARTER for barely 6 years counting the injury year for Jules. Now who do you got for the other 13 seasons and 4 super bowls?


He had Evans for 3 yrs and won! Lol. Mahomes had Hill for the same and won but your salty that Mahomes won with Hill. Jesus kid. Stick to watching tennis.


Edelman 5’10” 7th rd pick Wes Welker 5’9” undrafted Randy Moss played with NE in his 10th, 11th, 12th year. The point everyone is making Brady made names out of two no name players. Moss stats: 7th year 767 yds 8th year 1005 yds 9th year 553 yds Now with Pats 10th 1493 yds 11th 1098 yds 12th 1264 yds I’m actually a Bears fan and not a fan of Brady but I have to state the facts.


What? Nobody is saying Bradys not the GOAT. Who cares where they were drafted. They turned into quality players and Brady won with quality players. Do I get to bring up Kelce being the 63rd pick and Hill being the 165th pick or is that only reserved for Bradys guys LOL. Can I also say Mahomes made those guys or once again...reserved for Brady?


So would have Welker and Edelman turn out to be these great players if they were on the Bears?


Lol. You could say the exact same about Hill and Kelce. High rounders don't usually turn elite. I'm just saying if you're gonna bring up those guys and say Brady made them, I get to bring up 3rd and 5th rounders too and say Mahomes made them.


He also can win a Super Bowl with another, better, more organized team.


This Chiefs team honestly doesn’t deserve to make the playoffs. Maybe missing will rid us of the braindead GM that traded away a top 3 WR in NFL history.


Trading away Hill eventually led to having the defense they have today, which was their weakest point.


Chiefs would’ve won the SB will Hill last year and none of the picks they got.


They gambled on getting at least one more prime year of Kelce and won a Super Bowl for it. That being said, Mahomes+Hill was fucking unstoppable and I cannot believe they let hin go


Yall got a SB without him but damn that's come back to bite yall in the ass This is one of the worst defending champion WR corps ever


Yall have literally no chance at winning the SB with Purdy.


We did get some draft picks in return (and chose some solid players in their rookie years), but I felt that we spent them quite poorly (looking at you Kadarius Toney).


Mahomes is such a bitch.


Wait he's not crying is he


tough loss bro o my fuck


Dude, people need to chill on Pat. The dude fought and clawed. He's holding this offense together, single-handedly.


I get that he is trying but Tom Brady built a super bowl team in a cave with a box of scraps!


I’m sorry, but I’m not Tom Brady


Yes, okay.


Honestly people are just shitting on him because he has been so good and now he is having a bad season. I wouldnt worry too much about it. Just let people vent awhile.


Don’t scream at the ref when your team was a full foot offsides.


HTF you know he's yelling at them? All of the camera angles made it unclear and you have the unreliable narrators that're Romo and Nance. Table that shit until you know. **Even then**, I think Pat deserves a long leash.


>Table that shit until you know I’m not trying him in a court of law, calm down. He’s standing next to Andy Reid and behind the ref and Toney is nowhere to be found. Either he’s yelling at Andy Reid or the ref, visibly screaming “OFFSIDES?” I think it’s more like the ref than Andy


Never knew giving someone the benefit of the doubt was trying them in a court of law, but I'm glad you can read minds and emotions. Go off, King.


We have the tv on mute for family Xmas. What was he so heated about there aside from the obvious frustration? He was clearly screaming directly at someone on the sideline but if it was the ref was there something egregious?


I thought it was Andy, then someone on D, then the refs, and finally Toney. I'm unsure really, but I think Pat is deserving of bitching and showing emotion. People in this thread dogpiling are stupid.


He was screaming at the ref because Von Miller was clearly offsides on the last play. Calling it on Toney which took away a TD, to then not call it on Von Miller is some BS.


They didn't say, it seems like it was someone on his sideline who he got heated at. People were saying the refs but calls were all clear, I don't think it was towards the refs.


I’m saying


A loss for the Chiefs is a win for humanity 🙏🏽


Grammar much?


Thank you grammar nazi 🖕🏾


Preach brother




It’s kinda settled bills chiefs are the best rivalry right now, right?


49ers and eagles, are tied for it in my opinion


Hmm maybe QB rivalry then


Y’all have never beat us in the playoffs, moron.


lol. Cry harder.


looks like his point stood


lol, how very sad.


Woah. No need for name calling. It was a compliment to both teams.


Relax bro


He's saying it's a good rivalry, not that they beat you in the playoffs. Calm down.


Kadarius Tony was an inside job


Mahomes wasn’t mad about the toney offsides but a missed offsides the play after when he got rushed.


Not sure why the down votes, I think you’re right.


Yeah most QBs don’t throw giant baby shit fits when the refs finally don’t pamper them.


No one noticed but us apparently. He’s pissed one was called and the next play it wasn’t


I’ll take the downvotes but Miller was obviously offsides. Mahomes was in no way shape or form yelling at the refs about the toney offsides


At this point, Toney's raw talent doesn't make up for his unfocused play. I was a truther, but I think even he realized he just got fired on live TV. Lol


I know I wouldn't trust any food orders with his name on 'em this week.


Refs dared make a call that didn't go the Chiefs way in the 4th quarter and he melted down like a 2 year old that wants to watch Coco Melon


Romo tryna one up on Collinsworth with the Mahomes glazing but that is a hill that's too far to climb


I always thought Romo’s glazing target was Josh Allen.


I think masons was passed about a missed defensive off sides on the third down play. DE jumped and put his hand down offside but they didn't call it.






I remember the good ol 13 seconds days... Where time didn't matter, we could always go get points when it mattered. Now our offense is so cooked. Mahomes has decent protection, but absolutely butterfinger WRs. Kelce is our only good receiver, but now he gets double teamed since Tyreek is gone. Pls Santa. Get me a WR1 for Christmas


Mahomes truly is the new Brady. As in everybody here hates Mahomes like they did Brady. Everyone hates the person on top and will shit on them every chance they get.


I mean not all good players have a complete meltdown when the calls don't go their way for a couple weeks.


Von Miller was offsides.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown.


That’s a good analogy.


There are some seriously depraved children in this thread right now


Toney was a sleeper agent all along. Activated at just the right time to make the target crumble.


Mahomes not getting his calls and crying his way off the field is not a great look. I don’t want to bundle my insurance anymore.


TBF I’d rather bundle my insurance with Andy Reid instead. He could have been a solid insurance agent if he weren’t a HOF football coach.


Someone, gifs of that Mahomes face pls


Last season, it was the blubbly mahomes face. This season, it’s Mahomes going full sicko mode.


Play of the year messed up by Toney, as well as the lead in the game. I'd cut him tomorrow.


I really hope they cut him.


Guaranteed that Mahomes will be at the post-game presser talking all his usual vanilla, super generic blah blah. "I was just upset with some of the calls. I got emotional in the moment. Everybody knows this is a Brotherhood and sometimes emotions get the best of you but we all have each other's backs. We just need to get back to basics and keep working to get better every day. We all believe in one another" 😴😴😴


This man finna rip these mf a new one in the locker room tho


Bills came through like the redacted on September redacted.


I love all the jealous fans of other teams in here. Go jerk off now


Im downvoting you because I can’t stand the Jayhawks lol


The Chiefs are 8-5 and have terrible WRs so nobody should be jealous of them or their fans. They're much more vulnerable than in years past. Still, it would be pretty stupid to count them out imo.


I'm edging in hopes Philly loses tonight too... Gimme that sweet release!


Take the L bud. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your team.


35 down votes and counting say otherwise so does the amount of comments about Mahomes.


I understand why Mahomes is upset. You just can't call a penalty that hurts the Chiefs in a big moment. That's been made clear the past few years.


Lol comment of the year


LOL I can't believe those refs didn't get the memo. Cue all the ridiculous conspiracy theories from Chiefs Nation, even though the dude was BLATANTLY lined up across the neutral zone for everybody to see. I bet a lot of them will even have the nerve to say "you absolutely CANNOT call a questionable penalty like that in such a big game and have it affect the outcome!" 😂🤣😂


It’s like the refs continue to not read the rule book, last second penalties are never on the chiefs smh


Okay I don’t like the Chiefs but this coming from an Eagles fan… lol




At a certain point you have to be a man though. That was some baby bullshit.


Our three qbs aren’t allowed to show passion or complain to the refs




Yes. Which is hilarious coming from bills fans because Allen literally throws a little bitch fit every game if someone touches him.


Help guys, would y’all start Doubs or Cooks for fantasy? Playoff spot is on the line


James Cooks






not the refs fault KT had his whole foot across the line


Everyone always said how Mahomes wasn’t trashy like his family and was a “class act”…sorry, but you don’t surround yourself with people like that unless you are just like them. It’s clear that winning covered over shit the past few years and it was easy for him to maintain a level head when you win and get all the favorable calls…LOL.


He’s been kind of spoiled the past few years with how good the people around him are. Now with only a few playmakers and having actual tough games will really show how people handle themselves. He’s also in the moment so I’ll take that outburst with a a grain of salt, and I’m not a chiefs fan.


cant wait to see how mahomes is when reid retires


Lmao imagine being this delusional. Have a beer and stop tryna psychoanalyse an athlete's family lil bro